HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-13, Page 14la The following im see U all e 9
r xvtec alarketis b
gain priday lal ht�
#44+4 Ow Mrs. pTao�
4 Grieve to visiting at Grand
6111 teeted ul) to �Julv 1301
Bend this week.
Mr. Walls
e IV A 11 0 -.z 35 cents. ace Fisher is holidaying
Darley 50 to 55,et4ibs. at his home here.
4, at 45 to 50 mnts
B twkwlbc Miss Lillian Dealing !a visiting her
Pea.'s 7G 16 75, tQ Aunt, Mrs, A. Snell.
<1 PHONE 16
4 �4, Brun. $20,00 Wilfind Stewart is visiting
Shorts 11-22.00 ir
N e I Flour kLondon this week,
Feed rlour� $1A5 Mrs. 1). Hartlieb is visiting friends
0 Sam Butter 17coats in Port Huron and Detroit,
15) e o 11 t s. Mr, Martin of Tillsonburg is visiting
The, W af I n Wentmer Votatoos 75, "conts friends in town this week,
* A0. Miss Alma Axt, of Zurich, to visit.
Oholoc C05 -to r3 lug her brother, Mr. E. H, Axt,
jamm, AS HEREwm& loo 16 port '00 Miss Ads, Tucker is spendinga few
Medium e-q)orl siwvr, 5,75 to 5.80 days at Mrs. Benion Williams.
0110100 batollors he -5
5.60 .80 of
aaduearly every tring, or looking for. Medium butcher's heVors 5.50 Mr. and Mrs. Kerr Wiacbelsea
one is prepE 0hoice butchers cows 4.50 to 4,75 spent last week at Grand Bend.
ward'to their holidays, We will mention a. few uton-
'Modium b(itchers cows 4.00 to 4,25 Everyone should t�ee the Cli
articles, some of which you may nedd before you Choice luxubs 6.00 to 6.50 Exeter ball game Friday evening.
go a Sheep 4-00 to �1-00 Mr. R. Elliott, of Norwich, is visit-.
Ing his mother, Mrs, B. V. Elliott.
Mr. Bennett of Toronto, is visiting
hig daughter, Mrs. J. A, Stewart.
ThePlace Where � Qoocl
Clothea Come Frorn
Lig h t wits for
Hotf I Weather
Pricqls $12 4p
Flan' el Trouser-
ingslim the new
desi US.
The Nifty Maris
P 0% well "s Bazaar
t.�001 Drinks
For Hot Day.s
There is nothing these hot, sultry days so cool and refreshing as a
Glass of Lemonade made with Purity Ext,
Lemovade is quickly and easily made by simply pu btin
a teaspoonful
of -PURITY POWDER and a half teaspoonful of PU9 TY ACID
a QUART OF WATER. SUGAR to taste. Parity E xtract is , also
used as a flavoring and for LEMON �PIE$. To try a jar means to
alwaysuseit, Acoupon with each jar.'
Here's Gomfort lo"i- sore feet
0, ET—.
a bottle of ENJOYM FOOT EASE here and use as direct-
ed and it will bring re ief almost instantly. Used regularly
it will effect a cure, , xy it, One trial will prove its worth.
25c box. One coupon, 1-�Ith each box.
,6 Clueing LUe LlOf� WesUller as bhe Shrink- FCL.Y,- %J 1AVL XILS lUk_V�p
0$ 00 Bayfield, giV
age is so gi-eat. �NThen cool weather
4 comes aild thiVilittiger 1341SEBALL We e Prem
40 from aying Miss Mina Hartlieb of Dashwood is ium, with all our Drug GoOds.
C from heat is gAr, we will again pay visiting her brother, Dan, in town L for , 1�
SUIT CASES BATHING SUITS 10 * Burka's Junior Base Dall team play
* *_ caftl a few days. ad a fast game lat Zurich 'Thursday,
In leather, leatherette', and F or boys and men in com- Wctlbobe I lb. to the pair. W.M. 0. Sou,boott left Wednesday july eth. Bill say PoWeLL'S BAZAAR
$11'the boys re -
With or without straps, in bination or two-piece—buy 41 Da i13g$ 7 for Georgian Bay, where he will spend cleemed themselves 11"u
+ a. thdi PJQY�
0 colors of light tan or brown, one before you go to lakeside Iyiltch this space every week fpr his vacation. The Home of Cheap China, Glass and Grafthe=
ad X2 innings score being 6-6 "Llid
0, sizes -92, �U, 26, at $2.00, $5.00, prices. n and ook Around
4- $850. JoneS M Mrs, Goo. Crawley of Lucan. visited only'tNvo errors. Reg i3i,9sett pitched ware Bartains, Come i
0 + ay Mrs. %Am. 9weet a few days during the game tbrougla allowing his op -
the past, week. ponentrz, but 0 hits while . Murke's
J. Willis Powelli Proprietor.L Phone 5,5,
Dr. and: Mrs, Burdon of London boys landed Roffman for 10. Reg
*+ were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. received great support. �Tho , banll
60 Holiday Suggestions for Mein 4-4,
Stewart on Sunday. could be hit, anywhere betwe-oil tho
Miss Freeborn of Listowell. vlsit�d fences.one'of the boys 'would be.
be right there to Pick it -up. 'Toes
OUTING SHIRTS UNDERWEAR LOCALS the Misses Merrill and Mrs. Downie
unassisted doubi
With s6f t, reversible col- Athletic unc with *0 over the holidays. a play on third was
lerwear, marvellous and his' baile running was
I�ars—very cool and comfort- short sleeves and short draw� 0 * Sergt.-Major F. E. Hector returned out of the
41 * Binder twine is having its aup�ngs. 0 stion. 'lie stole from
able for warm weatber—at ers, in plain and mesh, at, a me Monday evening after the coro- 2nd to �3rd while the catcher -was re-,
$1.00. garment, 50c. and 75c. +0 Mrs. J. ,G, Jones spent last )veek nation in England. turning the ball. to kho'pRober. T,,11-
00 at fhe Bend. AN AWFUL FIREL
Miss Bouthron and Miss Walker of pitcher was so surprised to sea Joe'
*I * Mrs. Jas. Bissett, of Ifilron stredt, Hensall wore the guests of the Misses there he threw the ball,to Ithio fenea.
The narrow belt is very 0 -ewritt on Friday last. for home and scored.
Sailoror soft rim styles. 0 ia oil the sick list. L Joe 'du
egv and his Light heldero heIdZ,,ur_'
All the newest shapes, Also popular.. We have it in tan, Mr. J. Hunkin took Mr. and Never caused half the Sensation that out Stock
01 0 Mr. augh Melay.. of I)afrolt, IS Mm.
Outing Hats for Summer greys and -black, af 25c, 35c 1,011dayinm in . town. John Passmore do wn to Anderson last I'hL for 6 innings -with
out a ruix. Ex -
wear, 50c to $2,00. and 50c. 40 0
Mr. W. Johns, IS in .13lyth this Sabbath in his automobile. Lter. scored their last, run in'the. 9[th aid Prices are doing this season Our purchases of
'Then baseball started, three innings
STEAMER TRUNKS FANCY HOSIERY -week on business. t Miss Annie Merrill, who has been
'were played no runs scored when
bliss May- Armstrong has rot darkness stopped the game -the
Not so laxge or bulky as:old III * lisle and lightweight + urned attended by Dr. MacKay of Seaforth score
style, trimmed Nvith brass cashmere, in plain and fancy home fromLucknow. �uring a, severe attack of rheumatism, still stood 6.6. 12, innings,
is convalescent,
corn�rs and bound with strip0g. Big assortment, _95c, Mr. By. NVoodl of London. spent The line up;
50c. unday at Mr. Alf, IvValters.' Large Egg—A White Wyandotte Zurich
straps, Special Price. 6 Exeter KITCHEN, DININGmftom,
hen belonging to Mr. D. Wynn recent- Eclighotler.._ 0
Brr.V'ju. �,NLay uud Xissl'-Hay Jories Pethick .......
spent Sunday at !Grand Bend. eggthal mpAsured e.ght; and Brandb ..... ... 2 Heywood
'y lai d ... es aron.
half inch d 6L.0 long way and
Miss Emma. suldon, of 'Ingersoll, is Hoffman 41sher ...
and six and a half the other. Alfred .......... 1.
h ,isitim., at Mr, ;It. G. Seldon's
T is store closes every Tblursda RLOR & s --09,00M 5 ITEb
Bawden.. PA BIE
Among those who left for the West Eilber ... L . ...... I Hoskins..
y �& -
During the ho� weather last:we,�h this week were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Ba- Tadeteur : ..... 0 Wilson ........ 0
4* there, were 58 ' t
+4 afternoon at one O'clock during July deaths In Toronto, ker and daughter, Miss 0 - harlotte Weber ......... I Mallett ......
*0 0 Mrs. T. Dicke-zis, of Lucan. visited De ... 0 k Are very Choice and t6ver head and shoulders
friends around Exeter last -week. &ring, Mrs. Percy Weber, -Mr.. and Xresmiller ...... 0 Bissett .. ...... 0
and August. 0- Mrs. Silas lRbanlake, Sr., and Mis.q S. Koehler ........ I Campbell ....... 0 above any others offered to U 'and the
�0 Mr. Geo. Harthaway, of Berlin, McDonaldi Score b nff 8:
* town Tuesday,on business. 0 1 Oy2iuni 0
0 was in Miss M. Steere returned to. her Zariell... 21 0 00 0-6
0 0 11 0 0 0 L e4T
+* ALLLKINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED 0 Air. lValter Bailey of London home in Ridgetown on Saturday last Exeter ...... 0 0 03 1 —6 Prices are Cl 011 t of 'Sight.
I_qJt[Lr VIpitiipo for
--'Ii, Z
%Tr. and Mrs. Roger NNortheott left and ab Grar�d Bend, MissB.'"H Reg. is right there with
Tuesday for� a trip. through the West. retuinedwith her and will visit for a curvcs,
0 Mrs. Hy. Parsons vished her hila. couple of weeks. Melve can whip, the ball to 2nd but K
A. "PE '0'* band in London a few -days last. Rev. S. 1". Sharp, B. D,, left, this there s a possible chance of 41
P week for Auburn, New York, where stealing on hiin R0,we AtKin on.
w e -_ k. I . ! * -
he will take a course in thb Auburn Scottie plays �st L -ase like a ma -i *
Dr. Will Knight left this week for Theological Seminary. Mrs. Sharp machine, FURNITURE ANDFUNERAL, DIRECTORS
ra - * I
Calgary wherL he will spend save I and daughteri Margaret, are visiting �Jimmy's the boy :Lcr . 12nd. 111e
friends in Rochester� N. Y. catches the ball, gets -.he rurme
r an4
Miss OL Agency. for. Automatic Hand Power Vaccum. Cleaner,
7duriel Auld, of Essex, wa.s th,. Union Services—The congregations right there to stop tho!,,.� hot ground -
guest; of Aliss Aland Rollins part �i I
++4f ......................... ............... &++++4 ++++ + last week. of the Presbyterian church and Main ers-
Fisher's the short
,topL for rent at 75 cents a da
+ street Methodist church will unite alright.
+ + &Idermm Levett is act' R Yoe covers some ground on Ord base
Ing eeve 4- 0 A U
%J U I y
r. . ewltv a open rig s vAca
tion at Grand Bend �nd Rockwood.
I Mrs. Kaufmarlof I ersoll is visit -
For the first four days of next week:
Ing Mr. and Mrs 13, W. F. Beavers.
Old Fowl. , .......... _ Doper pound
Miss Verne Quance -has retu
home after holidaying at Grand E
Spring Chicks (1011 hatch) 15a J.
Ducklings ... ....... 12a
Miss Whitby, of Paris, visited. her
0 4�
Ducks 12r, to Ise
brother Clarence in town over Slan-
* *
. ..... ....
Turkeys ................. �12c
Alive in trade, We cannot pay cash
Mrs. Brown and children have re-
turned home after a mouth!s stay at
ThePlace Where � Qoocl
Clothea Come Frorn
Lig h t wits for
Hotf I Weather
Pricqls $12 4p
Flan' el Trouser-
ingslim the new
desi US.
The Nifty Maris
P 0% well "s Bazaar
t.�001 Drinks
For Hot Day.s
There is nothing these hot, sultry days so cool and refreshing as a
Glass of Lemonade made with Purity Ext,
Lemovade is quickly and easily made by simply pu btin
a teaspoonful
of -PURITY POWDER and a half teaspoonful of PU9 TY ACID
a QUART OF WATER. SUGAR to taste. Parity E xtract is , also
used as a flavoring and for LEMON �PIE$. To try a jar means to
alwaysuseit, Acoupon with each jar.'
Here's Gomfort lo"i- sore feet
0, ET—.
a bottle of ENJOYM FOOT EASE here and use as direct-
ed and it will bring re ief almost instantly. Used regularly
it will effect a cure, , xy it, One trial will prove its worth.
25c box. One coupon, 1-�Ith each box.
,6 Clueing LUe LlOf� WesUller as bhe Shrink- FCL.Y,- %J 1AVL XILS lUk_V�p
0$ 00 Bayfield, giV
age is so gi-eat. �NThen cool weather
4 comes aild thiVilittiger 1341SEBALL We e Prem
40 from aying Miss Mina Hartlieb of Dashwood is ium, with all our Drug GoOds.
C from heat is gAr, we will again pay visiting her brother, Dan, in town L for , 1�
SUIT CASES BATHING SUITS 10 * Burka's Junior Base Dall team play
* *_ caftl a few days. ad a fast game lat Zurich 'Thursday,
In leather, leatherette', and F or boys and men in com- Wctlbobe I lb. to the pair. W.M. 0. Sou,boott left Wednesday july eth. Bill say PoWeLL'S BAZAAR
$11'the boys re -
With or without straps, in bination or two-piece—buy 41 Da i13g$ 7 for Georgian Bay, where he will spend cleemed themselves 11"u
+ a. thdi PJQY�
0 colors of light tan or brown, one before you go to lakeside Iyiltch this space every week fpr his vacation. The Home of Cheap China, Glass and Grafthe=
ad X2 innings score being 6-6 "Llid
0, sizes -92, �U, 26, at $2.00, $5.00, prices. n and ook Around
4- $850. JoneS M Mrs, Goo. Crawley of Lucan. visited only'tNvo errors. Reg i3i,9sett pitched ware Bartains, Come i
0 + ay Mrs. %Am. 9weet a few days during the game tbrougla allowing his op -
the past, week. ponentrz, but 0 hits while . Murke's
J. Willis Powelli Proprietor.L Phone 5,5,
Dr. and: Mrs, Burdon of London boys landed Roffman for 10. Reg
*+ were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. received great support. �Tho , banll
60 Holiday Suggestions for Mein 4-4,
Stewart on Sunday. could be hit, anywhere betwe-oil tho
Miss Freeborn of Listowell. vlsit�d fences.one'of the boys 'would be.
be right there to Pick it -up. 'Toes
OUTING SHIRTS UNDERWEAR LOCALS the Misses Merrill and Mrs. Downie
unassisted doubi
With s6f t, reversible col- Athletic unc with *0 over the holidays. a play on third was
lerwear, marvellous and his' baile running was
I�ars—very cool and comfort- short sleeves and short draw� 0 * Sergt.-Major F. E. Hector returned out of the
41 * Binder twine is having its aup�ngs. 0 stion. 'lie stole from
able for warm weatber—at ers, in plain and mesh, at, a me Monday evening after the coro- 2nd to �3rd while the catcher -was re-,
$1.00. garment, 50c. and 75c. +0 Mrs. J. ,G, Jones spent last )veek nation in England. turning the ball. to kho'pRober. T,,11-
00 at fhe Bend. AN AWFUL FIREL
Miss Bouthron and Miss Walker of pitcher was so surprised to sea Joe'
*I * Mrs. Jas. Bissett, of Ifilron stredt, Hensall wore the guests of the Misses there he threw the ball,to Ithio fenea.
The narrow belt is very 0 -ewritt on Friday last. for home and scored.
Sailoror soft rim styles. 0 ia oil the sick list. L Joe 'du
egv and his Light heldero heIdZ,,ur_'
All the newest shapes, Also popular.. We have it in tan, Mr. J. Hunkin took Mr. and Never caused half the Sensation that out Stock
01 0 Mr. augh Melay.. of I)afrolt, IS Mm.
Outing Hats for Summer greys and -black, af 25c, 35c 1,011dayinm in . town. John Passmore do wn to Anderson last I'hL for 6 innings -with
out a ruix. Ex -
wear, 50c to $2,00. and 50c. 40 0
Mr. W. Johns, IS in .13lyth this Sabbath in his automobile. Lter. scored their last, run in'the. 9[th aid Prices are doing this season Our purchases of
'Then baseball started, three innings
STEAMER TRUNKS FANCY HOSIERY -week on business. t Miss Annie Merrill, who has been
'were played no runs scored when
bliss May- Armstrong has rot darkness stopped the game -the
Not so laxge or bulky as:old III * lisle and lightweight + urned attended by Dr. MacKay of Seaforth score
style, trimmed Nvith brass cashmere, in plain and fancy home fromLucknow. �uring a, severe attack of rheumatism, still stood 6.6. 12, innings,
is convalescent,
corn�rs and bound with strip0g. Big assortment, _95c, Mr. By. NVoodl of London. spent The line up;
50c. unday at Mr. Alf, IvValters.' Large Egg—A White Wyandotte Zurich
straps, Special Price. 6 Exeter KITCHEN, DININGmftom,
hen belonging to Mr. D. Wynn recent- Eclighotler.._ 0
Brr.V'ju. �,NLay uud Xissl'-Hay Jories Pethick .......
spent Sunday at !Grand Bend. eggthal mpAsured e.ght; and Brandb ..... ... 2 Heywood
'y lai d ... es aron.
half inch d 6L.0 long way and
Miss Emma. suldon, of 'Ingersoll, is Hoffman 41sher ...
and six and a half the other. Alfred .......... 1.
h ,isitim., at Mr, ;It. G. Seldon's
T is store closes every Tblursda RLOR & s --09,00M 5 ITEb
Bawden.. PA BIE
Among those who left for the West Eilber ... L . ...... I Hoskins..
y �& -
During the ho� weather last:we,�h this week were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Ba- Tadeteur : ..... 0 Wilson ........ 0
4* there, were 58 ' t
+4 afternoon at one O'clock during July deaths In Toronto, ker and daughter, Miss 0 - harlotte Weber ......... I Mallett ......
*0 0 Mrs. T. Dicke-zis, of Lucan. visited De ... 0 k Are very Choice and t6ver head and shoulders
friends around Exeter last -week. &ring, Mrs. Percy Weber, -Mr.. and Xresmiller ...... 0 Bissett .. ...... 0
and August. 0- Mrs. Silas lRbanlake, Sr., and Mis.q S. Koehler ........ I Campbell ....... 0 above any others offered to U 'and the
�0 Mr. Geo. Harthaway, of Berlin, McDonaldi Score b nff 8:
* town Tuesday,on business. 0 1 Oy2iuni 0
0 was in Miss M. Steere returned to. her Zariell... 21 0 00 0-6
0 0 11 0 0 0 L e4T
+* ALLLKINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED 0 Air. lValter Bailey of London home in Ridgetown on Saturday last Exeter ...... 0 0 03 1 —6 Prices are Cl 011 t of 'Sight.
I_qJt[Lr VIpitiipo for
--'Ii, Z
%Tr. and Mrs. Roger NNortheott left and ab Grar�d Bend, MissB.'"H Reg. is right there with
Tuesday for� a trip. through the West. retuinedwith her and will visit for a curvcs,
0 Mrs. Hy. Parsons vished her hila. couple of weeks. Melve can whip, the ball to 2nd but K
A. "PE '0'* band in London a few -days last. Rev. S. 1". Sharp, B. D,, left, this there s a possible chance of 41
P week for Auburn, New York, where stealing on hiin R0,we AtKin on.
w e -_ k. I . ! * -
he will take a course in thb Auburn Scottie plays �st L -ase like a ma -i *
Dr. Will Knight left this week for Theological Seminary. Mrs. Sharp machine, FURNITURE ANDFUNERAL, DIRECTORS
ra - * I
Calgary wherL he will spend save I and daughteri Margaret, are visiting �Jimmy's the boy :Lcr . 12nd. 111e
friends in Rochester� N. Y. catches the ball, gets -.he rurme
r an4
Miss OL Agency. for. Automatic Hand Power Vaccum. Cleaner,
7duriel Auld, of Essex, wa.s th,. Union Services—The congregations right there to stop tho!,,.� hot ground -
guest; of Aliss Aland Rollins part �i I
++4f ......................... ............... &++++4 ++++ + last week. of the Presbyterian church and Main ers-
Fisher's the short
,topL for rent at 75 cents a da
+ street Methodist church will unite alright.
+ + &Idermm Levett is act' R Yoe covers some ground on Ord base
Ing eeve 4- 0 A U
+1 in the absenceof Iteeve Taylor who w Doo's. redeemed himself in left field
+ preached by Rev. 9. G. Powell. Ser.
rRESENTS + is in theiWest. vices will be held in the Caven church They say Eva was there
+ The James Street 'Sunday School in the morning and in Main street Sparrow played righf-lield to ver-
+ at
+ picnic will be held to -day (Thursday) night. faction, also handled the bilt, .....................
0oy i bell never Icts any go by in
at lGrand 03end, The hay crop is not as pleatif ull this I
+ sentre -ield. +
The Engllsh Church Sunday School year, but as so many people are get. T
FOR THE + lie tie is expected -to be played + Gree"
+ picnic will be held to Grand Bend ting automobiles which d6 not eat hay ff in Exeter Friday.July, 14th;' 191a *
+ Thursday July 20th. by the looks of thin sun ME R
+ go the only way Wat,h for the bills.
+ Mr, Bert Luxton after visiting for for the farmer to get even is to charge +
+ two weeks with his parents here re- at milage rates when hp is required to +
JUNE + turned to Montreal. hitch on to one with bib team and Tuesday evening Burke's + SESSION Apple
Juniors + +
+ A.Vissldartha Carling, of Newyork draw, it to tbeneares'.b garage, vk ent to Dash wood and defeated the +
Aft +
hospital, is visiting bar parents, Mr. Among those who were successful Dashwood team 13 to IL Bissett and +
+ andlIrs. T. 1B. i0arling. in Passing the Normal School exams Hoskins were the Exeter battery,
+ while Wambold and GAiser were the Students niay enter any +
BRIDEN + Mr. 'Will Nwlay was Ili Chathain this were Miss Ida, Armstrong and Miss Days
+ week and went from there to Grand Mary Parsons, Permanent Second- Dashwood battery fo6 five innings, day. Open entire� year. Now +
Before making your, pur- Bend'in a' motor Boat. Class certificates; Mice May Jones, when a change was made, and 0 is a good tinie to enter
chasesfor the Bride be sure Al.r. and Mrs, Acquill-,L griell and Interim Second -Class certificate and went into pitch, I. thefirst Innings + Largest trainers in Canada, 4 Children will eat green aVpl,,,
to call and examine our -tr son Jack or MISsIda M. Rowe, Limited EThird. Exeter scored one run avid Dashwood- + Graduates'get best positions. . +.
+ Winnipeg. are visiting +, Tho I if they can get at them, The
Stock of Class certificate. three4 At the end of the third the usands studyin home.
+ Ur, and Mrs. John Sn�ll. + ghabhAm- +
+ Suceessfal Garden Party—The La. score wiLs 10 to I in iavor of Dash- + Exclusive right of hours of painful regret that en-
+ Two.rinks of Exeter bowlers aro wood. , The Exeter boys, after having + ous Bliss Book-Keepivg Sys + site seem to teach no lesson of
Watches in Seaforth this vreek competing at "les Guild of the Trivitt Memorial + moment.
+ their annual tournament. church held their annual garden party made several costly errors.. tightened t t6m" for Ontario. ctual I
u -and did some nice work. Business from Start
on the rectory lawn on Friday even. Lp Neeb, of to + The apple always was a great
Clocks, + Mrs Tom. 10obbledick,, of Calga ashwood, plavedastargame At Ist Finish." +
+ �yq Ing last and it waso most successful temptation.
visitea with relatives and friends in and is the I +
affair, a ]�,r, naklng of a good I)a,ll play- So Jong as children orb child-
gge number being present +
CHj town during the past week. e er. The score by innings wm: + + Pen it is safer to have a
Diamonds, to enjoy vening. Music was fur. I I Write for partic'ulars. + -reliable
4 Wheat Ifte.—The wheat harvast nished by the London H , 3rpers. Exeter . ............. 1 0 0 3 0 5 1-13 + remed� on a hand shelf, than
has started in 'this dis1trict and is Dashwoo& .... ...... 3070001"11 + + y
OM usic Mcams, —Among bhose.who + to attempt to corn , er the a I pple
Glass, Silver= reported a pretty fair crop. were successful in passing their musi- market.
On Friday night8wh'at. promises to o I
EtC 'The Connor Machine Co. ;ire instal- c&I examinations of the Lo +
.ware Pins ndon Con- be the best, ball ame of +.h-- The safest and surest thing we
ling a hot-water furnace in i1fr. ff. servatory of Music, were- Miss Carrie will be played o -a r, . T LUIIUO DUSI Ubb +
the school grounds f know of is.NyaYs Wild Straw -
Which consists of the fin,est qualltjr and lowest prices making this + Carling's residence this week, ass honors in pin -no and betyween Clinton and Exeter. Clinton
+ Molt-, first -el
+ the best place to buy. + herory Componud�! It contains
31r., and Mrs, W. H. Hill. of Tor- honori in, vocal; Miss Flotsie Hdriter, are the champions of the flut-on and f- +
+ Repairitig done on the shortest notice. + ontQ sail on the 12th from Montreal first-class honors in piano and theory; PettlileagueandExetiec havink won College + no opiates, but by;lts direct ant -
for England -,,I, 6.,S,12oyal Edward. Mirs Myrtle Charleton first-class bon. nine 0 +
+ Mrs. J. E. Jordan and. child of otsin piano and honlors in'th ut of teu gamesthis season, the + (Affiliated with 01inton + iseptic action on the bowel con-
+ + eory; grame promises to be interestingX., + verts the "green Apple poison"
+ + London are hol:daying wldi Alps. Jor. Ries Gladys Bissett,11pst class honors bome out and encourage the boyls, i� Basine8s College) +
A. Marchand + and soothes the irfitated bowel.q,
+ + dan's parents Mr. and Mrs. jas. Alur. in primary theory and harmony; Miss Game at sim oclock. +
+ + ray. Mary Acheson. honors in piano from T+ G EO,. SPOTTONI President + gently chookivg Qie dysetiterv.
+ the Toronto Conservative, +
Jewler and 0 fician + 51r, and U.rs. 11. 11ollard ;tnd Miss io + . . ,
+ P + o—A quiet but pretty FOOTBALL 4. We bilye I t of
Orlt. May 0awkins have returned home Walper—K6stl, -13 rtmedies
ai n
Exeter 1� 'after spendIng Several days at Grand wedding took place at the home of In Bvucefield on July 10th the Pres- +4 ................... 4-++++ fov stimiller Pcomp )ill, we
+ tons deteated the Rovers of Braveffeld bime to place reli. nee on Nyal's
+ Bend. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Kestle on Thurs-
............... ...... e second of the ome, '0 M d.
day, July Oth, when their �ecokid in th home aud h Wild Strittvberry� o poun
JASSUS l3urr and Dundas who have s in the Semi P Ina's by I goal. on NA hen all * h S1,
daughter, Miss Della May, was united game remedy
uld *"' 0 ii a . -
been the guests oC Afiss Lila 'Go !n1n&rri&getoMrJ,'G. WalpeVo of tiheround. l7he game was. a, good thusiatie n s praise and
returned to their hoina in London Ra AN OPPO-svTT-TNITY FOR TEIOSB rule en
reow. The ceremony was perform- game to look at, *It W48 clean and , k
Saturday, 10 hard fought from beginning to .nd GOING WEST we know from ) o composition it
ed by Rev. Jas, Kestle at one p.m is safe, we feel -6stifled in ask- X
Mrs. Jno, Ball, to -i -m. and Mrs. W. the pres;ence at uu y, the inimealate the score being made within the la�,t Ing you, to aci'ept okir recom.
Elray, 1:sborne, left this week on a relatives of the conteacLing pat -ties, few mixiates of the final whistle.. liar- On July Ilth. July 26th and Aug 8611 wendation.
was ry Brown of I I
Berlin referred the garue through tourist Pullman sleeping cars
wo month's trfp 'to I frionds in the. The bride, ivho was unattended, w i 0 T /terk a bottle,—can
Hal Holiday Agreem t North We.st. dressedin a pretty gown of cream to the satislaction of ali. it leave'Toronto 11 pan. for winni- be lia:d h;.4aWat form at the
'a trimmings, and car-
volle, with,silti Tho Teaws and points oil Grand Trunk Pao, sarlie price..
Mrs' Jno. Colwell 11!1.9 returned , P eston. PI Railway bet ween Winnipeg , and
cied a boquet of pink roses and maid- r Brucefield e2c
from Centralia, where. sh,� has be -an owhair $'ern. After congratulations BrA01tes .......... goal .... ....... Ross fldmOnt0n, Carsvill runvia Grand
aid up for two ar.tbree weeks froin
NTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST 11 a dainty, �,vedding dinner was sokyed 0. Bernhardt ... 6 tck-i ....... AIUOLard Trunk RailwaY System to Chicagol Phm B
FOR TH 1B M OIL It Ae effects of a fall. I . W SHowey, 0
nnec�ing lines in conyweti 'i
in the dluing :room. Mr, and' Mrs, McGrath . Lbence co ton
"Trig iekers'excursiont,, The G ie ndst and OpLicia -4
13113.9ce is, con- Walper 16ft in the evening fox- Detroit Kinder ........ l;i1lv Lfs .. .... _ $wall with - Hoinese
N�lc the hereby agree to rlept;cn 1�ah jh�� wa,to vates to Western Canada Are vi -y low
'r M.1 in, an a �N M and othes, points, 'They w.11 reside at Tree ........................ She ppal-d H X P11 1.1 rp, R ONT RIO_
clock noon Evoiy� Thuesday afternoon dur instal.1 waterworks in his barber Rawtow, where they *111 be at home Stuith. � ..................... I.L0tom
close our places otbusibess at 101, 7innipeg and return, $33,- Rrmon-
shop. Ile is also putting in Baths to their Mends after August lat.- Both Bowman ........ centre ... Aitkephead ton and reitirn. $41; tieltets g- -1 for
ng Silly And Angust, 1911V for tho abnvenlonco of tha public. the bride �7nd groom ate well known Sullivan .. ....... riglit ..... . NVvighb dxty days, Proportionate J, 'va to
1. A, 8 to wart J. Grigg,, Mrs. Yeo I -The Uuxon Old Boys of Toronto in town and have many friends, who Franklin..'.. ........ �*y L'Itzilt I I )let, p silits in Manitoba, t, Ss,- -telae
S, G. Bawildn A. P ord W, W, Taman hold their nunual excursion to Gol. will join �vith the Times in extending _.Jeft .......... l3aruLr wan aw d i.kilier-ta. Tow is eat will be Dental Off ices Clos, ed.
congeatulatiohir, Schrum ............... . melkeov, e, fully Plikipped wiih b0ddlug. �, (-4 and
W, D, Bur48 W., J. Beet J. E. Sinith crich' and Xincardina. on Saturdoy ptn't er, I n olla'rgv, r301.01S mAy � 0 a0- N:1141.v (IRr. notice 'that iny Office
W. T. HeAma" PeterVtayte B, W. Beavors last, The party arrived Ili Scofortli c0fled at a low vate, tVinnip.* U 144xhi- is closed ovory �Vcdnosday aft.,,wrtoon,
g a rot- 1he MIsse
S. 1*41trtin & Son G and took throc days titito Irip visita F or Ek g Laura 2q. and F 'oren,_e bition dmc-% July 1222 DR. 110TiLSTO.N�
e0ge Mantle
intr]`3rn6A'i0d Vtirna God- rent dfur' X I �Sj d August alt. Dowm daughters of the Itev" vveslo
1110111 Davis Ing a �0 n y
IL SpAckman Ed# is Fuji particulars atid tic4ols from
*rich. Carlow, Dunaa.niio�. 4rand,13eq al ideat'o, &a Indd- Down, of Napance are visiting at CLOSING NOTICC
Jones & AfgV Advocate W011 kTrnnIcAqvilt. or itddress
bxeter Ti Winaharn,Xlelgra7c, lJl7Lh,-,ind Clin- larate Jlarm,�, "Apply lLo the bcme of- their grandmothor and
thes T. HawkIna.kSon. A, E.. T)UIPV, Dislitict 1�1,is4nger Ag- Please ivou-mber tbA,t my bontal
AWnt, Afts. �T. 0, ITom and Mrs, VV. Officer it -ised evot Wednesdoy after-
totl� TheN- I(I't Morday e,voi- rayman ent, Toronto, Out,' o cl(
Yarlohill'ont. 11� —'IDn
fri g for Totrnto, Yoe.
+1 in the absenceof Iteeve Taylor who w Doo's. redeemed himself in left field
+ preached by Rev. 9. G. Powell. Ser.
rRESENTS + is in theiWest. vices will be held in the Caven church They say Eva was there
+ The James Street 'Sunday School in the morning and in Main street Sparrow played righf-lield to ver-
+ at
+ picnic will be held to -day (Thursday) night. faction, also handled the bilt, .....................
0oy i bell never Icts any go by in
at lGrand 03end, The hay crop is not as pleatif ull this I
+ sentre -ield. +
The Engllsh Church Sunday School year, but as so many people are get. T
FOR THE + lie tie is expected -to be played + Gree"
+ picnic will be held to Grand Bend ting automobiles which d6 not eat hay ff in Exeter Friday.July, 14th;' 191a *
+ Thursday July 20th. by the looks of thin sun ME R
+ go the only way Wat,h for the bills.
+ Mr, Bert Luxton after visiting for for the farmer to get even is to charge +
+ two weeks with his parents here re- at milage rates when hp is required to +
JUNE + turned to Montreal. hitch on to one with bib team and Tuesday evening Burke's + SESSION Apple
Juniors + +
+ A.Vissldartha Carling, of Newyork draw, it to tbeneares'.b garage, vk ent to Dash wood and defeated the +
Aft +
hospital, is visiting bar parents, Mr. Among those who were successful Dashwood team 13 to IL Bissett and +
+ andlIrs. T. 1B. i0arling. in Passing the Normal School exams Hoskins were the Exeter battery,
+ while Wambold and GAiser were the Students niay enter any +
BRIDEN + Mr. 'Will Nwlay was Ili Chathain this were Miss Ida, Armstrong and Miss Days
+ week and went from there to Grand Mary Parsons, Permanent Second- Dashwood battery fo6 five innings, day. Open entire� year. Now +
Before making your, pur- Bend'in a' motor Boat. Class certificates; Mice May Jones, when a change was made, and 0 is a good tinie to enter
chasesfor the Bride be sure Al.r. and Mrs, Acquill-,L griell and Interim Second -Class certificate and went into pitch, I. thefirst Innings + Largest trainers in Canada, 4 Children will eat green aVpl,,,
to call and examine our -tr son Jack or MISsIda M. Rowe, Limited EThird. Exeter scored one run avid Dashwood- + Graduates'get best positions. . +.
+ Winnipeg. are visiting +, Tho I if they can get at them, The
Stock of Class certificate. three4 At the end of the third the usands studyin home.
+ Ur, and Mrs. John Sn�ll. + ghabhAm- +
+ Suceessfal Garden Party—The La. score wiLs 10 to I in iavor of Dash- + Exclusive right of hours of painful regret that en-
+ Two.rinks of Exeter bowlers aro wood. , The Exeter boys, after having + ous Bliss Book-Keepivg Sys + site seem to teach no lesson of
Watches in Seaforth this vreek competing at "les Guild of the Trivitt Memorial + moment.
+ their annual tournament. church held their annual garden party made several costly errors.. tightened t t6m" for Ontario. ctual I
u -and did some nice work. Business from Start
on the rectory lawn on Friday even. Lp Neeb, of to + The apple always was a great
Clocks, + Mrs Tom. 10obbledick,, of Calga ashwood, plavedastargame At Ist Finish." +
+ �yq Ing last and it waso most successful temptation.
visitea with relatives and friends in and is the I +
affair, a ]�,r, naklng of a good I)a,ll play- So Jong as children orb child-
gge number being present +
CHj town during the past week. e er. The score by innings wm: + + Pen it is safer to have a
Diamonds, to enjoy vening. Music was fur. I I Write for partic'ulars. + -reliable
4 Wheat Ifte.—The wheat harvast nished by the London H , 3rpers. Exeter . ............. 1 0 0 3 0 5 1-13 + remed� on a hand shelf, than
has started in 'this dis1trict and is Dashwoo& .... ...... 3070001"11 + + y
OM usic Mcams, —Among bhose.who + to attempt to corn , er the a I pple
Glass, Silver= reported a pretty fair crop. were successful in passing their musi- market.
On Friday night8wh'at. promises to o I
EtC 'The Connor Machine Co. ;ire instal- c&I examinations of the Lo +
.ware Pins ndon Con- be the best, ball ame of +.h-- The safest and surest thing we
ling a hot-water furnace in i1fr. ff. servatory of Music, were- Miss Carrie will be played o -a r, . T LUIIUO DUSI Ubb +
the school grounds f know of is.NyaYs Wild Straw -
Which consists of the fin,est qualltjr and lowest prices making this + Carling's residence this week, ass honors in pin -no and betyween Clinton and Exeter. Clinton
+ Molt-, first -el
+ the best place to buy. + herory Componud�! It contains
31r., and Mrs, W. H. Hill. of Tor- honori in, vocal; Miss Flotsie Hdriter, are the champions of the flut-on and f- +
+ Repairitig done on the shortest notice. + ontQ sail on the 12th from Montreal first-class honors in piano and theory; PettlileagueandExetiec havink won College + no opiates, but by;lts direct ant -
for England -,,I, 6.,S,12oyal Edward. Mirs Myrtle Charleton first-class bon. nine 0 +
+ Mrs. J. E. Jordan and. child of otsin piano and honlors in'th ut of teu gamesthis season, the + (Affiliated with 01inton + iseptic action on the bowel con-
+ + eory; grame promises to be interestingX., + verts the "green Apple poison"
+ + London are hol:daying wldi Alps. Jor. Ries Gladys Bissett,11pst class honors bome out and encourage the boyls, i� Basine8s College) +
A. Marchand + and soothes the irfitated bowel.q,
+ + dan's parents Mr. and Mrs. jas. Alur. in primary theory and harmony; Miss Game at sim oclock. +
+ + ray. Mary Acheson. honors in piano from T+ G EO,. SPOTTONI President + gently chookivg Qie dysetiterv.
+ the Toronto Conservative, +
Jewler and 0 fician + 51r, and U.rs. 11. 11ollard ;tnd Miss io + . . ,
+ P + o—A quiet but pretty FOOTBALL 4. We bilye I t of
Orlt. May 0awkins have returned home Walper—K6stl, -13 rtmedies
ai n
Exeter 1� 'after spendIng Several days at Grand wedding took place at the home of In Bvucefield on July 10th the Pres- +4 ................... 4-++++ fov stimiller Pcomp )ill, we
+ tons deteated the Rovers of Braveffeld bime to place reli. nee on Nyal's
+ Bend. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Kestle on Thurs-
............... ...... e second of the ome, '0 M d.
day, July Oth, when their �ecokid in th home aud h Wild Strittvberry� o poun
JASSUS l3urr and Dundas who have s in the Semi P Ina's by I goal. on NA hen all * h S1,
daughter, Miss Della May, was united game remedy
uld *"' 0 ii a . -
been the guests oC Afiss Lila 'Go !n1n&rri&getoMrJ,'G. WalpeVo of tiheround. l7he game was. a, good thusiatie n s praise and
returned to their hoina in London Ra AN OPPO-svTT-TNITY FOR TEIOSB rule en
reow. The ceremony was perform- game to look at, *It W48 clean and , k
Saturday, 10 hard fought from beginning to .nd GOING WEST we know from ) o composition it
ed by Rev. Jas, Kestle at one p.m is safe, we feel -6stifled in ask- X
Mrs. Jno, Ball, to -i -m. and Mrs. W. the pres;ence at uu y, the inimealate the score being made within the la�,t Ing you, to aci'ept okir recom.
Elray, 1:sborne, left this week on a relatives of the conteacLing pat -ties, few mixiates of the final whistle.. liar- On July Ilth. July 26th and Aug 8611 wendation.
was ry Brown of I I
Berlin referred the garue through tourist Pullman sleeping cars
wo month's trfp 'to I frionds in the. The bride, ivho was unattended, w i 0 T /terk a bottle,—can
Hal Holiday Agreem t North We.st. dressedin a pretty gown of cream to the satislaction of ali. it leave'Toronto 11 pan. for winni- be lia:d h;.4aWat form at the
'a trimmings, and car-
volle, with,silti Tho Teaws and points oil Grand Trunk Pao, sarlie price..
Mrs' Jno. Colwell 11!1.9 returned , P eston. PI Railway bet ween Winnipeg , and
cied a boquet of pink roses and maid- r Brucefield e2c
from Centralia, where. sh,� has be -an owhair $'ern. After congratulations BrA01tes .......... goal .... ....... Ross fldmOnt0n, Carsvill runvia Grand
aid up for two ar.tbree weeks froin
NTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST 11 a dainty, �,vedding dinner was sokyed 0. Bernhardt ... 6 tck-i ....... AIUOLard Trunk RailwaY System to Chicagol Phm B
FOR TH 1B M OIL It Ae effects of a fall. I . W SHowey, 0
nnec�ing lines in conyweti 'i
in the dluing :room. Mr, and' Mrs, McGrath . Lbence co ton
"Trig iekers'excursiont,, The G ie ndst and OpLicia -4
13113.9ce is, con- Walper 16ft in the evening fox- Detroit Kinder ........ l;i1lv Lfs .. .... _ $wall with - Hoinese
N�lc the hereby agree to rlept;cn 1�ah jh�� wa,to vates to Western Canada Are vi -y low
'r M.1 in, an a �N M and othes, points, 'They w.11 reside at Tree ........................ She ppal-d H X P11 1.1 rp, R ONT RIO_
clock noon Evoiy� Thuesday afternoon dur instal.1 waterworks in his barber Rawtow, where they *111 be at home Stuith. � ..................... I.L0tom
close our places otbusibess at 101, 7innipeg and return, $33,- Rrmon-
shop. Ile is also putting in Baths to their Mends after August lat.- Both Bowman ........ centre ... Aitkephead ton and reitirn. $41; tieltets g- -1 for
ng Silly And Angust, 1911V for tho abnvenlonco of tha public. the bride �7nd groom ate well known Sullivan .. ....... riglit ..... . NVvighb dxty days, Proportionate J, 'va to
1. A, 8 to wart J. Grigg,, Mrs. Yeo I -The Uuxon Old Boys of Toronto in town and have many friends, who Franklin..'.. ........ �*y L'Itzilt I I )let, p silits in Manitoba, t, Ss,- -telae
S, G. Bawildn A. P ord W, W, Taman hold their nunual excursion to Gol. will join �vith the Times in extending _.Jeft .......... l3aruLr wan aw d i.kilier-ta. Tow is eat will be Dental Off ices Clos, ed.
congeatulatiohir, Schrum ............... . melkeov, e, fully Plikipped wiih b0ddlug. �, (-4 and
W, D, Bur48 W., J. Beet J. E. Sinith crich' and Xincardina. on Saturdoy ptn't er, I n olla'rgv, r301.01S mAy � 0 a0- N:1141.v (IRr. notice 'that iny Office
W. T. HeAma" PeterVtayte B, W. Beavors last, The party arrived Ili Scofortli c0fled at a low vate, tVinnip.* U 144xhi- is closed ovory �Vcdnosday aft.,,wrtoon,
g a rot- 1he MIsse
S. 1*41trtin & Son G and took throc days titito Irip visita F or Ek g Laura 2q. and F 'oren,_e bition dmc-% July 1222 DR. 110TiLSTO.N�
e0ge Mantle
intr]`3rn6A'i0d Vtirna God- rent dfur' X I �Sj d August alt. Dowm daughters of the Itev" vveslo
1110111 Davis Ing a �0 n y
IL SpAckman Ed# is Fuji particulars atid tic4ols from
*rich. Carlow, Dunaa.niio�. 4rand,13eq al ideat'o, &a Indd- Down, of Napance are visiting at CLOSING NOTICC
Jones & AfgV Advocate W011 kTrnnIcAqvilt. or itddress
bxeter Ti Winaharn,Xlelgra7c, lJl7Lh,-,ind Clin- larate Jlarm,�, "Apply lLo the bcme of- their grandmothor and
thes T. HawkIna.kSon. A, E.. T)UIPV, Dislitict 1�1,is4nger Ag- Please ivou-mber tbA,t my bontal
AWnt, Afts. �T. 0, ITom and Mrs, VV. Officer it -ised evot Wednesdoy after-
totl� TheN- I(I't Morday e,voi- rayman ent, Toronto, Out,' o cl(
Yarlohill'ont. 11� —'IDn
fri g for Totrnto, Yoe.