The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-02-04, Page 5BY SHARON DIETZ Huron County Council wrestled with budgets presented by the county's ' various committees at its January 29 meeting in an attempt to hold the overall budget to an increase .of. between 15 and 17 per cent. Increases in the department budgets ranged from 15 nit per cent.. Warden FredHaberer told council the county was able to slip through last year but in 1981, the council would be faced with some tough decisions regarding budget increases. The county's highways department submitted the budget with the largest county rate increase: 2t per cent in a budget of $3,927,500. 1 ,,..a_ .,,,.,,,- ......a..,..eauG.kl=5., aet Jl:S'' ,3cd .t.,,„„ ....-orc...aocaanta.t .L'V' .ml angel. .. •,..,,o,,,,, .Wsm'_ , ... , - st e The increase in the road budget this yeNr was related to significant overruns on two projects in 1960, leaving the department with a deficit for the year of $201,068 on a cash basis. Reeve George Fellows of Bayfield questioned the right of the road committee to permit significant overruns, resulting in a deficit. County engineer, Bob Dempsey answered that unforeseen difficulties had resulted m a larger overrun than an- ticipated on the construction of Road 11. Road committee chairman Lloyd Mousseau told council the second overrun was the Auburn garage replacement and pointed out that it was a one- time project. Once the garage is - paid for, said council discusses parking problems.. In order to alleviate a parking problem in the area of the high school during school hours, Goderich Town Council voted Monday night to form a committee to meet with Miss Kerry O'Neill to discauss the feasibility of the town renting part of her property for • off-street parking. In a related.: motion, council voted down a motion by the traffic committee that would temporarily restrict parking on one side of°Keays Street and Blake Street during school hours. Councillor John Doherty gave the results of a survey distributed to 12 homes in that area asking the owners if they felt parking was a problem. Five out of 12 was the highest number that an- swered affirmative to any of. the questions. Councillor Jim Magee said that the traffic committee's main_ concern.. was the fact that a fire truck couldn;t get down those streets in the winter time during school hours. However,council voted down the motion on the basis that there wasn't , enough concern shown by the area residents. Doherty 'stated that next year, snow plow operators will be :instructed to plow back snow past the small fence on either side of Bennett Street which -'runs between the football field and recreational area so that parking will be available there. Reeve Bob Wheeler suggested that council look into parking on one side of the street only for future winters. Letter to editor Ali the evidence? Dear Editor: There seems to be quite a controversy among the great minds as to whether the theory of creation should be taught, as well as the theory of evolution, in our univer- sities and schools. It seems feasible in my mind to make a comparison; should we have only a pro- secution in a court trial and eliminate the defence? If such became a reality, the judges would be eliminated, and we would have a legal system "similar to Nazi justice which was: "You have been charged with treachery against der Fuhrer. Have you anything to say before you die? Being against der Fuhrer, you might know it would be useless. Fire!" _ 1 say to the great minds, how is one going to weigh the evidence if one doesn't hear the defence as well as the prosecution? Sincerely, N. J.,Minaker Got something to say? let everyone know WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR Can FBDB heIR you. Financial assistance Management counselling Management training Information on government programs for business Soo our Stratford Office Representative DON HANDFORD AT: The Bedford Hotel, Goderich, Ontario ON: The 2nd A 4th Tuesday of each month .(Next Visit Date: Tues. Feb. loth If you require financing to start, modernize or expand your business and are unable to obtainitelsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are Interested in the FBtlB management services of counselling and training or wish information on gtivErftrr erfr pro-g-ea'ffis avaiTable for your business, talk to our representative FEI EPA1. BUSINESS DEVELOP/0(1W (3,,NK IFFor aro appointment or further Information on the services of the Rank, call 211-5151(collect) or write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford, Ontario. Opening new dears to small business. dL Mousseau, the road budget can be brought in line next year. The land division com- mittee brought in..one of the lower budget increases at 15.1 per cent. The committee recommended the'feefor all approved severances be raised from $75 to $100, resulting in increased revenues of .approximately $3,000. Reeve Bill Elston, Morris Township, told council that land severances were a 'bona fide part of county planning'. He objected to the person wanting the severance being asked to bear the burden. County clerk -treasurer Bill Hanly pointed out that the county is subsidising each fee more than 50 per cent. Reeve Paul Steckle of Stanley Township said he ise opposed to severances and aemarked that the county cannot continue to subsidize those who are benefiting, He said he would not be opposed to having those wanting severances pay half of the administration fee. The board of health budget came in with an 18.5' per cent increase largely due to expenditures created by the purchase of furnishings and equipment for the new county health building under et construction at Huronview near Clinton. Fellows objected to the allotted expenditure of $45,000 for furnishings and equipment at the new health building. Dr. Brian Lynch, Medical Officer of Health, told council more realistic figures would be available at the end of February. He said - the figure in the budget was an educated guess but that Towns opposed to j oint police body BY JOANNE BUCHANAN The Goderich Police Commission learned at a meeting January 27 that Exeter and Seaforth are not in favor of the five Huron County towns forminga joint ponce governing body. The proposal to form such a joint body came about after some of the towns expressed concern over the future operation of the Huron County Police . Com; munications System. This system is housed . at the Goderich police station. The Goderich commission passed a motion to have commission . secretary, Larry McCabe, write to town council updating the coun- cillors on the matter of the joint police body in light .of the views of Exeter and Seaford).: • .Secretary McCabe in- formed the commission that an order -in -council would be received soon for the ap- pointment of a new member to the commission. A new member was required after Deb Shewfelt resigned before Christmas due to business commitments: Judge F.G. Carter was appointed chairman, of the Goderich Police Commission again for the year 1981. A request from the Township of Stephen to use the Huron County Police Communications System as an alternative to their present fire alarm an- swering service was reviewed by the commission. Members felt that due to administration, legal liability and the fact that the system was implemented for police use only as agreed upon by the five county towns, that the system should remain for police use exclusively. It was noted that if all municipalities in the county, regardless of size, were to request similiar services, the system would become impossible to ad- , minister. A motion was therefore passed to have the secretary write to Stephen Township indicating the' police communications system would be used for police business only in the five participating towns. A recommendation from Police Chief Pat King that Lori Biggin be upgraded to a pay level' 3 dispatcher ef- fective January 1 was ac- cepted by the commission. V The Chief's activity report and overtime report for the month . of ; December . were adopted by the. commission *rid the -Deceinber accounts m the amount of $34,280.57 were approved for payment.. The Chief's annual report ofpolice activity during 1980 was tabled for a future meeting at which time the commission's new member is expected to-bepresent. Chief King informed the members that he had written to the (Ontario Police Commission with regards. to a motion passed by the Goderich Police Commission December 12. This motion stated that, in the future, where charges have been laid under the Police Act against a police officer, such charges shall not be with- drawn by the Chief of Police or another officer laying such charges unless the Hoard of Police Com- missioners is advised of the reasons for the proposed withdrawal and approves of such charge being with- drawn and that the Chief of Police be notified ac- cordingly.for his information and the information of the force. Chief 'King said he had written to the Ontario Commission because he had some concerns about the motion and had since received a reply back con- cerning the Chief of Police :laying and waiving charges under the Police Act. The Ontario Commission's reply as well as Chief King's letter will be presented at the next regula r meeting of the Goderich Police Com- mission. Chief Kink told the com- mission that he had received a • brochure on the alert machine, •a roadside screening devise used for the purpose of, alcohol monitoring. He said that the O.P.P. have one such unit and advised spending $800 out of the 1981 budget to purchase a unit also. Chairman Carter and Mayor Worsell said they felt that no such purchase should be made at this time. Chairman Carter also said that he and Judge Cochrane should be present for any demonstration off the • alert machine to see how it works. The purchase of such a-. machine will be discussed further during the budget meetings of the commission at a later date: The town police force does • not presently own.a .bretbalyzer 'machine for ''alcohol monitoring: • Following the commission meeting January 27, members met informally with Goderich police officers.. as a public relations gesture and to. •4iscuss policing matters. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1981—PAGE 5 he was certain when the figures were available, the furnishings and equipment would cost less. Reeve Fellows commented that he did not like using expanded figures because - this permits the expenditure to -increase to meet that figure. He said he did not like that approach to budgeting. County clerk -treasurer, Bili Hanly, told council members that the figure of $45,000 was realistic for the type of facility and number of staff at the health building.. Hanly remarked that considering the type of building and staff requirements, the cost of furnishings and equipment could well be 850,000. Budgets were also received from the Social Services Committee, the - Planning Department, the Development Committee, Hurt,nview, the Library Board, and the Property Committee. The proposed budgets of the Executive Committee were received too, including general government ( members of . council and general ad-. ministration), educational grants and patriotic grants. . ... Alt were -accepted and_wir now go to the- Executive Committee for final review. NEW SELECTION OF CKERW BASKETS, HAMPERS, PLANTERS, FANS, ETC. IN -STOCK 5 % OFF ALL ' 'TILL ;AT. FEB 14 ('ELESTIAL SEASONING 15%- HERBAL TEAS OFF S ANS NATURAL FOODS' 75 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-7561 -later- Steck now... b.� Give her a gift that's a real trent! Giver her a Qi%p GIFT CERTIFICATE TO 1eckes '11, Cra�l SKIN CARE STUDIO 32 Newgate St.. 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