HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 6r , , , , ­% . . ; I I , I I I I . i � , � I � I . I I iI ,.�, 101001�1111! , I 4 - 11 : I 11 11 I : 11 I : �� � � -, — I I ; , � - I - ­­_-1--fa- "�M I I- ���� *w""M""M __Ww" - . , . :�.�, 1 � .1 � � It! imp r,;['1, -"-w- 1 _1"171_'_*1%7:­`" ,- 1Z.,L , , _400 Aw"N "Z'T", " ��!.'­ ,,,, . , W�""'O' ""__"", L __ ;V;;�; ��� = -, - � I ",", . I "',Ir . 'r.", . IF "W7 L I � . . . I , I . � I � : , . . . r , � . ' ,"� ' ' � . I 1. , � � . I � �L I , , � � I I I I � I , I I I . . . . I f I .� I I , r , I L r I r # I . I I I I , I r I L , . I � I I � . I L I I . . � � � . I I I I . I I . kl , I , I I . I � I . . I � � . . I . � I . , I I I I I . ��', -rnrlp. "XET'OR TIMES � I I . T=XJ Zi A ,W I I I .. . -­ I �, I I I, I 1� . . , I I � � � . 11 I I I i I : -1. ­­ �� . - - . .11 I I., - . 1. I . ­ ; . — - I _11111 - - I ­_ I ��11­ - � - V � ..... 14 V V V V ,� - I 11 I" 1".." 1. � S��sitao tile re-llxiposhlo�n Of �torluage Bruce Walker. immigration com- V 1. , ;;;W,. 1 . I I rw Sale I I I . � � I I ,� ral� In mis4oner �statea recently I 1144� Centralia . Had ;� F � `;,��;";_;;;, 4 14: � , - . . ­­ �.11,00'ses for sale Farm IN . , . I due on all :voaaels, fhk 9111- e of 40.QOQ harvest hands will be needed . I rour b, I �, wbarfa,-A:.�s to glore til,ta d4uble their for this years Westera Crop accord4 . Successful First . I , bLiAlks for sale, and .shop if FOR SAUE-Farm, colittalaing -too. I � , , ,Ind ,in increase inront I ' � � warl:NA.. Apply jto .Mr, awk .N1l%.,' I, Rom of first 016sa 'land at ,the, vll� present level , - , ,t I . . I V o tile present cstimi'Ns. Th�lro is I y . . I age of Wioodham, Good tw"torl% � I I OOULDS , charged for spaces: arid privaleges on an increased acreage of 2,000,000,. Dominion Day at Centrallathis . ear Good . I Tame boase ; bank barn, 04 by T,) -4 V �� the water front. . I . L . . . . was no exception to the successful d11* ; ;;, '-, 11,;,.,p'__ ;� I 1. I , * 0 * * * * * I %�jth up4o�-dato stable, ,foun tion. This lie sa�-s, would destroy X011- , . 1. celebrations that ha�ye '�beeu held in r M . 11 buil , t about a year ago., . Jbililding, . . 1, I GROGMY I . would wt Epworth Park for many first of July's T 0 P1, � retitive pos' �ile, the yield promises to be high , Old Sol joined in with all his N'Tor Sale emont,ed ,tthroughout, Xso a, xootb . f"' " Z� COW ition, and of past .1 . 11 I I I " 'tl's ­­�' 're' He thinks 20000,000, blasbols I., - __ cellar 244-3 with oement top, undili - PHONE 4"' ' ,+ I .- drlyi.� our trade tONew Xdrk, J,1,*t,- at � a I call 'o, might and gave a very hot reception - I I or,iSAILI at On,co_'200 acres Stanley earigWay, L ' I . I wIle, servativo estinia, . . - New driving $bed of cOXW , , 5r � Opposite Electric Light Plant, land and Boston Major$tepbeas do- I to the large crowd who bad joined to I I I , I I . Sra'toou.., �3 miles from �Cliuton. 60tivot rogated steel a14Loo,24x40;'hen hop�a , - -_ - I ,�,,,,_ , I eltuse that Uoutreal firit of all will � enjoy tile festivities provided'by tile 11 - L ,"; .... � � I L 10L rods. 'In good atate of caltiva tion; '174a. Mao a good isap�ly bt �of�' Methodist Church, The chief attrac. . When Men Are Rude. 100 acres in, grain, 10 ao"s alfalf . a' wa�Zor. The farm ,is tbor- . I , I I I . Lave to show NN -h -at riebt it has 'to , Tt takes so much work to get ready tion of the day was a baseball tourrilk- I -a. and -liar Mrl', .. I 1%7 dear, Isn't he the rudest thing IR2,14oree bush. xest 4ay and pasture. oughlv .dralued, and well Itericed. , , � �4 ��', I[eep Happy in theL Home : tax property which Me Commission- for some Pleasures that you are too went, for priz6a of $24. The winnin VII This Is,shrIlled In U Stone thoutso, 1two atorey, slate ;roof, mostly with all usiv. wire ter � toes, '41- 71 era -held to be Federal property. tired.to enjoy them when ltheY COMO. team received $15 arid the second vo ver aw . . ' . - , � by. gettiDg YOUR ' � The tournament was between theo 119�uailts.asai. t,wamg.4s a man ,walks cem-chft floor an cellar, fur�taco 011,9berni to ben, ,acres of voddlbu�b,moaRy bard . " . 'The Major baa just returned from. . I tellepho'n&.. One batn 8,15=46. -vvdaidmill 'N�,eod. *Ppr particulars apply ,to.Weo, W. � , I Grovaton, Briusley, Centralia and ,rapidly by two giggling 9140 ;iuddoed � I 0 ! , Pumper, waterworks. 6ttablipig 40 tey Shic�r, Woodham. Ont. 17tf I Europe where be has be,�n negotiat- ExeterTeams. The teams drew for not hold the door bac]; for them borseO. 15econdl . , HOUSEHOLD Mile Ontario High Court vaclineY . to head nAlt-le. a(uld. ,9: 1 4-1., � I I Ing Nrl th Lloyd's toe better insurance , by the death of Xr. anstice play and it fell to Exeter and Gra'aton p4so. 56X40,, Say Ill, ' � I 1. L I I . , a barn arm HxH. Crop . 11 � I NECESSITIES rates for vessels on the St. Lawrence' cause till the to Play 1 u the, morning, In the first ude, but -they forget sold vwlith farm if filesired, Aipply �,O - . , ., . � . McMahon vvill not be filled ,next innings the Rxete% I r boys batted Wad- . It . does look 1p Farm for Sale �_ :� " route. . c: fall. IThe long vacation begins tjhat that same man just held �ack the Blalcolirl XcEwvn. Box 50. �Cllnto(a, I � . - I b0114 dell all:over the fleld and scored four I . 1. .1, Z Her% We I ' handla only . week. and during two months � Carling for Exeter pitched other. door ' and that they teetered --- - 11 ­ ­ . That, chof.oe farm prolperity to*�i he BEST and, we have ,, I �, days the minister of Justice will have runs' thiough it I without a s I irille of acknoWl. � . - d 9 : �,' everything you, need. at time to dedde, upon I man -for the rattling ball and got good support taning 150 a,ereis beinig complisoes 0, . I ' . all Seasons I I I A reader of Dr. Johnson ,has stain, post. I I i 1, Boyle at second played a fine game, edi-ment or the faintest IlThanl� you." Farm for Sale Lot 26 and N. half 27.,,'C", 3� ,to I �� - � :� i . . I . W ,% � I � p-� � . I Granton scored one run in the The girl who �colitlnually. comp�alns . ,shirp of Usborne. Oil t, , I I I . . � . . he J)remipes is� . � i I � � . 'n bled on this bit of wisdom.. which he W I . * * * 0 * * a , . . fourth and failed to score again until that men are growing rude is very That,, choice piece of brop"xty can- ,% largo up4bo-dlalte bruk OwellIOZI � 4 I I 1. .1 119afure Las given wom'erl so Much I I . the eighth, Folfowing was the line frequently iude herselfi The girl ,who 141111111X 9,5 acres I- 14 railaa f-tOm , house m1th frame wo6ld and dx1riblp & ,,appllable to the suffrage lquestionI, 11" E 8 f(Papa, what is a king'.i` VA king up. a T O '10i TER AP 0051 10RI n d gene�ally X01)("I Z13 -'td Orle mil'e"tO �'tat!O, ; , he house att, bed Hard and soft -w0ex I � I :_ y chjld� is a person whose authority I I QraUtOrl t -v land is xollir�g and emsily drain -ea-. on in dwelling house. Bank barn 5740k I that the law very Nvisely g�ves in ireter 10 ge Is an appreclai 0hoice Butter and polvez - I 4as n ,one V 0s .. - - I" V �. MED . imited whose word Palmer 2 , - . 'n , ,, . - Cho Vremlse3 is 1p'.Jiou&�,, �2248Q with - 'Hog ari,a t3traw, , ;el* . is practically .unli . Lang 41 0 ilal t at e al' verag , 11rft 26 kodt post&, I them little*'- , I S � I eati�ned h the a: man likes til Fresl;x Eggs.. M I % I wh erybody must Boyle I Waddell 2 ha kitchen, 1&x19 a4 summer;kNallen. house 3640, Cemelit bog 'houise. '30Z , 1411 .11111-1111111 This is interesting and timely nail, obey.` ,,Ipapa., is mamin�& ia king',"'- ()arling I . Morrison 0 to be courteous as much as the aver, . all in Zood repair with a first claaa 00 .Water in barn and dwelling hortts(� ' � , .. L_ 0__ 111111 , " ,I 1111,1111'1,RM hs it has just been `P learned that ,.ui-- �Boqttish Americau. S Bawden I Dowinng 0 age woman wants him,to be. I caller kander ,honae. Tbowe are ,two Prom never failing spring well With L % I ,, I . I Bellwood I I Baynes 0 ,Watch a girl who is modestly gra- baxna ti mpi one 2600 the dthar 3o wjhdmill; Jarge orchard of Ichoipe, , " - 11 I frage societies throughout Canada are . Hoskins 0 Foster 0 clous. Doors are held open, ,,window bY� 06 all furnished with It3hitbaingm fru'k1k; 5, acres of bush 1. 'This farm is �'. , I 1* , preparlr�exz.a reorganization scheme madian Birney 0 P- We3tmaii 0 shades are adjusted, seats a . rods iatcl eavetroulgh;B. Tlyar,,, are 2 - - _dblt deetp i3oft in a RrVt Olaos iftal . - . AN& aft T ]ad I Manufacture of the new ICO "" "'m this last sacri,flCre given '41) new wells one mnItlil,*s `fbo,hou�e. 'the -' ',`Vation 80 acres in graS, vt a -with a view of perfecting I Creech 0 � Cowley 0 or culbi 'Ev I I � � allver dollar at the mint O'etawa. will. __ L e Is made� ther 'the otablos with ""a'0u;Zh walt- Alfalfa; 60 acres lin grain roobs am4 �, L I S "�' strengthenin- their several clubs and IRtart allortIv. All 1fha!t Ithe mirit is J. Bawden I A. Westman 1 .and precedence Is yielded her at every O , � I 4 it, iqill pay you. to sie our prices,be starting a hot Campaign for Women!s now awaitinS lathe arrivalof the me- __ I — I er to a,pare 'to -aupkv a. cou-ple . or Corn - well fencod aixd uma-erdiaknp4 , `� , ,1 step, She does not demand attention, 1tbxesniA,:z oiftfit. Acrogis th-e back cor- 111� farm its converiliently 19ftuated. L � for6 placing your order for Cossary. dies for the.production of � I but by.ber very presence she Inspires ne�r, runs a ,small creek which naver - 0 rom ]ulx . . votes wxt winter. the impression on the new COIn. The Score by innings 10 00 I it. It Is not only the obviously cheap rams dry. Over tba creek is I a small- h,�mL, two and a half mile f e � ____1S4-_ special ma inerY has..been installed Exeter 41 00 _,,i . k ter and four nl�iaes from Re�nlkll., , bush . Pt*-sessCbn given. Deceinber Ist, . M-11 �, leerl c imp very large one. Granton. -4 girl who Is -rude. ,The woman who Ther - a is a large amount of hoa proa e .going ard dofogi [ , ess Wire, Fence the press .be _ a 'blow of I20 Struck out by Carling 13 0 . fencirA,g .nowly pift A, also im small ally .%vork t,a th :eresta of goov : — aPable of striklue,;�a bears every mark of refinement and . with the,,privelog of Note and Comment c , It 11 Waddell 8 ,wealth will Ig*uore the commonest el- , tons., � ' �' ; V ;, l . l�l I t 46 . . orobard, or- -%vinter ap�ples. . e ia*t ..*� — Hits off Carling $ vilifies In a manner that leaves the ob- . farralmIr as soon as the prese;dt eroji� I I They have tive, mail d�livcry and ved Must be sold as (the pTcl-4 ros 9. , TelephQne connoiddan. , I . t Wire Fence If youblive killed a bear you pro, I I, 11 Waddell 11 . server g0pin � plazl,cmro bougNt in'town. and is ro trrlpt- � bably talk too much about it Local$ In ,the afternoon Brill.4ley - an Look around you and see the women V or pefticularht apply [to , ' . . Centralia played� Centralia had I ,ALBX. JL3U,01fLANAN, Easy 'tormis of Paymerit. ,For VordA . ! _.,l,--- & Mr, W. F, May of Mitchell, and sis- the best of the game all the way who are left,to struggle with heavy . rtboulars apply 'to Chas. Harvey, . . . 1 OS61- ter, Mrs. J. 0. Jones, of town, are It through although at the end of the doors and to 'pull themselves up, the Xip�en P. 0. a.VtLp promrilsez or 'to Tbos. Oamelro�i I I Tt ls,rumored thatthere is a P their summer cottage. Grand Bend, fifth the score was a tie 74. Several high steps of the trolleys and then look � -i_ Atiott-oneer. 'Farquhar. . . Qfoot Galvanized Gate bilitv of Winnipeg having its police this week, innings for both teams were simply at the women who are always helped, - administration modelled after the Pat -go-round. Following was the always considered, even by the most Notice to Creditors --- - - --- at $,4.'00 ter'n. of the ,,.'Golden Rule' system of Miss Alma Dempsey of Toronto and merry I ' Cleveland Ohio. The Winnipeg advo- Miss Storry of Markham were the line up: . negligent member of the rnale sex. c lot Farm foTSale by catos of the excange declare thA- 'the guests of Miss R. Essery of Eden over Centralia .. Brinsley lr� the mattber of tk�e kN.atlat Cedar Fmce Post at Weir 2 James McKeever, of 'the 'town - W Clevollirid System has abundantly jus- the holidays. B Mitchell 4 First Calls. ship of Stelbherl, in 1the Coan1y of Tender I tified itself by its results, S. G. and Jas. Bawden returned W Luker 3 R Dorman I I I'll 20 cents * * * * Friday last after a visit through the M Mitchell I X Bradley 2 A first call should be returned witb]D - Huron. Xarmer deceased. Scaled tanders will ba xk!oeived b*. . * * * West, going as far as Edmonton. W Hodgins I .- Craven 3 a week. Tho'correct hours for calling Notice is hereby ,given pursuant to Thos. Cameron, up to Ind on July il)� � , . " I They purchased some real estate at C Duplan 2 * Riley 2 are between 3 and 0 In the afternoon. It. S. O., 3897, chal , ). 129, that 01 19 A,4or that beautlif ul and well butl'b � , eid Cedar Shingles at !She-Doscut it worry you dread- I H Dorman 0 ne creditor . a and others halibig claims � . wl. . X I fully to owe so many bills you cannot Edmonton, where they report things H Duplan If your hostess is out, you leave o 'lic ,p S & farra. home being cogiposed of Ldik X(d,1. . I I J. Demasey I J Chapman 0 " 14� N. E. Boundary towpsbrip of U19-4 I I I ( /. as booming. of your own cards for her and two of ,against. t .�tate of TameL BIcKeev- ­ 1 $2,30 ner Square P,,Yv ' . H Mitchell, 3 Flynn 0 or late of Ithe -township Of Ste0cm- borne. cont-6-inkg 100 acres. On Itbh . - � F He -No; why should .1 -wo Obituary -A very sad death took El Swann I . 2 W Dorman 3 your busband?s-one for her and one ,who idled on or abolub preinflisels is an ui)-'to-date britok divel-.: I I e on Thursdav last, I . for her husband. If she is unma th,j-'ulth ,day of Blay V�.ri . W11-ite Cedar Shin(fle's other 'people's troliblesl-Bostoxi place in Usborn A oved Elliott 1 rrled, "0 r` Ing, larze bank barn. brink hen and " ,, Transcript. I . when Ethel Margaret Hill, bel L -_ you leave only, one of your husband's quire(I ou or before 7thla 20'th day of I I I . wife of Mr. John Robt. Munn, died It L r own. "It 3uly 10.11 to send by IpodY p�Z house and lar -o drivirra houpe& 19 13 cards with ,the one of you large youn- Qreharl of obolce winte* � at $2.10 "Fer Square her home. The da,y before a. child was Score by innings . . L . 1 you are unmarried you leave one card prepaid or deliver � to Mov_3rs. . ' L born to Mr. and birs. Munn. The de- 051-19 fruvit; 10, acres of ,good hardwood , 1� l _ - - - loss deceased was 21 years and 10 months bu-sh. T"- is alchoice farm in ev4 , Canada'sannual fire es are from Centralia . I 1 3206 of your own. y, of the village ,,4 �, t *A to 10 times as great as those of ' Id. Brinsley 0 1 :I 0 5 5 0 1 0-13 U she is at home you leave,no, card Of Exeter.. flolie.*Aoj�s for Adminlia- every par,tkoular and is in a..- higN ,*) .1 All Kinds of Lumber, a Great Britain and colitinentital roun- 0 The funeral took place on Fri- Hits off Brinsley, 18; hits oil Cen- ur own,. but one of your hus- txaftbr of fthe said zile,uaseld their., state of cultiva1ion. Blast be sold.ax . � I . . day, interment in the Hensall ceme- of yo . trica. 5he Conservation Commission tralla, 11; struck out by Brinsley, 8; christia.li and surn,ames,* "Iddreases - I 1 extremely low prices is determined to know the reason for tery. Much sympathy is extended to struck out by Centralia, 9. .band's for an unmarried and two for and desciripLions, ,the full partiou. the pro�rwitor has bought and M, I � C'rtak e bereaved husband. an. movZJmg to Toronito',' Easy tormis oD . this,. if possible. and has and on th After the afternoon games races a 111111riecl WO laxe of their claims. the statement payemtn. For terms and partlteula:& _ R. J. GLATWOKIRY a thorough investigation of Ithe mat, 'The B �cctcr Soldier boys were ivel- were held for some of the children The general length of time for a call of their accounts arid the nature of apply to Win. Stewart on the prem -4 ­­ ter ,The result of the investig,Ction. coined home on ff,riday last by a large and -were well contested, The ladies Is about twenty minutes. Anything the, seruriLies, if any, bdld by them. i1sc9a or ,*to Thos. Cameron. AnOt., Var-- I �. .GRANTON. __ ONTALIO ought to be of considerable value. turix-out. of citizens who had arrau- of oeutraliaupheld their reputation in the way of an umbrella or parcel And. further take noti,.,o that after quba,, I kN -1 , � - c -d a volunteer band tto play them for serving upa first ciaso supper and that you happen to be carrying shduld such I&A mentioned (late the said . . - F;____- * * * * *. * W ilp irom the station, News had are to be congratulated on the way be left In the . hall. AdmillisTra(toif will Droceed io disbA � =B ,L-cLST or LALN.D . deceaa,ed a '- . reached town of the honor wbieh bad they handled the. large crowd. Al-. bute'tnu assacts ofthLl mon I I -antt a -a Love is like the scarlet fever; me to "F'- Company In whilliLtig. though strawberries -Were very scarce the ncties entitled therelto, havia; Sale by Tender , some people get over it all right. co -c� -nLvd yet they managed.to have a supply on About Inquiries. 0 which . � ,q� -,i -d, but , -a acre when h ' , . -,--.—_ --Gitcd in to buy; - I the handsome silver trophy pi -;L I I regard only t tile clainis of I ,, at jrhile others suffer all their liv`" fby the Daughters of the Empire of � . I .. I . he, shall then h.av� -notice and -that . When he found that acre paid he � band., ' ��, 1. I , if'you bear that one of your ac- Sealed. tenders w;iill ha xaceived..ijA� ,� � �t *1 . nee began to sigh from the bad effects. Goderich to the Company of lthe 33rd After tea the winning tea I ins of the qp�ajnf�dqes is III or in trouble It is said Adni'vnit9tra1or i��hllllnot be 1table toand on July 10th. I'M. by Thols.! ,'- ­� I-- 0 . . Reg _A1__ I _�, Var-maether and he got it.; ,� -iment which should make the two games -Exeter and Centralia- usual to'can at the house to ask how for the said assets or any part there- Cameron. for that ,desirable farnW I highest 16tal in shooting. The boys . of to any person or persons of whose . property beli-Ing .,composed of Ldt 1LI _. Irbon, he round a third and bought . played a seven innings game. Cen- she is'and leave a card having "With 11, it i_ Japau's debt has just been reported are very proud of their prize, Bu- tralla, tightened up and a .good game . claims notice phall mot dlara been conjeco.stion. 3. township tot Vackgk-� i I � rid before the day was ended a as 2 761,685 203 yen or nearly one and fore being dismissed they iver�i adres- waa'played. Carling again pitched kind Inquiries" or "With sincere sym� reaelv,!d by him ia:t (thfa ftime of such sratth. con'tairthig 100 hundered acre . k. - - I , I 11 fourth acre "caught his eYO'. a half billion dollars. Of euxse the zed by "Major' lHurdon and Capt. for Exeter and Swann for Centralla. PathY" written on it You should not diatTibution. On the prernfibes 'there is a, lar.g.i� I I war Nrith Russia wa.q responsible for Ireaman: who congratulated thern. on Dxeter won out, 5 to 2 T. Boyle of go in unless you are specially pressed GLAURAN & STANDURY, br(ick dwelling. Jarge bank barn a:n1d 1. 1��A� � ridding acres, one by one a very large Praportion of the debt soldierly appearance and good bahav, - and to do so. When your friend Is better Solielltors for Admidistratc . )r., � : 'Tre kept on , Exeter umpired the three games - hog and drive house., tgood Orchard I � I I - I and for the crushing tax -rate linder !or ill eamp. They were afterward gave the best of satisfaction. nd out postcards Dated tet Exeter Lillis 20LIt'day of of choMe fruit. 5 acres of good matia . 1. ,it first, and then, . . 1, Eaviriv arown somewhat more ea-er which the country labors. And what entertained at the restaurants , by At theclose of the evening game having "With thanks for kind inquir- June 3,941. I . . bush. iroll fenced and dragned and uri-w. , I ed b, �: . he reached for blacks of G: are the counter-balancinz benefits of Lieut. 'Stanbury who also add 15 the Centralia boys presented H. � - 1 igratulations. Xt '.'he les" written on them.. These cards - ' der good state of culthvadon. Nicely,, . . 'IM I 11, � ) F or each acre be acquired. the straggle? T -t seems very difficult cOl 'N"I'tary- Swann, who is leaving, with a beauti- count as a call, and It Is then your ON;uatod being ,two and .a half ral i . 'There were fifty be desired. I Yet to find many of them. sports in lGoderich .Corp. R. Tay"f* ful umbrella and address. The ad. . Crom I-Tonsall and two and 6L­th4If 1.� 1 r�inally lie got to. squeezing and op- �,;-on the half mile race. The off'c'�ra dress was read by S. Davis and the turn. to call again. . Notice to Creditors mVlas from Rippen. For 'terms am4 �11 I , pressing other men. speak in the highest 'terms of the Lwbole outing thi; year and say that presentation made by W. -Boyle. . I . varttioulars apply'to 'Goo. Fairborn oA . � A of counties. thiE-m "And did you go up the Rhine.',' 13xieter lCompany will do their bost 70 in tile evening a concert was held I . Card Invitations. Ill, the inAter of tile eslate of the premtsols or 'to 11os. Cameron; %�. �, i Me became possess, in the church by the Ladies, Aid, On AucNorlLcr. FarcLabar. � I I : he bado good-bye to mirth-, i askdonsubti-rban lady of a neighbor retain khe )trophy next year. I E in a general way there Is no very pautDoig, of the township of Hay. . � . I � 1. who had just returned from I contin- Sunday evening also a sacred musical marked. change in the correct forms in, the Coun(ty of ,Huron, farmer. � I . 111d -was ever sad in spite of Ill tl a ,metal trip. 40 I I concert was held. I of card invitations, letters Of Introduc- deceased - .. � . :1 millions he wns worth : I "Oh, 'yes,' was the reply­*rf��,Jat ___ . . V � And. it lost, as Iris expected _ I 0 tion or in the convention of visiting Notice is hereby given pursuant to I _. He laid down and died 'dejected, to the very top! And what a splendid 'If you are nervous or dyspeptic try _____ cards. R. .'S. O., 1897, chapter 129, that all For sale by Tender � - , Iror the realion he couldn't get pos- view there is from the summit 1.1 - Carter's 7Vittle Nerve Pills. Dyspep- The preference for the old English creditors and others. having claims -7-eilders will be teceived up to and . session of the cirtb. I 111(ittsburg Leader. sla makes you nervous, and nervous- MIND. � against the estate of the said on JULY Rb, 1911 by Tbos. Cameron.. ., i __ � �__ - ------ �_ - I ness makes you dyspeptic; either ort,i and coloxial text and also for the Eng� Paul DoiZ. who Idied on or auctioneer, Farquhar, fr,r that beauti- � 11 and thes-, lit' My mind to me a kingdom Is. : . — _ I I renders you miserable. I lisb script continues, although the Ro- about tile 12th, day bf Blay 1',3 ]'I ' flil and up -to -dale home of ibelate � ll.. tle pills cure both. ,,quell present joys therein man text may still be preferred by 'Are required on or her , ore the "VVm, Bavdpn of Exeter, conialbing, - I - "Was Fading Away" - I find I those who are accastomed to its use, 20th day of July 1911 ito. send by � I I . . What looked like an ushering in .11 - That it excels all other bliss . prepaid, or deliver 12 acres of land The house is of s4ol.! — I . but It is not nearly as much. in vogue as 110-9t to id brick structure and is in good re -- I : , of The Golden age was contained in NO R. 8 C 4%.17 B That earth affords or grows b,V In former seasons. I Messrs. Gladman & pair. It )a most advarltageously sit-- , of the Village of E-xcter, So- , . � an anouncement from Winnipeg re. A Y01mg Wo-Imall—Scarcely Once a very ervown chap, kind. lieltors for Adminiatrators of the uated on the high ground north of the- , I garding a practical scheme of co- Mirty----Seemed to Be To cross 1113el sired; did try Though much I want which We*ddin.q Gifts. I said deceased, their christlan and sur- river. The drainage and cellerage is . � operation which is said to have been An wito handad hini a top most -would blive, � . The necessary silver for a bride ig names, addresses and descriptions unnexcelled. The house is equipre& �, .entered into betvre,,n the Canadian Dymig on Her Feet. And sent him to the sky. Yet still my mind forbids to the full particulars of their claims with a good furnace, bath room, la -m- � � ` I four sets of spoorls. which Include ta- tory, bard, soft, hot slid cold water, , L . ,.Northern n-nd Carladiin T.*aclflc R;iiT- . crare. blespoons, dessertspoolls,teaspoons and the statement of their accounts Ind possesses other modern conveniences. - I I 4 " 1- I . I And ere he could decand apzain -Edward Dyer. the nature of the securities, if any good out buildings and alarge orebardi .11 ways. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cured He mot an a%vful whack. I I ____:o after dinner coffeespoons; four sets of held by them. And Virtber take of choice ,;xinter huit. This is no- : � Kt is stated ,that !the Canadian Sornebody's -whizzing veroplan(I I ­ forks, Including oyster forks, and two . notice that after sur,b last mentioned do . ubt one of the flne,,t licV.Ps in the - I 'Nurfborn ingtead of Ilhilding It, si'n-Ir — . Just tapped him on the back. I I .. - sizes of steel knives with silver ban- date 'the said Admit; s tra Lors ir ill pro- , d e is only a aborb. I "' "I think it Luld be, the duty of the � I . . dles and also silver butter knives. It ceed to distribute & assets of the do- country and as tber tracI4 railway on a route Of its 011-n schools to teach children how to keep Ile shot down to the river below. . A TOAST. ' - -_ the, ,,,,,,,g Is time to wind up the eslate will posit- ; I through the Ivilds of Northern Ont- well," writes Miss INTAnale E. Naydon, He fried to keep afloat, to be done on the table ceased among. the parties entitled ively cell to party serdirg in bighest .. . : . � a well-known and highly esteemed Alas, be fell a victim to I two sets of Carvers will be needed. thereto having regard only to the tender provided they can c omyly witk I I arlo between Sndbury and Loor, resident of 33ristol. -Ignorance of the A pnffing rnotor boat. E have drunk, 0 rny friends.10 thS Amy of these will make acceptable claims. of which they shall then have Me terms and (snuditions. Easy I I I I , 1. Arthur to link UP its Ivestern lines laws of health and the use of improper -Now York Telegram victors; wedding gifts. roilco ,and Ithat ,qnid Ade'r!13trators terms Of PRTment. For fornis of ten- I , .- �, y Ye have toasted the valiant and lvi,l not be ]!able for -�'-,Lbd bssots . . I.. with the easte.rn ones, and make tho remedies destroyed mY vigor, and led . t I or any part thereof to any persob der and terms of particulars apply to I I me to the verge of invalidism. I was as - �, s roug, ' . I Company a transcontinantal system a trirl ruddy ai,d strong. Nothing . Tv the great of the earth y I e bave drunk Cards. or persons of whose claim notice Tbo.s. Cameron, Farquhar; S. G. 13aw- . , - Seemed to affect ,ne until I was about -- in your mirth, shall nGt Lave been received by thdin den, Exeter; or to lel; q on and Carl - I ,, Would build a single track all the, To the wise you bave lifted your song. When the mald brings a visitor's ing, Solicitors for istate. Exeter'. i �,,, - way alongside the Present singl,2 thirty. Then gas began to forin In the � . to I mistress, saying that there at the time of iuch distrilltition. I I : i Stomach. I suffei ed with bloating and It Is well -they are worthy, my brother, card GLADMAN & -STA-,6TJRY`, I I -truck of tho Canadian P,%rLrLO thron-b a general failure n stren t As augbt that the firmament spans, is a caller in the drawing room, It ---;- - — I ! ' , g 11 set in. if laut 1 pledge you a health to the others- would be best for her to bring the Solieftors for Adrn;l!r.,�3tLr-aG,ox,% ____ - - -_ . the rocky e.onxity on the north shor(I I went upstairs r,ty breath hurt. My A h4a.ltb to the "also rans." . Dated fit E1x,,,1:,n- t,hls 26T�h doy of June . of Lake 'Sup(�rior This. it ,,,as point system was very ,rregular, and until 3 HOW OLD IS MA? � card down afterward and leave It in 1011 I I . . � , ,, - Velw Pretty bad I didn't pay rauch lleed TO the men who went down In the strug-. the card receiver on the ball table*, . I I . I , I ed,olit would mako. �vjtb t.bc.w 0. p, ,R, to my condition, 11hen I got blue, wor- gle, . . ,a double track 5oalljj,ay and b9tb ried all the tirne, -Vt akened In the night, . otherwise It might be mislaid. It is . . ; ..5:�.... . To the runners wbo finished unplaced, TRROUGH TOURIST.- � and couldn't get to sleep again. .. I.. I usually , best to have some special . I I tracks, it was , ,None . 1. 1 . :: I added, would then be of the inedicine I biok helped me. One ".. �.: To the vveak and the younu. the unknown, I place for the cards of the clay in or- . . PULLMAX SLEEPERS . . � I used jointly by the compirdes. T day I was reading of a very interesting '!.. ;� the unsung, � i . . For Sale . I , he , The depraved, tba oppressed, the dis- der that �.th6y may not be confused . . . I i . i - �1: I To. . � I , case like mine,cure-3 by�Dx. I-lamilton's . 1; I . announcement of such 11 , :.1 .1 raced. I with tboie of callers oa previous days. 1. .1 '. . � , practical pIlls. I took the same treatment, it '. ... I '. I . Tile iinders! has offered for . . W NN PEG and EDMONTON . L � �...:-:"":�.-­ V�_ . - 1.10;. .. we blooded, developed, completed: 91,111, I . � demonstration of brOth('rTY love and was just right --didn't physid nie to ��*:-x WE " . Itiful resid.ence north . . , JA .. They were bred without starn1na, class. , "' , 01".." N sale, that boa I 1� ,X,�:��; ,� '. . From Toronto 11 p.m . , death, but took hold of the weak, sloic ?� ` . or tbe bridge.. Hard and so6 water I July 11 and 26s � I I mutual hOpfulness betwcjn th,L, t1VO - 01 �* 9 ITIs to tbem, the surpassed. the defeated, Shun Slang. 11 parts of my system, am d set -things .�� 11�� Aug. Stb; via Chicago, St. Paul and railways was very skeptically -,,:� ... ", .,:�Iv i'll, I bow as I drain my glass. Slang Is a thing which can be In. - I ;,;;;, X�N4 re-, right. It seems as if Dr. Hamilton's ..'Z:i ". ,�. - 10 in the house and everything in good ' -� I . "Imir Minneapolis. . . I . !�� '..". ..��T . with foor lots, a good barn I � ceived by local railway offici,,11s, ,Ind Pills have niade me s,oung again, and ,; . .'$ ,�%: ;- >:Z�-.- ::"; . .. .ffl­". Iffim . a to reject, dtilged, In only by those who are per- � , . . I., _ N / ,"'.. Who are ye that ,should dar all hirlds of fruit frees. bashes nO ' -, .$ir Thom, .I I - Ne/31H., ,. - , � I them � . I "Vey -y Low R41 eq. q,,; stll, 11 gl1n, (�,qv, � Man . fectly secure of their social status, � all my color, spitits, vlgor, and health .­,,00,.-R,�, .. �, 5.1 I i� , " . -%vhvn ,M.f,, I grape vines. Anyone w-l'shing to Soo � =�..,� �...7_101�i . I I. � _ �'. g"g, -­., Do 7o'know what the bandlcapp� welgh-, though, on the othbr hand, an. over-. the place or kn0v tbe Iterms will I .gw t. '71- V I of farmer days have returned to stay," , _�.,: . , 4aestIOM'd oil 1 -ho ,,libj��ct prouiply V4,vory girl and :woman should us� ­.,A;-,.i�:.,.X0 a� ; , . � 1 3,�,Z"11,-., ."I", ,.. :J I ed? . . WINNIPEG EXHIBITION IDAZM� ,gave d 'R. Xwlr; . fastidious pronunciation of words ant. Vlca5e ,alill at tho ro t, enialto the sapp,osed proje r, ..'� �- ,. Fidelico, ffoin , .ct. Dr. HarniltoWs .Pills regularly. They ,�m ";4-'11":�:, �r�,,�;��':_.,:. rA­ W. . I � 'IN . 111W....- I.I..., I bld ye atiffer the paW, run the race, stand " I When n July� 12-22' . I . I h' help a woman In tuany ways. Beware . "'. In, . - "... - -� I ;,;�.­' " . - em -1- is cnntomplr�t_ of the dealer who asks you to take an . , I ;.,-�:�- ,:', .- : That ye scotf at th& pace that tbor are apt to suggest ,the Idea that we 7.3.4t -Q, ,,� I I Os'ach 6rra 9 :�`�Xz N*� z, . I z", or;-�N 11 a studious correctness of articulation 1�­%vtcr. Alex. -1 so , . wa,:,���:,,�z�lli,.',,....,.,-.,/,. ,;. � the stral I �� , ,... ,4 I.M.: . . I . � I R , , '� '. I �, � . . � e'd., h,- �t.l,lld: � N", , - . . . - � ": ; . I uiade? I I . have only lately, come Into posgessiou I . V �,, I - inferior pill oil. which his profit is � ::,... : ;! �::: � I � TED POPULAR ROVT)D I � ­__­�___ , Jarger tban on nr. 11amilton's. Sol(I ..... aa. I.. I I i . ...... I - I It way bo that theytawoverweJghted. .- . � - . I I -TO-- I . . , I , WO trA DRIVE 'TRADE AWAY. 5n yellow .boxes, 25c. per. box, all deal- '. I . -Ix, ,. I of our IlIs and our grammar and have � - . . � � . . . . . . . . I A � lt,tnay be tbeY werd left at the Post. � . I . 1 40, 1 � A� 1 ets, Or - The Catarrhozon,6, Co., Mng- .. .1 I 'Oat or near, Itis to tbej'n, the Ill fated, In consequence to be guarded In ou'. BrIuskoUa Lakes. ' I �, " , " ' oton, 011t, I I T bow as X drinic my to"L , . I I I . TAke of Bay�(. .1 I . I ; -Vor!tr-�a,l �hotfld hoslt,ifo hc..fOr(, I I conversation. . .. ''I . She won't tell the Clew* . — , . I I Ternagmilli. - I . I � ftempting 10 ,41r'l I � I i . , yl,�I�� �khc c5mmorco They have lost, they aro,111; they aft Algoiiqtfln Park� I . 1 � " 100 R I . . A We' Ch'11dren Cry , Blagat eflitvsn R;Ver. I If, ol)r port. by sTreil a back1l,ard ,,�.tt. IN 24, 31110URS SUS wan. . wear7. . 11 gred Air, ' . I P, � Irb bave Won; yo a re iv611; yo ate btrong. , I I � declared Ahijor ,Ct. W.,6t(qyIl.X)q y6a c* WIR"S , , . V1.1-il h Viver, . . . . _ p, ,q- afi painlessly remove any corn, . . It is tot merely the etiquette but tht, I . I . -id,(, , eftWr liard,� soft, or bleedIng, by Wowon't dive ft awaybe- -B . 3r the dropa that t tioy bled, by the tears toile of g6od society which shon)d bG ,P� �A flpm v -s i-, Rfiv, I . . I � - 1 caluad she Alw-ayo sends tile � ctiltivatpll by those who ftre making %.1; ft.P 'A l"O'k, 0cwhiching, . I . I "r.'t of, ttrv� �r-rq*z-b:)T' � C',M71111,14ion. apptving� Putn.%m*s Corn IllIxtractor. Xt . that they shoc] AF -1 "3 IT 0 R, I I . i'�11�1.ng abollt, tfic <q;-y-g.proposal 1[o never burns, leav0ls no scar, cont0na �O neldhbor6 to. us for wcd4 . By your wirth, t,, your wine, by Your be vr6rld. Ill bred bab� .. � , .. . ' ' . _ acids, is harflilOss, be(muqo composed 00n9i . I their way it t . I I I � X11 U.)l I I V, ti Lt,) k ps, etc, ' - ifnPOSC' (0�r`,F,' Of :�"200.000 It. Year Oil only of 11ek1lng_9uM8 and balm,;. Fifty dInticsird,swhenever there's 13r all that has e'ei helped to oweaton . I . ot low ratep. I I � � ,its of speech, sittItUdes and tricks of, I �; . I I 1kaxbor llropn,ty . y0ars in use, Curo guarantood Sold anything doing Ill the I by ,valk h01500, bV1 7010 U tt, I d s 11 01 ry, . , i � b� all drugglilts, 25c bottles. 'Itefus(� . I I '"or "Vol . expressfori will starAp a person, no tildt. I 1"il M60,4 at d , F(01 inforynallon - . i 4 Major �S(epjine� '�%,,h-) has jtl.qt� ro. stlbstltutas� 0 , , a MJ�TAIMQ'141AL L-INti, I � , �� , , .. I I _����� 1, , .1 r, I - I I I - I 'I � � . .1 . I Vans b6afell, ter how 'eertamonlouOy correct his,01' 'k 'S I, ay,v - Triink Wront, or karned rrony. 73�111. , doel, ,� y plldt�l 711, froyn , , Gri4rd . '11 " a.ft her 6iltettainwent, how excellent b1i addrovsA E r)llrr, D1�0,lCtRlst-V*lr,A­ om . a that, it S F09 FLEM-HE �, , PUTNAM � F$ The health '.'("'ibh."r�41!t,'l',..O�'.,'.','e . I AINLESS - . us, h0olen Wralct _r C _`I� " A", Asent, lror.)lltn, OW, ,-I - is -, Inpo';t"Jit -'r1i n(,c. Fol ow I Los; � 11 ,� , this (,Livic -L - Suft ... Try � � Woe or bow � 11 C-roachable her coo 0 A, 9' , I � I CORN EXTRAOTOR . ­ . . I I � I'- 13 .1 I I . . I . � � I � I �Ii � I I I I � . tumell . I . I � a. J, Tmolf'r, 0, I� 1 �ll 14II, L -1 � I I . I � I 1, I ,�'. �,;� I I � I . I I � 11 . .� � I I . . I � I � I � 11 . . , . � . I I I . , � . � I I . I . . ,. . I I I I I I I I . � W, .1 I .. � � . 1. � I I �, 11 �, 1, . I I 11 I i I I I 1, I � ,� .1 . : .1 li,: . .. � I L I . 11 � , " I I l� k �, 1, �'. I 111111111il,116-i-l"Ifit ". - ­­,­-_� �L� 11 11 1. i. L .. . I I � I I ­ � I I . .? * I I "I 1 I " ­ I-1111 11 � I � _ I &I '', , � .A..�_ 'i I. , 41, """��,-'L".�"""-�".11"1.f,,�,,''!,���I � ,,�­_­ I., . ., � I .4 � '', r j, . ' ... __ 100006.1-4 ,, � . Meow, 0, - � - I 1. _ , i I - . I - I . �­.�_.�­___�,. MWOMMONOW