HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 9. 4 . r1* - , 1 4' I . I 11 . ..... . ­ ­­ --- ­ __._____.____,00, --1 - I � .4., " I ­*� I I I I . . I , ��' N; - " ,� I .N � ), I i 'A , - . , t , 9 & I I W..., .;kV�IM . SIR9013 01 IN GONSH NOM WHI . BOXESTHAD RHOULA=01-18 AZy. �p.exaon jwlia is the sole hoiii�i � a, a fami:4, or way" male ever -11 Tears old may homestead a quarter wton! of avail6blei 'Domiulon land ix , Manitoba, Saskatoliew.an, or *).bertsi. , Whe appliclazit must, a I � ppear in pareas iat ,the Domialork Langla Agenon or fial)-�tgeuoy for thedlistricti Entry U1 ,.Oroxy may ,be had at the agoailZ ON .. tain 0ouditiono. b� bar car , y, father�, mot son, daughter, brother, or elaterol intending ba,mooteader, IDutles,.-Six months Tesidenesaves , M44 caltivatioin of the .land in easli of three ,years. A homesteader may Uve ,wLthiii, nine miles of .him home- , iNtead on a darm of tit 4ea6t 80 aorp! Iso4ely owned and occupied by him or bis father, mallher,, eou, ,deuOter, , brother or sister. I In oe-rtain districts a hotmee.e2jaell In, good standing m1aY. !Pr&�6=pt a )Iltaarter secitivat a,lionigaide blshiin,01- �ivtmd. Price $3. per aore�. oluities-r 06I.at real,desix moldthe inei&dh ' Ot Oil Welaxis 'from data of 'LoWiesbeaid eaftry 1001inding the time require' -d 'to earn , 0amestedd Patent) raud oidltivtRe fift,7 acres extral A homesteader who has exhausitalil his homestead T19,ht anid cannot ofb- Pala a re-emption may take a pux- �&aaed gomeatea-d In ceirtain Ostrlati PxIoe $8. per acre. Dutles,A-Musi tre"Ide six madths in -each of Ithres W*ari, caftivate fifty acres add erect a horase warth 100.0.0T , . W. W. costy, . IDQputy of the inliter of the nterlay V, B.-Unailthorized publication ohl went willnot be paid for, I — M B. CARLING, Life, Accident, Fire and Plate K.. Glassinsurance also Collecting Actioutits — andAuctioucerYng. — JW. BROWNING, M. D., o P. S., Graduate. Victorivi U - varbilly. office and residenerce. ,Dominlon %1&bOr&tOry,EXeter 7' - Associate Coroner of Huron. . . TT R. Bright, M. D., M.C. P. and XX@ S., Honor Graduate Toronto Un - e Tears resident physician ' Two"i V 0 r"it' ,jexandra, Hospital, etc. OfficO R TE 'd e, Dr. Anos' ola stand and res enc Exeter.. "R. QUAMENBUSH, V . I Physicisn and Surgeon and,. Arp- coucher. Office -Dr. Rollin's old officis on Main Street. Residence-Cornei James alad Albert Street opposite Unies Svreet Methodist iliarsonage, Exeter, Ont. APhones-Office 39a, Residence $9,'D DICKSON & CARLINGj . I a arristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Convem ncerA ominlipifters, Soltolt, I 4018ons . . Sahki Eto. 0 Moner toLoan at lowest rates of luberesitt. 9 OFFICE i -MAIN STREET, EXETER, W. CARIING B.A. L. Ef. DIOUSC21 I . - I � ­ 1"ONEY TO LOAN. b t Ilk We have a a amount ""ve'lle In de * r ot I r 0""... a,,O,�,eilie �t otlgm�arijegg.l�rop.r V qopt_ - _ W__ _ al� M I I STANBU]gy AD A q 8_ B"riliter. Soli'lli"'., .Wel. f 3t.�t.et" IJ De MorucaUfl MOM h farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur-.', V 0 dan offloauu - ' Head Office, Farquhar,,Ont in President, J. F. RUSSELL c Vica-P�reis.. ROBT. GARDINER DIRECTORS. 0: ELQET. NoRms, Staffs. IT F111M. RYAN 'Duleflo. WM. aBROCX, Winchelsea, ft WAL ROY. . FARQUHAR ' tl - AGENTS, I .10 JOHN BSSERY, Exeter, mgen,t tot 1J,S6Wn6 wnd 1341dulph. in OLIVER HARRIS. Munro, a0emi Of W Hibbieset, Fulliarton and Logav, w I JOHN CAMPRELL . u . Seicy.Traas. Farquhar w DLADMAN. & STANBURV, Sollaltors : - __ - - -------- - L I I ), 4,Efifffih. �--- ' I /, "Cl/ . .. � � 5�', j A I .1 ... . . , ., , < . �r � it -V . . . r-.0,nWA qoxxil. . I * �. # . 0 Our graduates are, in deM , 4 0 0 1 0 0 and. Bosiness men state 0 o that they are the )>eat. 4? 0 Students from the class roon) * 0 � I 4b were p aced recently at $45,. * 4 $50, $60 and $70, -per month. *- * a graduate was placed re- * * cently at $1800 pat," annum. * * All graduates secure pos- * : itions, The demand in the * Ill ti, ,0 past year was six times e * # number graduating. * 0 1 * . * - We have three depfttments�" *# I 00,HMER0 EAL, .0 . . # # 'O SHO RT11 AND and * . S. TELEGRAPHY - 0 * 4 * Get our Free Catalogue, * 0 . . .:: 0 0 0 D. A. 1).TcLAORtAN, �� * * . px�`neipal. . # # # I . � W.) , ___ .----.. ____ . ". Aitirch Direadry C I . . I � . � . JAPAE1.1, SrREF.r 5 ` � , . xif-�­rliowsr cflul�cll I Rev. Rtchard Hobbz�, Pastor � B � lltldi)y f1l'iblir tx ('y'k, 1, .. 11)3() -� J)l�, A�_ 1 qrltj 7 .i- -n I I v, I - � -;z - ,-- - - - -f 4 ts , Is. , ,,, . , ` � 1 4 11 A( -I, V, , .. , 14. f' -V0, ,W1 %i . - " r"'.. lisir i.,:vrr. , � � 'V, ­..JV .1, . , V1. " ,-9 M­1­."O�.n. W 1) i, ? , - t I 't, . . . , : fl, et, . 'ellytd4y snf,nol �ntl .4, Vflr�.'­ 9.1f I I P. lu, . . . I � . , I I P,pwnt,rh lo,") -fl- VIT".&I'r ­ " l't, i � ! Prayer 1NeetG&-T&u5vAa.# Q1 0 ium. li� grames st, Methodist 071 4, kh "O., � tot will Drionob 2l,exTWa,n,,x!o I . . i I � . , 11.1:10111�� �­N,,,�1­0 � I I I � !, , ,,, , - , - , ­,­­.,­,­,,.­ __91W ... 4; . _ - � ­­ � —4 , �­ .,7 4-1-- 7 MFIROWWR , ,� ". I "I � :���--F,.-��...-�'ll'.111,�-",.,--. I -_ -_ e I � . I , d � I I . �� I I , .1 i, �­rr-r77 ., -_ It I., I I I I �. H 1''. �: . V* �� ''. "I I . "kl,. , � I ,, I `7�` - I rpm ­­" I I ""W", ,�� . . � i , � I . , 11 " TXR , wl ME$ . I .1 � I � I . "I'll, I . . . . . . . . . ���� 11,11".. 7"��', 1 . i , . 1. I ,� , I /� -1 I 'I'll I , _ - ------- ___ I . I I 111Z�11 1:1:110 I 'I, ; ': .. I -1 ..", I . 1. I , I . 11 q . I . .11. �511 . 1- 11--1 �:: :'I � I � P.111 -I il I 'q?."0P*" . I I � I , :_��1111,1: 11:1:.1:1:!��:::�: " z 111 -IS . . I i 01,01 11., ­0____.0WATMrA1tA� .00W010"WIm"w"111 - !", I _. - ---- -------.- I ,, � . . .''. ,". ", ­ I 1.%;w .jif4 I , I . I , I I I grzkl"� AlXkili —� — it, Trill 'I mr I I I , OREST AND REALT *,Wi�:: *`r it"I"11t;1I �*_i` w , 71t 7 A�tviwto ile-ir �o- ­ 2` " 10 � - � . fl TO MUM0 AND 001�0 ­iarnau,,, ealyrwimis, 1111(i I'll.14(�111ail.1 " I 11.1i. ril't go, 11:9l. ,,�Ojj . I 1�', 411 . I � . I , . I 074)nd itho I)QJJ'Qr.,0 -SvordS to ft,11. .gho - 11 13 1 ` I � ^W nm__A��ftMt "*,�R"F__,m_-10 .. I AIRS-NVXXST,QNW0 60OVIANG $VTtt7r he SON0118 PIMP. III I be liloased � � ;�,�,. , I � ., �'�It�,L" " , ,�.�", � ,1,, , t� __ IS I, , 1�21k; 11"'t I ocall"o, killo flrj�t t1wo, I ongilt to , 1�� . . I . : 4. , . . )t,�3,af-,.v(�r$IX'I'YYLIAItSI)YXII,'T,IONSoI a� fi'liled In Iory for dill flwt g.hf- tih%!!h��l , . . it ZIQd, bl"IdWhAid And Quchant(ld, I I - 17 'P.: . I , . , �� � V10% X0,13111�3W for tbeir CnILW�L�N W'IJILP, .yet thk� norelti'", Aahl. Lad Alit. I . : . P � Ow nwiltion Or u1,:iJlI1ige-4w 11148310-o'd "You shall . , ., .01 ff Pvlf I' TIMTHING, With PAIRPUICT 14W.Cr's.9. it - sho Wa� nover fin, �wo liours-tog . � I boar it. 1,`1�111 tell ,T� 0 %`-; 1 . ,� 1, li, I Flutyrill"Is. tile C1111,1).: 60V`1%NS the "t'h'ir hk1r in that: 1t_v-Li!., betqlapo, She did Iwt wby you dislike"201 11wiltum of 1A 44�,, " -, . . G, vul, ill the g'allio lillmd" the strank, ALLAYb all PAIN; CURWi WINI) CoLle, an .�o, thl-ag . � 1 i14 .. . , av to'takp 111) 1112, C., , , WIS , t WS N41)03- 111;tgo, eyknl wit"I the I I oetween i w0-% Loves � I tile IMA X`ellledY for WARAR=, It is,abw was, that grontly as bor 11wods vallokl . , , , At 1141 r , Ilarr y -Mi PIP a L . I . � Poltit,,ily barmlesii, Be sure anda5k for I'lare. c,:(.h O,41o. 0 .4111"Ift'los of lifo luitfl. as, slip bad said to 1 , .. 1. I I I . , � . OW. , I . t4 1. le, . WlnsIQ%y*s Soothilig Syrup," and take no ot eonlild to, sult ,her liest. �,-`ihe` herself, she 1V,I­,,A�IiI`,o(I. ,. I . I I, I I 1. * * * * * * * * )' hlvd� TwonLy-five aolits il, bottle, , . her � . 1108 gUl-, lall0king, aninlated. bright-, " � . "I do love hial," iat�errnpted T441 1 , - - . ,,, -- --- I 1�1-,ty, -but Ulm boekwuod tookao, lw, I , � I I - ____ � Z I v! Mel'XU4, N�`Itty, �;arACilStie, fill ,I)A* tul'11S, � I ". . , . , I . �1151T,aiil' I ever Taulo you" lu� itt'41110." ,%Ile irat; I'llou I ,"I t I ghtful. ,�sllellt and giroa to C11APTER 111, of tille, iliterl'UPtion. I . . BY BERTHA 1W. CLAY. I sudd hor lover, foinfly, i . I . ,� a wild, bright for -t bi YOU 'IrO like rererlo, all by turli% a,ho varip(l iti. tlp� "WILL TIE TAME IMB Ft, . "Pride, is"at tho r,09t of it All, Lad , 1, . I I I -.1 � I � I rd ... ilhall I ever sky and the cloilds vary, yet V�d,; alwo � Nray, pridl., ana notiring vko- ,,o, u V 3 I tutuoyou,V . I I � . 1. 4 eharaing. 1'. full, free, unialloyQd, liborty" 7, I . "No," she., . Ryorything goes, hy reiwc�,-,alon. Sir you, � Author of "Whlqh Loyed HIM Best," "The WoWing replied, -and in One MiLn. Sho litld Arroat virtitiog and groat folft�, (!jillton Ailall- had aelijoypil, 11lo grt,at like, being uncontrollell lit 113 , I I I a -to On! bright, gay Npirit ,",aq all 9IR70 ill' .-s fair Lady May; Ale was by no Ineall, t*13illph of the day; hQ 11:1,1 NYon I;,bt,� ytlur actiow; yozi wolt4l. not like to bo ,,, 1 11 I ing", "On Her Weedding Morn", Etc., EtC.+ I aguin. "Wb011 TOTI. call Irain iial eaglo, a fil-rt, yp;t thero wtqV tImes when 0114) 1, Vo of the flairo�t 111141 ,vpalfiliesj� he,ir, accountable ,to tiny' out- for anythl,14 I , , . � __ I 11 I , , ti NVIld Wountull), b'!."], to vOlne abd eat t1tolight he,. tile very� qupen. of eoquot- v,,& lit Rhigland. aull, with that know- you door say; you like being Lady A%A' — I ornilibi as the robi;li do, then you Ally r . I - Tos, hor every action, every gesture, ha,l lvdgo he was eoullil-Iled to be auu'tent� J"revlyn, tile wKilthy heirm, tb%, : � , 1 traile me Clinton." . . � . I . 1�***WV_-**# �� , , I i wl�. I ^ , � mivh all livesAstilblo oint-m of its Own. :l,twy may ,had ivi Idea Of ,ua*kIng tiny leading belle -Of ,the Jay*, yell llk(� �WAX 11 . I CHAPTE44P�, 1, A147-4!, - e aoPth of �oQffllg. t,olle 1_Q( 1110 "That 'will bci, iww,r, lint, Alav, we At Ilm age of-sixtoon. TAdy May troy- fil.rtlipr coucps;.,4ouq_ I able to bestow smiltm -aud Idad wor.11 . . . I 44 I to be only a, Pastime ,with you. rj,"h, I W10d not speod the wh(go tit 011". iniglilt, lyn was alluo't, ill() Ili the. warld- sho "Whou N%111 yoti tnurliy me, ,Ifny?" 1111011 a crowd of adorers, yott are fQ4 I ,,, WOUNN PLAY AT LOVit'." mighty Passion of a iiiall. ailluiles you; ut, titled connections, wasth(-� sprayer owr On ,his Ill),,;, and Yho . � .1 . his heart is it 1)lilytll�illg; ,Ile f101,,,,Q fire 1 slintily day ill -zliv,41119. G'Jro we the hail IL ,11.0st ,of tljs­tall�' pron,il to r0ilquish the . advanitageF . ptoinigQ, I ly I "I ,am not �so aureasouablr� its , � I da rl, "'-tVII "It! t'llat You but none Whom Phil PartIcalarb, car,�tl had no ausiver for hhu. So that his your freedcnil, ttio proud to oubmit 2. � I I , � fi.oLlil ft to ex- of �ealousy souietlilug -to laugh at, Yon will liever 'WaltX 100) tiny ope M-e,pt for, By [.,he. advioo Of lipr gnarill;1,us, --he 10 ." . alwther's wIll.,., I � Peet Inuch rwsoll . g,�lltlomijn, _ yoVir white 114 It, * t ver grow by rvvr(�,.sloll. 11 anse III-, 11 wave ds , I Sir Clin-tvii, your Ill n 'Ind ad Inonx I ulysolf." rhOso a cou,dit of her inothor'k;. Mkt,; fair, Ruperlolls, queort did wit"CaX4. far Lady Uay listened tboughttully; tuQ � fumed fo", It; but I ustrIbLl-4 '4"\ I, 119t into a very inferno of Pain ,Ind JlAgen T1101'e _W11% Offidi'lltly it sti-liggle In , Ix"killowL to Ill'v witft I'Pr, but -Ali,s what ,bo' valled love J`Wvrw.�4. 41111 was with t4e fraitknoss -tliat 1, � , fidilk tht'rO Are f0v You 41asect his suivvrings, --a ,,!I!,-., Lady May's ta,kid, thou sbos.-Ild, quiettly; 3 � I I C; Luckwood Wits a Illort, Oplipl.-La-ly I*ot willing *to talk abour warriage, ,lit, charmi ohe, said: I � . , men in the wovId. bravo 011011911: to deny each sepamte pling as tilti lIxtia V," "ite I cannil, give yria the pr(Aial"to, ('1111- Allay rolei'l with -i, Ili I I � one Alet.11 . . to yourselves. I say t � hilt you Play at I tt'u, I sbould not keep I.l. it I tI1(7.,, "I . 410 "lost absolute so- was obliged io supprpA souit, de- "I am half. inclined to tbi ilk , .. , you 4" :� . "And What i,� flit) fact, L I vf�rwg,ltty, groo, tile biti'mity of 'his JCWQ� 'She right, allatie. I haye novel* had to sa.1# F I I ud)' hin.0" love, nald know nothing of its dollbli or - ,Sho ,had A= aly finished slioaking, whon 11 . . . At vereuteou, Ale -went throll,11i. the Maild, porb-ilis liuvo been startlod emild - mit, and the Idoa. of it is not very ple* 11 ,�., , InquirQ& Ml� C11.11to"I. mealling." _' the iloor opem,il, and a fovoilzill out,v- ordoiti of all Engli,,Ii Indips-sho was she have knowIti how he worshippva ' m ing to OWIL that if 1 , I . "It 1.9 tavis. That, lot Nvitat Inay hill). She -raised her beautiful eyes to his. ed tile ronro. A sin -all vapil lily ,Ipon .I lin-swiltod at court, allil took llor, phl,ce and what jealous P-li" 11,141,04 ill his were les,s proud, the notion of maTriag4 I Pen ,after lullrrlilg,:�, .before inarringe 41 , itly, '�the day h n so ,ot. as one of Its g7oalo-zt o . "PeiLhaps", She said, " i the silver sulv�.­, lit, carriet) in 1114 aull. I . (,. v , I 601".1 I raft- hm,rt, � would bc, lo'ss--whilt, -Aiall I� say?-nless . � � lady Altill-ld Ili (wery iii-stallco hftvli� her may come when, I similere'laillid You of , ic, Count Soldvai, lily laill"', Ili, mol . its. it was a �Ztr,ange, p1quant, ,yet ,, For he did n-ot tivilte underst;Tli(I %,ol% t r g) . � own way." those woTds-1)N7'onlenj play at love, and "...11(l I 0 r !(I than it Is," 1, ,, ; . , almost torriblo, position; oul-, Qvvenit,00n, He had I)oen accustouiQll to -svcPr1(JIy -s,l kirow. I atal light, de,ar.: I 11 , , . The, govitlemnit looko,tl sliglitly puz- know uothDag of its depth and illeall- "What bavil you told it � a7e( zled, and tlitm ip)si)-pyed. � ,'W 40' ,.q,zk(q W-alit"Ifill as a peri, and �:,oillthy as a wouien, who. never 6oncoUled 11111 1`�W,t at114IIQd you well. you are too pro! 4) "I "I Ing-' YOU hW)- that 1 can reptilq them, Lady May*, I . It ,0 I OR . . �!! hilt'l their correctly, and I repeat.,also ,ni:1t,'some 1 ,"I saiil thot I (lid not know w1u,th- her inot-heT's 1,1.rge toTtuile hat.1 I)o.on svIvos, their da-ngilt'i­�, or -,1,.;t(-r.-, vrah heart yet," continued the simple lady, ,: tholl""llit 1:111o.4 always . I Priur.-ess in a talry tale. ,]')IQ Whole Of that a good marria"'o, either for V110111- Lady ,Afgy; unit thnr�,, never was a pr " Ow" ')"'Y IiIN)"01 �ift-all that I have day or other, I shall bring tboul agal.uSt I yr.111, 1;1(1 -!�Rliip ,wat; ,,It houle or not, bit,: stq.tIt,ci oil 110% Alld 1,110 inhVlit.(IW� of tb(,y beglanbig and ot� . humvii. hart, diniv S(" MY ulothe'r, than you.." 0 .N . jitl (if mIstpliev. He "that Heaven did not bring low. It 1 , . whatil . I viat I 1yon](3 ingli'll'o." Trevl, a I I I I . , , m w.as in itsolf Lt. grand otio. mt d.a not quiti, under,taud the rohil-taiwo a swovtOV, truOr IN-ol"all zleytir " I -lei drew nearer to, her; he Was so "TRIP aumyor is--Iiat at Iloinv", vai- all for pride, Lady Muy, that vou MA I lived, Aliade QuIlL. a paradv -of wirdy deeply In .1 the world raved tibout her. as it wa,s of a girl to wave 1wr girlhontl hohl"I'l ,making une of the xao,,tt honest heartw : , �, - �� ea-ruest that he did not per- I J,dy .may, alkia taw ""'unt Nrmt 9,&),� snre to du; sho was mare tlian pa%sIng her, Mid 0ko, upon 1110TS111f the 0,1-ro`4 Oil that ever boat ache Nvq.tlx A deadly Palo."' I � �,� obod-Iniee ti,nd .-.al) I 11-118,;1j)II, but in rQaflty ceiYe her mood 'was chau!-png. 8he till -pod Tvit'll it Playful siailo it.) fair, flrl,i daughter *1 -I ,hilt ilred earh;-, woulanhoo(l. � �i she rule -ti vj,pTy thonght anil erei,y :Icti,xi "Wouler, play at love, do they I .I 11 i I . . , 1 011u� 'Ato-e ]over, "I do not believe that," said LadVi � 1, 01' RIV fatitQr'8 lift,." h( -r.,4 was not thi, pounnon order .(.if Lady May of -ten said to liorAelf that Allty, proudly.� . . . ; Lads �Utiry's ',tusiver iroil i � i ripplit,g, ton? WbIlt Of tho-ge grand old sito-dos I 1-N, lily.. WiV You VnIl me erliol*? I hav'! hvality., tho, 11olry0l.)IIS r(1!�qlI9lAtY 4)f she coilld not pos-­,ibly bi, happi(ke than . . li I Pcel's tell I's-arO tbev .111 unt-1110? Did 1 ,�,-nt 'th,,� ec,untt, 1­itl! his drcally eyes, fvIltiliv, the aristoinatie gritee. the fnz- she wils. The Nr ' "It Is trile, my deun Vo "rheless. ! , � inuuie-al iaug-b, t11:11 was mwopt as th, Xudlot Play tit love? Was poor boade- � . orld was at her forut; 'Ve t] 811! owny." I onisite coiorlug. were the, lo:ist eharm. Clinton Adair is noV llkt� the same mag , � ellini'p. of sil.-or hells, Yet had in It monlia's love pl,,13,? Was Lady Rus.qclps % she Rived aud I'm% lit4oved; she wn,4 ini- b � � .1 "You ,I re all Ithat is clirtrin4ig," hz� of lior facip- it., infiln-aut oxprl%4s,ioa I I, It% pl-t,nic�lY liamw In. hQr ehoiev,; she ob- .Q wa,"Whon ale flist ll.xvd-you; ho� looks� I ,., t. something of qui0t -l"caldlit that made love for her husband 11 pi y'l 'W rC.7-.,.1+'1l. rain't'-d lorf,lillr�.S-Ilow "n -are, lioly, g<.i--- ljovi'll Sir CI-Int-Ou to be tile 114klt.,qt . �; a a. hat sad at lini-s, like -I in -an avoustomed I her loveFs face flush erfin+)II. of the hapiless'Spaoish queen,' -%'v,ho, for . t� to repvess his. feellugs.. Interference 1v I I g1l, f4dY 1N I -a Y - " he srwl, Years refused to leave her (load has, "' .,Pl-,­1.d livild 1, mun Ili Tbo world; whY di,tiirb mzitt��r� e I "You lau ,�,­ %-.4tl oilk how whire, ,' fttus:jiul vh:truis (it cillauge. it, -iniles � - P'lli U'.)J,.;, it., Aptil-likv loyolillo��, it, qnAekly, "but I pload guilty tO enter- tv ]I: in. ', ,when lh(�y wel.L� go 1)1Q, N .1 I 'I.q_ ro. I , I know; bill, it.,; Yllu iftave_pro- . 1-taindv What or those who itave 1) I ',ut? It W,;Illll . oriled radiallim, or pore, bvillity. . Callild. not be time enough in a few years to thiiI,,,c 111i"'(1 Us ,Awrrx him. I tbink you mieh* �. 1. ,�� r I),, a lit"'N. kinder to him." , . � ­� taillitig old-ra."'hililloil notio-ft'; about lire,, fame, huplyinoss, all for the mon. , 'IVo will sict qn.irrel any mq e tc- blave bo,ni Init (in tninv,ts-no painte" or marrlago-. wholl slip Ivil., ill!lrl-140. . "I u-111 flikik of it." replied the tgrvg' , talose thill'i�q- 1 1`1ii�)'" tIltIt in("' were they IOTcd-was it '111 play? WDIS it I eay, el -.x-, lr,�illlvin. I calmot glow, Yom, rorld htivo� dvlAnte�1 th4,,tu: h(vPyes .wt ri- she would be abligoil to ehall,,,(� llor Mo. boira, to ruIQ, W 0011111"Utlil to govern; Play when Monitor drew from the ill., proc:l'o, !;..!t I will t") ni; tit,, news- of violet huo. hirge, Iniglit. flill of it sh� niii,;tlt,�tvel(-�,sofl-,itt,,�lit(,r,iiitI a ' I`r'"" AO", aud A-11;38 Lockwood Waot , � 'Woulen to obey, to zp1vIs,e, to coullsol- Poisoned wound its varoul, and so saved WIPIrs say �kk)4)ar pv-6111,11ts-I will take thonstInd mo. ' . I I �Irtqn., - _i,tow. She know that the haughtS . to ,,'llido, it you will -but dechledly to her kilig-? Ali, Clinton, history I S 1h4tt CoRld IIeVtT bo less gayety; she would have eare� tbllu.' (*`- . � 1. . 0 . , , pOcjb!?y, ,. -('Ing 11ciress sel(lc,oi mAde a greateir; I obey.11 fiction, do, -not tell us womilu�s love is It �Intr P-','Wfl­ 7,',-i.* A111 now I must told in words; her hair ,was of Inight, Would make her graver, True, -to our- 3 . "I, is kind of y4m to 'a say goo concession thatot that, � ' 'flInit that Nvo plal'." il-ar­n'i.,,�: yon havo been here, soft gold--4ts waving. vilkou abilnd�iicp balaince that, slie wolild lra�ro liviro love. I 'e. ' two 4fri.;-, I i_­� �..�,;01.14 Voluing; thg Ivias u beauty Ili ' "Wiliell you are older, you will knowl . call gUide and Collu.,4el," she roplicil, ""ilmis -have changod,11 .ale said. gloom- itzelf; her figure Wa,,; but her heart waq -sytirito ltijiv wi-th ',t.i ruacklilgly, "Serivilsly �pvaking� (,,],III- - � ' .) illork- of the Talue of such love as 'Sif, illy. "Wamen used to. be etume.st, God- . two It -1';-�q -­­*- ;.-:>-1 N��y quicklyPI Perfect -its graw and symL�eltry we�e happy N-onug lvvp: what nootl o -f m;i,e I 11�,ry "'t, '. _� , lAilig. ma Ito - me of the higliest order; se had "watite I�ut iii -to thoso flitiv.0it,; ht,r hnp.,t�tors*. .. ,I,v ,� . Clintoll's," continned XAT.iss Lockwood. � to", I (10 not thi"IZ I sli-all evvr ober. feming, after -.I simple fash-lon; nfow I 11 I feel .1 gru,at InvIinatil.)n 113 co-mmund, they are, by education, by trubibig, al- hrppF vh'fi I 1, - " , it, � ,n%1u:---4v,,, he said; little hands," and'little feet. No woniler lOver did not outer. 110 loved her wita You do u! -t al)PITI�Iate it just now, be-; to rule, nad to govern-nollp for sub- ralost by itadiro, frivolous, N-ght, vain, but i"ll'! N: I *:� , , i i'.. 11a.J..1 ('11 his lips I that, for once the tables were turneti, his whole heart and mnll; lie wou!d hart, cause ex­ry one flatters you.,, . ill -'a s1',e*u,C,.,! th�.;'.:. : - mission or anything of that kind." capricious-pillying with great' paselons, . and ftio;teud of .4-poculatilk,- wilat goo- pnlyed be,. with WS wholf, 11valt and "But I (10 API)r-late at, auntle. Do, The Iiiiiiii,,Ayine, face of her joier grew as child.zeu, pRuy with' fire. All, ' .'Lvlay, — tleiniall. -would marry lier, the world won. soul tv iva-�ry libil at onc-�. 1:1er ccjy� Yon reully think he loves ML. So. vemi � I , � I .S , dcred whom she would marry. sweet avold*ncA� angered him. If lie . I - thin V, , c�amlrl.ni 11. "Thillk, my dear! I am sure ot it. Ur anxious, belf sad. as he looked at her. Why do you make me say these in u (.h ? " So fair, so im-,)"1q)ns, with the pretty "Yon say them easily enough -they I . . SurelY no young girl ever�had more bad remembeTea hor youth, and. al.Ld __ . . of a rebelliousi obil(I aq(lotl to tile do not seem to muse you I .1 I dared, I shollid ,ay th,at " ,� I any goreat IXT AU' W -4)Z MY YOTT-TH." lovers. She ,seemed to live in a crowd been more patient, more considoilate, . he loved MI ,, ., . arm, of her bewitehlug beglity. pain." �_. Thc-rp %Y;J� -i-7,11-3--yos, nu l):vtth,r rn,lm of them -she was surrounded by them; this Story 0 a grent tragedy would better than he fov(41 his own soul. Too� k1, flattery, houlage. adulation were. all never have been -writtem. But lie. had gTWt love is oftegi punished, as is grea,Z lady I ay continued; "My darling, you do mot kae)y .what ill London 11". in.-., Wtillu'r Ill CDT,' round her. She only saw the fair all,d P. inan's nature, strong, balf-florce, 1 - pride." . 'A ` I 13 ou, Thelf., ,O"U.s c(,I.t, . I "I , Myself, no matter what poets 91,11", pain is. You will think me fiercr%� 'ie. .r� 11 Lady May did 1hink of it the next I lever could adnilre the (Irrigel(loa of thQ W.1- TP) 10'rdift' bright side of life; idle was Praised, flat- capable of even und(Tstailding the de- TiOlent-1 cannot help dt- I declare to Nvoinao than 1-h-1, one who rt-ru.,-(,d her t . . 11 . L �voaid; they'have no charin for nl,c�ll you that,, when I saw that man's pre- ered, cantplinielit6d, until she began to licate wnldifngp�, of a w0inian's matiL timo She saw �her lovev, for the, � first 1 1, luver the lyroulls" Ito asited. . ti -1, and of her -own f�ree� will, sihel . ! 1 Rye - I� L0-Ir`e t h in k that she could do no ' wrong. NMat -was really a duinty, dread of dis- . "P(irhaps� tit wonld be better for you Isvilip-tuolls fingers touch Your hair, I wn-., the town , n­idont.,e till' the I,ady spoke of their marriage. She did it witiU � 1, f they 2int], Aliy," ,-:lid q 'Whom would sbe ntarry'l-which would tUTbing a 1rappT, sunny life, a girl.14,11 � , ., Sir 011atom. could have slain Itim; it was .as though 'kvl,ay Trerly-ii, the sole 0 Ill a filished face, and a strange, slownesg, She hold up or)v Prottv, white finger, a flexce re crept from y e, � ,to dat-'-',!�t��r '01-1 she ch oa,, from t s er6wd of admir- dread of the unknown land of marrtig,,, � s tho . hgh -in warning. fl M h at I lv4ress of the late Xfortlaunt, L`a'�l Oe ers? She had reached her nineteenth he mistook for want of lovei Of speech; but she was rew=d,%d fog _ � . my brain, -and nerved my hands to do T,,,Iyu, the faire,t'girl .Ind the ir.nith- Year before -her heart was touched -It SO he brooded in silence over his own the afflm,t by the light that shone im h1s; ' ' , he, &1dd;,"&nd that ,spovch sounds as- crueR, no denion so strong, -no P11111 so pr_�s ace, . "'You axe bound to taiink tile perfect,!' strange deeds. Thtwe is no fiend So lest heliesa in laug-hind. Those wilo �11;, by that tinie the world, with its great love, wbioh grew now by re, , - f ) hough you thought me capabae of terrible as jealousy. You must ,give spuke of Lady Moy's faults, always "- p1laiii,a and its flatterty, had somewhat sio-n-gradually je�ti,)usy mingled with If it was possible for his love to in, f � reat inivrovement." me the promise I ask, '111ity-th,it yo -11 cused them by saying: polled her. Then, the one great love his love. If Lady Alay had beon m,)re er'ealse, i,t did so; the time came wbout "So I do," he replied, hastily, ", "What could be expected? her mother of her life. came to her, and llcr'lo�ver like other giris Jf slie hid talked of its' t6ree almost mastered mll�� %t NMI not wtiltz again, oxm)t with me." had baen. one of the Proudest women of its strength made 'him unjust - cast, llhat- Is -oh, M -ay, )-oil . was )Sir Clinton Adair. Perhaps,- in. a their future, ilf she -h,ad indulgod him in � confliso A gle,am. of maschipt brigIltealed hew p lily, far too proud to see any fault feTeut fo, evelly wMerk . i ,he ( I �Ilig_ tie, Ton bowildei nii,; first �yjth your lovely fa._e. 'worldly Point of view, she might ,have in Pretty loye tete-a-tetes lie would llt�L­rer thing. It was, W-utiful eyes, the -,i W11,111 your subtle ) "It itly 11litilir should happen to fall on in her little daught:er-far too proud to done"better. Sir Clinton; was ,I baa.,onct; have been jeal,olia. As it was, he sald matters had reached this stage ti tat tly� i Lenio I Peech, I bnow Olat nly re(luef;t beheve that any child rif hers could dukes aad eaefs littil asldd her lit mar. that what be could not win no one else 8 Occurred with -which our Sto,r4f0,__.11­­ is a Your shoulder, and yon salould, touch it� bp anything except perfect." , riagp, find she had refused them- The should have. Wis fair, Proud, dainty opezis- L,aay Alay bad been the lee.d�' . � asoniable ovo; yoli cannot drive me it ,would, of course, not matter, 011n- Whou, Masters aAd gvvernessa Com- Adairs, of Eastwold, were an auc�eu,t, Ivve should give to no other what she belle at one of the grandest balls of , - I rom that position." I tLin?" . � plained, the Countess Trevylan ,had but loyal, bonorable, ., . . sea.son. As she was engaged to , � I I . obler wid Til0illthier men had been She was his promised wife, yet she, Married to Sir Clinton� it was ona , , � T � . ay- to be iiy wife, you became all mine- "They did not unde.-stand the liady It her whims never to &moe indre QW7 ­ T roul'it, Clinton; yon kitaw the ald & AG reply: "Pe-ThaPs acit, but I ma a "Certainly 710t; whG11 YOU' Promised or 'wealthy fainDy; but refused him. g about the Ithread of -Jilk.l el sultors to Lady May. This love. w,is in some sweet, vague fashion that he _ .., - w " 'a ant nefflier to Ile let! nor driven." h that fil-irest of all faces' tile soft white Alav, -Ind did not manage her well." her fate-sie had bad none befoire it, he-rd]7 understood himself, head he.rs(,1f ome wilth him at the same ball, 411114 1, � . 797, . I Inds, every golden hair oil tha-t queen- Those who were conscientious resign- when he remonstrated with har, Ai : e said; you -ire my betrothed wifo, ly lwad, became nihip, INIo ra�tih lirl"111 f�tj aftar 4 Pvqle cam� Qftel: it; it Was thp lave of aloof from him; Ine had kissed her face .. .-nd if I object to fmYtfihi.- Yon do, and I mLi§t touch you." � !; �. ! - . : * . . time; th9se who were not her Iffe, tile one grand crown Of! her once -it was on the evening of their SaM: ere is roasou lit , illy objection,s, yon I . . made -no attelitilij tit correction. The "People used to Ia-q I "It would blyt� been better had I -.voinanihood-she knew no other. Perihaps beit.rothal; he had -never dreamed of Ides , ,gh at Colon4l " light to ii�lj to me.,, countess -did whell her little daughter one of the reasons she loved Sir Clia- Ing her aglaim. Once ale remembered DenixlstfIr and I,ady alreave; becaus*, " bven inado Of Iva,-,; yon would have reached her isixth year, ,Ind the varl ton so well was that he was older tihan. ressing they 'Were lovers, thry only dxn,�ed will,N. � -ind you really caloose to object to Placed me uirder a glas_q ense then." ea,red but little for his home. Mor.'" ' '�, 11c,n,'elf-of a gra-rer, rgore reserved na- touch ou, her hair, and she had drawn Y 'waltziaig with Count soldeni-the "Yon Ill -ay laugh. d-arl-ing; hnt it 1g, w E, I laying Ilia hand with a loving, ca I 0ach other; no one ,,Ih4l,i ialigh at mis-A ith the dark, dreamy eyes and 1:111-hing bo . lirl of Trev�ly I , . *; . ount wJ -, ilinth,r tot- Ine. I could U was by no nio I lure she was unconsciously attracted herself coyly away f,rom 211m. It w,ls He knew ,when she took tUmt view oT9 lusical volec,?" I model poer; he prefo-rred the gay c_,, � I )- the very ,contrast lie Presented to the remembrance Of that fact Nq�hlch a subject all words wwe vain. He d14 ,, j(-1110-112 of ille slin that shiii,,; on yoll, of the (,N)uNivelit to his country se -M; I ; .,,. ,�lf. angered him so greatly when he saw not like standing by whilq her sweat 'Tsttrougly objet,it to tit, Lady Nrai% I of the wind 1111fit ld$sos Your face, at tf,-e lie preferrod tile gay allmidon of C. -n- _ e ubject sIciles and lovely ,face chdrined orther, ject, as I bave told you befoxe, to I flowers thal you caren. I love Volt, FO . '_ . of Conilt Soldeni toilch tale fallen ME of ur waltvAng at all." I de,irly that I would take , tinvaltal life to tile calm, inPasnred PrO* wonder; she wasi as he said, like & hair, She -had not slirank froina him. men; he submfittF,d, but It was with an.. I Toll -in III(, in- I)rIety 'That is. rpt7- zibsilrd," she replied.. I InDst depttaq of iny Iteart, ano i . of Buglish life. He cared lit'de wild beautiful bird, difficnit to tame; ,%- Clinton did not understand that the ill -grace. He watt-hed the little episodo "Not at all," . he -aid, 'his face flush- tbere, shielded fmin . keep yau ;,J,out ]its native land, less obaut the it xl_�WrQd nrore skill, more talent, more shl' alro4dilnee of him was but a girlish that had angered 'him r.;o,. One of thq . every eye.,, � "And you would not tal , ink th,at, sel- (lidles that should ,have dotailitL'd him long, golden coils of hair had W140 9, !his eyes fifiln,,7 with a deoper light; I Patience +bkik woulld have been ro- sign ot love- . , not at ,111, Alay. I have won you froin, i fish," .silie s,iiid. ga.-.)tly. ll,, there. He was well pleased wit'll his quired in watiallig a bakitle. Day by d,i:i lr`�; jealousy increaw.d. It o-rer Count Soldeni*s arni, and he at" . ause she was Ile dicl w1a at last; Lady Way owa- was not exactly that she gave ,him &ny *lq e world; you .Ire the fairest, the ; "I sappo,3e, f"'ini;% little daughter, simply bee. touched A with a smille. That saill , veliest woman Ili it. I have woli you 'glue! all grent love his heiress; and the filet of having all ed t -hat %ue enraged Sir Clinton; he said to himsell must, of liecess'ty, be soifisli," he r0- I . loved him, and promised to Cause; S110 covild not help being fairer )r .my own; I have held your- ,band iLn 11)) I . . heiress slIved him from the trouble Of be -W,,) w�n, 01.4len her goodme�,g , that ale would boar this tyrawy U4 1 v d. see -In- than Otheir WOnlen, she could have . ­raiervin also y,A-, not help longer, that he would resist and ao. I ille; I have kissell your lips; I � are wrong. Yon marrying again. The estates of Tre- ed to conte to a sadden end-porbapa she men itrInAring her and trylng to win. , Iled you my pron vivo, were like t1he title, nuelmik sert his rights. The itnoraing after C& iik;ed wife. I -have I have made two fal.st, neciiii4itiOTIN tl)-Clft.N� iA 'd -a had inadf colnees,sion eulough; she bj_ smilea aild Mai, words froullher. Yet ­_ Oil yot; by wooing yon as I think no -U110 is, tll�flt -%x-oiil(,n Play ,it joyo; tile . dkinghter could kitie4ed as well as :1 came restive, ,Ind hor lover. dc-p.to, ihis "s thile lvol'o oil, slio, began to take a ball -he called, resolved upoal, wilimiltb lan ever vrooed q womilli berare.11 I sm,i itil that gTont love innst be solfitoll. son. He considered ,tb-,i.t be -had da-lia rrr;t.s.�4vv. ��trength OU411 Patience, ha(l Wicked, niuii�ed Ivind of interest In her front her a Pro-nifi;v that she would sot , his duty reinirIzably ivell. Ile had mar- wil-41tv. azflin- evoet:lt witilh.himself. Th Ile paused for the pqsslon of hi,.� 1 Now, i ain not superstitious -far froan . . Wine dillieultY -in nin-naging lim. S I I o, PONVeT over him. - It gratified her inex- ,a ords overeanie hiril. I it -but I have .I prost'litillien't th"l-N in ried andbis wife,, ABas Constance Lcek- was his 0-aull,sed wife; -'he IoToil hiin prest4bly to be ,,e completely alistre,ss " 1i - She Idol -ed up lit his face. . . to criniv., I -.41:01 be af IQ t.) wood, wits -,I great heiress; lie had lived Ttl,_),e t,llail she kiiew; yet she wolild not of one human beaTt. ..fth BE -1 .1 . . I t1le timp � M-gyIN U DJ . "You are -too earliest," she -saltl, ; pmve,to you both those assertions a.1V with lipr in peace .Ind Prosperity -they lietir the word marriage miniva--sho af- W,hilv lie talked about jealousy anti Icc-olly., I faaso." � had never disputed. She .bad bet-li far fectell the , . I utinost dread of it. '",Ilvlr witrued her agnain6t flattcrers, .she was, -, "Oh. Lad,j Alay� do ni)t be Z-1.) (7011 W�zrs it a sba(low of -the t90 proud ever to say whother her mtr- lie proyed and pleaded to ]I", s1hL. cm-litent. It was Only when he begin HAS UNED - at.1,no-'sr", . I- `1�1108e vmnld Place her -win'te, hanils on Ilia to talk abo-at m&rriage th4t sho turned I'le-1.10 1110, SO IMILtIck"44, so IIIAVC� 1 ivv4rd future that fell over ,tho bmi who saw the Q:zpres�iou of relief on her . so or riago was a happy one or not. ' . yonrqelf. HoWcan I becr it after liav- "tifid foce'and darkened it? The smiles :�rhoulder, -and raise her wins,onle, face, to restive. ' fte-ce when sho. heard that she bad to his. She would say: "My doar. May," said *_Nji-.s T,O,r�kwf�,)(J D F 3` . F 00""' W L E R 5 8 1mg Won Yon tiblis? ho -w can lj.boa�r to ! fitdod. Ledy May .,;.it for a few nlin die, said she could ire-yer have known gise you miltnng jiith ot�hors, -IiI4�tj)pr :' tttf-p in deep, silt'lit Ithought. "My youth, Clinton-, let me enjoy my toiler One- 13110ruiu,g, "the pafienee� of that Milli's al"In't 1-01111d .VOII-YO-17, Who ou"It ' what hup0wesq ,was. Her little dau-01' beautiful, happy youtil; do rot,tease ine IoTo,r of youm is something wonderful. _1% .. Only to be flpllrom-hod 11-ith the ievm- � . ter caught her last words, and they about being moa,ricd Yet." Alind you do not try it too far.'* Extract of � ence dne to n qaom? Wholl y,on ire,. -o . . I WQ.re, "It is all dislippointment." I She never dToulned thut it lVas love But Lady May, so-eare in her ponth Nvaltzing with Could sohle-iii. I saw AftUaRkAHOGN I Then, when his wife died, Ill'- oa--1 which. inado her youth so beautiful and and beauty, 'only laughed as she ,in- -10 lif -those 1,00A volls of hair ]IQ ,.-- I I had burled her, 113A bid mourned. for t h e -was as wax R-Wered: . i Wild Sh awbierry Distone,d ou Iiii; shonldr,r, ind he toll,+_ I- WEBSTER!S ' ; I her after the in,)st 21,proved fashion. He in her hail'as. "I should like to know' wlint he Tv-ottld cd it -be touched it with bis han.(1. o,,I..l I , Ay mvnbment t There weTe times wben ber co,v, ,hy do in that edse.11 For The Last Fifteen Years I erected a state o, her me- � WIE,W, � - . svid sonlothing Itinghilig-ly to .Ton.'* I inolry; a ,,44fluLd-ghass Vaid,mt in the avoldlince of love �snd marriage a.Imo,,,,j 'Afiss Lockwood shool. hor he,il "What of It?" asked L,ady Allay, dis-'l i WNUTER NATIONAL ""'wch at Elgdono: a row of 1I1IlR!101I,qea naiidd,t�aed him; yet she was so .,�Nyoet gravely. I - "1`11(ly Constaillee's BOlInty," and win,,ome in her ,graceful tyi, n y "I know." she.saidr, "that on a. glib- JrI rItlintully. I I Mrs. Duncan McRae, 62, 6th St. North' I en"O'd ,% n I Brandon, Man., vrites--"It is muolr T`he voIns on his fovehead gre-vv dark, ! DICTIONARY were all so niany tributes to hor ine- he could not resist it. He aould not ject like -this, all intv,rference seems to ''. I - gl 'I �r Ile angry with it. He was, indeed, ils be imPQrtinence. I flo. not 11 pleasure for me to say that I have used, I ht4 hands worn 'rightly cloneaboe. � THE MERRIAM WEBSTER n1o"'N" Ile "]"Ice(] Ills d4lu 'to"" � ftL itend lily I I'� . "Whitt. of il?" -lie , rqwatecl. "Why, - Ilvr Mother's doutib, under -"that -he coil- he owned to -himself, wav in her bau,l,s. W11'rilling As such. I have known men Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry I .., r,-.;- n're tiring. IN,.%- it Opoped illy ovi I a; I The Onl,v New -tmabridged die- siderod proper guardianship, ,Ind" then Then lie knew ,she was young to be tf, SO -1110 Strtlqlp d*od% vhon their Pat!- I in my home, every Sumnier, for the last 1.111, "I 111' I thougalt it high bule that lie should ea- I fifteen years. I, it sliolrod illo lbe ronrful deptlim"* 1111" I tionary. in many years. manjod-he was willing to wait patie,111t. once ended." ' own. ugu-nre fliai T (lid ll,.t oven kl,,,,,,�, t Contains the pith and essence JOY 11i"Isf.'If. ly tin'til 'she was twenty, it she would "But." ,suid Lady WIny, "I (To not set, I "I have six ebildren and have used it I , , .11 exh,"i'(1: it Alowod nle of wiznit I w:W I of -an authoritative library. Looking back on his life, the earl Nvus Only indulge him by allowing alim to how ftry his Pilifienco, auntio; tvil nie." on every one of them. . .11 clivnisle 1 1110 evillf 1) 'Of if-aloili'y wt,tre I Covers every field of knowl. well Pleasotl with it, As ot bachelor, a ta.1k tibout phoir inarri,igo or their fn- "I tise it myself and so doema my I : ... f t She had a fashion Of calling AM;4 . . . . , tf avied niou, aird a widowex, ale eon- turo: but- s -lit, would noit. She w,lis tile LO(,.kwolr)fl auntio; the eider lady prn- . ... olim, wollsM ill 111'. edge. An Encyclopedia in a ma husb6lid. Last, summer my baby, SeiVeD 11 .. It Am'( all beentiso tbo poor muct Nrn,; � single book. siderod I'Llinself to ]lave be'E,n without fzlirest and swo­te-t of tyrants.. TI -to ftnTed it. � , I a reproxch. Now that [in heiress w"s f"( -t of die eng-ugoinent seemed MOUgh t, Tell you! I cannot tell you; You montlis old, was taken very sick with I .. I kiril enough tw) tvIl me. in the ninst I The Only Diationary.vvith th piorlded for his estates, he gave hint- f' In Summer Complaint, and we thought he .. . flowol"r alitl pallatil. style po­flilo. 03 -it . or her. . ng ti -me ha's ; �vnp (it D%,ir:iI',s fiiir,4f 0M)rts had colint, I New Dlidded Page. self 111) to tole einjoyllimit of the life he would die. We got a bottle of Din . " I 0 ,od s � . s It Mat von do not love tile, Arnyl.of hitir since you first became on -aged 400,000 Words. 2700 Pages. loved. Ho efillic, to England at 111TO Ile %y;�,-T,l en- so"Iedinc-s' wlien a look to libli, Yet Vu will nott settle ailv,tdlll(% Fowler's Extract of Wild Eftrawberry and, to gt4e.r, flizi f­lotl 11�.o fl I, to relr� 111hor � 6000 lllustre�tiozls. Cost nearly bitvi-vids to i 1� started giving it to him in small dosea . ' . hi;4 oir" lvr.l,'�­O�%J tile still was 4�hi�l. ,I -1sit his dall"litor; he was 'r %v(id froin livi, 'had .q,'Io;a(pd hini for your nitarriagP0 . � , "Marriagel" cried till(, girl, Impofflent- ing rin lus'sDoWdw, Tt wap �wnetiisfrt,.e.' half a million dollars. I $lW-460d to find her gTolving, lilol-0, and ilpiiilt-t Ws will. I and in three days he got quite well, SQ �,f tho J.,ill,l. 'T t-,i4i,..", . I Let us tell you about this most more lovely I and in some yng,lic wity "No", :4114, 11­uIt' rvpI,,i--, "biv-, -1�ljntqll ly, "people seem to talk And think about, we ke.pt on with the medicine for about . I I I remarkable single Volume_ st-villivil to c.;,).sider there was great love nild nw,�f�-�.i,.,(, sown ,so difliMnit' inothing but marringe. Why il�t leqtve, is weok, or more and he becafne as well � . ; "of my youth in ' as e .,er. And again La,dy Alay laughed mud- ' erctlit due to hiol for -it. Of liv.r faults Lf.t 1',4 go Oil q.; We are -111 Pone, .1. me to Rijoy a few Years . ,, . � '%V'- , "31y. I . I—, 't 0--i", ... I ­ WrIteforsample or livi. vittl - I . pages, full par- I ies lie nev,e,r thoaght; Ale "13ii-t,' surelv." lie rer!­­qfrat(,i'J ollco Peace?" I �21'y little girl, two years �ld, wA$ 11 . "Ve had so right to may ,ailything Off I . I 11111st be LigIlly oduo"Ited, 111"'Illy ac.cwal- V,1-114vil ill P- F . I 11 i tioulars, eta. I'lifto of hilaiq,lf�-"s-urcly ,V)ll illism Lockwood looked still m:iwi- , taken very bad with the same trouble�', the Idild," -was the angry reply. 111711I. -I t , � Namo this p-lisawfl; but It(, never. ,odd ohe mno,t be %xill let wo ,.;�pvak to you of In -,1 ­':Ig,, grave. . I and I used two doses of the same mediclue is win Pood. 10voll Vqli�, 9110-r(liallsibip. .ntli�f- 4 .y I' obj�d to waltzing, I main- , I I I .�wwo ,Iar?" 'illy de-ar Ladv May, that is not the I and she wai completely cured. � " I I . "I :,� ,tnin that it is a light, frivolous donce, I �,� X paper and rorellt no it 'Nits, c-Ilded whell 11'ady May "yi­ C.1'. �,Iilllv, Clinton," she rop, P 1. 141,11guage of lorci.11 I I I � tind � tellas to make 1.)Pk)l)le Torgot I'lley � .1, , we will was mily fiffem. The earl enjoyed I�Jai- . "Alld whon will that boTl he mki�,-.I, "Myself Eind iny husband thiak there, ' . L 11 11 I . sendftee "You lu"'take-you "o Quite wrong," is no other inedioilie so good for all � - . are 'Arangftns- DO you thilik that Count � ,4&.If tfho 11111t.11; lie died froul a suadvil priv(-'y. ' el 0,11 the vollng girl, eagerly. "I do in-' I . . . . . . . . __ � 4 act of 1�ttnv% Of goill, ]Qarlu�* 41ils lovely raling � . . fiuldou', walild Inve dared to tollAl , , I bowel complaints. . � I ", �� Pboket "Whon I eauvot livil) it." sho repl�o,l, doed love blitic" Her f i'ce, 11u.,4hQd hotlyo I .11 ie M . 3-(,ur'lulir erell ofter an acquillil-toal"e �, F 111.,-.N maps 4.-�11.4114,-r, oill, of,the tichost fio,,r,,ksS"s with linpudell" ttatnolos.4, for whivh lie "Why do you make me say such t-414,ag% "If anyone wishes to.kaow what � 11 of yealT, had You nut. be w ;� M :,;)d alle of tile lovel-lost girl I excellent remedy Dr. Powler'8 Extr " �' va . illtz'ng � . . 11 HuOnod. did not like Awr lill'i the, loss." ftnotio?*You Make me �Ikshtlmod of my - 'ill him � . "I 111� "I'll \1 - w� , V , !�. � What Could be exi.)(Ttki? Nature had "That is tale inast choo.ring f).ro,,pQ(, selt.1, of Wild Strawberry io, X ,am willing i 11 0 '�o 1 ,,t . "I , 6, 1 1,Tho clAuse lt�d to , the i,ftoot, 011 a 1,�,­ I - I 4011(t IIItlQfi fill, hor; aht, 8wis inarvoolls, " _:_ " I . I ever heard for a lovoT," ho sal(l. "My deur", repLied peaceable Aliss tell them what it has dofib for me." I 11, . kiiii(l, 14111AIThigly, , "I cauvot, see. i .... it Ili. �.. I ! L�'; iy fiii,r of face.. ,,,,be wns' dowerod with 1 R,$ PL . :: I . r. 1.1, , as no, wonder that she, .so youngl L .. , 11 , F, , It W, Lockwood, 41 do not laake You Say 1' AlM , rmlv rta�on lior such W& tragody -it; I 7', 1`;1 N(11!4� of the riell(ISt gifts; abe bad it so bright, and bowitiful, likeJ to enjoy theiin AM POR 14 DR. POWLE b, � . " - I . ; 1. ktow yoll ar(* accustomed to no INSIST ON GETTING VAkV YOU ASA , ",,,'"'I'll I I 1. I I & "te e"t'"'I'l 110T Y611th and deter the r(,sponsillilities t.),,!- J, .. ` �� I C. XerrialnCo� I - swile like sinisNue-a lalkt�h 11 rotiee save the, yoico of p iso� Let me VOR. . ,� *'You .. ,'� LL sW ste; , . ral ., : . , I L ' I 11�11t.l do," lie 1) M.,qisitod, Wo- "I vot 11111, she bml a 9XI'lliT011s 11IO&T-t, of nlai'lin"'We. She lihod the bright, 1�or 6inte, spealt tho trutift. Yo pa,o;qifso I , I _pAn U Manufactured oli� I � ! owl). n0ar all. have: 11-ttle feeling, TArly . gfioldip I 1 Wallis' M I 111-1.1�v, I , fliank, nville vature, a grand b 1, T� U ,� , IL , . , ,q, W, X*1b , I .. L 1. R I.T110 wwv- 11111W4,11011o, imp -q,140,111# halmlling ,side �o;f We .bee) nud slip,11W Ilte t.hrt '74" I 00.) Limitod 'M �, " I , I L L L I . , (till, '. . I I .1.1 _=1 ��L � I ­ . , I I ,4 . . I I L . I., I I I I � I L . I I . i L . . . . . I I �'., I 11 . . I I I L I 'i . I . . I . I .,' L � L I L I L : L' . ' . I I . . I � . 1, I . . I I I . I I . .1 . I . L , 4 . . . . I I . I I . . I I . . I I . I I . I I .. I I I . I I I . L �L �� I . I .. � I , . . . , I . I � , I t I I I L I . . P . I . � . I I . . 11 .. 11 I I ' . I . I I 1. I I I . I I . . . I I . . I L I . . - L I � �, . iiiii6li�ji '" ­­ L- ,� . f, " . 1. �' I L ,� . I I . . . . I L ,, . . , I , -, __,­�,�.z 'If,! 17'7 �, 11 I . � .L", ­ , ­,�,.­ -, - Aiftft �, � � _�_� �. I 1 %....... I I � .. 1. �,�,:,,��.��.,�7." _­ A� ..... 1�_.­­. ­, � � - ,., , L I, 1--_-- _--11.11_11 ... L .... .. L, ­ .... .1, I I., I 1111- I � ­­­" ­­­ - ... ­­ . " ..- 11 � ...... -L .. . ... " ­­:. L .... ­­­, -----.L' " " ", ­_'­­"­­ "� ...... .... . '­­­'­­­­ I _"!".' 1, ­---­`"­'",, �­,:�",:_:_: A I .1 1.�,����.�,..�-,��. ".,��,&..�,��",�,.�",.,.""L,",