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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-21, Page 11
To"wn&Country CLASSIRE b. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21,1901 -PAGE 11 Ute_ "� IlriAlfR.srRio" ,Clafsl iedr-2101' late to cletssi y eels will he or - opted until 4 p.en, some day- WORD ayWORD CLASSIFIED RATES: *3,25 min./22 words, 15' a word L2j ANT A CLASSIFICATIONS ,l. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sale 4. Antiques for sole 5. Cars for sole 6: Trucks for sole 7. R.V.'s for sole 8- Marine 9. Automotive. 10. Pets for sale 11 . Livestock for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13_ Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of'town properties 16. Articles for rent 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent 1.9. Rooms for rent. 20. Room & board .,21. Cottages for rent 22. (ors fbr rent ' 23. Commercial property for rent 24. Wanted to rent 25. Wonted to buy 26. Help wonted 27. Wanted (general) 28. Business opportunity 29. Tenders 30. Employment wanted . 31. Service directory , 32. Custom work . 33. Form services 34. Personal '35. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements, notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sale 39. Educational 40. Lost & Fouod 41 . To give away 42. Depth notice 43. Miscellaneous 44:.Engagements 45. Marriages 46:1n Memoriam 47. Card of thanks thereafter. In Memoriam '3.25 min. plus 30' per rhymed line of verse. Cards. of Thanks '3.25 min, /25 words. 5' a word • - thereafter. Public Notice *15 for 3 inserts_ Notice to Creditors •'25 for 3.inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months. no copy change: Ask aboutour special discounts for prompt • payment_ MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30a-rrn.-5 52E8331 1. Articles for sale . 1. Articles for sale .SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524- u2551.-ltfar SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zippers. Gen's Sewing Centre, now located at 106 The Square, Goderich, 524- 8431.--ltfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank_ Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-Itfar SKIS - Downhill skis, size 10 men's boots, brand new, poles and bindings. Asking $90 for set. Phone 524-8823.-53-3x MUST SELL - 40 x 100 all steel building, modern Quonset design, brand new, still packaged. Apply Drawer 48, c- o Goderich Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 4B6.-1-3 GET YOUR WALLPAPER at 20 per cent off manufacturer's suggested price. Le Trousseau, 731-lamiltm Street, Goderich. Phone 524- 2448.-ltfar OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances. See Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich. 524- 7241.-ltfar SICK ROOM SUPPLY :'' patient aids, support gar- ments, convalescent products, etc. See Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241 _-ltfar VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 1 2 miles south of Clinton 0 on Highway No. 4 1 • NEW OR USED f HOME FURNISHINGS • APPLIANCES • LAWN ORNAMENTS Open 6 Days A Week 482-7922 r 1 MINIATURES AND HOBBY TOOLS: , .accessories, . magazine' kits, etc., at the Land O'Liliput, plume 524- 8777.-3,4 NEW AND USED restaurant equipment. Durham Chair and Store Fixtures Ltd., phone 369- 2018.-3-5 1379 SUZUKI 850, motorcycle, good condition. Call D. Greason, between 9 a m. and 5 p.m., 524-261 1.-3,4ar LARGE BOX of boy's clothes and blankets, in good con- dition; folding mesh playpen, $15.00: Call 524-4546.-3 LADY'S Puma jogging outfit, size small; one 1000 watt electric heater; five gallon fish tank; 8 x 8' tent. Phone 524- 2970.-3,4x RABBIT, Guinea Pig cages for sale. Contact 267 South Street, Goderich.-3 RECORD PLAYER and stand in good condition. Phone 524- 9006.-3x HAY FOR SALE: 200 bales suitable for beef cattle, 55c; 150 bales good alfalfa, $1.00. Phone '482-9218.-3,4x FINE QUALITY German China, crystal, flatware, 12 five -piece settings, and all accessories. Twenty-six piece Vacuumatic cookware set, nothing ever used. Phone Bayfield 565-24M.-3,4 OXYGEN ACETYLENE torch with hose and guages, $50.00. - For more information call Bayfield 1-565-2185.-3 NEW a-usEo SNOWMOBILE PARTS COMPLETE STOCK • Used Tracks • Used Cylinders • Rebuilt Engines • Pistons our specialty SNOWMOBILE BATTERY SPECIAL only '49. ARGYLE MARINE l SMALL INOIN[s N Rrlt•nnl• N. Ood•rldl 324.9201 BEEF SPECIAL NICE, LIGHT SIDES OF BEEF Cut, wrapped & quick frozen '1.54 Le. HiNDS OF BEEF '1.75 Le. FRONTS OF BEEF '1.35 Le. RIPLEY ABATTOIR Ripley Ont. 395-2905 395-2979 evenings BROKE? Sell your don't wants with a Classified Ad Get 2 for the price of 2 TIMES FOR *3.25* OFOFFER VALiD ONLY DURING JANUARY :PER Print Name -- Ad Copy (211 words) Phone: _ -_ *This special offer applies only to individuals who do not operate a business. Th. ad must be written oh the coupon and' accompanied by check or money order. Cancellations will b. made for convenience of a dteer- tlser, but no copy changes or refunds will be made from Ali rate. Discounts do not apply. cer. moo ameto Nemo cern roam asp mim. ESAS ES errs Es Men war. ....la if./ SIM 1. Articles for sale FLAME GUARD fireplace with brass trim and screen. $100.00, ,including tools. Phone 574-2e94.-3 CRISP juicy apples - Northern Spy, Macintosh, Red Delicious, Ida ''Reds, $3.50 bushel up. Fresh cider, potatoes and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Fann. Closed Monday and Thursday. Phone 524-8037.-3tfar DRESSER, 35" x 38"; trunk, 36" x 17" x 19". Baby needs - playpen, walker, lounger, bath, back carrier and stroller. Excellent condition. Phone 524-7892.-3x FOR SALE - first and second cot hay for cane, Phone Rah Smith' 482-3340.-2,3x DINETTE SET - round table with white •laminated top and edrrome pedestal leg, 4 swivel chairs. Excellent condition: Phone 524-2017 after . 4 p.m .-2,3nx FOLD OUT couch with mat- ching swivel chair and coffee table,$150. Phone 524-8801.-3 TWO ELECTRIC stoves, one 30", one 2212", good condition. Phone 524-9234 between 5 and 7 p.m. -3 W SMALL GAS stove, eight months old, $175.00, or best . offer; gas lawnmower, used approximately , ten times. $75.00. Phone 5244441.-3 LADY'S stylish snowmobile suit, $25.00; lady's snowmobile suit, size small, 610.00; man's snowmobile suit, size medium, 610.00; pair lady's snowmobile boots, size 8.. .Phone 524.6063 after 6 p.m. -3 SIX INCH jointer with stand and motor, $450.00. Call '529- 7894after6.p.m-3, TRY C & E FURNITURE, new and used. Dial 524-7231. -1 tfar ORGANS - PiANOS. Wurlit- zer: the best in keyboards. One year's free lessons included with organ purchase. Pulsifer Music. ' 'Seaforth. Closed Wednesday.-ltfar HOCKEY SKATES - Bauer. 'size 812; one pair of child's skates: girl's skates, size 1012: one pair of girl's roller skates. size •812, in good condition. Phone 524-2923.-39tfnx SURPLUS USED desks. office chairs, filing cabinets. office equipment, etc., at discount prices. Phone524-2224-ltfar FOR SALE WEANER PIGS Riverview Farm Luck now 529-7214 1 1A. Snowmobiles 1972 - 340 SKIDOO TNT. Good condition. 524-7749 -ltfnx 1960 EL TiGRE Snowmobile. 600 kms. Excellent condition Phone 524-2275 after 4:30 p.m. -2.3 1970 NORDIC Skidoo, good condition. Phone 524-6582. -2.3 - SKIDOO TNT 77. model 440 free air. Best reasonable offer. 524-6658.--3.4 1978 ARCTIC CAT Lynx. 2000 Twin. good' condition. $800.00 or best offer. Phone 524- 7076.-3 1979 EXCITER 440. excellent shape and excellent running shape. Tach andspeedo. with cover and extras Phone 524- 7143 after 6 p.m.- 3,4 5. Cars for sole tcsatraw 1974 CH EV IMPALA Custom. excellent condition, automatic. p.s., p.b., radio, rear defogger. 6 tires and rims 1 new snows) . Low mileage. one owner. dean. certified Phone 524- 7234,-53nxtf • 1977 PLYMOUTH Sport, V8 automatic. p.s., p. b.. radio, air conditioning; new radial tires, excellent condition. Has good gas mileage, 25 miles per gallon on 'highway. Reason fo selling, bought truck. Ce tified. 53,200.00. Phone da 524-6752, evenings 524- 6794. 2tfar 7 5. Cars for sale 1974 AUSTIN MARINA, as is. 30,000 miles, .$1,000.00. Phone 524-8560.-49tfnx 1980 FORD FAIRMONT, excellent condition, 6,000. miles, $5,700.00 firm. Phone 524-7123.-2,3ar VALIANT BROUGHAM 1976, $2,500. Also 1974 Oldsmobile, $1,500. Both excellent con- dition. Phone Blyth 523-9663 after 6 p.m. -3 1974 DODGE, four ..doer har- dtop, p.s., p.b., V8 automatic, safety checked, $700.00 firm. Phone Blyth 523-4564.-3 1977 VEGA, automatic, clean, no rust, 16,000 miles. Certified, 62 850 acro_ Phone524-2709.-3 1973 CHRYSLER Newport, P.B.S.W., air. Best offer, as is. Will barter: Phone 524-8740.-3 6. Trucks for sale 1969 INTERNATIONAL Tandem Dump Truck. Good running order. 'Phone 524-9895 after 6p.m.- S2tf 1969 CHEV four ton, . new engine, : new stake body. Call 524-4703.-3,4 1977 CHEV VAN' - 305 V8, automatic; high -back buckets, •' chrome bumpers and grill, good condition, 60,0007 miles. 63,500. Phone 524-4114.-3 1979 CHEV 1'2 TON with in- sulated topper. 6 ' cylinder standard, power brakes, 25,000 km. Excellent condition. Call 524-2497 after :5p.m -3,4 9. Automotive JEEP Parts, New, Used. Ml Jeeps 1942 to 1980. Gigantic stock, lower prices, quick service. Gemini Sales, 4736. East Hastings, Burnaby. B.C. V5C 2K7..(604) 294-2623.-3b.c. Selling your car? Need a . Safety Inspection? ' Call 524-2121 Now only $1595• GODERICH 11. Livestock for sale SERVICE AGE Hampshire. Yorkshire and crossbred boars. R.O.P. tested and commercial. Bob Robinson- R.R.4. Walton, 345-2317 -2-4 12 Real estate ' for sale PRIVATE SALE - Ideal retirement home with private access to Lake Huron. near Bayfield. Three years old. cedar and stone bungalow. large deck. three bedroom. din ing-livingroom , cathedral ceilings. full basement, fireplace. extra lot. Open to offers. Phone 565-5034 after 7 p.m_--48tfnx - --- RETiREMENT • 112 storey sided 'frame home Three bedrooms. 3 piece bath. separate dining and livingroom. Targe kitchen. Gas heat. low taxes Priced to $ell. Apply to Drawer 50. c -o The Goderich Signal•Star. Box 220. Goderich. Ontario -3.4 13. Mobile homes <• TWO BEDROOM mobile home for rent, carpeted. fridge and stove included. Situated at Huron Haven. available im- mediately. Call 524-6208 1-4 FOR RENT • Two bedroom mobile, fridge and stove In- cluded. located Huron Haven, available immediately Phone 526-7784.- -2.3 The best way to reach your market? With a Signal -Star CLASSIFIED. You can reachover 11,000 'people with an ad in the Signal -Star. Call 52448331 for details. 14. Recreational properties Howe ©n inexpen- sive holiday this summer. Rent a luxury motor home. For details Call: 529-7897 MIONIMINEMINEM 17. Apartments 16. Articles for rent' FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- •231. 17. Apartments • for rent for rent TWO. BEDROOM TO SUBLET A11 utilities kid, frig and stove supplied. cable T.V., laundry facilities, broadloom throughout. Controlled entrance. Phone 524-2200 AVAILABLE now; two bedroom, furnished apart- ment, third floor of private home, four piece bath, $275.00 per month, plus utilities. Suitable. for adults. 524- 9166.-53tf ONE two bedroom apartment, available immediately; modern ' one bedroom apart- ment in Goderich, with balcony, available February 1, 1981. Laundry and parking available. Phone 482-7081 or 527-1315.-53tf ONE BEDROOM apartment for rent, available February l • 1980. Phone 524-8821, evenings 524-8444. -50tf ONE BEDROOM and two bedroom apartments, just off Square. Phone "b4:6231 before 6p.m.- Itfar WANTED - Person to share two ' bedroom apartment. Phone 524.6587.-ltf LARGE two bedroom second floor apartment located on the Square. Available February 1st. 1981 Phone 524-2154. -2tf • • TWO. BEDROOM apartment available. near The Square. Completely. renovated and carpeted throughout Main floor. large Iot. ba ment and laundry room. Please call 524- 7186 after 6 p.m .-2.3ar AVAILABLE February 1st. spacious two bedroom apar- tment. carpeted throughout. heated. -fridge and stove supplied. hook-up available for washer and,dryer. $250.00 per month. plus hydro. Adults only. 524.9166.-3tf ONE BEDROOM apartment. gas heat, carpeted, '6125 per month. available February 1st -Phone 524-6068 after 5 pm -3.4• • TWO BEDROOM apartment with Targe livingruom. modern kitchen. 4 pc. bathroom.. stove and fridge supplied. heated Available March 1st $2x500 monthly tall H. W. Shore R E Broker and Appraiser 524- 7272 - 3.4x 18 Houses for rent AVAILABLE; immediately. four bedroom mobile at Huron Haven. features 16 x 19, ft Iivingroom. fridge and sove included 8200.00 per month, plus minimal utilities (Lot paid b‘ 'owner Call 524- 4185 Itf THREE BEDROOM country home'. 4 miles north of Goderich, recently renovated Available immediately Phone 529-7253 2 4x - FOL',R BEDROOM semi detached on Victoria -Blvd . Vanastra Phone 482-7968 -211 AVAiLABiE immediately - 3 or 4 bedroom house with garage -Phone 524-9839 - :3 AVAILABLE March 1st • •2. bedroom house with garage Phone 524 9139 :3 23. Commercial property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2,000 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 1717.-53d RETAIL SPACE to rent - approximately 1300 square feet at 51 South Street, Goderich. Contact Goderich Glass, 49 South SL, or 524- 2671.-2-4ar Offices To Rent 524-8382 24. Wanted to rent FURNISHED COTTAGE for mature. responsible couple with two children for the summer. Cottage must be on Lake Huron between Goderich and Southampton. Phone .or write Henry --Lansink. R.R.1. • Hanover. Ont. res. 364-2370 or office 364-3200.-3 25. Wanted to buy ' %'ANTED - Used restaurant equipment. Durham Chair and Store Fixtures Ltd-. phone 369- 2018.-3-5 ' WANTED - 'Single Skidoo trailer' Phone 5249249.- 3 USED ADDiiNG MACHINE compact or calculator with tape print out. TV ANTENNA .with rotor. Phone 482-9719 after 5 p.m. or weekend, s--- 3tfroc 26. Help wanted BE A PART of your com- muniiy,. meet new people. make new friends - through - an Electrolux franchise. No investments. large com- mission. part time or full time. . Car required Call 743-8278 collect daytime. 271-6571 evenings. -3.4 - MICHELE LYNN CANADA LTD. FINE FASHION JEWELLERY UNDER - NEW MANAGEMENT IN GODERICH AREA Sold on a party, plan basis. No Investment,no delivery. Jewellery ids & training provided.. Add to family income.... Excellent opportunity for management. For in- terview call London 685- 0503 or write: 82 furnblewoed Crescent London, Ont. FOR RENT 3 bedroom townhouse newly decorated. Ideal for retired people quiet surroundings - Close to Lake Huron. '229• per month Including heat and hot water, T.V. cable available. Apply to: c+ffice Block H Unit 1 or Phone 482- 3828 between 6 a)vd 10 p.m. 26. Help wanted INCOME TAX preparers respired locally for Tax season, must be experienced. Phone collect ' 1-416-627-1455 Tax Time Services.Ltd.-2;3 SALESPERSON required, part time or full time, to sell residential and commercial energy saving systems.. High income potential Honest, hard workers, callDon, 529-7568.-3 GENERAL MOTORS parts persbn required for GM dealership in Northern Alberta. Must have minimum of five 'years counter ex- ;,:perience, ability to work well with others plus the ability to meet the public and to . organize work. Be stable. We offer: Full company benefits which include dental, eyeglass. Excellent working conditions. . Computerized . inventory system. Excellent wages. For further in- formation contact: Les ,Vachon -Manager, Trumpeter Pontiac Buick Ltd., 12308100th. St., Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone (4031 532-8865 Or res. (403) 532-3826.-3b c, NIGHT .DRIVER required for Courier Company, `experience required, must'be mature and reliable. $250:00 per week, after sixty days. Call 1s-416-749- 0576.=3 ' WE NEED YOUIF... You wish to join our top producers who earn an ad- ditional $100.00 to $400,0.0 each - week by working only 12 to 20' hours. This can give you a better home. luxury, car, a boat, travel, a dream 'Vacation and much more.. You'll enjoy offering beneficial protection services that people need. want, 'can afford and saves them money. No investment or experience. needed. You'll need a car and be ready to start now. Apply to:' . Mr. Bauer. c -o Elm Haven Inn. Clinton. on =Wednesday, Jarivary 21st at 2:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. sharp or call him at Wingham - 357-3805.-3 EXPERIENCED typist - secretary wanted. for period approximately two months. Send reply to Drawer 51. c -o Goderich Signal Star. Box 220. Goderich. iN7A4B6.-3 Salbsmen to sell attic in-. sulationln.Goderich and surrounding area. Ex- cellent commission. Own' transportation. needed. ASPEN INSULATION LTD. 524-4460 HELP WANTED Tull or. Part -Tillie QUEEN'S HOVEL Seaforth Must be 18 years old Phone -527-0820 26. Help wanted Sales Representative Vincent Farm Equipment at Seaforth continues to grow and offers a rewarding opportunity for ,sates persons. Ap- plicant must be an aggressive, ambitious Individual who is eri se1S- starter. F.Medere up -40 - dote dealership with , good remuneration. and benefit program with above average oppor- tunities. Apply - In writing withdetails of work to: MARLEN VINCENT Vincent Farm Equipment Ltd. Box 189 Seaforth, Ont. NOK 1W0 CLASS. "A" MECHANIC REQUIRED Chrysler- experience preferred but not essen- tial. Wages commen- surate with experience. Phone Dean Reid at 482-3522 CLINTON CHRTSLER-PLYMOUTH 27. Wonted (general) WANTED - removed by April 15. 1981, one frame barn 40' x 60' with metal roof and two- storey red brick 'house. Con- tact Bob Grunedwald. 357-3450 from 9 - 5 o -r--4824270 evenings. -1-4 SOMEONE to share expenses to drive out to Calgary. in four wheel drive. Leaving February,lst: 1961. Phone 529- 7714 evenings. -2,3, 28. Business opportunity EARN money: Learn income tax -preparation at home. Reduced •prices. For free brochure. no obligation, write U&R Tax Schools, 118 Rox- borough Drive. Toronto. (fit. --3b c START -your own business' Become a Watkins dealer. Full or part time opportunities available. Phone Jahn, C. Staple r. 119 Park -Street. 524- 6941 246941 for more in- formatiol..-3ar 26 Help wanted Have we got a job for you! Just Phone or Visit THE CANADIAN. FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 520 Wellington Street, London, Ontario N6A 3R2 Phone 679-5110 or our Mobile offices in the Federal Building 12:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Sarnia ... , , , Every Wednesday Stratford . 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month Goderich . , 1st and 3rd' Tuesday of each month Woodstock 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month fillsonburg Last Tuesday of each month ASK US ABOUT YOU THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES tairialM 30. Employment wanted YOUNG MOTHER wishes. to , , babysit in her home, -Monday to Friday. References available. Phone 524-, 43012:--47 tf YOUNG WOMAN will do babysitting in your home weekdays. Willing also to do tight housework. Call 524 9111: -2,3 HOUSE CLEANING - good, dependable work. Phae 524- 7490.-3-6 , RELIABLE woman wishes oto do housework. Phone 524- 2565.-3 31. Service directory MAN WITH TRUCK to do clean-up jobs, trim branches, take brush away, etc. -Peter Prevett 524-8553.-ltfar '. FURNITURE REPAIR, stripping and refinishing. Also, small carpentry and. decorating jobs. Clean, careful work at reasonable rates. Please phone 529-9394 for free estimate. --48t1 r CARPET CARE Rugs & Upholstery Pro- ftessionally Steam Clean- ed. Free Estimators 524-2440 MUSIC LESSONS GUITAR, ORGAN PIANO, ACCORDIAN . LESSONS AVAILABLE CALL 524-2711 HURON MUSIC STUDIOS LTD. 61 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH GARDINER'S DELIVERY We deliver and move anything large or small `free estimates" 524-2421 formerly B&B Delivery ART'S - Landscaping -Nursery'' and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich - FALL BULBS BOOK .NOW FOR SNOW REMOVAL - Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 PIANO TUNING • Repairs • Rebuilding • Keys Recovered • Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all stakes. Authorized service for Inglis, Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirlpool: CALL 524-7861 HOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St., God.ridi