HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-07, Page 12• j PAGE 12 --GODERICH SIGNAL—STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,,1961 pr PROGRAM SCHECULE January 7 to January 13 EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STA PUBLISHING. ,WED, THRtJ TOES - 9 00 THip BIG. EVENT: 11:ea NEW$. Anthw)y Fliopkans , .. .12:30 TOMORROW 11:00 NEWS 2:00 MOVIE: (Title,' U':30 MOVIE: "PRIME OF Unannounced) (2hrs.). MISS JEAN BRODIE". .4:00 MOVIE: (Title Unan- Maggie Smith -Robert nounced) (75 mins.) Stephens MORNING MAGIC . Ann Margret • 11.30 5 : 15 . VALD t i S PROGRAMMING - (Exc. Mon.) 5:45 U OF M PRESENTS 6:`15, VARIOUS PROGRAMING 6:30 SCOPE (Fri) 6:45. NEWS 1:00 TODAY 9:00 MARCUS . WELBY. M.D. 11:00 HOUR MAGAZINE AFTERNOON. / 12,I0.> 12 1O.DOCTOIIS 1:00DAYSOFOUtit'Urn 2:00.ANOTHERWf)RUj • 3f001EXAS 4:00MOVIE WEDNESDAY SAN; 2.1981 fl 6:30NBC NEWS 7:00PIE MAGAZINE 7:30M-*,S_H. 1e0REALPEOPLE 0;40DIFE'REMI STROKES 9' THE FACIS OF LIFE 10;00QUINCY U:00 NEWS 11 38TRE.TONIGHTSHOW IZ:30TOMORROW 2'00 MOVIE: )Title `ao meed) (2Ius ) 4.00 MOVIE: (Title an- RoWICed) (75mins.) 1tiU$DAY 411416A-1901 EVENING 6:0010EWS 6:30NBC NEWS • 7:00P)i MAGAZ[1VE 7:30MA.S.1L 0110 THURSDAY; NIGHT AT. THE . MOVE ES: "GOLDENGIRL . Susan Mtoe•Jat Cobtan 11 30'THE TONIGHTSHOW 12:30TOMORROW 2:00 MOVIE: (Title "an- nounoed)' - 4:00 MOVIE : (Title an- noimced) FRIDAY JAN_ 3;1981 EVENING 6:00NEWS 6:30NBCNEWS ' 1:(0:PM..MAGAZINE . . 7:30'YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL' 11:OOSANFORD 10:00 NBC MAGAZINE WITH. DAVmBRIINKLEY. i1:S 11.:30 THE TONIGSHOW- 12:30- THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL.. ' 2:00 HOLLYWOOD HEARTBEAT 2:30 ROCK CONCERT 4:00' 'MOVIE: "MAN WITH THE POWER". Bob Neill- PersisHhambatta_ SATURDAY JAN. IL 1901 MORNING, ft:00111EWITCIIED 6:3e NEW ZOO REVUE 7:OOJONNYQUEST 8:00 GODZILLA-HONG KONG PHOOEY HOUR 9:00 FLINTSTONE COMEDY SHOW 10:30 DAFFY DUCK SHOW 11:00 BATMAN AND THE STLIPERSIeNtati— AFTERNOON 12:00 COLLEGE BASKET- NAiL 2.00 MOVIE: "THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT". Three Stooges -Carol Christensen 3:30 MOVIE: "JOURNEY FROM- DARKNESS". Mark Singer -Kay Lenz 5:00 SHA NA NA 5:30 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN EVENING 6:00 NEWS 6:30 HEEHAW 7:30 PINK PANTHER 8:00 BARBARA MANDRELL AND THE MANDRELL SISTERS 9:00' .MITCH MILLER SPECIAL 10:00 STEVE ALLEN COMEDY HOUR 11:00 NEWS 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE 1:00 BENNY HILL SHOW 1:30 MOVIE: "LOVIN' MOLLY". Anthony Perkins - Beau Bridges SUNDAY JAN. 11, 1981 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY AND GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TV MASS 10:00GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 10: 30 LAUREL AND HARDY 11:00 DAKTARI AFTERNOON . 12:00 MEET THE PRESS 12:3OSOUL TFtAIN 1:30 MOVIE: "SIEGE OF THE SAXONS".'Janette,Scott- Ronald Lewis 3:30 NFL '80 4:00 AMERICAN FOOTBA LL ' CONFERENCE CI4A M- PIONSHIP GAME 5':30 HALFTIME NEWS • EVENING 7:00 DISNEY'S WON- DERFUL WORLD 8:00 CHIPS THE 'fOAIIGIi'I`SHOW MONDAY JAN. 12,198t EVENING 6:30 NBC NEWS 7.;!)0 PM MAGAZINE 6:00 NEWS TUESDAY JAN.13,1161 EVENING 6:00NEWS 66:30 NBC NEWS 7:00 PM' MAGAZINE 7:30 M.A:S.I.1. 7:30'MA.5_H_ 8:OO BJ AND THE BEAR 8:00 LITTLE. HOUSE ON 11:00 NEWS THE PRAIRIE 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 9:00MONDAY NIGHT AT 12:30 TOMORROW THE MOVIES: THREE, 2:00 MOVIE: (Title Unan- HUNDRE .D MILES FOR flounced) (2 hrs. ) STEPHANIE Tony Orlando- 4:00 MOVIE: (Title" Peter Graves ' nounced) (75mus.) Unan- Discover our resort. where the beach has more sea gulls and, pelicans than people itCS r .Island Golf -Tennis - Heated Pols. Oceanfront Hotel Apartments . Fishing. - Sailing. - Beautiful Beaches. . Restaurant "- Lounge For more information, call or write Indian River Piaritaoon'Resort. Hutchinson island 385 NE_ Plantation Road: Stuart. Fl_ 33494 (305) 225-3700 (45 miles north d Palm Beach) Complete Hotel Services 49 , ver 40 course o Conestoga continuing educa Conestoga College Continuing Education is planning over 90 courses for Stratford campus this winter. A wide variety of courses will be offered i.ncluding: academic courses, supervision and management, blueprint reading and arts and crafts. Most -courses start the week of January 12 or January 19, 1981 and are offered from Monday through Thursday evening's for eight, ten or twelve weeks. "Last fall was our most - successful semester ever,' says Jane Huff- man, supervisor of part- time studies Stratford: "We are offering new courses each semester and continuing the ones which we find successful. Course ideas are always welcome" -. Some of the courses scheduled for this winter are: More Effective Business Writing - Sylvia Balfour; a well-known consultant from Kit- chener, will repeat her successful fall course. Mrs. Balfour will work with supervisors and secretaries to improve memos and letters by restructuring sentences and' paragraphs and removing jargon. Other writing techniques will be reviewed . • Bicycling Seminar - Charles Johnston of Johnston Cycle and Repair 'Shop, Stratford, will teach a four evening )course' which,will highlight how w buy a bicycle, maintaining your bicycle, bicycle safety and long distance cycling in the Stratford area. Home Study - If you are on shifts- or can't get to ' Conestoga College for some other reason, you can take academic upgrading in mathematics ) English through this c a �•' ',e. -Work is dont home on your own-- time andassign- ments returned by mad) or in person. Motion and Time Study - This 60 hourcourse is part of the eight course Industrial Engineering Program -. Taught by Marshall Crinklaw, the course covers job per- formance, time study requirements, work incentive systems.among other topics. For more mformation about these and other courses pffered at Conestoga College this winter, call the Stratford campus, Continuing Education office at 27)- 5700 between 2 to 4 p.m. or .6 to. 10 p.m.. Monday through Thursday �starting.January 5. 1981: Fire:- destroys cotta��. BAYFIELD An early morningfire_ destroyed .the - Bayfield cottage of Mr. and Mrs 'James Barth of Kit- chener of December 29. The vacationing couple discovered the fire upon returning home from a' neighbor's house and when they open the door of their cottate, it exploded in Bayfield . ' firemen an-° •swered the 3:15 .am alarm, but were unable to save the blazing structure which was gutted in less than an hour. The fare' department con- Goderich District Collegiate Institute NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAM COURSE LENGTH IN WEEKS Monday Night (BEGINNING JAN. 12) B adminton B ridge - Intermediate Cake Decorating - Beginners Cake Decorating, Advanced Golf Sewing - "Choose Your Own Project" Stage' Acting - Basic m Basketball Photography Yoga Tueday Night (BEGINNING JAN. 13) Wednesday Night (BEGINNING JAN. 14) Working with Coloured Glatt Ladies' Sports Night ' Paper Tole St. John Ambulance:Heart Saver Couri. 2 NIGHTS (WED. 8 THURS. TOTAL5 HOURS) Thursday Night (BEGINNING JAN. 15) Stretch Sewing - Basic Stretch Sewing - Advanced Monday and Th- ursday (BEGINNING JAN, 14) St. John Ambulance - Standard First Aid PHONE 524®7353 TO -REGISTER FEE: (MOST COURSES) 10 WEEKS $15 LESS THAN 10 WEEKS' *10 ADDITIONAL CHARGES MAY BE MADE FOR SUPPLIES 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10' • 10 10 10 10 3 centrated - their effortson keeping the. fire . from. spreading to a nearby residence. Two y pets, a dog and cat,•were to in the blaze. LAST NIGHT JAN."E NOW ON AT Uauid WkJte CWkicno 36 THE SQUARE GO'DERICH 524-4312 WELCOMES YOU' to AFTERNOON TEA 2:30 to 4:30 7 DAYS A WEEK SOMETHING i'ORT1.1E'LA[)MFS..: (',,me; visit our unusual_ criumtt ;,,resort for Tea today! We've prepared English 'muffins, fre-;hIv made scones. jam, assorted pastries and Earl (;rev tea for the icca„ion. f(eld's and enjoy as we serve you in front of an open hearth ... log fere in one of our two lounges dieservations requested . for groups of more•than10), $ 50_ just 0a P+•r polT rn Complement your. outing. . Wit e-lslt trj THE 11(71 1'1)% A uriiilui )eft sleep Just steps from t,ur Inn. "PROGRAM SU$JECT TO. CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Benmiller . Inn Nestled in Bennullrr. .()nt , lust 7 aalometres east of (;o(lerlrta ''n Haroh ('aunty !toad 1. )unit off ' Ilighwas tti:.plirrn.> 52-1-2191 ti •71 411 EACH DAY FROM JANUARY 1,9 TO 24'81, during Minor Hockey Week, 'your nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken Store* will be giv- ing ivIng away four VICTORIAVILLE "CUSTOM VIC 1000 SENIOR" HOCKEY STICKS lap- pro'k!Mate value' 57.95 each). • ' • All you have to do to be eligible to vvin oP�e of them Is fill out the entry form below (-or a reasonable facsimile—not mechanically, reproduced) -correctly arisvyering the skill - testing question, sign the printed declara- - tion and deposit it in the specially marked box at your friendly Kentucky Fried Chicken - •OtTer good at partrelpattn0 Kentucky Fried Chicken sfr)re4 • INS 1CKEN! Store before closing time on January 1.6th. • You can enter as often as you wish and, no purchase is necessary! Thg first four entries drawn every day containing correctly an- swered skill testing questions will win. • Four hockey sticks per store every day. There's nothing like the .way you really score at Kentucky Fried Chicken! The odds 01 winning win depend on the number 01 entries received Winners wit be advlsed by telephone and prizes will be awarded within approximately two weeks Open to all residents o1 Canada ercept employees and fam,lres d1 KentucY -Fried ".Chicken. its licensees and their promotional agencies All entries become -the property or Kentucky Filed Chir -ken Prizes to be ace eoted as awarded• Contest is sub)ert to all applicable federal pravlr,-ial and municipal taws • remsetemim mangeess - Kentucky f rigid Chicken I�--NAME I'/. ,winro,ryf/leucon ACICynES'> FrrafOut irt,,y� co r e i rPOSTA: ,.':(zt. 1, DECLARATION':• 1 haver, rr ,01,ere earn If r• .,,area ',,I,', anti a;yrrv. 10 acne t my rirr7" .e /r,,, .,: .IW-'*--ra r ll " 'r.' ' •to roirr l' r,.r the .. HHHtIt �,t ,•. ,n«,re ,ay Yay r_hsmea9wshnrr ' ex- • YOU COUL®n WIN I . .y' 'a,9 >.rip.ae., t>f SKILL' TESTING QUESTION: Add Subtract Multiply by Divide by Answer: 57+23 36 12_ 8 - Kentucky fikd Chicken �� �• ®, .®®.e®� ®�. 1 • CP/