HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 2� -1-7 `. _1�1 �,_'���!�� -,-- - - - -7- -,, " - - . � I � I
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. . I :!''�-----,�'ll�-�",!!=:!,�,�,.:tl�,!!��, ,,_w _ ,---.-.-�-�l-.,-,.,--"�,.--","""�"-.----"-�-.. I � .
I I . � �. � �� .. I � ;..' '' ' . IMP -11-11--l- ....----- ___.__..__1__1 I I
� I ' the 'transport MON X T 11 I
11�1 � I I 1 %0%11""fU4,-%AW" 'AND WATIOULSO A JAGUA31. tho climax on boa,rd I , 14 WEARS01VT QUICIM - - � I -11 - Mli ,� I
I I � NEW HALA 11� ' . , __ ,on thiwAy back to England. , � . . I — & Minin � emunr . � 1,
� , . , . . no( "I diinly remember People, g4th- W . astago Through Oiro,ulatloa on , C,hem ...... 4. inemlogy. flft%� I ,
;; 4101
qpvv" Ii s,nd M
istry an M
I , 1� . I if FOR R110m loav and coology.
. � . Irow the Great Cat (,'qmbl 11 ' t ( -, Or4mal of A in In 10 I- nzmlogy I
:� I.. I ling 140 ., W1 AmUsoulent With 1W1110s5o ered abolA my cot," 'he says, and Brit1su Gold aud. Silver 0011.89 I Chemical � Engineering. I
. 'r '� � i E g ���
,00dcomrado asking in my ear A 'A�"N't'it'4'o4a '%'9= =iv`,'A!R4,"* CIA, n Irlowins, "
.. I I I you '"'Is t 'NEw' s"N"' 101,16 C � It is the 4'at,y of each, loyal sub- . .41, 1
� � SUFFERING.WOMEN Charles -ston Bull had the, for fny last wishes. I rem , I I
I 1. I Living . . ember, Jeot not merely to I ref tire qold 001,11 . tMechanlcAl Engineering. I I
I I I . I . �Ical Engineering.
I I goQd fortuno to sea a young jaguar too, Suddenly declaring that I died ut : I I elech � I
,�, , 0 1
. I I that is under a certain weight, b � Wittiphat, I (outo
I I � *Awl *1%1,4e�,Wo�4A�,W" at play in a jungle of. British Gui- la Oatholic, Then there was a, I . . . Unitary Engineering,
. I 11 , evelopment. is I
—, , s os Week! Vor Cal 11dAr of the Schqol Au4 further Information, n_.. n
I � . I , for I' - ri, ary.SchoolominlaK,Kingstor, - ]]o
. &11d, ana. Ho,tella, in "Under the Roof blank,- but not altogether I . apply to tile Secret � in — i ,� I
I � � . I TIRE 110TAL XOM. , of t,'h,o Jungle,". how thet great oat I . the usual � 17. . I _��,Wz �i��' I
� - I I I Aching BaM, Tired .Limba , can recollect that after. d �,i
,. I I . . . , 1 $ 04 "Every. person.311 the ,act rea s, " � . ,., , , --
1. . I 111-A I_ ---bined amu ment with busi- Anal -ttli" o -; foon and 11 b h I I I I - . = I
I � I . I'think you woulcl Aavoo 414 1 1 1 . 1Z 'Jeshall by himself or Others) clID, -----".--. ,. ,
. I I . 891ittingr HesUchas Neea ness. , 1. been, ma,de-tbe eyes closed, andthe
1, I. I I � j� worm, but he was what wie'Xlt�fie ' I � , .break or deface such oo4n tendered - .. .
I I as A,great I He climbed a slight rise of ground sheet drawn over the laid -oat figare. I
,: , n . to him in payment, and the person , The Heart, of a PIA"o is, the...
,. people caaA a larva. . He'. * I Not be Lmalireft to a $a _dy,� forest -covered ridge.. -there w s curious indistinct. idea
I 1. I � . peen creot= . a ,seven inchas 1.0ag . . . I . . ' a a I te ring th.e same shall bear the Action. ln§14t on the,
�. ty thumb. . Just before he came to the top of in my brain that I* was not as Poo- nae
l . %xid as lar a round a-4 = . this low ridgo lie saw a curious orea- ple supposed; that I was still con- loss." Oil
�-'' ' ,�.Iong his. Tack Were two rows A In 4ileat Patience nearly evel*y But in s0te of this act it is risky ,OTTO HIG EL.
. ,�, I I 0 was , ture inaking Off among the big scious, and ,even that I was being I .
. � 1. lo,ng brown spin,os, .slid his'fwo i . . . I business interfering with wins
... � I � '11 puckerorLup into curious wriak- woman endures suffering thatcasts, roots ' ,,carried by invisible hands or being, which yoll may suspect to be under Piano Action
I I I too, making him look quite savage- a shadow ,over half her existance-1 In 'two bounds lie overtook it, floated on towards a great cloud- I I months '. —, .�.�
., I ek, tiredlimbs, attacks but as he struck it with his paw, veil, the passin 9 =====______=�_
� -
... I We found him one hot, day last An aching ba g, through which it We4 bt Or sPuriOus� Some I TO THICI—EE
a Grimsby woman offered a half , POINT. I
�� I � I August, stretched out I Ona, t5wig (11 'of -faintness, and headaches and it -curled, up into a, ball and rolled seemed was.to be the final Passage . . the
� � I '16 baolcaches, need not be part of a ,way for a short distance, until it out of life. There was. no gensa- sovereign in e o IlIn time of trial," said
''. I rk butternut -tree, his chubby lit� w &u's life. Such trial indicate, brought up against a big, flat root. tion of bodily . pain. How Ion 1 1 fi, local shopkeeper. The latter put,
I . . s I and, preacher "what, brings us -the
. I less clasped closely about it. We "in � 9 the coin in a testing machine 0
,. 2 . I otraightwa� . ohlisterled him Johnny plainl,v thab the oysteni, requires th-el Th46 jaguar sniffed at it, tenta- lay in this condition I don't know, as, it broke in two, refused i� tako greatest 'comfort 1,
, -a
. I. Furrily,duffer, anil took him homje� new blood that is supplied throughitively pawed it, and watched it but I rerne,mber men coming agai I 'An acquittal I" responded "
I I with us. "Ale made him a home I the use of Dr. Willia,als' Pink Pills. t a sheet, and it. . � never have
in with keen interest as it -rolled his about the cot, lifting th , low -brow, who should
. - . from the These Fills are valued by suffering way aid that. Soon he was play- toaching me, and talking to each The coin, however, was pro- been Admitted by the usher,
� 11
I I I a shoe -box, With good $clil women who � have used them above ing with it as a kitten plays with ,other. Than I thought, 'These. men noun c, 11 �
� � I woods ,for a. carpet. Each morning i -a case was � For Frost Bites and Chilblains.-
. . we gave hi-ni a, breakfast of fresh all 'other medicines,, becallse they a ball, knocking it away and spring- are t ody for ly genuine, and when th
� he enjoyed. 1he r,,,_1,,,, red blood that makes ing af ter it, � .or clutching it with thesea;'. and as in these hot lati- taken into a court of law the Shop- Chilb1p4ris come from undue Ox -
I -t leaves, which give en wal , ' tudes the tim � rder,od to ,refund tail -o slush and ,cold and frost-
- ,
I butterall however, WOM4 bright and fit their I his paws and rolling over on his I e between death aid keeper was o . posure t
� Mter a few days, � �
�.L n d g, and began best, ,Mrs. Fred Collard, Poplar back, in ecstasy. Then, ,after a lit�- burial in, the ocean. was a � very Shillings to the customer. , bite from the icy Winds -of winter.
. Point, Man., says, "I can give you: tle he, Idt it, and walking to 0 1 short one, I felt the extreme hor- . Money, both. gold and silver, In the treatment of either there is
I I to show the most ourioui obaages, I out.at a startling rfite�. It as I
rter,,unf,l but a very m&1 a 3reparation than Dr.
� ,A a I estirnate of the'side, sat down and wa,shed his fae 1'ror of the Situation, and longed to wear$ . I no better �
I .1. I I He, grew shorter and sho . , I t there is usually a I I
� ho mea,sured less, than ,three inches) suffering I enduied before I began I ,and paws just as a cat might have be ableito make some sign or move.; reckoned tha cl Thomas', Eolectric Oil, as it coun-
I � I . using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -:done, pretending to take no notice ment by which they might know hundred million Pounds in 901 , teracts the inflarn-a-ion aid rer
F.", , and his glose'.9reen coat grew Pale After the birth of first. child I 1 of the curious hard -shelled beast. that, I was not really dead. Next 00i in England, a very large pro- ,
7. . n in, The action of the
�, I � I and dull. I . I my � lieves the pa
,suffered intensely from ailment ' oil is instantaneo's and its appli-
. 51 it was an arladillo, that curious I heard one. of the men Who was. portiOil ,of which is looked in the 'a
, ,� . . I one morning we found him 17ing I that too often afflict my sex. This creature which, like the tortoise, moving. my . limbs suddenly say: to strong rooms of banks. Yet of that -ion is
. in the air cat � extremely simple.
, . on his back, his legs uip was complicated by an attack -of s its house upon its back. The his. comrade. 11 don't think he's which is in aotive circulatio,4 the
I and his -coat -split from head to tail. bleeding piles, and the agony of carrie, bands in its shall enabled it dead.' It was Bill or Tom, or Jack, wastage is so . great that during, -_
� . W�a wAtchea him, ; Boon he began to I hinged . tery twelve months seventy thou- - A GOOD SHOT.
, I I I � . . wriggle, --this way , and that,-until.the clays and nights I endured is tO fola head, feet and tail compact- b'ut I have forgotten which name it el E gold and sil- "Paw wants a bottle o' liniment
at las� hehad, east off the, old 00a.b, almost past comprehension. I tried ly away, and to asimine, almost the was. - The other man -replied, Sand pounds worth o� wants a bottle o' china, ce-
� many remedies, but they did not shape of a sphere. Its tough, elas- 'Dead? you something or other, ter are rubbed off into fin,e dust. and M&W <%W 1�
. )Tight new ment rig ay.
1 and there appeared a I ,, help me in my trouble, and from a tic Shell ,was proof against even the whv. I saw him die at 8 o'clock this . ,.—,I.--. , . I ((A 1 1A What's
. I Johnny�the -same and yet a differ- I healthy young woman weigh"g 140 blows of the big cat. . morning,' Then there was some As 9; verinifuge there is nothing All right, sonny.
enti creature. Instead of the ,old, pounds I fell &Way in Weight to 95 Werra wrong 7"
W-Orm-like, legs-, there were slender I � The jaguar's atroention was next in -ore arm lifting or moybig, and so potent As. Mother Graves' I ( (M-aw bit paw with the sugar
. now ones, all folded up on his sicleG; pounds. I grew so weak I could attracted. by sounds from the jungle the man who had first spoken went Exterminator, and it can be given bowl.' " .
hardly walk acrot,s the floor, and of cracking brush, squealing and on, 'Well, I don't think he's dead; to the most delicite child without �
and most marvelous Of a,11, th"O there were times I hardly krtew i n
were -wings folded up there, too- grunting, Leaping lightly upon a anyway, I'll go for the doctor-� fear or injury to the cOustitlltiO -
; 1. eeia coat grew darker what I was doing, so great -was my fallen tree trunk, he crouched, per- Their- more people came about the . � I
, . The new g,r , jagony. I went -bo Brandon and haps ten fee I t from the ground, and swinging cot; something was clone, Critic -i ,I. tell you what it is, .X -r. ,
I and thicker as we, watched, 1131 -til � colisulted a doctor who said that, ive con- MoDaub, those ostriches are Simply Mirlard's Liniment Co., Limited.
. e1cTown,, I watched a band of peccari,es, little and I awoke orbecame ,act . ly .
finally Johnny was a ,dark . nothing would help me but an o13 1 . superb. You shouldn't paint any- Dear Sir%-Thig fall I got thrown on a
� , lifeless -looking creature-fi, Pupa, i eration for both my troubles, aud � black pigs of the jungle, which were Scions again." . fence and hurt my chest very bad, so I
.1 we should call him. Just s& lie has I ve, to remain in the nosing along, picking up owaSiorraJ4 _4�_L_ thing but birds." Artist (disgusteif) conid not work and it hurt me to breathe
i T ey .1 tried an kinds of Liniments and they
, , I I I did me no good.
i that I would ha -11 � h
- lain all win -ter, never eating, 'never , nuts as they came. .HE WAS DIS,0HARGED. .Those axe not ostriches.
11 I even moving, I I hospital for at least eight week8, i ,For several minutes they stood . ering'about are angels I" . I One bottle of 3,13NARD'S LINIMENT
, I . I Being .9, farmer's wife I felt that - rigid, making no- sound, and -the "Why. are you wand, � I I — warmed all flannels and applied on my
, I One of these warm spring daysIthis was impossible, and while in spotted cat needed all his self-oon- the ,country instead of looking after Inflarilinatory Rheumatism . may breast, cured ine cou?Ic[to'C6bSSABOOM.
I I Johnny's little spirit will awalcen; Brandon I met a friend who strong- his whereabo . I wife'and ,children at'home7" I
, . � koep uts un- yo,ar . ,make you a cripple for We. Don't Rossway. Digby Co., N.S.
,:, ,their he will come out from-thal inqu � tattered I
I reading those 1 known. wai
I I ly urped me to tfy Dr. Williams' trol to Then, one by one, the ir,ed the lady of the t for infammation .to set in, -
I 1, i I I I brown coat, aid Sp Pink Pills, telling me that they had � tramp. I ght pains appear, .
I -
1. � 11 broad wines, appear before the cured her trouble similar to mine,' pigs turned and ht,arted to steal ,, Well, malam, it's like this," ex. Wben the first sli� ,.
I world, not as Johnny Funnyduffer, silently back through the jungle. ,drive the poison out with Hamlins 1� �
I � 11101f,11 -King after an operation had proved of i As the last one turned the ia,- plaine<1 the tramp. "My wife has Wizard oil.
. I I but as a, beautiful royal . no benefit. She had such strong gua,r sprang. With on'D savage a Very fine servant. A pertoot trea- I Mrs. Ondego (making a call)-"]
. John. -Youth's Companion. faith in them that she gave me the sure.�y .
- blow he stunned the peccary, and ,, . Father -"Ana did that young man am Sorry to hear you are havinE
I . . _* first box, and I be -an using them. I don't b � ar was have the nerveto think that'he was trouble with vour cook " Airs
. . I it was not long 0 Llefore, I found g ng back up- .elieve there ev . . propose to I.Y Upjohn-11Yes,'I shall h' ' to le
, ROW. sloping trunk, and climbed such a girl!" in a, position to ava
; I GROWTH OF RAN much relief. , I continued to use the '011 the rty feet, I I daughter I" Daughter ---- �"Oh). he Selina go. I didn't mind her prac
I I .
� * . quickly up for twenty or thi I "There only is one, ma'am, and
. I I ,Some of the Unusual Proaucts That pills all the rest of that summer, to a great knot, the top of which my wife's� got her." I was, papa 1 � Hs Was on,*I:ds tising on the piano now ancl then
I � Fill Its Storehouses. and the result was they restored fairly level. . There he laid I "Good gracious! She"s a, very kii,ees.", � . but. she wants to join our tenni
� me to perfect health. I told the was lucky woman 11; I I
. . down his burden and proceedsd to club."
,� 'on of the. -doctor what Dr. Williams' Pink . "She� is, ma'am. But th.e. trouble viinard's Liniment Cures 6argel In COWS. � - .
An astonishing impressi : mak-e a generous meal. . I . ..
� . variety and Peculiarity of thei na- Pills had done for me, and hi is that girl didn't like me." I I .�. R TO MONIER Ah1D:D1i1LD.a
I I -; 1, a ,; China is given �hv 'a re; —_ 014 - . Willie (whose father is building a . REST AND HEALT
4� ply, -was that he considered wha I I "Well I" ITAS� WXNSLOWIS SOOTITING STRup has b=
I I 11- -1 1. �.
F03, PAM -260 acres in Glenols Town-
8111p. Grey unty wil clay loam
744oroe timber, tjoik house, ziumber of
out-bui,�diugp, 6 miles to Durham marks%
Mail do ivered at door. Will exchange gov
smaller tarra or for oll or town Pro,
vrty, Agply Philip %rding, OwnZ.
111,11am., nt,, or Tl� . Western Real a-
tmte Dx6bance Ltd., ondon, Ont.
4Tb..t .i,.d farming district ,11,
A ,,
A berta. The. oldest land QoMPany 1�0
Alberta., Write for catalogue. Depar
Mont B,1A 1� T)01m saskatcheNvan Land au.3�
Home te4 IQ pany, Limited, Red Door.
Alberta. I . .1 .
TRN AORE FARM, 2 i-2 miles frolul
London Market. on Electric Rail
.fine. Five cent fare to city. 2 s6w,111
frame house, �i bedrooms. ' 'Pro I
and stable. Splendid ola,y loan �
, I
orchard, Will exchange for lar r
or Town prope Fol "' .
or tot Cit X1 The 'V
ern Real Ue,te.Exchaiige, imited, Ite!
don, Out. . � . .
SPLENDID English -s eaking agricul-
, turad community
tat; won h M.-
0110,1 viospecity frg. 9, on er I 11
What are the far era I r dist-ft'.1t,
doing? Why uot artict 6 our pros -
1, want to mako,
peritr? Come ,here if
I the most and best of r oneg and,
ability. At any Va 0 It. ov your
children's Sake. ..
Write for all Information to Ill
. Saskatoon, ,,A.af�ht1tohowan, Western
. ___
2135, PRAIRIE LAND, 6 miles frol�i
to),rn �of 3,600 P., 2 miles from R.R. Sta.
tion,. School, Irtore and P. O. S U I
01, 11
dark sandy loam having a small ...u.
of gravel, and und'er-laid N,vith a 014
Bub -soil, 2 Ujiles of River Frontage.. 30
acres under cultivation, 1,600 acres 7nOrG
ready for the Plow. Good frame buid.
jugs, 6 miles of wire-teneing. About 20
acres of this tract is covered with fret,
I class Pine and Fir timber, estimated 6
600,000 ft. Not more than 200 acres .1
, .,vhole tract. Will Be
wasteland on the ora $9
in blocks Pf $20 or 640 acres, at fr
to $76 per acre, according to improyo-
mente, and amount -under cultivatiqb-
Will sell the whole tract at $60-00 P
acre . , one.half cash, balance ten Years 11
. wanted. This is 9, Rrst-claas propositio
for a syndicate to handle. For maps 02
other information, address Fred A. Bus,
, Bel, Cralibrook, B.C. —
A GENTS WAN,,TED.-A study of othol
aAgency Pr positions convinces ni
none can ey ours. you will al.
a�cu don't PPly tot
;W-jys regret it it You don't 51
particulars to Travellers' Dept.. 2V
Albert St., Ottawa,
4 ----------- �
FARM SOALES, special price. Wilson"
Enade, Toronto.
LACE Your money with us in trust,
i P We will guarantee large rotUTUS an
solid Investments, cqrrespoudence sof
- . .t3d Edmonton Locators Ltd., Fill
) ..cm &U��� �Itk. �
8 UMBL-IR, interior trim, doors, floorInT
L sash. Price quoted at Your station
Small or larg.v orders. P. W- T- ILOss
Toronto. .
U11) YOUR GLASS AT 310M:iF1__0.iA
U C "Rod Devil" Glass Cutter cuts wlre(
A A win v
ul. . . srno�e as, -
"I . I for me little less HAD THEIR DOUBLES- ,.,She didn't like me, and she told conservatory) -1 'Papa, if I planted used for over 61:VrY YFARS by ATILLIONS of ass, �ata glass, W O., . .
WHILU 91 . 1�
the s�p�ohoases and factories of the they had done -e-f .MOTAnR6 for their CHITXRJ�N ISS. it gla3B. Y mail 250. . B. Potter & I
� � Hank6w export firms. Whereas than a miracle. I have since re- 'my wife she must eithe ,,rig pip, would an.orang bree grow TJ4XTRI_WG,`with P14RE34CT Succr 46 l3enoit St,; Montreal. .
11 .. I .. r discha,rge tl TEM the GUMS I __ . (
. �
. . � conjbYen�led the Pills to many Listances. Among Oelebrities-Dick- HUS the CHILD, SOF �, I .
� ' h y wife, ,discharged up from it q" PaPd-"Of course, sOOT MACHINERY, Po t ,a OZ I ,
. me. or er, s:O in � IND COLIC, sua Q ANYMILT, . ',�:� , 1
_ the oxpoxt of te��Ahe -Alb:iiopoly of - I ^41 ' gas Would grow ALLAYS all PAIIN; CURE'S W I I ". . !e..11.
4 11 . . and' clan L is th� bt:st remedy for DIARRI-IMA. is ab, F_:a�e,�,vy, Irarha ills. 841 ) . � .
a. few large 4r.ussfan houses, has for -others wh-j iiaj��-Auiii_!r4�d-ixvba wo- ens and TennYson. . me, ma!!arh_f �-_,, � ray boy, ' Willie -j' I Thdt's rery solt . itely 11-1-- - jng ., - , I_ I . , .�� , ,
I � I , , ;, Be sure and as), IP 'n ites and 330ile& t _:'.." I
. "'Oh, I see 1 e no oflteV E. Lon - ,
up on it. 1,10 I i I O., ,
some C remained almost sta- man's troubles, and they af"Y%. POOT fellow 1 HeWs ) Winslow's soothing Syrup," aud taL at act C I
,� T-11rdIff -7 their derful, isn't . it, pAPa, cause &" Ontario,
�: - . ,pmr roduced beneficial results. I hope =I-brities hav-b had something for you Ill Won Uind, Twentv-five cents a bottle. � Street, illia, . I I �
, 4d6WI, the value of the export of P doubles:7 ar-a �.J..Gdbi L'Q,l�%t' I � I :
f", I oil seeds from Hankow, to take one I that this ,statement will be of bene- . I- . this is a lemon pip I" . . NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS, two huudy 4 -
I - I r ty doll ro 0.2 1
", he. found. "Prof. kichrader so hldi_� '. "Did you tell that pbotographe _ . dollars, payalge twou a hlyj I I
other suffering per-, crou y 1 a . " dollars Mont �
I with order and to ea. ,
I I'. example of a comparatively unim- fit to some . . sl ik Huxley that I went up "When a fool wants to become A Purely Vegetable Pill. - The you didn't want your photo taken I" Wholesale De"T'lartment, The L
.1 � ticle, rose from 3.8 mil- son-" I I � Writ treal.
l `�d he must meet a Wicked mall chief ingredients of Parmelee's Ve- "Yes," answer�d the eminent but, Pi u
. portant ar and shook hands with him at Lady wick V, 'o, Co., Limited. Mon
'� I lion taels in 1907 to 10. .These Pills are ..old by all medi- I Alford's ` There was a ,strong who 'is looking for a, fool.-Baeu- 11- 11 IMPS. —0... . lu�
I Wood tar from the cirie, -dealers or may be had by I . getable Pills are mandrake and da uncomely personage. "Did he take A j AN(jER. TUMORS, LT �
: 1. * t U ternal. and external, cured without . I
I Boats bring ,physical resemblance betw�en Ten- marchilis. said he didn' 116 .
round bas- mail at 5a -cents a box or six boxes spite delion, sedative and purgative, but offence I" "No. He I pji�n by our home treatment. write U6 1:
I Upper Yangtze in big for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' nysori, and Leslie Stephen, in I pe a harmless in their action- blame me." before . too late. Dr. Bellman, Coiling -
I . kets lined with paper to be refined 1. of a disparity -etwedn Suffering Everywhere. Th� ctly I wood, Ont.
I Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. in years, and b Relief for y cleanse and purify and have � — I I .
1. I bliful affect upon the Be- Housekeepers are strongly ad- sRecial
i and remelted irr the factories; they Jules Ferry and Whiteley, the Uni- H ,whose life is made miserableby a most healf. , price. Wilson's .
I I t I bring astonishing masses of the _+_ versal Provider says the LOIL-don e 5 ale works, Esplanade, Toronto. I I
-the r .
L . I THEN THERE WERE HOWLS. . 3 suffering that comes from indi- cretions of the digestive Organs- vised to commence. the'use, of Wil- So he orders in ..
l odnot of the tallow tree Chronicle. nd h - The dyspeptic and all who sufter ONIEN WANTED to ta .
. I greasy pr ly Pads early, because a few spare time, no experience' noces- !
. - , Tommy had commenced again. 'stion a 1 as not tried Parma son's7 W by I
- '
1� I . used in European technical indirs ,, __ ____ it cost, Edmund Yates was so like the c'p -egetab a Piils does not know from liver and kidne alIMP-Xlts will flies killed in June would otherwise sary. Our lines especially used a .
'. I I tries, also cotton and beans, gall- Dad " he ked, "does . ' mothers and girls, Apply Dept. A, Brit, ...
a" Shah of Persia, that his photo- Ia`e s V ,jly t is K ish Canadian Industrial COMI)a 221
!:� . nuts, pigs' bristle ns, much ;; keep a lion I' ' I how ea h formidable foe can find in these pills t a most effec- become a host by August. . Ay,
.. "It does my son." I graphs were sold in Brussels as the be dealt with. These pills will re- tive medicine in concentrated. form Albert St.. Ottawa.
.1 I which are sun d -Tied in the yards . ) consult
I "A wolf would make a, good meal Shah's when Nasr-ed-Din visited lieve where others fail. They are that has yet been offered to the, An old bachelor says flattery is PE0111ISTS ADVICE FREE -
of the Storehouses and packed by . . . S, us in regard to any disease. Lowest
.� , d, ?); that city, Sir Laurence Alma -Ta,& the result of long and patient study merely deodorized slander. pflegs. 'L of
sses for sea for a lion, wouldn't it, da, suffering. . rr. In ,drugs all . kinds.
I means of hydraulic pre I I ; I . I Send measure
. -itted by age. Write to-daY 11
'Yes I ema used to have a double in and are confidently put forward as . s fitted by mail.
I , Glns-;e,s -
. 'for anything ,old in jlret�ciass drug . .
: I transport "A�� a fox. would do for the George Du Maurier. So closely. did a sure corrector of disorders'of the ',Mrs. Gabber fell downstairs, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. ment. ..
. __
, 11 _11; � . . Millions of ducks' eggs are, dur- wolf, wouldn't it dadl" they -resemble. each other that a digestive organs, from 1which so aid bit her tongue in two. "I feel - stores to Dr. B,Alman. coningwood, Ont. 1.
. ing the few Weak& of the season, :,I suppose , Go and play. " I lady at dinner one night addressed many Suffer. " I �1� � . sorry . for her husband. She was a Magistrate (about'to commit f6v your Overcoats i�
manufa,ctured by the hand labor of so. with 2. Du Maurier as Sir Alma, and assur- . . — I had one ton i trial) -"You certainly effected the
I coolie women and chitch�eir into mas- 'A fox would be satisfied in that he was "really not a I . . I , terror . when she guel" robbery in a remarkably ingenious :. .. �
sea of pure -dried yolk and alb haw'k, and a, sparrow would be ocl hi A QUESTION.' I � . .ad f,tded SnIts %rould look better dyed. Innosgentot 11 . . . . . . . �� I
,� . u_. . . hawk -eh, dadi" like that Mr. Dir Maurier, as . ' 'Has the two -thirty, train gone way -in fact, with quite exception- ours inyonr towki, wriLe direct to Montre#A, Box lK �
I . men, smelling like biscuits. The al- an"Ough for's' ., I bit I ' . "Men who always wear their -hats Prisoner (deprecat- oritish Arn,aroax3n DYelng GO- I
. U don't go away----' People tried, to make out " . , t1" "Yes, ma'am; five minutes al Ounning." i
I -a in bhe photographic "Yes I If yo tic . become . bald. Vve.noticid ye few ingly)-"No flattery, yer honor. -- -_ 11 ..
"And a spider would make a meal �t is O -Pen to the fie niit who soon I hen's the next train.1"
bumen is. use � . . ago,." .
I industry, the yolk in the European for a sparrow I" deals in doubles to point to many that." . "Four -fifteen, ma?am-" . "Thank no flattery, I begs of yerL.,'.' i
� sweet Stuff manufficture. On the , instances in real lift. King, George "You're mixing up cause and . n t* Ill 11
les, yes I Now—" I . oloodness, I'm i ,me 10DINOL for $5
1 zame bank of the Yangtze are the I I . ninute, dad. Now we're and the Czar of Russia could ex'_ eff act. What you've noticed is 9 . NO person should go from home 6 .
, new cold storage houses and the ' Wa�lt a 1 Don't ig ore the few house flies without a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel-
1 �,Oming at it, A spider would be'elia-rige parts without, anybody no.- that bald men are always careful n The most higrlily efficient application
. great tobacco factories of fore-ign I atisfied with a fly, wouldn't Al" tici I rig the physical differente. The to wear their hats." I u com- logg's Dysentery Cordial in their for the reduction of Swellings, Goitre, � �
. � . you see in June. Unless yo . .
firms, and near by are ore refiner- s I � . I s change of water, Thick Neck-, Glandular Enlargemets. I .
. "Ye -es, my son." IDlike of Norfolk and the laite mence, using Wilson's Fly Pads Possession, a I I.."
ies in which antimony, lead aid ,, P ot molasses would George Manville Fenn were almost .%,�TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY. cooking, climate etc., frequently leg Positive. 1�
I I . early your house will be overrun ) I I . .
. I . And a, dro for Red, VlealK, Waary, watery brings on summer, complaint, and P! I ES of hit kinds, in any and all 11 .
I . I zinc are Prepared for ,export. act duplitates in outward ap- Eyes by' them in midsummer. .
. . I be enough for a fly?"' and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Does-n!t -era is nothing lilte being ready stages, quickly relieved and
I .
.. I � I . In this . rapidly increasing expart :,Well, supposing it would,111 lepxearanee.' And two such artists.in Smart-Soothes.Eye Pain. Druggists 1. �_ . .1 th )SItively cured, Cure your suffering
h . 1,hina-, says, the Journal of ways. as Anthony AN OLD HAND. with a sure remedy at hand, which P,
, � I : trade, of I 'Yes; tha,VD just it, dad. Now: different Sell Murin,46 Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, and tive quiteLiv. -Common Sense" for - . ,,,
;�: . Hope -ering and :.,
. � : . I the. American Asalie Association, what I Want you to tell me is this: 'and Edward German were in their Salve in I oftentimes sa,ves great suff llile�.will do it. $i a box, IIIS'for 6
. � . . 5oc, $1.00. Alurine Eye "Have you had any experience in frequently valuable lives. This boxes. mailed on receipt of price. � A-
,� . . I
1, I the Germans are taking a great and again MIS- Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. EYe BOOM , china trad-el" asked the mer- �
: !" - Could: a man keep a lion for incre, earlier years again 71'ree, by Mall. 1?1 the . Cordial has gained for itself a �
� . share. Both in Hankow and Shang nd of me- taken for each other. . I and Eye Advice I lal" TORONTO
I . . ., ) . . They were hardly "doubles3" %Murine Eye Remedy Co., Clilcago . . chant. widespread reputation for afford- I LYLE GTOMPANY,
, � ha,i nearly 15 per cent. of the export i . . "Many years of it, sir," answer- 'EST, QUEF-11 STRtET .
.. I . I ' lasses, 1, . ng prompt relief from all summer 713 T. �
,i 11 is handled by G,erx"n firms, which -em- ' . -_
,� I I ed,the applicant for the situation. 8.�_
�, �.. . . lost im- And than the -sound of a. falling but there was a remarkable res complaints. -_
I -� .look upon Hankow as the ra . IT IN. PRSCTISE. , HIm ! What do you do when you � . �
I I . � I ich are slipper mvok-e the echoes of the blance between Tennyson and Dick- PUTTING . .
� I ol
� .
.� I I Boy Scout movem , 1. 'China?" - ` S 3
I."," � � I porlant ,of thdr branches wh: , stilly night. , ens. Comyns Carr in his "Binin- "Son, I hear you have joined the break a very valuable . piece of Soho Imaster-"When is the best 0
L . -
11 I .spread like a net over China, The +_ . ' ant Victorians," tells how he once . ent. I 1. .1 . time for gathering apples I" Billy POWER PRE,
. . i6apacity of the German merchant, "Yes dad." . . (,.Well-er-1 generally put it to- . I
1, : "I I his knowled,ge of the BABY'S LIFE THREATENED showed the poet a pencil draming I I Bates,�"Please, sir, when the far-
, �. � thanks to ., I . which Millais had ma,d-e of Dickens Y40U scol b . "... .
1, . . %.: ,�
... ���
. ��� ...
,:; - -ting up 0, ustomer to 'knock over. Then I I I � . ,.
. � . � ) i . .. �4 i__:.
, -world marlot and his zeal to Idis I BY SUMMEA COMPLAINT � after death. Mr. Carr himself had t(well, S'Pose, lt ahea,& gather and place, it somewhere for merys at the market and tb-e do,," FOR SALE .. ' I
. I �. cover now Ter . � and see if your mother is sit . 0 1 � . k is chained zip. . I . .
� I''. , I sources, by which even , . 11 I , been struck by the ,resemblance the for rri.e.)) , I charge'llim for it," . - - . 11 ... �
� ,� � . . unlikely articles of export gradual- portrait bare to, Tennyson, and was ,,you,11 do, my man. Take off rAl,a'rd's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. For Sale. at E6 great bargain
��.. � � . I ly present a lucrative aide, has giv- The life of every baby is th: I . to see if the Poet Would . — . Cranston 4 Printihg Press, Dea Will - �
I . . he hot , summer � curious � A stitch in time. saves -nine, and our coa,t and start right away.)) � . .. I I I
:Z , I I 1
,.:�4 an him & leading .position in the aired during t y � I __ . . � . I
. I - �
. �: I I onths by that dreaded trouble -1 notice it. ' Tennyson gazed at it every house fly killed early saves.a ... � No I THING DOING. . . take on a, six column quarto paper.
. 1. Chinese export trade which the in oil e This press has been run very little, ,
":.. :. summer complaint. Thousands of inlently for a minute ,and th x- thousand at least later on. Wil� . . . � I �
�.i I . more conservative 4trid JeSS eXpori- r from'claimed, "Why this is a I most X_ son's Fly Pads willkillmany . times 11 11 Rat -a -tat ta,t.1 and Ila's ju�t been. thoroughly ,gone,
I I children die every summe a The, old soldier stood on the door- . ri
I . :.. 11 I , 1. . � mentative English and the Arnerf- this trouble -thousands of happy t1aOrdinary drawing. It is exact- move -flies. than any other article, " 11 �3 . I over by Wes.tman & Baker, P 'nt 11 ,
. . . . I I A I step,and listened. I ing Press T401111factU #W 11
.! �L � 1, . cans, thinking far more exclusively e'dark and sorrow- lY like myself." - I 11 I . g f, be in
.. I 1. . . � -about "big'.' things, are not likely homes are mad I I � I . . Wai�hing-day," he mubtared; ClAy, yd is giiaranteLd to I
11�1 1, I , I as ___4� � .1 `
� I : I . I . I ful. because a pr"ious little life�h Ethel -"But -why does your Pa- I ferlo luck here, that's pretty aure," pel eo order. it is practically as �,
11, l I bo� Win oXcopt �y following similar -ed out. But mothers, I -XI&SANT. -eat to him !" . Edith -"Oh, ,11,exp�ecf it's -only another both- the ' �
. I . . . �. methods. � . I - been snuff . . NOT PY 0 I , ther obj W - I , go,o� as when it came from
� ,� . though you fear this trouble, you . .1 just so that h can say. 11 told you . � ering beggar-conf6und 'em 1" mut- hans of the makc,rs I
., I e . I
,. I I 1 _6 . I A �
. I I . can yet fight it -yes, light it and General ButIck Tells Of A619 A,— so, after we are Waxilied, I 81"P. � tered the angry woman within, as
�'.'� 1, , I . . . I fast as you can feed it.. Will run
�� I I - I P -lurial at Sea. . pose." � � she hastily snatched her hands trom tip t '2,500 per hour and print any- !
:, , I . Evoty man wants his inxiings .defeat it with Baby's Own Tablets. ared. for 11 � I 0
. , f�, . . I I 8, : I . . I . I . I I I I �
I 1. 1, . I Ekswise also mn occasional outing. corree,rning them Mrs. Jos� Sbef . � I I the steaming wash-tiab and mamhod thing from a post card to a whole, , ��
r�, �, 1, �. — , . Among the many curious. adven, Minard's Liniment Cures 01phthopla. . 1.
� 4 . : � I . . coutts, Alta,, s.%ys:, "During thO I I grimly forward to meet the base dis, allect poster.
': I , 'I, � I "How ,pretty B,jid careless hot aurniner days in-- little boy took turag which Lieutenant General the , I � � I turber Of. was,hing-day's ancient Fountain easily regulated an4l ,
�. :.'.�. . I � Honorable Sir W.Y. Butler, ,Magjs,trate,-f1Tho evidence shows P I -ed handy to geb at. Cost Its 1101r, :1
I'll I gabol'o hair always looks."' "Yes; I'll With summer toihpla,int.. lie 'Was Right, . . rites and oe-rerrionies. - b
.L I I I I in � rig G, C� B11 - I elf 0.0 Please, I_nJJM.,;) rcutter6d sS,500. Will sell for half price, : .
_1 � - P,nd it ba.kes her two hours to a,ke seized with Vomiting and notbi , records in his Autobio. , that you threw a brick at a mall-"� - . -- .
-1. � I . phy is that horrible one of all� Mrs. M'Duff-"Ari' it gbo'ws'more y ti -
! ,. I or
I I " . It lo . ok t4a,t way." , 'helped him till"T got Baby's Own. gVa live. It 1 than that, yer honor. It show tho ancient hero, "I've, Jost MY Easy term . a, liberal ''discoun
�' , L —_ rtablets. They relieved hi ,nd'mos� being buri-ed ,at sea a 1 140 )) � . for ;pot cassh. . . .1
. � I . I 11 fy I I hit him," 11 ... 9— in' - it . I" snapp d I 11
�, ,:� 1, . 4rung health Tahil. was after the Ashanti expedition on I . 1 4 , , , ..!! I 'Well, 1 a-, t got 'VILSO-1 JASI
� � ,� � I I I i '' �,', ',Do you think you pan "'fig, made him, a, il. re for gale 1. I ld coast of Aftlea, 'when a,11 . .11 a THO I ; rt 0 , T HE ly 1 PUP, 1ING,
. . . I Witt m salary of eight .dollars .4 The Tablets a I y We& the: go , I
;�-! �� I � the offtears pzact4oally tame down No one need en4uro the agony'of I the wornair fie cly.
": . weak, Warlj,Ag ill he asked, after %lie cine, ,&pmlers or by mag at ! I -_ I And the door closed- with an, fiw� I COMPANY Or TORONT% LTD,
: , , . � 's; with fever, C-�an,orgl Butler had it corns with Hollowsy's Corn Cu re ED, 4 ISSUE 26-11 ful bang, . . . , I
w_ . ., I . I tiad said YW 11111 try, Juk," Te- & box from The. Dr. W1111 I ha4 reached �t hand t. rolpriove them. I . I I ,; � 73 Adelaide St. We
. I .1 I -
��, .� � I *Worse than most, 0,0 I I I . I I i
- I I � .
11 � I I y1i6d al* "But what will you do 1" dkite CO, I Brockville, 04t- I I I � . . ;, . . I . I .. . �
-1- . � � I � . I � I . . . I . I . . I : � . I I I I 1. I . . . I ... I
, I I � I
--. I I I 11 I I I � . � I I I . . I . � � . . . I . I I I I . � � . .1 I I I I I . . ��
�� i 1, . 11 . . . I . I I . . , . I I . . I I . I . � � I . 1111 i � � I I . . I I . .
, I " I I , I . . � . I � .� . . . 1 � I . 1 4 1 . I I . . � � I 1, . . I I
� I � . I I I I . . . 11 . I I � I . . . I I I . I . I . 11 . . I I � . . I . . . I
I I I I I . � I I . I . I . . . I I I � I 1, I � . . I . . � I . � i � I , I 1, . I . . . I I
I . . 1. . I . I I . I . I I I I . , . . . . I I I I . I I I 11 I I . ��
!i, , . , I I � � , I I . � .
.. . � � I I . � � . I - I I I I I I � .., 1. I I I I I I . .� � . I � . I � I . I I I ; ,. I I 11 I I . . . . �
, . I I I I I . I , �- I . I � : ;,
I �, I 1. , r , . I . I . I I I I I , I I . . � :� I I . i I � . I
,; . I . . � I J . I I . � I - I . . � . . � I I I � . . � I I I I . � , I . I I ... . � I � . .
. .
� : 11 . I . � . . I 1 4.. . I I I
, �� . � I I . � I � , , I , � I , , , . . . I �, I �, I i ., I I : " . . 1 , �. I I I I � I � . ., .", I I �
, , - ,. . �, ,, / : . ,� I I . . . I , , , ,, I . q , I ... ,, I I � ., ; 11 I 1 1 - �' � �,, i �-
,4 , I , ,� . I I..".....111.1il- . . . � �� , I 11
�, � . , . � � 1, e, ��, .. �,; �
I I I .. . � , i , � ,��
,� � 4 ' , . , ; ,." '. � � ,,,,ft . � :, : : Ub"o . I I ;1 " � ,_A�
I . ,,, "I I ... I
, �;� � V,�,,,�:� : 1 I ,�, d;'. 41 , -'7 ,., � 4, - L. r, I I 11 L ___ ". . ,�, � :11 '.'' , .1 � �AL 'A � � �� � 1�11 _ I - L.�_,��
I , __ � .i " ,�L L'' �� , �� :: � " ,�,
�.. . I � .�_ - , , , , - � 66dii;i., : - :��_ �Wllk_