HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-21, Page 20BY TEES REVEREND MARVIN L. BARZ BEREA BY . • I WATER LUTHERAN Goderich Legion Branch 109 presented a cheque for $500 to John Wilson, chairman of the local St. John Ambulance Association towards their purchase of a new mobile fust aid unit. Also Ming were (L tor.) Branch 1st Vice -President, Wm. Burke; St. John Divisional Superintendent, Mrs. James Granger and St. John Area Superintendent Donald Steinp. This fully -equipped van will allow the local. St. John Ambulance brigade to more efficiently res- pond to may first aid emergency anywhere in their area of operation. (Photo by John Mac- Huronivew residents shop The congregation on Jan. 11 enjoyed the solo "Keep Your Blighty Hand On Me" hid' lifiss. Margaret LI1 Qireen • at tide Sunday morning service at Huronview. Mrs. Luther held a service in the evening. Stan Hi11eR, Wilson McCartney, Warred .Whit- more, Lorne Lawson joined. with Marie Flynn to provide Old Tythe Music on Monday afternoon The van had to take Les Fortune to London for an ' appointment, so we took advantage of the trip and Irvin Trewartha, Grace -- Peck, Muriel Gibson, Verda Beckler, Elsie Henderson and Mabel Garrow did some shosip;iig at the London mall. -i s�ua% uiuppei'i° o+'vver iii the Hensall Nursing Home to visit his sister. • Tuesday'" afternoon, the Anglicans held communion in the chapel, with Rev. Broadfoot conducting the service Day Care invited all senior citizens in the area and living at Iiuromiietiv to their 99 cent movie called "My Man Godfrey". Residents on first floor north had a good time on Wednesday afternoon playing the rhythm band ii - instruments in. time to the music from our stereo. . There will be an ir.1portant meeting next Monday af- ternoon fternoon (Jan. 19th) to discuss the formation of a resident's council. We hope all residents in the home will turn out for this -meeting to be held in the auditorium at 2 p.m. There are still a few copies of the bulletin, "The Huronview News", at the • tuck shop and anyone who is interested in getting a copy is.invitedto.doso- ' Looking Back 75 YEARS AGO The past week con- siderable work was done on the elevator job, the cement work for the power house and the scaffolding for the second storey being nicely advanced. The water rose a little on Sunday but did not rise above the top course of the G.T.R. breakwater at the foot of Macdennott's steps. On Tuesday .the country roads were very bad in many places; the melting snow and the ram having taken the frost out of them, making them no soft that hubs would sink to the level of the road. No. 1 Company of the 33rd Regiment, Goderich, intend holding an oyster supper on Friday, February 9. Mr. T.T. Mann, travelling agent of the Mail and Empire, is in town soliciting Wed in Sydney Fred Schumann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schumann of Goderich and Zenith Elizabeth Keeping, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keeping of North Sydney, Nova Scotia were united in marriage on Saturday, December 27 in North Sydney. The couple is living in Kingston where both are stationed with the Armed Forces. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEAR subscriptions for Canada's great paper. Z5 YEARS AGO The future , industrial prospects for Goderich and its area were described as "bright" by Hon. W.M. Nickle, Ontario Minister of Planning and Development, speaking at the Bedford Hotel here last Thursday - The new ultra modern Culbert's Bakery 'opened on Thursday of • last week. Workmen labored all night Wednesday to have the building open for business the next day as scheduled. A most impressive building, it adds considerably to the appearance of West Street as a growing business street. Goldthorpe Sand and Gravel last week, while dredging the mouth of the Maitland River here, brought to shore the win- dlass and bulge pump of a sunken schooner believed .to be the A.N. Rathborn which went down 70 years ago. The combined total of time during which Dan O'Brien and Fred Toole have been in business in Goderich is nearly e7 years. O'Brien will be 44 years in the butcher business June 12 and Toole will ben3 years in barbering August7. - . • • 5 YEARS AGO Mayor Deb Sbewfelt cast the deciding vote in . a recorded vote Monday night to change the Committee of Council meetings to regular sessions of council. The status of a proposed $2.6 million recreation complex for the town of Goderich has now become •a burden of town council following a paltry public meeting Tuesday. United Trails Inc. of Seaforth has informed town council t that in view of the importance of public passenger service, they intend to improve the regular bus line service to and fromG oderich Massive cuts in provincial government grants to local governments in 1976 have left municipal councillors, school board trustees and county councillors with the unpleasant task of operating on limited- budgets in the coming year while trying to keep the local mill rates down. You may have heard the story of a.little girl who was on a large ocean liner which . was caught in a terrific storm. One of the other -passengers noticed how cahn she • was despite the fearful storm.- She asked. "How can you be so un- concerned?" The Tittle girl replied, "Because my father is the captain of the ship." My father is hi command - this explains the trust of thin little girl. Our Father is in command - this gives the Christian reason to trust. When Jesus' disciples came to ask Him to teach them how to pray, He taught them a prayer which begins with • ,the words "Our Father, Who art in heaven." This is the prayer of a trusting child, of one who addresses the Almighty God as "Father". Jesus brought ; something new and wonderful into man's relationship with God. Because He is the only begot- ,,, ten Son of God, He could of coursepeak of God as "My- Father". MyFather.". But now, in view of what His spotless life and sacrificial death •would ac- complish, He instructs His disciples to address, God as "Father". Those who are the children of God through faith in • "I'm not leaving the church. The church left me." I don t understand my church anymore. They. talk about politics. social issdes. and world problems'. I m not agcvns4 rill this. but I re• got some real problems of my own I feel alone in a church that has moved away from me The Churches of Goderich have been trying to meet the needs for many years. But we try' never to forget the individual. Because we believe that people need n personal relationship with•God before the world can be a better place. Whynot visit us this Sunday and find out more. We're a church on the move. But we don't move away from individual needs. Sponsored by: GODERICH -A DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Grist Jesus have a genuine security for every day of this new year - for every day of their lives. The Father is in command, and He knows what Its children need. His goodness and care are boundless. Nothing is too large a need for His power or or too small for His concern. The ancient rabbis pro- hibited prayers that God's mercy should extend "even to a bird's nest"; it was disrespectful to associate God with something as small as a tiny bird. In' striking contrast ;Jesus ,says that God cares even for spar- rows, even though five could r� be bought for two tiny copper coins. God even cotmts the hairs on a person's bead. If you are a blonde, that could mean 145,000 hairs. If God numbers the hairs of your head, if not even one sparrow is forgotten, what are the - children of God challenged to do? The answer is obvious: "Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows". (Luke 12: 7 NIV) There are so many uncer- tainties • •in ,:the year 1981. When we look at cir- cumstances in our • world, there is plenty of cause for anxiety and worry. If we are a umcertaiin about how we stand with God, if Be is powerless, if Be does not care, if He is not a loving, heavenly Father, then we have reason to fear. But if by faith in Jesus Christ, God's Son, we are the children of a Father who is in then we can tit !fun. MONUMENTS MARKERS - CEMETERY LETTERING MONUMENT CLEANING£ REPAIR DON DENOMME AREA REPRESENTATIVE FOR AN APPOINTMENT ANYTIME Phone 524-6621 T. PRYDE EL SON LTD. BUSINESS EST. 1020 p.eBEREA-OIC-THE-WATER i riiiijri i i{ LUTHERAN CHURCH 1 / Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec % tibb CHURCH i ) iv ontreai Street (near The Square) i i - Gibbons St: at Sun�oast Drive /' Edward .E Anderson; Pasiur % 9:15 Sunda, y School and Bible Classes •% Choir Director and Organist: Mrs. Leonard Warr i 10:30 Worship % ! . 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP i 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL i Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-2235 % EVERYONE WELCOME P "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all"'-"'"""'�"�""'^'^'^""^'^'^•.�'�-�-, Acts 10:36 1 L. �. .�..V._.s.Vn..n..V.V.j w.vw........v V.vNu.....r•V. V.v.. V.v.v.•••.J.v.v, CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC FUNDAMENTAL REV R BRUBACHER Pastor 10.00 A M• FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11 00 A M. SEVEN GREAT "I AMS" IN JOHN'S GOSPEL, a P M WORD OF LIFE CLUB P M FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST MISSIONS TUES r fn P M 'THE OLYMPIANS" FOR BOYS AND GIRLS WED 1 10 P M PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY A •. S<+i Knox Presbyterian Church; -�� • THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV. MINISTER 1 • LORNE H. DOTTERER. Director of Praise SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 10:40 a.m. Kirk Session - • - i 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Divine Worship 12:00 Noon Annual Meeting - 7:00 p..ni. Chapel Communion' SERMON: ! "MEMBER OF TRE FAMILY" l + + Holy Communion + + • !' (Sunday School immediately to Classes) (Nursery. Facilities ) •l Enter to'Worship• Depart to serve •/ /., ! WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH L. �.�..�.. ••—.. • j 1.lirisiialt �erforntcl flltir.11 .� Services held each Sunday at Robertson Memorial School •'. 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 P.M. 1 / Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday • at 10 30 a.m. for the "Back to God Hour" NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH ! WELCOMES YOU_F R WORSHIP SUNDAYS I1 OOa m r + Sensor S S at 10a m. Junior S. -S- at 11 a.m. Nursery 8 Tot Care Minister Rev Robert O. Ball Director of Music • Robert Blackwell Visiting Assistant Clare McGowan THE SALVATION ARMY 18WATERLOOST 5 . 5249341 t ! 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -11 .00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 6.30P.M. EVEN1NGSERVICE All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship The Anglican Church of Canada , ! ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist Choirmaster Joseph",B. Herdman j The Conversion of St. Paul Sunday, January 25 S % . �... • 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a:m. Church School and Nursery S 1:00 arn. Morning • Prayer SERMON "Being Converted" You are always welcome at 5t. George's Last Ten Days! Sale ends Saturday, January 31 Oneida's Janu Sale! Once4Iyear savings on 20 -PIECE SERVICES FOR 4 Now, while quantities last, is the perfect time to start or add to your set of Oneida Silverplate, or Stainless. 20 -Piece Service for 4 includes: 4 Salad Forks, 4 Dinner Forks, 4 Dinner Knives, 4 Dessert/Soup Spoons, 4 Teaspoons. 1881 (9 ROGERSU SILVERPLATE COMMUNITY" STAINLESS $129.95 SALE $200.00 Regular SAVE $70.05 $94.95 $140.00 SALE Regular SAVE $45.05 $89.95 $130.00 SALE Regular SAVE $40.05 $46.95 ' $60.00 SALE Regular SAVE $13.05 Ovdsrlth A Rupr.serafatly ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road God.rtch 524-7345 Clinton-S.aforfh Area R.presentativr. MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Wm, 4lZ-91441 NSTETT IN 1 ® SEAFORTH CLINTON WALKERTO 52771720 4824901 661-6122 EXETER 236-2466 DONEIDA The silver cube Our silversmiths mark of excellence `valmasant............ftwaLtftnampoamememmeassoseermseenki J