HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 5� I ,,, I '. � � f, - I : I � I " I .. 11 I .. ­ 1-1-1111.1.111,-11- , 7 7-11 ­111­�, I I � I-,. � � � J I � I . : � ,. I - I : , , � ;-;­,r,W­­ V-7- ........ i.?,.m I 1, , � I . " ­0-,­z�� ­-- , 11 '�I� .11 � I � � - ­ 1; W "W" . . I . :. I 01W#:WJ 1�7 . ��"' I I I I 11 I i 177777, :_ � 'I., 1 I I I , I 1--, " I 11 -1 . 11 . . I . . , ­­�­7:1,1 1111�i­­il . ­�� . . . I � I � . I � � I'll , ') --,---,--.---.�-�-��--�--.--,,--- I ,,,� . . ...... 1,041,,.,.,�,.­..­ � I . . I � . ., "' I I ,.,._",.,.'.­_. _�,,o . I, --'�.,�".----,-----,�.----.---. � 11 ­­ 1;,.-l- '�.­'­­­ 1-1 �—�11-1--,-----,N--���,�,------,----,,,--.-,--:,,,___�.-Il..---�lI 11---., 11 � ?_kgm �­_ �­0,k,­40-*o"wlA­_,­, . , : i .111, , I ,o_"H,M!6 114,110 im ­-----­ _­ ], , � � ''. I I , I . �"""11 1 o 1�1.1­1�1141­11­ __ . .. I'll � I I I —.4,A - _ 1 -ft -11 ­­­� — - ... I I I .��. . , , I I -ft .... . . -,�, " .1 11,; ,�:�l 4;�� ; �� '71--- � " , "__ I ., �*"n-,, 'I, i I P1,114ift-M-1 Z=4��=,Nl � I I I I � ! T I � �_ I � I "I 111 �� , I ,===-_-----, I f I 00, let him in, WtOged the shut- came hato his mind. 110 tossp,4 0 �s he gTow ut e 0. . I I . . . 1-1 1-11 17' 1 1 I I . I t a I ,in the pregone f I ! , : z I I I . .1 . . . , eople IMSTORIC PEARLS ARE F01 - "I I vors 4giin . 4 tupoed to, ask his. another clip ,of br4'Ady and. starW, ,I�IIOVAII, Awa ot%od in bit; p, i , . ," I . . pl" �d Ir W vizitor� why, ho had come, who , to. o � � ,,, � . n - Ut Of his ploo, in 4 � 4.01irxiuin of no, admiration. TWo is the confe5- , �''. ,,,,, � . . I Acl"A I his borror�ho saw tbat.Bufsapa had delight. . sion of ,% 11.uni"rsal bounian habit, . � ,�"::, 1,,� 1 No[. retreated Into ib corner Of the room, "Why sh9uldn"t I Involve- that Uo. habit of XQI,getting, in our S ! ,� I .i I I.. . . ... I n%� nome I I ; THE MAHRATTAS REVE I a, with a fearful look in his ,.eyes Dewchund in the plot, after 0,11 11 � , � , On" 0 1 8 0 0 �V I", I 1E D IN A, SCOMSH I N �, .. � . I , � A tho ugliness and belplesamess Of . I _; I . . I . I I . . and 011tistrPtob0d IIAII43, was mouth. he mvttenci, "Re forced we to pain, that ithas.,% m6t,(ve, .4 future) VVIZIOSITY SHOP, . I I — I I . ing and muttering to him -O - I � � I � I I . I ""' self and kill MY son. Ho ought to die f or and a God." .; � . . , . I � . � i .. ___ trying t� keep off some imaginary it 11, 8, 110 was despised -Not -only � 't 14.1 , I I I � . . I ::�/ 'enemy. Clearly ,drink had affected He fell at last into a drunken were his people vot attractec1 0. 17,0r, 11, MAry Queen of Soot$ At , , . ,!! 1 : Of Particular Interest tO WOMOn FOlks Bussa'PA's mind, I I . "I ,,, :, . � I The X&bratta count i stupor, which lasted, unt him. Tho� , . � I I ry in the I , 11 a late, , repelled hi,m. They Ex , 1 ... I , . � I I . I I � I wasteria part of India, is the home "What is it I What do You see V hour in the morning, when he, was looked for' 4 inighty reve,lati . on of eoution-'Bought For song, . I I 11� . . . . I ; � . I � . . :11-11;111 .; � I I of one of the finest Indian races, asked Dewchund, iiis knees sbAk, aroused by a servant who asked tb, tri�mpli over sorrows and , , . sold For $80,000. '. I I , � I . I 11'�� ______0_=...Q....1_-_ -_ ; .1 11 I 1. I , . I . .. 11 �. . I .. - - � , I *0 I . : , I . I 111. r � , .. as his supersu-tio,us fears over- him ,where Bhow Baba was. I'll I � so they resented it that I . 11 , The Pride ,of -the inhabitants is 1119, - . ariel�� . 1 ". I _��, � . . , 1. Instantly - the evil -resolution One who ol ime,d to be the minl9ter ' . ter many centuries, An<1 b1l a I Y. -11 ( �,,. r, Axomn AF,oinm wash , out of doorn and away natural, as they know that, they 'came him. . I Af � .: , . , , in a . . . I - from hugildings and smokers, When are su "Hold your uted 1"#e,d I curious wV'r, a historic necklvmo of . . I , . ", .: ., , � * I I � Cherry Pie.-Stonv one quart of perior to the tribes of Other tongue I" she Zito the drunkard's brain, of Jehovah should not �rise above the b a . oherries,,, saVing .all the juice. Add the washing is done the gasoline distr4ets-for the Mahrattar have Blassapa, apparently regaining his Crying out that his son was stolen common lotof suffering, - . a which Mary, Qu , 11 ' � - .4oh of I 1; ,:�, " , . I should be thrown on loose ground in their time co uored all India, self-control. 1,12ou told me that and probably murdered, he-oalled . 4.6 -He bath borne on Scots, were on the morufn4 I? � ho,t : . 1 1 . 4 1 : . - oxecutiou at Fotheringay . 641 , ... . I. . r griefs, 6 1 �� " 0120 and ono�bajf eupfuls of sugar that will drink It up at once, , This knowl -as 'given rise I would bring a suit against me together 9, search -party f rom This is the. sobor second thought bar .been ree I., : .. , � I � I #4.* . and one tablespoon of flourand stir from edge 19 , to Yo, 1. overed in a row- W, . " I . � I � I Severe explosions have come tragedies of a strange and often within three days. Well, I hav�o among the neighbors, and went concerning the suffering Servant. way. From an I �. 11 �1� ,.. until well,mixed, Bake. with two '' ing the dirty I . that morning wheq, sA ', - .. . ,; . I pour gasolinD down terrible nature, brought You.7our Money. Give me from howe.to hous . . I . . I , , ..ii . . I I � I �� . 11 �, crusts I . . . e in the village, The firot judgment was the. common the, foot � of the scaff: the ill-fAO4 I � ,.. � 11 � . ' , � A -far' the hole in the sink. A large num- One of the crinies, that thrilled your account," I I 1114iiiring everywhere, and search- one that his afflictions were a di- Queen distri , p1c,J ��:� i I shmaIlow Whip- With sha , . bUted her Jewels eaw'! � . I.,� i ,1 . rp, ber have. come from pouring it. in the whole country, and incidentally Dowchund produced his ledger , � "I � I 3, Ing among the stables and out- vin�l punisliment--be was=itten of m0ney'amoa`g her friends, the Wag .�, � ., � scissors out. one-half pound of fresh the slop bucket where it floated and until -they reached Ilew. I k , I "I I . pearl,y brouglit to the gallows an and at once began adding lip the I God. But uovr it is apparent that pearl A"klaw had beedloat t - , I 11 r I � a Ows into small Pieces, gave off vapor. I 111114P91131 marshra ' 11 innocent man, oocuxred shortly af- total amount of Bussapa's debt, Chun S hop. I be was wounde,k not for his own, of, and was only recently une - ' I then. stir the mint,6 one,iba ' ' Putting gasoline in the water in At, the first question at , .. .11 . I . �, � Of whipped cream. Sprink'I'o' wplit"h ter the termination of the Ameri- together with tile interest due, Dewohund but the transgressions of the peo- ed In an old ,ouriosity'shop. in. 4 � I ­ �Ii �. awash boiler is always followed by can Civil War. I Bussapa, apparently calmer sat fell into a stupor of fear. That ple. There is.no more pronounced small village in . Tho . : " black walnut meats and garnish an explosion. . � � Scotland, I � I bes on, Wh4 tement in Scripture of the su4� keepor of the shop parted with I 11 4 - suspicion,, especially of a money- �jl . with maraschino- cherries. Serve Silk dresses, ribbons Or glov . During the progress of this con ide him anil looked ,en was sufliOient to excite. immediate sba - the In sherbet dishes with macaroons may) if rubbed hard r'or ict the native cotton -growers had the amount had been figured Bus.- leader, always an stantial character of the .d'eath of earls to a. lady customer for $a.12, . 11 I ! - make a spa k saps, began to wran a object of hate our Lord It is a striking. picture ut there was then nothing to in . . � -One pouad of whiA will fire gasoline. ustomary manner, so among the villagers.. A search was of the sinless One, hearlD ate ' I Butter Cookies. I Made enormous profits owing to the tion in the 0 1gle for re,due- E . butter, one pound of sugar, One , Clothing can be cleaned by a . blockade Of the southern ports of .made of Dewchuncl's ,g the bur- -die their real value. .Kew ox"'. � is or benzine m" the United States. , that the monoy-1.9nder became con- stables, and den,and responsibility of tbe sins of perts 1mve declared that they ars , ' �� I aad thr,ee-fourtha poupods of flour, men I soap without vinced that hi's, visitor haA, in some the disturbed heap. of fuel, ,the men, in, ordar to deliver them. incomparable, and, in fact, they , 1, two 999, ons and one-half tea- danger. A safe substitute is g6141- 'Cotton waa at a premium every- unknown manner, obtained the spade coated with mud, increased , I . :, e , . I . nfuls of bakli4g powder, one- where, ancl money poured into the him. Dewchund after much bar- . . . With his stripes we are he- 'e been resold for no less a sum , '� apbo United benzine in which 25 per I the- belief that Dowchund 5 ),led hav I . , , money and was vrepared to pay and ffer-ings than $8Q,000. I , . - half pound of chopped almonds, one cent. benzine is added to a mass of Mahratta country from thesale of - I killed the child. I I -Not only are Christ's su, I ", , vicarious; they are, also redemptive. I , -)� teaspoonful of ,vanilla, one-half, soap, the raw Material. Cultivators, who Ing, agr ' Tracks were foudd leading, fr . 11 NECKLAOE 13OUGHT FOR SONG *,, I water and amrnc�uia. * 11 gain ead to knook off a Jump the shed. *M "The peace, the healing, is, ours, -in I I .1 wineglass of had formerly ek-ed out a precarious , They ran in the direc- I . braJidy, R,011 Out On Ii can be handled without Bpil- I sum on condition of immediate set� consequence of the, chastisement It seems that a short time ago a. , 4 ' , , I I ... lioured board, out out with cooky ling; the amount of vapor given off ,existence suddenly found them- tlement, and Bussapa,, still grumb- tion of the water-oourse, and there and the scouiging that was his." lady, riding her bi in Scotland . . I �� � . 'Outter, and bake in moderate oven. Is slight and the amount of Mara- selves rich beyond !their wildest' ling, at length agreed to his terms. they soon found the body. I 6. Laid -on him tbe iniquity �of us accidently broke O_ytch'e�' chain by - I � I . � . I Fruit Whiff. -One pint sweet mableo material in it 'is small. ambitions. In fact their chief prob- , "Now :bring out the mortgage Dowchund .was seized and handed all -Note the steps by which this which her ,eye -glasses wero evs-, 11 � � � : � ,cream, one quart box strawberries, - � leni was he,* to dispose of their deed and the other bonds," said the Over to the police. Nobody doubt- great int . erpretation of the suffer- P , I ended. Remembering that in & � . . . one-third box gelatin, one and one- USEFUL HINTS. . wealth. . I � Mahrabta, ."and indorso them as ed that he had really murdered the ings of the Servant is reached. little shop -she had seen a few I � . I � fourth cups sugar, whites of four, _. I I Amohg the most' prosperous of discharged. Then you will write boy for the sake Of his ornaments First incredulousness, then, dis- strings of beads and other trifles � � I I . eggs, one teas oon lemon extract. Warm dish covers as well as dish- these farmers was Bussapa. Patel, me out a receipt in full for all the and disposed of the body in the. , I � Isp . . gust and ,aversion; then, reckoning dear to youthful village maidens,. � Mince strawberries and Rw4,�oteii; es, if you want your dinner to be who launched out into the wildest money due.". . . middle of the night, His incolier- t'S pains &4 penalty for slia rode there to see if she could . � soak gelatin 'and add a little hot E-er'ved really hot, i extravagances in order to "save . Dewchund. began to ,demur to this ent, Protests, his assertions that the Servan find something to r-oplace for a time , % ' � I I . water; beat whites of eggs stiff and Turnip peelings should always be the facia- of. the lamily among the proposition. -P Bu his sins; then, a recognition ,of the I I �'� . ay me my money ssapa was the ,Murderer, were substitutiona.ry character . of these her broken chain. Upon examina- ,-j ,oream thick and light; strain gela- well washed, then added to rou.ps naighbors. . firsti" he said, thinking that Bus- merely regarded ad the last desper- sufferings; and finally, -a conviction tion none of the articles in the I � I � tin, add flavoring, then strawber- to which they impart a delicious All the cultivators vied with one sap& , ar- . ied the. amount with bi ate plea of a detected criminal. . I 0 'r IM , of their redeeming worth. shop seemed likely to serve her : , . ries; beat all a few miautes; set in flavor. another in display. Sarees, or pet- in the form of.notes, However, at last a search was , ' purpose, and she. was ,on the point a cool place,or on ice.' . After -frying, do. not pour off the ticoats of the most expensive tis- Bussapa bec4me highly incensed. made in Bugsapa's house, and 7 -9 -The theme here is the injus- of leaving when the Id lady behind � , 2 � - 0 ', Choes, Omelet. -Six eggs, oile "Don't you belie ; there, -ovrapped in a bundle of his tice done the innocent Servant, I I e fat till it has coled a 1,ttlo, and sues, were loaded upon the wo- ve I have the� 1 c said, "I have got an upful of sweet milk one table- then be careful to keep back the men, and gold and silver orna,_ money?" he shouted, ,,I,m not ly h:s remarkable silence under per - ,c , P -: own clothes, were found the silver � old neeklaos that might do, but it dets and the bangles of little . ; spoorif I of butter, one-half oupful'Isediment to throw away. ments. � Ing. I have brought the full ,,,,,t'a,L secution. Compare .Matt. 2e 63, is much more expensive. Shall I u � 27. 12, 14. 1 of grated -dry cbbe6e, pinch of salt, When cooking salt meat first High-priced trotting bullocks with me, but not in money. I put-EhOW-, I fetch it for youV' A neck -lace of 4 ,pinch of paprika�� or popper. Heat wash it 'well in cold water, then were purchased., an'd carts with sil- the bag in your stable. Come and! Bussapa I in his drunkenness, had . 7- H, ,pened not his mouth -This rather large, diffl-looking "beads" .:, butter in spidei, atid stir in flour;ipla-ce in a saucepan, cover with ver tyres, and harness with silver,see it.," . Iforgotten to take them and secrete is unique in t -he Old Testament- I.was produced, It did not see= to . � 'the�n in Dewchund's house when Under torture he makes no confer- be quite what was wanted, but the I Pour in milk and cook until smooth;. fresh cold water, and bring to the yokes and silver mountings.. The Dewchund lighted a lantern, and - ! . of guilt, for he knows himself: I I I . add salt -and set away to cool. Beat: boil. .Skim, and simmer gently till blooded. bullocks were matched hurried in the wake of the Alah- I the alarm was first given. He ha,d, sion � curious workmanship of the clasp � I �i, I I lks of eggs until light and stir the joint is cooked. I i I be be guiltiess. He suffers in si-' 1. "I XO , against each other in trotting races I ratta into a, shed ,in one corner of intended to place them in the Kai- i took the lady's fancy, .and for the I- I ; I I I . I I [ lonoa for he knows, that his suffer- six- t 11 � lightly into �ooled sauce, then iidd When washing flooroloth a table- at which the whole countryside at. which was ,rief sum of twelve shillings and : a quantity of d .1 fuel karris' ,camp, but with the change I �,., ' - � ing has endless value for others. nee she became its owner, ,and to ' ''I I , spoonful of painter's L � ';�its failed him. I 1� half ouplFul (or more) grated cheese lize added to tended, and the entire population that had evidently been disturbed.;Of plan his 01 'Upon their diwovery, Bussapa; Cimpare the cases of David, Heze- 11 att�ching her eye -glasses she re - r and i a pailful of water will give, it, a I� Beat whites of e,i:,s Until stiff � I of the, district blussomed -out with , Bussapa took the lantern from the I U'ali, Jerumiah and Job. "All sumed her ride. . � � fokl into mixture. Put, into but- i glossy surface, and make it wear red silk sunshades, which were sent, moneylender and led the way into was kept under strict watch and , . i � 'd,jen to have access to liquor. -riv, and are land under pain," , tered klish or paxi and balre until Iruith better than when washed in out by an ,enterprising English firm the furthest corner, where he set f0rb � st oo FOR. THEM. .,i , set -about twenty minutes' Cheese I the ordinary way. I it down; then, tuxiiing suddenly, i The deprivation of this stimulus S. By oppression and judgment he OFFERED 030,0 I � a I _,jL� , kyo� and promptly purchased wholesale, I . I . ,_ __ � may be omitted if aot liked. A few — Brandy, gin, an,u champagne now i he caught Dewchund by the throat shattered w�at little nerve re_was taken away�-H,e did not die in . To her purchase she attached but I � 1 . raisins, too, might be added. li� made their appearance for the first "with one hwid, so that he could not'mained in him, aud Bussapa, made the ordinary c,ourse of -events, but I little importance, but, bein.- one . � . an breast of his crime. was violently out off from the land I . . Orange Marmalade .-Save the THE LAZY CHILD time among the sober country folks. 'cry out, and forced him down upon' % cle . clay in London, a friend, noticing � I peel after the oranges are eaten, Riotous living began, and first the ground. Then he said, hissing I The idea of sacrificing little of the living by a tyrannous abuse the "beads," a4inired them not a I . . In many ways the world is grow- ,men he revellers 'waas always into bis,ear: I Bhow, he affirmed, had never en- of law. Added to that, his own gen- little and expressed a w6nder wa to , -eep as large as possible, when Ing less cruel. For this we must 7, t I ,,You villain, I have paid you,tered his mind until just before his oration were utterly blind to thelwhore such a pretty string had � . 1, i . 7 " about two dozen have collected, largely thank the scicntifi� spirit, Bussapa, who was rarely sober. ith Attle ienteriiag De-wehuna's house, on the fact that this judicial murder haA come frorn. It so chanced that I I 7 , '-.'W . � . I The only persons who did- not1w my son's life. I've killed H , I wn o I � ___,:� Aoil till tender, when the white which isclaily recognizing more and )ng1night of the murder. ,is fir:jt in- a, ,icayiouos value that it was f,qr the shortly afterwards 1heo er f the I . pith can eAsily be removed. with a . share the public prosperity were Bhow and hidden his body am4 i ? spoon while still warm. P tit more of the affairs of life which. the money -lenders, who ha�l always�!tlie fuel. If you don't agree to I tention, in fact, had been to L. o to transgression of his people. "beads?' had occasion,to visit the . .belong to its ,department. It is previously held murtgages upon the at I Dewthund to plead for a res.r,ite in 9. Made his grave with the wick- shop of a.dealer in antiques, her I I I through the� food chopper, just cover ,coming into fashion not.to kick the . � 11 I ed -In the end he was associated i object being the purchase of, a ­ — with water to cook .add sugar, one . crops and were the ackn ledge nd .accuse you of having mur- 'the matter of the debt. Tt was not . � i I I man, who is clown, but to call a ow _d once a with evil -doers in guilt. A rich man I grandfather clock, and while, there 1 I t cupf ill to two of peel, boil and can. committee to inquire into why he masters of the land. . . dei�ea him for the 'sak6 of, his corna- ; unt-1 his glance fell upon his son, is probably only a synonyin, here, 1 she showed her "beads" to the � ' ments and silver bangles. Quick I sleeping at his side, that the if ,,!a 7 --- %cm when rhubarb is cheap, P` is down, and that leads n Dewchund, the village �bankor, I 0 often in the East, fo r the wicked � 1 dealer, asking him what. he thought.. - - - -.-- I IL "" ,,, ._-----r, na, in his fury and de- a' I .1 &turally had no silver tyres tO his carts, noiMake your decision! Cancel the, camis to hii I . pare, take a large handful of stalks, to helping him up. This new me- I . i - of them. After a short inspection, I ; trotting bullocks, an 'debt i . If you conse So stupid were the . people who i . unpecled, and out out on wrappi Most of all, nt, raise your i spair, of what a fine revenge tbis. . I Ing thod is to be welcomed d ed him, that they accounted 1 the dealer became quite animated pa � long face, looking rag at the same In' 9 t Q ; per; weigh, allowing one-half about with a .1 right arm, and then come back with, would be, furnish, I 0 as it bears upon the destinies of I I him worthy of noi,hing better than i fingering each (,bead" in turn, � pound sugar to one pound fruit. little children. malignantly upon his neighbors and- � me to your shop." Itime a, punishment for the maney- � , Ing for the time when the price Half dead with fear, Dewchundilencler and his own release from a malefactor's death, though he had ' asking so many questions as to how 1 _,.­� � put in kettle for boiling, sprinkle In The .now scientific peda I hop . done no violence, and they oou and when the lady had beca,m,e their ; . I sugar, and stand ovei night. When gogics 110 of cotton -would suddenly tumble raised his arm obediently, and'his clutches. ld owner, that her curiosity was com- � sufficient juice will _ Dewchund was set free upon tbe find no fault in him at all. I Bussa,pa, still holding him firmly, I 10-1-1—AVe now ruturn to the root- pletely aroused. lVoncloring what have run for into good and had, stupid and 01-e- _ led and dragged him back into the;oonfession of Bussapa, being ob- . longer divides ohildron summarily a time ,which the longer-head6d per I � ol-,ing, add -canned peel to taste; . sons among the Mahrattas had al- it could all Mean, sho, took her � co ver. On the contrary, it takes close house wl�ere, after again threaten- tained, and the latter was in due idea, that all this proceeded out ,, . two to four pounds of rhubarb - to cognizance of the wonderful rela, ready.begun to foresee. I Ing him in case he should call out, course placed upon his trial, c4ln- of thip good pleasure of Jehovah. I beads" to a jeVrell6T Of repute- � quart can of peel. Boil till it Bussapa Patel had one link that . , reat In - tion between mind and body, sto- Bussa.pa released him. . This accords with the teaehing of. Hero they again excited � thickens, stirring frequently. Thia� Mach and brain, and learns there- bound him to decency. This was ,'Now you ar6 paid," he said in viate d, and hanged. Jesus himself, that his suflaring at iterest, but this time woAs were 1; 'his little s,on Bhow. I accompami,ed by deeds, for the, jew- is an economical and delicious . —)I— Jerusalein was the ,climax of an' . by that persons, and above all chil- a low voice. "Give me the papers Jeller said that if she ca,red. to part 1, l. i � I fruit. . dren, are much.Iiiore naturally di- Little Bhow was ail almost daily d a receipt in full at once." eternal purpose, and not merely with them, he thoughl� he could get I . 1. I one- visitor at Dewchund's booth in the an the chance result of the maebins,- 11 Cinnamon Bolls, -Dissolve vided. into the sick orthe well, the bazaar, where he was always Dewchund, in 'whom the st R, . her as in"Lich as six thousand . .. . half cake veast in one pint of luke- hungry or the fed, the weak or the, f bein � t s - u � re shook of fir THE U . tions of a perverse generation. e said, "They are- , I 11 ., warm water at noon, when 4issolv- strong. 0 , horror had abated, now I I 9 given some sweel mea s or said: 10. Offering for sin -Compare black pearls of fair quality]" I -1 i ed stir in enough flour to ma,ke a Both in this country and in a ,handful of nuts or some other "What is going to be' done with . Num. 5. 7, 8, and Lev. 5. 14-16; 6. Fortunately for herself., instinct � 11 . � I batter, a, little stiffer than pan- E urope investigations of this mat- delicacy dear to childhood. the body?" INTL, RNATIONAL LE SSON, i.-7. Christ's death makes possible prompted her to decline this Offer, . I Bussapa was not slow to see the JULY % t1ae forwiveness � I cake. Let stand.until evening then ter have been mw,l.e with significant . "We will take it away presently 0 , of our sins; for, , and, having related her experieuce I � I add: One.pint Of potato water -or results. One fact ,proved by them increasing intimacy between his fand hurry -it in the watex�course,­ since death is the penalty for sin, ; to a frien,d, upon her advice she I -1 I � half milk and water, one-half cup- is that there is Uo such thin as a son and the inqney4end,er, but be 1 answered the Mahratta. . I and faith makes us one with him, .. .­ " � ful of sugar, he& Ing tablespoon- dismissed the subject from his mind. I Lesson 1I. -The suftering serva:at of he can and door die in our stead, I betook berself to one of the ac- I I i� p lazy" child, The normal Ili is Dew,chund, trenibling with fear I i knowledged experts in matters con- ,. ful lard -or butter, one teaspoon He_ had' nothing against Dew,chund - 1. . - ;n'terested, ' alert, bkight-minded, � I he papers'and ' setting': us free. Our Father, I nected with antiquities in general I ,! I i duly indor,s-ed t hand- Jehovah, Isa 52. 13 to 53. 12. 0 . � . . against whom we have sinned, sees and of ancient jewellery in partie- 1. ­ ful salt, one-half,cupfal currants, full of waking. curiosities about the 'indeed, he -derided him because. the I ed them to Bussapa, .at the s,ame Golden Text, Isa. 53. 6. ation of �� , � � mix not quite as stiff, as 'for bread; -world into whiah he has come, and 'banking business was at so low an, time writing out a full receipt for . the travail of the soul of his Son, ular. Here a brief examin I I when light take small, pieces and endowed with an almost unquench- ebb, and ' contemptuously dismissed � all indebtedness. Then he took a Verse IS, My servant shall deal and is satisfied (11). - . . 1. I � ., 1, roll between the hands in long able'k physical viva,city. What, then, him from further thought. 11. Shall my righteous servant "THE "BEADS '� I � . IL I I. . I Finally the ciash light and followed Bussa;pa tci the wisely�The idea contained in these . strips, then clip in melted butter, is tlie, matter with the little, inert, came and shed. . words is, that the suffering servant justify many -Recalling the words ancl a glance at 9, book of reference . I 11 , " . .4. I . 1�. -sprinkle with cinnamon, roll round, sLiipid� dull -eyed creatures, for- Bussapa, found hiwself only able to Bussapa took the little body froni is to -carry forward his work so of Paul :"That he might himself were aufficient. "This, madam, is I ��, . . I and sprinkle sugar ,and cinnamon ever at the bottom of the class, who keep a roof abo" his head by the among the fuel,, wrapped it in his prudently as to be sur be just and the justifier of him that the string of black pearls worn by I . I i I or]. to�; the yellow of an egg beat- never p�t a question, Or seem to aid of small' temporary advances e of success . I 11 � � . until light and sprea,d on top � � which Dewchund, the money -lend- blanket, and ordered De*chund to This is implied in what follows' bath faith in Jesus." The death Mary, Queen of Scots, on the day I � � 11, � en pa -ss a given point? . s he is, and &I ' e righteous Christ is God's of her execution. The .pearls have . i I is liked by many. Place in pan. and The matter is that they are, ill. er, ma,de'him. lead the way to .a ory water -course Humiliated a Ilicted ) of th . 11 Meanwhile, he drank even more A few hundred yards distant, and I his ultimate exaltation is to vindi righteous reason for reckoning as suffered by neglect, but 1 I 111. . bake in moderate oven. In winter Some of them ,are hungry, and it I to bring a spade with him. - Therd cate tile purpose of Go . righteous the unrighteous sinner. them from you, should. you wish to . ' I � ! . set your ypst at noon andmLx stiff is as hopeless to expect a child to heavily, lo�coming extremely vio- . d in his suf l lent when under the influence Bussapa dug a ,deep hole in the fering. 12. He shall divide the spoil with sell them for sixteen th*usand . .1 - at night; in summer, it is not nec- sf I of ­ � ,udy well when he needs food as loose gravel and buried the victim, the strong --Again recalling Paul's POU,nds I shall re -sell -them at a . 11, Ssa'D !iquor, and sullen and morose dur-' pro It jo , you a I I f, ce ry to set yeast before evening, it would be to �expeot a fire that heaping large stones upon the body, - 14. Man� were, astonished - The words t "Him also bath God highly a customer if -mept I t I then mix early next morning, needs fuel to burn well. The bun" Ing his occasional sober in6arvals. 0 reason was, that his visage was so exalted." Though despised and re- My offor, which remains open for, . ": I I I Buttered Noodlest.-Beat up..three Actual lack So long as his wife lived he made Toward daylight, after making a marred The sighr, of physical ter- jected Of men, he is honored of your consideration as long as vou . I �. � considerable cletour, they returned , � I., ' - '�. eggs and add flour to make dough of food, or it May be that the teeth some effort to retain his hold upon to the confines of the village, where ture and weakness III a, minister of God, ancl that, not because of any -like." After consulting her friends 11 , 11 . stiff enough to roll out. This, tolled are in such poor condition tha.f, the his affairs, but her sudden death they separated, Bussapa . Jehovah was incomprehensible. signal Victory, but because he bare the lady did acoopt the offer, and i � 1: . 'A . ,out will make three shoets or lay- child cannot chew, ,and tKerefore 'brok own all restraint. � . assuring 16. Shall he sprinkle many na- the sin of many in willing sacrifice, sbortly afterwards the old shop . I I ; 1.111 .... .., 11 I P 0 d � Dowchund. that he need have no tions -Better, start,le ma Scotch village ! , "I I � ers. Place them on a clean cloth does not digest., Or it may be that The only evidences of wealth that fear. ny nations. woman in the little I � : 1 and let them remain � until dry the food offered: to it at home - is were left him were little Bhow'g f7here are s.om(. wandering Kai_ They shall bear the unheard of; I 1D_ was equally delighted and as asto-d- I . � . namely, that a sufferer is able -to ished to receive a, cheque for one � . I I on-ougb to out. , When dry lay one4entirely unsuited 0 its needs. . bright crimsow tunic and the sil- karris encamped rwar the village 11 - When preparing fried obipped po- I N, � � sheet on to,p of tao Other, roll t�o- Some of the children cannot bear ver anklets and bangles which his he said to the money -lender. 111ilo- triumph so gloriously, The prob- tatoes to a-arvo with fish Much time thousand Douhds. So, for the first I I . gether, and,out the noodles as fine well and some cannot see. They pride forbade him to sell. . �Iorrow I shall accu-se them of hav- lem of pain is the acute problem of may be . saved if the potatoes, al- tinie,As 6r as we know, since that 11 . . . .1 as possible. Boil in salted. waXer. .do not complain, 'because they do At last the time arrived when Ing lured my son away and mur- ,the ages. The unseeing eye can ready out, are steamed for a . grey day in the month of February, . �. Have the water boil before putting notknow what is the Ma,tter. They Dewchund, found himself unable to dere'd him." 1� discern no utility in sulfering. So . Quar- 1.587 , when the grini headsmaii's I . I ,, ter of an hour before putting into axe ess I of ill- � . ' longer, and told The Kaikarris an one co amount . . in the noodles. When done pour accept constan't rebuke. and defeat assist Bussapa � �. . . .1 f the kings shut their mouths, and the. the boiling fat. A cartain laid low the lovelin .: I . into a colander to drain. Have .% with the dumb mystification of ig- him so. ering tribes, somethin*g like nations stand in awe before the ev- Of fat is also Saved. I fated Mary Stuart, the pearls'that . . I wand. 1. . � ,generous pint of bread crumbs norance. Many of ,them have never Then Bussapa, shut himself UP gipsies, who, ostensibly carrying . on arlasting glory of the crucified Ga� enriched the ii&k which, a writer I 'which have been brco�wnad in but- drawn one natural breath sinve ,alone with a bottle of brandy and the trade Of basket-weav 111ean peasant,. risen and exalted A C014 hoile,d Spanish oni*:)n of the times tells us, was "graceful I .10110IF" , ter, care being- taken not to burn T their birth, owing to the presence began drinking. He continued this . ing, do not on high. I I makes. an excellent salad If sl beyond oomparo," will bnt,,o more . I I I I . . hesitate to rob, or even murder. ited, I'' I Ill all his liquor was gone. when opportunity affords. In this 1 -3 -The central phought is found � gar in serve 5 I . I them. Put a lay,ar of noodles on of enlarged tonsilsand adenuid,s.. , and dressed with oil and vine to enhance a woman' � 11 71 . , �. I a large. platter, then _a layer of These children can never com- But this time, insteul of stupefy. instance the silver anklosts Of little in the opening words; unbelief bas the usual, manner. . . charms, whila for 300 long ,years , browned crumbs, another layer 01 po,te with their follows until all Ing, the drink retired all the wick- Bhow'would have, furnished a sat- been unable to ac,jept the suffering W . and more their erstwhile royal own� " � . I , . . . hen sweeping earpets always er, for whose fair beautl men were . . I'll, . noodles, and so, on until all have these hindrances have been ramovm adn.e�ss in tile farmer, , ,isfactory motive. I Servant, or to see the strong &I'M remember to sweep the way of the 1,eady to risk their lives and fame, . "I Z2 � I . , I I I "... - �' I been used,. having a layer of crumbs ed,, , Some recent investigations He saw binisielf bereft of his home� Bussapa then returned to 11,18 of Johovah's power and purpose grain. To brush the wrong way is has lain forgotten in.-tho sleep that '71 1 ... , I I -on top. Put a large piece of but- made by a French physician show stead and' turned out to starve- &rml: first destroved Lill the papers, revealed In him. He eame with nO not only bad for the carpet, but it knows no waking, .. . .. � - ter in a pan and brown nicely, to that among well-nouvishod childron Better little Bhow clead than thabf ,,d qi�n began to assuage his regal pomp' of a "nquering Mos". tonas to brush th,6 dust in instead � . . - . . I I 11 . . I . I I ; *�_. C3 . � 4 I I . . I � � . . �� ` � I this add & cup ,of cream and lot it Only nineteen per cent. have phy- On the third 'night after .the gi,�ef with brandy. . siah. Dying up -on a cross, -be- was of out, I . . —.N4 . 4 boil up two or three times; then sical defects, while among the poor- quarrel Dowchunu had put up his "I must give the alarm -at once 11 a stumblingblock to Jews and foo -l- . . . t I .1. : � , I ,o r over the noodles and crumbs� ly nourished over sixty per cent. stlutters and, . was sitting in his lie thought "or I shall. be guspeh� ishriess to Greeks. All this is ro- When plates or dishes are b I I � '. 11. pou I , U111t Bitton nails are a disfigurement ;1 - When you have once tast,-A .these suffer from those defects, ' after baking they can easily be I , I . sh ' op ,about midnight, making tip e4l. I can easily �Iip one -of little presented by the prophet as already notonly at the time but they spoil .: I I I . 'you I will never want to eat them This qltest�ero of fee,ding is being pas future cleaned by rubbing them witb,a � �, I I I his accounts, according- to his ous- � Bhow's silver anklets into one of bi because he views the as , the shape of the ftl'igors. If your I ,, , � i . cloth dipped in ,salt, I ., 1'� � .� . any, other way. I .. � met in ma.nv cities both here,and tojn� All an o -ace lie heak� a knock I their huts while die rearch is in already accomplished, . child bite�s his domot rest untileyou, : �­ I I .; b,y Ac. supplying of.& sub- at the window. Ro openedf the,1 1 , I — . abroad I _ progress, and la To preserve bra,sa bedsteads rub havo cured him of the 1%bit, Paint � I I j� I . , I ter in the day the 2. A tender plant ... & root­—Xot I - * . . DANGER, OF GASOLINE. stantial Iiincheon, �ither free or at shutter cautiously and looked out. I body will be found." . . a noble tree, but a lowly thitg them now and then with a little ,th4 tips with bitter aloes, and h.6lp I , 11 I .1 I . I . a nominal oost.-Youtli's COMPWa- To his astonisbment, he saw 13us-1 He had completed his plot to struggling in, dry so,41. This hu- fomet oil on a, cloth, afterwards in evve I ible, Glovots . I I I . . I his . way pots � . " I . � L_� I I I , I I i I I , I � I I 11 , I � I I .. I 'to woru'at iilaW , , I I Gasoline should only be Used forlon. I 04pa, . . I . gatishtetion when a fiendish idea Mility and obscurity of tha servant, pollsh W.J% 4 dry ladtlie*.' . I . � . .� I I I . � 1 2 1 1 . � 11ha'Ald I , . I . I I . I . I i. 1. I . . I .1 I . � . I . .1 . . I 11 � I � I I I . . ... : � . . � . � . I . . . 1. . . . 11 I � I I . . I . I � I . I I � . � . I � . I � I I I . �. I � � I . . 11 11 I I ,� I I I . . I I . I . I .1 . . I � I I I �.. 1. . . . I .. � . '. I I � I . ,.. . I I . � . : . . � �, � I . .. I .1 I I �. I . . I I . I I I . I -, I . . I I ., . I . I . I . I � I . I , , 11 I I I .1 � I , . I . . � I � .� I I I . .� I . �. .� . - I I . I � . I I � . � .1 I . I . . . I : 1, I I . I . .. b, I., I I I'll I ., . . . I . . , I . �, :: I I : I I., �� � . I I , . ,,, I . I , .. I I I I . . . I I I ­� L. �. I I � I'll . ,�r � I ii I ��� . . . I I I I I � . , .� . . . I . , , . I . � . 11 � . - ,� . . I 11 � ,. .. .. I I "I'll I , I... .;..�'. , I I I I I,, , _'X , , , 1 1 .. I I k_lzib�� 11 cl� ,�,,A xk;-­7�, 4iiL__­­ L '' ' ' .-,.,A._, _ ; -11Z., a 1_�� 1- I'; , � 1"). , ­ I 12�­' � 1, , I � 1, � . � . ­...­� � ... I _ �� .. - . I . 1�1­��.,i 1. �i ­­Jw� �. ,, I .11. - , .11­11�;� 1. , L, *W_*&@60__ I I -11-1.. ­­ ­ 11-111 �.�'­ I -.11.-.. ­ I., �­ 1. , I I ' �­� - ", g, J � � � . �'.. 1: . ,,� A9 r Ai;� ­11127.,�_.� ..... 1. lr���� ,,4,%_ Qlliko� V­­�_hl* " I., I I � _'," �:11���-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii":.'',:�I ,.��,;,,- - �