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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-02-18, Page 19
JOHN GAFFNEY CONSTRUCTION CO. Lib. Is expanding its facilities GAFFNEY WELDING now available to service your welding and fabrication needs in steel, aluminum and stainless steel In Goderich and area, Welders certified by Canadian Welding Bureau and Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Rela- tions for welding on Boilers and. Pressure Vessels. •FLAME. CUTTING *ALUMINUM & STEEL HANDRAIL •STEEL STAIRS & PLATFORMS • ALUMINUM CRATES *BAND SAW CUTTING *MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE* JOHN GAFFNEY CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. HWY. NO.8 EAST R.R.2 GODERRICH.ONT° N7A 3X8 PHONE: 5.24-6667 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1981—PAGE 3A Senior citizen's complex ready for tenants in June BY CATH WOODEN The new senior citizens' complex being erectedon the corner of West and Waterloo Streets will be nearing completion in April and Huron County Housing Authority officials are hoping fo r June occupancy. The cost of the million dollar complex is being shared by the provincial and federal governments. The 53 new units will bring the number ot senior citizen housing in Huron to a total of 331, units. The other buildings are. in Bayfield, Clinton, Zurich, Exeter, Seaforth, Wingham, Brussels, in addition to a 12 -unit building which already exists in Goderich. William Tugwell, of the Huron County Housing Authority,, is in charge of screening ing applicants and renting out the new apart- ments. He says that there are about 75 senior citizens in Goderich on the wanting list for government -assisted housing. Tugwell says that he will be visiting these people next month to evaluate their assets and needs to deter- mine whether or not they are elegible to rent apartments in the new complex. Seniors from all over the province are allowed to apply for accommodation in this new complex. In addition to the 53. ane_ bedroom units the building will feature a lounge, craft rrooan, card rooms, and an elevator. Tugwell says that rent will not exceed $300 for the best apartments. Kelly -Lyn Construction is doing the contracting for the building. Construction workers tie off a scaffold at the new senior' citizens' complex being built at the corner of Waterloo and West Streets. Expected to be nearing completion in April, the complex will be ready to take residents in June. (Photo by Cath Wooden) COTEONELLE 5rCCiLOIIFis 'BATHROOM TISSUE' • ... G. S1.55 . SCOTTOWELS _ , ..,.,_...2--ROLL-PKG.. . WHITE, YELLOW GREEN OR ART'S 'N' FLOWERS .. 9 1 _ SUPER FRIES CViCCAsNS STRAIGHT OR ,CRINKLE FROZEN 2 Ib. BAG -179 3 QT. BAG OR JUG FRESH." 0 /0 . III' LK US cs . ZEHRS' OWN • �1 COOKIES 400Por KGS. gF 8 VARIETIES 99f APPLE OR ORANGE,FACIAL C -PLUS DRIN690S . _SCOTTIES 48 oz. TINS TISSUES 4 COLOURS 790t 200 SIZE 'WESTONS HAMBURGER OR WIENER ROLLS PKG OF 12 59 McNAIRS SULTANA ..RAISINS SEEDLESS$229' 750 gr. PKG. McCAINS FROZEN VEGETABLES PARISIENNE FLORENTINE atiFROZEN NORMANDIE 2 Ib. PKG. I HIGH LINER COOKED FISH IN . BATTER 32 oz. $2 PKG. •99 REGULAR STYLE ENGLISH MUFFINS 401PEESTONs 5901 PKG. OF 8 McCAINS PIZZA SUBS PEPPERONI _ 12 oz. EACH i BRIGHTS FANCY TOMATO ' JUICE LARGE 99# - ,TIN GENERAL MILLS CEREAL CHEERIOS LARGE Sf PKG ALL PURPOSE ROBIN HOOD FLOUR • 3.5 K $2. ZEHRS CHEDDAR CHEESE MILD MEDIUM OLD NIPPY OLD OR S49 LB I HERSHEY INSTANT CHOCOLATE 99PKG #9- 800 g. PKG • PLAYTEX DEODORANT . TAMPONS OF 30, NON$,A. DEODORANTBAGPROCESS '259 jin 411g0 , FLEISCHMANNS MARGARINE SOFT - $219 • McCAIN FROZEN. FIESTA CAKES NEAPOLITAN STRAWBERRYMARSHMALLOW CHOCOLATE $f, -79 21 oz CADBURY HOT CHOCOLATE REGULAR #CORNOIL 500 e # 39. ZEHRS OWN BRAND POPPING CORN 2 Ib. BAG 89 GAY SOUR LEA - 500 - - Zehrs ml CREAM 99' "COUNTRY OVEN" BAKERY SPECIALS " SPICY DELICIOUS FRUIT OR RAISIN BREAD 16 oz LOAF Z IN-STORE BAKED DAILY FRESH DINNER ROLLS DOZEN 69CAN ZEHRS SAVE A TAPE PLAN ASSIST THE CHOICE IATIOW ASK SFA OUT THEDETAILS LIGHT 'N LIVELY SEALTEST F YOGURT 175 R # 9 HOUSEWARES PENTO-NETT 8" FRY PAN WITH # NDN STICK SURF ACE 9 SALE ` PENTO-NETT 10" FRY PAN . WITH $ NON STICK 5,, SURFACE 3 VARIETIES -.32'g. MURPHYS F PUB. CHIPS .3 ° $% 4 VARIETIES - 1 Kg. CATS CAFE DINNERS #t 4 9 WESTON.FAMILY SIZE CHOCOLATE ROLL 10 0� S � __ . _ ___._-- _- - - _ CALICO PATCH IRONING COVER SET 100" COTTON R 3 9 -__ _ _.____ �— PATCH - � ^ CALICO OVEN MITTS WITH TEFLON if PALMS PR 1e PREM - LUNCHEON 340 q �. a 7 MEAT ASST.!) VARIETIES TREBORCOVE9 CANDY 175 9 RUBBERMAID 19"x1.9' x10 1 2 UUNDRY # BASKET % _ RUBBERMAID 72 FL. OZ COVERED # no PITCHER � STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY WITH PECTIN MRS. LUKES #! 29 JAMS' 24 oz _- - NEILSON DREAMSICLES OR ORANGE PFG z, . � JUDGE STICKS RUBBERMAID 9 3 4"xT x10" HIGH WASTE $1,79 BASKET 1I T RUBBERMAID TWIST POP ICE CUBE F TRAY R McCON116ElLS ORANGE PEKOE VALUE PACK TEAS69 BAGS , oo s 0 BABY DILLS, YUM YUM OR SWEET MIXED KICKS.RUBBERMAID PICKLES 500 rn f..D . 14" x 22 1 2 BATHTUB MAT aWi RUBBERMAID 10 1/2" DIAM KITCHEN TURNTABLE a 97 FREEZE DRIED OR DECAFFEINATED TASTERS 8 o2 • CHQIOEBus SCOTT DECIMATED WHITE OR RAINBOW FAMILY # NAPKINS180 51.39' RUBBERMAID TOILET R H SET , WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REOUIREMENTS WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU Mit GODERICHHURL N RD. Hwy. Na. 8 OPEN WED. THC OURIVIANANGER iSt RAY HURL , FRI., EVENINGS Ken Govers, left, and Jim Regier install some lighting at the senior citizens' complex being built on West Street across from the fire station. Officials expect that the banding will be able to take residents in June. ( Photo by Cath Wooden) More flu bugs this year Huron County Medical officer of Health, Dr. 'Brian Lynch says that there are not more cases of influenza this winter, it is just that they are at a different time of year. There was more 'flu going around this Januarythan there was fast January. However, Dr. Lynch says that he looks at the number of cases by the winter, not by month or year. Last winter the majority of 'flu cases were seen in_November and December. This winter 'flu seems to be going around later in the season. Dr. Lynch says that there seems to be an "awful lot of cases right now". He says that the 'flu going around ,this winter is the Bangkok strain. lie says that it is much the same as the more common influenzas. As with the other strains of 'flu, Dr. Lynch says that there is no quick and easy cure. "Getting plenty of rest is the main thing." he adds. However. he says that the Bangkok 'flu can sometimes result in chest problems, which could develop into bronchitis- He says that if someone who is getting over the 'flu experiences a tightness in their chest, they should seelheir doctor. Town wants tourists KINCARDINE - In an at- tempt to draw tourist dollars • to Kincardine, the town is planning on spending a few bucks. The town's first step in a campaign to draw vacationers to Kincardine will be to immediately spend $2,000 to reprint a color brochure and design another one before summer. The reprinting will create 111,000 copies of a brochure, first released some three_ years ago, with color photographs of the area and material about Kincardine. The Chamber of Com- merce will be handing out the brochures at , the Spor- tsmen Show in Toronto in March WITH A GAS PURCHASE OF 30 LITRES FROM KIRKEY'S CAR CARE YOU WILL RECEIVE A ONE DOLLAR Jr(3-0 COUPON ;moo E®�GP moo (;) yam! _ IC. js `•° P% (� cote ° 0,-40 ce roc 0'1 eye µ °H °,.r 'Me P°`de AO* t. � �� S Z. 9',' °'ed t� xh M°V. O0' °'j` Oi„ w WHICH WILL ENTITLE YOU T©'1.00 OFF ANY LARGE PIRA FROM PIZZA TRAIN GODERICM LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PIZZA COMPLIMENTS OF KIRKEY CAR CARE - UNTIL MAY 16