Exeter Times, 1911-7-13, Page 12---__-11 _171� ­­ -, .. ­­ ''. � - ..., 1. - , I . I I � I . . . . I I r',,,�­ ­­ , ... , , ��-­ -, " � . I . I . . .. I , � ,� I . I � ­ I., . .1 . - ­.- . I .1.1 ­ ­ I . I I . I � " I : . � I. . , . " ", ,;�, I I I �. - I I:— 11 . . I , � . . I I . I I I "I _­.. 1. � -� �, I I I 1. 3XEITIM TIMES. I I. . ill ,.:� . I — V-V# -_1 "I�li-I'll�ll,�l,,."�,��---�,�.-,-�"",�,-�--,�.f7,.r,,-.-�i --7-.- `7 ­_­,", I \ � , I � . . # � i . ,a I % I I- - __ .:,: ", I TW I . . � �,�",,!'.,�, - . 11 I I . . 11 I . I . . I . I � 1. .I--*- _._­.____. ".., 1. 11 . :-i I , I I I I 1, I I -1 I.- -----Now , . o 11 . — �� I ,_. .-, � � - __ 1__R.*f#�""*"#"" 01.1.0y,m I -11, _1" , � , � .­.­­­__­____ 11 - - - ...--.- P I � i ­­ - ,!mt,_ ---0 I .1 ­ . , , ;;�­` - I --- I...'', �, _­­ I . � �Poi,10110.. mlaw!1!11� - � I I., 1-1. I- 11 1-1-11. - � ---- 111!1::�;;: . ,I I I., _­ . I 11 I 11 � I � �r "�� _V,"-",, I—, - ­;, , ��� - . � - ._...__'­___ � t , .. � PREMtER's WEI,-QOIVIR� ----------- . � � "I'' , Ntolrvous, Prostration . � . . ­­ I . Ty A FACT SUNDAY SCHOOL$ "I .. .... 111,11,101, 11 11 :1 , '" , " " I XIN G IN IRELAND il, SEAL IDEA . � I , I � , I .1-1-W., , I � F I I � . I . , lest of Seats WtIl Escort Sir W � � . � . - I I I , Ste-colessuess I � . ftid to Montreal. I . I C h0dren Cry for Flet0her"Is , - I 4"Jp1tation of Vie Heart Montreal,, JWN' &­Ddr,il�, tit = Ellritaln, U, $1, �spsin ;and R00113 Lesson 114—Third �Quarter, r4oi I I � , - 11� ..... � 11 , I I – I HIS msiesty, Qwkon Mary ano real's welcome to Sir WiIW4 L i ' I L'' I 1AZZY Spells . Prinoe end Pr are aow olf,011111y complete. Tho Pro- I Agree on terms, July, 16, 1011, - - I �1. .1 I � , . Incess Arrive. . I '' I Axa*tl Curotl by the Vse at . Mier and Ilia party will leave Sorel I . . 10 I I ­ . Xonday aboat four o'clock and pro- . I I A Ttleta eeed up the river direct to Montreal, PLUMAGE BIRDS LEFT OUT - INTERNATIONAL SERIM ' A , I WEER �Ir way by a flotilla THE I M - � � I 'et , � , ''ILBUM '$ THOUSANDS I ­ I I I . being met oil th, 115. , - of tugs and plea,sure draft. Till$ Ile , . . ­­t.l --- I ,11EART and HERVE PILLS will 1110lude abo*I;1t. 150 craft, illum- ment Comes to a . I .: ,,.� , , I . � , ulninatfolls -Lo.n I , g -talked of Agree , - I , , , ,�, Docks Are Lined With Loyal Irish, inated and dec-orated. III , e o I.esson, 11 Chrone xxxtilt . . 11 � ' � ' 1: , - .... 1111.1" �� ... . " �11 I , I .. I . I th e� an End With a Prohibition of Pe14- 11 I . man as, the Royal yacht Stearris 0,114 fireworks oil both shores 0 1-U--momory Verses, 12, 13�Qoldon T)Xe Wil -.4 yoiL,t )gave ,&1,.%% � * , ,aglit, and which, UAS. be -ext ,� . W Peter Rahitad, Tilley, Alta., writes: river will xnark, tile progress of the . gic Sealing and,a Compact to Di- Toxt, Isa. I, i6,17�Commontary Pre. ,=,_1 , -, borne , the signature 09 t . ("t tqkc,�Zreat pleasure in writing a few Into. Kingstown Harbor -Splendid Premier'-, vessel. , in Use for over 30 ye, 9 ; lines: to -1011 you what your lfe'-�A Rrid Series, of Festivities Will Mark The harbor will be illuminated in vide the Annwal Proceeds From I pared by Rev, 0. M. Stearns4 , ar-d Lx_. ocen made. under WS Pei!- �, ' i I t Nerve,?'Il h ' d for me. I hild a te fashion. A tri- Seal Herds-KIINI; of Birds r sonz.! ZX1;.v,,x*A-a'�)!), since Its inianey. 1 - . � t I Ir '4 Will be erected a Later Date, - c I -Ceive yo-tilu this* ! . .>Z" - uti u I A-1! ,-,v no. ,:Z1,Z) 10., ; x , , standlgt,a� '.2.'e'vousprosti. lon� mphai arch , Left Till , 1 4w, rA_�_Z__-`,6 , �11 the Visit of Their Malestles the most 00111PIe at the Tho.t Elezekiah, who Was such 4 good 14 1 ijJ0�!,,)1e-,sk1ess, p.�'pitatioa 'of the heart. to the Emerald Isle. . point of debarkation, and the Various king, should have bad such a bad ta- -,-.k-i-�,, -:��,s� good' . .1 ii, . I ftn" '" " * n as Aff Counterfeits, Iraltation_ct and ",7 1 are but i I ra)�,� "�J," I will be decorated in Washington, July 8, -By the terms t1jer as Ahaz d such a bad so . . �7,y, spelhq� I bought a box of the Dablin, July Si -The -royal Yacht vessels in PO t , . . -Ifle ,%vith and onnh_ znge� 'Me licialt]IiL of ; . , I of tile seal treaty signed psterdaY, I � - . . . loill- ..-ald they- , ,, me SQ, much good 1 Victoria and Albert, with King G4orge horior of tile occasion. I L4 Xperiments, tilat tL ja " " Aid . _ the Manasselt Is one of the -to us-oeem- I � cut, I I Prince f The City Council Will attend'in a pelagic sealing is prohibited in case of Xufants .and ChildrOn-EXPOriOncO agP�",T,z , 30"XPOrim i ��pt'!�I,u6d theU� use unVII I had used and Queen Maxy axid the 0 �Ody, and Ald. Ga,avin, acting mayor seas of Bellring, Okllotz,k,, Ivinichatka ingly strange things. In the � ' I I I scyer�ll 'b6xes,16d. they restored me to Wales and Prh&ss z4ary on board, I I David's seas =1 1011's sons the trouble La I , e eity'r, address of nd liges for the ap- he,96 again, r�,,` They are a great remedy axichorea in Kingstown Harbor at 8 will read th, eval clubs, ,1,110 conventMil arra I "A"T"RIA i I k la- , e. while, the Lib Wriat is , k� ZZ) V ,O'eloc . st evening, Every available oom Mearl: portionmeat among the signatory seems to have been lack of home disell- ' - � �� an4 - I reco4tmexld them to all My point along the Qcakwater aa4i on with bands and thousands of ban- I pline, for It Is written of the. former armless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- . - I friends.", / the landing stages was crowded with ners, Will cross the Champ.de Mars, powers of the annual proceeds of the concerning one of his sons that hisf.a- Castorla, is a h. �, i MilbuWs Re4rt and Nerve Pills are cheering Dablinites who, oil seeing the pass down Jacques Cartier Square, several seal herds ill. which they are their .never displeased him and never goric, Drops and Soothing SyralM. It Is Pleasant- It � and take up a position on either side interested, as Iollow-,. Thirty per , , % Wo. per box or 3 boves for $1.25 at all Fiag and the Prince of Wales on the . . I rom said tct him as much as "Why hast contains nelther OPIUM$, Morphine nor other Narcotic I 1 dea-ers, or vi)l be mailed direct on bridge of the yacht, burst forth sing- of the thoroughfare cent. of the skins, annually taken I I , . It destroys WorMs, � ' , ,tely after tjie reply Sir Wil- the Ainericarl and Russian herds re� thou done this?" (I Kings I, 6.) Of onbstance, Xts age is its guarantee- d . receipt of price by Tbe'T. Milburn. Co,, ing the National Anthem, The first Iminedis, iarrhout, and W,iu(I . , � vie authorlties and other spectively is �tivi(ied, equally between Ell It Is written that "his sons made and allays Illeyerishness. , It Cure$ 3D , Limited, Toronto, Out. . Klivision ot the lioxne fleet, anchored Irid, the 01 6' 1 leave the Great--)�ritain aild Japan; thirty Der themselves vile and he restrained Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Co'I'StlPatiOnt � 'juat outside the harbor, also fired sa- dignitaries Ili ctfrria es, wil � - � I , Jutez in honor of Their Majesties, The Wharf b'y Commissioners street to . cent. from Japanese herds, divided them not,, (1,$am. III, is). As Manas. and Flatulency. It Zts8huMtes t110 Food, r0gulIates the I � o. - I royal Party landed this rhorning. Jacques 'Cartier square, axid thence equally among the United States, sell was twelve years old when he be-' Stomael,L,,�t-ad )30,%vols, giving healthy and natural sleep. I I I � . ! , , . )N-�4exl they -came ashore they were to the platform on the edge Of the Great Britain and Russia and thrity gan to reign in the stead of his father I t . 14 Ar I er cent from am, herds Which May The ChUdren's Panacca-The Nother's Friend, - I r :, I � 19rMMM, Rich Society Women Befriend Poor Sabim Teceived by tile Lord Lle-Literlam or Ullanip e sl- I he must have been bo three Years I The ascent of- Jacques Cartier fierestter re,�orl- to the breeding Ireland and driven in state -carriages on � after 41,9'fathees recovery from his'- " -- ` -to tile castle, where they are to te. square will take'place under a, dome grounds under British jurisdicti ENE 4 4'A& 'TORMALWAYS oide during their stay, A number of of light, formed by a series of in- in the - North Paciflo Ocean is illness of which he would ,have died GENU . k.* Zo brilliant state functions are to to -Ice scriPtions sixty, feet long and four to be divided equally among the Unit- had not the Lord added fifteen I years to Bears the Signature of , plaice in the royal Tesidence during feet high, coveiing the entire width ed States, Rus.�`ia and Japan. his life. I "-I t the neA few days, including dinners, of the street. On each side of the 1XI connection with this apportion- His wofds were very humble after IV I I I � , I �, a levee, a court reception and a chap- square lialiging decorations will be ment the United States will make an I his recovery from that slickness, but : , ,e I , ter of the Order of St. Patrick. displayed. The ellamp de Mars Will advance payment of *200,000 each to litter there was much pride and self as- I ".1 . I � . � The old building, dating from early be similarly ill-aininated, tile chief Great Britain and Japan. These Pay- sertion, especially when the ambassa- , � . a gigantic portrait of the ments are to be refunded to thiscoun- _�' in the thirteenth century, is not very feature bein dors came with gifts from Babylon �p . � im-nosine in awoearance. but it is com- Premier out.1ined Ili fire, with the ill- try out of the proceeds of the British 40 1. rrsa xxxvill and xxxlx� Would It i sCriptioll, 1,je me souviens. Un tue and Japanese snare of skins ta en I . I ' Champ de Mars platform, Mr. Le6n from the Ameries.4 herds. "This Pay- have been better for Hezekiah to have ft�v IW710 . 'IT Garneau will read the united address ment," says an official statement on died tit what seemed to be tits appoint- Ina lull the subje6t, "is in effect merely a ed time rather than to. become the fa- 15 of the Liberal cIubs of Montreal and . JIF4 A iou Have Always 'Ought district. loan, and was necessary only because ther of such a son? Let those tell Who the United States reserves the right know, but let us in an things be whol- En Uge For Over 30 Yearr, � I LITTLE HOPE OF PEACE. to discontinue altogether the killing of ly subject to God. THE CENTAUR COMPAM',77 MURRAYSTREET, NrWYORKCITY. . I , I I 1� the Pribilof Island seals." Verses 9 and 10 of our lesson aura- ������l,�:l�ill,!:Io I Will, - I -_ W I RaJph Connor pessimistic of Settle, The convention also pTohibits the l rize his iniquity In these words. ment In Miners' Strike. hunting of sea otters on the high MIX 44 A_ Ir A 11 a ,%I,. 4-- k, 1 41 .1 XNInnipeg, July 8.—Dr.' W. C.-Gor- seas. The treaty -will extend for fif- te . en years and thereafter until term- So Aianassub. MEL . . — habitants of Jerusalem to err and to — - ===� I ' ' Docking, al-! don, better kno,�ix as Ralph Connor, 1,rho has been sitting at various . inated by one year's notice by� any of It will now do worse than the heathen, whom the before. t4e 6hildren in M do his work. though simple, requires care au4 deft- CASTRATINNIG AND , g "Y �.. to � points in the Crow's Nest district of the powers concerned. Lord had destroyed I The One 'WhO does the Job first Alberta as chairman of the concilia- tion committee, wbdoh has been try- be submitted to the Governments ratives have s! gned it Aside from ratifica- of Israel. And the Lord sp ake- to Ma- nasse4 and to his people, but they I ness. takes a sof t String and ties it around I DOCKING LAMBS tall close to the body. tol ing to settle tile strike, returned to for ratification. tioa by the Senate it will also be ne- would not hea:rken," Notb tile love HIS l b's excessive bleeding. NTOW 114k Winnipeg yesterday and Was not par- ticalarly optimistic as to the pros- cessary for Congress to Ra�s 89me into and . compassion of Jehovah in speaking tollim. to warn him and turn — prevent and vith . catches the tall 113 one hand e, in.- ]�ects. He expressed the hop ' the now going on legislation to carry its ,,�rovlslonj ef�ect. him from his ev it ways; note the worst the lambs are strong "iinzd" doing a good sharp knife in the other he call it ,? the tau with one draw of the deed, that strike would be.settled before any further While the official statement makes 110 m ention of the disposition to be phase of his sin in his refusing to lis- ten to God. The special phases of his sever well. I- dock them between the age of . . ., I .1 7- - blade. � . 4 �It%�-_ I injury Was done the people of the � "The board arbitration have made of the advanse payments of sin are mentioned in the previous one and t o weehs, writes a Alinneso- W I never put anything on the 'cut boar' I West. of . given their. decision,," Ile said, "on $200,000 each to Japan and Great Bri- , , ., , , --A .4� A +1,. ­ 'a verses as manifold Idolatry, building ta shepherd In tbe)Amedcan AgdCul- cause It very quickly forms a sOab 1�1'x M . I- -4,-.A t- An ,P--- tbe little blood that rut -s front �, Which both parties can meret; pat un- fortunately at the, present tithe this a u, a ­ .. �J to be used. to reimburse theowners of idol altars even in 0 house OT, 1-110 Lord, using witchcraft, dealing with r1st. WO --- " q -1 the job. One catches the lamb and it, I never knew. of, a ,am, to W, decision has not been accepted. I am hopeful that both sides will see the f countries heretofore engaged in pelagic sealing. . familiar spirits, etc. it was a fore- puts its bead between his legs and from being docked in tbls wtv, uu"]� . have known of some dying v bt,n 10,' � . , erfultv of this proposition we have A feature is a paragraph -prolibiting adowing of the still greater wicked- sh #, I �+ 71'. holds the hind legs, one In each hand. 11 1. 1A 4- string, was used. The strin,g an.- 10;t . . .­'. "* .?,�,:: -. some ot ness which le o e eat, v ts � . ,,�, a the importation of sealskins into the The little antinal can we eas y e .., . .. .�, . , , will conie to taken off about twenty -fol Cit., XS I .... tiew of troops and prest!r I F` * presented them and territory 9- . � ..'i., of any of the pard4s to the dah when they mocked the messengers this way without being able to stru . .,: the regiments with new colurs. reasonable attitude regarding it." I . I.,. �: er 'is brilliaut, and Dub. convention Which is known as pelagic of God, despised His words and misused afte:r th o er on. one ma k r-, 1 to I'll � � ! ,.:,. The weath He went oil to say that unless a vie much, and the man doing the dock- e P att I ri, . lin looks her best in her gals, decora- ­11lemeat was xenorted in the near sealers.. The ,original gray seal skin His prophets till there was no remedy. ' this job nicely by catchin." I ? fa, I— I - I W to . I ,tons. Enthusiastic crowds are parad- ing the streets. . future there was bound to be a, -rise , is practically Worthless unless care- fully tanned and dyed, -which can Although God Is so long suffering, the � I Among a, large party of guests at in the price of coal in Manitoba, from the fact that much. of the supply be done to perfection only in Lon. there is sometimes a limit, and time came when God allowed Manas- I r XM 4', 130== N&USMAN. , I � � There are fads in philanthropy, Just the -vice-regal. lodge are the Earl and Countess of Granard, the Earl'arid of Pennsylvania anthracite would be diverted from this to AlbeT- r pea i don, so that the market ic I Tic sealskins is ,nr.aat!4AIJy._dA_strbyed Y seh to be taken prisoner. bound in 1-11 - I I as In everything else where. the fash ."".,damw-wzma-:E---Ts--,eff,-el,m%&- Countess of Bandon, the Earl and Countess of Ca cv-­x1tes-, rrick, thA, province � to. The price of this class of coal toil here. this I . provision. Originally intended to provide also chains and carried to Babylon (verse 11�. It was a grand thho,- for him. to I , - East . A", J. -. . ,xui- ' � ' I _ . --Luft'Castletown,,the ­Oad y4stekday 'Vas- $1,0,pt) ger - � j4q for the protection of plumage birds , be thus afflicted, for in prison he be- � ' 5rear and the year before it was wora-* Ill, . " _.. - r�� an ' Countess Of Rosse, Lord and - m� ­ Said She Was Tired of Lifi. the convention did n6r include- that came -truly penitent and humble and *U suMmge, but this s�asoa it seems I ady Castlemaine, and Lord and Lady �irrie. St. Catharines, July 8.-Beamsville subject, owing to the lack of sufficient prayed earnestly to God, and the Lord I P be babies. In New York city a � , ; 1. People theory that the accept the dp,ta as to the kind and habits of the is left to b bird e dealt This heard him and saved him and brought �oterie of the exclusive society women , to hell) the up Yet. The intense heat has s@ dr_i ed ,hild death of Edna Comfort and her c s. matter witIL hereafter. him again to Jerusalem Into his king- . Nave banded together . � Milk Famine Threatens. Was murder and suicide. The girl in the prLimisei, . � There is some reason to believe, ac- dom (verses 12, 13). The Lord Is not I , I ihothers of the poor save their babieW I Milk sta- Chatham, July 8. -Chatham. is The , seemed to hw,�e been a somewhat free I Germany Wants Slice. willing that any should perish, and Ile . 1.1ves during the summer. �ttons threatened with a milk famine. character, and it is said. she was heard . does everything to prevent People � � are to be established, and the t, I—. outlook at,present has quiLe a serious 4. -;f -+1- I­bies will be the to say she Was tived, of life. The hot '�, ff �+-A her Berlin, July 8. -The Russian ambas- sad- called esterday at the Foreigri i from going down to the pit (Job xxxiii. anu noid.Lug.1.1. behmen - lie takes off the string. I I I endeavor to castrate at ',' 0 iof three to four weeks. One � :,, I D% again catches the lamb and 6 it-, - , 01 -��,� _ & I Iwhile theoperiltion is perform, 1, '118 . _611 -1 - party holding the lamb will I 'nt ' tu on W back and then get astrk - - t� I ', no Ifront feet and sit Ilghtli on 11 M 10 , then takes the lamb's two h' 0 f� tt; Ione in each hand and holds t li� I iw ra closely and firmly to ench � %-- (M ' .-ri P1. ,.,this position the lamb Is oll!�- * 1 Cle very little and Is in 11 wv, ( � - 0$11 for the man to perforin the ,- - I Mt I use water and a little t,arl I t, id . I vaw,ow w1dcb tuese, rxe wmen aSpvC . wWger, Loo, may -­ � , .1 . 29, 30). Even the judgments of Me . I . I � e i .� I 11� . I bollected .will be devoted to the work. has great -qst sufferers. I very hard Milkmen are having a mind, lor Why she should nave un - dressed the child is a mystery. Office and. had a ion, I wiUL -DaTon g Lai von Xiderlin Waechter, the Foreign great tribulation period, after the I Mrs. J. Borden Harriman, who �, been Identified with many of the phil. time 'to secure exiough milk to supply However, the doctors who perform- Secretary, He had been directed by in church shall have been removed, will have their object the repentance of " . nuthropic movement-, of the sQart I . the actual needs of their customers, , ,stL and yL ,rday the shortage became ed the autopsy axe criticized for re- fusing to -say anything as to the result Emperot Nicliclas to enquire a friendly spl it concerning Germany's r as the ungodly (Rev. ix, 20, 21; xvi, 9). , . set, Is at the head of this project. quite alarming. of their exiimination, the op�nion be- intentions in Morocco. . Who can tell how much his mother's ', Over sixty del)ots are to be opened, I The prospects axe at present not . ing that it would be better to set at There has been no intimation of prayers had to do with his turning to , - will be d istribbted to the Where mill, very encouraging. Though it rained rest stories that are going aronxid. what Germany's'pret ensions�will be Ill God? Her name was Hephzibah, and �, , poor and -whence doctors and nurses . heavily in different sections around Some people, however, hold to the the eventual bargaining between the she seems to have been a godly wom- . I will be sent to Instruct tenement I 1. I- - how to I)ring up their chil Chatham on Thursday the Larass, has Zing not shown any great signs of pick double murder theory, strengthened in their belief by the fact that the K,wers over Morocco. Officals here ad - e,e to the point of view that France, an. it she was on earth when he was I , mother% . : en. The secretary of the milk com- up Yet. The intense heat has s@ dr_i ed district is now Overrun with Indians first of all, should state her im tentiong � carried to Babylon she might have said, as Jacob did, "All these 'things I ­�"f� 'd- , mittee, Mrs. Ida White Parker. sm � , 41119'oMen f(IVpj,Xn lands in New '_ out the soll that the rain evaporated before It had a chance to do the grass and Men of unknown homes, picking fruit. Crown Attornev Brennan is at in the prLimisei, . � There is some reason to believe, ac- are against me," but In her case, as in I of for any _gd*od. Sault Ste. Marie--and'High Constable cording to a well-inforified and friend- his, Rom. vill. 28, Was tme. I I York do not utiderrtand caring , children here under totally different Farmers state that Ahe grass in Boyle is awaitI4 I instructions. ly diplomat, that the ultimate basis of I After he turned to the Lord aad was I to VaSu We parES 0 I -It' 01, I , 'I insertion Is Lnade, Aflei !�­ ? -,S- , Ithe ticles, are removed a mim",v, - I ­ ,et , oil and carbolic acid, I per e o 111 i to 10 per cent oil, 1, IIIII in It, r '. V never expericn(vd an,v . ; i le,- � ihave sults in dolng the work It, It � ,)".Zir i It it Is late sti'mmer when tht, ) 1, it st I i be done it is well to sitwar-, 1v ' 1% IWith a little pine tar the next ; irit; ,,-,,, . I I and this wilt iceep the (ties am- - . . . - � many seutions of the -coun �Y a urn- . negotiations will concern %.wermany 9 restored to his kingdom he seems to ',',k M � I., I ellm%41c conditions. ed to a yellow crisp—so dry- that it Money,94Tight" In West. participation in railroad and Indus- have done what he could to tindo the ...- . . I- ­ 1. I � . - ­­ __.____­..­__­_­____ 1, "Out of 125,000 bables bom in New -cracks undef toot. Pasture fields arc trial concessions in Morocco, and the evil'he had done before by removing --- -- — -- 'IN .1 - I I i fL'- . I �� Tork, city- annually 16,000 die under be Winnipeg, July B.—Because of the extention of the Kamerun-Congo Rail- . I ,g,i 1�ning to be as devoid of a green I � ' of these more than b as a city pavement, and the amount (if money being ut b the altars and the strange g9ds, by _' I 'year of age. , p ut 0 7 rowl, while in anti -Germany diploma- ME .. .one ground beneath is as �hard as stone. the banks in the West to handle the tic circles, the opinion is expressed repairing the altar of the Lord and of. I is 1111111CI SE I , , 8,000 waste away for lack of proper ' business W . During a two weeks. If rain does not soon come to the annual crop, other lines of fering sacrtrice thereon and by com- a � �� food and care. , Vestexii Canada, are to -day hard that Germany first will try to secure MENmYOU NEED '111M R % N 1, to - I .. 11 heated period last summer 1,005 ba. re,eu- the milk famine will become in N I a 'poktion in South Morocco and fAll manding Judah to serve the Lord God ' I I ' pressed I& funds. � "I bles died. It has been proved tbat qmtt� acute. � .. ____ This is the cry from ,all sections back upon a demand.for railroad con- of Israel (verses 14-1k,but there was EARLY INDISCRETIONS A_'V D " I th' cepsions if she should fall therein. no lasting result in the kingdom from .. ; this waste of lite could be much re-- Collections are reported above, e . , �uced If mothers were taugkt how to Not Killed by Yaquis? . average by c8liectors, but they are . — . his reformation, and his son Amon I EXCESSES HAVE UNDER � . � feed and care for babies Toronto, July 8.—James Brown may a laining of tight money. Looking Into Child's Death, I walked in the wicked ways of his fa- FF I ,� MINED YOUR SYSTEM . I et be Alive. .Adthough supposed to OM Ni'agaT ralls,'X.Y., July S.—An en- x5as more easy ; I and properly prepared Milk were sup- .4.1y. loans 'relating to, real eslate, tber (verses 2i-23). it see, � .- � , piled at prices -which they could af, Me beta massacred by the Yaquis Ven retilotely, have been cut Off in quiry I,- being held into the death of to lead people away,from God than to . - The nerves control all a�dons of the body so tha 113Y- . � ia Mexico in 1906, C. Al. Nutter of the t� ders froeMonfreal. aild ,the adopted two and a half Years old lead them to Him, to do e-ott than to .. tlifi:Ig that debilltates them will weaken all orge, s LA I , - Nutter-Daurson Mitling Co., Alaska, the west on or by 'of Mrs. losephine Taylor, 2,444 1 1 the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses lsv.� . � , ford to pay." n ato. i undo lt� but there is nothing too hard . � , I declares that he is still alive and k T-0irno. view 42f the heavr business this A en avenue. - Eighteen witnesses ruined thousands of prornising young men. Unnr ­­ - � I Drains S&P their vigor and vitality and they neverdc- ek) - 1 - - -1 . . I � ernain I enh- I � Alaska. , , . ha.,4e been summoned before Coroner or wonderful for the Lord. � . . � IS being lelt severely. Meanwhile the woman is de- The salvation of the thief on the i to a proper condition of inanliood. Theyi f l ,. � Chief Justice Meredith, a few Weeks "" __-_ - . - , Scott. � iings, mentallyt physicalLy and sexually. Howyou"4ell : I ago, cliclared him legally dead, and tained. cross, Saul of Tarsus and the jailer at � 1� I Areyou nervous and weak, despondent and g1c 1mY �, , � I 0 0 his niece,. Miss;.Ykary E. A. P;tkrin . ]Yr.' Frank Jones attended the child Philippi are,notab�le Bible Illustrations ' I , . specks before the eyes with dark circles under tienI. Midland, collected an insurance q. few hours before death, finding its of ibe grace of God. Our less0b Nveak bac�-, Icidneys Indtable, paLl)ltatl -t � '� V A Justlee of the Pence . . Constipativd-ta DI , , chap- oil of the I !ar,. � ,, . .% - body a mass'6f bruises, and with ugly ter refers to the prayer of Manasseh bashfal, debilitating dreems, sediment laurtne, pit pie, i 1. � i)olicy of $2,000 from the �k.,O.U. hollow cheeks, carewor, 0%- - that ' Guarant, this Cure by marks about the neck, indicating that . on the face, eyei; sunken. . � w I I Owing to the probab;;.ty he _9es and the words of the Lord's'servants iory, lifeless, dirtrustiftil, hick Gr: 09Y � �! Is The Cause A More Sick- still lives, Justice Suther:4nd has now it.had been strangled. Pression, poor men ,I the Use of qve(no record of them. I � 1111d Strength, fired mornings, restless nights, ch, 11g& . 'gilanted. the A'.Q.U.W. ivi injunction . :kecorAing to neighbors the wo,man I to him, but we h, 11 nature decay, boue pallas, ii,air loose , etc. i -I I " 111, ness Than Anything Else. to TestraW Miss Fot�in trom, �dis�pqs- - g, and lies been marxied I -Ln rna. Apocrypha just preceding the . . . able inoods, prei I I - 1� I Doan's Iffial ney VNIN who is your, book of-Macenbees there Is a par- � tilod Treatment b I 1, I , in& Of the money until the matter is onl� a short time, secured the child I 131'st Thit in the co-delition our NOW Me � % � � � , ,IS' r of Manasseh - ' " , cleared up. from a, home in Buffalo a,few. months I tion entitled "The pr. e GUARANTEED TO CURZI 11� � ( .. sea ot blen for Vdmosb a lifo T if You Wish To Be Well You Mr. B. J. Thomas, J 'sher River, Man., ago, and it is said to I -lave been, de- I when he was holden captive In Baby- we iiave treated Direa I A. �� , I , . . g . unio and do not bavo to experfluelt. .Consult, Uf . � .11, rdust,Keep The Bowqls Open. Smallpox In Mai4oba. writes,�-"Ibegto knowledgear6ceipt ed ol proper food,.and was con- lon,'� in wbicb he conPesses, ftmon- '. I ,. It You Don't, Consfipation of thinks for the reat benefit derived ptiTniuvally beaten because it erk-d� other things, that he had sinned abovoo ! . . FREF, OF CHARG9 . Winnipeg, July S.—Alarming small. from the use of oan's , Kidney Pills. 1. 11 . � a, � As:- and Nve will tell �07,,, �,,I.q��,I: �y._ are curable ot n96 ll� Is Sure To FoUbw. , diti have broken . suffered from severe the number of the sands of the se. . ­ 1) I � pox con I ions Out in For some years Montreal -Poli -2�m�__ I We amarantoo curatio casesoF - 1� � — ,� ? 1he �asterY' �a,rb Of thir province.' I nd coilld hirdly'worl- ee Inadequate. and he says that if God will save him I , , =_;= � vARICOSE VEINS, SLOON � ,,, � : Montreal, July -6._Tli l re- her will plr'aise Him forever all the days , 1, mpwous BILITY, - � , , eteen dases ary reDorted at Fort �t all, and"when I stoo,p - I DlSgAsgs, GMtT, BLADVE15. .ed down to pick I � x AND SIREN I � I Alexander on t1le Winni'peg River. up anything I te t as it my Daek would L 6f the police department has just of his life. But even V this- be a cor- . I I 7�:�� NAp,y ANI) iCIDNEY COMPLAINTS I - . MILBUON'S 'gn - Chief C�Mpeau, 11 ;.&; - - VRI � �. ��hqe ar� other cases neas Mapleton, br6sk, .1 N11 ised. to try Doan's Clern comple"ted by I W - V, 'Is I fte,r rect record, which Is doubted, It Is net- . .M., -11 �� 11� , t'k 'A _ �,,.Qo B0;oL&t an Dtacases of Mon. If unable to eat . , LAXA-LIV9R PILLS in the 'Selkirk di$$rIct. Dr. Grain, Kidney Piwils,' ),dTi two tIYe chief feature of which is that, I 1. a , ' ��� I , ing promises that I - writ for . "IN . . )1,P.P., proyincial health officer, ias boxes I vwas ilmpletely cured and feel althoftgh criminality has increased � I � . QUEST TMENT : � I a the bowels,,r9d promote their free , _ we should consider, but tile greal nier- .� 1()14 UST FOR HOME TPLEA . I I actjdj� thus ruring Constipa- ibited all pasagng6r tr�ffie to or that I cannot..,Lspeak too bighly in their considerably durrrig the past yedr, cy of God toward one who bad typen Wonderful Nervatis System 11 act a . o,t,d regular Lao du Bonnet and Point da favor, It Wfl be two ye -ars this Apri-I there has been no "rresponding aag. ,�, I tion iii Bois, where the cutbm.eall originated. and am stift cured and expect to �ts,Y rrientatiori of the police staft, Certain I I I .ret,%N 1. I Mr, Harr ,OY, $Iian . new wards in the elty have no police., - nuers cqt only be E1QU?0y&` KENK. . � '. �om it. tr.0.11 so great a sineer.' �6 . ' I , .4 I . d All dfieases arising f i1ok, Ont:, oured."� All�nerby to all at X EDY ; i ry Rev 13 Ra 0 1_� J I s--aijavifig been troubled for TOVROX IT MAY CONCERN Protection Wllate-�Cr, 'because of the great sufferIngs of HIM I I � . write . A'Pr�ze Han Story. . - I eo " Co ,'and Griswold St,, Detroit, Kh, , $, -' .1 1012 AM trying ni;ay 1, the undersigned, J.P. of Fisher r. Michigan Ave � remedles firia I �' River, do hereby take oath and swear, 4 whom we read in last week'g I SOU , . 11 11 years with eonstipat y Niagars Falls, Oxii., July S.—CO101101 I I. I � without suctesz, I P De.ckhands Sentenced. e, founda. All letters froin Canada Must be atldress- �d % � purchased ,Milburn!s Laxa�LiYer 'Its W. M. Parker vou,zhes for.,% Prize knowing the above statement to bL- - Who was set apart before th — NOTIC to our Canadian Correspondence Depavt I - Ringston, July 8. -Three young merl tion of the world, the Lamb slain frora , I ! E I � and found them ost beneficial,, 'they winner in the h9t Weather yarn con true is testified. Xnowing all men by guilty of creating & distarbalice on tyie, jo1indation, -of the world (I Pet, 10 � I &WIM , I I' rA mentlu Windsor, Ont, If you desire to ,. , t 1. . � axe indeed. splenTid pilla and I can ie4t. ,Hd'-says a setting hpil 0 0 g. this right, , 1. M.P) Signed, L. 0. Roazxts, J.P., tht steamer Kingston were 8entenced , ' 20 Rev, Z111, 8�. )ILI was the only see us personally call'at our Medical Institute in. Detroit, as we see and treat �� I . 1_'..9 � ,,, , hestbi recommend thi ing ,to, Eim, died ftq)ur s ag fium esterday. Harry Sullivan, the ring. 1 0 ; MR 'that coul I no pavients in out 'SXThidsor offices which pre for Correspondence asid . � . . Prica 26c, per vid, or �5. vials for 31 60 the intense 'heat, X0 A141 s le t in Fisher River, man, au Uts I d take away sin, d1an, bus ness only, Address all letters as �0110w$,- I . � a iout ens Doan's Xidney Pi'lls76,re 6ft Or boxi, � . nbst �a VuTsle legAer, was given four weeks in jail, � Laboratory for Cana ir I ,t on rea;ipt, ,Y, iou . W.After IT,Intbr and Arthur's:Lprancig � fdreshadowiid 16 Gen. III, U and. in all . , at all dealers or mailed diree I e hEpitched by n,atiire's - eat, ' es. or ,3 bo -,es for $1.25 at all dealersqor ,,,, given t�v . fl ad ful� � . Y).R.5. t-,V.N!N9Dit & KENNEDY, Winazoto Ont. , � of price by The T. Milburn Coq Limit(0, . . , A,x e ,. , c ,() �Veek�, W1111,iln : fruesn4�,Tlllcos ordnillpd of (Irpd -1 I . !, _a I - . � nivau a dren . 1. ay five niore eggs sent for c it- mailod diroot an recei'nt ot -prim by 'T ie'l I ts IV, 12). wkite for our p, d ,, _. I d. ' ged. Jall.ed va Golgotha (,1L1, , ­�*_,�,�-40_, -40L-, . i Toronto. Ont, . j4t4 s, sw Itsving wbild, 1_ _. )r. ;V415orn Co., Limit�d,l o�onw, Out, Sparr�ng wai 1­6,wro , - . , � ii������ I _ __ , --e . . �Vhc:j�,std(.riiig(liteetapeci�N - F-it.ti. s I . I 10z"t" . ,Of�­e,2)0�-�gp ,�'.. . � . I I I I I I I . I . . i � . � I. . I I I 11 . , I I � . " . - � I � . ,. I I I . I ,. I - , I .1 � I . % .1 I I . I '' � I . I I � � � ,, , ,:. � I . � I I I .1 . I I . , I ,�, � . I . ., I li. � �� I � . . I . I . I � . . I I I I . � � I 1, ,. I. . 1. I , . I , . " I I. . I I I � � I . � : , � I � � I I 'i : . . . . I . I ., I . I I , .!.1. . . I I I . 11 I I � I � I I � ��*t I I I I I I I .. .1 I � � I . � - I—. ­­ `.­­�* _,�Wi�*"4� 0#1 ,�� I I I � � I , . , I .. — 1� I ­A� .11� . . I : , I � . I I � 1\ � , . . i I . t� . I I - I 1, 1. *,,;__L_- i I � " 4, .. � � - - I , , .� , , �� , I I - ­ ,,,,, � ,� " , ,� . I - . � I . I .. . 11 , � I � I . � � I : I �� .1��a, ". , ,� �11 I iv*009"n ,�, It A -- � ." I �­ . � 11 " ,& � EiEEEAM�,.� ., . 11 I . I I I I - I I L - I . . I I _ , . ,,'.111'..�11 ,�W.;"'�4� -1 , . , AL ­91 I "',­, . _'_ 1". r 11-1- .1 ... - ; , , ­ � , I �,, _­� I I �,:�- �'.. 1.161. _Qs4-1- ­L1:­­._".WjM&,_.,%. , I �, ., - I 11A 1.1..: -- I '.�'i 0, - "O"', �, -­.;kJ,,-4* ." �: �, . 11, . , 1. ,� a. �-.1, "'' 1 ­,4�- 1"1%&.�l"*Wl�4,AM-.,*i3OA��-11�I - I . - ­M��N_­M­_ L �,:.,:,_