HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-13, Page 1'L 0 4* A 1, Vol Woothor Spoolals this wook compolind 20C i . , & . 11 - WcertAla and. sure care. for) Uexall root corafort... 1'XW4 A I RIXTRR�, M,Alf (i Tsicum. Powder .240 D)�s ad ffiwx*4 Nogmn TO or ki a n go 1 5 c WRLS, 11'ree rjyjV0pjjjM �&dd 6� A&VO-0400;--splendid for childrea-Ze A 10 ex Gazette Drug storo Huron & Middles -------- --- THIATY-FIGHTH YEAR -NO 1964 EXETER, ONT CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY �13th 19 11 EXeter Council Infant Near Hensall Conservative Favors Run Over bly'f rain RwiprocjtY meting of the Coancii boa, lathe Town Ila,, Priday evening tYd qtjz The irif-ant son of bit-, Frank Marsh- 1. E. Thompson,late President a[ inst,. present with the all, se 'he Ontario AN, Al--Z-b-W OF P I E, A 15 0 D- Y;'.' 54 jem�ors all ctiouluall, of liensall, was run A rew sproj=m ; I exception of ReeYe T010r, who is on down bythe L. H. & JE1, train on tion nQ-,,r a member of the associa� 11WAMBD leave of absence. Monday, july loth, a few in, Iles, north tiQuIs Executive and Mana-er nd Walper and Day that Mr. Levett of the town, The ohlld7s left Aeg was Sec�etary-rroasur�r of the Norfolk act as, reLve during Mr, Taylors ab� cutoff at the thigh and he lies In a r1rult-grolviers' Association has come 13E GIVEN AWAV FREE and , W T ptnvej veryoritical condition at the Olinton. out strong for Reciprocity, z Say:, ",''ONE ONLY T.O*A FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST Minutes of the last Ineetino, 8vare, hospital, It is supposedtlie child was he wil I vote for the party that ivi r read aLd appr3vod, g0ifig to meet its father. and fell PlIss M ssQcj- M 0 N U-4 y The Norfolk F`ri�it-growers A� FO 11tivers and Walper tbat'th! f01101v- asleep, with part of its body across THIS ation or which Ile is the chief vx,!- Ing aciounts be passed aad orders the rails. The train was at once StOP- :4:,,"WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A SUIT OF d in tile cutive officer bai 525 members, tho issued in payment. ped, the little sufferer place ny such s 2.75; 13ell Tehphone ac 1-3-175 ba -:bilf 'k,1. Spackman aaIQ,13.,1C.'T. llrool�. bag M J%IB AO -r& gagecar, and the train flagged largest member. J= %.X=-qqsr1 suciation in Ontario. if 'in in, Call ok to Ileasall, where Dr. MeDirraid city Oil Ica, gasoline. 15,�j , Was I called in I attendance. Miss Me- ada- Norfolk couxity which casts never having had a CrOP fAauro,,. liis "��`,,,*,,,�V'GUARAN TEED OVERALLS Jas. Dignan wrench _, I'M75; Blectri Ingersoll 3,AVE�S 0 Bain, a trained nurse from. Light �Co_ J990; Oonnor-SalarY on her way. to spend a vacation at set Out Over 1,000,060 fruit trecs dur- 1 WE WILL GIV,& GRANS AS ABOVE ONAF OF 7HESE s as'o- 6 r libxary It. G. Seldon cement Godericb,.gave valuable aid, and jre- 4,110 Past two years and the or antioipa�tcs an ap- 65.65; Smart Turner �Iachlue Co., ae mainedinthe baggage car With the Oiation this ye, m,<n 170N.OSONfAMIS -OR me zfrrLE o#,Es of nearly 60,000 barrels. � At 7 TIL 171 -Ne 7.71,-11.-1..,, $packman ao. cemetery !A.2;?5 Physician and patient unttl OlifttOn Ple fral) a duty of sewdtY� AT OUN present there is Thos. Case ao, cemet�ry 11.25; Jno, wag reached, where the child was hur, These dolls are of cloth, inclestructible, and will last for Years with the I five cents per barrel on apples going hardest sort of play. They 'Avill stand alone if the feet are properly ma�de. ri Ord pt salary cemetery 01,25;)Cha.2, ried to the hospital, into j,he Tinited Otates and the rIimov- Wcr child can possibly brealc one or hurt itself in handling it, Thefluestkind Wilson salary cemetery 18,31',Xelgon tan estimates, vale. hls� �rr. Johns of-ItQy. Bring.youlL, children up right and teach them to play with Peabody's labor a9.75, Whos. 'Webster do at of t Incau a no , ga dolls -*vhen kids and wear, Peabody's Overalls when as men they undertake 7.00; Walter 'ffostcott do 9.40', Nm. %yili t In to the their more serious duties in the world. Balkwill 50.o. Jno. Nlorry d IT TWENTY 11TOVSAND LIGIITS Canadian growor of 500.,iM bilxrel- milk "it the assoviation shilis 00,000 Creech, 1,00 Jno Xydd laba`r 121(25., Re"tween fitTeen and bovIffity, ithous, q year it will , r barrels of 'apples thi. Jas., Ogden do $24,'50 ; Thos. Houlden and 'aleotrio ligUts are whalt . the 5.00 ; iWin, Katter 'do, 7.43; Jno., qjy&e, Eledtrio people are lusing ito (ose approximately $30,000. *bty own Gloucher do, 6.12; W, J, B personal crop should reach 5000 bar- issetu I),. make IthG Ca7aadian Waftional Exhibl- salary OS.00; fT, 1B. Carling do; '21.00 re"Is and on thatTmust stand to lose al tion, ';Park a; blaze of lighit 'daring duty,'- he said Wm,. Davis 75 c..(,. tot, $,J�SqA% . , 7 E2 500 became of tile the coming Exhibition. I his is ex -I hnstoll ba" forty-two acres of Tenders for the heating of the clasive of Ahe� 'Tungslert Tamps, used 5rr- JO L young orchard of Town,.Oall were read as follows, T, for lighting Ithe varloas buildings, apples besides c aches land ch-arries 0 Hawkins and Pjoii 263.00, j1V.fIX. I -Tea- apples, pears, pe mani 000,00; Clare l5ros, Preston 175 covering eighty-four 111cres arld he 111ICKS like thousands of others in ijila greALit Day and Rivers that the Itender -ANDREW$. -ninsula. is naturally anxious of Clare Bros. be a"eptod price $176 fruit Pe Ptembody's Overall... 'The same to be put in according to Rev. IGeorgL W, and Mrs. Andrews for the success Of reciprolet'r. -specifications, council. to remove all announce the marriage of their daugh Ile is bimqelf a well-known Ocnser� We %re the sole sellers of the Peabody's Guaranteed Overalls for Exeter. The best that' sire made in n with old fuvg- te �axvey a. Ificks, vatIve as are his father and two bro- material in � counectio L 0 to Afr, ff gaged in -day. ace and the same to become the. pro- of r a le' at Aylmer, Ontario, Tues- t whom aTe on - Canada to, Once used, always wanted. Try. them and be convinced, Woxont. hers all of the 11aess near here. P( oil. Carried, day th . Only the. immediate *,rult bus !rty of cbuur, July .4 vote for ]tile best in I I gin going tof Messrs. Make and rYrebl& wait -ad on families wore presont. the ceremony the council regarding. the starting of a '�U08 S of thtj country irregineUva, of being performed by the father of tjj t b Miss Kathleen Ar of Iny party connections" Ile said. "It a,band stating that. in case they ride. =5trong, Wild get up a band what inuld thp, 1: J.1 OTaes, is high time our faTMUS illotl�ht Toronto played t C Alreddin', mar, of more Independently nx)4 a�'d 11at WIrr conn�il be prepared to Ao I the ma't.(IThe bride wore a tailored7suit 'OUR JULY SALE polit' ies, ItIlrotigIl �the ter AIL teal part I . I � I cream and black striped suiting, the The acting Reeve -stated tha!t they coatopening over a *blouse of chiffog press to dictate Xo thern, on will lid tha .......... ........... .. I", would not do, anything zow but was and satin, and o. large cream and The coming electi johns�ton htis been his is the month for us to reduce our Summer stopks in, all lines. We are offer- in hearty sympathy with the �Move� Plack hat, . She 'wore the groonVs gift first time that Mri his party, bub Went anc( for them to go and see, a neckface"of pearls jand oarrfed Ill- 4oliqetd to vote against cial prices in order to clear them all out. �j his interviewer, Ing very spe what they. could do -and tQ repor`4 a�` fes of the 'Miley and ivh'lia, romeg. vA" & Ilis can - their :next maet:u- ErIday 21st.' I The only atten1dant was a little-cous- soieneR bade Jahn do w. LINE11;S and REPPS Andrews, 11 am Tory mu 5- toto Council adjourfica to meet Priday in of the bride, Miss Grace c h d Iss j5 p Suits LADIES' WHITEWARE FANCY GINGRAMS In m&DY of the best colors. July- 21st. of Tokonto, who wore, a white linger- the Ocnservative Party,. They should They are idWKya good buying. Z. 33.t ICARLMNIG. Cleric. le dresit and bat witri toneftes of pink hive endorced this agreament in - All ladies' white skirts,gowns, In stripes or plaid ea - corset covers and drawerb at re. on� s� d To, 1 r: e eyd the d s best patterns a WhIl th fast at reduced pi,. with the groom's gift a pearl cross stead of pursmin, oubtful course s all Boys' Suits .2 to 7 to 90 es, P1:13� 190 MEEMINM OF ITHE WO_ And. caricted, the ring in a basket of they havt. They am, xiow working duced prices, at reduced prices. ZU'N'S 'INSTITUTE pinkIftiad white sweet'peas, Later against th,. intorcits of tb�! agrlaul- MIT NPIR-7 Mr. and 1AIrs. Uicks lert Cor;Gcorgian tural classes, Since the. of.sir Shirts, 356 to 1.00 The Q Bay; the bride wearijugg a dress of, sobn _Nracdonald we FAN(jY PARASOLS LADIES"WHITE WAIS S iny under CansvrVatlVeS luakerjOafs Omp, have oni V a few trimmed One for each dress. Getting pretty well sold, oat, direction f Ar s. at. Goldie 11achwate. browu fohlaid with long tailored, have been after reciprocity, but We want Vts and shap�d left. but you 0 ar c 1 Fielding and Patersoll. have to see them afl go. Elave cut but all, that are left to cle at Of 11410onaid 0.nstltute Ivill gir& & coat of brown broadcloth and Ia. sm t '51 ss s. Odd.Pants 85C LIP lban have your choici3 of them I demonstration and Italk on and Brown hat. On their re- stolen a march on 'is. I call now the price on all. reduced prices. 'for ba4f price. tusean ass the,`ialue, and px� turn they.,%vill reside at 649, Palmer- only vote for the party that Nvill'P, A Avenue, EA Ithe 'Town:­�TT;3.11 t�jR Tu,esday july st,o Toronto, reciprocil:Y�!' Uveralls & SMOCks welcome. A, 11asiings, becy. .................. f�j'+ .4* .......... & ....... + + ams + 41 1 inni- ++ rg US Al:r. _\Valter Connor left for W 51 * Underwear, Summer, 4 Peg oll 'Tuesday in conriection With -.6 + gasoline ongt7o bnsinesF. 4. IN __a + + .51r. !Luther flenbato h� ill AlVood- + ;'M I N JCA + 20c to 4 011 C stook 'this Ireek installing WIVCral + Carpets Rugs Lace aital" s ulall Papers n IV air-cooled "'U'remier' . gasoline en- + 1:1 F7 gines. + nderwear, wool, + Mrs. Mas. 13�rvey, :who has been + visiting a fmv days with 1wr daugh- + This store closes every Thursday afternoon during the Ca. ter Mrs. Win. llowey. fell while go- Beg AS" r, + 60 to 1.00 + 4 months of July and August, Ing down steps and fractured her C. Work Sox, wool, hip. Mr. Jas. Snliders received , ilasty. + + rut in one of his bands af, f. Whftew,,,m,,r, + 1 Ite can, + C 2 Prs 25c. ning factory on Tuesday illora* + + Ing. Phone 32 J o n e,,Nft & May, Exeter FIe has to carry rho Injured ino.mbar + in a 'sling. For one week Coj-nmencng Thursd Y(TO-Day) Work Sox 10c pa pair Mr. John Gill. who for several + + weeks was confined to rliti"L we'Nvill give a discount of 25 P0 cent on + andon + hospital oil account at ifluess is + Black Cashmere 20c ISTZP19EN COUN aga�W!ftble to be out and is look, + all Whitewear in stock. GIL his usual self hgain. Ing + + + the or USE T t Fancy �otton 20C he council of Township + V Stephen convened in the Town 11a I I A! largenuniber of Orauge ilklu froin + + + Men's Vhderwear W W Orediton,.on Monday the '�rd of Jaly Exeter and commiii;Px were in �God. Dress Goods 19,11 at 'I p.m. All members. were erich Wednesday @Lik,.brating thl + Stiff flats 1.50 battle of the Boyne_ The 1,xetej, Wequote you tile following Find Prench :Balbriggan present with the exception of Deputy - reeve Sanders. Thte minutes at the + LYMOUTn fife and drum band took part in the * puices on Summer Dress Goods as lowas + t previoas..me I eting wera rea'd e'Ln adopt- day's programme. + Mulls 75C per',,suit t Felt flats 50c to 1.25 ed. Mr. Ed. Treble is trying to organ- + A. Love and, Yearly that the Reovc�, Ize a band Ile is piolang tip new + Regular 50a per d Porous K41t at oversee the construction of the abut� blood which"he Nvi'l traill.L during the + for ........... 40C yd + 4.00 Shoes for 2. '915 NJ ments and floor of the bridge across (tveningss. A baiid'is Qomething Ex. 75C Per §Uit + TWE 14 E the Aux Sauble Itiver or! the 5th eon, eter people have boon clarmoring for 4' $ Fouiards or engage some -other person to act for sorue lime ,.lid Mr. Txeb)e should + + ply spe 5,10 Gold Medal 650 1- his capacity, Carried. + Regular 25c 1,er Men's Ties #t 40C 5.00 receive evory repori- The following orders were pafd; Jr. Bowlers to Visit Exeter tor ............ Y' 20C yd Equal to any 50c Tie in llcLellant ditch award on Is. ffB. 35 00 -.Oil Wed, the trade The BestISIhe Cheopeit Jos. Lawson pt. contract pn',AIl1Aer resday July 19th five autos con,ain. + Work Shoes all Kinds Ing twenty-six bowl(,is froal St, Malt + Pepps + bridge 200.00; Chas, Kenzlp- grading + 6 thew"s BosjI:ng Chlb. Toronto, k "nalf H 7 57.25�r as. Kenzie grad. N. B 14,25 Regular 25c per d Sil ose t Childrens Jumpers 35c 1=2 to I 0c per lb. Chas. Sebroe4er and others graA.-,i. B ft:rrIve in town aboat'foiir p. in. AM ++ ... - Y_ 20C A at 40c per pair. All shade for ...... 2,1.00; Win, !White gravel contracts play,some friendly games on the Lx� + + eter + green. Th,� boi0ors arc making + Hay FQA9 and sling Ropes. at lowest 36.60; Wm. lWhite do N, 13.69.60,- B1. + + Wtcholl Commisioner 0. w.: 4.00 W. �, tour of Western Ontario by adto + prices G,, 11,611 7.50; R. bavey Commis. On Wednesday worning they will + We were never in a better position to suit everyone in y do do 9�50; Xas. play at Goderich and come down here + + sioner ;3.50; Essex, + + Hodgins Gravel contracts S: B.�51.00 in 1ho aftornnan The tour'theybava + scheduled cove 46 + Come in and See the Pulleys C M. O'Brien, Commissioner S. B 4.25, J,ed miles. rs a , bout tour I hand. Rugs and Carpets + 25 tO 35C W. .3 Anderson gravel co�iracts + 73.80; August Ewald Commissioner, + We carry a large stock and as a special indneement for this week + 7.00; flenry Clark &vI contracts 22.50 BORIN VALUES YOURSELF + we are giving a + J. McLfflan do ;.10.00; A. ArmstrOnv,' HAWKSE(AW-In Lucaff, on June t + For hot weather use a oonimissioner Canningliam. 80bb, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. flawk- Discount of x5 ce' gs Carpets + T. B10- + do 2.50; J. !Gaiser,. do, 2.50; per nt on all Ru + shaw, a, son. -avel contracts S. B. 36.00 M WARING.-In Lucar), on July 407, a + Loll 'all gx �Tno. Rays' commissioner S. �131. 2150, daughter to idr. and Mrs, A.' 01 D. Sheppard do, 0.75; J. bloLellan gvl + + jr-sA Now P0,1166tion a. Lynch 15tatilte labor re- Waring, Hot Weather Wants in Groceries j3LA CKWELL &3 .00; awson bal. on two conoxete + bridges 172,00; Victoria bospitml %veil'& son, George -Robort Stmvirt. + + fund, 400; Frank McKeever do 5 At parx line on June Oil Stow jos� L '21t . li-lo Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Black- + Luneb Beef, 25c tit) Rennet Tablets, *20 for 15c d�y �i charity re Williarns Af.cADAIX�At Bronson Line, on july + Crosse &Blackwell's Lemons + 69,50; � Jerry From $2j.75 to $11-00 INsiardine fillina wroaches, bridge 4th "to 31r and ilTrs. T. )-faAdnns 1,i.00; Win. Disjardine. do. 15,00, !Ge6, CL $on. + + Villorritt plank 9,00, Win. OrOW11 On]- DONNOLL'Y-In 111bbert oil JAily .2 + + Ovens. . i to $2 75 vc� �md plank 6.50; Alex Nub two to Mr. and 'Mrs., Vrank Donnoly. + -tooper do + This store closes every Thursday after loads stone 8. ; Arjal�hus I a son. + Other Oil Stoves from 90c to $1,00 Flarncomb ro &, 01130,0s, MAIRRIE D + 110011 during JRly and Au onst, + Bawdell drainago awavd 2-11.09;; llamilt0r. r!.,xotor oil 9 �+ st:t ritp (,'a., IBM; A�Oer Mallard Thursdiy July Otb, Itiss Dolla + Amedca I t .4 .50 n 0*1 -and, Gasolene Overseeing �Adgc, construction 10. + May Xo-stip. r1aughto of *Mr, and + Th�s. Werin rep culvert 2,00 ; Dickton MY& Nelson Ro_stlp, to'MrIj. G, + Fresh Croceries alWava oil hand MA Carling ,ject. 1.552, ; Ed Gill rep. Wn,T),,r� 6f 11arrow, j) -y fh�i Rov, + IN STOCK bridgo 4.50; Chostor Prouty Giatuity Xns. XeStIc" + tr t.. est Prices PaW For Pro' e I D I ED + High U C Tbo cotinoil adjourned to meet + 7 t + W ag�in) in the Town 4101 Croditon ov� 11A NLTOX-'n 'tiffa on July P�laster , Is + Samson Cement and, New Bruns ick Tames Hamilton,' a ��rs_ -ad So yo I + AlIkinds of MUM taken at market,prices Lugust All at I p, ni. III E.ILBri.R. Tp plork,, month and 11 day;. VilTVIGERALD-In AlItchell on Xuly + Ist,Gloorgt Fitzgerald aged,67 yeirb Leave your- orders for SCRAN Al TON CO Ivnionth and 11 (lays. e I Y011 ki Ary tralendi look hef ANY IMIM -Tit togali, on Zmlo '30th B u 0111ald X 12 year,;. '130 1 i,. how iveak mid nervow.4 Your NVifa is Ath nipo ngod I , . W e"INE t'**s 14na yola knmv that Oaiktr'a Iron 111:1`01APSOAX_won -uly (ith 'I'm I, in Uri 'Als wIll rolelve lior, iaow wIfy not Vj&arja tjospit, London, Joso.%jb al be, f;)Ir about ftl and bay her �t bol�, ago(I 1, yaqvq,, ardware stovo stor o Tst A4