HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-13, Page 13F
Q0XDIT10X VOR LAYINO, T0033-0fl W40 somy for your TO 5,T
I wife during the sermon this morq-
A hen must have somo. fat in her iag, aootor. Elbe bad such a droad-
be in the best laying on- ful At '(if "..'lighing that the eyes of
TO "Oomplish thi,4 without
Y011 g Folk Iawou� NQI�, conpegatiQn wero flxe4 NA
Y Making the fowl overfat wo miiat her —"Don't you
upou Doctor
loed a ration that is propeily o6m. p
bo unduly alarinw4. She was weAr-
potizided—that is� it should clon 1h
ing her new hat for tbofirst time 111,0�4 Or�,Kr,a
Thnq� ToD witt vvftoo
jo. Treat C, A f ed, mcat &1,4 vege
8ral allow, the hoii to A Morao" DYEIN_
THE NBST. tabll�ll food, and town for swomlis FARMP, FOR SALO Olt RONT-C ()ARPET
Robort and Much �rl Willi"' Rink P113 - have all she wants to eat of the suesip 0OZ43M Nearly all infant,$ aro more or
AW$0111' 141 G�`1141 orno offroet, This to io, *40141ty With W
excited when they saw it bird fluttor Out in- grain at least -once, and preferably wo -At Oka, -loss subJect to diarrhoea and such oronto.. Aroorican DVoQ4*%ix 004
After all has be" -said ab 0044 P*A1001011 by P64t "11 WO
o4t-of a hole in &4,014.atump near dago$ti twice a day, with meat sorapo and eft. 4% "'fooA vomplainto while teething and as I % aro 80�0 w VlAtvfy.
on and sz.oulaoll trouble, IV ) oJ4% West topuroUase Land In Mani,
13 l or B�it� Adilrosx Rox 100, montreaL
got real to a, , askatohewsn, Alborta, �11111111. I I I w� 1, !1
W to 06 thers Wald not is4 Columbia. Consult Me. X -a sell you
hic-4 they., wore� r1wrirrg in tho or- �hero- i only one way -here he DW00 M4, Awayftm- 0 thi r�.riod of their lives is the
groundgraiii in a hopper w zoa ca;
oan hell.) herself at all times; The most mo from quarter 4000PAO 1W
arcl. They pacred into t1le hQ10) cure. The stom"ll must be m,,vdo A
And tllo�o - was a Ae4 with three abrong enough to do its own work. grain shoeld be fo�f in a litter morn- be without a bottle of Dr. J. 1). W& VO4-1121111d, "rea.
aittle eggs. ladigostion. dispppears, when thq) all -d aiight, where the hens will Kellogg's Dysentery 0ordial. This RAYR some of the best Stook, Gr4lul
Ing 'for such com- OWN
They hurried to --the, hoas0, and --stomach has )�een made strong be 'required to work f or what they HE R GAIN. medicine is a 513ecifio and Dairy Farms in ontorio op ray A
bal'4 i,enough to dig -est ordinary plaill so appears to be neooD- Zones—"Does your husbaud Pl&iutJ$ and is 1"ghl ontaliQ-
iAunt 01 a-ra canie -out.to the Ore ge;b. 14"Norci y spoken of by list. Xt you want one see me.
sary for the best resWts. Activity those who have use�t it, The pi X FRUIT FARM% I have Nome Idelli
Twith them. The,7� 08il waited 04 at food., Thi,s strarigth can only b�a romember your wedding alluivOr- spots at right Prices. ARTS, EDUCATIOff
birds, I : reoults in keeping the animal in, p)jetors claim i�. will cure any case
dittle clistanee, and,soon two 1.giyen the stomach through the b sary I" MED
oa�recl. Onc, which was grayish toilic troatmenb otter 'health. r complaint lqn
so I remind of cholera Or summe y address, "T'ghts aw&'A lidVe4n to T14EOLOGY,
p supplied by D.r. Mrs. f3mith—"Nb; Two Seven Two , it v ue, SCY.ENCE,
%ma, Pink Xills, which enrich 0; very good Phone Main 6990 and Park U7,
ve in color &�4traiglrb in�o tho Willi, There is
him of. it in XuTlual'Y and Juno and
hole in the atump. * The other 11the blood, strmgthons the ner,',ws ztion Aof the reason why the ion get two lyr6seats," The, Chinese soldier's Pay is4wO W. DAWSON.
i;bird, whioh-was,a�deoperbluo, N�Rk and th4s, enables the stomach -to muett have surplus 'fat in her body cents a clay. The Arts course,may 4e t4en by
brown, -in order to lay. This lies in the
,a breast of re4ldish alight" perform the duties which nature in- i minard's Liniment cures Diphtheria, cerresporl4enm, but sw4ents desiring
t.ed in an apple-tro() )36ar by. , . f�ended it should. in every neigh- Tact that the yolk of the egg is "ISTRICT has never known orop fail- to $ra,%luste must Attend one sessiop,
"They are 13Luebir�ds," raid Aunt, the:first part to be, formed and that ure, even in most adverse seasons.
boilipod you can find people who The man w1io- changes his mind 11en,o the proa erity of our Bnglisb�
mm-anitr sslorf
"andwa.mustnotharmtheir h ift per cent. of the dry md1ter is n who egeaking agriefftural co: AnTs *SUMMER SE
ave be -en cure.4 of indigestion Or winard's Liniment cc Limited. is JeSS Culpable than the ma �, Ropes
fat, It must be apparent, e e- Qeuts,71 cured a, S t a fact that Saskatoon's OpUlAtiOn has
,nest or friihian them a th r vWuable huntE
way other stomach.troubles after alair M dog Jum. than July 3rcl to August I hi�,
fore, that the first part of the egg of mange wltll mINARD'S UNIME T at- is af raid to, ped from W tro over I �Ouo in less
Use of Dr. '0) ter roveral vetorinarlea had treuted him seven years, W40 have lots of Land. WhY
not.k��ep the familY to ther by getsln
The bird in rblizAree seemed tfe N�rilliams' Pink Pills, , e -ovule, must be der6l.6 fl For CalenJars writo the Registrar,
pay no attentlen to the visitol-R, ' th. pecllarge- wituout Zoing hl)n Any" perma,*Wmt good.
and this is the be. Tours &,a., Warts are disfitirements, that dis- sonle for yourself and ce boys. For a
A proof thatJt'bc7 1-y from surplus fat in the �body, assIONDR
-0 quavered are the one remedy to successfu WMFRID G-kGNB -ollo 'QV write 0034M 4o, Y. CHOWN, Kingston, Ontario
t but lifting his Wi�ngs, h 1�y Only zro�6 appear when treated with 11 ll"or,na"o a TRADE, S..Iatooll, Sm4mt 21
I 1he Surplus energy of the x�rop of Grand CentltOa n0tel, t �04 D
-�out a clear sons which soullcled,lik;a. d, this, 3/jr. D. B..Mctean, $ter- T�wl will be stored in 4 -ie, body. dn m6avilu, Ang. 3, '04. way's Corn Cure. ohewax, waster Canada.
I'Tru-al-ly, trtl-Alrly."
'(How bemitilull I y blue he is!"i g, N. Is,, says:_"For a, c0uple the form of fat; heme it is that
;'0 L years I suffered very much f rom
exclaimed Jos'.q1hine. Only those fowls that !have surplus
indigestion with most of �tbe acoom- 'ettergy in the form of fat can -do-;
"Yes said their Aunt. "Them A
ul symptoms. s
jpanying painf volop the, ovule. Moreover, we,
:is an old Indlam 'legend that the 1,result I became very much run
)iao,edf the sky whiok have good reason to believe. that
bluebird is a I i'down, and as the medicines I tried in fowla which have ideoeloped Buye.r—I'Look bere, That horse
You' Solcl Me run$, away, bites, and
-w rany relief I grew oviiles to the mature s -tate rea
�,came down to the earth to live, give� n )Y� own and Offdr
When the Pilgrims* came 'to New
!;.melancholy andtunhappy, and ffelt tries -to kick. clown the stable at
Milgland the td1le4 the bluebird as though my constitution was -to, form eggs, the ovules may b e night. You told me that if I once @ Par and Interest
the blue roZill !heeause its warb-' aking down. Quite Ztl reabsorbed through injul%y, sta -a j pricie I 'wouldn't
11,bte �aocido . Y' - x got him At you
lings reminded diem so much -of the, imy attention wws(ealled to Dr, Wil- tizan or sickness. , We the. efo;re see part with him fOT $5002, "Well') $102509000
thD importance of giving the right
rabins in.their native land. Tho-!iliamsl Pink Pills,,and I decided to Won't,'),
L You
I I- A,� and are
zluebird is very a�nen:uly- �try them, And ln�am happy to Hay may -continue to develo
�to live near peplole. There used ;that they effeUefl.)a complete or -re, In -o -the -eirtfles For AAhma and Catarrh. — It
�ILo hemany bird -houses for thoblue-'sud made my stomach'as strong as rinally from the suripins fat, and is one -of the chief recommenda-
ibirds in . parks and in the yards of 1 -d .L .,also of :avoiding irregularity and
(ever it had been. I am gla 130 .. tions of Dx. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil
per feeding, which may Wt- that it can be used internally with
%ouses, but the quaTrelsorhe spard,ay a few words iin praise of the �mpr'o
-rows have driven mod of the blue- " vent thelowls from developing tba as h slycc ss as it ca
giledid that cumd-' h mue e a outward -
[birds �w�,y. On6e 4hon I was a ne. . me, and I ape 'evules, Arid thus be unprodurtive.
imy texperience w4l benefit some ly. $uffezers from asthma and
girl we' had a little 'house for the Goither suff-erer." Catarrh will find that the Oil when
lbluebiids, bvt th.4p tsparrows took , Enrich. the blood 4and you bam-' SAFETY .90 CHILDREN used according to diractions will
tpos'session of,it. Then we fou'nd mmt of the eveffy day,ailments immediate relief. Many suf-
that,by taking &way ;the perqb. in of humanity, and Tou can enrich' MURING ROT MTHER give
f1roat of the house -,the sparrows it,qtfickest and besit'by the use of' ferers from these ailments have
found relief in the Oil and have
ottild not get in, for :they had to Dr. Williams' Pink Tills. SOW sent testimoaalals.
"light before enteriug :the small by all �medicine dealers or by mail Every mother knows, or should
doot. But the bluebiTids could fly at b;0.!oents a box or 4ix boxes for know, the danger her baby runs
dirteQtly inside, and so ,th�ey I-ept $2.ae from The Dr. Willi ) Me during the hot summer months. "I wouldn't marry the bandsom-
their'home, and the V=mws,had ams Summer complaints come quickly est man in -the world." "You
dicivie Co., Brockville, Ont.
to -go.&way." --- and develop �so rapidly that often won't have the chance, I'm mar -
All ithis made Josep-Mine , and "Yotir conscience will tell yoii before the mother realivea her ried already."'
Robert feel that they knew the baby is �ill he is beyond all help.
blueUirds pretty well, a -ad when you've been nanghty," the Every mother of small, children REST AN -0 HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD.e,
they mother told her bright-eyed off- should keep a box of Baby's Own - N1T?.a.WXX9L0W" SooTurNo SYR13P has been
hurrie4l batk to tho�' ho -ase to get apring. But the saRl offspring used for over Si =S YI�ARS by ATILLIONS 0:
Tablets in the house. A Tablet now uoTnARs for their CAII�I)R!�X WIIIT,]�
some tvuinbs to scatter romad the I wanted to know, "Will ikt tell yovit, TV.)Vr1-1XXG, with FJKRVPCT SUCC-ASS. It
old stump. And day by day th,,ey too Iii and then will keek baby's bowels sOOTX=-S the CHXLD, SOFT.4NS the GpIms.
Fatched the pair of bluebix& atid working regularly and. his little "LAVS an !?AIN , -CURISS WIND COLIC, and
bat rewedyWr DXA-RRRC4A. It is ab -
their nest, until the three lbaby Why is that so mamy people stomach sweet—this is the secret of 'ssoltuhteely h2puless. Ile -sure and ask for "Mrs.
keeping baby healthy and of ward- winsloWs soothing sYrap," and take no other
bir�ds, spotted with white, came mut suffer with Lame Back? Hamlins Wad. Twenty-fivece:ats-a bottle,
19 Wizard Oil will cure it and- for dysentery and all other dreaded
of the little shells, and grie 'hi ing off cholera infalittim diarrhoea, ,
enough to 'fly among the orek*a.-d That Blaek�llatd Society is tGr-
trees.—Youth's, Companion. Aclies, Sprzj.ns, Bruises, Outs, summer complhints. The Tablets rible. Only this morning my hus-
urns, ate., tbere is nothiAg bet -
B are guaranteed fr?,e from all inju,r- band got a letter threatening him
iqua drussand. may ibe given to the with terrible. things if he didn't
nowborn babe with merfect safety. 4 7)
N. -9 VAT atb&r., ,
U &LXR41, � ;e . thai
T!H -t
I _pax, ,sq
someone would spanked 'If"my'
-- --- 1-11' H 'diffe—
-TTrey Ue sofff'V� a 6(31 CT
rp 1 .1
-Leue _2-=A --TJ
Yes, my hu and gets le s like
Son. At the finish, to test what
itherto, we have been used to4 "Yes 1 did
new doll got breko?"
ers, or mail at 25 cent s a box
that from his tailor, too."
think of me?"
Isp.ak'of the "criminal type,'.' and
"The, would you Mind spankin
from The. Dr.. Williams' Medicine
too ate,
Tho.child made no i-cplyl and the unt,
Ak, ry that, the Prodigal bad return
od?," The most forward youngster
We baye cherisho
od the belief that
dolly most severely, mamma?. The
Co., Brockville, Ont.
After making a most careful
won't you
a murderer can be revealed by his naughty thing has just broken her
study of the matter, U. AS. Govern -
the spare time, no "Poll
frontal curve, and a. 'thief by his
The man with an idea -is a crank
ment scientists state definitely that
AgdLlo 13lo was visiting
bulging forehead. j3ut this is all
until the idea, succeeds.
the common house fly is the gj�in-
timid whisper,
wrong. There is no "criminal
t7 -pe-" At any rate, that is what If allowed -to roam over "your
t lid to tAle y4ut,
e si -what
I -do you
elpal means of distributin t h id
9 yp DI
1$ever, diplithoris and siQlpox.
tv� Ill regftr(I to ally EL184
the most searching investigations house those few innoebut-looking
house flies may cause, a real trag-
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows.,
Wjlson's Fly Pads kill thf
It' a tim-6 f4 go homo, dr," *as tho '0 '
EDo 4
of.soientists have Yevealed. To dis- edy any clay, as they are known
pel the popular cohoeption of the
The Girl :"The man I marry
thd disease germs, too.
criminal several -well-known men of to be the principal agents. for the
those -deadly diseases,
must b�e brave and brainy." The
'am both, 'Remember
Wherf a fly light . s on flypaper, lie
soience, have person -ally examined spread of
rogar%d to each, they have mlle.-ted typhoid. feior, diphtheria and
when we were out sailing the boat
realizes that lie is better off.
And tabulated no less than ninety- Small-POx-
upset and,I saved your life." The
MInard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
statoements—that is, measure-
Girl—"But that was not brainy."
ments, family history, mental and "Whon I went away you Were in
The Man—"Yes it Was. I upset
The Rector—"Freddy, do you
Doclily characteristics, and the like love with a certain woman and--il
the boat on puT;Ose."
know where little boys go who go
, 'I niaTried her." "The marriage
—and no evidence whatever has
hopeW I'Voll
fishing on the Sabbath Day2"
emerged from this investigation! tUrned Out well, T.
It is a Liver Pill.—M any of
Freddy—"Yes, 8 ir. Follow me, and
confirming the . existd. nee of florim- she is stills, certain woman; so cer-
tain. that I cannot tell her any-
ailnients that maa has to contend
Fll show you the place.".
inal types." Indeed, the statistics
present a startling oonfirmity with thing."
with have their origin in a dieor-
dered, liv er, which is a delicate or-
Thoinands of muthers can testify
those of the law-abiding classes.
Thus is exploded the p . opiular theory A Cure for Fever and Ague.—
gan, p#,ouliarly susceptible to the
that come fro -
in Ir-
to the virtito of Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator, because they
that the criminal is beyonc . I the Disturbance, of the stomach and
regular habits or lack of care in
know from experience how useful it
T aob 'of roform liver always precede attacks of fev-
e er and ague, showing derangement
eating and drinking. � This accounts,
of the digestive organs and- deter-
VALUE OF CLOVER HAY- ioration in the quality of the blo-)d.
for the great many liver regulators
now pressed on the attention Of
"I suppose &ou had a perfectly
lovely'time, the dinner -party last
ese ailments Parmelee's Ve
In the past horse feeders have In th 9C7
table, Pills have,been found olos,
sufferers, Of those there none
superior to Parmelee"s Vogtable
night?" "No. Through some mis-
not understood the value of clover effective, abating the fever and
Pills. Their operation though
take they seated me next my
hay. Clover should constitute one w dtvs,
subduing the ague in a, fe
gentle is effective, and the most de-
of the main course rou hages for
9 t"t
horses. It has been found to be There are m6ny who are subjee o
licate can use them.
'No otlier fly killer compares with
more ilutricious than timotby rind these distressing, disturbances and
to these there. is no better P;-epira-
"How does your sister like the
Wilson's Fly Pads.
nearly equals alfalfa in this re-
spect. Feeders,object to it, how- tion procurable as a means -of re-
engagement -ring I gave her,
ever, beeayse of its tendency to lief.
Johnny 7" think it's a little too
sma-11, Air. Lover. She has awful
GENTS WANT1,11).—A study of other
AAgenoy convinces us
produce heaves and other respirs ALL OUT.
trouble ebting it off when the other
that none car) equal ours, You will al.
tory troubles when fed in A dusty
unclean.con0ition. Is your father in I" inquired
fellows call to see her."
ways regrat It if you doll't apnly fo?
urticulars to Travellers' Doi. 229
or otherwise
Thes -e objections do not apply to the landlord Of little'Jimmy.
bert St., Ottawa,
clover which is cut at the right tim e, 'NO, be's out.
"Is I!nother in?"
for Rea, Weali, Weary, 'Watery Eyes
properly cured, and free from dust your
and mold. Moldy clover -will Often "No, she's out."
and GranulatedEyelids. Murine Doe 1i't
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Drugglets
SCALES, special price, Wlisori*a
Is works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto:
Ilmll ybu� money with us 77"t �-A.
P L We large
cause acute indigestioh and even "Is your big brother in 7"
"No, '
NSell Murhie Dye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
death.. Those who do not,ca re t a he's out."
50c, $1.00. Alurine Zyd Salve in
will guarantee returns and
solid Investments. . Corrospondenco soi.
1,11L Come
feed straight clover Will find that "Thtn, in and sib by
blie, glade of lighi clover ml'5ced the fire until they return.."
Aseptic Tubes,'25c, $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice T_Nee by Mail.
icitap. Edmonton LOOSAOrS It Ltd., Fin-
wocial Agi
J "Red Devil" Glass Cutter puts wired
will give better results . than tim- "Toii can it's out, too I"
10 bl Clncago.
urine Eye Remedy Cc
othy, and there is no good reason
glass, plate glass, a%VRed -6 window
lass. By mail 250. . E. Potter % Co.,
why it should not be used exten-
Benoit St., Montreal.
�3. gentloinan. �who was no ]on or S A"911ILL MA0HX".RY,. Portable or
onvy. Lathe Mills, Alxinflo Mi
yvg, and who never was Sand- '.24e.6 Onel Boilers, Mill
The minister had just b6en
g ving eor ted'!, West
some, said to a little girl in th-e 6xanuraeturiuff
, illia, Ontario
the o1a8s & lesson on the Proch gai
prcs once of her parents:
Son. At the finish, to test what
"'Well., my clear, what dio.
you 4J te,tyal and extorn44 01
attention 1�a<l, been paid. to his
think of me?"
Pain 13..� ou.1 home troat%
Dr. 136 In
tea6hinq -lie saked: was sor-
too ate,
Tho.child made no i-cplyl and the unt,
Ak, ry that, the Prodigal bad return
od?," The most forward youngster
gentleman continued:
"Well, you don't tell 1110.
16 Tor,
won't you
OMZ:9 WANTED to talt
The. fitted calf I"
Two'littlo fat handq tucked
the spare time, no "Poll
corner of a pinafore into'.
sury. Our line
r� espcic�,.64
hot. Wotbtr-q %nd girs. A
AgdLlo 13lo was visiting
mou-1uh, as sho said, archly,
us in
in a Ish Oanmdiwx Did 41
. Alb�:,( "It". ottawsk. __.,
Ichool. ray littl
bho e man,"
timid whisper,
t lid to tAle y4ut,
e si -what
I -do you
I doa'b wa: nt to
tv� Ill regftr(I to ally EL184
do in school all doW fl.1 "I wait till
whip ped.
in drugs of
VIusses rittad by )hMIL, 150
It' a tim-6 f4 go homo, dr," *as tho '0 '
EDo 4
......... .........
1818un 21 Miriard's Liniment Cures Colds.
daAd bv t
giold rr� " "
r2ko. to Dr.. Adllivan. (-.Ri;
-Dostod Jult It% 1-911 Due July let, 102a
Interest payable Ist January and lit July
Principal and,interest payable at The Canadian Banh of Covmerce�
Toronto, Montreal, and Londgn, Ergland.
edeemable ay.a whole at 1,05 and accrued interest on any interest date
after Ady Ist, 1914, on sixty days' prior noticei or annually
for Nnhing rlunddrawhigs beginni-ng hly 2.�t, 2912.
Domminailons: V'U'00, p"500 and $1000
with., Sterlin z eqaivalonts
�Ewdsdsmed in couten form with Pr'ivileee and in fully
rezisteraform. Coupon and reghtered hands aro interchahzeabts.
A414al vinion afN, essrs. Mahe, Lash, Anglin & Gasse, Toronto,
will be furnished.
%`,a emphas=46e fbilowing salient points of this lasuo:
.(I) Par.**.n-
,,, hovi5esat Zor=to',Woontreal and Harriston (including Sitea",
and, quipment), q7iaervatbsoly valued by indyenclant experts at
,7,919; Re :estate an?, btlftdinus owned y tha,cGrnpany at
1535,175, and Total _4,3,ot, a
.(2)'% Net current quick masefs �W,zxcs*s of.dl rrent liabilities $1,320,471.
J$) Averaqa annioal net earnings hz� p t' fi
ive years $268,387, or 3 �4
%,I'fimes ihe'latereat ori the presenit X
(41) `.4n, annual 6inking fund beginningr JUyV Ist, 1912 suffic!
-tent to zetire
tN,,.e pm�ent io§iie prior t6_mawrity at mazillau Price of 105 and
The W"illiam Davies Company, Lim;ted, whose sines
s was estab-' I
lished in 18532 '1 s at Present the krgest packing bouse in t1le British
DOMAnions) with gross sales dttri�jr igio of $-ii,68o,786, rt owns
large and modernly equipped packing'plants tn Tqj*onto, Montreal and
Harristan, and sixty-two retQ,�2 --ategically located in the cities
grkets th
of Toronto and Montreaj `!�110< Noints throughout Ontario:
t e),
Oshawa, London East,'-ki � St. 6 es
ngs , 'ftlrin , Brantford, Colling.
wood, Belleville, Galt, Brockville, Woodstock, London) . St. Thomas—
through which �i#r
_�Pution qf its J)roducts is made. The Gbm
pany is
iii, e ;� PrOV1,11ce, 'and its
active y represented ' - "ve da, produrcts are
Pund in wholesale and retail houses from the'_41,Jan'tic to the Pacific.
It also. maintains agencies in Great Britain, The hoone and foreign
mar�eti for the Campany's products are bein*g constantly improved -and
Copies of the Trust Deed and of, the Gertifleates of I the Canadian
Appraisal Compapy , Limited, and of National Trust Company,- L;mited,
Torozit,a, coveriliog the opraisal of the Gom.Pany's Plantr, and the valu-
don of real estate may he seen at our offices.
Interim Gertiftcates'will be issued: pendhig the delivery of de