HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-02-18, Page 28PAGE 12A—GODERICH SIGNAL STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1981 Ladies' Legion Auxiliary New members initiated BY CAROLYN HOLBORN The Ladies' Legion Auxiliary meeting scheduled to take place on F ebruary 10 was cancelled due to the inclement weather and was held instead on Thursday, February 12 with 39 mem- bers present. Initiation ceremonies were held for Catherine Gillis, Dorothy Cox, Brenda Teichert, Helga Beadle, Beverley Doll and Cathy Hamilton by Comrade President Sharon Scruton and Comrade first _ Vice - President Kay McAstocker. Membership pins were presented to.the . new Members by Pst President Ann Sprung and second Vice - President Laura McLarty. Comrade Irene Sparks was presented her 15 -year pin with thanks for all her years of service to the Auxiliary Melissa Purser, left, and Kathy Johnston donned rain ponchos over their coats on Monday as the rain came down, causing people to hope that spring may be on its way. (Photo by Cath • Wooden) Enumerators are _busy compiling- voters'' lists About 42,000 enumerators will carry out a door-to-door canvass February 16 to February 21 to compile lists of eligible voters for On- tario's.32nd general election. Polling day is March 19. Enumerators are ap- pointed by Returning Of- ficers in the Province's 125 electoral districts from names submitted to them by political parties. Working in pairs, enumerators will call at each residence to obtain the names of all qualified voters living there., From the enumeration, a preliminary. -*tett list -Ls compiled for each polling division within the electoral district. Each qualified ' voter who is enumerated will receive an enumeration receipt, Form 103, including the voter's name, electoral district and poll number and expected location of the polling place. To be qualified to vote in this election, a person must at the time of voting be at least 18 -years -old, a Cana- dian citizen or British sub- ject, and a resident of On- tario for at least the 12 mon- ths preceding election day on March 19. A new voters list is prepared for each election in Ontario. The preliminary list, prepared as a result of enumeration, is subject to revision. During the revising process, conducted from February 23 to March 7, qualified voters may be add- ed and other corrections made. Details of revision may be obtained from the Returning Officer. ' Enumerators will ask questions •related to the aforementioned. qualifica- tions. No information will be requested concerninga voter's marital status or oc- cupation. As well; there is no requirement to use Mr., Mrs.; Miss or' Ms. In- dividuals may use initials in place of given names. Having identified themselves, enumerators must have free access to apartment and other multi - household buildings, as re- quired by the Election Act. Special Enumeration Notices (Form F302) for apartment buildings are pro- vided giving the dates and times of door-to-door visits and in addition, dates and times when the enumerators will be available at a specified location within the building to accept the names of qualified voters. It is important that voters ensure that their name is on the voters list, election of- ficials point out. In urban areas, names must be on the final list to enable a person to vote. In rural districts, a qualified voter whose name is not on the list, may on poll- ing day be allowed to vote if he or she is identified by and vouched for by another qualified elector whose name is on the list at that polling place. Beautify your neighbourhood. Get out on the street. Takeo walk. 1 When you're in construction, form follows function. AskMario. He fills out the UI Record of Employment perfectly every time an employee parts company. When .you'se in good company, stay in good form. Mario handles personnel and finance matters for his brother's construction company. And he knows that one of his responsibilities is to fill out a UI Record of Employment form every time an employee has an interruption in . earnings. He knows that if he'doesn't get it right the first time. he may have to do it again. S'o Mario took the time to get the booklet "How to Complete the Record of Employ- ment" from his nearby Canada Employment Centre. Leaving in good form. The Record of Employment is one way we can make sure no one gets short-changed and no one gets overpaid. This saves time and money for everyone involved. Mario found nut that the most common mistake is in retorting the "Insurable Earnings". Insurable earnings are not necessarily the same as payroll earnings. Because Mario fills out the ROE accurately, ex-employees don't have -to come back to him for changes. And neither do we. It's just good business to be in good form. At Unemployment Insurance. we process about 4,000,000 Records of Employthent every year. Last year, employer mistakes in filling otit the form cost at least S125,000,000 in overpayments. Plus the cost of recovering those overpayments and penalizing or prosecuting. We're out to cut down that 5125.000,000. And we're going to do It, together. 1 C.y+torne^.t and A'imlgration Canada Lloyd Axworthy. Minister Emploi et Immigration Canada Lloyd Axworthy. Ministry ���TheUI ". Record of Employment. It's lust good business form. The Auxiliary donated $100 to each of the following agencies: Meats On Wheels, Huron Day Centre for the Homebound, and the Cerebral Palsy Telethon held last month As well, $25 was donated to the Vial of Life Program Covers for the new song books to be printed for the Pub Nights, which are held on the second Friday of each month, were purchased also. President Scruton acknowledged the 17 bir- thdays and three an- niversaries which occurred duringthe month of February and wished ail celefrating comrades well. The final plans for the yearly trip to the Sister Qty - Bay City, Michigan - to participate in the St. Patrick's Day Parade were discussed and- it was duiv moved and carried that the Auxiliary pay the -expenses of the Colour Party which will represent them in the parade on March 15'. Comrades Annette Stene and Kay Bell reported that they had taken 13 valentine parcels to the veterans in Westminster Hospital and advised the meeting of the passing of one of the veterans, Comrade Bill McGill, during the past week. Comrade -Stemp also advised members that they had received confirmation from Westminster Hospital regarding _ the annual veterans' fishing day anti this year, the veterans will spend the day of June 3 in Goderich. Comrade Iris Sampson reported that the Sick and Visitipg Committee had acknowledged 16 Branch and -or Auxiliary members' illnesses during the past month with cards and flowers as well as personal visits to._the. hospital or to -their homes. .. Comrade Peg Wood in- dicated that the Branchand the Auxiliary would be holding their mixed euchre tournament on Saturday, February 28 in the Vimy Lounge and that each team must consist of at least two Branch or Auxiliary' members. Registration for this tournament will begin at 1:30 pan. Invitational bowling dates wet* aisuCl sy dd to the members. The mystery prize was won by Comrade Gladys Evans. Comrade Margaret Hall was the winner of the attendance draw. DAVE HAYLOW ELECTRICAL �,ri as dustr'i :I, Commercial, Residential N reds 524.6038 OGERS 5 miles from Goderich on HWY. 8 C.B. RADIOS REPAIR & SERVICE When ton—that all important SWR checked in your mobile? We don't charge for a check! 524=241$ i DAYS ONLY--tiMint& LAST A new apprnach to shaping at Canaan Tie. When yousee the et Boostersymbel in our ads It indicates an outstanding value on every. item in the ad. Compare our Special Purchase prices en these po brand name products you buy so frequently. Stock na now for future use. 1 • 600 mi. Baffle Pkg o12 c ESSUITUUT OWN ROYALE MVO ADOP JtZ UN GINON ROMA freet)actt iwdata".w 'NaT2z t 4`va:oHra:l CLOTH: Piii-PticlPOSE TOWS. Ilitt1144 S STRONG ABSORBENT '51-tS ` RE -USABLE 4 FACELLE a PAPIER HYGIENIQUE THROOM TISSUE (! , -- The Perfect Personal Gift .rove Cfl 9 slOoo Req $69 The Philishave Exclusive — with 9 adjustable settings rotary cutting action Dual voltago 43.8747 3 -Days Only..: While Quantities Last Limit of 6 per family on each item. Shop today! AMMO NATE STORE O.R. TAYLOR LIMITED GODERICH 524-2121 tannoinn TIRE 123 456 1139 1 1 PORE P (MOM VISA ...or SAVE With CASH BONUS COUPONS tive 28% Pkg of 2 Valu -Bulbs 4 c Reg 69¢ 40., 60 or 100 -watt bulbs. ' MadeforusbyCGE Stock up on all types now at this Budget Booster price' �i. OPEN ALL DAT . EDNESDAY 8 FRIDAYS TILL 9 tvio 4'