HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-13, Page 9W"MIN, I I -'11--i- - � -1., . . I � I 1. :1. , ­�., - ­: ­­ --.- ---r, , � ­­ ­rr­711,r:11r , I .. . . , . Id � . ­' 71, � --I- ":-, � . � , 1:1 �''. "71-1 . � low— ���_­r­_;g,_r­v­_ " "MWVM*r4M*4W � � _. --------- I I �r : . . I . I 11 ,. I t � - I � It . 11, I I .1 ­_ . I , � . I . � ., , I � . � I q .1 1: I I ­ I I . I I I :- - 11 I .1 . , . . I � I . I � 1 � I I 1, . I . . . . I . . 1. 1, I ,� . I I i , " . I I I I , I . I I I , -'Ir-7-1m. �;;;; TIM7! 1, �� . I . h ,. I . � � . .. I � I I I , � I '' I . : . I I I I . . I � I � . . I . I I . I , � I I . � . I I � � I t � I "I'll 1, �. , �1�1,,�7,1 _ , - � I . . I I � r .11 , 111-1, �il I � . . . . � .1 .. I � I . � offt, ' I � . . I I . i 7 ; -_ ; j I ... . I. . . . I . . . . . . . . I 1, , I I � . ,� � , I I., "I" EXBTBR TIMM 5 � ''. I I . I. . : THE I I I . 1, I _1 1, et11Z1..1­1.=. q ---_-_­-._.- . I I I . I I I .11, -1.1-1_--.-,--,, I N I I I I I "'I.IfI11,11111111 ­- ___._,._..__ --------- _­_­ . ..... . - ----- -------- . -"��­.1­111;_ "�:'':�,:�":''����-11:�ll"��l:,I: ­ ­1.1�;";, ... �,�1.1i�,��Ll,�,�'ll";�,�1.11�'',.I ."'1111111 11 I ­____._.­ : I . .... � ` ���': . .. I � I— I ;� ,. I � � _­ 11 I - .1 I .11 11 ."KPAMA" �, - . —,-- I � I __ _. _. _. - ., . "I � - 11.1 , . � I I I I . I . . 000, 04ito given 111) illy wfivilos, my, Ally lit, ' ' ""= "" IM11151"11, �F'I�t! `;771 . - � , ..., 11 1. 1- - 11-1 - , �. ._ . I It": I E 0 , , __ I 1, REST ANQ HEALTH T.Q. MOTH I F"I t7i, 11)"F=wl F_Fi-, =4':'�F,Mn: � . ! I . I . "' wx�sLo '4 nXIIII-Soluml, . � 11011' %AU Q lit "I r I IAVP has 1A, tA and ploatiures to please, vile — I � IWAO to 440 . X11 I WiLl torture; �rour *1 : ., , . . � I � I . . I � "' "A 11teir "'I'I'val, 4444 Igs of '114", -rirui raos grew Palo as, " , lhlolto�� Of 0" 71. I 0 S Q I I � �. . I 15""ti". �1�11';VY`I_IVOVT�TIXIISMYI N ,'4b(� ('lintlIrtle'l, "It Is a, w4lBlan"i Iler bmi, .,"( 4 . rl ca '- 4' A.W , � I � 96. 11,41's ,,, , : . �w WAITIR I 04 a, c 0 go *Xteew 419 1 TUUTRINQ, with 141MI1T= sucep It llity, I NuI)i)o,%I; and a vonr tusagreo;aie listened. 11rond, inioperwas ni $1ktI ,r,r(I,;f I � dy I , . _I�thlvllo �44 , I . ,$$. dn,t.r it 19 'lit tilatel, La., 7 I 'A . I $00TIM4 tllo CIIIIA), 60VTAWS the Qtws � ,� It ,A early 01ollgib. 4v� would that =914011t have giren Illr4. a P. M atv . I . . $$ WJJqJ) Co .. .1 �"�. - ALLAYS all VAIN 1, CVRI� fi,r you, to praetivo it, dear 2 lot . ISO* had b".4 �� or I u n � , It a , , 0 14 , � 13 -es ,!� t tia, cst reined Lady May, if Ole ,lind norlc�r matle tbp pronj&tw. b0e.. 100400i W%4 , I Betwee"A" fl"rl QV 11 , I wo Lov solu 01 a III$- $ure and as for K . I � �� 11 .. . r I I loll JJ�J I . 1. . ,� r , . . , rslt 1,441, I adxwro vou for it. ,rll(o t,tll� "You cannot Invult lul" he erl,04. 44.* W. it .. V, whoo golirt of adull'-wom � 004313 01 118 4010. �� � * willsi0y's t i 5yrup, t*kkeao. mi.. ,*., I I . , , k,)s �� d . 4. was WhOn lallies' whims ruled tit(. lilq � ]ROXBOTHAV, RUOULATX91% : ' I . * * * * * * * * I .1"ind. Tw , � V cents 4, bo I � 1�0111(1. the tables t , , d"I'l �, if I bad a wl.)JInd—Ta, torldl&, Iwd WRO4 oku, JA0 a gower, brls%r , I , , __ I . , � ., , ra turned now. 11 Oil ,alortal w0lind-b'Dw gently �Yuu w(j,111ti ",4b , 1 :2��- 1`8111111 lose t1lo brightok St , ewm. '00 W4 beep 4"Oarteda I Ivalea � � t , W", Yewson Who Is '00, 04 #W14 . I I W"Itedug' YOU I MY tilat 10 a r of tn.�, treat mt—hoir Your sweet white hawls 0 � enteitainnient will be, the groatNt pos. 1"t", but I admire your docint.y. iv, III e4, �*ted- %We ,day bad NM . BY BERTHA M. � wonld II-xiger on Inc with a loving t,:.Ilc,j! altd lsanny, : I : � . I I ot a tanitbl, or stay tnikl* oror, , a CLAY. sible It YOU will only take pa..k '�,at I could IffivIlYsi bliltato it. Iv. �n -" I have a wound, doppor than that g4h,e.-1 IL4 ... I I � . . � . I success yreara old way honiest"id a quar.tior . � � 't ­� She Wag, tired;- P , I I notqn! of gvajl&bIft-:Don%1aWn � Jgpd Is I . .1 In the play." I'llould be born wfthe,lit will, Ivi t 4lixiouip, for the corvi" . f Lady May mind.11 I �. at by bullet of lead or sword of stpet, t1na e4 . At" .11 . 1. , , sco 0�teo on the comin,t I . �, Mamitoba, Saakh-toliewo(ar, or *IibertA. � Author of ', Which Loved Him Best I',* ';The We lipsitated. that wound is joaloul 1. I . .1 I., I I . I I Ry -ti woaud 9) d saf4 it* ,A - I Who applica,at,mus es . I adling - "I ara not sort,." she replied, eswhe,, "'Phoy are la"Yof thPm," said LoAly deep, so ern0l, that the gonthi eyog of 'Tow ="y #C000 he '14 , 0, . : �: 11 . . 't �t . R12193" "'On Het Wedding Mom," F Ma.v, 111717. , a fair wOU'lin Alight weep tours oyc�l� it, , "I heox 7W lairs to be, rgluu.40, : IL he Domialon Lands AgeacM st .,tc., Etr, thQr I could. I have never actOd In ' , " I I J$ub-4gon0y for the diatriotA EAtrY, )d I L . - - __ , Ray0hing.11 A�hP O01111tms 1`09(1� Wit'lli a deC'PL S4gil. 1"On UAY." X owsvanv val*my to no , . i � ''I I 11 , �� �!� � ��, I , are my ptorallsefl "Vife'. yot 'yo'll , I . � � � : ,,, 'rive me land wital, Jell oilsy, I callawt mui*; 'T I O.'roxy may be ha�d at the &90111q.p on, �� : "My deal, Lady .)1ay, til wo.men are "I should like to harp WIEIA YOU fis I Mg world exWted it Of ,h I I I � oertain oouditlQuis, UK father, m6bhox *.?9****` I I ft***_1 � iz_ i rir F .1 born 4ettessm," s.%l(J the countps P1,111,111o", . 0� lKwer Olin once sb I � promiso'bo bad falle - 4 ,s; ,,you she ,liald, "I 1111-twill(A the fair t"ll) it; h MIStOl'lS Me; 'it is stro;ig, . ? * diin *J>taT.1vwg_t ,Ve* lOst lir, admi have bat to try, I thouglit we ,, w6,111d proull *Lady of Lyons, wl�j.j slou,thing than I myseTf. Do not wideri that 6 �r 0hedetect'qd, beneath thc), v . .11 I J Ck "a I other, or slotert.4 -e I aL�tlon ,of the lovoliest JVFpc . � ( , I I �, [at � ending homesteaderi . . 'Ice rourself. I mll� eCT, 0; OAU& ght 1. ,, daughter, br he 1"t Cliff -10(lso mo,re Ili love with tare he had ever seen. Theb-li,ekgroalyld, I 11 . t tr y to be . Ung 0=casm-a lightA I - � � I her thmi ever­atdolibished, too, at IiIs _ 9,IT0 '11OMeO, all(I Jullet' 'this tillie, OT a, av IbQ Mortal wound, ,)tfay," , ­ . wr cllntolko * a, J . , I . I JDixtieo.,.-SjX 10200t)30 TeosidenAeupon 'was fo-iuod by flowers and gre,en, 1p,a-ves, I tile 11,ady of yon ;, w lell 0,11 d Yo oliltmen't 24 well, as I Oan." w- ution ot � I Own thiring In linving read his prOad L -J 91 w I it ")Vhy should I widen it? why sh,4111 I . � I I li :. . W culti,vation lot the -land in eask lady -love. so long a lecture. Lady Mey, 'with beT goldeli h ZIpp moved w., 01oll6h filtputling to you be jeuillue if I'take pItrt in a plev,? I , q**Ms. VL4 wag sot there, X V . , air, jewels PrelrOZV - . � . * of ;three Years. A� homtesteader may 0hinin, on her white I breast and clrol- "I .9uppose it Is terriblO h 1"uke hel, loal'o, I'lid.v, Artly s.it ki I'AY&7? I have harIlly wo),d, . ellWe=ent had, prevented .. . � . 0 s in 140 , � 111911 lie ta.1110 her?" that was t'he Ore'Y t') say thoughtful sllene(� which unid her heaft wamed fto L12p, - , . � . ­Ivr'd � urd th,itt , Vt a I . obelad an: at darra of. met leadt 00 gerei for, the Alfiment be was, shot said tei Iff.V4 *,yo w_Uhin uAne atiles of .his homa- Ing heir rounded V1310--ilter drm of riell it, but I prefer the of L.Voll"3.' " 11,1.nds� The counti-4 gaw, hot, oito Ile, la� sako of my owl, grj!at love I Nvo � . q1testiton eycry on -e 'had asked, I 'Lady , bVr fal't, bent on her to tell To -a 'why, First, bi,eaulle . � - . . . alffirg "And 1-011 would mako such a glort . ly owned and occupied by him, was the clumt' white I ace V .around hor-wus SoukL-, " ion wbich perplexed him tiling Bid L'e'P to the OlVdIngry -ran of Moo; alow, #14 I . 00de - f5bvPWd 1100k, 01021 contuintId: Yon from all -%ifiggur eye.;. I lNithe t e ' I in liat bera I . � wonderful; hcrb(�tjuiirlo f.,r.e -T!ora ous Paill'Ine", said the (.01111fe.", IJJ('tlj. -h Alore roya Taliv, move no, � . big Miter, lmot.ber,. son, idun0tero as he walked boine, That is -the quols' an expression or miust;zIl tll,,,;� .1,,. ""L'�O one will "Or (MrO to (itil you thOuglit that men. a. , . Me, the answering of whic1b forms� , . tadvely; "yes, 1 -think we mllst have sh")"I'l gaze LIE' You'.' 14 his U-Spe,et-Wore noble, 611,4_ 4701'ro , brother or sister. beIn L our "Alay", sald Sir Clin, pr�oud after this, L*fly .N111y; and llowr 'face, erilic,ize youl, I � I I I In oartatu districts a eatead-PIr StOrY. I . ton, "do you not the 'Lwly,of'4Lyon1,,' by all means. I fie-artI, yonr g(Zs- from the very Ntructl, ark . lot izood staading may �DT64W_Rt 6, I t -1112,k You are very unkind to me? 11 alu ,.qo glad it is "'ettled. 111%staki-n all those t000li_qh-yoln�g lI,,,, turcs, yotir voit,e-7ycyll, my ire of h1s vloW,%, , , darinl�g guarter section, allonvolde, bish&mo, , i 4'sk YOU as a PATticaleT favor, tin es- what frightened malrl' Do voll killow ,�! 1.11 bO! Yet. I Inilotako. I rvn,(,nib,r p ., Illy, and the grea,t deforelice lie paid to thi CIIAPTEM IV. 4i �. , that the majority agi-eptl you would ft,.jt roln'sOd '�"re"'o'll' my 1"lir 'White purky, the delleacy or wolneii, Reg WteoA. Rrift $3. per aere.. Duities-r ' bed'Al grace, not to do, -4 certain thing, 9'No," rei�lfod Lady .Nilly. Ill"! -YOU, Nybon) I rerl,riniee a' . .. 1, s a saint heart wlirmed to hiin. She began to . LADY XAY ABOUSED. go� "Itil would fain kPVP ,in a shil-noll Oh, I . : . , six "d you seem. to take an especial de- ,,I IcIlow �t.bat Sir Glinton Adair does Those, last words tienid, #I lit -r- allilreciate the mighty, aobile loye that . Xust Ze0i40 Six 1110101h)IS inowelb of . I , t,-.,� .M."y' 701) ask Ine .;�, - Uglit in doing it.'! vot 'QuIltrove of unrthille of the kind. artful, vr(-JI-cohosea worlIkt pt,14lI1.,e,I tjj�.j. n to - t , , why! I)lye$ not Y()Ilr had been lavished oil her. She v�4* , I lye�Lrs liam. date of hokmeatead ezitg:Y That was -tiler q Istion ,y 'She lauggied ch,iit -sweet, low 1q.11gill of . I I I Vr,' ;-II rlyo YOU 71 thousand reasons - ,#t, J�aaludlnig 'the time required 'to earp .. Ile which, b, . iorning, by noon a,,d lly, ni 7 anxious, too, becanse, the yonng Dake, , licanestead patent," land eal,4vtote B ."Rilt, 00- , that stirred theblood fix. his veins, And," continued, her ladystrip, -11,1th a 11110,111" "IreCt- I ,�!tll+, o0t.M. ,l"on eallilat be so arnell of TtoseN-Lru, with de�llgrht and exil,itatl(v � , ' 1�_"" tiande N I . cuPled 1111111. Should lie tanio her? his heart beat. Meamin�- -Smile, 'it as only natural nat "The majority NZere inistakut, Lady , in eveT.7 feature hn Iiiii face, iLad I>U;r- . rifty acres extra. : ilir-­myou milst glye it up"l? . A , must I I I . A bomesteader iwho has exhaudtai E&DUld ,he QYL1r &oud this bright, lialletir, 1124 ,own," she .,mla, with freak You sbduld share hils opinions," Swaudowa, I intend �0 arccept? 3'0111: * "I M,nnot 'break a promite.," eVe said, glle,a bor wIth his eTpressions of . de. 11 liks homestead TigUf­and cannot iib. oils, Oepricious� girl? ' .4hould he eycir Im adm-ce� 01 that th&O is al,c , Lady Bley's pride was Instantly Up in kincIllinvd-twtion, though I 'show'd hice, YOU although Iris words had tonched light. �� . . I P extain . coldly, ,�. I oAja a . L ernVtion may take a pa.- lelifly capturo this *prolid, sell . . I I SitlyL' 't'h`,irm in d0ing what one has -eeA *47113- I I . . �'!' I _ - I . h0axt? Should ,lie ever feel our . e of hor W b , It . JaOt to -mention, ray resolve," her. 1*1 'illinli I shall play Claude to yonr , 0�oased Phroemestead ha ceirtain. distriets thed not to. do." )VAly sho,ald I -shaxe Ilis Opinions?" "I will do. anything You like," said "Is It easier tio break a hoaxt than & � V � I oil . .,rlioe q!). 'per acre. 00ties,-UnA loye? ,. I 'I think,. dear," he said, gently, Itthet I e asked, quickly, Pauline," he �said. "If fortune had tried ; �. I I I . 1 -le bad t0st--'d Ile" OR this one Point, If YOU lb,ied we you would think ' ."The reason is Obvious," the countess, her face finshifig with PTomise?" he asked, b1ttniy. "Oh, Usy, her best, plie c0II1,4 11O.Te done nnttl�-;�' � , tresidoe el,x mo,ntths in each of ,three I Iamb TOPIled the elation. at her, victory. "It would per- my Own iove, lioten to me." - I - ; I � I V�earo, caltivate fift acres and eireet and his to-st ,hall failed" ,she would not 6f illy wishes, land try, at least, to �uj_ ,countess, laughiugly; ',for gi .1 so kind to me�l �g..41�t , � � : L6 h �%100 Or - give him thv pro-miso ]It,, al;kpd.. He Ivas a th .,, o .same, rea- haps, lessen the awk)),ardn"s-I mva.0 I — ' Z;< -p ,�, 11 bou" wart I YU em ' San, I Suppose, that you btrq Lady 111ay began to think it wouilf " I ,uldell'i tha-11 There was a vouncT of pain in his 1 consentod to tillaire his nume.11 ton,' if I asked him to take the pailt,bif 0 PNy , 11 w. 1W. ady, . 'lot more joalous of (lount k, V grild0uslY that it might probably please Sir CaLa- GIi-UPTER V1. I lit,t be f,o plotisrant, ...Ifter all, t .q I)Qpilty of the ihifter of t1to Zterley [Lily One clse, There was only oa,e Of voice that madq her look np quickly. "HoW do You know he has (�Ixpressed Claude Xclnotte.,, , at minlic love w! 1�41 -th $lie Young duko. . . I N. V.,unalithopized plIblJoation Ohl 'whow. he felt really icalous, and t.lilql,t 5he sa-vtt such deep, mrate TeplIfich ill such OvInions?" asked the Young heir- "IT SHALL BE TRA TEST." Tbon. sibe - 'ICY Swandown bad � �:; � %ent willnot be VMd for- . I "Claude Melnott I WilhQd L. �4 � Ur 0 -us VeyOr tseen bitten %vtth this t1watriell ; WEls. blie Young Duke of 1-to,jeCami, one Ole eyes that ber hoext was tduched; eqs, Imp I . I ' Y - Oh, no, Lady Swando,wn, do - not think I'Listerti to me," repeated Sir Clinton - , ,� � rn B coidenb, Fire and Plate of the handi5omest and most acco,m- the pretty white flowers fell from her "E'voinse, illy dear Lady �J,ay, .half of it!,, I , rl innrda. One little (.;Iellmstance had an - I ' ""'" '1'1`�' Collecti Loilduu "xemember I lim. only a morta.1 man, licyod her. She wa� talking to Colo el �' � - a 01T. - _-.e,l;;.. ng Acobifulo P41.91KId Peers in D' agland-orne, too, Who hands. She rose quickly '.Ind going to -tha.t -as. our Part of London- The countess laughed- liad -a man driven almost desperate by 1.)IIrt , � I 'U 1,111 VICV11�1`0, , lidy May.more than most Ile()- him, laid h m. walate, "it' gland 1, his. Ili talkiiigr about tht,in. it appeaals till more about iho I , admired 1, at "I thought, Perhaps," she said, "you Yzur coldness ,-':Ind 00114n,- e,enn�-, I I He died land e her - a n offer of In I.- tile qIIes4'1,= was brought and cruelty. Do you think, Nva,cu Lady ,�Ifl ' , I i : W. ]BROWNING, M. D., M. C Die' "I came because you came, aliaton- ')I' the tapis wo,uld Prefer that Your loTer should it posqible that I could endure to .. .Ir,(�l jedued thein, aoiI 111, it fow eyellings; -slaice by the habitues s ee suid, in a peenihir .. a P. S., Graduate VictoriP6 U ,tge. which $lit, refusefl, as she ,loved May for tbe pleasure of being with yoiq -r whoni lie Bill be, . tttlle: . I 11 ST make IoYe to you even uponthe stage.', any man no Mutt( Y "Do net 1) 1�1 Wralby. office and resl4enence. DonAnIou Sir Clintou-retllsed him, much to fille, do not let -us qualTel, now thalt I fun of St. Goorrge*s Club-S-ir C-Unton, you "N'o; yoru do not understaind,11 cried Rolding ;our hand in his, saying sweet I 0 tiw saro, colol�el, th t I JA,fidrmory. Exeter '- ­_ young duke's anilizement; but he w YOR will svo Lady ifay as p..Illlii fl. ,� , , ould � here.11 know, !.% a niewber. Ile expressed his Lady May, wisth a ho,V*flush on her beda- love -words to yen, looking at You as , -It" I . . I I I Ous; about tableaux, private theatricals after all. A lit th. M."d has whis -1 Associate Corbuer of Huron. uOt give 111) 401 Iloves of winning her The words were simple, bu 'd , ,� ha heard of her engagement to Sir Olin' t the smile a tiful face. Tfien she stopped abruptly. though he loved you, even though it . i. r�� .1 �� � . - that went with them was -so sweet, the hill'i cf tbill,r, Ili pretty How couill p TI %('11"P "tralige thla� t') mc-" I . , ., � �, I Ale Q\ -11111? She was were in play? Do . you thInk th-at I ' "AN"It.1t d -(I *rtl suT?*' ae�­d 1: qIet' "'it" hil"sCIf tha-t all 496-VII19 tD.IlLhel" Of -the white fingers proull, Im oil$, capricious, lint her could bear it?" , the I We bi R. bright, W. D., M. 0. P. and ton, but ille arL I :�,',.�ll,,�,",..�l,,,,�,"tlllgc.., . t, I 11 . He S., Honor Graduate Toronto Uh- was fairialoyeand W11,1--tillit, until she thrilled him with such hupivilleas as he I IJ 'upp" . Peril I . I l"O 1---t" b" ll 001t to his owit love for her lover was earnest and deep. "I thfulc You are very foollsh," said "I' Ilw_`� ilut t,j':* 11',A 1, for one. t7o I 1.� I � r-a4'V' -�flll-, 'Wit'l ;l '!;',!x oil ber ?a .,. , . i versity. Two years resident physician was really anotber man's wife, be shoruld had never known before. How could 0111111011" as I to millQ. or .You to Yours, "MY at love Vith him on the stage! Lady Alay. v Y � � �111 , F,oy Alexandra Hospital, et office' ne�cr give up all h. L,nly Swandolyn.,, -110) man of Oar actors I - I - &I , O11Q- Of him Sir Clia.: he do anything but worillip her, so sweet Oh, no --a thousand timeB no!,, She and actrolzIms are mat od; y t, 1 ll',t �111t'v`l,,Itt- the plowmre of let I :7,. y a ,1� and residence, Dr. Amoi' ol stand ton was J0a10-uS, nOttirat-1kis proud fair and winsoline, even willie I 6 v f they .Is T'lliIE" , , A she was ' ' lo." JV P "Most -vv',1hr*i,1.v.­ rvIANed the omin- shrank fro -in the Idea as she would were to think and tftlk a,-, ,roil do, what � . I -II T11L.?i 1,-Ill.r .Y; Iy ffinught to 1:er.:p*f rldrew Street, Eketer. Youn' lady love gave alinj Illy Cause; her c.agriciouli actKi dmilerious? teem, quicld#- i,e1'l'*,9 I'D 0011.11A Vs lo how have shrank from a caricature of her- would become of the profvs,�.',on?" - 4 I in" nnerI evou to tho Young duke, WAS . o, between suniftne and shade, be- the wilid was veel4tg- "It ivas not ex- self. She was too dee� in earnest for "Oeller tb4lt P"'T"` -A-01P t:11 -kill-, -111,:11,! b,..r a. 0 . , 'Q men PlOfts theulsolveq," re- 1,,,re,los, (1�,Irlil...e to M- whoh, tll'...Ir. lial 1,� � DE.QUACKENBU one of proud, indifferent calm. Lady tween. the fe-rer of love and the fire of "'ly -�'il "') t4`4 4 4-41-111--11114 Jbnt lnad� that. "Sir Clinton would not cousent," plied -hex layer. "I katow my o ' . . 'Nfay had learned SO-Ble- 3,=Ons of late, SPallous,r, time passed unfil the gir, II,e nuellsy." 1, Wn sl�r'vulating �-.-hetl­lril s -lie would ,­ e in 11 eit 'She repli.ed, Quietly, after reffec.ting ho%v strength, and my ow well _1 .4 1 Rul IO 11,1.1 Col. 0�z4 f. I t n 1, ws, . 'I . Physicisn and Surgeon land,'.� Ae- and le.1-Ming them had- changed her. eTent of the smason came oll!­the pdvate "11"hat thor"u?" briefly asked Lady u.Q:ess it woo.ild be to.,attempt to ex- r t bear that." ��_'n, li,nul 1-f�,�,, i-ir't". to a forind! .'!,*-I- -Dr. Rollin's old oiff6e One of her friends. a'yo,ung Frea,ch girl, Vteatricqls of the Countess of Sw�an_ May. pladu this phase of feelj�lg to tile CGRII:_ "It seems an absurd fuss about noth, Ilt,r r.Irt, - coucher. Office I _ ,,, ,,,, ,I t. I. . . Ir. ired - _ ii nild .t:I- clia Main Street. Residence-Cormer bad recenfly mar�16d, and Lady I%Iuy down. Every one has a marda; Lady "It -IPI)Oar,k� Ulet -1 ft0r 010 h4t the club tess of SwaradOwn. Ing, it is sueh a ta-ifie. I wonder you call x4lins, �Ilo sent .-I'll .l:)­Iogrv. F r .y. -e 1imes and Albert Street, opposite -was ft-cussdag flior weddIng with the Sivaadm,m's was for Viftate thea-fticals. flieve were bet,, url�'tao aniong the yoli.Ig "I ciu solrry for it. He is wl and talk seriously aboutit," said Lady May. I,' �mes Screet Methodist Parsonage, Countess Of Luilb-ar, Every Pretty ilrl, every Imudsome Blanc, in "alitit-ul. 11,141vitt, '.:!.h, 'Aftly f -It IN- . X offleers—young men -will do those things, hand,so e, -With just the carsest, Intlies- "Trifles make the sum, of human t'(111"ll to meet'llig. 0". groat A— I 1'. $1 ", - .. .. . Rketer, Ont. "I should look forwroxti to marriage possessed of a grain of. Intelligonoe, was You know, dour Lady May." slo6k]. face one would naturally give to thbgs.� It is no trifle to me," he said. Nvellt (,lit ;_ V., AP1.2ones-Office 30a, Residence 89b as,the end of.a.11 my troubles, if I were pressed into the servl�e. Lady Swan- "AI'liat were tile bets?" she Inquired, Claude 21el�nottc. I will ask nto ti;l� ;,.�., part �-r " th t I ,ty I - the Duke "I know that it would be unendurable. ill Lialeloll',"ites 11: 1,P name or g, :­:�n. , ' � a liVejach demoiselle," slle said, Amigh- ldown!s charades, tableau-vivants, ,and quickly. of Dose,cam to take it. They tell me lie Even for actresses at whom . -, I Dlc�'&SON & CARtING, 'i_ ingly; "married ladim in France eee-a private theatrianas, were one Of .the "Really, I do not think I ought. to declaims excellently. ' 7011 sPeak, Theve ror;l, ,I t:w'­ 'r eedar. .I --,.no,,�%,, I I to mi? to have mOTe freedom than In events at the ,season. I I tell you, as they concerned yor! "'If.19 Ke'is very good- I have Osten felt inilignant; if you knew �rre,,;j I -I -D, rI­,- '..-s and nrtiv-�,I-, e. . to the great- looking, but he hits not the princely air how men miticised them, it You heard earan' "CoucernIed. Me!" said Lady �I:ly her The gnlilon ,.;-,I?-I) - .;�,.q lingprj�d c a=jsters Solicitors, xotaries, convqpaa.el�, U11911dud; I do not hear So Bluth of 0 - n 'in a. D to .Vorrr ... &' the big It b OY, ce of the canateso, this y Of Sir Clint, u- Should ,van like me the reniarks, the jests." . m,� s face flashing, -her eyes brigittening 'with florr,, fh� ,siath I'',-il iffly st'r-�.I t'n. ,jigloiLers, Solicitors ior Lidtieuce and submission ameng them.", rival had appeared in her especial ask the duke?" 'Sut that is in a theatre; I ehonla leareq; fhe srf,.-pP,1. -11�71llug lie -IT, r!: I ak4 to. � The Countess of Lutubar looked quiet- branch of pi0ty-giving-a pretty brurne a PlOud 111.91t. "How dare any otfl,,(-rs Ladj May looked up in wonder. be in a d-rawin-g-room." Morley to Loan at lowest rated of inbereaL t- , It A ly at the girl's lovely :race. te, Mrs. Danbir, the wife of a f,w- or gentlemoli make ine 'tile subjelet of "it Will not inatter to me WbG afl- "Human nature is the same every. nO I'lond- tile lllril� --pre s!n�i, g i I ,-*�e I -it OFFICEi-MAIN STREET. EXETER. "INTY-dear Lady May," she ,said, &-cut- famed aillihontaire, who, enjoyed sho-win their bets? Speek quickly, if YOU games tile c4a.racter," s . b -00 -It Was so .! fft-rent th.: �; --:- t, 2. CABIJNQ B.A. 9 gle said. whewe,11 he said, abruptly; "and it you � . L, H- )DIc"c N ly, "the law of marringm is the same her Pxetty,%piquillit fmce and beautif pleasei Lady Swandown. I do n0t like "Pardon. It rill natilrally be of some heir e:ilm of jr,!-.o. from tbs� t ,, I I ,.,.,, r . I I ill it.)y condescend to perform "before an ,till&!- and tnrini1i of ll,o world. Thero, i.r !�!.* I ' � everywhere where Christimility Prevails; figure in every variety of costume. . . Importance; we shall be compelled to ence, you must expect to, run the.gaunit- tb(� � . I" ONEY TO LOA that law is 'submission. and obedience I Lady Swandown,s latilIgnat 0 w .11.1de ,-If t1l, t,e!,', list I_ N. i n -as have seyer,al rehearsals, and V .�np t f, .1 � I 1 great to think that any one should seek 01TAPTER V. . : th 7 , L11 from the wife to the busband.lf this kind let of criticism. May, surely I have sweet, jlllrl.11!t p., ., C of (, I r s b?.r , - -ids to great intimacy. you some influence oyer you� slu'017 MY heart waplllt�d a;.�.,,.Il to her ') ­ ' Of things le. - - ' * luver, ­,� f ,,, , � We have a la l5aount of private funds. - III think it is terribly unfair," said I to rival her. She determined to put AN ARTrUL__RO1T,CVS ��FCTa-j. would not Ifice any one in the part wilo ,wfohes, my desires, are of some little tl:e thi,11. .lf ,r,,, . t , -0 T, 81 , t lowrate T . , � rm on faxia,an Village,properbles n _,ady 31fty, ,qu Many cases that I le in evM Way.,,_ � lhf..__,If _!�_. -Mvi �_ . �- —. - , ya _ _,t � .. I , � , I termt. Itcrth her strolngest effort, end give SII& Ely 9 was ulat eligib - .- accouASA6,you. I 1ell yol�, that I can.- 'I I e,.LtL ­ I � X`1� - .. know the liusband is greatly ilif . to aimileut as would effectarally Lft' wando'Nsm, looking af the proud, "The duke will do ,a l,f,li: tnF+vIIll 'O lier. S- he. w rs I I ­ GLADMA.N & STANBURY 0140T flu entelt f � .,11111)W, Is -1, I Barristers Solicitors.! Main St.lExaber the wife. Whea tha I Dix face, with its hot flash 8 'will as any one not endure any exbIbitdicou of this k1licl. lollsi'd I'll oln 1, I , , vrie by Oil. -tin 41, . .01. - t is the case, ,how I crash her opponent- To make this sue- Of angry else," sa.1111,ti%dy May; but even as she Let others Please themselves. I could ' Or his Vni(T. .1110 ­'­ kneiv th.it 11,. w. It; I I can she oliey?" Pride, began to fear tb�ftt $h.e had per- svakc, a sense of MiS.07,111" came Over not bear that t3le woman I love should by he, I -matters tit all," said Imost, secure the beautiful yo,ang he,jr- them, her -would the Mau who lo' -de. Oz- gleam in b-, f I 'Toe Usborne ana flibbert "I do not think it I cess, she must ,Of oolluse, first ,'Ind fare- haps, gone a little too; far; but ' Ted her with take any Dart in plays or tableaux. You showed I 'S 40C, -1 framing that law, did not mdke it depend y Txevlyn. to UCIIICTe, S1101 (21111110t Possibly be exact her also th;It he was unit lla'�Iy 11 the countess, gently. 'Trovidence, lax ess, Lady Ma when a A-Ishlollable lady ,has all ObJezt such deep,,earnest Passion approve of may think that I am. unreasonable; I agitated, 1, �" I farmer's mutuai vire inbur! )VIt'holit lior, sbe knew woll the whole such intimacy with the duke? cannot help it." " . I on the husband's worthiness; it is in- as to EL WOrd OT two- -Mar illy &.171'rt;." he said, "I hare I k Affillir would be it terrible frn-Rure. V_.) idAry Butthe counte'.4s, having won her vic- She did nDt reply for 60,me minutes, �benrd'it'! � dependent of oil such consideratious.Il ple went to p,l1rilies quitp 4 s often f clear Lady May," -she replied, "if tOT I was determined not to leave Lady amd Sir Mutant contintled: aRGO OMPanU , I rornl Y I rives -Iriick dunlb! Then T Sol. let her speak to wh ' You tmke it in that way, I shall be afraid ALLY time to rescind her decision. She "What is the ftst impulse of an q"'id to mn,vif Ont I would omit, ll -11 , 41 y ask ,"a how -mell v story had al�seazl?.r , . oln, she won-ld, a (icsire to we till, lovely Lad�j, INI,ay as to tell you. It was a mere n I 1) z 19, talked of the coming entertainment in man walo loves anything ver, � Mead Office, Farquhars'-Ont she -heard the same story. She begin from ,illy othor motive. Lady Swa.u. after all, only showing what ;l ' ' -'- glowing terms. is it not a w-lld, nameles .y dearly- She looked tit him long and e.irai ,4-7 1 � - - ProsidezA, J. F, RUS$.ELL to PeTcelre there was t-ruth ;in lt�. Me down wa-s half alarmed; she had hearil ance it attached to every moyeirw..t ('.I S longln' tor take before she ,p,ke_ ,rhere were str nx,� ., . , "It I were to, spefid my life in. thank- it away from every one wher'e. he can. lines in that di -Ir tr-Ice--lines of r"I'll-­ , time 'was coming whem she Must give up vague ".11-orl, thlit Sir Clinton did not yours. Young men are ,not very woe, I ,-� :. you, Lady May," she said, III could lavish his love on it?,, I Vioa-Ptrcs.. ROBT.- GARDINER her glorious, utarestricted freedom, and care for these exhibitioll%. that he had as )"Oil know." . Had the ,01-1's he-Irt reproached It ' . � . DIRECTORS. learn to obey the wishes of anot1ker. Bile 0XI)TOSSOd 11-01110 Very stroll- opiuions on j.. cer exilresA ome-half of my gratitude. 'It is Unfortunate that I hay ' r: slio resolved upon one thing; she would the pnint; what if he ,%hr)1111 intre,rfore­ 'IlVilat was the bet, Lady Swan- 11 henevoT I bear praise or . approval of my promise," said leady May, e 91yea had brouglIt thmn there. . I . w "as Your "Miat sttwy is :t. Clinton?" slit, -isk- aQBT. NIOR"RISI Statfa ' , obey wilien she was married --,she would slumid try to infinence I,ady ,1%Iuy, and do Z ?" my efforts, I sliall know that the praise d6slike tD the idea is so great; but hay- ed, 71th a sure fo;-boding of wha. w�,.% . 1 "'"7111y th0Se'fOQJish YOUng inen, kno-w- is due to yen."- Ing giTen- it, I -camnot recall it I WOM RYAN Dublin. learn tar yield to her husband; but be- prevent her fl,()Ill eomohm? it NV'IS too Ing, of 'course, Your ongalialeent to Sir cW111111g. , .. STM. E19OCK, Winobelsea. fore that time came, she woll](1 enjoy tel -11410 to be. flI011,41t ,Dr. FB4 of 1131- 0 Dress, jewels, ,reliearsals, were all dis- "YOU '%vfll not .-o!" lie said.* "I am "Th . ey tell me, tfint not only art, you 9 st hOard Ili's Missed, end then, proudly elated, the sure Of it, ss though you had pledged FAB'QT She Xlety, the coailt,�­:.4 droye Orr to Cliffe stroug dislike to what -he was piellsed to go-b4i; to tlh(,,,;c tbl-vtricals, but t3�at Ile, ,WM. ftoy. � MAR her freedom to its litmost ,extent, Clinton, and havin ju *ould, in, everything, in every respect, House, .Ind follIld the Young holi-Oss. at countess, withdrew. In, ,tbe ball he mat yourself not to go. . -ch other that you .- , � �, laid 'wagers with ev 'uq,t Sir Chilton, and looked defiantly at him, "Why?" she ,asked, briefly. I who has, a soore of timety. pit' I..' ly- � I AGENTS, and in every particular, have he,r own call '.ill such unseemly O\hib,1gO I am sure Of it." Duke of Roosc,q1,11, who is mv � lionne ,Ind alone. , li-,,11 � OHN ' ESSERY, Hxftex. ,argent fos way. . "HON11 fortoluato I am, Lndy '.,Nlay; would ,not appear.dn. them. .as one 'who should say: "I knoT your "Because I have faith in you. on avowed his dc-enn-, nation to ,tvin ywa, I _� la said Lady .rs -In event 'to n I W � "X'is the ,happiest time of my ltife, ,roil are always so surrounded with v * ,.,.,I - Sir Clinton errand, and I know alsio, that ft is in would vat, I am qufte, s re, deliberately from me if be con -the man above ,%'I V= ,mil P1AauI#h. . to enjoy It,' o ftn,yotbi.ng th_ at you 1, OLIVER UARRIS. MunTo, and I bitend has sonletbing of the eburacter of it ynin,11 The cuunte,,s looked at him wp,til, d .new would grieve Olhv,r men, of NN -11j),11 I Ilm jealons--!h � � . .aft,t UaY to to that it , is qn:to , find brave cavalier amolIg Us, of course " a. WickOd 9IC-am of triumuh in -her eyes. me. I have faith in you. Eren. if I tell me that he 1)!"Ys the part of y ar . I itow Matort, -tullhrton afiO Logan, I - hel%elf, and her notioin ,of ea- y(ill trilane. T have som,pthill'o . , p�� . , .-O ]Ili continued -the c0l"ItOSS, lse,efilg that La dy 8110 WI -Is more than 11slitallY warm in her saw you dressed, and )vas told that yon layer on the stnzo To ii, - --W, I .1 joYment, was 'like that of mamy OtIlor portant to say.to you How vool Von May -remained silent; 'it was very im- greeting- having won the vietwy .14he were going, to Lady JOVN CAMPRELI! ladies -it consists in a series of t1junlo!ls, look ill that -white drm, s I have ne'vor pertinent Swandown's, I I saay.Treas. Pa�qiihar O,rcr ,her lover. If'sh(, mnst o,1)4 �S(Iejl .you look .1111 -thing ;bIlt evol, now Ot'thcM to make you the sall- cf-uld ll'ff'ord to be generous. should not believe it. I -have faith in JTQ 13E C'G:KMU D.) I � . ALADMAINI & STANBURV. Saflolters ma"'11,1ge, �lie would.atielist, command t1lint I conic to rOnionihor." Joet of a wager, but they ,never drearn. Then Sir Clinton hasf,�nod into tile You, my love." — — before; and Sir C-IiutOn f011ad thaot he "I *supposc I look pret,jy ranch lik.tN ed, ,of coll.l,,qe, that you would know It.,, pr,os,mwe thot mude earth heaven for She tried to laugh tas she answered — ____ - _;� � . I ,Ld fall occuplition -in obeying the otber Ppilp.1c .... ... ,ill T,ll(,,) "It Was impertinent," Sold Proud Lady h5m. He saw -an expression of nnmou-il him, but ,his trust in ber had touched fl V .,*--,) ., - I /--y I h, � Illy. � / Tben� with it .111, site waq so fair, in nir of one who had lrol(,nty to s:l i 7 -1 ivielles and whims or his la(].,._I�ove. Tbe conn'tt". seated � May. "They said, t1ion, that I -Should thought on the beautiful fl)co tha,t was her deeply. � �.self '%'it" t'he not appear?" I N KER go PLAIR O� " I b1s, guiding star. , UN her sweet Impe,rionsyle.-ts, th ., 11,111 "They, went further than that -they I, . I 'I Wast go," she said, "not only to I � ' May," he said, somewhat -abruptdy, keep my promise, but alao to vindicate � at Ile could Interded to say it. She hild beforo lititly slild Sir Clinton would not allow itl- 6 Its one of the most � not -resist her. Same men would here May the ex -lot skate of the ease. Iliere was a few mitrates, 'I met going awny from you oBe ot my independence. I am told that peo- troubles of the troublesome * ICA'�tthelT paAieucc; there were timm, , I, , yon w+l) not refuse?" slit, stli'-I, ,in struggle the people I I�Iike most in this worrl,l- ple have even laid w4l- r, as to whe Hot Summer 0 * 11 -hen, 'his Was sorely taxed, yet "t s") ill that proud lic.-l'it; she .1.0 R - Days. The Old and the Young; . . 0-CU011--ion. "You know that I .am not was half in- Lady Swando,wn. I am sorry You re- ther I should go or not -,people wh . * Oar graduates are in dein * happemed tbat, after OVeTY whini and -- -_ c!"ned to take lier lover's side, , 0 � and. Business men state 0 I - afte.T ceive her. She is, to my mind, One of -know you, end know you otjeetiom. You tho Strong and tile Weak %tib, 0 * every enprice, he loved hel. still bettm. 17LVA ",]]--her lover who loved her so dear. th e women. who do moro harm than could not expect me to stay ll-�vay & all Affecto4 alike. . 0 that they are the best. * File wounded 'with care wit . ite hand, and 113" whose ldf'e 'mas bound up in hers, good as they Doss through life. I sap- that. It would be said that Iaftas I * Students from the class room * healed -with the ottliew. 11110 was so kind, so brave, so chiral- Pose You ,have heard of this mania of afraid of YOU." ,* ,513U, vou and $70, per 0 13) 1 � I . *41- were placed recently at $45, * ,"Sfift'll You 'go --to Lady Bror;vu- ec, Ifflyy -r(Ilis. She -Was half- Inclined to think hers for pr1rate thea cals?" "That Motive is altogether'unworthy DR. F0WLER'S . I . 4 month, �ball?" asl,c4. Sir Ciiiii-ton' I and -to sav tTd , one nvarning. V , thatbe was right. I -Ter own "I have heard of it," said Lady Atay, . * A graduate was placed re- Ift �& pride and delicacy revolted from the of you, -and will not Influence you, I am . . 0 icently at $ISM per annum. 'O . 'They were riding togethLr, .Ind he saw . NOSH "She, knows better, I should Imagine, ,sure," said Sir Clinton. "Look Wt it . I - K4 11(fta of becoming an aotres,% of mak- . All graduates secure pos- bow people turned with admiring g.ive . than to exOect that Yoll will take a part in this ligtit, Lady V -will you not Extract of 'ion,. in the to look after the lovely face and matcra- cut — Ing tibe beenty of lipr face the I Illy I 1. ft The demand � N16 Iff di-11whig a crowd. . IlIck,1111-1 Of in thOla. I must confess I cannot giVe me the great plOnsliTe and triumph I pastyear was six times the * less figure. 11011, too, she really understand a lady exhibiting herself foe of lett! g ,ille worl( � e Yall respect illy U 0 I loved him, and did not care to displo I SO W i I d S t ra w btaire-rY . t number gradvatirg, * 'IT do ,not care muoh about it," 'she - .%se whoiesale, admiration." Wilhas land prejudices?" r , , I * 4 INTERNATIONAL biln- "But -arc, not actresses ladies, Clln- "I will not Ile coerced " sh 94d, Is the most eff9etive remedy I ,, t . * 'replied, carelessly. "Lady P>.vowning is I e . * We have tbree departments- * no &-reat favorite of mine." 11 wandoli'll, "'Ice th` cluick,World- ton?" she asked. Quickly. 0I will do as I like." known for the oure of I *_ * 11 1Y WOM4111 ,&6 WIV4, Isaw that .Rho had , �'I sup, ose so. Some of t O.m. .. I . 11 I COMMERCIAL, 0 1 .tin Compelled to go�" be eondna- DICTIONARY , ' " "" ' 1) h are "YOU -shall. I 'will ,not go through .� I .0 * ed. "I met Lord Yk-O)vit!ng y�ft-tL,,rdLLy,' ' 'lot produced the iInpI*M,.;1Ora she wi�.;,h_ Iliost estimable ladies; but it is 'Jilicir the fairce of Illying my comiln. DIARRHMA, DYSENTERY, COLIC,. � SHORTHAND and * ed, but rather ,in opposije one, and.s upoll % I 'I TELEGRAPHY ** hit d promised. I I have no p1li,ience.11 am confillent that, a,gainst my wish, �Oa . ERA XNFANTUm, AND AtL SUMX;' ! I . and he would not rolenso' tile until I THE MERRIAM WEBSTER? knowilig well the faults of the Sh� I profession. JVith this iiinateur aciing You; I leave my enuse in Your 11-1,11(1.�- I CRAMPS, I , be,allbl' . T Because i't is a NEW CREA. I ful ',v-f)ui)g girl before her, did not he ; � Get our Free Cata)oguel, , 0 "' 'hoU, if .You go, I shall go," sh,�? .si- "Should you play Romeo, if I played wal not gO;I jl�,,lv(, faith I y I ., COMPLAINTS. . 40 n '01, L � � Z # said, with a smile Mat �seemed to 11m., � T1017, covering every tate to P4VY upon tilem. 1uliet?" she a-.lked, laughingly. "Let us foTge"t ill* maliter�L It is a This sterliag remedy' has been on th I I � I * field of the world's tbought, "Of Colime'll s1le hastened -to odd, 'Air "I think not, darling- I should nott ' lortnight to -morrow that the affair el . 4P D, -A. DJcLA0Hj,A.N. 0 lover brfilpliter til -all tile faire,st gloalit of action and culture. ,The ozzly there really is I I.. I * * suilehine. a couce-'sion that dhavined now unabridged dictionary in any such great and set+ like to play lit loviug Ton, nor should c0mcs off; we nced .act be miserable market i!or over 65 Years abd has yet. . :: * Prl' I nolPal. . 11 * and deld;hted him so ous Objection on Sir C"Int011's Part, I I like to 'MY -'er,voet words to yort Ili to -day. Yet, Clanton, you li�llst not failed to do wbat we olalin for it. I , . 4 greatly, it was many yeaxs. 4thdTft ce; I shall go this till, � I Nil w my prayer. '"re r%volilen have llul:Ve. After all. zillge love -making to make, ,,illy mistal, Be Sure and ask for Dr. IroWlerle and, I � : . With difliculty lie Tefirninied from giv.ug , e, I %� %, _11� . . some proof Of iiis happinees, Because it defines over 400,00o to let"r-13 ObOdiftcc, and we cannot lea-n bvt a (-aricilture,,� � even if X nover.go, again. I will not insist on being given what you ask for. � I A — Words, more than ever it too soon." "Wo agree for r-nec.", l4le lvpliea. I I have it said with a sneer that my ob- I I . " Ili, Afly, illy provd, peerles,q ATI-Ily, , ,before appeared between two . ' I Church Directory if roll would spo'll, to Me .'I. fittit, oftVIi- . covers. z�,00 Pages. 6000 X1- "I am n0t aW,'IrQ that I owe oboAdionce ,lbvILld nct like, to 1)1:i,.* rt lil,.,p. Qs YOU odience has � began before marriage, and Mr.q. C. X MIN, Tettlon, Man., writeal I A er after that 111-411iou,. I should be the Justrations. to any olle'll Said TA%dy ]%ftly; "and I (,nll it. All the .saine, eli.I& I,) I am People would gay that, I am k.u,re,,,, " Just a line to let Y014 know that I havir I . . bnl)v�esrt nio.n. Ili the irarld.11 I it is the omb- dictionary CI.Vil, at 101tst, VIVase DIVS01f Whother I sati-Ir you do not 21�kw amaten). a"tin1g. "I r(spoit that I have talth in Yout a little girl five years old, and clurfog tho Because 1)03� it, e""en whell I owe it." , I have accepted 1.�dx . hot weather of last 8UMmer she was ve s ,� . ,METHODIST CHURCH She -went 1.0 the ball -that was the I with the new divided ,,,91.ill. ir ,gj,' 01:111t(In really objeo6i to 't, 9N,74111dn,li's in- Mill". ):on will not hold .me 111) to pill)- I I ., CATON; die other hand wounded ' I v- 114dou to toke. I bad with the Summer C4mplai , � vVli�.Ie page. A "Stroke of Genius." F it. I 0101143, adviad. YoV U, " ". ,)art Ili a play. lie sm-ril; you will not CIO that WbjO.%I nt, in fact .� . Rev. Richard Hobbs, Pastor tbetre, ghe "lived agilin witll * Collult . ot to do 1.1, You have accepted it?" he iliter- )VU kBow I dlslik� lind detest.lo 11 thouglit we' -were goinj to lose her. Wo * �oldeoj, and womod tho.roughly* to ou� Because.�t is an. erwyclopedia in �'ll'd It"" 'al-tt'll (70111110 -SS. "i)fy dear rilpted. � I So it ended, nettli tried everything we Outday Public Worship -10,30 ao.ws.. a single volume, ! ',!Illy UaiT, ,I quarrel is or Of tbOm feeling could think of bu � 0� I , X1, , 30Y It. . . � 111-111 hcaled," sooner I ,made '11't -s, I lilive Promised to onact the Ellifto se:ti,%fied, both hophit, that some- om. Ono day one , I . . I . .. I � and 7 p.m. Ile- was i-eiry . I ingry, liurt.. -finuoyed. Because it is a6coptad by the t 11 role of 11juliuo. If YOU (10 not join Ill thing or other Would fin-ppen jo make neighbors asked wh# wp I , illfasc 8ervfN._9iiyidi,r ql,'10 ,i tn. qrjd � OQU ts, Schools an I'lle enred very little In'-'Iln qllwik�led the illay, art lousf you will come to Soo overpthilig ,safe. _ .0 0, tro I � hat A(% showed so little (le,fil'- . ;I , ., I I I 11 il d � - I . .1 6A .. I ort,,r ,,Njo,�ii:ng &qVicri; glid wednes- girioved f - 11�lless as the one suprexcle ati- Sill Cliliton knaw he with tho little girl, 444, w hM � I . vrr1v:.Ie#1 40W attili-Ded -her objeet, an� me?" . I .0- 1 41. 1 . I � ence to hi�., -wislics. fle.foillid an op- thorit'r. . wight .19 well try to teach file wind advised us to try DAI, F . QPIP I I t . 0 . 'r, .1 11 . day. flighl. portnnity ,that same eyoulim a! &11rin,,.,, . I-ita'd her mitvrfainnl(.�nt called tho be,,;t Then sale ral'wd 1wr eyes to bis face which way tO I)IJw LaS ItO try to force Wild St ' ' r .. , I ... !� , , . . I . � . . W he who knows 'Wins affolir of its killd during the season. She was alln", ra-wberry, VQ 11 . 1; Tounir W#A)'P CIR)"' "th Cafsphuni'00`1 oo., The viWit w4ils wtirlat' BecaU.4 ri st t4ttirtled bY the expros: 01, comi)(q his boautifal filtinece, , . 1% � Sunday At I 0.0a and L.uly — -1�vcccss. Letustall - I "OvidOd shl� coul.1 crush, eclipsc, and sion of I sitc, on honestly believe it *0"' IV . I . I I plit fill,, you about this new work. 1 C4 .A an � ly � 'I ,. �: Aray, wilth many others, $oil, keen Pain she lstAw there, He her side, couill not brook the idea of '. .1 . I ­ c Bitic Gastret 0.36 1 "WIldhillItO Urs, Dunbar, she- would seized b6th har handp in ll;s. giving in 4-7rd ,sftYiug away, neither did , t rJ&vecf my little 'it � fe. J� , . . cool, frugrant conservatories, -where Ale . I tg�i, 11 6. r . - t0f i, � I . . - � I VIln, . , .­, . I.. ­ I ___ .- luive parted haIf the litubandsr and "Aly dading," be cTiotl, *'Y*ou Will not she wi�sh to Vex or 4.unoy Sir 0, I In t L) n. think tbore i's anythift '6tto U I .1 � I . — t �. 11 i Ill I llitmm�i ".. , 14 � �:� � : LPPVvorEb League -Tuesday at 8. P.M througlit the sweet-secutert flow'ors; the'.. -e �WWTII far 39801man of now E6D would Ma have berea pleas 0 . � :1 . I xlranp�% gleamed -with a. soft, mellow li"ll divided page. ivels she 1,11ew. If lshe had tried do this -you cannot mean it?" 41 tner Complaint than' A , kv . , 00 - I I Prayer 'Meting-Thurosigx rQ* a t -Very 111'ean-8 ill the WO1`1d, Rho 00,111d "I have Pronlised," ,she said. without RAY compromise of "' If' Of Wild btr . � ,, � V�M, Sir' Clinton foand her. She was, to . I UlAlk CO., Publish6ra,sprin"dida. man. have hit ilpon nonc So cel,tall, of alle. to hot. Own . betv " 16 . 4 . I hodiet dburcU 'the I), - - s;to,o?J for A few 06104" � on] I , games SC Mat "I"i lollo t spapor,rodeivanks a sot otpook yiltu cannot do It" yout "TO Bat a 0"Zuity, she Could have Y-161ded to his twIture otil I , I . . I I , " , * , , , , I, - " , , , , , , , .. I '- -, �,��' 4 " , ,,, �' , ` , A, , " " , �'.- I , , , . 11�. I , - 11 I ; 1, � I I I I , 11 , . '_ I, , 11� " I � . I . I I I ; , I � 1, , I R rd 11 .. . O'd I R � . I I . I - . "I ` - 4, 4 e I 1, ` .1. c, � I ,, ,�� 11 I. � , , _ - '� I I I -I- I � ;! I' I I I ,w Mann Atul Ilt 10hill'tos I ­ MV a.,4 f1tose, shil bail Pn1.*in,&A,r1. 6'rucir-r-ail cold. 'Slott w0A -1+ h1oftInI.4 ',1�,,.JIcrq, That -,V P , 01 I I I �. -_ - I tor will Drench ndtf: Sunday. . _­___...____ I—— - I , I 11 �� r , .Its 1,116 lint sCelle U114it I 0 to. ik 0. a I .��. � . . , bll'�, -tho � . . %, , , i I � . I I . I I . .1 � � _inaln,o of iiha ;;A,ht,lc4 A+r.%.-oA#t?y j_,i,..4_ . .. I I .. . 1.1:. I I . I � I I I � I I I � �� I . . . . I �. ..", . : I I I . . I . I � I I I I . . 1. . I I ­ . 11 I 11 I . . . I . I � I . 11 I I . � . . . I . . . . . I . . � .. I . � . " . . , . , I . I . / �. % . I I . . . . I . . I . . I � � "I I � � . I 1. I , I r I I.. � ,. � , � .. I I I I ) ' : � . . 1. I . I . I � I . , I I � I . I : r, , , r , .. � . i.. : I I I J ­­ lo-"o-r-�_', 'L I � � I . r. . I I I . . I , . . I 1, ,. 1. . � , I - � �. � -1 ,.�... � I _­ ­ ­ _ ­ r ­., ,, , I ­ ,,, , L., 1- - � �, I 1. " - I - 1. � I ­ 11. ­ '. _ r 1. I— .1, -r _L_ � _ - I - --1 I ... V, I � I I , 11 ��, �, I., � L I ,�,, I �: ''I. I , � I , I , , . ; � i :, . -, 1- 111. I.. , _-1, -9 . I I '' . .: �, ` ;_�.,­ ! ­ _ "'', 0006_11...� �_ .1.1 �1 1-1111--i- , . . I I ;. - - ­­­ -1 .1 ­­­­­ �& : �. . � .: ;�'L:.��I- . _. I -.4 , ;� Z