HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-21, Page 73PA(t1' 10A GODERICH SIGNAL STAR. WEDNESDAY .1 UNE 24, 1987 nit Salim.Remtulla (left), president of the Lung Association, Huron -Perth Counties, with On- tario Lung Association Public Relations Director Doris Whiteside presents the Meritorious 'Award to William Leney for his services to the foeal organization. I Lung Associ•atiun photo) eney receives *war w ung Asst' ci ation Salus Rellitulla, president uf• the lung Association, Hitron-I'erth Counties, with Doris Whiteside, public relations director for the Ontario Lung, Association presen- ting the meritorious Award to Mr. William' .1.enet fur his services to the Huron -Perth urganizatkui. - I,eneywas a nuemlber of the Board for 14 years and serted a President for some time. The presentation took' place at the• Annual General Meeting in .Stratford on May27th, 1987. In his P'resident's speech, Renitull i indicated that the work of the Lung Association in Huron -Perth Counties has been extensive. Health Education pro- gr'a1115 have increased uiu1 new programs. introduced. Adults with chronic lung disease haus) benufitted as have children with asthma. People quit srrfok- Ing have succeeded through the l,1OUN'F- 1)OWN 'courses and the school program . has reached _ many' .students. A large number of requests for. lung health infor•- ' ination have been filkld and.industries and businesses • are using Lung Assocation guidelines to ilevelop their No Smoking Policy. The Christmas Seal campaign showed a slight increase over the' previous year and a nice Spring Appeal is presently taking place. Medical research has been funded at the national and pF(Virica1 levels and support was' also given to the International Union Against 'Tuberculosis. • Renntulla expressed his appreciation for the many' hours 'Of volunteer assistance and also thanked Mrs.. Betty Hunter, Ex= ec•utivc Director, for her work throughout the year. 1a4 n a .Jane has beep a busy; month for the students at, Robertson School. • .June 12 - The Goderich Music' Booster's Bowl -a -thus has been a huge success thanks lo the help of Robertson Grade 3 to 8 and Victoria (trade 6 students. Approximately $1500 has been raised after. expenses. A special thank you to the community' for your donations and contributions. Prizes to be distributed on Awards Day. June 22. June 15 - 'I'he Lambton County' Museum and the Ferguson Apiary was visited by the (;rade 4 and (trade 1-2 classes. The students had the. opportunity to learn yvhat the terra 'Busy like a bee'meant. • The Grade fi classes from Victoria joined. our grade 6 class fur a Fun Day and infor- 1 l Ition about instrumental music. The in- strumental prorrarmme is available to all students entering into Grade 7. This was i noisy time for all, as they were given the chance to actually ply different in- struments. For a minin1II'' e, hot dogs, chips and pop were provided for lunch, with any proceeds going to Music Boosters. This was an excellent opportunity for Robertson and Victoria students to meet with each other for a fun filled event, June 16 - Both morning and afternoon Kindergarten classes joined together for a walk to Harbour Park: for lunch, and then to the beach. to walk the Board Walk, and to play in the sand, .lune 17 - "Mr. Hermans Productions,. presented the school and parents with an ex- citing two hours of entertainment. Most of, the Grade 8 students were involved and hosting their very own Vaudeville Show. There were hundreds of laughs kmd even to few "lumps in the throat" as these graduating teams put.on skits, songs and in- strumental selections. At the end of the evening four students honoured their teacher's individually with a musical number complete with choreography. Mrs. ('rocker's 7(' class w'•ent on a field success RND FRTSON -.. IP trip to Niagara halls. 1t, du 01t11 Lt:d early' as we boarded the bus at 6:15 a.m. It was a long ride but when we got there it was beautiful. First we visited lock No. 3 at the Welland (-'anal thin onto Niagara -on -the -lake, Fort George, Mai ireland, Maple Leaf Village and enjoyed a walked along the sidew'a'lk' near the Falls. A tired but happy class arriv- ed Back in (;odcr'ich at' 10:30 p.m. ,June 18 - Our Grade 4 class entertained a large audience of students and parents with their unique production of Snow White. The well=known story was inventively altered to the delight of the .audience. Adding to the production was music provided by a piano and a solo by Snow White (.Juliet Redmond) " Sorne'I)ay tidy Prince Will Corse". Grade 1 had their year end picnic at Harbour Park. They had a scavenger hunt and a crazy hat and t -shirt contest. The sunny weather allotted a game of t -ball. .June 19 - The ( ;rade 8 Graduation 'Trip to Canada's Wonderla d was a fun filled clay for all. The students 'no w're brave enough to venture onto the 'B< t"jived to tell about It. The Grade 3's brought to school some very interesting lunches made by someone' Desserts and drinks were served..byMrs. Scratch. A gond time was had by all. The Grade 5 class under the direction of Mrs. Hutchison and Mr. 'Currie presented a Variety of music from the 50's through to the 80's. "Many Moods of Music" was presented at both Robertson and Victoria Schools, The Grade 8 students would like to extend a thank you to Champion Road Graders and our parents who work there, for giving us an excellent tour of their Maitland Road facpli1.it's.' There's plenty to d this sumer Dear Advisor: ‘Vhen'ever i am having a good time play - int; with my friend, my sister 'butts' in. Kips Then my sister and my friend start playing and forget about roe. I end up playing something else by n•1y'sclf. from ,\I ')ear Al: When your sister has a friend over you should 'butt' in and leave her out so that she knows how it feels The next time your sister butts' in, remind her that you will do the same when she has a friend over. Or von could play together. Dear Adt•isor: I am a handicapped boy and I'm rn a wheelchair. I'm writing about the ac- cessibility of restaurants. The accessibility of the restaurants in the town of Goderich is very poor. i can only get into three restaurants. Christopher Dear Christopher: l'in sorry that i cannot help you. but maybe restaurant owners will :see you let- ter. Write some of the restaurant owners and let them know your problem. Maybe some peopl will help you. ."• een: Every one in my neighbourhood thinks I'm a snob, not mentioning any names. How can 1 overcome this problem. Please help, from Tammy Dear Tammy: Maybe you act big and you don't know it. Next time you hear them call you a snob think about what you did and try to change if Colleen Osborn nn feel t nn ;HT tt vont: i1'ti not niceto call people names. Just ignore there. because some things that people say are not true. P.S. This is my last column until school starts in Septernber.'I hope you have a good holiday. VOL! ('AN HAVE LOTS ()F FUN THIS SUMMER THAT'S FREE Rids 5-12 years .lune 29, CRAZY ('JR('US DAYS at the Pool Park r 9:30a -11:30a i Be a clown -face painting: 1 p.rn. - Bring your pet - Pet Show, prizes: games. 6:30p-9:0 Op at St. Christopher's Beach is a Family Fun Night - games, contests r ing. 524-25131. June 30th, 10:15p, Fireworks at Harbour Pier. July 1, 2p, Canada Parade, Pet Show 2:45p -Square. Free ('ake - 2:30p -4:30p J.G. Park I Public Swimming ). July- 2nd - Floor Hockey, Victoria School, boys girls - ages 8 and under r 9a -11:30a) Ages 9 and over . c 1pm-3:30p) see your Special Events paper that you brought home from school from Recreation for more fun things to do. BU NESS AN1i PR FSS' N L RRIS DRAPE'S FEES Your One Stop Interior Decorating Service Centre Custom Draperies Kirsch Track and Installation Available Drat() Window Shades Wallpaper & C.I.L. Paints 36 West St., Goderich 524-2551 Advertise R Her° ; e Promote your business & products and watch -your profits grow. FRED LAWRENCE Electric Ltd. Contractor !HOME, FA l I A N E D COMMERCIAL WINING Phone Don, Auburn 526-7505 Phone Poul, Wingham N57-1537 People do read sn'lall ads. Youare reading this. Reach Potential Customers. Let newcomers get acquainted with you. .0111001, Life, RRSP Annuities Investment Funds Group Benefits GARY W. SHOLDICE Mutual Life of Canada 178 Widder 5t Goderich Ontario N7A 3V4 524-2277 Keep your name before the buyer. List your [business today. G MINER'S M s Locally Owned And Operated CLEAN MODERN EQUIPMENT EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL PROMPT & COURTEOUS SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES EXPERT ADVICE For Moving Anything LARGE OR SMALL 524-2471 PACKING CARTONS CAREFUL HANDLING REASONABLE RATES PR� *PHOTOGRAPHY FOR EVERY NEED °EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES PRONE 524-7532 AC C MP OTO A FRAMES AND MATTING l' "It'sr a ri,< Y kill Must E Against Rust': We Change Your Oil Fast .To Make Your Car Last MTV :JOBS H Lube, Filter 1. CLEAN PRICE 5 50 Picton St. E., Goderich 524-9094 TaaraacciammTnela LAKESHORE EROSION CONTROL SYSTEMS �Iltitc3��1.11 .G ibiclll �clti�E''tti l-Yl\'ki1)I soil:' `, li l'.'1• 41 .1111 •~(',1\\,111'. Qi,1(1111' •5tc1111' K.(1) 1.,11 (?1 1,1k, I ItlrOn.1 lUJ11 I)r11ini,ige I r I',, .I l•, 1."' u if, AIRS - Ian \lacVicar, 1),11(1 hr) 1 ass tit., (,urlvr'Rh (519) •24-8658 H& R LOCK° THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE I,n•1 Hu.iu,•.. IinJ•:, 1 . I11,.,HI' l,',u 0 iirnl 1111,111. 1,11 \I,11, 111.1 11. Q INTERNATIONAL PHONES' Bus. 524-7379 Res. 524-6210 Direct Parts 524-7389 LUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLE BANNISTER AIRPORT ROAD BL UFWATER FLOORING Specialists in Pine Wood or Hard Wood Floor Finishing. .7 'Also' Pine or Hardwood floor Installation and Repairs Call Wllf 482-5397 R'(: mold d 1 McD ' id CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario PT ELL ETIST The Square 524-7661 This Space can be y urs just pick up the phone l nd Ct.110 Id's that easy. I IL E UNITS for Your hard to get at, CLEANI"'G REQUIREMEi' ITS GARJINER'S ®BILE ASI -I -IT Goderich 524-6031 'SUCCESS" it's Simple It's Profitable It's advertising . F _, Her BRUSH PRODUCTS SALES REPRESENTATIVE ELEANOR CRAWFORDo9 Goderich 524-8782 DQ B Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic Drugless Therapist Acutherapist Office Hours: Mon. 9 a.m. • 7:30 p.m. Wed. 8, Fri. 9 a.m. • 5:15 p.m. 73 Montreal St., Goderich 524-4555 McKULLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL, AUTO COVERAGES AGENTS i;.F' ;13111" Duret Bob McNaughton Graeme Craig Banter K Mac•Fwan insurance Brokers i,t l ,John Wise Insurance firokers Ltd. :,'Lt 8371-1. 1'4'2 :? 1n 1 wivrimeuraltmesumagratt. 24 Hr. Confidenrial Listening Telecare in Goderich 1-600-265-4598 Panneii Kerr MacGiiiivrciy CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 40 The Square Goderich 524-2677 Ronald E. Takalo, C.A. Luc Gagnon C.A. NEWS ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS WHEN HOT NEWS BREAKS DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET! Phone The Signal -Star and Let Everyone Know TO ADVERTISE IN THiS DIRECTORY PLEASE CALL Theresa 524-2614 ext. 34