The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-01-07, Page 6PAGE 6 --GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1981 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS! Economic emergency .• JACK RIDDELL, MPP The Treasurer of Ontario, the 'Honourable Frank an economie statement for .4the meeting of Finance 11/TrAste_rs which was.. held in Ottawa two weeks ago. The document barely refers to what can only be described as an economic emergency facing our cciuntry and our province - •that 1st the near record high • level el interest raw, and their deVastatifig effect on small businesses and shoineoniners—The Treasurer talked vaguely about the aid for new monetary 'thinking and new policies to nevent-high-interestrates, hut then demonstrated that _Ire was inicapabk of providing either and that, even at the very least, he was unprepared to take measures to alleviate their effects in his oin province. We all 'mow that we haVe a problem and we need a • solution; The government. Of Canada's_lonest province surely, -Ought to have some -- •.solutions to 'offer 'before many small businesses go Y•iitto bankruptcy. What is needed-urgeatly is immediate help for homeowners and small businesses and the Finance Ministers across the country should set aside Other matters and deal right new with a cost share program to help soften the effects of interest rates on mortgage holders and small businesses. The following proposals were made by the Official Opposition Members last spring and hopefully the government may consider them at this time - EMERGENCY MORTGAGE ASSISTANCE PLAN: This programme would provide relief to homeowners as follows: 1. A "base" interest rate of 12 percent would be estabbiked, Then part of the - clifference between the base rate and the actual new interest payments due would be eligihle for government grants. 2. Grants would be provided to homeowners based on a sliding scale tied to gross family income. For exam- ple, family incomes of up to $20,000 would qualify for a grant of 75 percent of the difference in payment levels. A family with $27,500 in total annual income would receive 50 percent of the difference in a grant. Families with over $37,000 income, however, would receive no grantsat alL 3. The following limitations would apply: a) only the first $40,000 of a mortgage would qualify for a grant; and b) the maximum grant allowable would be $150 per month. EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT PROTECTION FUND This programme would provide relief to small, Canadian -owned, owner - operated businesses by making available a pool of, government money, to assist with loan interest payments as follows: 1. The amount of govern- ment funds to be made available fOr this project would be, a maximum of $30,000,000. 2. Assistance would amount to a basic 50 percent of the difference between actual interest charges and our base rate of 12 p'etreht. 3. Priority would be given to manufacturing and tourism enterprises which have a positive impact on our balance of payments position\ ,Turn to page 7 * • 4 DO BETTER AT A&P Prices effective thru Saturday, January 1Mh, 1981 Cana All Purpose P.E.I. No. 1 Grade 20 -Ib Bag . (Our Regular Price 3.99) COME VISIT 4011=at A&Plim% FOR FRESHNESS & FLAVOUR Product of Florida Thin Skin Easy to Peel JUKY TANGELO . each • 9 4,0 • s ( Limit 3 rolls per family purchase -- (Our Regular Price 1.55) SAVE 3O Assorted Colours, Facial SCOTTIES TISSUE Box of 200 sheets (Our Regular Price 99c) ; Strawberry & Cherry or Raspberry & Blueberry Regular (Toddler --Pkg of 24) GALEA 6 pack of 99 BabyScott Y YOGURT T25 g toils DIAPERS Pk" 30's Canada No. 1 Grade; ?viaduct of Mexico, SWEET. GREEN PEPPERS. • Canada Fancy, ,Product of France . GRANNY SMITH• SEEDLESS 1 Family, Rainbow or Decorator • 99 SCOTT • pi. of 149 --- NAPKINS 180 Praduct of Honda. Whit. GRAPEFRUIT YOU'LL DC) BITTER AT A&P • We pick the best for you! SEVERAL COLOURS CANADA NO. 1 GRADE. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Rutabagas , 2f-89se ,Delicious Apples 1.39 CANADA SMALL FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, RED 54,6 BAG 4 -INCH POT PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA NEW CROP, LARGE FRESH, TENDER Reiger Begonias 1.69 Bunch Carrots -669? CANADA NO. 1 GRADE. PRODUCT OF ONTARIO Parsnips 2 lb bag ggfe ( 9 Varieties, Including Choice Mixed Vegetables, Fancy Whole Kernel Corn, Fancy 14 -fl -ox tin 1 'LIBBY'S VEGETABLES 2 for Ik=egular prise up to 61c each) BUY 2 'SAVE UP TO 3351 6 PeSeri7 Fine Porcelain China Sob En your microwave, dishwasher and oven. This week's Feature RECIANGULAR BAKER 4 onlY 99 Pim 0 Ci - M 0 SAVE SO,' When you purchase Three 12.54I -oz tins of Frozen, Concentrated PI OLD SOUTH ol at Our Regular Price • w Valid until January 10, ' V.0 Fmmmerm ismalimmmumm••mmmem•mmai "Just right" size for super side dishes, smaller servings. WITH THIS COUPON • • • • E....7. -N Instant Coffee ..), COTTAGE CHEESE CHASE &ANBORN • 10 -ox jar Parchment ,Wrapped A&P. MARGARINE 0 LIPTON'S Casserole Bases FLEECY LIQUID ACTION PRICE! 6 -oz pkg 119 Fabric Softener 64 ILoz p.astrc I btl L49 HEREFORD Corned Beef IN TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRICE! 7 -oz ton 169 Heinz Spaghetti 14 oz fin 2 for89? Burns Lard 1 -lb pkg 593ie Chinook Antifreeze WINDSHIELD' WASHER 4 litre container 19 (Our RTguiar Price 1.5? — SAVE 40c) 99 • HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS & GENERAL MERCHANDISE "New" Beltless CONFIDETS MAXI- PADS More 'Mimi Price' Values! Spaghetti, Spaghettini or Ready Cut Macaroni PASTAS pkg 1 kg 29 CATELLI Assorted Varieties, Incl. Beef Stew and Meat Balls & Gravy PURITAN STEWS 24 -fl -oz tin 139 A&P, From Concentrate, ORANGE JUICE 64 -fl -oz bottle 149 Assorted Colours • SCOTTOWELS pkg of 2 rolls SAVE pkg of 30 99 FRESHMINT OR MILDMINT 100 ml PLUS 50% MORE "FREE" 150 ml TUBE MacLeans Toothpaste L39 A&P Baby Shampoo 500 ml plastic 64.29 MULTIPLE VITAMINS WITH IRON OR CHEWABLE (VITAMIN "C" 250 mg) A&P Vitamins» of 100 tablets 2.29 A&P, Hand Lotion 400 ml plastic btl L69 POWDERED Surf Detergent 1 6 litre box 2.59 Liquid JAVEXBLEACH .1.0 litre plastic jug (Limit 3 rolls per family purchase) (Our Regular Price 1.59) A&P, Sliced FRESH BAKED GOODS FROM A&P WHITE BREAD 16 -oz loaf n49 JANE PARKER, SLICED Garlic Bread JANE PARKER English Muffins 10 -oz loaf 89? ACTION PRICE! pkg of 675? JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON ACTION PRICE' Cake Donuts Pico of 889? JANE PARKER Angel Cake 14.3zpkg1.69 JANE PARKER Raisin Pie full 8 inch, 22 -oz pue1.45 •I (Our Regular Mob 99c — SAVE 200 1/44406.. Kraft, Smooth or Crunchy PEANUT BUTTER 59- 750 g jar vr7e2==2,•=mxt=o