HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 12NEW, TI 'it, 70r. RITER VVIS ------ ----- ........ ... rollowiug is Mr, W. Fletcher is on the sick Usti Z 11 1111::: 11 thv 16 povt Of alarl ets or- Miss Lottle Walsh ishome from e P i,,,i W hero Qooa! rect London, Clothe.5 Qotrto From + ed 111) 'to JL1ly 6LI1. 't axd WIwmV 6taild, SO eeli`ks. Mrs. L,J ethick visited in Seaforth ;WAL 0 .1arley 50 to U5 Voilts aver $UuUy. Mr., and, Mrs. Rd. Seldon spent Mon -on l3uokwheau 45 'to 50 cents day fia Clinton. Peas 10 to 7 ." e, , flff ONE, 16 Bran *290,00 Migs'91unle Weekes Spent the holi- + Shorts 1$22.00 dayin London HM Model Flour $2.40 master Joe Craig was in London O'd Mr, W, Jacobi, of Exeter North is 13 itei, 17 qelatp, ill with appendicites, Feed flour $1.45 over the holiday, UR The Warl-migal. u"I e a It Her Mr., Jno, Rawkshaw is visiting his lla,y. MO. 1 0 HEN% -Hugs live E65 son Fred !a Toronto. Li gbt Suits for c1toicee *. .11ort stoors 5.90 to 6.10 Mr. Fred Penhale of Toronto, spent + Mcdium exp.)rt s;.,vors 5,75 to 5.85 Dominion Day i tow Hot Weather butchers hei vrs 5.80 to 5,10 4 Cboice Dr. Will Knight, of London, spent 0 .+ and nearly every orle is + )1edlum butchers buifers 5,40-560 Dominion Day in town. I& t preparing, or looking for- * co...n butchers heifers 5.00-5.,10 ward to their holidays, We will mention a few Choice butchers cows 4,50 to 4J75 Mr. and Mrs, 3'. Markham spent Prices $12 up + 4 articles, sonle of which you ma T)Tedium butchers coirs 4.25 to 4,,'10 Dominion day in Bracefield, * +- t y need before yo i Common co-ivs 3,50 to 4,PO Mr. Campbell of Alpena Mich, is +,0 90 away. Choice she2p 3.50 to 4.150 visiting at Mr. Geo. Atkinsons, Flannel Trouser - 0 0 + Ohoice lambs PZO to 7.23 Air, Ed. Hanna of London, spent 4 new Monday and Tuesday in town. in Fs in the t# 9 # Mr. W X Oraw rd of Toronto . . 1. — . canno pay cash week trom visiting friends in London, during the hot weather as the shrink - 4 age is So great. When cool weather h gles M. Horney nurse in a Chicago lack W$klper of If 4 1 arrow is visiting ospital is home spending her vaca- in town. SUIT CASES BATHING SUITS comer, and the danger from dying tion from heat is over, we will again pay James Beverley was in London + * In leather, leatherette, and For boys and men in coin- 6,01 cash. Mr. and Mrs, W. S, Howeyand two Tuesday evening - with or without straps, in bination or two -buy Chicks to be 4 lb. to the pair. hlldren spent, Saturday and Sunday Mr. Eldred Elliott, left this week one before you go_piac' e Ducklin 4 # colors of light tan or brown, to la side t%sl 7 4 in Blyth - 4 0 sizes 22, 24, 26, at $21,00, $5.00, —75c, $1,00, $1.50. + Watch S bpace e Mrs. Geo. Brownlee of Egmondville for Flint, Mich. 's 0 $8.50. prices. very week for isvibitlugherparents Mr, and -Mrs, 40 0 Miss Murray visited in London sat - 0 40 urday and Sunday Thos. Flynn, Jones May The Canning Factory 1 40 Messrs Jas. Sparks and Lee Wilson , have started a at an their pea pack, .0 returned Monday after holidayi 4 4 Holiday Suggestions for Men Grand Bend. Miss J. Spicer visited her brother, 4 O David, in Brantford over the holidays 4 0 mr, H, Walters has purchased the 41 OUTING SHIRTS UNDERWEAR 0,+ residence on Huron St. which he has Mr. John Floyd, of South Hampton LOCALS been occupying, is visiting his mother Mrs. Geo. Floyd. With soft. reversible col- Athletic underwear, - with Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Lindenfield Mr. H. McKay of Hensall. presided lars—very cool and comfort- short sleeves and short draw- 00000*04 10 and son Ned spent Saturday and Sun- at the entrance exams here last week able for warm weather—at ers, in plain and mesh, at, a Miss Nellie Crews is visiting at day in Goderich, q* 41 $1.00. garment, 50c and 75c, Miss Charlotte Sweet is undergo" 9 * 4 Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Mr. treatment itt St Joseph hospital In - STRAW HATS BELTS Will Murray spent Dominion Day Tom Bowman of London were in town don. Lon russal 40 Sailor or soft rim styles, The narrow belt is very in B S. over the holiday. Dr. arid Mrs. Ferguson of Pontiac 10 Alltbenewest shapes. Also popular. Wehaveitin tan, 0 Miss*Annie Sanders, of Jarvis, is Miss Alary Atcheson was in Clinton are visiting in town. They came over Outing Hats for Summer greys and black, at 2a?c, 35c visiting in town. Wednesday trying the Toronto Univ- by auto. 0 weal. 50c to $2.00. and .50c, ersity piaao exams. Mr. and Mrs. W, Johns and. daugh- Mr, and Mrs. Roland spent the holl- days au Wattord. Messrs W. Greig and W. Bagler ter Margaret, visited in Woodbarn on STEAMER TRUNKS FANCY HOSIERY # spent Saturday and Sunday at their Tuesday. 00 Not so large or bulky as: Id In lisle and lig Mrs. J. Sutton and son spent the 0 htwel lit style, trimmed with brass cashmere, in plain 9 4, holidays in London. homes in Clinton. Miss Irene Quackenbush, is spend - and ancy. ** corners and bound with Stripes. Big assortment, 5c, Mr, Saxon Fitton and son Gerald Miss J'ohnston, teacher in the High ing a month's holidays visiting in straps, Special Price, 50c. are holidaying at Owen Sound. chool, has returned to her h S ome in Blenheim, Misses Ethel Sweet and Verne Toronto for the holidays. Mr H Thomas of St Thomas was the Mr. and -Mrs. Will Foster of Tor- guest of Miss Hazel Dignan, Saturday Quance are holidaying at Grand Bend onto spent the forepart of the week and Sunday Mr. H. O. Southcott visited his in with Mr. Jas. Handford, Mr. Sam Elliott of Flint, Mich. is A This store closes every Thursday other in Guelph on Dominion Day. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Stewart and visiting his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss.Hattie Willis of London Visited daughter Irene spent Saturday and Thos. Elliott, at her home in Stephen over the week Sunday visiting in London. Mr and Mrs John Balsden of South afternoon at one o'clock during July end, Mr. Charlie Grafton of L Mr. and Mrs, J. McTavish and child Dakota are visiting with relatives in and August. ondod vis- of Shakespeare, visited Reeve J. ana and around town ited Mr. Wm, Leavitt o ver Dominion Mrs Tayloi over the holiday. Mr. Mack Vincent: of Crosshill Day, was M home attending the funeral oi his ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Mrs. E. H. Axt returned home r. Robt, Sanders has seturned mother, Mrs Airth, Fri- from several months visit in the day after visiting for two weeks in M Southern and Eastern States. Miss Maud Johns, teacher of S, S. Zurich. Mrs.Brown and Miss Janet Brown No. 15 Stephen and Hay has returned Mrs. Shaddock of Detroit is visiting r home for the holidays. bar father, Mr. 8, J, Etberington, of eturned Friday after visiting for sev- eral weeks in Sdsk4tchewsm. Mrs Jas Tewell of Exeter is spendin in An S-7 EWARN` Usborne. 9 the holidays with her cousin, Miss Lida Handford ret Mr. and Mrs J. Inwood and daugh- Mrs '07 urned t6 ter. of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. S Chas Johns of ElimVille Toronto Tuesday after spending a few Sanders Saturday and Sunday, Boy Wanted—Good, stout boy kit 0'0* days at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. W.H.' Thornton, of want,d to learn the tinsmithing and Miss Winona Howard and Mrs. London,werethe guests of Mr. and hardware—W. J. Reaman Wilbert Martin are spending a couple t. of weeks at Grand Bend, Mrs. Silas Handford Saturday. Mr. Earl Browning left Saturday for .14+_414++i ............. +++-,,14+44--: ...... ..... Quackenbush, who has 4,+ 111 Miss Erie Peterborough, where lie has accepted + + Mr. Harold Maxwell, of St. Mary$, been teaching school near Ridgetown a position as traveller fora bard -ware + visited a' the home of Mr. and Mrs, ba:s returned home for the holidays, company .2 1- Pn + S. Martin on Dominion Day, Mr. Rd. Farmer 'returned to his The many friends of Mr. Geo. Revs- EVS EINETS + Mrs. Bence and little daugh. home in London last Sa lake, who hab been seriously ill, will 'ter Iri,,%",l turday after eturned to their home in a few weeks visit with friends arouac, be pleased to know that he is - rapidly + 4.1B alo after Visiting relatives here, here, recovering. + + + Sheave and sister, Mrs. Master Silas.Reid, of London + Miss Eva Carling. of St. Luke's , vis- + Frank Boyle, visited with Mr. and ited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. F 0 fli T HE + Mrs. Geo. Hockey of Eva hospital, New York, is spend a law + ntford over weeks visiting her parents, 21. and Silas Handford for a few days the 4. + + Dominion Day. Mrs T. B. Carling. past week. + Mr, and Mrs, T. E. Handford and Beautifying Fire Hall—Mr James Mr. IL Hoffman was out from Dash- + *1' daughter, Miss Labelle, wood with the motor bus on Wednes- + + left Monday Taylor is improving the appearance of i mum N E - + even;ng for Muskoka, where they will the interior of the Fire Hall by & day and made his first trip by auto to + spend the summer, + r fresh coat of paint the bead. O*A There are 21 candidates writing on Outdoor Service—Owing to the hot Miss A M Robb and Miss Alexander, + the various departmental examina- weather on Surday the evening serv- teachers in the Exeter School, have I BRIDE5 + tions held at Exeter this week; + Mr, ice of Trivitt Memorial Church was returned to their respeotiVe homes + W. H. Johns for the VacatI. qn Of KiPPen is presiding conducted on the lawn . . . . . . Before making your pur- + MissNeva Brooker, with her two Honey Melts and Bees Drown—Sun. Mrs. David Mack, Master Wilfred + chases fo'r the Bride be sure + cousins, Master Donald Brooker and day was so hot that the honey in the and Miss Alma spent several days of Tea lerry Spoons, to call and examine our + Chester Snell, of Cleveland, Ohio, are bee-bives of 92homas Russell, the past week in Toronto with Misses + Cold Spoons' s, Stock of + melted Mary and Bertha, Meat Fork Cake Forks + visiting at Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Smith's, and dropped down drowning the bees Soup Spoonz, Pie Knives, + The first half holiday will be cele. in the hive. Mr J, B. Fowler, Mrs. A. Gerrie and Pearl-band4ed Butter Knives, brated this (Thursday) afternoon, Mr. and Mrs Jae. Atkin on who Watches - + Mrs. W. R. Gerrie and familv of To. Knives and Forks, During July and August the stores have been in London forF3 Several ronto, were the guests of Mr: andMrs. Fish Servers, Carving Sets, + will close Thursday afternoon 1P. W. Gladrijan over the holidays, Clock -+ at One weeks where Mr. Atkinson has been + o'clock. ' receiving medical treatment, returned Wedding Rings. + Mr. W, B. Weidenhammer is busy home Tuesday. On Monday evening the Crediton Diamonds, Cul + re%ding S. Entrance papers this Junior baseb%ll team come over and A- A Nasty Wound—Miss Jessie Me- defeated the Exeter juniors 1-1 Big Stock to choose from + w a a k, HL to 3. will go to Toronto next Cullough had the misfortune, to cub a Mr. George Palmer umpired the game. t Glass, Silver= week to examine Normal Entrance nasty gash in one of her fingers with + + literature at the Education Depart- a sickle. It required three stitches to The Ladijes Guild of the Trivitt ware, Pins, Etc, + meat, close the wound, Memorial Church will hold their an- + Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rowe and nual Garden Party on the Rectory Which consists of the finest quality and lowest pricas making this Misses Velma and Ila Powe of the best place to buy, + dau 'if Groauds on Friday evening July 7th + + Waghters Viola and FlOveDeP, , Of C,osswell, Michigan visited in Exeter Repairing done on the shortest notice. Ilaceburg. visited aver the holiday over the holiday, the guests of their '-he London Harpers (four pieces) will with relati-tes in town. The girls are grandparents Mr. an iurnish the + music—Admission 15C + + remaining to visit for a couple Of ell and obher friends. d Mrs, Geo. Po w- children 10. + weeks, + Exeter was very quiet on July Is., d A. Miarchialuld 14. The weather during the past few 4.1 Mr. Russel Frayne, formerly. with s has been the hottest on record. 4 the Verity Co., at Brantford, but who Most peopYe being out of town. Some aal, + going to Grand Bend and Elialville Dty ing the lieat of the day the ther- + '1* left to take a position in Toronto, has while a mometor has registered about 98 de- + 00 Jewler and Optician + , great num'502 accompanied 01 + "in returned wi th the Verfty Co,, grees. Many of the citizens have been + T?4 + Ont ag has full charge'of the cost depart- sleeping on verand'ahs or in ha6m. Exeter and the Baseball boys to Centralia, + 4. ment. With the new position Mr. A number of young people held a mocks. Crops are suffering for the + 4+-P++,-1 ........... ............... F Vne gets a substantial'increase in picnic down in the Park on Tuesday need,of rain, sall%rr. afternoon in honor of Misses Viola; Mrs. A She and Florence Rowe. Refreshments Miss Tennie gc, Miss Morlock and Studio at Grand Bend—This week rdy left Wednesday were servedand a very enjoyable time + Mr Latimer Grieve opened lip a studio was spent. morning for Sarnia where they will 4. take the boat for Port Arthur. Mrs at Grand Bend, where he will take tures during the holiday se son, New Story—This week we ba Sheers will visit h -v son Nelson, at + F1 t T"I"; a t year Mr Grieve conducted a Sim- ommenced the publication of a new Port Arthur while Miss MoAock will alf AmLol"day Agrev fla r. flar business at tl,e Bend for two serial story, "Betweea Two Lovei,11 go oil to Ba o J, Sean , Altt and Miss waeks and his work TVvaff greatly Ap. by Bertha M Olay, All lovers of a Hardy to Winnipeg where they will r prociated, continued story will find this one -very Visit for a few months. Messrs, F. FO A Lucky Escape—Last Tharsday inveresting Boyle and J W Hern accompanied them as far as Parnfa. THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST evening as a party were out in Mr. 15, Mr",Jno. W. Taylor leaves to -day 1p to the coast and expects to Trophy Won—on, + Hartlieb's auto they met with an ac. for 9 tri Monday nighb + We the undersigned merchants of the village.of Exeter hereby agree cident about two miles down the Lon, be absent for six or eight week% 1!a the final Bowling Match took plea for + to don Road which might have been at. intends spending some time with' his the Bawden Troxhy between Mr. 0. clos,e oar places of btisinass at I o'clock noon E vexy Thursday afterno u 11 S. ­11; . ­, + on dur tended with serio. s res It The son Itobt, and daughtetUts E ngland Snellq and I . 1'. Pin, 0%, u y For the first four days was in to . wn I Tuesday on business. 'Miss Thompson, of Maple Grove, is visiting her sister Mrs, S. Martin. Mr. Percy Gillies. of Owen Sound, the holiday his home here, ror flot Days desig s. Glass of Lemonade made with Purity Ext, W. Wo Taman a QUART OF WATER. SUGAR to taste. Purity Extract is also used as aflavoring and for LEMON PIE S.,,. To try a jar means to of next week: Spent at CET a bottle of ENJOYME FOOT EASE here and use as direct- ed and it will bring relief almost instantly. Used regularly it w1il effect a, cure. Try it. One trial will prove its worth. 25c box. One coupon with each box. It pays to buy your Toilet Wants here. Old Fowl_ . ........... 90 per pound Spring Ohick, hatch) Miss Birr and Miss Dundas of Lon. don the Lela The Home of Cheap China, Glass and Granite - ware Bargains. Come in and Look Around J. Willis Powell, Proprietor. Phone 55 W (1911 15a are guests of Miss Gould. The Nifty Man's Never. caused half the Sensation that otit Stock * Ducklings ...... ....... _12c Ducks 9c Mr,..Tohn Wood shipped a load of + I PARLOR & BEDROOM SUITES Tailor 411 Are very Choice and tower head and shoulders above any others offered to YOU and the ...... .... .... Turkeys .................. 12c export steers to Toronto on Tuesday _J M-) "Wre & Atkinso- n, 0 FURNITURE AND FUNERAL'DIRECTORS fast at the time it we* at in on its side -but had i1b turnedcomplotely over, no A I - ; 4- A Tvr- , 4 Mrs. Geo. Atkinson returned last + + + Dental Offices Closed I ....... ............ ....... . . 1. — . canno pay cash week trom visiting friends in London, during the hot weather as the shrink - 4 age is So great. When cool weather h gles M. Horney nurse in a Chicago lack W$klper of If 4 1 arrow is visiting ospital is home spending her vaca- in town. SUIT CASES BATHING SUITS comer, and the danger from dying tion from heat is over, we will again pay James Beverley was in London + * In leather, leatherette, and For boys and men in coin- 6,01 cash. Mr. and Mrs, W. S, Howeyand two Tuesday evening - with or without straps, in bination or two -buy Chicks to be 4 lb. to the pair. hlldren spent, Saturday and Sunday Mr. Eldred Elliott, left this week one before you go_piac' e Ducklin 4 # colors of light tan or brown, to la side t%sl 7 4 in Blyth - 4 0 sizes 22, 24, 26, at $21,00, $5.00, —75c, $1,00, $1.50. + Watch S bpace e Mrs. Geo. Brownlee of Egmondville for Flint, Mich. 's 0 $8.50. prices. very week for isvibitlugherparents Mr, and -Mrs, 40 0 Miss Murray visited in London sat - 0 40 urday and Sunday Thos. Flynn, Jones May The Canning Factory 1 40 Messrs Jas. Sparks and Lee Wilson , have started a at an their pea pack, .0 returned Monday after holidayi 4 4 Holiday Suggestions for Men Grand Bend. Miss J. Spicer visited her brother, 4 O David, in Brantford over the holidays 4 0 mr, H, Walters has purchased the 41 OUTING SHIRTS UNDERWEAR 0,+ residence on Huron St. which he has Mr. John Floyd, of South Hampton LOCALS been occupying, is visiting his mother Mrs. Geo. Floyd. With soft. reversible col- Athletic underwear, - with Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Lindenfield Mr. H. McKay of Hensall. presided lars—very cool and comfort- short sleeves and short draw- 00000*04 10 and son Ned spent Saturday and Sun- at the entrance exams here last week able for warm weather—at ers, in plain and mesh, at, a Miss Nellie Crews is visiting at day in Goderich, q* 41 $1.00. garment, 50c and 75c, Miss Charlotte Sweet is undergo" 9 * 4 Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Mr. treatment itt St Joseph hospital In - STRAW HATS BELTS Will Murray spent Dominion Day Tom Bowman of London were in town don. Lon russal 40 Sailor or soft rim styles, The narrow belt is very in B S. over the holiday. Dr. arid Mrs. Ferguson of Pontiac 10 Alltbenewest shapes. Also popular. Wehaveitin tan, 0 Miss*Annie Sanders, of Jarvis, is Miss Alary Atcheson was in Clinton are visiting in town. They came over Outing Hats for Summer greys and black, at 2a?c, 35c visiting in town. Wednesday trying the Toronto Univ- by auto. 0 weal. 50c to $2.00. and .50c, ersity piaao exams. Mr. and Mrs. W, Johns and. daugh- Mr, and Mrs. Roland spent the holl- days au Wattord. Messrs W. Greig and W. Bagler ter Margaret, visited in Woodbarn on STEAMER TRUNKS FANCY HOSIERY # spent Saturday and Sunday at their Tuesday. 00 Not so large or bulky as: Id In lisle and lig Mrs. J. Sutton and son spent the 0 htwel lit style, trimmed with brass cashmere, in plain 9 4, holidays in London. homes in Clinton. Miss Irene Quackenbush, is spend - and ancy. ** corners and bound with Stripes. Big assortment, 5c, Mr, Saxon Fitton and son Gerald Miss J'ohnston, teacher in the High ing a month's holidays visiting in straps, Special Price, 50c. are holidaying at Owen Sound. chool, has returned to her h S ome in Blenheim, Misses Ethel Sweet and Verne Toronto for the holidays. Mr H Thomas of St Thomas was the Mr. and -Mrs. Will Foster of Tor- guest of Miss Hazel Dignan, Saturday Quance are holidaying at Grand Bend onto spent the forepart of the week and Sunday Mr. H. 0, Southcott visited his in with Mr. Jae. Harffotd, Mr. Sam Elliott of Flint, Mich. is A This store closes every Thursday other in Guelph on Dominion Day. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Stewart and visiting his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss.Hattie Willis of London Visited daughter Irene spent Saturday and Thos. Elliott, at her home in Stephen over the week Sunday visiting in London. Mr and Mrs John Balsden of South afternoon at one o'clock during July end, Mr. Charlie Grafton of L Mr. and Mrs, J. McTavish and child Dakota are visiting with relatives in and August. ondod vis- of Shakespeare, visited Reeve J. ana and around town ited Mr. Wm, Leavitt o ver Dominion Mrs Tayloi over the holiday. Mr. Mack Vincent: of Crosshill Day, was M home attending the funeral oi his ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED Mrs. E. H. Axt returned home r. Robt, Sanders has seturned mother, Mrs Airth, Fri- from several months visit in the day after visiting for two weeks in M Southern and Eastern States. Miss Maud Johns, teacher of S, S. Zurich. Mrs.Brown and Miss Janet Brown No. 15 Stephen and Hay has returned Mrs. Shaddock of Detroit is visiting r home for the holidays. bar father, Mr. 8, J, Etberington, of eturned Friday after visiting for sev- eral weeks in Sdsk4tchewsm. Mrs Jas Tewell of Exeter is spendin in An S-7 EWARN` Usborne. 9 the holidays with her cousin, Miss Lida Handford ret Mr. and Mrs J. Inwood and daugh- Mrs '07 urned t6 ter. of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. S Chas Johns of ElimVille Toronto Tuesday after spending a few Sanders Saturday and Sunday, Boy Wanted—Good, stout boy kit 0'0* days at her home here, Mr. and Mrs. W.H.' Thornton, of want,d to learn the tinsmithing and Miss Winona Howard and Mrs. London,werethe guests of Mr. and hardware—W. J. Reaman Wilbert Martin are spending a couple t. of weeks at Grand Bend, Mrs. Silas Handford Saturday. Mr. Earl Browning left Saturday for .14+_414++i ............. +++-,,14+44--: ...... ..... Quackenbush, who has 4,+ 111 Miss Erie Peterborough, where lie has accepted + + Mr. Harold Maxwell, of St. Mary$, been teaching school near Ridgetown a position as traveller fora bard -ware + visited a' the home of Mr. and Mrs, ba:s returned home for the holidays, company .2 1- Pn + S. Martin on Dominion Day, Mr. Rd. Farmer 'returned to his The many friends of Mr. Geo. Revs- EVS EINETS + Mrs. Bence and little daugh. home in London last Sa lake, who hab been seriously ill, will 'ter Iri,,%",l turday after eturned to their home in a few weeks visit with friends arouac, be pleased to know that he is - rapidly + 4.1B alo after Visiting relatives here, here, recovering. + + + Sheave and sister, Mrs. Master Silas.Reid, of London + Miss Eva Carling. of St. Luke's , vis- + FrankBoyle, visited with Mr. and ited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. F 0 fli T HE + Mrs. Geo. Hockey of Eva hospital, New York, is spend a law + ntford over weeks visiting her parents, 21. and Silas Handford for a few days the 4. + + Dominion Day. Mrs T. B. Carling. past week. + Mr, and Mrs, T, E. Handford and Beautifying Fire Hall—Mr James Mr. IL Hoffman was out from Dash- + *1' daughter, Miss Labelle, wood with the motor bus on Wednes- + + left Monday Taylor is improving the appearance of i mum N E - + even;ng for Muskoka, where they will the interior of the Fire Hall by & day and made his first trip by auto to + spend the summer, + r fresh coat of paint the bead. O*A There are 21 candidates writing on Outdoor Service—Owing to the hot Miss A M Robb and Miss Alexander, + the various departmental examina- weather on Surday the evening serv- teachers in the Exeter School, have I BRIDE5 + tions held at Exeter this week; + Mr, ice of Trivitt lLdemorial Church was returned to their respeotiVe homes + W. H. Johns' for the VacatI. qn Of KiPPen is presiding conducted on the lawn . . . . . . Before making your pur- + MissNeva Brooker, with her two Honey Melts and Bees Drown—Sun. Mrs. David Mack, Master Wilfred + chases fo'r the Bride be sure + cousins, Master Donald Brooker and day was so hot that the honey in the and Miss Alma spent several days of Tea lerry Spoons, to call and examine our + Chester Snell, of Cleveland, Ohio, are bee-bives of 92homas Russell, the past week in Toronto with Misses + Cold Spoons' s, Stock of + melted Mary and Bertha, Meat Fork Cake Forks + visiting at Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Smith's, and dropped down drowning the bees Soup Spoonz, Pie Knives, + The first half holiday will be cele. in the hive. Mr J, B. Fowler, Mrs. A. Gerrie and Pearl-band4ed Butter Knives, brated this (Thursday) afternoon, Mr. and Mrs Jae. Atkin on who Watches - + Mrs. W. R. Gerrie and familv of To. Knives and Forks, During July and August the stores have been in London forF3 Several ronto, were the guests of Mr: andMrs. Fish Servers, Carving Sets, + will close Thursday afternoon 1P. W. Gladrijan over the holidays, Clock -+ at One weeks where Mr. Atkinson has been + o'clock. ' receiving medical treatment, returned Wedding Rings. + Mr. W, B. Weidenhammer is busy home Tuesday. On Monday evening the Crediton Diamonds, Cul + re%ding S. Entrance papers this Junior baseb%ll team come over and A- A Nasty Wound—Miss Jessie Me- defeated the Exeter juniors 1-1 Big Stock to choose from + w a a k, HL to 3. will go to Toronto next Cullough had the misfortune, to cub a Mr. George Palmer umpired the game. t Glass, Silver= week to examine Normal Entrance nasty gash in one of her fingers with + + literature at the Education Depart- a sickle. It required three stitches to The Ladijes Guild of the Trivitt ware, Pins, Etc, + meat, close the wound, Memorial Church will hold their an- + Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Rowe and nual Garden Party on the Rectory Which consists of the finest quality and lowest pricas making this Misses Velma and Ila Powe of the best place to buy, + dau 'if Groauds on Friday evening July 7th + + Waghters Viola and FlOveDeP, , Of C,osswell, Michigan visited in Exeter Repairing done on the shortest notice. Ilaceburg. visited aver the holiday over the holiday, the guests of their '-he London Harpers (four pieces) will with relati-tes in town. The girls are grandparents Mr. an iurnish the + music—Admission 15C + + remaining to visit for a couple Of ell and obher friends. d Mrs, Geo. Po w- children 10. + weeks, + Exeter was very quiet on July Is., d A. Miarchialuld 14. The weather during the past few 4.1 Mr. Russel Frayne, formerly. with s has been the hottest on record. 4 the Verity Co., at Brantford, but who Most peopYe being out of town. Some aal, + going to Grand Bend and Elialville Dty ing the lieat of the day the ther- + '1* left to take a position in Toronto, has while a mometor has registered about 98 de- + 00 Jewler and Optician + , great num'502 accompanied 01 + "in returned wi th the Verfty Co,, grees. Many of the citizens have been + T?4 + Ont ag has full charge'of the cost depart- sleeping on verand'ahs or in ha6m. Exeter and the Baseball boys to Centralia, + 4. ment. With the new position Mr. A number of young people held a mocks. Crops are suffering for the + 4+-P++,-1 ........... ............... F Vne gets a substantial'increase in picnic down in the Park on Tuesday need,of rain, sall%rr. afternoon in honor of Misses Viola; Mrs. A She and Florence Rowe. Refreshments Miss Tennie gc, Miss Morlock and Studio at Grand Bend—This week rdy left Wednesday were servedand a very enjoyable time + Mr Latimer Grieve opened lip a studio was spent. morning for Sarnia where they will 4. take the boat for Port Arthur. Mrs at Grand Bend, where he will take tures during the holiday se son, New Story—This week we ba Sheers will visit h -v son Nelson, at + F1 t T"I"; a t year Mr Grieve conducted a Sim- ommenced the publication of a new Port Arthur while Miss MoAock will alf AmLol"day Agrev fla r. flar business at tl,e Bend for two serial story, "Betweea Two Lovei,11 go oil to Ba o J, Sean , Altt and Miss waeks and his work TVvaff greatly Ap. by Bertha M Olay, All lovers of a Hardy to Winnipeg where they will r prociated, continued story will find this one -very Visit for a few months. Messrs, F. FO A Lucky Escape—Last Tharsday inveresting Boyle and J W Hern accompanied them as far as Parnfa. THE MONTHS OF JULY AND AUGUST evening as a party were out in Mr. 15, Mr",Jno. W. Taylor leaves to -day 1p to the coast and expects to Trophy Won—on, + Hartlieb's auto they met with an ac. for 9 tri Monday nighb + We the undersigned merchants of the village.of Exeter hereby agree cident about two miles down the Lon, be absent for six or eight week% 1!a the final Bowling Match took plea for + to don Road which might have been at. intends spending some time with' his the Bawden Troxhy between Mr. 0. clos,e oar places of btisinass at I o'clock noon E vexy Thursday afterno u 11 S. ­11; . ­, + on dur tended with serio. s res It The son Itobt, and daughtetUts E ngland Snellq and I . 1'. Pin, r voAvvv exx Ba.za,." ar 0 Cool Drinks ror flot Days There is nothing these hot, sultry days so cool and refreshing as a Glass of Lemonade made with Purity Ext, Lemonade is quickly and easily made by Simply I a teaspoonful otpubtin. of PURITY POWDER and a half teaspoonful PUR TV ACID in, a QUART OF WATER. SUGAR to taste. Purity Extract is also used as aflavoring and for LEMON PIE S.,,. To try a jar means to always use it. A coupon w4h each jar, Here's Gomlort lor Sore Feet CET a bottle of ENJOYME FOOT EASE here and use as direct- ed and it will bring relief almost instantly. Used regularly it w1il effect a, cure. Try it. One trial will prove its worth. 25c box. One coupon with each box. It pays to buy your Toilet Wants here. We give Premiums with all our Drug Goods POWELL'S BAZAAR The Home of Cheap China, Glass and Granite - ware Bargains. Come in and Look Around J. Willis Powell, Proprietor. Phone 55 stock is very cornplete and we are alwaysglod to give T'lloto AN AWFUL FIRE In Canada. W, D. garke Never. caused half the Sensation that otit Stock aid Priceg are doing this season. Our purchases of KITCHEN DININGuRoom and handed in their books. The work has been comp] letec! in a satisfactory + I PARLOR & BEDROOM SUITES * 411 Are very Choice and tower head and shoulders above any others offered to YOU and the Prices are Clean out of Sights W: 3, neltman 8 Martin &Son Vo M-) "Wre & Atkinso- n, 0 FURNITURE AND FUNERAL'DIRECTORS fast at the time it we* at in on its side -but had i1b turnedcomplotely over, no Agency for Automatic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner, 4401. ,6 for rent at 75 cents a day. + + + Dental Offices Closed I ....... ............ ....... KLadly 1 -take ndtLce (tha!t my office is closed every NV-e'dnesday afternoom + + 94 SUMMER,+ DR. ROULSTON. + CLOSING NOTICE Please remember that my Dentall+ .45ESSION' + Xf1ce is closed ever Wednesday af ter- con. Kiws3ux, + + Students may enter any + + day. Openentireyear. Now is a good time to enter * peciat trains and rates, + Largest trainers in Canada. Graduates get best positions, [113A + Thousands studying at home. +11 IV. limclusive right of the C'Famw +11 t4 + ous Bliss Book-KeepiDg Sys- *Ff Son D. Iffartlieb tem" for Ontario. "Actual 41 i, Business from Start to T. - Finish." 1+ + + 1A 4; + Write for particulars. + + + + + London Business + College Take a rural parts have held their own but the population of the larger vill J. Davis W, Collins T. Boyle A, Creech (Affiliated with Clinton E XaTn? a 10 ONTATj College) KODAKBusiness GEO. SPOTTON, President ... With You + .................... The Glorious Twelfth it livery to comebome, Wesay 1IXode&V' advisedly— +I - we do not merely mean camera, C. Snell 11 1. Carling 14 but the particular make of cam- era that bears the trade -mark 306. McNPWIN, A, n TOOD, I'Xodaii"—the satisfactory re- + SLIltS that it has given to our + customers Justify *s in opecify- + ing RODA:k + Your vacatian will meqn more to you, if you Xodak—aot only M asure at the time, but + at=d, . the added pleasure + that will come from the 116tLives + p Gome toboacr%h T 4 1. U I + ng July and August loll$ were riding along the side of the ro P y ad when yomeLhiv,gwent wrong neqr Edmonton. 15 a game Was very close and axe + + e us o Ow you ow sikup a ir) all is by the Kodak 6ystom—our I "' + The Prettiest and -Healtbist Toi J. A. Stewart S. G. 13awdeo J. Grigg, Mrs. Yeo with the machine and they were thrown into taumeratoraFinished—The Census Enumerators have finished tbeir work frombeginning, to end, Mr, nells rink whining out on the last an(! b + P stock is very cornplete and we are alwaysglod to give T'lloto + In Canada. W, D. garke A. Vokd W, J, Peer W, W. Taman Smith a ditch about ten feet deep. As the car was not going Very and handed in their books. The work has been comp] letec! in a satisfactory 3abots. t6sidpavvinning the t op the winners each receive a be ti I * graphic help to any amateiw. $ -14 A Short Procession; AttractiveSpecial Prizes, W: 3, neltman 8 Martin &Son Vo Oat), r. a mantle ;Willis W" F- Beavers Jos, Davis fast at the time it we* at in on its side -but had i1b turnedcomplotely over, no way and some of the elqumevator did exceedingly well, On the pearl handle knife and the vurmers up a -nice knife also, Following were + + + W.,SHowey,Phlr1, 0. + + Are you married? Qooil Speakers spadkinan Jones & May Ed. F 0 d- 0 doubt soide of the. occupants would bavebeen whole they received very corteous treat. the rinks, + + * peciat trains and rates, Advocate T. 11awkins & Son D. Iffartlieb I seriously injured, as it was no One was hurt. one OX the Oceul)- monk As far as can be learned the 3, Gould G. mantis + and Opticia i , See bills and circulars for full partle. ulars, A oteat Big. Day a Small c`nts than tooted 'b to Centralia "d howterod rural parts have held their own but the population of the larger vill J. Davis W, Collins T. Boyle A, Creech * E XaTn? a 10 ONTATj at Price, it livery to comebome, ges and towas hav*, suffered somewa C. Snell 11 1. Carling 14 ..... ...... 306. McNPWIN, A, n TOOD, Secretary Chair Was Lim,;