HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-21, Page 71Hi! • My name• is Shannon Gutoskie. 1 w ill he 2 years nid.on June 26. I live ht RK 2 Goderich with my ;Mommy and Daddy and my big sister Amy. I would also .like to wish my Grandpa Luckasavitch a Happy Birthday. Our birthdays,are un the same day, Lowe, Shannon. Colborne Central School recently received a cheque for $1,000 from Branch 109 of the Royal Canadian Legion to arils the school's. AdventurePlayground. It is hoped the school will 'become the Recreational Hub of the •township and will he used by community groups for hall, prai'tice, picnics and other recreational pursuit. From left is Bib Chapman, Branch • 109, Howard Carroll. Branch 109,.lan Wark; president of student council, Alison Clark, coun- cil secretary,' Sharman M1liiliah, cciuncil treasurer.( photo by Yvette Zandbergen) f 7 � , /@=(f 1 �'� 5� 't =fie s IBJ Luc e crafts an By: Janine Helm, Trisha MacDonald, • Adrian Rau, Jason Cameron Kindergarten 1 'We are busy making crafts for I.ticknow and Dungannon Fairs. Our graduation is 00 June22 rt 1-:9) Lit. We are practising our songs' and'_ nursery rhymes -.for' bur programs. 11rs.`N. Canaerort Grade 7 Our class is re;,t11y enjoying the' lrr•st_full week 'of school. -Wo are proud tit announce that our Jriniirr girls'rild boys and our senior boys.teams brought 'back championship pennpts from the 2 -pitch tocirnament in Hol)ttetiville. The serum. girls also played well. Next" Tucsday our class is having a game day'.. We will be playing different Barnes all afternoon. This year has •been very interesting and exciting. We are. all looking forward to summerr, holidays but we're looking forward to coming ,back and • being grade 8's. , The reporters• are; Matthew Sproul and Rhonda Dickson. ' Grade L Room y Miss. Mathers' (;rade Ones have been talking, about dinasaurs. We made shoe box dioramas and are busy' doing' ctinosaar Centres. • 'On Wednesday. ,Dune 17th, we went to the ,Wingharn Zehrs incl the Wingham Hnspi`til• It «;as interesting to see these important Community Helpers ;it wt rk. Miss Mathers' (trade One students 'are very excited because they have recently started their last (;rade One r'('adcr' - Fly Away. Horne• They are also learning about money and are keen to help Mum and i)ad spend •their pennies, nickels, ‘hlnes and quarters. Grade 2 Room ;1 This week we. are doing activities for the fair, such as printing, poly up books. ;nein puppets. On 'Thursday . accompanied by several motht'r:s• we took a tour of the jail in Goderich, then went to Saint Christopher's Beach for a tour of the harbour and a picnic lunch. We had;i great time. 1Ne would like to welcon v a new boy' named Martin who carne to our school from Switzerland. Reporters are: (';.der Moore and ,Jassi Dhaliwal.. ' (.rade 1 and 2,. Room I Mrxs. Young's grade 1-2 group Is working on a K(;H Spring Unit NTrs. Blake works. with ' the (lass ton' 'firs week's ' ,111 About Me" are ('hcriannn 1)'aoist and Paul Chisholm Next Week'. ":ill :About Me'. Tire 'Pommy Brindley and Keith MacKenzie. Wv ‘vent to Goderich with Miss ,lewitt's Grade 2 class. On Thursday„ June 18, several mothers went too it was very in- teresting and Tots of fun ton Grade 1, Room 9 On .June 2, Mrs MacKenzie 'brought in her dog called Teddy and Mrs. Daily brought in her dog called Winston. On June 16 Grade 4, Room 9 went on i field trip to West Waw'annsh 1'onserw atton area to explore pond life, Mrs. Scott taped them with her video camera. The students of Grade 4 thanked the ten volunteer mothers who went with them and puddled in the stream as wvell, ('lass reporters are Chris Button and ,tamer Snow (:rade 5, Portable 1 On Wed., .lune 1 i, 1987 Mrs. Wnrsell's (.rade 5 class limited their reading partners from Mrs, Young's (;rade 1-2 class for lunch. All enjoyed hotdogs, • Kool-Aid and dessert together, and they pla ed some song games too. (;rade 6, Room Congratulations to our Junior Girls '1'''n - Pitch Teani on a jog well done at the recent tournament held nn ,rune 16th at Holmesville. ()ur girls won all their garner and played very well They also brought home the .1r. Girls Pennant. On June 18, Constable Marshall and Tony McQuail presented Grade t; student.k from Mr. D,iddle's room 'and Mrs Tehhutt's room, with certificates and pins for their suc- cessful completion of the V1.1) values, in- fluence, and peers i program congratula- tions on a job well done' The reporters are Janice Webster and Heather ,Jefferson. Grade 6, Room 8 f yrs E3ROOKSIDE ROA'?CAST Students from Room 8 were presented With 'V.I.P. certificates and pins at an assembly on 'Thursday. morning Mr. Mc - Quail presented the Stickers while Mr. Mar- shall gave each student a pin. Letters were received •from each, Prince Edward. island penpals'. °A speei;al. package of P.E.I. pro- ject booklets was delivered as Well. Research projects are.being completed on a special aspect of the overnight camping trip. Grade 4-5, Portable 2 Mr. Culp's class has just returned from an enjoyable visit to Lambton Heritage Museum. We'd like to thank our group leaders Barbara Snowden, Debbie MacGillitray, Barbara Bakker, Hazel 'Hackett and Kathleen Nicholson, and our other helpers Margaret Bakker and Judi McMichael. Since it's nearing the end of th'e year we've been doing some activities such ati Stainporama. In this activity we are working with stamps from all over the • world. In our class we've been working on a Travelling Time unit. Mr. Culp is putting us in gear for summer. What an excellent way, to end the year. The class would also like to ,say -get well soon" to Duncan Mowbray._ • The reporter is Diane Ross. The hand from Robertson School, Grade 7 and 8 students, led by Marion Stagmire, came to Brookside on Thursday, .June 18.. Their presentation was much enjoyed by all and also the question period and demonstra- tion of putting a clarinet in its case. Survey The skyey for the Grade 6 class is "What is your favourite radio station??" Mrs. Tebbutt and Candice Kay said F.M. 96, Jodi Riley's favourite is C,IBK as is Kim h'arrish's and Janice Webster's. The question for Gr. 7 and 8 this week is, "What is your favourite.rnagazine:'" Seven people, including Vanessa Alton, Tanya Hodges and Dawn Hogan, chose "Seven- teen", Rob Ireland and Warren Andrew like Superteen. Tim McNee, Greg Bauer and Doreen Debold like Metal Edge. Derek Turner likes Hot Rods and Kevin Webster prefers American Trucker. Kindergarten 2 The graduation exercises for K2 were herd in the gym nn. Friday, ,June 19 at 11:00 a.m. with parents, grandparents and friends in attendance. Mrs, Blanchette welcomed everyone and led the children through a pro- gr11n of songs, choral reading and games. Three Grade fi girl's who helped at lunch time and at bus time through the year were presented with gifts by the children. These helpers were Dawn Hogan, .Julie 'Mac- Donald and Barb Nivins. Mr. Tremeer presented the graduation students with their certificates after Mrs. Rlancl'•;'tte put on their mortar -board hats. Play Day (.rade 8 organized a Play^Day Program at Brookside on Friday afternoon. June 19. Gr. 7 students captained the various teams. Games played were Log i,ift, Water Pass. Flags. Baseball Swing, Popcorn Machine, Coconut Bounce. Obstacle (burse, Sponge Toss, Neck Pass, Lenton Boll, Dress Me Up. Dog and Bone. Water Brigade, Circle Dodgeball. Spoons. Three Legged. and Catch. Signals for moving from game to ' game and starting were given by blowing a car horn. Miss Alton and Jackie Pentland were in charge of this. Everyone enjoyed a gond time while cooperating on the teams. The least favourite game was Spoons and one of the most favoured was Water Pass, a game us- ing balloons. Room 4, Krakatoa has been busy with fall fair centres this week. We've created some wonderful stories - "The Whirlpool of Tune'. by Steven, "A Toronto Mystery" by ,Jane - ancl (;rant found a talking Swimsuit' Debbie also designed a lovely peacock on a nest. A time collage was created by Tanya, and Erin made a beautiful flower collage We're looking forward to a horse farm trip next week' We're introducing Tammy C'p- thegrove on Monday' N :TI GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24. 1987 , f'A(;1: 9:', LIFE GUARD `,©0S 105 s' qoo cistge Seckoscips THE GREEN RC CH 44 ONTARIO ST, In the event of disruptions to postal service, please proceed as follows if you have documents or payments to be forwarded to Conestoga College. Re: Full -Time Studies Please deliver materiel to the Student Services office at your nearest campus. Student Services office hours are 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Re: P;• rt -Time Studies Please deliver materials to the Continuing Education office at your nearest campus. •Contiriuing Education office hpurs are 12 noon - 8 p.m. from Monday through Thursday and 12 noon p.m.• on Friday. Csmpus-.Locati•.ns: Cambridge, 1305 Bishop St. N.; 623-4890 oon, 299 Doon Valley Drive (Kitchener), 653-2511; 653-7460 (Continuing Education) 'Guelph, 460 Speedvale Ave, W., 824-9390 Stratford, 270 Water St., 271-5700 Waterloo, 435 King St. N., 885-0300 . Clinton (Continuing Education only), Vanastra -Rd., .482-3458 Re: Futures, Ontario Skills Development futures Locations: 7 Water St. N. (3rd Floor), Kitchener,' 579-4550 201 Beverly ,St,, Cambridge,' 653-2940 . 240 Graff Ave., Strdtford, 271.9976 659 King St. E., .Kitchener (Work exprience), 743-0260 Ontario .Skills Development Office: Office hours are 8:30 a.'rn. - 4:30.p:m., Monday - Friday 659 King St. E., Kitchener, 743-8930 teleph ne numbers are in Area Code 519 4 very v T. alking ab • ssif®eds® VISA Classifie has somethin for eve rye n 1 Vehicles, lawn mowers and jobs are just a start. You'll find those who shop the classifieds are shopping smart. exce,,t 5242.1 Goderich SIG AL -STAR