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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-14, Page 20
tp. i3O. 00. MCEIRIGNALSTAR, WRICINESDAY, JANUARY 14,TAU1961 tintr. 29. Tenders 29. Tenders ago Public VVorks Travaux publics Canada Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SWIM 1100001121 for the projects or sendaa listed below. .11di . , to the Regional Manager. Finance Autos. Ontario' legion.., of 'Proline Works. ono Y_ igs Street. (Lath Floor), Willooriolo. Ontario MIN 0A6. will be received until 1000 haws on the !psdta l closing dote. Tender Dowwwents sirs be soon or obtained on payment of the applltatbie deposit, through the *as of the Director Qlihhrali Doparlmsnt of Pubilg Work*, Ontario Region, Tandittrhg :Office. lath floor, 4900 Yong* Street. 11i11Ik104110. Ontario. enols tire' Department of ,Public 10111. T Office, 499 Ridwuond Street, Lot. don, Ontario. - PROJECT No:0099!0 Cop.wtalll and fender Repairs. North Pier, Goderich. Ontario - CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1981 Deposit: '25.00 Tender Deramestits nary also be soon et the Toronto Construction Association. 1 Sparks Avenue. Wlllowdol.. Ontario. and tiro London Construction Association. , Enquiries: 4! 6-224-4240 INSTRUCTIONS Deposit for plans and specifications must be made h the fonts of a bank dumps to the order of the Resolver General for Canada. and will be released on return of the documents In good condition within one month from t uo date of !ardor osnirm. The loss.. i or any fender not necessarily accepted. CANADA 31. Service directory 31. Service directory MOM ._ gv, Repairs.-' Renovations - h Call George Gould 524-7638) .r LET U9 MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE - �-,�,t BETTER THAN NEW Quality Workmanship, No tax on certain jobs PHONE 523-4272 LA M. MONTGOMEIlr BLYTH, ONTARIO -H. T. DALE Liquid Waste Removal SEPTIC TANKS - HOLDING TANKS Residential - Commercial - Industrial Serving Goderich & surrounding area for 15 years CaII:482-3320 Clinton 527-0284 Seaforth 35. Notices to creditors ' 36. Announcements, notices AU persons having claims against the estate of WILBERT JOHNSON, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 19th day of November, 1979, are required to file the same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 30th day of January, 1981, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at • Goderich, Ontario this ' 30th day of December, 1980_ PREST & EGENER, Barristers, ete., P.O. Box 218, Godm ich, Ontario. N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the Estate -1-3 • All persons having claims against the Estate of JESSIE "L_ "METCALF•; Retired Associate Professor, late of the City of Detroit, in the State of Michigan and of the Village of . Bayfield, in the County of Huron, who died on or about ' the 20th day of April, 1980, are required to file the same with full particulars with the D un- dersigned by the 6th day of February, 1981, as after that date the assets ofthe locate will be distributed. DATED at the Town off. Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 9th day of January, 1981. CUSTOM BUILDING .* * * RENOVATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING TJ* Daw,voae Dr 524-2497 GODERiCH 5244905 Albert Dors, Jim Durst Bill Dust PREST &EGENER, Barristers, etc., P.O. Box 218, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the Administrator. -2-4 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Th. Waste Disposal Site will be open an Satur- days only during January, February and March. West Wswanosb • Township Cowman 34'. Educational 1 STUDY AT HOME Highschool Upgrading Grades 7-12 *Personalized study, program *All textbooks supplied *Learn at your own pace ETON BUSINESS COLLEGE 10 Young St., Kitchener Call 743-1392 collect ,.Are p8 Cas Com„ 40. Lost 8 Found LOST: Blue cap. with Junior Ranger. Crest, • sentimental value. Phone 524-2248.-2 44. Engagements RYS.STAD-McDONALD - 36. Announcements, Mrs. Helen A. McDonald of Goderich is pleased to an - notices • nounce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter, WHEELCHAIRS • • Susan Jean, ' to Mr. Tom -,WALKERS Rysstad, son of Maxine and. give yourself a lift! PRICES START AT s1 99s IMMURING FREE 160 KM weekend & weekly Rtes Amonobte holiday rent -o -car system 5'24-8411 rnlcKLAi.os - 334 HURON RD., GODriicu CARPET CARE Rugs A Upholstery Professionally Steam Cleaned. • Free Wheates 524-2440 34 Personal ® IMSIMISMIENSIMIM., PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential -support. Help is as close as your telephone.. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7107 or 5242913, 527.0115 or 392-6641.-1-52 and Painting Reasonable Rates Neat. clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. The }hnnanitarian Service Committee of the •Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan: Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217.-2eow NOTICE THE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH is . not responsible for damage to mailboxes and/or vehides parked on the roadside during snowplowing oper- ations. Vehicles interfering with snow removal from any Township road will be towed away at the owner's expense. West Wawanosh Township Council Qle.Rysstad of Prince Rupert, B_C. The marriage to take place on January 24. 1981. at 4:30 p.m., in the Chapel at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich.-2 46. In memoriam DICKSON In loving memory of „Harold Dickson, who passed away two years ago. January 20,1979. Never more than a thought away; Still quietly remembered every day. No ,need for words except to say. Still ' loved, still missed along fi sway: dly .. missed and always remembered by wife Lois and family. -2 38 Auction sale WANTED ANTIQUES • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS GLASS a CHINA Will Buy For Cash or Sell By Auction coNTACr: Marie Salm ` at the Auction Rooms 524-9064 WAYNE WARD Hwy. No. 89 East MOUNT FOREST 519-323-1012 ' FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION Absolut , closing out clearance auction FRIDAY,, JANUARY 30th 11:00 A.M. SHARP We have decided to terminate our Mount Forest operation and are holding .this no reserve auction regardless of price, absolutely everything sells to the . highest bidder. SHOP EQUIPMENT 8. TOOLS - including Dyne time clock, air compressors, presses, hand tools, parts, shelving, benches, welders. grease units, grinders, test equip- ment, vises, hydraulic lacks, anvils, power took, alignment tools, fire extinguosers, assortment of new tools; and much much more. MISCELLANEOUS VEHICLES - 1976 Ford Pick-up F150, 1972 Dodge One Tone with duals, flat rack & hoist, Fork lifts, Snowmobiles, new ttolin walk behind snowblower. FARM EQUIPMENT - Complete line of now 8. used Farm equipment including large selection of Tractors, John Deere crawler loader. skid steer loader and various types of sundry equipment. Seed drills, corn planters. packers, cultivators, harrows. discs, plows, manure spreaders, haying equipment, wagons, Combines, rotary mowers. scraper blades A snow blowers. Please Note: SALE CONDUCTED AT OUR MOUNT FOREST LOCATION Lunch booth on grounds Shop equiprment, vehicles & tractors to be sold inside. Trudging available anywhere in Ontario. This list Is sublet, to addltlons :, deletions due to nor- mal bossiness prior eta sale. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for Accidents day of Sole. Auctioneer: Jim McCortnay - Wat*rdown the 4"4/111 CIMntra524-8331 REAL 46_ In memoriam m�. t! EAGAN in loving memory of Ronald Keith, who passed away 2 years ago, January 12, 1979. -Always remembered by his loving mother Gertie, brother Gary, sisters Dorothy and Gayle. -2 47. Card of thanks ORENNAN Sincere thanks to my relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts,] aids. flowers and visits to me at St. Joseph's and University Hospitals in Lon- don. Special thanks for all the phone calls. All was deeply appreciated. -Bernice Drennan. -2x FISHER The family of the late Luella Fisher would like to express their appreciation to all friends, neighbors and .relatives for the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, masses, charitable donations and sympathy shown during our recent loss. )Special thanks to Dr. R. Anderson and the nurses on fourth floor north in Victoria Hospital, London, for the loving care during mother's: long illness in hospital. Thanks also to Dr.,M. Cauchi. Thanks to Rev. Fr. A. F. Loebach for -his comforting words and to Stiles Funeral Home for their warm and thoughtful ser. vice. -Sincerely, Ernie, • Auleen, Rick, Brenda and family.-2ar . HOGGARTH I would like to thank all my family and friends for cards, visits and gifts while- I. was,in Goderich Hospital. Special sincere thanks to Dr. Chan and Dr. Cauchi,.and all the nurses on second east. end Maternity Ward. -Mary Hoggarth-2 •Hoy The family of the late Clarence James Hoy Sr. of Port Albert would like to express their appreciation to all friends, neighbors and relatives for their many acts of -kindness, floral tributes, charitable donations and • sympathy shown during the lass of their father. Special thanks to Dr. David E..,Walker, ...the, nurses and staff of Aixandra Marine and General Hospital for their ,excellent tare extended to our father during his numerous stays in hospital. Thanks also to Rev. R. J. Crocker for his many calls and comforting words,.. also the Stil Funeral Home for their thoughtful service. -Sincerely, 'The Hoy Family. --tar - • JOHNSTON We would.like to thank all our relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the lovely cards, and gifts. Also for attending our 25th Anniversary dance put on by our family. We would also like to thank our group for the surprise party and gift. Special thanks to our own family and their special friends for the O'e y uittiter as site Vvniie Carnation, their gifts and all their work,, in making our anniversary so happy an oc- casion. -Ted and Sylvia Johnston = 2nx McWHiNNEY .finGail would like to `thank Doctors Walker. Thomson and Chan, nurses in emergency and first floor for their excellent care while • Brian was a patient in the hospital. -2 OESCH 1 would like to thank everyone who was so wonderful and kind to me while a patient at Alexandra ,Marine and General Hospital, Goderiche Special thanks to Dr. Walker, Dr. Lambert and Dr. Rourke, all the ,nurses who gave me such special care, and a very special thanks to everyone for the kindness of visiting me, sending me flowers, money, treats and the many gifts along with the lovely cards and visits; also a thank you to the ambulance drivers who brought me into the hospital and to O'Connor's Ambulance who transferred Me to University Hospital, London. Once again thank you. -Madge Oesch.-2x OKE Ken and Ruth would like to take this opportunity to thank their relatives, friends and neighbours for the loveW gifts,` cards and money and to those attending our 4th anniversary dance. Special thanks to our family for making it such a me more b le occasion -21 nx REDER We wish to expresa our sincere thanks to family, relatives and friends for cards, visits and gilts while , in Goderich Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Leslie Rourke and second floor nurses for their excellent cage -Darlene and Brooke. -2 ESTATE Alexander A Chapman Realty Limited Member of The Huron Real Estate Board Multiple Listing Service Real Estate General Insurance - Property Management. 10 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2177 IT'S A BUYER'S MARKET See Us Soon RESIDENTIAL - FARMS - COMMERCIAL YES! A new distinctive split level and several attractive lower priced homes,. ALSO - Business Opportunities - 3 GOODIES FARMS - Buying or Selling. See "Gus" or Martha. Some good farms now available. R.A. (GUS) CHISHOLM 4 Suncoast Drive W. Tel 524-6554 JOHN BANTER R.R. 2 Goderich Tel. 524-6149 1111 _ MARTHA ROBERTSON R.R. 1 Dung Tel. 529-7703 DON ABERHART 84 Comex Cres. Tel. 524-7216 BERT ALEXANDER 245 Catherine St. Teo;24-7.136 WAWA MORTGAGE SPECIAL *COW DOWN PAYMENT 1 LOW RATE 12 % FOR FIRST YEAR LOW PRICE - 1980 PRICE STILL IN EFFECT New bride and Abitibi siding split level, 3 bedrooms and finished family room. Special offer for this January only. SORRY - ONE ONLY! Phone Alexander It Chapman Realty Ltd. 524-2177 or any of our salespeople *to qualifying buyers i:i 7k,11111 LEI 524.8100°. 524-9T31 RFAL7YWORLD: Wed. HUGHES REALTY !lAAI?FD We'll cover it all. .. for y ou. y •Residential *Farms *Commercial *Cottages *Texas & Florida Properties, 38 EAST,ST.., GODERICH, ONTARIO N7A 1P13 1> WEST END REALTY WORLD All brick bungalow - d©wnstalrs finished - :aeaety an- tras - paved drive - sliding doors to sunder& - built-in dishwasher - 2 bathrooms - large rec. room - large treed lot. L-178. Coll 8111 Lougheed Res. 524-6063. REDUCED. REALTY WORLD. COUNTRY HOME. REALTY Three sedrpom bungalow to Kingsbridge. Steps away from separate school and Church. Call Chris Holloway Res: 395-3448. C-3 PRICED IN 30'S REALTY WORLD- • <v New kitchen in this 3 bedroom home on lot 66' x 132', with black topped drive. Price reduced. Call Don Mc- Cauley Res. 524-4226. 11-186 REALTY WORLD. 50 ACRES Located near Goderich. 675 feet of frontage on Highway No. 21 - 40 acres workable, 10 acres of bush. Call Ebb Ross Res. 524-8786. 5-2 REALTY WORLD. LOW TAXES LARGE LOT Three bedroom, angel stone bungalow with large attached garage. Call Alfredo McCauley Res. 324- 4226.8-15 fr/! l REALTY WORLD. MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY Three modern homes bound to please that special someone in your life - many extras. Could be your dream home. Call Rita Allen Res. 524-8480. !-2JD. WITH INCOME Now is the time to think about offsetting the high interest rate. Privacy is yours. Super values starting at '37,500.00 Call Norma Taylor Res. 524-8480: LAKE HURON REALTY WORLD. HOME Reduced country home near Bsiyfleld. B.oi4tffut fireplace with cedar accent. Priced in low foritas. Coll Sharon Elliott Res. 529-7281. J-20 Ebb Ross 524-8786 Normo Taylor 524-8480 Alfredo McCauley. 524-4226 Rita Allen • 524-8480 Sha ontIIiott Bill Lougheed Chris Holloway Bonnie Johnson 529-7281 524-6063 395-3448 524-4546 AGRI VISION , Don McCauley 524-4226 Ken Thompson`' -' • 524-7514 Jim Thompson .. 524-8179 Hugo Vermeesch Harold Erb Nevin Gingerich Fronk Gabler 482-3805 565-2828 699-5727 348-8209 MAURICE G AISLITP DE 34 STANLEY STREET 71 s GODERICH 524-2966 524-2966 CALL US -TO -WELCOME •YOU -HOME GODERICH HOMES 43 ST. PATRICK ST: NEW LISTING 'Extremely well maintained brick 2 storey home located dose to the Square. 3 bedrooms, large diningroom plus "Eat -in" kitchen. Private, fully fenced back yard area. Existing 101/4% mortgage. CALL PETE BETTGER AT 324- 2966. ' 139 WELLINGTON ST: Ideal "First-time" purchase. 1 storey aluminium sided home offers 4 bedrooms plus family room with acorn fireplace. New 8' x 16' wooden deck. Many renovations recently completed. Close to schools 8 arena. CALL BRUCE RYAN AT 524-2966. 185 JONEtST: "' Immaculote cedar sided .bungalgw with 2 fully finished levels. 4 bedrooms, family room, plus formal diningroom. Extras include stone fireplace and central air ,con- ditioning. Quiet residential area. CALL MAURICE GAR - DINER AT 524-2966. HOME PLUS INCOME: Purchase this 2 storey brick and sided duplex with only '5,000 down and assume existing 101/2% mortgage AND '280 rental income from occupied rental unit. An ideal in- vestment for 1st time buyer. CALL PAUL PARSONS AT 524-2966. CALL 524-2966 FOR GODERICH HOMES COMMERCIAL & COUNTRY • FOR SALE OR LEASE: 1800 square foot frame building located at Goderich air- port, 40' x 45' concrete floor wood frame structure with 9' x 17' panelled office area. Suitable for storage br light in- dustry. CALL PAUL PARSONS AT 524-2966. ' FOR RENT: Nicely renovated country brick home between Goderich and Bayfiejd, 3 bedrooms plus large kitchen and livingroom_ Picturesque rural location plus large 2 car garage and workshop area. CALL PETE BETTGER AT 524- 2166. AUBURN STORE PLUS LIVING QUARTERS: 31' x 19' retail area plus 12' x 25' office plus 2 bedroom 2nd floor apartment. Includes garage with 101/4' clearan- ce. Under power of sale. Full asking price only `29,900. CALL PAUL PARSONS AT 524-2966. - FOR LEASE: Approximately 3,800 sq. ft. of prime show room area with heat and hydro included. Owner will assist tenant in modifying existing layout to suit. Large open spore display room plus office area. CALL PETE BETTGER AT 524-2966. CALL 524-2966 FOR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MEMBER +'•F THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARD MULTIPLE LISTINC,'SERVICE. ___ ' WHEN BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE - M.L.S. IS YOUR REST Belt_