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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-02-25, Page 24
PAGE AA - ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FBIWA,RY 25, 1981 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! LLL 'fleets La Leckie League of Belgrave metFebruary 18 at the home of Mrs. L. Nolan of Wingham tadiscuss the "Art of Breastfeeding and Overcoming Difficulties". Many mothers attended despite the foggy weather, with one woman travelling all the way d from near Durham to learn about nursing babies. Mrs. B. Kerr gave an up- date on the conference canning up in July, being held at : the Conrad Hilton in Chicago. The opening presentation will be given by Doctors Stanway from England, who have written the book `;Breast is Best", --and- w 11 peak _Pbotit breastfeeding. A review of LLL mem- bership categories were reviewed, ranging from $15 for a mother's membership to $1,000 for a sustaining_:_ membership. Each. con- tributor ..receives a receipt for his or . her donation to LLL, a non-profit organization. This , year, special silver anniversary cards . will . be given to members. Also, .LLL' Belgrave is now a depot for two Egnell -e.eet asst-puatit_.Any trintherwislthiglOreurtone-of these, may -contact Mrs. B. Kerr at887 19253, Discussion was opened with descriptions, of feelings when a mother held aid nursed her baby for the first ..me-after-birtb. Feelings -of awe,_.:worAlermetlt, joy and happiness were -commonly expressed. "It is possible for attitudes of society to cause dif- - ficulties while nursing." This premise was: discussed by the mothers in view of their awrsing experiences in the hospital and at home. It was felt that confidence in the ways of mothering was most important, whatever choices weremade. Prices effective thru Saturday, February 28th, 1981 A survey, researched by Alice -K. Lada, Ed. D. found that .many difficulties •en- countered .by nursing' mothers and .babies were significantly related to lack of information; and resulted in -mothers stopping breastfeeding before, they Wished This survey also concluded that: "Women who have both information of the type given by LLL and support have a better out- come to their breastfeeding endeavours than women who have only information or. only support." (1970) Due to unavoidable cir- cumstances, the next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Hogenbirk of .Belgrave, for this time only. The meeting closed with a social hour. Students may vote by proxy Students away from home attending an educational institution may vote by proxy in the 32nd Ontario general election. Such students must have their names on the voters list for the polling division where they normally reside. Students may obtain proxy forms from any Returning - Officer, but the completed form must be certified by the Returning Officer in their own electoral district. The deadline for certifying proxies is 7 p.m. March 18, the day before polling day. In proxy voting, the qualified voter appoints another qualified elector in the electoral district to cast the ballot for him or her on polling, day. The person acting as proxy must be on the voters list in the same electoral district. A voter may act as proxy for more than one relative, but only one non -relative To qualify to vote in this election, a person must be at least 18 years old on the day; of voting, a Canadian citizen or British subject at the time of voting, and must have resided in Ontario for at least 12 months prior to election day. is 4 YOU'LL DO B SAVE 54.t Martins, - PURE APPLE JUICE 4841 -oz tin SAVE 3.00 Regular or Diet Case of 24 — 1O-fi-oz tins (Our Regular Price 1.23) LIMIT 4 TINS PER FAMILY PURCHASE COME VISIT FAR�ajFRESHNESS & SAVINGS (Our Regular Price 8:99) (Carton' of six _: 10 -fl -oz bottles 1.95) (Plus bottle deposit) Product of California, • Canada Extra Fancy . Sweet, Seedless . Product of B.C., Red & Golden NAVEL DELICIOUS ORANGES APPLES YOU'LL DO BETTER AT A&P We pick the best for you Product. of California, Great In Salads & Dips 1 AVOCADOS each 33¢ each Ib Product of Florida, Jumbo Red GRAPEFRUIT each 33¢ Dole or Chiquita, Golden Ripe, Large Size BANANAS lb 39¢ CANADA, NO..1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, LARGE, FRESH, CRISP Celery Stalks bunch695i CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF TEXAS, FRESH, GREEN Cabbage • head 69¢ PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA,' EXCELLENT WITH FISH OR IN SALADS Fresh Lemons each 1951 PRODUCT OF CHILI, JUICY, PLUMP, SWEET Grapes ,Seedless 113 1.49 PRODUCT OF MEXICO, FIRM, FRESH, GREEN Brussels Sprouts. 16 89? Assorted Tropical CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, FRESH, CRISP, CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE 3-L11 BAG Mclntosh Apples 99 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, IDEAL FOR MAKING YOUR OWN EGG ROLLS 16.OZ PKG Egg Roll wrappers 1.39 PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, IDEAL IN HOMEMADE SOUPS, CHINESE 4 -OZ PKG Fried Noodles 1.39 CANADA NO.' 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, WHITE Potatoes • 2b99¢ CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF MEXICO, VINE RIPE Red Tomatoes 1b9951 Plants 61nch pot 4.99 PREPARING AND COOKING OF CHINESE VEGETABLES When preparing chinese vegetables, wash, dry and cut diagonally into bite size pieces. They should be just the right size to be handled easily with chopsticks. When choosing vegetables, keep in mind flavour, appearance and texture. A sauce is generally cooked with the dish which consists of oil, spices such as garlic or ginger, liquid — water, broth, wine or soy sauce and sometimes corn starch for thickening. All items should be cooked quickly over high heat to cook the vege- tables to cris,�S'tender and retain their beautiful colour. • See the excellent selection of Chinese vegetables at your A&P store and pickup the leaflet on oriental vege- tables Ruth Reynolds, A&P Consumer Consultant Glad, Plastic (Our Reg. Price 3.29 —SAVE 80c) GARBAGE BAGS OPKG°F 4-3.TaFLAVOUR gCr Crystals 169 Pancake Mix 1 -PLY BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS Pkg of 4 Rolls REGULAR OR BUTTERED. White Swan Tissue 1.39 Aunt Jemima LUNCHTIME ASSORTED ht Chunks LEAF i9 pkg 20 49 SAVE 44¢ Capri, Assorted Colours, 1 -Ply BATHROOM TISSUE pkg ©f 4 rolls (Our Regular Price 1.43) (Our Regular Price 1.57 ) Decorator, 2 -ply SAVE 28c WHITE SWAN TOWELS II 29 (Our Regular Price. 2.63) Regular or Mint Flavours SAVE 64c CREST ,�.,�.199 TOOTHPASTE CONDITIONER/SHAMPOO, NORMAL OR OILY 350 ml Plastic bel Wella Balsam 2,49 JOHNSON J: JOHNSON •• (PKG OF 60 1.79) Band-Aids pkg of 1002.99 PALMOLIVE Rapid Shave ALL FABRIC, POWDERED SAVE 2.00. PRIMO VEGETABLE 011, • 3 litre tin t (:LMT 3 -TENS PER .FAMILY PURCHASE (Our Regular Price 4.99) i J (Our Regular Price 1.49) SAVE 50e Spaghettini, Spaghetti, Ready Cut Elbow Macaroni PRIMO: PASTAS 900 g ,,Pkg (Our Regular Price 1.29) Primo, Plain SAVE 30c SPAGHETTI tin Q � SAUCE 28-fi-oz WHITE SWAN. ASSORTED COLOURS, 2.PLY Box of 200 Sheets Facial Tissue 79¢ WHITE SWAN (Pkg of 60, 59c) (Printed luncheon pkg of 50, 65c) pkg of 2401.69 Serviettes APPLEFORD, SAVE -ALL (200 foot roll 1.99) 1.79 Waxed Paper 100fEroll 99 350' ml ALUMINUM (30 cm by 30 m roll 3.211) 261-0Z BOX Alcan Foil 30 cm by 20 m roll 2,49 .89 ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING 32 -FL -OZ PLASTIC BOTTLE CHIP 'N NUT AND VANILLA CREMES 400 / Pllfl Clorox .2 Bleach - DRAIN OPENER Liquid Plumr 1.39 McCormick's ��s 1.39 Bright's, Fancy TOMATO JUICE SAVE 18¢ Lipton, Assorted Varieties CUP.A-SOUP MIX pkg of 4 envs (Our Regular Price 1.29) (Our Regular Price 87e) You'll do better with these FAMOUS QUAKER BRAND PRODUCTS FROM A&P! AUNT JEMIMA, REGULAR, BUTTERMILK OR BUCKWHEAT ASSORTED VARIETIES 2 kg PKG 1 kg pkg 1.39 Ken -L Ration Burger 3.69 DEODORIZERS, ASSORTED SCENTS25 g CONTAINER QUICK, OLD FASHIONED OR MINUTE Twice As Fresh 1.39 Quaker Oats COOKIE JAR, PARTY PACK OR QUAKER CEREAL (LIFE 20 -OZ PKG 1.59) OR Dare Biscuits900 g pkg 2.99 Cap'N Crunch NEILSON "COUNTRY, CRISP"VARIETIES 'BEADY -to -SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES 750 m1 BOTTLE syrups 1.59 900 g l kg bag 1.09 DOG FOOD 4 kg BAG Ken -L. Tender Chunks 4.99 PUSS 'N BOOTS, ASSORTED VARIETIES 500 g BOX Flavour Morsels 1.29 KEN -L RATION, BEEF CHUNKS 350 g pkg 1.29. Society Dog Food 2 Granola Bars9ozpkg1.29 Quaker Oatmeal 99ce Pep Dog Food 2 CLOVER TUNA 40i,Rin t. 6.5-02 tin (Zr Regular Price 1.45) SAVE 26c Assorted Varieties CLARK STEWS 39 24 -fl -oz tin (Our Regular Price r1.89) SAVE 50c r a 14.75.OZ TIN for 79? 25 -OZ TIN for B9¢ "Luxury", Assorted Varieties MISS MEW CAT FOOD 6 -oz tin fer 9� Buy 3 SAVE 36c (Our Regular Price 2 for 83c)