HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-07, Page 8PAGE 8.--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,1981 Colborne Township Council meet's A,cconts totailing over s" At the inaugural 19meting heldDecemberDeelitittion of r lee for Reeve, Deputy - Reeve and council was ad - Whist' ered by the Clerk and he ReverendJohn Wood ad-: tressed cauloiejl- Reeve 3ogie welcomed the nembers of . council, Va.nSicne, as > eta; He Indicated hat wOuld. velem* lebatft in COMIOB Mahe art 4r- active tem as. to Township's S dart' Rad CampiebeRsive PORIretiring Clerk- ere _Wirer spoke to liBerdifig �'l> councilyears' 1s aa'elected and appointed 1ffieinl iii# the Township of laborne and the coati- tuance .., of 'municipal ad- rdl*atilon Accountant lie N 1980 accounts stalling . $234,634.68 which neluded H- rwiri CCfanty and i 4,1 3oards of Education requisi- ions. These accounts were ipproved for payment. John Kuran, Township -oad superintendent, iiscussed with council ' the 1981 snowplowing equip - Pont and program, 11 road Agns which needed height :hange ante signs which seeded interchanging. A re - pest for .subsidy from W.T.C. regarding Township of Colborne 1980 road assess- nent re: the Lawlor Municipal Drain and the eagan Municipal Drain Ex :ensior! No. 2 were approved. - John Kuran.agreed to app- y for the. Pesticide Control Course and ' examination. :;ouncil approved that the. road superintendent , pur- _hase three ceiling fans and required electric wiring, switches and controls for the Pohlie:WerksGarage, _ Council approved the cemetery November 1980 report and. was informed that a new mower would be all construction ts ordered paid i 4odericb° Township Council ordered a ants bit 'Ohm SM,262 It mei in regular_session Approlnmately $53,000 odtllis goes. to-; Muer_: Construction, the cw npany which built the new township hallThe fialattoe aE :111X91-06 66 is belle "Wiwi several situations in thif';lm l are rectified such as 1211anciisg, the heating. systear and the adjustment of ' heat. in the ladies' washrooms, etc. • >fing Permits : were issaed the Province. of Ontario • for building a. swimming pool on .lot 13, concession 1 and to Alec Ostrow: for building a barn additioncelat 24, Base Line.. A building permit requested by Terry McGuire ' for the construction of'a four- ' unit apartment building on Block A, Plan 25 was turned down since it does not con- form to the intent of single family residences. Council appointed . E.U. Mdlwain as the township representative on. the MacKay Centre for Seniors executive. ' A motion was passed to remove $19,000 from the land severance and lot levy ac- count to the general account for ball park usage. A motion was passed that the township gravel pit be" removed from the tax roll. Mr. Costello and Mr. Fry were present at the council meeting to -discuss the water situation, well system. etc. on Plan 28. No motions were recorded regarding these matters but the clerk was instructed to obtain in- formation on the wells, systems, ores, etc. ler Plans 28 and 29. Gary Davidson, Huron County Planner, was also present atthe council meeting to discuss various items of township concern such as the Peever rumored development, the Sawcher Estate zoning and residential uses regarding D. Splan's property. A request for severance by Mr. Hartman was -dealt with as per questionaire. A letter was, read from. LeRoy - Poth concerning drainage. from a proposed calndonirii<iiiini development. 'Me' clerk was instructed to reply that at this time, the township did not have before it . a request to build a con- dominium but that if such a development took place, adequate drainage would be an important requirement. Council paste -a -motion to. pass on to the Huron County Land Division committee that if ° the township iS required to specify the sections of the Official Plan under which any application for' land severance is ap- required in 1981. A request (corn the Goderich Figure Skating .Club for financial assistance resulted in the Clerk being instructed to re-' quest that a representative of,the above club attend a council meeting. Councillor Vanstone agreed to help Leonard Fisher prepare and, maintain an outdoor skating rink on thee Foresters' grounds at Beninlier. -Mr. Joe Morrisseyand his solicitor approached council regarding the proposed Mor- rissey Severence Develop- -tient. Council agreed to, the agreement in principle sub- ject to the written approval of the . Township solicitor. Reeve Bogie reported to council re: the progress of the Sager Subdivision ex- tended . water system in- dicating that the engineer • expected tenders for cone struction and would be call- ed the end of the week. The purchase of a Polaroid camera for building and other in- spections was discussed with council agreeing, that prices should be presented at the next council meeting. Hudson Milbium, By -Law Enfor -cement Qxifficex an- nounced the Goderich area dog rabies: clinic would be held December ..8 . and that 300 dog Licences and one replacement had been' sold •'in 1980 producing. a revenue of $1,975.00 -and that --67; building permits had been issued in 1980 representing a . building value of $695,847.73 and producing a revenue of $1,75425 Two applications` fol• a building permit and one for a' demolition permit were presented and approved. The Clerk was instructed .to pay the 1981 membership of the Township of Colborne in ' . the. Ontario Drainage • Assodation- and also to - register three represen- tatives epresen ti tatives for the 1981 Drainage —Convention being -held in London m January. Council examined the 24 applications for perk for the Township of Colborne and proved or rejected, that the county must also so specify in their decision. • Pits and Quarries to be topic The next Huron County Federation of Agriculture's membership meeting will be held January 8th, at 8:30 p.m. at the Clinton Public School. Representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources will be present to discuss the Pits and Quarries Act, particularly as it will affect farm operators. Members of the Huron County Federation -Property and Land Use Committee will be present to listen to farmers' concerns on this matter. All farmers are invited to attend and learn more about this new legislation that affects their farm operation of gravel pits. Established 1876 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: l0 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH,, ONT. Mrs. Margaret Sharp. Sec. Treas. Ph. 527'70400 FULL COVERAGE Farm and Urban Pr' '®sties Fire, WiriLlstorm, Liabi/ity. . It Various Floater Coverage's Homeowner's. Tenant's Package, Composite Dwelling DIRECTORS AND ADJUSTERS Wen Carnoehan. R Seaforth 482.334 Lavern Godkin, R.R.1/1, Walton - 527.1877 Ross Leonhard,. R R.M1. Bornholm John MItEwinti, R R.11. 8f-yth Stanley Mellwain, R.R.112, Goderich Donald McKereher: R.R.11 • Dublin John A. Taylor, R.R.N1• Brucefield J N Trev artha. Rol -861. Clinton Stuart Wilson, R R 41, Brucefield AGENTS EE 'Bill',Dursl, R.R.14, Seaforth JaVTXes°keys, R. R.81. Seaforth Wm Leiper, A. 11•, Londe baro .345-2234 523-9390 524-7051 527-1837 482.7527 482.7593 627.0687 • 527-1455 527-0467 523-4257 CALL AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE - • i decided to interview seven on Saturday, December 6 with the Clerk to make the arrangements. At this special Council meeting the application of Hugon Milburn, RR2 Clinton was accepted with the position to include that of Clerk, By - Law Enforcement Offices;, Building Inspector and Shoreline Assistance' Pro- gram Inspector. There is to be a one-year probation period and he was authoriz- - ed to have a secretary when required. At the Decerhber 16 coun- cil meeting Accountant Ben Straughan presented council with. an interim statement of operation ending Noverrrber 30, 1980 and including taxa- tion, general government and road department opera - lions.' 1980 tax receipts were described as normal.' .•.-. ' A representative from the Goderich Figure Skating Club reported to council that 23 children from Colborne Townshhip were enrolled and though registration fees appeared to be high, cost of ice time and instruction was considerably higher than receipts. Council was in - approved farmed that the Township of Goderich paid $130000 to the club - and the Town of Goderich.a grant of $500.00. It was indicatedethat if a financial statement. and a list of children from Township of Colborne - registered with the Skating Club was forwarded to the clerk, council would con- siderfinancial assistance. ,Mr,, Keith Homan, owner of Meneset Mobile Home Park and the river flats from Saltford to Goderich approached council regar- ding his plans to construct a marina on the Colborne side of the Maitland River. Con- siderable discussion took place regarding zoning the area: The reeve and the clerk agreed lo meet with. Gary Davidson; Huron County Planner regarding the -subject Veined approv- ed in principle Homan's plans for a marina subject to all required Ministries' re- quirements.. Reeve Bogie notified the road superintendent of various dangerous roads which would have to be kept salted- By -Law 26-80 being a By -Law .appointing Hudson NOW ON AT DauicL C. Wkite Ceatkietu 36 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-4312 NEW RIECK 1 Pharmacy i�ilOf9i®� i �iY tq Ain," ro Medima .Angora Warmers. - Only Medima Angora Warmers have the soothing warmth and luxurious soft- ness of natural angora wool. Nothing else comes close. Heating pads, hot water bottles and other bulky warmers can't compare. So if you suffer from pain that's aggravated by the cold, like arthritis. rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago, get the relief from Medima Angora Warmers: The only choice. You'll find them displayed at leading drugstores. Angora Distributed by Laurentian Agencies, a division of Laurentian Laboratories Limited, ( P.0 BOX 4444, Pointe•Claire• Quebec H9R 4R 1 $3.00 Send the front panel of any box of Medima Angora Warmers showing the Medima name along with your name and address and we'll send you 53.00. Offer expires March 31, 1981 and is limited to one refund per household, organizAtion or group. NAME ADDRESS CITY PROV _ POSTAL CODE - Send to: Medima Angora Offer, c/o Laurentian Agencies A division of Laurentian Laboratories Limited P O. Box 4444, Pointe-CJarre Qubbec H9R 4R1 • C'HARGI:X ,VISA RIECKPharmacy 14 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODEPICH, 524-7241 1 ,a • Milburn Clerk of the Township of Colborne com- mencing January 1,1981 was approved by council. The clerk informed council regarding :drainage work completed under the Tile Drainage , Loan 1980- Pro- gram and money not yet available. Council discussed the O.M.B. hearing for December 16 regarding. Saltford area Zoning Bylaw No. 7-7.9. A grant of $25.00 each was approved for the Huron,County Historical Societand the Canadian National Institute ° for., the Blind was approved. The 1981 membership fee in the Association of Municipalities was approv- ed- What a way to Rank! DAILY INTEREST HARGE CH'EQUING •DAILY I,NTERE .T SAVINGS •UNLIMITED PKkcHARGE CHEQUING • COME IN OR CALL 524=7391 The First Canadian Bank kid Bank of Montreal 128 THE SQUARE. GODERICH USINES DIRECTORY D.B. Palmer Doctor of. Chiropractic 73 Montreal St. Queen St. Goderich Blytf, 524-4555 523-9321 R.J. NEPHEW PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY 65 -MONTREAL ST. 524-2024 CLOSED MONDAYS H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete line of PAPER PRODUCTS. PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every usei. H.O. JERRY -LTD. "The Paper People" i85 Park St. GODERICH 524-2855 1 THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE S9. HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-2615 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00=5:30 CLOSED SATURDAYS 'TIL EARLY JAN. '11 'Putt!' APPO!tme Fon BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL - Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST.. 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario YOUNG'S Smallppliance • Repair. Service 351 Suncoest Drive Goderich •, 5244165,,' PHIL MAIN . HARDWARE FOR HOME. FARM b INDUSTRY *Wholesale cable & Fit.' tings . ' •Fire Extinguisher Sales Service *Window Glass Screening Repairs w • *CIL Paint & Wallpaper •Model Railroad Sup- plies •Bu Ik Nails, Screws a Bolts • Swimming Pool Chemicals Hours,Mon.-Sat., 8:30-6:00 , PHONE 524-9671 «' 1 1 MILER GLASS & MIRROR STAIN - • GLASS RESTORATION - - CUSTOM MIRRORS. SASH REPAIRS - PLATE GLASS. STORM WINDOWS, THERMO PANES. FOR ALL YOUR GLASS, NEEDS COME AND SEE US TODAY... 12 I4AMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-7312 1 Alexander Banter and MacEwen Insurance'Agency Ltd. 10 THE SQUARE. GODERiCH, ONT. 524-2177 HOME NUMBER 524-7836 • 524-8149 5 4.7685 Bert Alexander John Banter Den MacEwen 1 (&) West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company Dungannon, Ont. NOM IRO 529-7961 FARM - HOME AGENTS - Frank Foran RR No. 2 Lucknow Donald MacKay RR No. 3 Ripley ,John F. MacLennan Luck -now Mason Robinson 341 Catherine Str. Winght®rn Delmar Sproul RR No. 2 Auburn COTTAGE DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley Lackner,' Gerald Kerr RR No. 6 Goderich Austin Martini' Lueknow Kenneth B. MacLean RR Na. 2 Paisley Donald It eKonxle 1!} Elgin Ave. Gbderlch John Mixon RR 5 Brussels ' 1,4 528.3824 395-5362 528-3810 357-2478 529-7273 528-2214 324-4412 521-3401 368-7337 524-7602 817.9417 CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE DIRECTOR NEAREST Y U. ,, MacGillivraJ &C7O.M►To« DIESEL Pumps.andinlectors Repaired Fur All Pcpttler Makes Huron Fuel Infection Equipment Rayfield Rd. 483-7971. Durst, _Vadden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTSc 37 West Street'. Goderich. Ont. 524-2011 •1<ecor9tin9. td 33, Huron -St.. Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 110 482-9542 5294939 Paints. S wins, Min Wax' oducts. Wall tov Draperies, iFloorSandhi ;'Texturing Inferlprii' Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST Tho Square 524-7661 Cards For All Occasions , "Gifts •Books *Stationery Supplies ANDERSON'S BOOKCENTRE 33 EAST ST. GODERICH `Records: OWN' KPCEEPING Y D COMPUTER SERVICE •.: . Complete 'Business Ser- . vice., Sales. Pur -chase and. Disbursement Jour- nals. Accounts Receiv- able, Payable; Payroll Financial Statements. Also Time sharing and In.rhoulo terminals available. Also 'Form . d Individual Service. LAWRE CE BEANE .S2 Huro St:. Clinton PHO 1E482-3524 ' HAMILTON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS sr- PORT cow Nes men RONALD E. TAKALO, • C.A. qq CASSIAS! RESIDENT IRARTNER • (DMOteTON ' 40 THE SQUARE •• VANcouvn GODERICH.ONT. 524.2677 - aooesl01 NEW IDAYN < a NOUS -198) NATURE AND EARTH UNITED 1111711 SC)ENCE SALON SERVICES SPECIALIZED SCIENTIFIC/HAIR CARE -INDIVIDUAL PERMANENT WAVING -NATURAL HAIR COLOR -DESIGNER STYLES -HAIR ANALYSIS -SHAMPOO -CONDITIONER -MOISTURIZERS -AND FACIAL MASK AVAILABLE FOR HOME USE. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE BEAUTY LOUNGE 81 EAST ST. ,GODERICH 524-8994 MacGillivray Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING & COMPUTER SERVICES In-house computer providing cash disbursement ledger. cash receipts lodger, accounts receivable, finondol statements, time 0, charges b specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 • HAY MUTUAL,NSURANC • Auto • Farm • Home • Cotta. DONALD C. CAMPBE E las LL ONTARIO ne: - 5293 CAREY & OTTEWELL Barristers and Solicitors 50 NORTH STREET, GODERICH TELEPHONE 524-2634. Rosiness hdurs: Mori- to Fri., 8:30 to S:30, or by appointment. J. RiCHARD'OTTiVvELL Res. 524-4653 GLiN R. CAREY - Ras. 62441164 '