HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 4I � -11. ­ I I — _:­!­­­­­ , :­­­ ­, 11 p � ,"'. ._ I I I . E .... INRF= , . � 1.�'. I -,q, � �� ''I , . 1 ?7"­7,TR�7,.";­ , �., : I . I � . I I I , , , � . , . I . � � 1 '. I 7,A1 , I . I . 1. I ., w � "I IVIIINES I *1 � " I I ,114k ,��—!���.i"l���.--"�-�,,�'-"Ppw,�,ii"�",41- ,­ L"",-,'',-,,i",i,�-�:"-�,--�--,i"tT, . WMqNW-,-4T­­.-�-- 10"IT , " I � 1. I . � . , "'TR � Ish I . . . , I 9� 1: - , --.-A-1-11 ... _.__­­­__ I . . � r7 �,,�,�'Irt=,,-��!!�r,=,�,��"!,.":I",:,I",I:�i,,:,,ii: ... :=7:11­11� -_1_.__-- --- ­_____._­ ­ -.---- -.1.1 1-1 � ­­­, 11 ­­­ - I ---.1.1-11 I � ­� � I ­ . R.". I 1 1.1.''4 ­ . � I � - $ " & - s -,"E7 FARMS,FOR SAI -E. *THE THIN RE � 0 .1. L . I I N � I QUNQA SINGH, k . , �LORD, ROSEBERY's OM I � � . I � ' . U, W. DA I I . .11 . I , E, I I � The, Unfortunate 6tkh's Qhah,ev,.,ShQtI The Drummer Lost an'QppQrtunity of .WSON, 41N,HIXX Cor,i., I . . . PURNEDDING RISTOMS I I .1 I I , . I I , Stops Itchin g, - � BORNE. Street, Toronto, They. Revolutionized *the Art of Mi I � I .!?�,� � I . � J�rouaht Misery. : . MakjnS'4'HovI. I . - , � 1 . ..... -ie night� soon after "lights, out!' Oil one Occasion LoTd Roaebery 'Was . I I UIT , ,qTy ov tary Strategy In the Crimea. MOST 0% ; -,)R� - Kent -brick house, two b4rns; cheap The Crimean W ' S-00"" DRED A C R L '0 ,fti , 9K HVN 11 Oi his way: to a 11 � ,, ar agaixi, op�n - bed, a series of shots'lii rapid sucoes. r4c�) meeti ig at, Ayr. . Opposite �,� at tbirty-ilve hundred. the eyes ,of European strateglo � m I — .- 40 ; ; I I ,0 : I sounded, and we were all snug In in a radlivay carriage on - I ' '. � PAT�F I', I I �, , "' Y ' ., 'd ' F I ..- , � 9 . I$ ;'J, rtA-0. , I �. " siQa sent us hurryin� to our alarm- sat, -- commercial travalcr, who, ffl%'S Heals the Sk"n " TY IIALTION who might have forgotten'the less I I . , .. I 3 It was Gunga Singh the Sikh, -rather iliollael to bwtalkative. I -twenty miloq f Tom Toronto.. house of Waterloo,,Ao the superiority'of t . , 11 . " ' line formad6n for attack. as well, OyIQ- 8 as W w !lllot 'had fired, lie e4l"S'lued that, Seeing his, lordship (whom, of A A r I � I "Ill V.;0CJ.q ,IIJ Remember That this, barn,Qroh il� eight thousand. � . � . I - I .1 I I R % ilk6lly O'Fattor and heaTing the tread of feet, accom�anied course,. he did not huow) reading 41e I As "Jcz�. Eczema, Saft Rhetim, I R ft � ,, 4$ Or I � UP TO . . I +�-'Jtk�h'ere Was a Time When the by the clatter of loose stones, in the "Racing Calondar," he remarked, a d All,$ Coull DATE RUNDRED A0RE,S- � I . ravine 'beneath his post, he had chal. , "Sap�uze you are going to the Ayr -a � kin Diseases. ty Peel; seven thous5nd, I I. I � � "' h ' ' . I � ZE , I . I Um Recognized. .-t a Husband'.% longed. Receiving no answer, lie had meetingP' I HAVE ALL Si i D FARMS-BOTI I I These, Results You Can Be Sure bilproved and unimproved -in Alberta firol at a dark object which lie saw "I am going as far 114 Ayr," SasIC-aitchowan, Manitoba. If going Wes dight.to Reasonably Chastise -HN . , replied . L I or thought, lie saw moving towards his lord;Axlp. . I Of When Yolt Use *11, 'Mfs�_Beiit Man'Was Abductor. him. A , 11 was however, now �Wll, and "Pity yo swel b ,�, it will pay you to see me. , . � I . Is get.fl;�ced by , ; 'a .- , ust have with- blacklegs. 11119 , I . I OQX, GRAIN AND DAIRI ,.� ,- - the onemy or thieves in Scale noblemen I hear, '44 M are 'k ,,�# ,,,. �4.ar4o s, Steven- turf", I L ''M , Z,�P��*,w'sz drawa on finding themselves discov- diop fortunes on the I Old OaWrlo , �_ � . I farins to suit you in . , IN ta .., B. CHASE'S OINTMENT "FRul"', ST - i -4 w " .�A t might,be consult me. 15 'y we waiting t -ill the alarm ':Indeed I", � ',,,',�'L, Vr' 91-�deja,*�=4�Jle.goes'oa __ �ein , �1 . H W. DAWSON, NINETY COT '. i4k Dr. Chase's Ointment. Itching is stq- 11 BORNE street. Phone Maiae)99C N." '� Me, 11 oui � au6est should have subsidod beforo making 4 Do a bit my -self sometimes -about Quick and certain ate the, offects. of "' , " tonaer or a poll 'f , I . 1, q * ;. , lwhon,'%I�a�o,to.Jaoing matri- another .advance, a ':is my out- Kn6w �_ , 'ffi, A strong patrol waa immediately or- anything good 1%� Almost as voon as it is applied. Nights,and holidays, Two a-undred, ani ,­, . . 411y 44,.-,vvb'��ra�to-dgy' What hesi- to -day wo:Ttli, my gd I _��Ak,�.,Kqfto`was, o , J!"t dered out, and the paiapet manned. while toaching?" I he sores are cleaned out, morbid Ssvelity-bwo Wright avenue PhoneParl I 1, . *: _ he joking Woronto. I I . ax M4 t6 �'b�, tahel�leerioasly T growth is arrested, and the healing %_1 I — I d!\,a patrol cautiously felt their way "I win not a tipster." - .. .1 t I va , , M_ ­ the ravine I -t. -111d swrew .%A . -1 ­ �Z 141, 41, PtOce,lis is soon set in action. - .ay ,og. b,iie�ouuvr.,t -LT, :I$ true TQO.T� I . 4. .V . .- J'" ­� Aj.,o U REAL ESTATE. , I I i � no trace Of an enemy, .1.1 � 00m:paxe fliese results with the ted- — _ ; wqT �1 - "Rauin- 'Cal ndar," ,so thought" you - " I & &T�'�IM4'RWWPsibla of the' After a long and eareful searoli the might Low,1G., . . aouviless and .uncertainty of int6mal ri ARMS. STORES, RESIDExcr" 11 lfi1vbv6d,'they;kQ,'w that mar- y . treatment for Itching skin disease. By sh Ps, mills timber lands, etc. Wrl : 1 .,4 , f �, - . - � k were about to return to the fort, when "W141 " repli-ed.his, lords�4p� � "if I c I q"yr,as a leap' in the' daX , a great � . � I , , th'sh -'th6��' , 'were", alot so one of the flank iiien TepoTted that give yz t�6�atrajghtltip'wlll it be'of .all means look after the health of the for free Illustra�ed catalogue; an intlerok I . , ok for the homeseeker and investo ghs'ff4b�i$ ,4 blood and the system nera ly but ing bo . . ,­ ,,� * ' " � 1 1, a wa,'to oali.!t&, ac kA -thilig he thou0it, he 'heard - the groans of sexvice to you?'�', � . l'd tOl. � . King & Nelson Co., Barton, Vt. , _% _� % 'A -ring J U.S1 - ,dii.,� Tbeypr4allzedcv * - Following the "Depends If I'lancyAt& ,.� 9 I §,:6 _ " I e inavit- some stricken creature I get rid Of the arinoyin gae I ... � 11 ailment at once by using Dr. � , 6 '$ts� * kin I 'I ��S'%0th, ,��SM411if they I'lap. diTect�on from which the soundi ap- "Put your tanner "'. ny on Lord s HELP� WANTED�. !- : . 1. " , I -*. , J- peaxed to come, the patrol discovered R-ozebery's Chev V., the Welter: Chase's ,01latment. W.�WTRD.-CAPABLH WOMAN FO I ,�, -8io be *Ue'as' Oell as'bold; they � The reputation Of Dr. Chase's Oint- � .1 ,vvat� . c ';a$ , 11 . I " . . i I -'ec,"Ory _1ai,d and bat- acow mortally wounded among some Cap," I—. _4111_4� has been made Uy its marvel responsible position with VIAVA COT ,. � ., .. � I ;. I . to 'liffilasio, � n;, 1hey '. Surrender- boulders. The mystery was therefore "Not JGx Joseph 14 1 never bael: Lord ment I � FanYl not olerlcal,- excellent 'o ortunii : � � i � .- - I- . I � .. el' ,- 6e'e 'wehl a little way solved, and a titter r&u round the Rosebery's horses.'�Uhey say h1o's a lolls success in the care of eczema ,or advanoement, f Address 4" _-.6--i. .. " - I .1 I " walls as the leader of the patrol regular ohumpkin.'!,,'-+ �nd piles. But it is just as effective tion'Llfe Build ag, Toronto. 7.'�?v . I . , . .Toa 0 `9, I ace thdir late. ; I - . I I I I e i re- nt�y the mouth of ehouted out the news. '."Incleedl,---Perh,apsd,tliey're Tight: in the cure of old sores and -wounds : I 1� I - 11'. - But for Gunga Singh there Iwas no H�wever,, 7,41 '-asked?1iie_ I can only which have delled ordinary treatments WA XTU RESENTATIV:PE . �� . aw tiud-' , from the re-, I , I , as e ,� either sex,. locally;-bfi 0oo4s,n6qe . 11. I OeOt` ti ea. - ome1nidss will rebel, humor in the situation. He, a Sikh, add that I heard Lo,rd,Rosebery`%im- and been given up by do.otors. . sary as bread; salary t,Wo dollars','.per'do ­­ had killed a cow-fliat is, had ,com- self'tell what y(J1 -Dr. Chas0s. Ointment is prized by .and commission . 4,s"i A* I at the i1se of the -word u"� term a - chumpkin 11_"s�lnllienoe un-decessar. I .fib , �)�I,;,- mitted the foulest sacTilege of vliich to back his horse." I � mothera as it treatment for the ddn J. L. Wiph, �".., -11--- 11 I . �k , ,� and obliging �"clergymeu will - ­ - I I t�ptfullfomjt it from the , ,service. But a Hindoo can be guilty. He -would "Depend upon it, if it was all right troubles' of babies, such as charing, . 11 _ PouLTRY, , � �, . , thenceforth, be uliclean— a 'pariah he would not IeVyo-a' overheaT hii skin irritation, scald head and baby — I "t,lib ,�other � survivals of . thit a.aclent � , � . . . I e . . iage eeremoa�'Vihich goes back to amongst his"brethren. The native offi- conversation. -,. Mum.- would then be eczenla- Its soothing influence .stops CAWADIAX,� POULTRY �-EE VIEW� �2g.=-,., 'N � _%ilte �,vhe�li the'sexes were .on a cer of his compauy,asked permission his game. -Why's.there'o a'J,Gt in that the Itching, alad it prevents the de- published first of e4ch montk;�, all it . � 11 - It him to be relieved at his post, race I I'll.'bet'you a pony'Lard Rose. velopment of eezema from these lesser oilltry news of the Doridnion7l .64" ' , - , Jy diflerent footing from now will. for I . 80C, year; Poultry '.gdvoo&te,, the '1.P1t191,N %,rA,O , , . -e not so-ii�nbh a on't win it."-%, I -in troubles. , -. 1. 0 � 61301i:�vok a -a word and, having obtaifted it, snatched the bery d - ..W. � sh. . Koultry paper; the paper that' fte% 10Zt't" rifielroin the unhappy man and push- "Really 1 I - am 1�iot , accustomed to Mrs. Oscar Vancott, St. Antoine , ow," 50c. year; both to one address,. 5 ", tesf Yet ,some _61 the forms are . I I - .. ' �, dumbr ' of oldeiistoins even I ed him from the place with -curses bet in railwayl�oaxriz4es with strang� Sash., writes. that Dr. Chase's Oint- 0 ess ,neyear; oultry books ony.ailonsfoul � r-4, . eots. AdAress IL B. Don6vKu, 191 kAd, �, I ��;palai.sibl% . . . calculated to wither him ,on the spot. ers!" , meut eured her boy 61 eczema *when 'i'-� The old Sikh priest of -the regiment "There's my caxd. pact is, you his head w" a mass of scabs, and he laide street wesb,,Toronto, Ont. �� -., .1.1 Walsh, for indan,ce, in'his "Cariosi- i . . . I � 4 Populax Customs," holds that ,',hen took* Gunga Singrh in hand, and ain't game to bel.',i� , , - . � suffered untold agony from Jhe'itch- I lie O . ell . (so tenderly cherished immediately insbitated a rigorous "I think you'll " lose your. money, Ing. Dr. Chase's Oiutm�nt,l BO'cents . MISC � - InU fe. as the symbK, of endur- 'o".96 Of PuTificat'iOu. � I Y?tfhe -�`d but as you challenge me letTib be a 8. box,, at all dealers, or F.Amanson, TAILORSA.WD CUTTERSZZZL�DTOI � �,� g affacton) 'is but the modern em- - AAer certain preliminaries had be& bet. You'll see me �in tlieiWt�wards' Bates, & Co.*,' Limited, Toronto. �. � Wearne's 0'. Pant and Vest System I I I . full size draft by x�3all; special tterris .t . . I of the fetter with wl-dell. the eax- duly fulfilled Gunga Singh was given enclosure at � th; �course., I' have no --- I ' I21, I � I � - cee was bound to -her lord The 'ila" in or&r tha"t lie might betake cards with me.".��v- . .tl%,i.�_ . . order. -k Sydney Wea;Vne, , Tus bt, Noy I � . nk CO " Sao""-' ,' , _'�­' � ' .- - . . . . . . y term "wedding" is *derived , P as himself to the sacred Ganges and "Agreed I It's a bet. I b�?t you an The � Toro�to' Dress'Plaiti ' . VETERANT GRANTS WAXTED-02� � I i very dy knows, from a custom -wash and be clean. Many were the evc-i pony against. ChevrA6nel for the Makes - Acoordoon. and Xnifo Plaiting, T-'kRIO, unlocated or lociited—in an I ch we would 'not now tolexate. it Penances that were required of him, Welter Cup. But `wh�at's your nair�b, Hem Stitching,,, Viol -Ing, Braiding'and township or district, Northern O'ntaric - ,was not until the ninth o' tenth ce,11- heavy the fees he paid before he was young JeUowp,, .. ' Covered Buttons. Mulholland � . r 1-o � , . ,Mghest cigshprice pikid. , 11 . � �'tuxy that the woman enjoyed any permitted again to share the cup and "Primrose. Sometimes I'm oth,e, Sunburst skirts ' ited. . I . Co., Toronto, - . .;� �*­ 1 - � � ". But he fulfilled till that was wise addressed." I ropla, liberty of choice as to hu.sbands. Of- Platte Write for our free price i1sto, Mail � AGENTS WANTED. 11, � . �teii enough she was pleaged Ili child- ,,qlli,ed-of bim Yvithout a murmur, "All right, young Primrose; Pay orders pior�ptly filled. ' . � and Nvith the ateedfast courage of a and receive after the race." 'rel.North3843. 600 YONGE ST,, TORONTO. S - IV , � ood, the prospective groom giving as - , - -�__arnest of his sincerity a security or true Sikh, and came back to the xegi- The co,(� at the . : A G E W T S WANTED—IN 'fEVE . , ga,u io n 8 separated , � . town in Canada—'to sell the best hani , �, 0 ��V�',_'� , P r�eln a* flan , y C bo t,whi- � 1"wed- to'the ohild's family. The hus- inenb prepared to take up the thread station. ronel won in a canter, . . k ve,cuum cleaner in.America. .E. Ii. Dyei 'bamd's duty to his wife 'wa ;of life wlwre he had left it. and the -commercial received the fol- ,. I . . i - 8 b 11 47 Eii�t Wellington street Toronto. . . t�means diseharaed when lie I,Oo�y l,'L'iO This, however, he was not all -owed lowing morning a short "note' by a & OF '0T11t1�3.AGE9C1 ' . � I _. I A STUDY . � "for fairer Or fouler, for better 'or to do. He Nvas met with no -overt hos- messengex from the stewards' stand-, �� t -------- propositions codvlrkeei.u�Nhab non !'worse. for richer or poorer," when he , " - I j, tility, no one abused him or threw "Mr Primrose (Lord Rosebery) would 11 , can equal cars. . You'will 'always'rogre � I . " Aging and fr. — handing to . a don't,apply, for partion1kri t, . tisupplied har with food, It the past in his teeth, �-et Gunga Singh f"I obliged by 1; I WAt - - �� � . . It I, - Da . Taimeat and fulfilled liet s�nti tound it impossible to settle down in his which his lordship Travellers, Dept., -2P,3 Albert straab, Ot. I , ment"I 9 0 � tawa. I.." �.. . -_ �1. .1.,7- .1 . , quirements, sack as It was not that his will ' "'T1,42' pleasure in fbrwaxd- his old place. Tr ,� they then werae. h,, - - � — " -e swore to treat his wifs well, but brother -Sikhs had not forgiven him; Ing as a donation to. the Commercial � I � ,W 0 21 E X -WAVT1tD7=-TO TA XT - �� since the form of the oath -occasional- they had recei-ved him.back into their Travelers' Orphan Asylum.- r_% 0 QUif,l � d,_ � - orders In spare time;, no experleno . � . j obliged him to "bestow upon his midst with every token Of good corn- The '.'bagman" paid his money, look- The Porcupine .t ne.et sary; our lines especially used b, J m Ters and girls. Apply Dqpt� A., Brl' I � . I '11 Wife and apprentice moderate cast' a; Tade§hip, and even his stern old com- ina very crestfallen, and was eard * , . Ish Canadian Industrial Company . . . . . . 'g I �ion," we may suppose that the Is, I pa.ny offloer ha,l bade hime a graffi to ejaculate, "Done I Who on earth A monthly. publication giving de�l Albeirt street, Ottawa. , 1. I 11 . . I I , q .� ijeft him a large license, indeea That but kindly welcome. would have dreamt that the gDod-look- tailed information on ovcr thirty �11. � I et now anZI again exceeded evL'this Nevertheless, even the British of- ing, affable young fellow, whoin I - OWE RELIABLE MAW WA11NTTED I Icense is testified by an old Welsh ficers could not but be sensible that imagined was a chumpkin, was in milling companies now operatill.2� every town to take orders for bes � IL I .1, , which defined "reasonable casti. a subtle influence was at work fact none other than the Earl of Rose. in the new Porcupine Gold Vields." custom-made clothes in -Canada� higlidsl I ation" wifla more exactitude than our throu., n ,commission. Itex Tailoring Co., Limited I I ,ftut the regiinent�—thit stirange, bery, ' i good honest tip COPY SENT ON REQUEST. Toronto, Ont. . I . � I i, t . s have vet defined "reasonable re- indefinable suggestion of "Somethin- about his own horse, by which I was tA Taint." TIme blows with a. broom- 'wrong," which none so well know how fool enough to lose 925? An-yway, he's KOTT,' 7 START TEA ROUTE TO-DAY—SENI � "" � _ _ '.., Tistick about any part of the anatomy to inspire as the native of Indi postal for, ciroulays or 10o. for samplei � _ a—aad a regular trump, and hCs Tight—I' � in . STOCR Br,_0l0L'RS, and ternas, Alfred Tyler, London, Ont. . JexcePt the head came within the Gunga Singh became daily more the chumpkin after all!" . I — , mi-serable. 24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, . I I : ,meaning of the ancient statute. An- -- . . � I I � � _11 , � ,.--,I*er humane regulation. provided The Afridis meanwhile remained V that there is dit 1. 1that the stic QUAINT FOODS. enormous d e - k be no longer steeped in what might be termed ab- mand for the � 7 :4haa the husband's arm and no thick- solutely unobtrusive virtue. so IOU KNOW Canadian edl- , � I � . ; 10T. than his middle finger. Such was At last the strain became more than Catering Extraordinary That Prevails H. H. Nightingale, — Ition of Rev. Era- , , ( 4 cst Eell's great book "FIGHTING THE TRAFFIC IN � i lafarriage in the good old days -in mer- the proud young soldier could bear, . Among Aboriginal Races. Member Standud Stock YOUNG GIRLS"? This new edition, whicU has 1� , . rl, England. If the doctvine of indiv- and Gunga Sinkh left to woo fortune ,just been issued, contains over rgta a �s nan Z 1) 113g ; I I . The primitive races of mankind eat .and Mining Excfiange. $1 , interesting illustrations and tal'i'i gi ; . , I I nalism has combined with greater afresh, still beneath the banner many thing5 that seem strange and . .r we ive, best teynis to agents. ,Outftt � � I I iintelligence and humanity to put an of the Great Sirdar, bat ander far dis- repulsive to us �bough n6t more- so ' HIGH-GRADE free. Sendlrx. for forWardin charges. Book , 4 � � ednd , inties sent to 4 a address posWig u3)on receipt of to such baxbarities it should have tan', skies�Blackwoodls Magazine. than some of our favorite da 1711,17 -JOHN C WINS ,ON C. 11marti iso L � - I liti share oforedit. But of this enough. appear to them. Ila .&venue. toron to I . Mr. Walsh, in considering the origin The "Ear of Dianystus." At the end of the rainy season the PORCUPINE STOCKS . ____ I - . I I., 110f the oustom of having a best -man A cunningly constructed , Busbulen of South Africa go foraging, Correspondence Invited. I � 7 14LI weddings, either casts further back ern, consisting of a largg prison cav- t 1.: , Lking with them' their wives and 33 MELINDA ST- TORONTO. Empire Realty Agency, 11 1, ithan some other writers on the sub- connected e chambjer . .. . ; �. with One Of the smaller di- children and most of Their earthly ___ I t or trusts more to conje�ctur( � 21 RICHMOND STREET EAST :L L , � = -... The mens;lons situated near Syracuse, possessions. The men hunt, using ar- I And 1275 BLOCPR ST. WEST, I I , .a� man, he thinks, wai originally a Italy, has gone into legendary history ,o, tipped with a poison which ap- AFZ� I -Have for sale improved F rult Farms of � tl ,"best man" in the most primitive wi e,l the title of the "Ea- of Dionys- pears to be harmless when taken into AGE NTM - all sizes. Also good ,proparty invest- , � I �senae of the' -word. If marriages in tile ,us." The' smaller chamber was un- the stomach. (The South American I -inents in Toronto and oDantry towns. , , -earliest times went not by faVor, nei- ' known to the prisoners, kept in this Indiana claim that the curare which . Also hot . els for sale or lease. '; " L I .ther did they invariably go by ar- underground dungeon, ana the tyrant they use fcr this purpose makes the One live man in every town to , !;rangeinent. In those wild times, per- MADF,-TO-MI�A- Write for particulars. � 100 counted for.more habit of secreting himself there to hs- While the men hunt the women dig SU" Clothina. . ' nal prowess Often I by whose name it is known had a fle�b of the game more digestible.) take orders for , , ".".. I lid winning a wife than the most se. ten to the conversation of the con- 13p, roots with sharpened sticks. The , .__ 1. Motive manners. Having set hii heart victs, who were mostly political of- favorite root or tuber called lensho, Largest line ef sa,m Q ALT . I . ples in Canada R 0 C K 4"M �.� I ,Dn an eligible young Woma713, tlie fenders. An in�enious, device con- i and best value. Goodcommissions. FOR FIKEZING ICE CREAM. � , I 1knight might keep his own counsel, I . a as big as a cocoanut, andi like the I structed at the smaller end o juice, ­ . ! ka maid , er chamber t,ransm;tted the sounds so that it appeases both hunger and Fall samples will be ready on the , . . ,suffer another gallant to woo t` f the I&rg- latter, it is filled with a milky J I I �11 iarrailge terins with the family, and through the partitio' Caterpillars are collected. SEND r.oR imidn., �� '. n, 'thus enabling thirst. .. Assume all the bardensume obliga- the all. Picious ruler to hear even t killed by crushing their heads, and I5th Of Jub% I I? I 'tions. The day would set, t a iTe LT WORKS � � . : he priest whispered conversations of bis -�-,ub_ carefully packed in grass for future CROWN TAILORIN6 CO., LTD., . . I , waiting in the church porch, the mar- jects," use. Good water is often a bighly I G. J. CL]r,r, Xanager, Toronto, Ont . I ­ ­ �, I , I �riage party, dressed with much ele- . prized luxury, and is bottled in anta- . : � . 4,gancio, on the way to �the ceremony. Deliberate Torture, . lope skins for transportation. . Canada's Best Tailors. I I �­� ;Suddenly and without warning, the Lawyer for the plaintiff—Gentlemen The n6tives cf Australia live very ____ -_ — GALVINTHLIDE CO. ., ;1 )Teal groom would set upon the caval- of the jury, the defendant clairils that largely upon the seed of many __Rlglm� . LIMITED, I , loade w;th sword and lance, supported when he ran over my client his, car species of grasses for each Of which _L0 38 MERRICK STREET, . �� ,Iby his best man and a few retainers, was going but t-l—ee miles. art li�ur they have a distinctive name. They �' I � HARUILTON, - - - ONT. � - ,drive the party before him, Thinl� of tile aErony endured by my also eat the seeds of various palms, - � ,, 4 1 � wedd�lng ",,P"! 11 ,seize the bride d make off with her chent while beiiig run Over as slowly many roots and bulbs-, and the gu I . :: ­ High -est Casli Price Pai� for I � i . m - — —_ to a haztily improvised ceremony. Old a I — , X . . I., 'AhOes now cast after the de - tbat! 01-adel by trees. A sort ot bread is , I.., , � � s .. 11 - I parting — I made of the inkua root, and a grupl . . I I Hides, Skins, Tallow, Etc. fbride recall, thinks Mr. WaJAb, the , - . -_ . I . . I � �Weap,ons hurled by the cheat(xi wed.! of kararign, seeds. The animal food I . 1. - : I � . :ding party. The honeymoon (!f to -day � R """* D N LID- m� -a of the Australians includes snt�, ARE Y0U INTERESTED I . " ­ �was aforetitne the ppriod (Jurj-,1,, Whicii r-11 ,�� A..,f � Cate -p -Mars, cicade's, and many other DR. C.GORDON HEWITT, In SaskateheWafl or Alberta? I ; I " ber groom found it hea17hi(-r to I :� . .11 ta To)) I RED VEINS im�ticts- A fivnritL dish, (.�qllpd tuin- L � I , I ,,, out oi sight. I ... . . .. .. amba, is compnsed of pupa cases. "' i Dominion Entomologist, says, e. ,��, I., _,.� RED FACE referdng to the Want& death rate from intesdnal —WF HAVE— L� A relic of this ancient custom till I . ,�� ,..,w r, . Another delicacy is the flesh of . � I . ... , and all 1rrItat!,d,In0Pm- ill;� I author still found in Cardigamsilirn 1: ­- .. .1511illcum Which, with the exception of diseases and diar6ma spread by the house fly, he 0 . . 1- - I I I I . I .... e(I vonditiun.4, w L�;_ I � � I �, �Wales. where the gro(')m, i1rher, 11,. ca I I-' 41 sidn are vn!loi,f,ij�'g, (i.s- the liver, is too dry and tasteless to belie-ves that the so-called harnaless fly is ye rly re , � - t , 11guring and i'llint- � appecl to civfflz�d �Rlate,�--. Meat is I y ; 11 . I I . ed on the morning of, the e(,reinaay, � Ingy, but d(ai't, worry, causingthe d.eath of thousands of Want% as willas 10�000 ACRES . Was met by a mock res!A-ance on tht? these affections aroll " bakod in a primitive oven, , I 'Part of the bride's birnily Positively cared by its. made digging a ho7r, abolit a foot sp , - ,� I reading t . he gerigs of typhoicf . fever. � . , � iyould bc? nitlell geumil1g. * There � � a lder�p y the gro'und. In the hole i; - 1 , � )jd the part-; reiiaerta, � � . and horse. p�rinanpntly liceaH.y, I "aus, In C11010101 LAND. , ., eat- I ,I , 9 IS Write us ,or particulars. '', 11 'Play, accompanied Often by a rude , 4 W I L S 0 N .. I P I ITO . I and immrai. Conswra. Mac f, it I' which is covvri,d wit. , tative, After the groom had b by lotter. CANXMIAN HOME LAND CO., . � ,3!001 . tioll [roe, Personally or .9 t o ry ez - Wlipri thp ptimes have 'be- � ll ;.on dOwn %fposiflon he still bad to � SUPERFLUOUS HAIR onmr, vory hot, the fire i., extinguish- - . , LnILTRA . iten &sauis- � 'r-;T1n10s,' warp, fte-, pernianently removem '�7 n � S Ba . hu,it. t1w bril�!, who was of � I I . . (1d, and tho stones aro covo I rod, eUin!,tjm4,,9 as a hideous �Jd c-r'orw, � ,,, e1­t%,a1y.4!% No nvsrk, no scar. sarisjiw-j - A of Hamilton Climbers, Hamilton, Ont. r . " ,� I ,reen leaves, on which the in-st J� i 'r I . rrival of the Party before the! �.�0111&SSUJ:UL gelid �.Lawl)ror BooR!,-t-o. 1:r-1nt-.f-d. The hole is th-m filled withl Fly Per-- d Referenc e—Traders Bank, Hamilton, ont I � illn 1,�le " I I 'I Slq'd W.1 I ,, . arth find is not renp,aried until the .'ahn, 71 door the bride was once --e ', 't OR '10' INSTITUTE - - I I ina, � at-, H I,' MLO"i -L , ;. ,� sel7ed by her kinsman And surre . - __ . ulne dete,rmined for the cooki�.- of I . _. � , 18g;9Z . are thi only thing that will rid I rid -r. � (:]Oj3�0d�lego St., Tormto. Istaly.:� the meat ties c'­p8el. I , f ;ed only after a, ]lot pursuit, your JOSEPH P. CANNON h � I . �_ V_ 1, ''.�. � z_____.__:n=_=_ ____", ­________...____ .. — it � house of these dangerous pests. tixciuber of Dominion Stock EX41ifla -N I . Cc ergs. t -he disposition of icobergs to turn turtle is one of tbei�T 1XIOA 'Jangerous It _ . � . � tol'A a- Finardand Broke'r . ;Z_=_1__. - - -1 Propensities. arises Iroxn several - d causefs. Wlien they start out from Greenla,ad their bottoms are .heavy The Insult of Irony, . Irony Is all insult conveyed in the I Poro"Pinis Stricks a Specialty. 14 Icing Str'ei.et El - with tho detritus gatberod Jn their -form oi a. cumplinwilt, placing its Vic- as�, Torouto. I glacial period, and this drop$ off at intervals as they friove south. causing tim naked on a bed of briers and bristles, thinly covered with rose 2-_1 -_ I Two Truths. ,- I their centre 01 griv,ty to change anci the berg to assume new positioas, leaves; adorning his brow with �la crown of gold, which burns into "One of the most impo Op rtanb things I - his btain; teasing and fretting and rid- in lif a, my son, is to know when to grasp an opportunity." o- . Switf Messenger. Messenger Bay (to stranger) .1 si� - I . p pose, s1r, are visiting the dling him tbrotigh and through with incessant discharges of hot I shot from "And �raotfrar/' said the� wige son, "is to know when to let -go 'of it, I you ,baron ovor bliore. Stran.ger-I am. And ate a niasked �battery, laying .bare the MOA sensitive and ohrinking nerves of suppose." � � .. 11 ,I you going to the castle too? Messenger his mind and then bladdly toadhh,in"84 . I 41oldn Sweets, ; &),v--CQrtaia1Y- I'm taking your tele. I gra'm tellirI4 him you are cominx. them''With lee or smilingly pric them with nAAd.1t-_q_ I .­ Siol, '11 sw &�i I -Ai -.41, eats often tesult in men- I fQr defence; and at Alma " (w9c riftes. were first' em ,�� loyed in:'PTU] p9an warfare), Balacava, and,.Inki mann the thin red,il,lne agam',`cok; into action. All Eur6p6 was`�Ial prised to And that a tWoAeep line' Highlanders dared to wlthstand.11� charge of, cavalry at Balaolava, ;�p '3+ .11, with the .Guards ventured at the I tack on the liill-batteries?acroh�s-`t' ,� Alma, to assault a. stronglg.fP4 , ifl series of redoubt% supported by-mt sive columns of,infantry. "We were all a4t6nished," -says Russian . wxIter in describihe t advahc6'at the Alma, "at theiiexti ordinary ,, lirmnos with which 41i t: red * jackets, having crossed,`the'Tkt( opened a heavy fir6 in line upon,f redoubt, This was the- mosf. exti ordinary thing to us, as we had 411ev seen troops fight in lines two-dbe, I nor did we.think it possilyle for mi to , lie found with sufficlont firmne of illo-rale to be ablo to attack, -In U on. our mt ­­ columns:.I� I I I Von Molthe, when reviewing t] campaign In Russia, Temvked th - they .haa fought i in the Penih-s-ul a and in which they 1�ad -w�lthstiiod t] �., shook ,of' Ney's veteran , columnil. "�_ WaMrloo. In,,,,Ws ..-f6rmat6m:,�,thi an had to cross a iiver'ivi,th.,,stee,.P,."Vah". � ), and to -asqeiiA %� ro6ky .slopo,11�010 )- proxithity to :a burning village'?aa U I .1 among enclosed vineyraids. Opbosi , to the -British 'stood at least ' tw �" thirds of the � Russian -'force., , TI - Russians Ifelt - confident � of Weakil I this lln6t'at-�any point wkh their,43liil ; si*e"columns, but tlieA'lamel m­ul 0 %vere obtai ed' everywhe�a. T& Rli a I nfornied into lcolumn�� - : sian army, cor :- posed of ,seven battaliohu fone. belift " the 6ther, advari�ced with!� a ��esolli 7 a , ,. an, imposing bearing,'anA`the .tkf . � , Itisli'lie: ,,, weak -looking line di tlfb�,Brl . its ground, and,"diftote its flr�,� .this denn mass'at a'Tan-'e at Nihi( - bulletv could n6t fail to Iake`dfte� r__ Still, 'for 'a short time, i the -,'collili . I 'st6od fire; soon,. however, it. lost 1 ., wall-like appeard'hes, and, Vecomir more of., the form (Z an 'iTireguli � (31012,4,-at.length,gave way' ' ' 'The BA . 3 ish, advancing - in line., and heepir. b up their-. fire, twice Urbke into tl: ) principal.�. Russian. 'entrendhment which .wtis,'defended by�slxte ' en g -du * At Inkerman.n. while . the hea-v I , ralseenabled the mass�ive'columns ( , the inemy foo surprUe the British I ' their *cajiimments totally unpreparec . 3 the steady 11TO 'Of tYe line formatib again 'proved superior to overwbelir - Ing numlSers.-G. Bruce,' in Chair ; bers's -Journal. � I � � Wr;ng Application. . . Bald Patro:R-Here!', I've, rubbe I this dope on my head for three we�k I w4thoud'Tesult, yet you said it woul grow hair on a billiaxd ball. I ."Well, how do you expect it to groi hair on a billiard ball when ydu ru it on. your head?" . _11 0x1do,o]r1.Z1nc 19 0 V�­. .,�.. , ., 1 1". .. I Q U 1 C k V - 141@27d' I'S ` �-, E r'�pfiofi;`. s Sores -and - , :J Wou"A'U'S'i - Ma spline Rermdles in Tubes CaPsic.ufn,Bonated, Menthol at'ed. Whil-P, Carbolated,Carnpho?: � IC9, Camphoratgd,' Qtc. Each for Special purposc,s. Wiite for Free Vaseline -Book 'hesebrauAW�Cnl=) C hAl,nt A— M­f—I , . I .. I � I % I 1 I .. r � , \ . , , , 01,4 �d ,FS .dA TFq= 4 I KI ICE .- I.-.,..,- _.�", 1— 11­� 11 Oftm ""A"W*"w ' ryI oing niadi ' "'-"" ."kww 'rry'� 990 b . in MORE, MONE JAVOIR M 0 � ' 1�,- .. , 0 ent a d I 7TIQ " I i(I . t V 0 r t Ancouyer Qum It x � "' K a 0 0 Anc � "" d y 4 "y , fgnad , Van 0 �'Ii 0 111(103'rl' .. 4 b 904 111(luet.ir�.YIOI�knd-.00l�irAer,oiR,l�0.0 , 9 � 6 Arst I '. t be A the flirs an I Ort Ill eklibi 09 h �91, . .1 I "`�"tlug to an 1. orrtliigtoa, fro e0dent I '.�, 4a le 1 0" "U"It "Olql$ 1IUXD=D MILLION DOLIU. ' � , 9.s C6 LEel I . r '. Was made In tbeyear ending Aly`ik, ' r as made in the 40.1 11 242v Who "M the foresight hild 'oo . I I I" t. es 11 I Mae ,Ulu W s4lients. I . 0 sue ,,, ve � � - � 'Z , I , 1811,4 0001i, C�RAX Y, 4 000 . W � 8 - L�l 1,., 15 - , 'IT . "'. I . ".. ..". .. 11 � � , . � y 2-yowcan 11kT !t V6, small am I � - , a car sbarwo . , a "I t A. 1, 1 I , � D1 I I� 7t"Se.1,1d'1cr pArtioplars, I I.. n I . � . �p - ,�X. R. WAT,Rlh&.PQ,3 1 � 1 � ., I I V I I , -11 i - I � or' , r_V''. � I A , pk� .. k — . WylotorI41*0K. � r, . I . 't,,r �_­ _ , 'I., . � r , I -.- .',',Jil,,",�wt:��' Z"�__ . �, r _ � - , ­":_��'k I r I , , , I IQ :1 , " A , 1 r "' j� , J Ij �1, ?Ito Wo .1 �, � .A, d Ott to $60 awe lit Women w1kol-NN .rft�il � 6T a- to take a cours P, are I a 6Ur Bealjt�r Ult Farce" So 84 1�ody Mass& e" $ha,lThi b I , 119 oil a - '. y 11 , oing, 461r, press ug, 31 n ;. ,gpinf, a I , � I ,4 r F, � -!�,q � — I to .%, Graduates assured ...pos.11agn alla � , f, r- ' . a, Don't 9tu%aprofess16h that, a. 6 � '. brQ tout 10. LE) WIded. 1herQ,IsaJ)Igdein&n4 . r, - , ist, blisiness,�5unilp.er olasse!10111ar �, w� h half Mo for A -Jilne July and A 9 ' 1, by correspondence alm ie . ,W6,teaeti ' a- MEMO' . S BEAUTY CU �UR&,,SCHO& - r , .X �; - 105 YO'ANTGYD )STREET,* TORONTO, I A, . " - , 1 , , , , . * IS , , IL A. LYON. M L, FLUMMER�', , , , - Is a. � LY,ON & FLU MMEA ,,, , I ke Alembers Toronto Stock Excliange. I I .., it �S, I, - I � 0 I 3 . tocks and BaidS B011911t and Sold 00 � � I 11 I li� - � � Toronto, Montreal, Now York and Lou- � I I, - , '4 I . I ! , 11, 13 din,'-'�Iflglflnd, stock Efichanges. � I - I I 1; 1) ;ealors'A Goveraniont and, Municipal De. to "', - , ., ,YESTMEN SECURITIES. p4�hres alad IN T , ).a 'Caa, . , , erlo3n 11 ofts"o nr adlan or Arn 11 4 ,Pe . 0, ' "I . I ii owity, fu I Qshe� ,bn application, �. J.f�le�h;de .1 14'. . I- . :�_.21.;Xe ,Unda Street,Xoronto. I _iM ` i IIs . ,d 790 -�. Cable Address 111,yonplum." . - � d---- I , ­111___--------�—,1 -1 a , , 1 AND 5. ,WATCH a, .' � . I ": FREE 9 3. . I g�, 1 . I I!! P - "I � I �k� 5 11 r A! , P ; 1,.,. d � .1 ­�11.1 i i:_ li ri� h. , �.� - , , -,,_ I �,, ,� " � n! I -, 11 . . - ;a , � U, . r . . Lf, We .Wlr �� . OIRL I give you this handsomefold-0 plate xtension Bracelet absolutely FRR 'fort , 07 Jelling.only $106 of our lotely worth cards A�l 0 8.10f 100. . �, . A011111411k 1, I 4 , 7 f . . . , . I r . 1 31 � . I I .: -1 . : . * � - I r ` � I 1�. . .... . , . I . . ­ I . . Z I 3 I � � , , , � I . . I ­ � I- r I I ..... �". � . - I �. � ., , . , -.,--.. . "I'll I .. 1. I ,%% ) , r . . .� BOX% we win give you this handsome en ' ., graved nickel watch, new design, just on 4D a . "" "'em wind and ,set,, care IWns 'ap ' _' -.,e lull guaranteed, for sening oaljf, ' t' y Ah $4.00 t lovel I car cards at 8 for loc. I ORDSR TO -DAY; to Arst in your vicinity. , I BB—Our beautifully illustrated catalogue, seat postpaid with every order. our c s sau'. on sight -&a they are the latest designs ag Cana adian views, floral and birthday cards. Ali &rd; r beautifully colored and miny are richly SIW- bossed on gold. TORONTO PREMIUM CO., Dept. 10, TORONtO, CAN. , - — I We Pay the Frei�ht an - I WILSON'S "" SCALES J MEDAL Built to last a lifetime, 1, Moderately priced. 0 1 , RAY AND STOCK SCALES I I In 100 Different Styles . Get our special price list if , You.'re interested to money . saving. I I C , Wilson I - - i � , . i��Ii & Son, - , .. .1 I - 81 E21anada - St E. ___­�1.111 � 01,4 �d ,FS .dA TFq= 4 I KI ICE TORONTO, mliaw — - I L---- _____ =. y : To Keep From Moving. �A C I � . Wow, You two children go to your' - . I room Lind see that you don't move for! JZvery housewife slionid Insist on having the an hour," said the woman, out of pa,&! "WONDER FLY KILLER' tience. . may play chess, then, mam.: ni'a`P"einquired the larger boy. I Your retailer winsuppty you. ir,centskeeps your house free of Hiss during the wbole I . . Not the Same Thing. . suininer. DO'XINION AGENTS ' � Mrs.. Rangles—I am always out�!' spoken. Mr. Rangles—And I ard.1 CRYSTAL SEALIN.Gco., generally outtalked. . I 11 - 204 Stair Building, Toronto, ont. . . - - - ___ �_ � ' ' MURINE EYE REFIED ' For Red, Weali, Weary, Watery Eyes anit ' TGRyRANULATEDV_yF.L1D5. I — FARMERS - ... ' '. , k BUY A 1. NEW RAPID PERFECTION Murine Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Palbi ., �, I � 1. TILE MACHKE [)-43�6b ScH Mulao Eire Rera4y. liquid, 25c 1500, $140 Murine Eye *Salve, in Aseptic Tubso. 915q.41Z and make our o�Tn cement ` I drain tile. 9�14ree Inch and fo I EYE, 130OKS AND ADVICEI FREIR JW, IU�Z i MuAnCE.VeRemedyco.ochicascp! I I Inch tile machines thtry Z'11 � lars. AsIdress WX , . .t - Box 27S, Napanee, 036rl'o" I 0. P.A.-27. I 1911. I CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMIT -ED Canada's Leading Electrotyping House el . � I �� 11 STIMBOTYPIgG � . I . I I I I . F,NGRAVING DMIGNING . .­. � " I , . ., ! : I I RI�AI)Y_$UT nWSPAMR PLATUS ' .. .1 . 11 . ADVERTISiNo CONTRACTORS . . , ', _', ,�� . . I . GOOD WORK : PROMPT DAI,XVARy : 74 I ' ODIULATA PAIM 11 I . 11 11 I = I ----. ___ - � - - � I 11 11 11111111 J 7046. P-9AAJj.5T. . . . _­*�� I . 1� I., .1 I 11 I . . � . I TOAONVO) .1 � ,I INNI 111ilo - ir., ------.- __. .. ___._,,,,,j, r � r I . . I I r .. . . I I . r I I I . � � . I , � I . I r . � � I., I . 1. � f '' " ': - ­­­­',.�_."­� " I . I " , " " , I � I ''I'," 1:14�i,� — 111-1141 11­�­­,__ :� - ­�, ___ � -401