HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-07, Page 23he Cuntr L-Aa:LA • fl, rtC L. =",, . u,Y . KMw4k 524-833T 31. Service directory 34.63163.6116636.66712621 WILSON'S DELIVERY We move and haul anything. anywhere „Regsonable prices. Give us a call 524-4171 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all makes., Authorized service for, Inglis, Enterprise, Magic Chef, Whirlpool. CALL 524-7861 NOFFMEYER APPLIANCE CENTRE Division of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St., Goderich I No tax on certain jobs PHONE 31. Service directory WILL BABYSIT in my own home Monday to Friday. ' °Phone524-9052.-52,53,1 PIANO TUNING •. Repairs • Rebuilding • Keys Recovered • Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell Electrical Problems? Call ED'S ELECTRIC Licensed Etectrrcran Commercial/ Industrial/Farm Residential 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE Ed Rooseboom 482-7441 GARDINER'S DELIVERY We deliver and move anything large or small *free estimates* 524-2421 formerly DOD Delivery LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW Quality Workmanship, sz3-az7z B. $ M'. MONTGOMErtY BLYTH, ONTARIO , • . - H. T. DAL Liquid Waste Removal SEPTIC TANKS HOLDING: TANKS Residential .-'Commercial =. Industrial Serving Goderich 8 surrounding`area for 15 years -. Call: 482-3320 Clinton 527-0284 .Seaforth LIMITED CUSTOM BUILDING *. * * RENOVATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING t 236 Dd.vn, tote D. , 524-2497 GODERICH 524-8905 Albert Oursi\ Gem Durst lin Dors' Sill Do,sr CERAMIC.CLASSES Starting Jan. 13/81 Cali: NORMA'S CERAMICS 524=2032 c Repairs Call George Gould CUSTOM 1,' 1. 5 Renovations 52.4-1638 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED 66 ST. PATRICK ST. GODERICH , Custom Building & Renovations Specialists JIM MORRIS PHONE 524-2916 FREE ESTIMATES 34. Personal 6116162666 PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 527-0115or 392-6541.-1-52 35. Notice to creditors All persons having claims against the estate of WILBERT JOHNSON, late of the Town, of Goderich, in the County of : Huron, who died on or about the 19th. day of November, -1979, are required to file the same, with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 30th day of January, 1981, as after that date the assets of .the estate • will be distributed. , DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 30th day of December, 1980. PIES & EGENER, Barristers, etc. , P.O_ Box218, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the Estate -1-3 FLEX -HEAT t:Flermofilm • rr • RADIANT CEILING' ■I•Y HEAT1NGSYSTEMSiI; flex -heat An alternative to rising, gas - _prlies and increasing ail shortages, The newest and most comfortable way to heat - for in- dustrial, commercial and residential use. - For more information about the Flex -Heat System con- tact: - FRED LAWRENCE.ELECTRIC LTD. . AUBURN, ONTARIO 526-7505 M1 9 40. Lost & Fbunct LOST: NEW • YEAR'S EVE. blue sill( shoe bag with yellow flowers,, containing suede pumps, at Legion or Goderich Taxi. REWARD. Finder please phone 524-9109.-1 FOUND-' -7- --ft aluminum toboggan . al Maitland Golf Course. Owner may have same by identifying and paying for ad.. Phone 524 -7452. -Ix - -c 36. Announcements, notices. 46. In memoriam 46. In memoriam • BOWERS FINLEON In memory of Mark Bowers In -loving memory of Isabella, who died suddenly in a' car • Marlene and Robbie who crash January 11,197.5. passed away one year ago, This month comes with deep January x,1980. regret, To a beautiful 44e came a It brings •bac.k days we cant sudden end, forget. They died as they lived, You • lett so sudden with no everyone's frien.da, • goodbyes, They were always thoughtful, But our ,memory of you will loving an dk ind, never die. What a glorious memory to What would'wegive if we could leave behind. • say They left so suddenly their "Hi there Mark", in the same thoughts unknown. old way. They left us memories we are To hear your. voice, and to see. , proud to own. you•smile, • • Treasure them God in your To laugh and joke' with you garden of rest, awhile;, For int) fins .world to us they If you have a son or brother, were one of thebest. Cherish him with care - -Sadly and lovingly missed by For you never know the , theJoeFinleon families. -1 heartache, U ntil he's no longer there. MacAULAY -Lovingly 'remembered by in loving memory -of our dear Mom, Dad, . Mary and somDale MacAulay, he passed Michael. -1 away as a result of an acei4ent. at the age of 17 in 1975. . We remember and we care, Your name is Whispered in our prayers. A . smile, a tear. a thought sincere. You -are loved and remem- beredthrougbout the years. - (lilt beloved Da le we'll never 'forget. Mom, Dad. brothers and family. -1 PITBLADO in 'loving memory of ,a dear `mother. Stella, who passed away January 19. 1980. Deep • in our hearts lies a picture.. .Of a loved one at rest, In memories pf frame. ' We shall keep it: . Because she was one of the best. , • Always remembered and sadly missed by her family. -1 BCDN Y in laving mtoory of°a dear son and b r, Gordon Scott Buddy, who passed away suddenly ,December 29. 1979. o Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts. you are always there. --Sadly missed Nand lovingly remembered by his parents: brothers, sisters and nieces.- Ix FEAGAN In loving memory of a dear father and. grandfather, George Feagan. who ,left us January 2nd. 1979. Beautiful memories are all that are left, Of one we loved and will never forget. Just as you always be. Treasured forever in • were. you will 47. Card of thanks our 'Memory. --Ever remembered by his family andgrandchildren. ;lx • NOTICE. Township of Colborne As of January 1. 1981, the following changes of officials in the municipal offices of the Township of Colborne will le in effect. : CLERK -HUDSON MILBURN Office: 524-4669 Res.: 524-6394. TREASURER -BEN STRAUGHAN Office; ;524-4669 Res.: 524-2380 The Township business office is. located in the. Township of Colborne Road Department -shed at R.R. No. 5, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Y2. Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9 A.M.-12 NOON 1 P.M. 05 P.M. H. Milburn, Clerk, Township of Colborne, R.R. 5, Goderich; Ontario. NTA 3Y2 38. Auction sale 38 Auction sole NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORTGAGE 62 CambricrRoad North, Goderich 154 Nelson Street East, Goderich PUBLIC AUCTION Ot INCOME PROPERTIES Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a cer- tain mortgage dated the 26th day of June, 1980 and , registered in the Registry Division of Huron (No- 22) on the 4th day of July, 1980 as Instrument Number 184585 which will be.pi'oduced at the auction, the said proper- ties will be o�, ered for sale subject to a reserve bid and°conditiorrs"of sole and the said sale will be subject' to the rights of any person claiming an interest under the Mortgages Act on Wednesday, January 14, 1981 at 1:00 p.m. or so soon thereafter os it may be held on the premises. The said properties are legally described as in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario and which may be more particularly described as follows: All of Lots 865 and 866, Plan 7 and the North quarters of Lots 088 and 889, running numbers in the said Town of Goderich`, County of Huron and Province of Ontario. ' TERMS The purchaser shall pay to the vendor's solicitors on the •day of thesale o down payment, in cash or by certified cheque, in the amount of 10% of the purchase price and shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the said vendor's solicitors on or before the 2nd day of March, 1981, being the date of closIVg. Both properties are to 'be sold together under one bid and are to be accepted strictly in an "as/11" condition and subject to any work orders, munictpp1\by-lows and --all governmental laws and regulations: The -purchaser and vbndor'2shall also ori the date of the auction>execute an agreement of purl chase and sale, acceptable to the vendor, which specifies the terms of sale noted heroin. Copies of `he Agreement are -available on request from the vendor's solicitor. Adjustments are to be made as of the date of closing. . On the premises is said to be erected a well -kept 2'% storey multi -unit apartment building and also a building comprising approximately 2440 square. feet. Further,porticuiars arid conditions of sole maybe ob- taloed from the Law Firm of Robert J. Hare, Attention: B. Mixer. 741 King Street West, Kitchener, oratorio (576- 6710). DATED at Kitchener, this 18th day of December, 1980. \ Open for inspection 12:60 p.m. on the day of sale. Sole conducted by. Gardner Auctioneers, 517' York Street, London, Ontario (439-0194.). , Law Firm of Robert J. Hare 741 King Street West lKitchener, Ontario Soitcdtors,for the Mortgages CLARK The family, of the' late .John • Clark wish' to express their appreciation to friends. neigh- bors and relatives for -• t]`ie. many acts of kindness. flor 1 tributes. ' cards. • charitable donations and'the food sent ,to• our home and the sympathy shown duringthe Toss. of a dear husband and father: Thanks also tc those who were so kind and visited John in Victoria Hospital .in London during hiai long illness and helped us' at home in any w'ay. it was very much appreciated. Special thanks to the Irish Group of Benmiller Church for serving lunch. Rev. John Wood for his comforting . words and McCallum Funeral Home for their kind and thoughtful service - Sincerely. June' Clark and family.- l nx HENRY My wife and I would, like to thank the doctors at Goderich Hospital for their timely decision in examining me And sending me to London University Hospital Christmas • Eve I *Mild also like to thank the Goderich paramedics. Also a special thank you to Harold Hirst whose swift actions I felt most moving • Under the cir- cumstances my eight days. in London were. in retrospect. most rewar•.;ing: A soa special hello and speedy recovery to my friend and roommate Peter Johnston •of Lucknow. • This has truly been a merry. merry Christmas for both my wife and• 1 • Sincerely. Peter and Patti Henry.- 1 • PROL'SE The family of the late Kenneth Prouse wish to extend their appreciation to all friends. relatives. and neighbors. for their support and kindness during the past difficult months Thank you to all those aw•ho hent donations. floral . arrangements.' gifts of food, and c rds_ during our 'recent hereat ement Special, thanks to Stiles Funeral Home for their efficiency ' and thoughtfulness: Rev. John D M Wood. and the ladies of Victoria Street Church for preparing a ' lovely lun• ch • Sincerely. Elaine Prouse and family bar -- You'vegot it in•the bag! ✓ a^ count -34tk'1' A • -SPS w^P»• 1• a 1.g." ^ �, "; asi '-?Os' Va sr.•Tars -.r sa•"s 1n,• ra-v lay ,tiP • s sill 'asf •os., is '^ ;^e� 'n• vrnr ,524-8331 .f SIGNAL -STAR CLASSIFIEDra Mori rel 6:70 eon,.. r GK Realty & Insurance Inc. 53 West St. Goderich 524-2118 FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE JOHN TALBOT 524-2520 ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP 150 acre Bosh crop farm. targe barn and $ood 4 bedroom hones. GODERICH TOWNSHIP 0S amens cash crop farm, tIled- lost year, ex- cellent 4 bedroom home. Priced to soil. FARMS FOR SALE' 269 acre a. 2 silos. 05 tiled, price dos cows. quota, crops and all equipinent., GODERICH TO`FiNsi,IP 160 acre d bedr celle m, 4 ex - 4 stall milkirk odor, 3 silos. 40 COINS., quota and machinery. N SOW OPERATION In Seaforth area, In- cludes 2 barns, liquid slot:. -.mutt, 12 yi'.v-e old split level bonus featured on o beautiful 5 acre set- ting. ,1N,001.110 VEGETABLE FARM Located In ane of On- tario's finest" resort areas. features-" retail outlet, packing shed, 5 heated greenhouses. boll�r noon. irrlg01 on ponds. Matte us an offer. LUCKNOW AREA 560 acre beef farm, can be cony fry. Pr 4 bar- ns silos, 3 h . Vendor will hold first mortgage. Make us an offer. NEAR GODERICH Two acre hobby' farm. large 4 bedroom renovated home, small barn. •35,0110.110 GODERICH TOWNSHIP N acres of cast crop land, 2 storey home and large barn. CLINTON AREA 200 acres dairy farm, 2 h omes, drilled well, large barn. 75 cows and quote. All machinery old feed Include& EMMERICH TOWNSHIP 100 sow farrowing operation, new born, liquid manure flush system, large 4 bedroom home. Also apple or chard with cold storage - and pocking shed featured on 4s. acres. Make us on offer. ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP 100 ane cosh crop farm with excellent stool barn. Set up for hogs. New 40 is N shed. good 4 bedroom home. WEHAVE OVER 1000 aces of cash crop land for sole In Huron �Co nt1'' ■ ti� GODEMCf1 SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANVARY 7,1931 -PAGE 233 RE , L ESTIAT G.K. REALTY & INSURANCE INC. 53 WEST ST. GODERICH OFFICE 524-2118 CLARE SAGER 524-0995 ' JOHN TALBOT 524-2520 SALTFORD HOME - PRICE REDUCED MOST BE SEEN • Low Taxes -'3.4 acres with bush and stocked trout pond's on property. 3 bedroom home,_ newly renovated. on - suite bath, 4 pc. main both, living „room, dining room. kitchen. largo family room, fireplace, patio doors. Nice view of bush and ponds, inground pool, change house. garage and storage shed. Low taxes. SALTFORD - PRICE REDUCED, MAKE US AN OFFER 3 bedroom home, Largs lot (14 x 264) Low taxes, son- _, Crete tribe, carports 9 x 41 Inground pool. Urine room, dining room. kltchin; fireplace, large patio at roar. Filmed yard. full basement, family room. exander & Chapman Realty Limited Member of The Huron Read Estate Board Multiple Lst:ng ��: ske Read cdfafe - General Insurance; Property Management. 10 THE SQUARE GODERiCH 524.2177 START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BUY NOW Higher Prices Predicted Some of our listings BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - Variety Store - includes resident. Busy highway corner. West Street - known as Andrew Dairy with 2 apartmen- ts. SUNCOAST DRIVE - Three bedroom brick bungalow with garage. New brick and Abitibi siding, attractive split level: For immediate possession. ELIZABETH ST. Bride 3 bedroom retirement or beginner special. Mid -forties. RETIREMENT SMALLER HOMES Both 2 bedroom. Nice lots. One with 2 car garage. MOBILE HOMES Several - good selection. In mobile home park on edge of Goderich. FARMS Several good farms- large and small acreages., Cash crop - hogs - feeder - hobby Call "Gus" R.A. Chisholm or Martha if you aro buying or sailing. , WHEN BUYING OR SELLING CONTACT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING SALES PEOPLE: BERT ALEXANDER 245 Catherine St, Tel, 524-786 JOHN. BANTER R.R. 2 Goderich Tel. 524,8149 DON ABERHART . ' R.A. MGUS) CHISHOLM 04 Comex Cres. 4 Suncoost Drive W. Tel. 524-7216 7e1. 524-0554 1' MARTHA ROBERTSON R.R, 1 Dungannon lei. s . GIC Realty Insurance Inc. 53 West St.. Goderich Office 524-2118 - CLARE SAGER Residence 524-8995 JOHN TALBOT Residence 514-2520 INCOME PROPERTY Five unit brick apart- ent building close to downtown, renovated in 1977. 11 percent assumable mortgage. Priced to sell, MAKE US AN OFFER - Brick ranch style home: Close to downtown, newly renovated inside, price in low forties, excellent teams available. • BUSINESS OP - PORTUNI-TY• Downtown location, tow overhead, „excellent terms available. BAYFIELD - Income property, 4 bedroom home, i acres,sem bush and can be sub- divided; living room, dining room, , large kitchen, billiard room, 4' and 5 piece bath, sauna, sundeck. HIGHWAY COM- MERCIAL - property consists of 412 acres plus_a,1.OD x 2U9; treed, lot, QUALITY NOME With West end location. Large. lot, 'fenced rear yard, 4 bedroom home, master bedroom with sundeck and fireplace, large eat -in kitchen, main floor family room with patio doors to sundeck, laundry room, living :room, - with fireplace, games room: NEW LISTING: 3 bedroom, 2 storey home, new large kit- chen, separate living and dining room, 4 piece bath, single car garage, low taxes. RETIREMENT OR STARTER HOME: 1'2 Acre lot, 3 bedrooms, Targe kitchen .and livingroom, family room with fireplace, low taxes, priced to sell. LISTINGS WANTED if you are thinking- of Buying or Selling your property, contact GK Realty., 524.2118 member Huron Real Estate Board and Multiple Listing Ser•' vice. • MAURICE GARDIN ER REAL ESTATE LTD 34 STANLEY STREET GODERICH 524.29611 - 524-2966 CA(L USTOWELCOME YOU HOME • ELEGANT 2 STOREY -WEST END. BRAND NEW GAS HEATING SYSTEM. 11/2 STOREY BRICK IN CENTRAL LOCATION NEAR SQUARE. WEST END 2 STOREY HOME. AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE. UPPER)LOWLR DUPLEX: LIVE IN ONE UiNIT-RENT, THE OTHER. CEDAR SIDED BUNGALOW WITH 2 WEST END SIDED FRAME IN QUIET FINISHED LEVELS. I1IMACULATE. RESIDENTIAL AREA. JUST LISTED -MOBILE,/ HOME IN MENESET PARK. MA,URICE GARDINER 524-6031 PETE BETTGER 524-2865 MARILYN MacCUSPEYS24-6956 PETER MaCEWAN - 52479243 STEVE GARDINER 524-9985 BRUCE RYAN 524-7762 PAUL PARSONS i 524-7793, STORE PLUS LiVING QUARTERS IN AUBURN ONLY ASKING '24,980. MEMBER OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE BOARDIAULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE. WHEN BUYING 011 SELLING REAL ESTATE - M.L.S. IS YOUR BEST BET.