HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-14, Page 9(Our Regular Price 4.39)..(Our Regular Price Primo Action Price! Assorted Varieties (Our Regular Price 3.79) 1.49) i SAVE 5f0� SAUCESPAGHETTI . u»m99¢ PASTAS `*' PRIMO �¢ h !Leisure, 3 Hour, 5 Pound (Our Regular Price 129 - SAVE 30c )1 1 IRE LOGS IMPERIAL. SOFT • 1LCTION PRICE! ORANGE DRINK �+ Margarine pkgof2,8-oztubs 99¢ 'C' Plus ACTION PRICE! 48 -fl -oz ton 3 for 1,99 • PUDDINGS, FAMILY SIZE, ASSORTED VARIETIES 13-FLOZ TIN VALIANT ACTION PRICE!,750 g CONTAINER Laura- ;Second 2.ro,99¢ . Instant ChocolateL99.. COFFEE SUBSTITUTE ACTION PRICER READY4O.SERVE„ASSORTED VARIETIES - B,FL.OZ TIN Sip 'N Savour io z ar 2.99 Habitant Soups 4 for 99¢ (Our Regular Price 63c each) Buy.2 - SAVE 27c Assorted Varieties Including Action Price! in Tomato Sauce 1441 -oz tin Fancy Rosebud meets b Choice Peas 10 -f1 -oz tin HEINZ SPAGHETTI Kraft Salad •Dressing MIRACLE jaWHIP (Our Regular Price 1.25 ) AYLMER ¢ VEGETABLES SAVE 2651 his week reason you'll do etter .. .at A&P! GODERICH SIG AR. WEINESPAY, 4ANUARY 14,11$1Pa 7° ek-Cut from Canada s FIi esu Grade A' Beef Outside Cut, Eye Removed BONELESS ROUND 'b ROAST SAVE 1.20 Ib (Our Regular Price Ib 3.49) Condensed, Assorted Varieties HEINZ yllIPS 1011 tin with Upmarket Prices Cut from Canada's Finest Grade '°A" Beef ROUND STEAK INSCUT IDE or Tenderized, from the Hip Rump, Sirloin Tip or Inside Cut Round a • BONELESS -. BEEF. ROASTS CUBE STEAK lb SAVE 9(W lb 1b SAVE Uf TO 1.201b (Our Regular Price Ib 3.89) (Our Regular Price up to 3.69 lb) ROUND STEAK Full Round 1b2.79 FRESH - LEAN • Previously Frozen, Pork Side Ground Beef Spare Ribs 'il 99 11 39 CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Fresh 1S pieces resh BOX-OCHICKENICHICKENFQUARTERS 3 Leg Ouarters, Quarters with backs attached 3 Breast Quarters, Breast Ouarters with backs 8i. Wings aitch_ 3 Wings . MIXed �uarters lb 3 Necks $ Backs 11) p •3 Giblet Packages Chicken Halves • ■ • (Our Regular Price Ib 1.29 - SAVE 40c Ib) (Our Regular Price Ib 1.49 -.SAVE 30c lb) 19. Maple Leaf Week at A&P! (Our Regular Price 2.29) SAVE 80c (Our Regular Price 2.79) SAVE 80c Regular or All Beef 1 -Ib vac pac Skinless or G4iden Fry ° 500 g pkg MAPLE LEAFI4Q MAPLE LEAF'' 99 WIENERS 1- SAUSAGES • 1- b Maple Leaf, Sliced, Reg., thick, 79 3-9 , Hint of MapleCanada Packers, Breakfast - Store Pack 500g SIDE BACON DEVON S�IUSAGES Buy 3 SAVE up to 48c (Cur Regular Price up to 49c each) (Our Regular Price 2.35) SAVE 36c In Tomato Sauce "New", Totinos, Frozen, Deluxe. or Pepperoni (Our Regular Price 69c.each ) DEEP CRUST250 g pkg 199 HEINZ PIZZA BEANS SILVERWOOD "Ding Bats" FRASE:RVALE, UNSWEETENED, 3 VARIETIES Frozen Fruit SWANSONS, '"NEW", FROZEN, 4 VAR. Breakfasts WELCH'$; FROZEN, CONCENTRATED Grape Juice GREEN GIANT, FROZEN, 'BOIL Vegetables Savarin, Beef, Chicken, Saiiibvry Steak, Turkey FROZEN DINNERS ACTION PRICE! pkg of 69931 ACTION PRICE! ltroz pkg 9951 INCL SCRAMBLED EGGS 45 -oz pkg 9951 ACTION PRICE! 1241,oz fin 99¢ rN BAG", 2 VARRIETiES KI -oz pkg 99¢ LIBBY'S, FANCY Tomato Juice ADO(PHS, INSTANT Meat Tenderizers WINE FLAVOUR ACTION PRICE! Bick's Sauerkraut '14 -fl -oz tin Buy 2 SAVE 38c for9 48-f! oz Irn 99¢, 98 g BOTTLE 99,i 32-FLOZ jar 995/ HEIIJZ ASST VARIETIES Gravies Ta07INS rES 3 TINS far 99¢ AYLMER, CHOICE, DICED CARROTS OR ACTION PRICE! Diced Beets 14.11 °z 1,n 3 kr 99¢ MAPLE LEAF. COOKED, 6 VARIETIES, INCLUDING CHICKEN Meat Chunks MAPLE LEAF WAX Bologna Baby Bag MAPLE LEAF Bologna Sliced 3759 pkg 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, SLICED, 4 VARIETIES INCLUDING MAC t CHEESE VAC PAC ib 1.99 Ib 1.39 Cooked Meats 375 g PKG 1.79 MAPLE LEAF. SLICED 175 g PKG Cooked Ham 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, 5 VARIETIES INCL PEPPERONI 250 g PKG Sausage Sticks 1.59 SAVE Valiaq Farms, Process, Slvositrtrg FRENCH FRIES 3f99or MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED VAC PAC Cottage Rolls Ih 1.69 MAPLE LEAF, BRISKET VAC PAC Corned Beef 1 2.59 MAPLE LEAF Ham Steaks17sgpkg 1.99 MAPLE LEAF, BONELESS, READY to SERVE, MINI HAMS OR VAC PAC Dinner Hams 162 69 MAPLE LEAF, READY to SERVE, VAC PAC QUARTERS LB 2.59 Hams Smoked Haloes 1b 2.49 MAPLE LEAF Polish Coil lb A&P is a Frozen , Seafood Shop! BLUE WATER. FROZEN, BOSTON BLUE Fish Fries FROZEN, DRESSED HIGHLINER, FROZEN 16-03 PKG �•-�= pkg 995 Mackerel Fillets 99¢ Whitefish 1b 99? BLUE WATER, FROZEN, HADDOCK Fish & Chipsloozpig99? CANADIAN Frozen Kippers Ib 99fe (Our Regular Price 1.29) o RAINBOW VALLEY Frozen Trout 8 o_ Pk9 99¢ BOSTON BLUE, FROZEN Fish Fillets - 1699? HIGHLINER, FROZEN 14-0Z PKG Cheddo Sticks 995. gores with De4Sbop_only y CANADA PACKERi, FINE, COARSE OR CREAM Liverwurst G1.99 SCHNEIDERS --- 4 VARIETIES Cold Cuts Eb 2.29 Wants 4.4 freeze. ® . ®from page 6 • "way, of life", and ern among those wbo are not yet o confirmed energy - .___. _ -t.. servers, there is a growing 12ell belief among that a collective cutback el about , 10 percent would have a beneficial, effect on the • ovetati provincial esiera situation. - '0 However, that belief is by the equally 7 cowdered strong belief of some that a cutback on their energy use could result in a restriction • of their M - oftheirltf le. con- tinue to be far leas ccitvnitP ted - to conserving energy when it involves their cars„ or when it requires some ex- penditure xpenditure for their Mimes. The gzeater the personal effort requited ! for con- serving energy, the less Re- ly consumers vers would 'do it, the survey showed.. Ac- tivities such as joining a c ar- pool, sharing a ride, or regularly using public tran- sit have not, as yet, gained wide acceptance. Stntar'tan ortpr. ruerr gat is committed • to a goal of crude oil self-sufficiency for Canada by the end of the decade. In this regard, the dPY ,LY bwalas 00 11110 A d411 £Y Min® oa 11,noA 0 C tts fes. 1 ern i Govenunent of Ontario an- nounced last October a com- prehensive 4165 ,mil ion package of steppeildpu con- servation - servation and` oil sub ionprogtan*, The targets are speeirie- - aiid meastpable, and • if achieved, i'tafio's for crude oil in 1996 would 23 mullion barrels less than i1 is today. 110111QRLICF Frank Drea has announced that starting January 1, municipally -owned conven- tion centres, can apply for a permanent liquor licence. To qualify for a permanent liquor licence, centres, must be not only municipally owned but taatnaoipa?41y operated as well. Pik. urea said that he hoped a perma- nent liquor licence would eliminate red tape and en- courage international organizations to book con ventions at the centres. Payments increase Health and Welfare Minister Monique Begin recently, there will be full escalation of Family Allowances for 1981. ` The Family Allowances. Act - priwides for -annual escalation of payments in - January of each year in ac- cordance with the increase in the cost of living. Effec- tive this,. month the federal government Family Allowances paid monthly for children under 18 will rise to 123.96 from $21.80 in most provinces and in the ter-' ritories. In addition, the refundable Child Tax Credit will" provide up to $238 per child per year based on family income. The amoent.an_d Ihethed of payment of Family Allowances varies in Quebec and Alberta. Under n provi- sion in the Family ,Allowances Act, a provincial governmenit may `ask the federal goverlirnent to vary the rates payable in that pro- vince awarding to the age or number of children in a family. or both, providing the payments -average $23.96. Quebec and Alberta have, again chosen this op- tion. Special Allowances, which are paid to foster parents, welfare agencies, govern- ment departments and in- stitutions maintaining children will increase to $33,53 from $30.51. • Each month during 1900 the federal government paid alit more than $151 million in Family Allowances to 3.6 million families. The rhe- : quer covered 6:9 million children. The national average allowance for each recipient family was abort 1t2Inootldy, 1D