HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 8--- -1 . . . . . I, " '----1---- I I '. , ­ - 1 -;-q,-,- - ­ - I ­ Pf --- — ­ -V I I . ��- , �, . 1: - --1 , 11,40 1 0 wi'm , . , I I I I : � I - -rF 71 , 11114- -,�"--,--�"ii�,4;iii4o�'i-e���laim�i���-�-, ..,�w' 'r, :7 -­ " - -- , � . !7R1FM1rM.R � 7, --� ;491R11M*­'1 ........ . I i I - 1m, I I 1, q � , . � I ,�,01 I � I I I � V k, , � . I � I . — I ,�� t , ­"�-- � �, 1,4 �� � . I . I I I I . � � . ","", -1 � 11 . � . , — " �, I — . I , . i � I � —­--­---­----­— 1, ­ -11---- � . . . ..... . .... .... ­::—!!:!��!�! — ----- ---- I �\,: ;F - � '-,"I'll-, ­ 11 -Ir I � 1- ...... I'll, 1- 11- I ­­ 111-11--.111 . . ..... .--111-1 "' , , , " , , "' . I - , I I I I I .1 � , ­­­ .I.. ­­ , - -.,� i '' �;�� I � ;��W* ­­�;��t�s. �­­, �,����.�,--�"�--,—"---.�;�--.��..—,--.--�---�, ----1--l-, ­­­—­­­-�, ­�- �-;��"�,.��"­�-"-n:-,—!;.�­ - 11, , : �� 0 *No�i -��­�-4�W;44";i�,;�� 1, —­- ­�—­­­­ �4�-��; 1 - -1 ­­­­—­­;�.�;­ -"­',�­­;,�,7� I I � 1. I 1, . " I tmt Aghdug, � The stflbi)wi was: , 001101nt tIllality, 4nd Villo,M 0 ant. difference: There are, no pub- .�4 � 11 11 I I ,% IUX.0418-kldied" red N, �1` `1�"- THE LAIRD OF, SKIBO CASTLE 140 houses or licensed hotels oil tile N � M . . '? 160M[ JXP[RI�KC'[ somewb,0 uilowility, nob 41 Sou I I A , ' JL ,, U,� �� vil'le) - 1 '2 I � . SANITARIUM AMONO, CLOUDS � and SOLDIERS' Al" 0 "ATRIMUNY , �, . I , � �. I . , ing 110ard but our own $'rid the,, . . I . I gethor with Viuo-Port, costing each I I — :Skibo ,estate that 11 know Off I "I "'. . . I I , I . �1. I 11 I 11 . I mealsuiv,ld, 'footfalls of our escQ�t � 0. a bottle, �but which ,could not I there are hotels. all ovor tile Duke . " I �,, � I when suddenly I felt my Arm seiz�a, 00, 1,%]Q,!r A- r less than AN')"W CAlt".01,E'S HO)""' of Sutherland's estate, which are I BO,VE, be secured in E'ligland fo I I SIUST FVLFITj CERTAIN �Mq "I , , , I I I I &N INCII)EINT AFTER T11111D by my. companion, who in an'4wed ALTITUDE4 is 6,10 � four times a much. Wine is Cheap- INT SCOTLAND. owned and let, mostly, by the Most I � . - I � sl�:c, (� 1�,, 9 F )D r,,LH1. whisper said to, me, "My God, did SBIA UWK4.1 ler than w 8 a, And the � Noble lahnself, where, the employees PXTIONS BEFORV KAU I 1. . A Ater At Guard . ItYIN04 . I . , , , I , . - I �1'1 . 1: see, that?" I too, had - Rell . latter is regarded more as a modi- — . can got quickly rid of their few , � - , . � I , . � I . 1. , � I 1 70" 1 . dollars, Carnegie s the total . . , � I V16 I . . ,what lie referred to, and Nye all . One by the uativeo than a refresh- The Steel Magnate is Doing, HIS I � , I I . , Tor ��, I . h4j,ted, gazing at it, and I . .. , / : Beeliou ­ I, . I abstainers A bonus their ab- Rules Vary In Dift en I . ,Ing of a Dead NAuls Hand Could This unique, institution is In the ing d,aught. , I I . A, I , - Lear the ,olick of tile looks of the ' I By way of recreation, Concerts .Best to Beautify His stoiniousiless. At Clashmore, the r t Armies as I . . . I . I '; Gave Bolillors an Uuoauuy mell's, firearms - . . lien have a hall to weet in; in to W119 is Allowed to T44 , - 1, � I : I I I I . as they made ready , Uountains of Unhappy are frequently given in thospaci- , Birthplace. 1 '7 � I . I � .. I I . I I to fire, if necessary. . I . . Golspie (the Duke's place) they , . 11 X, I I I ous theatre -by visitors from ga- , it Wife'. : Adventure, l Portugal. , , , , �� 1! I From the, summit of the. pile of . . , "rhe conla, otion, of the Laird ,of have nothing. but the public house, I !' I I I drid. It ,is strange that a Spani- I I ". I ­ " , I . Skibo with Scotland is not confined A -at Skibo ,ap- The British Army oflicer--or, for . � �,�� I It iv-�s the, night of September corpses rose A, man's hand And The world's crusade Against con- - . � , , ard does not oomp,celiend his neigh. , couple of, shillings. , 1 291 - I . - a ton, I to his estate i lie Highland coun- pear . s inore wealth than does a dol" that matter,, tile L British soldier- ­�', bor' hough Spanish is ty from. which the Earls 185t, the year of the great In, arm; .it beckoned to us, and then sumption is . being fought stre" , 04), &It I in t I � ­: diali mutilly, -and the scene a street dx?pped down; again it rose, beck- ' at present. 1�iihappy little and Dukes lar in Oaaa,da, and I explain this may ina;rry practically whom and I . I , clearly understood through Porto- mk6n their in DOW, ,the city whio)a had seen owng and fell; andagain it did the I I aizugal seems prominently for- I . avo t because I am going to make the whom, be likes. True, if a Soldier �1'11'�', I -. P00'r gal, I of Sutlierland h . �, I � I the blood of so many of -our poor, same. In tho solemn, drear still- wa,rd in the movement with tile Two resident doctors, one d' - titles. 'It would be almost as cor- amazing statement that, I know is bent on matrimony, he must ful� I : ,' I I . defenseless countrymen, women ness of the night, with such gba-%t- possession of a -unique sanat J ispen rect AG .describe Mr. � Andrew - Oar� man who -have, b rought, up large fil certain loouditiona-4hat is, if he ro . I ­:. . . . and little, children shed like water ly surrouiadia&* it was an awesome actually situ OrIUM ser, and a nurse Go each Pavilion negie, as the Uvirld of Dunfermline, families C%l tile weekly wages,men- wishes his, wif& to bre taken I lon hl6 ,� I � , , I � t � I , , .� � � theruth- ,ated in. the clouds. The make tip the staff-, The matron, lip which is the Principal town in Fife, tioned, � 1 4 I strength" of his regiment or corps. �;, � only the previous May by sight, And little volader it Caused altitude is 6,000 fwat. above theN sea to a short time ago, paid 'Only where all the tell . . I � .�. less villains And perjured sepoys, our small party to .halt 0"ad Our level, and the buildings are erect- �, . Y" Scotsmen come IVIATCES THINGS HUM. , If below tile rank ,,of 'warrant of- � , who had traitorously turned upon pulses to beat faster, used as we fl ing" visits. To tile pa.+4ents from; for be and, his benefactions ficer, he must obtain his command- �-,' I �11 I I the Berra y I -1 I ed on a, broad ridge in she was better known as Portu- When Andrew and his household i11g officer'a consent,- and. there . , � , I those, from. whom, as a rule --and I were� to fearful Sights and t eath da Estrella moulivains. Adjoining . are as much bound up with the lat- I . I , Q d , I I I � . speak advisedly amd with know- in many fearful shapes, It aud- I gal "Angel of Charity," but, in ter district as with the for e to, *their H'ighlalid home, mast be a vacancy i. th iarri ,'. . '4 � �. . , 'S mer, His com ii e n fA , ., , . is Guarda, Europe's highest and real life she was none other than famousi much -advertised public things begin to huna a bit. The e�taulishiaient;. while, if below the I � - , --they bad received tile great- deuly flashed upon my mind that dirtiest town, I . ledge � I � . I esb kindness and consideration, sonae poor wretch in whom life., yet . the.devoted Queen -Mother Amelia. park, fiero fund, public baths, Car- flower show and the children's fete, rank of sergeant, lie must have .at 11 I,,: *1 I . I -says a, writer in Chambers Jourll- remained lay among the dead, and This palatial institution Claims . I neg I . I I are the events of -tile sea,son. And- lea,st $25 in the savings bank, sev- il �� �. distinction in many ways. The -London Tit -Bits. ." � ie Trust,, and -many other belie � , I . . . al. That there wero some officers that he waited assistance to get foundation Consists of & bed of gra- .� � factions. of a very"dissirailar I nature rew is not 9, dancer, but he loves ell years', good service, and, two . in tile East India company's army a —44--- � � .subdued limelight of. the Rower good conduct,badges; or, if a cor- � . I I I nvay from 'his fearful position; so nite "living" down in the earth aMel in the the � - . 1. i I I � Early on th p0ral, be entitled to hem. . '�: 1. � . I who were harsh and atern. with I sa,id, "Come on, men, it's some- Tud- phlegmatic north, writes a correis.- show., a all4mportant t . �, � and 1 1 . . day, a exhibits from the Q�e` Should he choose, however, 'to . :1 � their men, and who in turn, were one wanting, help " we � ai, and stretching for iniles, Prot poladeat. th le , vege- - I �� I , . looked qpon. by thein with little moved forward. �s we did so, a Ing uilds I 1r . HEARD Al THE TELEPHONE Dunfermline� as All the, . world table, flower, and fruit Plots are inarry "off � the strength," be can 1�1 1, . love, therq is no denying, but these ,om the are rich reefs. of raineral, wolfraw I knows, was Andrew's birthplace, carefullydelivered to tile, stewards., I - I . . large pariah dog sprang ix do so without asking leave -of the I ,,,, � I . I I men were the exceptions, and wero, ile . of corpses and laade off down -from which steel is ma,de-urani- and this will ot be the least of by whom they are arranged for the' military authorities, and his mar- 1.� � .. . PI . n . I w . . ,., -few and far between; for, aso, rule, a by -lane, and au examination of uln ore -the "mother" of raldium- DRAMAS IN WHICH IT HAS the many historical facts which inspection of the judges. riage is perfectly legal; but 4is ' . ,,,--, �, � - , the officers -and their wives well de- the dead bodies showed how he had which is of immense value, and . nnect themselves with the, town Dressed in its Sunday togs; the wife will not be afficially reco'gniz- i�: � by rocks of oityx-stone glisten- "PtAYED A PART. co � , served the familiar loving names,. been employed and what uaA caus- Pret' . I � . . of the, famous Abbey, I I little communit-y gathers ,at the ed, and will not be entitled to free i � I � I vaa, bass (mother,. father), by ed our Scare. He had been tearing ing li,ke massive pearls in the sula- 1: I .. I . Whatever its surroundings, Dun- entrance to the hall, and when the British officer has full liberty to '. -4 v'to which the beckoning shine. Timber is fermline did not strike me, on. the motors aisgo�rge their humali c0n� quarters or ally, ther benefits. � . " - 4' which they were universally spok- at th6 lood, . found in close I., .1 . en of by the men before Sata,u, en- hand belonged, and, tugging at the proximity. The sterilized air is, ,of Instances When Iis'Use Has Been varions occasions I have been there tents there is a welcoming Cheer, Outside Guarlds' .regim-ents, the I . I I �. I I tered into them, and secret agita- shoulder in the steady, persistent course, invalua,ble, and the only.de- aTing as an amazingly pretty place, es- with a� special smile for, Mrs. Car- marry; but a custom, has grown.up . ,,, , , . � � I � tors, seduced them from their at- wa,y I had often seen others of his feet is the sudden cold at. night. , ' . . ally when. it, ., ' . � . I � v . pecl rained. Tile negie and little Miss Margaret, by which a Guards -officer marryin.g : I I . . .� . legiance and eventually led them s-pecies employed on tile carcass of Olives grow wild, whilst on 'either . Li -es. streets are narrow, hilly, And both of whom do a vast amount of an actress is expected to resign his . I to do the -awful ,deeds which made - defiinot buffalo, had caused the aido of the pavilions oranges and n the estate. commission, This may seem a Many a life has been saved by sloshy,,with a thick, clilyging, pea- kind-hearted -work o - . , I the name sepoy a aynon M for all arm to riseancl move as if beckon- lemons have only t,o be picked. e soupy sIGshiness that makes one 'The chairman, -who is usually the I . I . "al the scene of accident. wolider ,where the sun is, However, - I chance, of a telephone I J that was vile, Lloody an treaclier- ing to us to come on. It was a The rare magnificelice of the factor, "introduces" the visitors, A HARSH RULB, I �" ,� Ous. gruesome aight and we were none scenic surroundings assists materi- Just the Celi.e Andrew has done his best to beau- Mrs. Carnegie -opens the show, and . � , Sufferers for- . , ,other day Miss . . a speech in but its enforcement ,depends - on of us sorry to return to our stone ally in the "cure." Krein operator -at the local ex- tify the plade. He has given the Mr. Carnegie gives I THE SIEGE WAS OVER. � and look for health cha which there is a, lot of capita,l ,ad- circumstances, , . . I . I . couches for what remained of the get their pain, nee at' Egg Harbor Now Jer- people of his -native town a park . . . If an officer marries lin actress I night. across the valley6 and salt plains ,se� � hi�b for its natural beauty is un- V-lce�- � . I After four long months of never- ' was instrumental in ,averting IV ew. is in his glory on fete -,vhose posil.ion on tile ,stage is not :" ceasing strife day and night in the --a— THREE MILES BELOW. the certain end of a valuable life. surpassed in the County of Fife. Andr arst rank, then his resignation I L.� . ell from all ov- of I ­ I furnace heat of the hottest part of POISON UNY POSIBS. . A ,call came, through from the Its'libraries and baths � are also 'Clay, when the childr CBrtainly be. accepted; but if, ,�� -ad utility. er the estate gather on the. fields will I I , I the year, and during the stifling, Overhead is the bla.-.Ing sun in a pumping station of the waterworks. models of splendor a , d take part in on tht other hand, his. kride-as ,�, , 1, enervating rainy ,season, the city , Some Beautiful Fl,,wers N11oulA Ile" blue, ,cloudless sky. The -only "Number please?" asked Miss And when Carnegie goes Fifewards below the, castle all 7 well be, the cue -is in every ,� �­, was at last stormed, and after sh-, stroy Lif e. sounds to be heard are those of Krein. I it is doubtful if the King of Brit- a variety -of games for many, al- ma' ,, recep- though ,small, prizes. way desirable then the seading-ill - I'— 7 days' #ghting in the streets was ell- the I'musioal wheels"' of the ,anti- .There was no reply, but overthe 'Lin could get a more royal . . of his "paper ) s .2 is a mere formal-, . i,, tirely III Our possession -on, as I The alai -mists would have its be- quated ox wagon plying slowly wirecamo a faint cry, which sound- tion. I ",Mr. Caru;.�gio is not a sportsman, they will be returned to ' ',,�,�,­ up I . as the -word is understood in that and ' I � . 'son lurks everywhere, the mountain path ttll pro- ed like "Help 1" . Ity' U � k , ,;" have, said� tw-ontieth of Septenaller. I lieve, that P,� 1�den w ` him, nless he is really anxious to . 1. W SKIBO CASTLE . � I '.1 I �­ a or t' 'ir Ere part of the country. He never goes . . I . .2 The regiment to which 1 tilen be- 1 in some forn he other. Dut visions an -T fuel. The wheels,. 7 M -s . in ha,d her head screwed But Andrew is in totally differ' u k w,ears al- resign- . I I . -Nk longed hall been ordered that morn- who would suspect it in the flow- inches wide, are hewn ,of stone, ,on the right way. Without hesita- - ) �s At ,one time, too, most Army I � I roundings when he, goes up though he does play -golf; he doe - � , I . ok' ing to , ere gate of ers we like to see, scattered a -bout. and, grating on rude wooden axles, tion she -called up the waterworks ent stir esses fined a member for m'.IrYY- , 11%I I . , the city, * whi�-h we . ,done ac- Yet, it is a fact that poison is to ,e a conti'uous weird melody manager at his -office. to the Highlands. *A5 "big peo- not drink or smoke, and lie ,does 111, I ,�� : � �.. .,Ar I , * ,caus, n � . . Carilet, es all he can to discourage those who ing) the Pelialty ranging from $500 ,. I I . � cordinil,�, and proceeded to. inik-a be found in the posies. For in- which can be heard miles distant. "Something wrong at the pump- ple" up there go, the "i 0 , .. lour.�.elves fa s coudortable, as circuln- , stance, the laburnum, which has are comparatively small fry, in do. for a subaltern to $125 in the Case e ... I III ­ Convalescent male paticiltsdress- ing house. Go at once," She said, respect of the blueness of their Royalty has been to Skibo Castle of, a major; but this taxe has beem . I � Stani,ei wo Id permit, our Principal 1 been compared to a fountain 'Of ed in -white stroll about With una- He was Off ast r , . . on his bicycle, at once, blood. He could not expect to be to- tea 1 When the late King Ed- abolished -at le ', by e* " a � care being tu remove to places of � gold lea To All inten O',�-Os,l'tliler,'� I I ., I i, ping into the sun, is one brellas above their healds as a, pro- and, reaching the station, found such a big gun as (to him his ward and Queen Alexandra were ts and piii-P I ity of pow -der! of the most poisonous thin- i - Mr. Hogan, the engineer in charge, - ouna are no restrictions on the mar- I safety the large quant. . ��* , ) � i -3 Im,19 tection against the. heat. Should IT -much as if is poison in the sun become too hot fe C,ar- lying terribly in ured and bleeding George Granville Sutherland Levo- the British Isles, -they spent a few 4 i- �, a great 4; -al of whiinh lay loosely � inable, inas U whit, j proper title) the lovs1t, Noble on four -in tile Royal yacht r riage of our Army officers; but the , .., I scatt�ered about the place, with i leaf and flower and seed. Even the tains are drawn across the -exterior to -death. - Dunrobin Castle, and one foreign officer is not so free. , � .lad I . son-Gowler, Duke of Sutherland, days at .� . numbers of five shells which w4e I S beneath it is poison- of the verandahs, a -ad ,each paxil- Hogan had made a., false step, Indeed, if we count the Aineric- I collected iu the works surrounding 1 gr�l 5 growing and . fallen into the pumping mach- Baron Strathalauer, Knight Of the fine afternoon the King and tile I � a 'ous, by reason of its proximity to ion resembles a tent in mid-air, the . G nd So on, because, al� Duke boarded the latter's private ans as foreigilers, they are the on- - the sunrays to a inery. OUe of his legs was fearful- " a to ly ,foreign officers who, like Our "el � ­ I the gate to be used, gainst any !tile innocent -looking blossoms over- canviLs sifting t ar t par as, to personal train and w,pre whirled away I lot our force who might be employ- 1 head, and it has been found neces- nicety of warmth and li,gjit. ly crushed; but he ha -d managed to 'I -own, marry I ,at will, and their own . - To- houg I on ess, Andrew Carnegie Dornooh, and fr-om. thence, to Skibo Pv�,Z-,,��­4 ed in the neighboring suburb of the I saTy to guard against cattle eating wa strag,gle, clear, and drag himself to handsomen as 0 , ,�. - rds six o'clock the e o owns only a pin -head on the map in auto s . The King 114- �� I \ Stelizee Mundee (or Green Vil- - ., shook hands, Sweet Ple- ar - ' . Nt,A- , 2 � l I . develops into a curio . of the County of.Sutherland, ,All took tea, re-entered the auto, and THE GERMAN ARMY la,gla)� so called from the numerous I this grass for fear of f atal results. azure blue us the telephone. He took off the re . orange groves and other gardens The bulbs of such dainty and purple, and again gradually into a oeiver, cried for help, then faint- the 1,439 square miles of which, drove the engilao, home again with .� "11-­��-­�� . .1vith which the houses tliere were beautiful flov,ers as the narcissus' delicate l6rimson. This brief blend- ed. . -was pkocl-Lic- but for another little� pin -head .his own hands, ad,ding ias name, is Comp6sed of. the Prussian, Bav- I surrounded, illyacilath. and snowdrop secrete the ing of sky- tints is the only twilight. I in Mar,ch,.1902, there Space owned by Mr. Gilmour of ,once again, to the autograpl� plate � arian, aild Saxon armies; but the njost de�diy poisons, not to Speak Next moment the sun passes from ed at IVV7��Ii`kin's Theatre a one- engine, which ; following 'rules as to tha -hl��rriag'0 : Wh All day we worked, making our . Roschall-Andraw's neighbor -be- on the -cab of the * I � I --" I ­ , of the oxali�,, the monkghoo,d, and �riew behind the mountain peaks act play called, "Hear-dat the Tel- longs to the Most Noble, ote. bears file signatures of so many -if Prussian offi,cers apply M0'rT-o,r--� � ­-­.' new.quarters as safe as we could. the foxglove, all of which furnish and the curtain of darkness de- ephoue." This play created a pos- I past and present crowned heads. less to officers in the other divisions ­ a k � th,� pow -der . I itive sensation, And was denounc- Andrew's Castle,of S ibo, too, ­ I noxious liquors sufficient to destroy . ,Ep throughout the whole army. I away, into cellars ,and out -of -the- 4 seends, instantly. At night the ed as too gruesome for representa- a.lthough a monstrous fine building, I CARNEGIE AND THE CROFT ,. .: - !life. Dospite its innocent appear- 'Millt,y Tt'ay appears over the roof4. tion on any stage.1 is no Every Prnsadaia officer has to ob- 1� way -places, while what poxder was I �ce, the laugh t so big, nor yet ..so handsome, An old crofter once lost a cow tain the Kaiser's leave to marry, � lying loosely about was deluged,am , ing little butter -cup So great is the height that it seems The Central idea waa that of a as the famous Dunrobin. Castle of - ': �,�,, K'� S 40 of the Worst -of polsono-us I which was uninsured, and on the and his application must give full ' 11, I . with water; and all smoking hav- i ne only an arm's length to tire stars. young husband hearing he, Sutherlands, ten miles along . -went to Andrew information about the bricle, her � ing been Stopped, we considered flowers. Even the Cow avoids it. ) advice of his wife �, The sanatarium consists of three of a telephone, thecries of his wife the coast. .Skibo,is, not set 'On "a with his tale of woe. parents, brothers and sisters, and � I 1 41 ourselves pretty sale from a blow- -44 pavilions, containing in all -who was being murdered by tramps .Castellated rock over -looking the "How avach was the cow worth, so on, and this application for per- ' , � up, anexperience which some of us in a lonely country house. broad waters of tlae� Moray Firth." .1 q11 heasked. . mission to marry must be support - 4 pre- ATTENDING THE DEAD. �L �', �, . hiil undergone a few clays Andrew's Scottish home, does not my in"' lounds." ($50.) commanoing the _ viously in the Moree Bastion, and In Canton, about eighty miles , Two years later-to.be precise, command an "uninterrupted view "About ten r ed by the officer . w. 4, Patients are only admitted upon ry 8th, 1904=.an iniakeep- Andrewls said to- have given the reg ent to which the would-be ,, . had no desire to have repeated. from Hong Kong, there is a place of the broad �vaters of the German brip .11 I o the recommendation of the priests, er named George Hartstock, livi,ag egroom - � I known as the City of the Dead. Ocean," but has to be content with man a, cheque for that amount., and belongs. Illor- . � AT LAST NIGHT CAME ONI and subscribers are even denied at Minneapolis, the great grain city the crofter Nvent home* jubilant. Further, the officer, if a III i 1", �wr, , There axe tone hundred and -ninety- a comparatively circumscribed view � . . I wbich this privilege. In the premier pa- of Minnesota, was called up on the But he, was quickIv biou n seconaclass-captain must prove - of the Muchile Ferry and the slee L, and with it a stillness to which we four small houses, in each o q py to the ground again by 119i'slitwdifoew that he has an income Of at least ' ;I had long been accustomed. to the a corpse is lodged, at the rate of vilion wealthy patients are accom- 'phone by an acquaintance, James little markettown of Fain.� 4'Ye aula fool," She cried, "WhY $750, Or -at least $1,250 a year if' a . I ' first modatcd at the rate of three mil- Garfield, an act -or. . ess -of Skibo l, , roar of the guns, the screaming i tiventy-five dollars for the ., The nause��ting newn 1-1 reis or $3, daily. They are pro- "Wait and listen," was the mes- . . I did ye not say it was twenty subaltern. I ,, and bursting of shells and the ,i three months, -and then at a re- vided with separa,e, rooms, cor-re- sage. �- I I Castle in a place where. all else 0� � on the higher. ranks there are no � ceaseless'rattle of ania-11 arms suc- iducled rate until the geomancers spondi'lig couches on the verandah, Hartstock heard Mr . s. Garfield seems as old as the hills upper -cuts Poul"d fi ictions; butevery of- . - one from entrance to exit. And ."Well, I can go back arid tell nancial restr L - 11 I- eeeded a solemn silence. We were, employed by tile relatives of the and live upo delicacies apparently pleadilrg for her life, italways seems funny, viewed from him it cost that slim, and that I ficer, 'whatever his status, must de - I I . �some of us, occupants of a kind of i dead persondecide when and where f the district. Second Pavilion and sup�osed that the couple were -he op�n ground below, to see And- maclp- a mistake"' . I . Clare- upon his word of honor that - mo9que in rear of the battery the corpse Shall be buried. Silk 0 ly, and three rehearsing a new play� Suddenly �t . Back he went to Andrew with nleither� he nor his future, wif e have I - ­ - h fo the Ajmere or pa,per lanterns and imitation patients pay $1.50 dai I 1� rew going in at the imposing front . . . . . I I I share a, room. The third depart- came the heavy report of a revolv- minds one his, trumped up tale. Andrew ask- any -debts. , �. gate pro ' tecting the entrance, ,and, fruit are hung from the roof ;, there or, er, a piercing,screana. Then a sec- door of his ca,stle. It re ,lie niouth 9d for the check, tore it across, Put n ce,*. the brid5 is Usually � .sitting On the steps, had chatted are screens in each room between ment is reserved for the sick po fasparrow flying in at t. it where it would be of no use to expected to bring her husband a I I and the faot thaz patients travel ond report, an awful groan-anli 0 new I .1 . quietly until the talk lapsed into -the door and the coffin; tea, fruit) of a railway turinel. The . and bad the man shown 40t, or fortune, of varying degree, � 1. hundreds of miles from their tiny silence. white, ,stone; the paths cut, and anyone, o � il whispers, ailrd a snore here and and any other kind of food which hamlets to gain admission testi6s ' Thoroughly' ala7med, Hartcock ke�)t .with mathematical precise- Off, tile' Premises at.' the double. and until about eight years ago there announced that, wornout by the dead, person liked when on I I the French -officer was forbidden to 11 I i to the popular a4ministration and telephoned to police hea,dquarters, ness.; the marble baths in a place . —Ii� . . � the day's -work, more than one had earth, are placed on an altar be- and two officers, were sent to Gar- , . marry a lady Possessing an income d ce ral efficiency of the institution. here the sea almost laps the � I . . Of the fore the coffin eadu morning. There gene I IS, BEWARE I . of less than, roughly, $250 a year t Breakfast, consisting of bread field's rooms. There they found W BIRD . . ! drowsy god. At last my chum , a,re ,Cardboard servants standing Mrs. Garfield lying dead, with two foundations; the, wrongness of ev- There isa very remarkable plant in her own right. .11 who had been sitting near me for ' made from Indian Corn and salt, I thing in its rigid. rightness, Since then, however, the only re; , . . � about to wait on him with pipes or �he dough baked hard on a, stone bullet wounds through her head ery , out Of Place 'within which grows in the colony of Natal. ' . - - I some time in silence, got up, say� cardboard Cups of tea. There ate in the field, toge and her husband, beside her, dying: s�eni quite raerixig se $friction placed on ibe marria& of , , he could not remain any longer also two handsome paper females . ther with figs, He had shot himself after commit_ sight of the shim a, the Its popular name is the corpse . In � i I . wigthou, a pipe, and proposed that placed there to guide his spirit on olives and milk, is served at eleven ting the murder. heather -clad and rock-strewn hills plant, It grows to a very oonsid- FRENCH ARMY OFFICERS 1� I I we should take a stroll through the the way to heaven. o'clock, The next ineal is lunch, -a e n used for and mountains, and the thatched erable ,size, and its principal fes- I I . .1 . � , I . - -er � I , , : : streets and enjovy a smoke before light intermediate repast prior to - roofs of the homesof Andrew)s ten- ture is a bell�shaped throat, %ome are, - (1) The consent of the blinisL .1 . . �. many strange .purposes, but for � I I . I —41-- dinner� at sunset. The first ,course ants.. Who can imagine.with tin- thing like the flower of an aruin of *ar must be obtained. (2) Sat� I I seeking rest on the hard stones of none more strange than the at- . our tenement. No sooner said than 1,1HA, HAI, I HERBS. is soup ,and this would baffle the tempted assassination of a. .presi-* mlxed feelings a huge, glaring, lily, but much larger and deeper, isfactory evidence must be pr.C)'-'Iu,c- I I I done, I jumped to my feet, and, most, fastidious Fiench chef,for its dent. . t9wer-topp . ed pile, hleate�l with hot and opening into a hollow stem. It ed as to the moral character a -ad :1J1 I having got a corporal and four There is a, -curious plant that richness and superb quality. One one clay in Septenabl�r, 1908 1 , air and steam. from the furnaces is almost black in color, andcov'er- life of the lady about to become his I .: men to accompany us with loaded rows in Arabia, and is known by con,�piouous ingredient, howeve i and, boilers of the marble baths a -lid ed with a thick, glutinous secretion- wife. ­ I 1� r, is President Cabrera, of Guatemala, . I I :, � arms in case any lurking traitors i tTe daine of "laughing plant." This olive oil. The ne-.�,o dish is ba,calo, . other offices, and lit by electricity, :Its principal characteristic is its The Russian Army officer smitten . I might have remailned about, off we. name comes from the fact that any- which is Norwegian cod dried hard. was sitting in his office when his in a dis,trict where people still burn loathsome odor, strongly resembling by Oapid has fairly serious ob� - �' , private telephone rang.. ' He, . had ld n- I .. . �,,, set on our ramble, The, night was I one who eats its ,seeds cannot con- The staple drink of Portugal is no ,sooner taken off the receiver, peat and speak in tVe, repute ,la that of decaying carrion.: By means -stacles placed in his Way. I . I" calm wad still; and, though there, trol his laughter. The. natives Of used as a pickle in this item, and of tile Garden of Edexi-the of this it attr�cts cariion-feeding, To begin with, it under the affe ,; , than the wire ignited an infernal guage, . ­ . I � I 0 1 1 e.;11 was a perceptibla smack. of the ap- the district where this plant grows the fish Closely usembles a, piece machine, which exploded ' '' Gaelic. I . birds to it, Once they alight on ity, of twenty -throe, .he is not allowed � I with a l� I I proaching cold weather in the at- dry the seeds, and reduce.them. to of welr4easoned titch piho when deafening report. Senor Cabrera NOT ABAD1A.XDLORD, they are lost. Their claws become to ma,rry at all, unless by special ' . I nes of . I alperor, !� � , I mosphere, in the narrow I& , powder, Osmall dose of this pow- p ced oil the ta,ble, But, like wine flung . entangled in the secretion, the leave of H.I.M. the El I , , I& was against the wall, stunn- Andrew. Carnegie is not a bad . � I ,,, I city the air was hot and! . bell-shaped mouth folds up, and If over twentyAhree a�,d under 1�4 . I the vast der makes those -who -eat it act very at the wedding least, the worst is led .and badly. bruised. But, :ow- I lord a,s Highland landlords go. they are literally swallowed fea,- twenty-eight, lie must POLY into the I -,­ ,,.,�. - stiffing, and the smell of villainous h like foolish people 1 The sob- to come; mill! although there are - ' and, I 1'� , . saltpoter'naingled with that from mue P e the bomb had The first th;ing that is apt to strike thevs. and All, and -digested by juices regimental chest a deposit ,of About I � � erest person will dance, shout, and many contrasting sur rises in test- evidently been made by an arriateur flip stu-delit of the Scottish Hi' -h- oo; while in e I 'very case be must � I the festering. corpses which lay ab- I laugh like a ma,dinall, and rush ing . .1 he fortunately eet,aped with his land land system is the loy ity0of e n e hroat of the plant., $2,5' . 11 �� I . . out, some singly, For" in� little '.about, cutting the most .ridiculous . 'Tu life. I . . . I a I I -1 . . I satisfy his colonel tliat tile lady is ,. 11, heaps, cli'd T.lot make, our walk over- ca.pers, for an hour. At the end -of A POnTUGtTESE MEN , . L landlords -and tbeir factors, one to. . I fit to. belong to the regiment3 an&W-0 �. I � I pleasant, r . . I I ilar fashion some mis�: the other, None of the landlor4s . WHERE TIME IS MONEY. . . I. . . , ,o aa, soon as our pipes this tirn�- the reaction ,comes. The notliffig -excels 1'nanny-gu%t" in In Sim . . I also obtain permission from the of- ! 1� I I ''I .began to wax low we bl�gan to dancer is exhausted, and a; deal) I . creants tried to murder the man- are ever anxious to, take Oil illen - fiber'commanding his division. - . I . I : . I 'L think of returning to:ljead quar� . � causing the visitor spasmodic heav, a& - 0 The Colonia Cosille, on the Para ,; t � . � I sleep comes, upon him. Aftera'nap . . or of the ,electric light works ,at wh hav6 been at work on licigh- is ,one o t the No financial restrictions are PlsC- - I ters. Thoiagh there was ,n ings. As soon as a goat is killed in Z French col -ing estates, and who may be on. scion . ed.on the marriage of Japanese of- - 0 "00" I of Several hours, he awakens with scara in the ony of boi I u i s in the world. The, , ,, .� I it was not what we in England Guardia, -the heat tans the flesh A Igeria, Ixoticin g fillat his telephone blie qui vive for a, bit of -a rise in' Moste r Ou . I ­ - i-, b - obtain leave. � � no recollection of the antics bell" black, and this after being lightly -- 5- life, '!.rhe, inanseekiiag WOrk has to members oU the I make or mus, fr I �' . ,ghj".4 was out Cc Ony 'y � I would call a, dark night; the stars I I of order, he � tried to di ona the I I I allone brigbtly and ni " .1 - Connect tile wire, and ,at once re- satisfy prospective employers that grow MPV411ilig 11 y want, and -r 'it "" � ade than , CA � � in the performed. I ,cooked, is served in chunks of 2 1 . T, e O� g gr The workmen � if 0 '118"661,141 `.%,, C 1: �� I I . . . iT4 — � e import nothing. nip _lOr r 211inisten * -*1 4 , d u sky as , at : , nch thickness, "in be is really out of work because th Er ne,.al, I �f 61 lowor . .1 I trcpics are not so . . 11 I i L ceived � & sbook '*hi.oh hurled hi (I , � ,im- have seven hours' work a day, and ge f'om the WZ � .1 I �. . w V The drink is chiefly aoi has -no further I - I honli`,�,, so that P, could see ell 80. , Pbob's Wife--l'XY husba,nd read . A garlis, senseless to the floor. other estate" . . "I \ 4-- I , I or 100 yards,arounia us, and on en- this popni at a p;blic colobTation technically, termed Vino -vert, a � It was ,discovered,- later, that the mediate, use for him.', The Duke of ,earn, not money, but time. Their 11 � 11 I � . Peas . d . OUM Inspel . , � I I - - , int, bottle of beer is ob- `O� file 5 . -th -e up ti ey have a p. rt 'at eleven o'clock as ,I told � ' 9 I Alas green now wine'tned by the no wire had been connecte Sutherlafid's average wn ges,are hour ' i I " - , : feting. a f &irly broad street leadin befor- thousands of.people, , rknian in wa 8 and half -h -,t,or--11Why didn't you ro- �. I toward the Ajmere gate :We saw ants. A p =do building with, an eleo- the' Highlands Omit qs tile 110,alls these theY 1W ."I I t h - 0 , , I it was the very last poem he ever � ' - fal It in han-0 an,d I youl it's rl� ­ rl, lve", . ta n It 'W re, Carry . partin-onts Such as ,In, for- , wee, ! -V go of ,.IV n" 'y twe I "I I ., some little, way on I � Wrote. !" The Publisber--fr011 I 1 able, and Costs 0.,s, Usually, tric, lig] i ing ten thou- of ae ge " "I I 0 Olen th� - ., I . ) is so thick. And sand voliq. The cri.einal wa4 �a est, or game, is luckl,'r if !I,% t , n nXI exoUr"Alorl. If.., lr,,,t�,, Nva lit s Dbtec�tjve�-,,I,m sorr,� ,but I didnl'� ,: ,- . � however, the brow . I 'i . I A FILE OF CORPSE,% , see. 'Did they lynch him or shoot , that it io dangerous to arink. discharged employee who was, clear $4 60 'weekly, and the, (-n- n, ,�I-nir or ta tablo'. )ie pays for it know th6 tima, One of those pick- ". . I I I Warm, I I �, . 11�-,m I" I I � .,� ! � . I whore. evidently bliere had been I . Special invalid liqueurs consist of caught, and t ten years, ir�pris- � ditions are the same on the Skil-, in ii,,)urg Of ivork, which are dedact- pockets I WAO y4dowing 9010, WY 11 ' � * , :� 11"'!, I I . , t I 119i (al aidl:y plot., I ostmi-ip. ,­ku `­ -.1. but irapo,: t- 'a frim the balunce to Ili � scredib. I I . � ,", " 1, $ohia hot contention during the fl,D. 3 IMM, 04­111vino-tranco, 4 white wine of. ex- onnawtt for I dast . 41 . � wwbah." � I ; i . I I . I I . . I I I I . I . kv,,� .. I . . I I � � I ." - .1 1. ,. e . I I � 11 I � I 11 . . I I I - , k'� I I I I I i I I I I �, �,". . - I I I . � . I . I h . 1. I .1 � I - � I . I I I . I . � I `­ . ,. .. I � I I . I � � '. � I . I � I I � I . " � . I I . I : I I . . . . I . . I I I ,111 I , , I I . 11 . I ,� . I I . I � 'rt.w. 1�'. � . I � � � . . " ., I .. .1 . I � . . I . I I UX. � . . I I . . I � 1. 1, . I � , , I I . I ­ . I I . I � I I 11 I I - I 1.� . . I 11 11 . . I I I I . ��,:; ­ � , .. :, - � �. . � ) I . I � I � I I I . � 11 � � , . 1, I ,. I I � - , . I . I . � . 1 �4, 1 .. . I . . I A I . I I . � 11 I . I I � . � I � � � . : i I ,� s', I . t ­ I I I 1. I .1 , I I . I I . � � I . 11 I ,�il'�'�� � I .. I . . , .1 I . I I . . I , 11 . , , . . I I 11 I . I . : ,,� � � i .. . . I '. . I , , : , , I " I 1. � I . I I . . . I I , 1�1�., � . I I I I I I I . I I I : I . . . I . IL I . . I . . �;, I � 11 . . I / . � I I � . �1. � I ­. � .. � 1 I I .. 1. I I 11 � I., I �., I I I . I .. I . . I � . 11 I I . i� I 1,��, . � I I I I I I .�: I , , �. � 1. I I 11 �, I 1. 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