HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-7-6, Page 1. ... . .. .... more worthy to take the name of Sit, ted 7 was, Hon. Me -Kenzie �Yoh a A, Macdonald into their mouths WA during the !days,. Exeter, Council 1 r Nnra N` at ad t�r` R, " 01"17olviol than, those who, are denying their Speeia I weeting of tbe, council held Chief J. Gill, who has been under, ex chieftlan for the paltry silver they get FAday evoning 30th at iTown. Aall oin I g treatment in Londen, returned King Right ? JONES. & MAY'' from the manufacturers, Minutes or adlourned mcotiaI;r 10ourt ome on Fridaiy last In the: sAwo way no Manner of petty P110 110 Somemoriths a of Itevijimi axid the regular in-eeting, 90 the village Of Exe- quibbling with regard to the, form of I A. Few r was honored by a visib from sev- It %were, is of the council held June 16L Mr. King'sexpipeOs ion can change the oral of rx that rLU6 10 aetthat Alr.'Raultaiu, the former the leaders of the Conservative f re"U, and aPProved BORN party at Ottawa. with the apparent Lovett and Walpe: object Premier of the X, W. T,, who is the WEST -"'u 1'4xeter, on Sunday July J�l of proving to the electors present leader of" the Conservative T 'R agreement be, acdovbad and tfiat to M that the proposed Reciprocity agree. opposition in Sa tl�e icrin of said agreement be three r., And Mrs. 8, West a son skatobewan, seconded years and that, the reeve bo author� .:N4UN-X—Tn Usborn%. on Thursday ment was not a good thing for the, the resolu 1procity, Vane 277th Ito Mr. and XrS. UOM'� I tion in favor of rec ixed to sign sanic. Carried. country. The Times attended the his whole Xunn, a son. Hot Weather Goods followingin the Provincial MONE"Y. meetingandgave its readers in Walpor and Day that the clexIc OIBRIEN�In Centralia, on Saturday, all House v603g their unqualified sup- write.,n1r. Faracombe listructing, fairness a full report of the addresses port. Ist, to Mr ;and Mrs Dennis without a single word of dissent from him I purchase 12100 feet of 0 -inch 011y'len, a daughter ------ Avater lPe and all connections ne- the views expressed, much less any P EIRRAM_T� Stanley, on Jtlnb 14ith h for the lon hot days. You cessary, for the completion of the JULY. is t -he inont 91 discourteous references to the gentle. to �vfr. and MrS,z­�Ienry ;Rirattz a 1*! 10 0 * men who so ably represented the ii -min on Wellington strect. Carried, I** will want cool cloths. Here is the place * + daughter. for * + party on that occasion. It was no 6 Promotion Exams Day and Lovett, thaT Ithe Commis- SAVERIS them. We have all kinds of proper goods fot the our fault that the meeti Slonor be instructed to deepen Chan- 9,0,31LBE—At ZuTiCb, GU June 21St g was a 'The following is a list, of success- to X -To and Mrs.- 'Abel Schilbei"a "frost" and that instead of nel west., of the. dam and to place. reciprocity ful candidates fur promotion in 'the daughter. Summer. gravel on the road where, neladeitl�, bein 9 discoanted it was proven to be various classes of the continuation p OSTER—A:t'the Babylon Line, 51ay unassailable. We didn't agree with 4nd public sehool DoDartment,,4, arrled� AT OUR 111, .41 on: Jane 22nd,. -to Air and Mrs, Nj 141 e spea prs but we could afford to ly ts an ove 1.1 Voster a daughter. disre ard t e Form dl to Form Ill It 11ticb. Davis for serce ed -an un - so we said nothing. June It as opelessforthera to prove Pearl Brovirs. Lillie Fxavne, Harry screened gravel be accepted, the same SORWA.LX—At the Blind Line to 271b. to Xr, And Xx�, r-eter S ch- lo an audience ot farmers that two mar- P Like, Sidney Geiger, Vorey Geiger, to be delivered in such quantittes and SUHMER DRESS GOODS' WASH GOODS Y! rold IGlenn. Elmo U'o%%rcV Irm,1 jW S�ach places as directed by the walm *a Son. kets was not better for them to sell ' a DIED Plain and fancy ginghams, their products in than one and they Rannie, , Wilfrid, Stewart:. ' Ilarry Coininissloner, Carried, In Tokio Silks, Plain Silks cliambrays, repps, ducks. !in- would not dare to tell -the electors :�`veet, viorin Welsh. Walper and Levett,, that: ithe �ton- b_t(j.,NN_Tn Usborna on Wedesnaay S Muslins, Lawns, Embroider- der for the heating of the 'Town 'Hall Jane l;y8th Ethel -)lapgaret Hill. be- el,ling ens and galateas. A. big va- of.Exeter district that the prosperity I Form -1 to Form 11 be laid over till the regular ineeting loved -wife of John Nbert Munni ies, Voiles and Mulls. All the riety of patterns and Colors which will be multiplied to them will N Carmichall, 13 , . Case, J. Davi arried. 9, J' Friday evening.. July 7th. C new shades at reduced prices. to choose from. transform thein into disloval citizens LiKrvey. Lindqn Harvey, Vo the -tendar, 4 t, ready for Annexation. So we said son' ra I dg Day, no seconder, flia.1 LADIES' WHITEWHAR SWELL WHITE WAISTS Myra -Morgan, B. QuackenbuSh be opened and disliosedef. nothing. Jean Soldon, Earl Shapton,-Wilft-A. t1tivers and Day, that the Commis- Evervthing in the white- Klmona sleeves, short or But on Xurie 23rd, the Minister Of Shaptort, James, Walker. sioner be instructed to �tako oiX old wear line is shown here in long sleeves in the best styles * * Labor the Honorable McKenzie King, Water tank in the basemeiii; of 'Town EY13--mw the daintle6t. fabrics. Skirts we bave ever put on our 0 along with the able member for South Cominercial Sr. 0 U't $1 to $3. Gowns 75c to $2,50. counters. Prices are all re- Huron Mr. M. Y. McLean addressed a M. Daynhana 60, Halt. also make ia, gen - oral cleaning up 75C to of Same as soon as convenient. Car - Corset Covers 25c. Drawers duced. Waists from 41� large audience here in order to place Dommercial Jr. to'sr, Tied. 25c. $2 each. at on this the views of the governme 11. !-Riyors, �T May, V. ri4rhall, I', Levettand Walper. tha:t.' Arce't all. A, Y, Johnston. Cominissionea:.be instructed to open important subject before thepeople- Gillics. IV, Sn Heddachils Nosobnerhadheleftthe town how - teacher. A drain, on Main street in, order to as- Rho everthan our friend,the Advocate ame� is choheo� certain where the s pL rushed in to besmirch him. Sot satii- Afiddle IV to ST, IV. rice -lonors M - All Millinery at 1-2 fled with omitting to state his argu- 11 —Willie anson 76. Rass— Lovett And Walver - JhA khe 0-ork Keen riot lie rqents they make the coward's stab at Beatrice a-lodgert 73; LaDelle Hand- notify the Electric �Ligli!f; CO. , ltha:t W. knuie After our most successful millinery season we are going to his back is turned. He is ford 71,, Alberta 'lKiiight &9ft. Try out their former they.must ca clear out the balance of our Summer stock at just .1 price, We re�&,-�sented as an oratoricol diss-n- Day (66, Iraurica Senior 65, Lula Kns- motion of �Junc 22nd, W having alI withd mean exactly what we say, So if you need anything in head- pointment, a slick gentleman at tle, 165. Alinnie May 44, Mildred Hey� wires attached to Itxees removed. [If wear, conie along and get a bargain, principle, a flippant deceiver deliber- wood,Edgar Trorney, William Xydd not removed on or before, the, 10tli There is no needfor anyone to atel� misstating facts in order to mis- C.Yosper Teacher. last the council will take ac`406 suffer with headaches caused by lead That he spoke well and convin- From Tr_ 117 -to bliddle IV against them and goydrn ithemselves strained Vision., Our special len- All Millinery at 1 =2 Price cingly on the great national question Ilonors—Carman,P 0� accordingly. Parried. ses will care and care, quickly. All the praise of his fair-minded political vell h�; Oliver The 'Reeve, asked leave of absence op , ponents amply proves. That he is .11111ston, '83 . EVic you have guessed about Your eves Davis 84... Marjorie to the 1.501. of September. On mo -tion. W a man of sterling integrity and fair- Bowey 78, Florence Wood 75, tl?ass may be wrong. Visit our optical ness in debate is best proven by olive,'_KoDonald -74, Anna Bell 73;111 ox Levett seconded by Walper the, department and have a thorough Mens Suits $5 to $13 READY-TO-WEAR FANCY SUNSHADES the Parsons 71, Lila'Xi.iefle 71, Marvin. Same was granted. Carried. examination of your eyes. We U.Iify�r -A ­­ �f 4-v� i- & 1� A 0'' SKIRTS Vificent,30. I Alma !�Tack 68,, Joe Fol- -11 W --have a big assortment upon him. The best complimetit that 7t M. -Karl Weidenhainmer 67 Mar - 41 In linen or repp in a good to show you in any Shade to could be paid him is that it was decid- -1. Melvillt� Gladman 61 ed by his traducers that the only J'x" *1 wash skirt. Also black, blue match your Summer dress. Seldon 6 Wilfrod-ATack 60. aector IRoweliffe or brown cloth skirts in dif- way they could meet h;s address was Prices 50c, 75c, $1, $2 each. and Pexald Fitton recommended. ferent new styles. by slander and misrepresentation. Bat the fact is that in no other way From Sr. (111 to Tr.% IV SI can the opponents of reciprocity an- Fanny Xowey 74. Nobel Knott 73. swer the a,rgui�i eats in favor of the Bertha Eorney '71.. Dorothy Kuntz v! proposed mea,,.re. The portion of Mic 70. Amy Johns 67. J,�Ssjv Brickwood King's speech, however, which theV 64, Edith Davis 60, Ilia Delve 60. Kool Wearables for Men in in their ignoronce resented most was J. S. 'Marmy, te'achtr. that which showed that Sir Johia A. IsHlItTs & COLLARS FANCY SOCKS & * * Macdonald favored a measure of reci- ;Cirum Ur. 1111 lo !Sr. 911 UNDERWEAR . - - + 1* t All the new ideas are here procity and that he as well as the Honors �Tack Tlu­,- , 75, 1pass— _ All for the hot weather. leaders,of the Conservative� party of Margaret Sharp �1*hr,.- -,Tacobi 62. + in the best colors, Soft Col- 9ox all colors in plain and, later, date made frequent visits to Herberi Ffector 6L �un trial Cecil MTN; loange"Co lars a�d U`igh fancy at 25c each. Unde Washington endeavoring to get just Dearing, Ediia JTob as, 58. Archie Dav- and low collars. wear such an agreement. That, they fail- is 57. + !d bly through no fault of theirs From Sr. -11 to Jr., III in all sizes.. 1,118, BELTS 088i Z STRAW HATS, DUCK TROUSr 0 Ythat the pres.nt government has succeeded seems to aikeet the virtue �Gladys Harvey W! Viola & FANCY VESTS. Jones q6, Pass—Czar Harnesa 73. + of the bargain in the eyes of the polit- H�arolC( Boyle 73, Winnie Rnight._71. icians. But whether our Advocate 111T,,0 Xu,fle, oi�, wai. Davis 08, De - friends wish to admit it or not Sir lem ,Charlton 66, Vera Marshall 66� t John A. Macdonald is definitely on re- Arto Delve 65. Mary Morlock 64. cord as favorable to reciprocity. d3ruce Rivers -.63. Drew Knight; �63. The eminent writer and friend of Violet Mallett 62. Wray Hedden 61. Jones & Ma *0 y 4- q, Sir John, Dr George R. Parkin, has Vera Sweet 62 Verda HartUab 61. + written his biography and no one wilr Clifford Mallet` 61. `11, M. Einsman cast the slur at his reliability. Dr. teacher. Parkin es a, report of a speech de- 'Boom IMII to Room V1 + livered gyivthe former Premier of Can- - + ada in 1877 in which he said ,I am � in : Mildred �Iarchand -83. Clyde 'Hea- + if it can in ,Ii� 76. Verda Hill 72. Edward Tay- + favor of reci '.,coal free trade Ior, 10, lbora Sanders 611m + Pbut so 1* 4. be obtained, long as the po icy of the U. S. closes their markets to 'From 'Jr. ?I, to Sr. II + our products we should have a policy -Mildrid Harvey .78. Thelma Con - of our own as well." nor 77, Iffiturice 1[larveY 10, Ernie . 1. 1 4. oof 1-n In 1878 he moved a resolution in Wells 01. + Parliamentwhich Dr. Parkin quotes r, Tom, ST. pt fil !to Jr. I, in part as follows: "Thatthis House Edwarcb Davis 46. 'Alice Vincent. 91 For Every Purpose is of opinion that the welfare of Can- fffaul Widenhaininer 84. Wilbert �Gil- ada, requires the adoption of a National Jespic SO, Paul Collins 778. Pbillippa + Policy which, by the judicious 'read- Harness 75, Josephine Davis 73, B. t and lu:tt ent of the tariff, will benefib Senior 7.1, Edward Yellow 68. Mildred. to er the agricultural, the mining,, Woods �8,. Alvin Andrew 64, Jessie Paroid, Amatite & Quality . thEnanufacturing and other indus- Bowcy )61- Mabel Holden 60. tries of the Dominion and moving (as it ought to do) in the direction of reci- From Jr.r t. 11 `to �Sr, Vt. 11 $2,00 to $3.25 per'square. procity of tariff with our neighbors, Greta Harness'95. Kathleen Bennet + as far as the varied interests of Canada 19-6, [Vcrda Rowaliffe 00, Stella Pand- (:Z� F 0 R may demand, will greatly tend to Pro- ers .77, F lorence Vincent 74. E arl Ma - cure in this country, eventually, a re- ge(k,,72, Elsie Knight 68. M. Al- + oop, &C ciprocity of trade." This was the exander, teacher.' + great N. P. which afterwards. he put + Barns, Outhouses. C into law and which had a, clause re- 'From 'Boom VIII to Room VIT garding reciprocity with thoU. 8, in. Verna Walker. 85, Hazel Cookson. + sorted as a standing ofter to our 80. Beverley Acheson 76, Mildred Nor - neighbors, ry 75, Waldo Bellwood 70, Joe Bradt Again Dr. Parkin Says, referring to '60.- -0 Jr. P the election compaign of 1891: "In past + From $r. pt., I I f. II times he bad made every honorable Mabel Johns, 91, Dorothy Balkwill + XP3,7 effort to renew the reciprocal arrange- 8L? *(11�6ward Digniin 78, George Hynd t. ment which between 1854 and 1800 had 76,Blarguerbte Kuntz 71.�.Paerla',San- prbved of so much advantage to both ders, 70, Levern IlTiri.-ress 6D ' Varda countries and he now took steps -Vale 66,.. inez Moir 60, llo.�ggw Taylor + through the medium of the Rome Gov- 60, ernment with the object of extending I From class C. to Sx� ln�t� I commercial intercotiise between the 'Gordon Po�;oll. Greba Hodden. two countries." Sir John Xs, last R -p- Ruby Davis, Witio Ortwein, Currie 3 peal to the electors in 1891 is published Jacobi, May Elwortby, - by Dr, Parkin it! full. We there read iFroni class A. to Class B "We said to the Americans we are perfectly Willing to trade with you on blargureitell ogers, Georgina 11at- -1 equal terms. We are desirous of hav- ter. Max Weidenhtininier Blizabot'l ing a fair ret iprocity treaty but we Brow"i James lUoi'loi, .,dy�il boy'le. will not conse�t to open our markets John Tanns Garric Davis. Lorne 4 0i I and Gas Stoves. to you While yours remain closed to DTimacotoa.' F. IV. Ilovravd teather I as.,, No fear on Sir John's p0t of There are �ourtoon Candidates From'90C up trade with the Yankees disrupting th British B rnpire. e from the Exeter Con'tinuation School i�rjlflng on (lie Normal Entrance r,,x- 4 With such an authority as Dr. Par- amination of !the same number on 1 Oven, $1,35 to $2.75 Sereefl Doors, $1.(k'o kin suPPOrting-'every'wOrd Mr- King th oitinior matriculation . oxaunlaa- uttered and backed as be is by the re- tioll. Iln ctel, or--ithese classes Uevon cords of 'Parliament, it is idle for the candidates have been reeoinnint3d,cl Windows, 25c Hammocks, V-,50 Advocate to tell its readers that fhe School will re-ollep Sept. 55tb� great Conservative Premier WAN MIS- W. '], re 3, Wic.denhanimer principle. gpdreaented. Far greatel, honor Would Leave your orders for' SCRANTON COAL one themselves and the memory Rev� 41ugh Watson and family left of th� man who"once was reCOga!Ma F riday for their future hoine 16. as their leader if they would abandoll (Grove Icity. their paicti. m4 opposition to the inter- . Xrand Mr& J, It, Baker of Ron - 8t of the farmers, tend back the foryn Spent last wock the gaiist oS BOY WANTUD­�-Stout boy wanted to erao'neythey are receiving from the manufacturers for lmti-reol- Mr' and ilytra. Newton Baker, ,0 " ith Ur XvintOlporAte w, S. � GOO. Lovell of 'Toronto Is Jearn Tinsmithing and Plumbing, rool6y articles an co Mr� Xing atd Mr. McLean in thiow- spending a couple of weCks with bor ing down the barriers of trade so that Psrduts Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Flyn�;. thetillers of the $cll may got the , Mrs. V. Rowe, who!has been under. Wd, highest prices which it comioetition of going treatment in this tonda Sto:V6 Store Witkots can Afford, pit I h, 91 returned home impro, to do'$ Hard re The men who tire cli$rig this are diourned to meet. wriday ev,1311n. exist - h inst can locate and correct any D T. B., c_kRLING. Clrek. ing eye trouble. Doys" Suits 2 to -7 WE GET GLASSES Afr.� W, N, iller, q.P. t7sborne, is yary MADE TO ORDER Shlirts 35c to 1.010 owly improving.' Eddie iBrownlee of Edgmondvilld, is W. S. HOWEY, Phin.B. Siting Mr. and 51rs� Richard Treble. Chenihit and 01?'Qci.�tlt Odd Pants 85c tip. Nfi, and Mrs. Win. Wilson are visit- g� f�lends in Petrolea. E XD� TER "T"' Overall's Slwks +++ ...... :--I ...... 44+44;H + 0Z, to 1, 0, + Underwear, %;F%m WLING'S + + 20c to 40,�i Underwear, wool, CARLING'S is'the next best place to out- of doors + 60 to 11M. -these days. Nice and cool and refreshing -inside You may make all necessary preparations here for Work Sox, wool % your holiday outing in 2 nrs 25c" Suitings, "epps, Muslins, Foulards, Etc. Work, Sox 10t per pair We have only a few left now, but will give you a + + Black Cashmere 20 el bargain while they last. + Fancy Cotton 20C Gents' Summer Suits, Odd Coats Stiff Hats 1.50' and Coats and Vests + Sizes srom 35 to 38—aU to go at SACRIFICE PRICES. Felt Hats. 50c to 1.2. Regular $3,'00 for $1,48 Regular $8.50 for $1,75 . 9 *"' 4.00 Shoes for 2.95 11 4,25 and 4.50 for 2. 00 0,00 11 4100 + 5.00 A150 3 Boys' Suits, size� 33, 31, 32, to clear at $1.78 4.00 Work Shoes all Kin U -Is :44, Gents' Sailor Straw Hats Childrens Junipers 35 JUST A FEW LEFT, These are all to go at bargain prices—$1.50 and $1.7-5 for $1-00— A; , and lower prices reduced accordingly. '7�StrawHats 4� A Few Children's Lin _gX11ar 85c for 2Sc—regu- Come 'in and See th lef b to clear out at regular 50P for 4 0 lar 25c for 20c. VALUES YOURSELF We have just received a few dozen of M opecrial Ladies' Hemstitched + + Hdk'f 's which we will cl-aar out at 8 fOr 2,5C + Nalft VB Gents' Oxfords We have just 6 few pairs left in Taus And Black, wlilch we will Clear out at a discount of 25 per Cent. 4 aw, Fresh Groceries always on hand High.esit P,ricesp'aid For Produce All kinds of POULTRY taken at market, price% + Q U 11`1 "'ING + Ing', ax-, B. U S1 W, J0 C 1 4 N A ot"