HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-13, Page 2�0. �137T._,',�' "��Ii�-11 , I—- p�,. I -7�;-P,Mr, �'il. I � � � . I ,:. �� 7--,�--� ,.�-._------��,�,_ ,�171116T,_
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"I .. I I I ==:�. coined a$ my d'aughter-in-law. communication was to the oftect ' I 11
UNJUST AND -CRUEL WIRS I However, I would. sooneryArt With that his. son was to be married th4t MADE AK'Hiv . �i
I aVhing than ,my dearest am, ition day to Qyntbia Dalynai ullws BY CHAN,
, I I , an the girl by showing 11 � b ne. . . . . I ,
worthiness, Us justi I or un- The fact that.tbe blow was- so. . — � � .
CURIOUS C,LA1J%1,8 . lywon A'�� COMED ES parent haxshness.�,) fied , MY. AP - unexpected aud invoinprahensiblo 010 Al X 0 X PRACTIOX IN AV-
THL"y CONTAIN, � I � . mado it 411 the har,lor for the mil- .
. l . . AS �a '9 1`011t
. So saying, he tooli: up the second lionaire to bear, 1,17 11 hi, Altoulfs ,
. — I . . . letter, which was 40 ADODYWOUs scheming to go for nothino, just as. � 1� - bus. � I I
__ I . � �
. , ��= ���� � communication,, written in a atrag- 'I'd appar,mtly crowned — .., 1.
I 11 success b . I I
, .
3111. Scott Willed That RIS X001DY 11, 1. . .. . 11 I �. I � . gling hand on a balf-shoet ,of note- his efforts'? ,1�1"Oa tbol,�,,a,ad t1m0s.
, . i .ilal� 11ST10 tot Lots, 0000 I
, I
Was To Be Tarned Into, Banh I.- TTIE TROUBLE. I P'14'r�ar no. He WOU14 stop this wedding When orlini �
. . . . , "No, no, My boy, it -Alon't )) . Sir," it colnmenoed,,,"It bv hook or by oro6k. It was to be 0140 Who Sha larry out
1. 41 C
� .NLotes aud Rtnnietl.� I � and the speaker Jabez Somer do, way interest You to x1now tba,t, your at two 6,010ek according to the let- .�, th , e DeAd �
, ; ,
. " i Ile' , son is 0-rr,i, 14, 4! 11 .
,: � I e, Q_ 4m4;.0 y w1val ter,., and he calculated tbat he ' I I I . I . I I
-, . I . . I I � ol: oo erville's Sumptuous SOAR, an actress frum the El
,�, i . . I In September, 1903'. occurred a brou in The'a- could got, there in time. But whon. In the Arst .
.1 DAINTY DIS -1M. Jin your room. It will smoll Sweet
. I . 'YEZU
. L � . .1 I . in�>st mysterious crime. In the wild ght his Ast down on. the table tre na,med Daisy lJontmorency. be I week 4 the prp"Dt .
Ana keep away fli4s. wit . arrived, hot and fuming, he was year the Paris p 74
'� :: , - Currant Ikoaf,-Beat , I hills at the back of New york ses4 a force wh'ch made the glas- They are _q,Mxoa found �yi �
1��, title two A to be seen together every- met in the poroll by a cool and in tile Alta Branop"On'the dead bo 4
% unds, -of dough when.r-oe Vegetables must not be allowed 8 - 1inglo. ' "Tfie girl may be all
I :, � r , 41I fj�r tate, known as the Adirondacks, where � 3y
aking aix table,spo�onfula vf woll , be a I D.
I a to lip in a heap, but should I YOU say she is but she'i penniless,, dil , ; driving i the Park and smiling best man, of a youth nalaw,4 ._%;J7ljd33, Re
I .'' 4 - o a and hasn't title " n at expensive restaurants� . "PitY yen couldn't have g IM t�
,.r. I WUIQ&ed currants, three tz%blespoou- r',Pr<.a,d out 4in a stOue fioox� ter son of tha millionaire founder a . I'd even forgiv- Ito is whispered in certain cir- ar lar Sir, sai .,ot here six knif.9 woundk while three , re. ,.
[� Mouse traps should be thoro an the first if she'd had the last. cles that tho.young lady intends ts hto pmxvt--ated the
, . I fuls of sugar and on,a ounce of but- ugh- of the American News Company, Itis PU a h ' i " d Hector YGql,�har volver bulle
IK scal-ded and aired after two or f4a found f affably' '(The. ceremony is just body, Next day 01
:�� , );er. Bake like an, ord,j�.aar� loaf. oully murdered, says I rely 4'bus'u�es� PrOPOG't'on- inv 9 him into marrying her, over." I I I heT arrested 4
�, t ree ca I gave you an expensive education �
1:., I , ptures, or they .will be Pearson's Weekly. ill eiglie'r, that she may ba,ve I I young Apache named Diard, who.
1 A 2imple Tapioca Puddin�.--Soak or . the "Very well, air," splattered Jab boldly confessed A
1 , t practically useless. � The case created gn enormous and 4, generous allowance, and in haudling, of your millions, himself the mur-,
:, - .
� . . . uwo table-spoonfulp. �of tapioca ill a Whext 0,00king unions, set A till 40unation, and the police of the return I expect you to marry 9, 4, to I tally -worthless - She "a cz furiously, "Sompone shall suf- derer. lie doolaro,d that QuilljoXx
11, , nt of milk for an hour, then plit -cup Of vinegar on the store, and whole country nuited in the at- bible. If. you go contrary to in woman, wholly for for this. "I'll -I'll—,)
P the -only interest wouldn't do avything if I months previously I -,a �a4 killed a .
�� It on to boil, stirring it to prevent let it b P I y mercenary, and III .. � deserved I*is fate, for that twelvo,
� wishes You low everthing. That'a the writer -of this letter nas in the .
;1 oil, and there� will be no dis- tom b to dinoover the asn"Aln' Plain, speaking, and to the point. word you." . Momber of their go,j
; vt�cking. YEN, in (off the lire), Ono , �
� � agreeable odor from the vegetable. But not even the a .hto��t 01110 was ,.,is r address'ng, matter' is that he wishes to pre- The millionaire re,�.�ardod him rich.
. -11-dop-oonful of sugar, When storing blankets wrap them found, 1xUd to this ay the cireum. vent your son from being victim- curioliSly;.some'thing 'in HecLor's and others of the gang had mot in a
: I P99, a4d a tat , whos he was � g named Met.
I )Iako in a greased pledish till nico- . in plenty of 1111 .... He went. on to tell how he
;. � newspaper and lay simnoes of �he crime sat at the' other side -of the talble, ised by such a creature,"
ly browned. tel"An a mya� his ,square jaw set in an expression This effusi voice and 1�oksstruck him forcibly.
I . Rhubarb slite,s of Yellow soap in the folds, tory. Mr, Ronry "Dexter ver to the full as determined as that on, though it surprised (,Where haNre I seen ywn before, oafe -and played. billiax,ds to -decide:
i. Charlotte. -Butter, & Moths dislike soap and printers, ly Went, insane fronif,riof imUemaqrr: of his father, the soap merchant considerably, Yo who should have th,a kmnor of car.
� pifaiish and, cover the. bottom of it juk. ZA his life, L ling manO," he asked, grimly., rying out the sentenm He won,
, with-orambs. Then put in a, layer Teapots "I shall maryy Cynthia Dal_ was not wholly, Unpleasant reading "Your forgetfulness is , not flat- and -going, outside, lmd 6.061i his
I af rhubarb, the Pines to often become mustly Re dicJ) AU4 '40� azldo it alun of . .a, to him, He waB -rather pleased at Loring to my ohaims," r6 lied the vict!
be an $10,000,4A 0, rawaxd to az,v porsob. mall, if she Will bz6ve me," 116 the'turn matters had -taken, He "I haven't spent that, killed him at once. . .
I when not in use. To prevent, this, � P im coming up the stroet, end
L ,aid quietly, I other coolly,
L I � . �icb long., Add brown sugar, a little dry thoroughly, &ad then put the who will'obtain the &ri,ent o6d'oon- I had n4 been at 411 sure how 'to ten thou� yet..'� I
. pated lemon -peel and povider-ed Edon sideways o that. air may get N'10tion of the.mur&ber ot his Bon. The other's eyes flashed fire, and deal with Cynthia 'DaIrriaine, but .
. . ry I � "IFhatill yelled the Millionaire . Ill Police records .-of different
�Inger. Continue in this way fill in. , Wills are usually m devAly dull then softened into an almost plead- Daisy Montmorency presented DO 04YOU-You�are�Daisy Montmor: .countries You will fi:ad ninny sim.
i I %o dish is full, having breadorumbs Milky bum�,Ier,s should be first " most dt"v leg4 dootmentg, but ing expres4ion. . . difficulties to him. � I ilar cases; in Anarchi::t circloo A
, � � .�
I 144. Put a, few, bits of butter -on .rinsed in cold, water and then now and then a tpiao of inter4gb Ja "Don't disappoint me, Ha . Cyijthia had. wanted Harley him- enoYl" the', suddenly his mond is a common practice whan tM
rley. 11 changed, and Jae roared with laugh- death of some public p,'arsonuge hat
: 1he top and balm in a, moderate, w&sbod_ If put ,straight into hot lent by thd Curious alattges. 'which I've set my he -art on your marrying self -and why,she had released him ter. CrYOU Young rogue I" he eried. been decided upon,
. Dven for an hour. water the glass may be pernilan- *10 wnt8iu, espeoially thaffe into the , aristocracy. It's what now he was puzzled .,to say�-but , -you are the Arst man who ever elloice of ex�sout' to leave 6h,a
Maids, Of Honor. -This is a very ently clouded. whfah eagry out pogthummw I've worked and slaved for all my Daisy wai plabil ioner to lot,
. life. I,ve a, y out for mone
gru4ges, . .Y� got the better of Jabez Somerville, Twelve years ago a
,/ d Beat Imitatdon frosted glass for a . ways been a kind, in- and would. be open to a bargain, and hang it, I like you for it. Give sis, n ,youn
good Old-fashioned recipe,: � dulgent faihei to you, haven't I�" She would drive a hard one, no me , 1 3% RA19.
I n &Died Ivan D46cisewitc join.
, 11 k a fine -cream, add two ounces of bathroom may be made thus, GUILTY OF ARSON. It your hand," . . ad the Nihilist club knovirn as
. I ;as%ber sugar and 'beat all together. Moisten putty witli sweet oil and I YOU have," replied the young- doubt, but Jahez Somerville was a Their hands met in a hearty Cir , Ole of the Iron Oath. The o
add a sinall xec curious dil- you like to ask- me, But ip q mat- thousand or two it he could got .
l ligalln, , Sometimes a will of this sort er ma -A, "and I'll do anyth � ing else rich man, -and not particular to a 0 , 1a.sp , . I?
. . &4d the yolks Of two -eggs, beat then paint a thin ooating over the lea�ves its a , I binds all members to absolute oao .�
I .quantity of panes. This will withstand the utor in a ' 11 But there was a further and edience under penalty of death mi
I . emma, A case in point is the last ter Of this sort a man must choose Harley out of her clutches.
tailk. Sha,ke in a few currants�and steam. I I greater surprise in ,store for the the hands of their comrades, .
. testament of Mr. Harvey Scott, for him -self if he wishes, to retain That accomplished,. things would � L
Ine4 chopped peal, Beat all to- pipecday is invaluable as a sa ,r millionaire, when an aristrooratio During the following year a plo
71, who died a few years ago at the his manhood and self -respvct. " go hardly with him if Harley, re- whiterhaired old lady came for- ws
. gethex, place in. pastry -lined patty- of soap and labor in laundmes. )? , a formed to kill the Czar,
I age of eighty-two, In order to "That is Your final decisionl jeated by both Cyathia, and'Daisy, ward, scrutinising him languidly lots were drawn to determim
P) , iis And bake. till t4o pastry is When washing kitchen olioths, dis- prevent his heirs, threa relatives "It is." Hai -ley ,spoke in a pro- did not eventually agree to realise
.Ooied. . ,solve some DiDe,clay in fhe W,ter, ,
. _ % whom he disliked, from getting his through a Pair Of'gla,gses with 4 which member should undartalid
�4 testing mannei, but firmly. "But the ambition of his fathal!"s life long tortoisoshall handle,
6or-nflour cheese is a, very edo- an -d you w3lf he surpria-ea 64 ert:F h-0 6d , 04 directions fa;61.1tr .� Y) I Y) the assassination.. .
jiomi.cal and tast First quickly the dirt will -disappear. , E � and marry a title., There was the - '(Ali? my dear Mr. Somerville, . I
I y recipe. Prop the sum wh & le -&-A ine Iffon't fai;he' she said, "you have come after all I
I that i-0 y p r me," interrupted Countess of Sal-choster, who was THE FATAL BLACK PELLET .
f,.ra,te� -the cheese. you wish to U", Moth in Carpet. -IT ,you can lo- $�6,000_should be turn uriously. I'Since you more than. half willing that her Such a romantic affair, you know; -was drawn by young Denisewitob,
� I ;hen boil it slowly in sufficient milk date the affected- Pa,rts, dip a cloth bank notes and pubiiely burned. you are- determined to go your own daughter, Lady Adele St. Clair, n.�Othing else would content my Time and reflection had destroy�
I �o dissolve, it. in the. meantime, in very hot water with a little wn- The executor appealed to the headstrong way, I want to have no- should be led to the altar by hiS daughtar. She absolutely refused ed his firat ardor, and ho revolte,d
. � lor every half pint of milk used, monia in it. Spread it over the Courts to- be relieved Of his t-a-sk. thing further to do with you. From son. t� marry your son unless she could at the idea of murder in cold blood.
I I I Plix smoothly a, teaspoonful of I -=rpet, and then go over it with a. He quaintly remarked that; if he to -day, my house is closed to you, So Jabei donned las smartest hat win his love under humbler *'au- He bad money, and, disguising
. . Bornflour with. a little ,Dold milk. hot, iron. The steam will kill the I -hobeyed the will, he considere'd that and our allowance ceases. and repaired to the Elysium Thea- spices and an assumed nani.e. So himself, quickly escaped from Rua,-
. "
!Chen a4i to the obeese and milk past. 'ould be guilty of arson. "A pretty, husband you'll make tre. A humble commissionaire, in sb� ran away and played,at being sia and went to the United States. .
)ad cook all together while stirring To Whil,sn B*ards.-Mix together A maiden lady of a sarcastic turn for Cynthia Darmaine," he contin- a gorgeous uniform-impre8ged by a journalist uncler the , name of But the poor fellow had not cal-
� - r ten minutes. Season to taste two parts of soft zoa,p, t4ioe part,* .91 Tai - P_a, Mlirnr 'U'arry xartl I a -At b7 u -ed. "Wlkon she ligars you'll get la.is prosperous app�-arance, and Cynthia Dalmai4e. And your son culated on the terrible po,wers of
I ith cayenne pepper, mustard and of sil-f oT snii&, in -d i5r,C�'pari o�t !!me. bami, left "to her dear otor" no hioney from me I 4on't suppose the iidagnifioeace of his *-g.ra- fell in � love wiih her and, of his associates an the $kill with
� ; ?; a
� . . d
. halb. ,and serve On hot buttered hay a little of this on the boards, box and all its -contents. When th4q Pht'll bo so kA -en �o rAarry you." oiously consented to carry his card ' - which, they had woven a
. . . course, in the circumstances refus network
- __ ' "If Oyathia marries me it will to Miss Montmorency, and present- ed to marry Lady Adele St. Clair, -w -
Eas,t. rUb thoroughly with a wet. scrub- physician gob his legacy home abd
. � I :�poned it, his feelings at not be from any mercenary mo- ly returned to say that the lady I around the . orld. He was follow **
� Roman Cream.-Gra,dually work bing brush, rinse with clean water, � im whom, as he supposed, he had nev- ad to New York, and, realizing his
. wl, discovering t lalpt contained all tive," retorted Harley. I 'I w.ish was at her flat in Balcour Gardens. I .
I lip one pLut of milk into two -ounces and no dr,v. I or seen. - danger, went West, and opened a
' -
".� I . of ground rice, then stir it over the To saxe, ice bills take a, box three the pills .ind potions which he had you good -night, father." The Perhaps the gentleman would seek "Such a'romance, iWt it? But barber's shop in 8an Fra,xicisco. A I
I fire till it hoils. Gontinue stirring or four feet square, fill four or five prescribed for his late patient in �oor closed. gently but firmly be- her there, No, 12a. . the best is yet to come. It appears few weeks later his dead body wag
,-. ' clean, ,coarse salt, the course of some twenty years' hind him, �nd the old man sat lis- The millionaire, determined wance stopped by you, found upon bis bed. He had been
, for seven or eight minutes, or -an- inches deal> with , to that his allo
, bil the rice thickens and tastes keep salt Well dampened, and put attendance I tening to the, retreating footsteps see, the matter out, hailed a cab he waa in despair how to get the poisoned. A small circle in black
� cookied. Add one ,aince -of buttar, milk and burter in this homemade HOW A CHAPEL LOST $4,500 till they- became inaudible. amd, allighted at Balcour Gardens, money to marry his Cynthia, and was marked Upon his forehea4 4-
I tugar to taste, and a few drops of refrige,rat.or, as,it will keep food . "He thinks I'll relent, but I am imposing block of flats near St. that clever man. , Mr. Farquhar, A similar case occurred less thax
I roehinead%' Stir well and flavor nicely and prove a good substitute Another wealthy old maid who won't," he muttered, and his hand John's wood. Having locat�d No. got him out of the difficulty. Ana two Years ago. A man named Fed- �
lived in Vienna, was pestered for -closed On thk wine -glass till the .aa he handed in his card, a -ad was how do you think he did it 7 .
I with valni . Spread the b,ot,+,om for an ize box. years by requests from. er three . He eroff was found stabbed to death
.1 ma slende;1' -fff,�fa-46��Wln his tense -eventually ushered into the Pros- disguised himself as an actress- in 1
-7 �a I In baking a oak� in a. round tin, . . his lunurious.apartments ' St.,
-----1'0TE1� golass , . 'ith. raspberry Sam, nephows and three nieces that she grip. eum, Of Miss Daisy Montmorency. you've no idea what a splendid wo- 'Petersgurg. The mnidak.;�� in,
. I
I rrum;sle 0 r it two macaroons, it is not necessary to cover the -would give them portions to enable � IL -THE PLOT. He found her disposed in man he makes ---and somehow got man named G d, 4 -
I � an ele-
I 11
r. At last she died, . � Pon a ,sofa, with a tan thousand pounds out of some fore he wah ,executed, li�� confess , ed ...
andcover -with the ground rice, pnt- whole biottorn of the tin with an them to marr . otsdhakoff,46 a
ling it on in spoonfuls. Whencold, oiled paper. Cut a small round'of When her wil was r it was Hector Farquhar, gayt hand- gant attitude u � �11.
. �
, .
1. werve. paper for the centre and- oil the found that about a million dollars some, and debonair, surveyd his lighted cigarette between her 'red old fool of a man--ao clever oflilim, that he was the executionQ� ap- '_ ��
-k Of the pan . This saves the old college chum carelessly through liPs- . wasn't it I" . pointed by lot by the society to i
Bacon fritters are excellent for re w.as ,divided among the six on con- . "Doubtless you have heard of. my I
asing lip a sha-blay piece of boiled measuring andfitting of the p per the haze of cighrette smoke. "Very clever, indeed I" said Jab- which he belonged. Federoff, it
m, - & , dition that the nephews should not ,, your son,"
bacon. Make a, light batter with and the cake comes out perfect. Marry the -girl, by�all means, engagement to she oz, grimly, ., emoving his hat to mop appears, was & police sPy who bad 11
marry before forty ax4 the nieces mydear fellow, with my blessing," s�id, waving him carelessly to 8 his brow,-P-earson's Weekly. wormed himself into the ,Ciiole for' I
I me eggg, half a pint of milk, a quar- Many would be glad to know t,h-%t not before thirty. What was move 15eat "and have come to convey I 1,
I live happily ,ever � .
ive to live in the same love that ms,kos the parental blessing. Very good _______)E1
bar Of a pound of flour, half a tea- two, or three, slides from a good they were all f ' he laughed, "and . the purpose of betraying its mem- I
, . gpGonful of bal.ing-powder, and large. lem.on put into a, boiler on hou ad, und4or the care of the ex .ec- afterwards. It's I ,,PHAN bers to the authorities., I �
stir into it a ts,blem, oonful of chop� washing -day with. white linen will utor, who was to receive a hand- the worid go round you 'know. I'll of you, I am sure, but out it as ANTS SCARE ELr T TS. One day in October last two ra.g- I L
I see you through." short as -you can, there's a good pickeri, Ju&n Mas and his son, met
ped bacon. Melt some fat in a make it beautiful and white, and some salary for seeing that the leg- "I intend to marry Cynthia any- chap. These touching scenes 90 A Terrible Insect in the Forests in a cafe at Barcelona. Both were .
a' ad the conditions. I �
fryin- an, and when it ceases to get all at- ins out of the pocket- atees obey . down all right in melodrama, but . �
2 p �' how," .Harley Somerville's face . of Mrica. I the worse for-liquot, and soon � .1
frizzle and a blue smoke rises, Tmt hand -kerchiefs and children a pina- The deacons of a Baptist chapel in real life they are rather ter- I
. I ,es. Cut the lemon with the rind. in Cheltenham b . asty shock was serious, "but I'm afraid you ing.; P . I In the vast equatorial forests of THEY BEGAN TO QUARREL. '
In a spoonful of the batter. Turn fbi , of dOn.1t quite appreciate the difficult- . . I
the fritters so as to cook -on both on, and let it remain in the boiler. When they hear the contents ies of the situation. You see I've Tabez Somerville smild grimly, Africa the most drended of anim- But after a time they calmed. down :
� sides. Then -drain on paper a.t the Cheeaa that has become dry can the will of one of the enapel true- no money. If I only had a bit'of "Don't worry your -self, my ala is the great bull -ant. Unlike and began to play dominoes. Pre- .
, door of the Oven, Serve very hot be pounded -on a plate with a knife, tees, who died in December, 1908, clear," he replied "I came here other ants, it carries nothing away; sently the ,son was board to say., I
I I apit-al I could take advantage of - *
1 By a codicil he left $500 i;o the c to talk business. Pathos is no everything is eaten on the Tot. "I'*b won Will you do it your-
, In a dish -aa,oer. � or, better still, in a worden bowl ST
�__ � . 3hapal funds for each deacon who Frank Denver's offer of a Partner -
Beef Trifles. -Take one pound of with the -end of a rolling -pin, and ( ship in his busin,ass, hat without more in my line than it is in yours. Every kind of V�aast and reT � a- self, or do'you want me to do itl"
cold beel, free from skin and fat. a smoll piece of butter. When attended his f uneral. There were mloney I'm helpless. " in the first place, I want to tell you elephants, 11,0318, .. gorillas, snakes, The father evideiitly.did not take
� . -wp it. maixed, it can be Used, seaso nine deacons, but not one Of, them a that the day in I � . .86 youp ana, maa hiipself-fletes before, this his -son's words seriously. �He I /
and cl as. finely as possible. ned "I wish I could help you, Ol I out 01 a on marrl . .
Pla�,e the inhice in a. basin with a. vmth pepper, fbr sandwiclies. and attended; so instea.d. of the $4 600 chap " commented Hector, heart- I out him my will. " terrible insect, . I had, Instantly -the young Dann ,
)y which the chapel might ��ve ) "Noble father foils adventuress These ants march. through the 'pa,ulled a knife. "All right, if you're
tea--,oning of pepper, salt, a tea- the remainder, well pressed aow-ri, I ily, , "but you know journalists adventuress takes poison � - I son mar- forests in a long thin column, two .
,qc�ooyiful of grated harse-radiih, atorad in a covered jar. It can al.�O been the richer, the legacy T, as don t. make fortunes nowadays. ' ' I a coward, I'm not!'.' he dried, And "I
three ounces of fine brea,dcrurnbo,4 be grated and used for cheese dish- void. � III' 11 take the will for the deed.!, ,ries aristocratic in,genue-happy inches wide and miles in length. If stabbed the other to, the heart, It
. . wid a little chopped Onion- A dd ts. WEALTHY BRE WER'S WILL. "Unfortunately, that won't help finale -curtain I It only requires they come to an open space where appears that the,game, of dominoes
I bwo ounces of butter, and, after Some children have a habit of We must hit on some idea- a low comedian with 9, soft heart there are no trees to -shelter them was a dud, to decide which ihould
Mal.evolonce and benevolence are YOU- and an impossible sweetheart to from the sun, they burrow under- kill hImFJ:. I . I
Ily blended in the will of Harr by Jove I have .it, -t )) I
mixing thorougblv moisten with an throwing themselves On the floor. od, Ae very thing I
I I egg. Place the' mixture in small king and scr ing, wh ' ' ,rani complete the tableau, Daisy ground and form tunnels, through - A very curious eme of a criminal
,! m- en any- Gottfried Yeller) a w6altby brewer We'll make your refractory pa
� I oul lie a to their -wish- ws Of war, It is Xontmoren,cy smiled languidly, which they march on. It often picked by chance came to .
. ,1g �<o " You earl cut the poison welve hours for n New York about five yearx
.,.s - -e oven for >as , _ - rovide the sine being
� , bake in a moderat thi _ a I ar of Thun, Oermany. Ito bequeath P I -ad L lean ' " . busi. -bakes as long as t light i .
bwevitv minutes, thsn turn out on es . .a edy applied is ,ad t,o Iiis native town a sum of. no Only poetic justice " a u � It be far o�at," one of these armies to pass. I
. . T usual I in frind, Hector proce"Y I ago� It ',seems that three youpff
I bo a hot disli. Pour a nice gravy, beating. A much bettor plan is to los,s than $no,000, but a0compan- .closer to his a - ness aad 4D Won .1
the . - n the millionaire. "I'm An -overtaken it at clerks in the Rou()iern Seduriti0i
I round and. sarve. walk quietly and unconcernedly jed the bequest by -condition ad to outline his scheme. comme U ,y creature .
. . I . . "What do you think of itV he not hard-hearted. Do you think rh once attacked with irrestibl.,@ fury Bank made a plan to steal a lar,4.
I _. awav, lock the door, and leavethe that a. certain person whom he dis- . ng a t, ,
I SPANISH DISHES. chi3d to, kick and ScTes,m to its liked should not be elected io the asked. "Napoleonic - Machiavel- couple of thoupand pounds woul4, and instantly devoured. Tie Aro. - sum. by meaas of forging a dr 4A
.. , oh V? heal your broken. heart7" ost and the weakest, �he 'most They met at dinner at a small re- �
heart's'content. It will soon wisely Communal Council, while another Ann . . . I
. . Spanish Cream..LPlace one and conclude that it is hurting no one of his pat.averaions was to be de- I, Certainly the latter," replied "Base, sordid .man; little'. yo -4. fierce and the most t1inid of crea- staurant, and could not agr-�x
� A few applitationD of prived of a certain municipal Of- Harley, ,sinihng, "but it isn't quite know the value of a love like mine I i are alike their proy, which was actually to forge, the
?L half pints of milk in double boil-, but itself. " ca,n two thousand pounds ease an U;1111iives overtaken by theni seek
ing add one-qu . louncil C-dokat is itl .� � I. signature. I I
01 sr and when boili ar� this -remedy will usually oure the Jim which he ,held. The " C wil . "My � -clear . ching heart -make it ten," ,refuge in the nearest river or pond. So they called for a set of pokor
L . ter of a, box of gelatin. Let boil worst ,case. mot, and after considering the I . o itif "I need not give you any hi -Ag, Yet, when the ants themselves are dice which are dice with the six 11
:1� — ere forced to notify the executors squeamish " pi�o,besteydol are too a ,t
-6bout four minutes,. stirring, con �1_ w u fath' ec ' tbr. . be such an iaiot ,%E drowned, their strong pincers re- higier figures printed. I -on their re- . 1� �
I . ot accept the be- YO r er had been as Particular you would not � �
1:7, . I sta,ntly. Beat yolks of four e9151s PERFUMES FOR ROYALTY. , that they -could n he'd never have amassed a fortune- .to marry a penniless =0-11 Jabayi fuse to, relax their hold upon any spective aides, and agreed to throw I
tog-ather with four tablespoons of What are the perfumes favored q fair in lovb � ;;,d Somerville smiled triumphantly, flesh they n,a.y have attached them- these the' one -who tbrew the low- I . i,
, u
I I Thtat is probably the stran!gest Besides, all's . , . . P "
i sugtir and a pra,in of salt. Pour b, yalty 7 ' "I'm not so sure, I can be very selveg to, tmd, though their bodies, ost to do the forgery.% . �
. I � I r
I �� _ y 110 In the British Court � ibly away, their heads The lot .fall upon the yotingest, ,
i I the boiling mi�ture an this and re- "Ess Bouquet' ' is probably 'the and, at the same time, the most war-' vindictive, and it would Min Your are torn ft'rci
I turn to double brailer, allowing it first1avoribe, and his been so since horrible. bequest -ever made, is to * * * * * . - I 'project. I think you would be pre� remain. . ; � .
. whose, name was Critchatt. He car- 1,
, I . I be fouiid in -the will of Lieut. do. Jabez Somerville sat P"yndering pared to pay t�n thousand to ,ob, Certain barba,r6us tribes, when ried out the forgery successfull-Y .
bo boil four minutes or until it be- about 1829. The recipe for this Pa r an Offi 45 1 � I . . i �
p over two communications with a viate that."' n, man is condemned for wi-bahoraft d so uxed th� sum. of thirty thoa- - 1.
Wines oreamy. Pour this then special perfume is jealously guard- ,, forma ly c r in a sm,art ) an 0
. I regiment of ,Austrian hussars, who puzzled look on Ins face, The first "Suppose I make it, 06, r fasten ,him:,.to, a tree and leave him , 11�
� "through a fine simle, adcr-ing one I ed by the manufacturer, and, all was exeoutea by stiangling some was ,signed Cynthia Dalmaine, and I 'W.on't,do," commented the fair to the ants. When they have pass- sand dollars,- but was afterwards 1,
I 1. I beippoon of 'vanilla.. Set aside in that, he, admits is that it is cOMPO8_ few years ago for the murder of ran as follows - �. laconioaliv I 'Vivo thouy is ad a skel ton alone is left to tell� arreated and confessed. I
: � c :I 1.)1aoe lintil it con . mixed with essences actress . . e. I
� 00 , gea,ls, then ad of amber, his brother. "Dear Sir, -I understand f ro�n. -it, is ten or noth- the tale. I - . ._114----m— -
add the well beaten. wbitei Of th-e! of nse, violeet, jaaamine, orange- no good -to Mo. . I . � .. . . I .
Previous to his eXetlitiOn, the your son that you wish him to mar. I 11 I I � . POR LOVE. I.,
I four It'r A lightly throuirli; flowers, and lavender. Ine poet- murderer requested that he might ry, & title, 'and that ifbe refuses to Ing." . 1114— I A ,CURE' .
I . ��
elm, q ,I I, ng . -0 Million.- 1�lw �r
Th I t-'� a Queen of RoumaDia, Carmen Syl- "Very well," sighed tl , I ' I
oustard. is is bstter mader -aphod whilst hangi,ng,1,D11 do'so, you will disinherit him, A BULL18-EY11 lteferr.ng to modern oylaizisnl
I t perfume, dig- be photogi 0 ,a ai drawing out bis ah-eallowbool.-L I . !
,� day before it is Used. va, bar also a secre the gallows, and a copy I Please believe that I 'ara ,on. "'.nute, after he to 'iB 4or I I I ) Concernang-love, a woll-kii,own au- I 11
I I . Spanish Onion Soup.-Clhop fin -8 tilled, it, is said, from flowers found ghastly picture sent to his father, tirely in sympathy with your de, A. =I ok b - ant, I I I private Potts �oa.a not shooting, . b1lor tells this,skory: I
, I
� In the beart of a forest, to which 110 r ure, woll pleased vith� the harkain, ;
: , Rve onlana and fry brown In bu'tterl -gaf,b- a -Protestant clerptnian'. W Be sev- sires in this directlon, and you need ' uld 'he have seen the fAir Daisy very wall. "Out of ton shots he bad , 111 rcmG,nibor once"' lie said# �
� Xading a ,teaspoonful of -,ugar. tiono.,but the Quean's flower I erity, he declared, was responsible apprehend no Opposition on my 00 I I'llearEng a bricklayer and.& plum- .
� . .1 arers are admitte4. Perhaps the 1, . . five minutes later�miaug har Wli Only .bit A hailget onoe, and then it �
� I - "r cic�ht ciip- . , P . I I , roxiva.m. was . -,-, �-wi, . ru I . . I I
I I Wh(na brown p,our o peatort, lover of econts is the Tsar- for the bad eatirseg into which he) Part.' _.�-r6lling on the sofa m P, the -, one. The inst c., 'ber d,isicuss love, I
I., � , . I hi- ,,;-on, ba,j fallen, ,, "Well, she �takes it p 401� with wrath ' bia. 11 11 lv�ld I said the brickla,yer, 1,
fulg of bot beef stook, A4d a. biw yptty e Ir
. - I, I ino"of Ru6ifl" Who ,uses a gre'st of mirt-li-it i's sale to my io would tor approached . in I " � bly in love, I p.,
I , .. IeAf. halS. a dozen oopmxroorns, and quantity of violets, and her apart- So many wills contain unjustan'd ly," commented -the willionaire as have experienced an unpleasant eye. , I . that if YOU are terri , ' �11.
'd p . cl,!W; '. 2011 Is he finiahed . *din� I I , �" he said; "yo , the way to cure You
� . �: 'A tablevor�onful. 61 mthim. argley (;i,tw,ot, that at agitatf re 3 it for the sce- shook. . 1100me, Potts It rseli! is -6o ruil
1, , v,ants are daily sprip'liled with the I . .
�.:. : 1� � givinler., fiftean minuteg, strn n, . . I ait Pre,80nt OIL ,loot -to secure, 9, new o'n'd time. I 'But it as, I said, now . III.-TH 'r -o hol .4�r , . .
e"Isences of various flowers, While . TP R JT,T. � don't se,�m to know how t d 'a a,W
' - ,
�.. � and r�orva with &oe of, frIed 'or �ha Qu�e ,. Act'of Parliamani wbich qhall lay that ebe knows Harley will ,hot get' � ., . 1,ST � gun. Pub, it to your shoulder. "The plumber shook his..he&d &ud � :'':�J
, -
I i, , . .1 " , 'ell o ed nong down. that no child rihall, be, wbolly 3n '' oney she is eager to be off W<%s about two days after his That's right. Now point it ,straight sueei'o-1 I . I ��
loaetod brea4. le ' , I ) "I
. I . � but eau -c -Cologne. . I u " e � I cure you,
::� 11 � I I . . , disinherited except - for an ade- � m ,,,.�oi ss that Yabez , - my eye. g.ee,p it " 'Th;t wil he said, �
I . � , I _ , , � . , i j�q : . with. 'him. � Yot, somphow, ftbw_ ing with.th�e adtr at ThaVs right, I . I ..
. .. � I . I quato reason 0 aw.01 with the
�, 1. . I _101TID RIX". I . A law of this kind is what I have seen of bpr f ,911 uld Somerville received AnOthOr SAOnY- steady. Xow press the ti-igger very ,provid�08 you itill I
, . � ,
I '. I ITA)USET I FEW 03 'U'S CAX� already in fordo in Frt.tnco, - not have altogether tbouglit slip rn.ouo letter, which unceremonious- gently -very geni'ly 1 Go on i Han � g girl -Y " ': I . . . .1
� I. , I . I 1. . I , I I
I � 1 I . . ' I �
I I . I DVAL silk with velvot��zot 0, brnA, 1111.r�w aro your dbil&en i9attoing --..;A-- . was that sort of a girl. In fac�, 1- 4 hi-ek house, of �ards about ,, n%n, whYL dolp't , you Pull the I — , � ,
.Y tumblie ' * - , � I
. "� L I . I I F� I bisearg. ,Rod sent him hurrying; in "'. I$y . ,
�01 �ri,_':`
I'� I ,Flour 'tboorbg &11 Odors, go 8bould!� 41ong at, zch��dl f y Tf "m-"(1�nerally speiking,, i, wo- if it hadn't, 4en tfia-k" T w ,,qt. 'Fr,, "..' 1, I trigger '. , , `17111-v t,,.w ,every man. has 1w, .
�, � �a).cpUJJV cover.d. r I 04 nia�j is—" Her -Ills whatl" ley Ul Tho�,or oar to a � hurZ I '.. , . , I
. , I I . . I - to Society there "Plell'se. air," sumnintred Private prk!3 �
I , , r be c I I o the lasqons � to e * " v; "Iyell, I supposo VV44
I I i�'OTI�, I caill't A ,nt,er 'it I's 1�is powirf ..
�%- , When ol,der btoorot keop 6 butob I (�h7-�ro giving th,* now.*# Him--Ganerally speaking." no girl � I 'would have sooner wel-.1 in' an out�pl-tho-way suburb, Potts "It's: loacto,# ill . � uv,,iaz,.i ha2 her fi-Sur-al" . I
�! ,, � I I., . I . I � � I . . . ) . I � I I I I r .. ,
JKI I . . I . I I I . . 1. I I . I . . I . I 11 I L� I I I � �.
, " � . I . I I . N'1`11 I I , . . I � 1. � , ,.� I ,'� ' , ' . � , ,Lr. : 11 I , . , I I i, I � I I I .1 1: 1. 11 � � I ;
I I � � � .r I'll, . 1, . . � . I 'L .1 . . � . I . . .1 I . I
,:-. . . . . 1: . � I � I
�, I 11 .. 11 � I I . I . I � I 1. 11 1, ,.. . I r ': I .1 I ; 1. I �. � I 11 I ,� � I . I 11 . I " 1 . . I . , � L
1% I I . I \ , I , L � . . , .1 I I I r �' L _ ' ,� , I . . . .. - .. I'll .1 . - , [ . 1,
. . . . . L . I . . I � J- I . , 111111&'. - �, ,� � , L.�� ''.. � " �, .,. 11 . _" . , I , .
&6=�� 1
.1. I I i �': - I I I I I , I . " .: ,., I I �, , i . � � �L � I r, e , I � 1� I , 1. :�. !
LL I , Ak .. 1, I 1 , �, -1 ! I �: I .
1. . " , � ,. I . I I � � . I . - �_,.�.. I. �. , , , , ..��� � , ,..'� , 1, : , , , ,�j ,�, 1, �� . . I I I ,� I . I ,�
. LL� I I
, - �. - -�"._ 1. ` ". '. IS *Ij � . �1,1�_ .. - - -- -�,,� - . _11, , -11 - - I � � , . _,,�� I i ,� � �', .. I I I I
I I - _ , I �: , . 1. �i� ��I� : , , � � ,� i I
, �