HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-02-25, Page 13the&country__ CLASSIFIED 9,74 26'. Help wanted GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR; WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25,19g1 --PAGE 13 ANT ADS��; 26. Help..wanted Looking for socially involved retired or semi -retired per- son, interested in supplementing Their income promoting our medical security service. This is an opportunity to be active and to meet and help others. For further information *detail: MRS. POPE 1-672-6718 COLLECT TEMPORARY FULL-TIME TELLER POSITION Approximately 5-6 months TD BANK Su ncoast Mall Applicgtictos accapated. t.s Mall iace*10 i until Saturday, February 28, 1981. Have we got a job for you! Just Phone or Visit THE CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 520 Wellington Street, London, Ontario N6A 3R2 Phone 679-5110 or our Mobile offices in the Federal Building 12:00 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Sarnia .. Every Wednesday Stratford... 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month Goderich . 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month Woodstock2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Tillsonburg Last Monday of each -month ASK US ABOUT YOU THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES 27 Wanted (general) 27 Wanted (general) TRUCKS REQUIRED To lease for the spring season for the following: 1) FERTILIZER DELIVERY 2) FIELD SPREADING Minimum G.V.W. 28,000 lbs. equipped units supplied by company For further information call: Cyanamid Farm Supply Centre R.R. 4 Clinton„ Ont. Phone: 482-3423 - HARDWOOD BUSH or TREES WANTED 'CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn For Best Cash Prices SLABWOOD FOR SALE BILL CRAIG 526-7220 AL CRAIG 526-7512 WANTED: (=ood ,used fur• niture or'comp lete .used Phone 482 -7922. 4tfar CASH FOR SCRAP SILVER AND GOLD We buy anything gold or silver Pre 1967 Canadian coins. pre 1964 American coins:'flatware, tea services. medals. watches. rings and. jewellery Free estimates. free pick up ('all "toll free 1800.265-4362. Precious Metals Ltd.. Box 659. Port Stanley, Ont 1i0L 2A0.- 6tf WANTED. (I1d brick buildings.- for uildings^for demolition -wrecking and salvage purposes Contact Ross Lumley. 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1-542- 4088.-2eowtf -WEDDING STATiONERY - large attractive variety to choose from - prompt service! Drop in and see them at the Signal -Star office located on the Bayfield Road. 28 Business opportunity "SPARE; TIME iNC0111:' Dealers and -or dealer installers. plumbers. - elec• tricians. builders. etc wanted in your area for Central Vacuum Systems Excellent potential Write. ('anparts. P() Box 1051. Kitchener 8x 30 Emp!oymenf wanted EXPERIENCED lady wishes to do housecleaning Monday to Frida y. Phone 524.2565 fr 9 HOt'SE:C:LEANTNG - good, dependable work Phone 324 7490-$tf 29. Tenders MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference No. BO5 P.T. 81-28- For the replacement of gas furnaces in •Ontario Housing Corporation Family Units in Clinton and Goderich, Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above until 10 a.m. local time, March 13, 14481, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 50 Dun. dos Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A Lon- don, Ontario N6A 2P3 (519) 679-7110 from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, ,On- tario N7A 1M5 (519) 524- 2637, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER N?ST NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. MINISTRY OF t HOUSING ONTARIO , ' HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference No. 805 P.T. 81.27 For removal of exlsiting wail coverings and ap- plications of new cer is wall tile in be ms at 24 family units 1 Goderich and Clinton curio. Tenders D be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, March 13, 1981 by the Ontario Housing Corporation c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun- das Street, P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", Lon- don, Ontario N6A 2P3 (519) 679-7110 from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square Goderich, On- tario N7A , 1M5 (519) 524' 2637, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned' until 5:00 P.M. local time, Tuesday, March 17, 1981 for crushing, hauling and spreading of ap- proximately 19,000 cubic yards of grovel. A certified cheque in the amount of 5°. of the bid price payable to the Township of Colborne must accompany each Tender. Tenders must be submitted on tender forms which are available at the office of the Rood Superinten- dent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. J.J. Kuran, Road Superintendent, Township of Colborne R.R. 5, Goderich, Ont. N7A'3Y2 Telephone: 524-2561 29. Tenders 29. Tenders Ontario Government Tender Tender for The Operation of The Pinery provincial Pork Store and Concession. Sealed tenders clearly marked "Tenders for the Operation.of the Pinery Provincial Park Store and Concession'" will be received by the District Manager, Ministry of Naturol Resour• ces, 435 Grand Avenue West, Box 1168, Chatham, Ontario, inti l 12,00 _ noon i_riday....Morch 13,. 198.1_- Tenders -tc> be opened publicly at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, March 13,1 981. ' Tender .forms, tender envelopes and detailed information are available from the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, 435 GrandAvenue West, Box 1168, Chatham, On- tario, N7M 518 (telephone 519.354',5-_7340) or from the Park - Superintendent, Pinery Provinciol'"'Pork, R.R. No. 2 Grand Bend, Ontorio, NOM 1 TO (telephone 519-243-2220). At the time the tender documents ore picked up, prospective tenderers will be required to deposit with. the Ministry of Natural Resources, a certified cheque or money order in the amount of '25.00 payable' to The Treasurer of Ontario. This .deposit will be refunded after the closing dote for'tenders. There wilt be a tour of the concession facilities for prospec- tive tenderers at Pinery Provincial Pork beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Morch 4, 1981. . Tenders must be enclosed in the envelope provided for this purpose. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontario Ministry of, Natural Resources 31 _ Service . directory PIANO TUNING *Repairs *Rebuilding •Keys Recovered 'Decnpp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 345-9223 Mitchell HATE SPRING CLEANING? Why scrub and clean those walls? Let me liven up those dull walls with a fresh coat of paint. •PAINTING *STAINING ' •VARNISHING Coil Don at 524-8832 Professional Work Reasonable Rates FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS GOOD BUYS IN FULLER BRUSH AND WATKINS PRODUCTS ARNOLD A. VINT 524-6564 CARPENTRY •ALTERATIONS *REPAIRS • REC ROOMS •GARAGES • TRIM WORK 524-6613 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all makes.. Authorized service for Inglis, Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirlpool, CALL 524.7561 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St., Goderich RESTAURANT FOR SALE BY TENDER Land and building for sale under power of sale, located on Highway 86, east end of Lucknow, Lots 432, 431, 5' of lot 433. For tender details and viewing arrangements contact Oliver Glenn, 519-528-3723, Box 274, Lucknow. Written tenders will be accepted until March 9, 1981, 31. Service directory CARPET CARE Rugs & Upholstery Pro- fessionally Steam Clean- ed. Free Estimates 524-2440 GARDINER'S DELIVERY We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates' 524-2421 formerly 888 Delivery Paper Hanging and Painting Reasonable Rates Neat, Clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. 31. Service directory DIANA'S SEWING ROOM. Custom Sewing and Alterations. Please" phone for appointment. 524-9394.-8tfar MAN WITH TRUCK to do clean-up jobs. 'trim branches, take brush away. etc. Peter Prevett 524-8553.--1 tfar AIR HAMMER. backhoe. septic bed installations. Cecil 'Cranston. 529.7691.-2-52x SINGING LESSONS available. Contact Marjorie Dunlop, 61 Church St. Fee $10.00 per hour. Phone 524-6809_-2tf -- PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service. phone 1- 887-9062 or Granger's TV, 524- 8925.— 3-52x SNOWBLOWING - driveways. etc. Phone 524-2736. —6 -ti i x WILL DO janitorial work, painting in or outside of houses. Take ice off roofs and any other odd jobs. Phone Ted 524-6564.-.-611 , FURNITURE REFINISHING' and REUPHOLSTERING. Neat. clean work at'reasonable rates. Phone Stephen Norton at ,524-9394 for a free estimate.- 8tfar DRiVEW/1 snowplowing. Phime 524-7452,- 8•:9 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich FALL BULBS BOOK NOW FOR SNOW REMOVAL Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR' GARDENING 5124-2645, 34 Personal i'HEGNANT' AND DISTRESSED? .Marned or single. free positive c.on- lidential support ,Help is as • close as your telephone. • I3IRTHRFGHT • London collect 432.7197 or 324-2913. 3•11113or324-2(123 1.32x 1101`IJ) THE gentleman who took by mistake an overcoat from North Street Church at the Symphony February -48 please phone 5247631 and arrange for exchange. 8 ODD JOBS DONE e Call Paul Spain •PAINTING *YARD CLEANING, •WINDOW CLEANING •OFFICE CLEANING "You Nome It, 1 Do It" 524-4272 524-8181 SZ N LIMITED CUSTOM BUILDING * '` * RENOVATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING 524-2497 GODERICH 524-8905 A.e,-, oo,,. Ger,, Oon, give yourself a lift! (LwEx- 4___. m PRICES START AT $19.95 In,lUeing FREE 100 KM wna4 r�A A wnnh Iv Rare, Avalltible SI'RIekLANDS 331 HURON 50 . GOO[RICH INIZMIGEGIUMF 34. Personal THIRTY-FIVE is quite a BOGIE. so relax and light your stogie. To B B.—The Gang. -8 Buying or selling: CLASSIFIEDS can work for you. Call The Goderich Signal - Star, 524-8331. 36, Announcements, notices WHEELCHAIRS WALKERS, The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and' Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan:- -Contact Amos ,Osbaldeston: 524-9623 or Fred Fritiley. 524-7217.— 2eowx 35. Notice to creditors THE ESTATE OF PHILMORE CLAYTON BISSETT. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. . All persons claim ing against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars' of their Claims to the tin ersigned on or -before the 16th day of March. 1981, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY. MURPHY & PICKELL 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —7-9 NOTICE . TOWNSHIP -OF COLBORNE Effective at of 9:08 A.C.Q., Monday, March 2, 1981, The Municipal Clerk's office . of the Township of CalbeirtiiP'wifl be located in. the Township Hall at Carlow. ' Mailing address, . telephone and business hours will be unchanged. T� allow the move to be made, the Clerk's office will be closed all day Friday, February 27, 1981. H Millburn, Clerk';k Township of Colborne, R.R. 5, Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y2 Teiephone: 524-4669 38. Auction sale - 38. Auction sale cladmeli didoce.441 AUCTION CALENDAR Saturday, March 14 Hensall Furniture and antique auction for May Rowcliffe at Hensel! Arena at.,10:30 A.M. • Wednesday, March 18 Clinton. Estate Auction rsf furniture and Antiques to be held of Rathwell & Associates Building in Seafor-' that6:30P.M. Wednesday, March 25 Zwaan Welding Shop Auction at 10:30 A.M. Saturday, March 28 Equipment Consignment Auction at Rathwell 8. Associates Auction Complex, R.R. No, 5, Clinton at 10:30 A.M. Consignments Welcome. Wednesday, April 8 Farm Equipment Auction' for Isidore Ducharme at 1:15 P.M.P.� eJLa/hie, AUGT,IONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN 5T • SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK IWO (519, 527-1458 WINGHAM SALES ARENA The Wingbern Sales Arena Now Open Daily Monday to Saturday from 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. (Friday Nights till 9 p.m.) Offers Great Savings On NEW FURNITURE - Dining room, bedroom and living room suites; brass beds; china cabinets; wall clocks; box and mattress. This week's "SPOTLIGHT SPEC- IAL" at our showroom is a magnificent gold oak dining room suite, features 6 chairs, 100" extension table and 72" x 76" buffet and hutch. Special price this week only. GUN AND SPORTS SHOP - a large display of guns and fishing gear, ammunition, all at very reasonable prices. We also take trade Ins. THE LIQUIDATION ROOM - just arrived a good selection of MENS BLUE JEANS. sires 30 - 38: men's coveralls in carious sizes. Excellent values on work socks, work shoes, jackets, kids t -shirrs, etc., tools. towels, carpet and lino. USED FURNITURE - frost free- refrigerator: electric range; automatic dryer; colour T.V.: 54" walnut poster bed: used 54" box and mattress:" antique tables: complete 9 pc. dining room suite with large extension table and other items of interest. WF ACCEPT CASH, CHEQUES, EISA OR MASTER CHARGE 'TOTE • Top prices paid for antiques, used furniture and appliances or consign to our weekly 'auction. Will buy partial or complete households. %INGEIAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 m,ir AUCTIONS;& LIQUIDATIONS 41 . To give away SMALL FEMALE Lassie collie dog, likes attention, good with smallchiklreu . Phone 524- 8726 after 4p.m.-8 14.MONTH OLD, friendly and good natured male German Shepherd. for farm. Phone 529- 7761.-8 47. Card of thanks DU'RN-LN I would like to take this op- portunity to thank those who helped in so many ways at the time of and since my accident. Thanks especially. to Drs. Lambert and Hollingworth and the nursing staff of- second floor east. Also I would like to express my appreciation to all the friends and relatives who made the time go faster with their cards. visits and gifts. Special thanks to Archie, Matt and Merle for their en, couragement and patience. Also to Rev. R. Crockerrfi r his .. . time. Sincere -appreciation- to • Mrs. Budnark for keeping me • up-to-date with my studies, Thanks to Brenda for handling the situation so well the day i was hurt. --Jennifer Dur- nin--8x We would like to thank our friends, neighbors and relatives for making our 25th Wedding Anniversary so special. Our special thanks to those ' who organized ' the evening for us. It was greatly_ appreciated, Thanks.—Raymond and Lois Haggitt.-8x • JEFFREY' The family of the late Ellis I Bob) Jeffrey wish to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to relatives. friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy, beautiful floral tributes, • mass cards, donations to the Heart Fund: sympathy cards and many gifts of food that, were sent to the house 'during. our recent loss of a ktvinghusband. father and grandfather. A sincere. thanks to Rev.. Father Loebach. Drs. Cauchi, Rourke ' Wand Chan and nursing staff of the intensive Care .Unit, A special thanks to. McCallum Funeral Home and the ladies of the C.WL. of St. Peter's ('hurch. Your kindness will . always be remembered.—The Jeffrey Family, --8 MANUER:SON • The family of the late Annette Manderson Wish to express • their sincere thanks•and ap- preciation to all friends and relatis.es for their •kindness shown during our loss of a loving mother and grand- mother. Special thanks to Rev. Father A. F. Loebach and the St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. Mr and Mus. Kevin Merrigan and family.. Mrs. Muriel Reinhart for masses arranged.. Mrs. Margaret Wettlaufer for her prayers. Royal Canadian Legion Broach- 1439 Ladies -Auxiliary - Dr David 'Aalker, Mrs Sharon Cousins R N . Mrs. Reinhart if N . Dianne Betts RN. Mrs Brown RN, Joanne Ducharme R N , staff ` and nurses on second east Alexandra Hospital', am- bulance drivers, neighbors and fnends Mill Road. Goderich Township and John Street. management and staff A&P' Store;,' especially Ilene Silh). Cecilia Denomme,. Winnie _Walters .and .Sue Duckworth_.. 'Police Chief Pat King. Goderich Police Department, J1c('a Hum Funeral Home. eser•y one uhn sent floral tributes, cards. of sympathy and, fond to the 'house. donations 10 Canadian cancer Societ. and Queen Elizabeth Scion I the i A M local 1863 Goderich. (:ail Itoak. Lynda lllin Audrey Fisher. Hermie Mc( 'ahe. Mrs Bert Squires. Canadian Cancer Sextet% , Mrs Edna Steens, Mrs Phyllis t'i1bladn. The Rebekah Lodge To 11 Stern. ,Dickson Cum- mings. _Rob Cusins, Harold Ashton. Bili Burke..Ray • Barker. .ouf kindness in acting as hearers was deeply appreciated 1 our thought fulness and kindness al this time will always he' remem herrd The• .Manderson Family it Sit RDI' The family of the late Emma Sturdy wisli to express their sincere thanks and gratitude to friends. neighbors and relatives for their kindnt'ss' and expressions of sympathy.' beautiful floral tributes, cards and donations A special thanks to Rev .1 Wood.' McCallum Funeral Home. and the ladies of Victoria Street (?lurch for the luncheon after the funeral service and the many friends who sent food and meals to our homes • Rx