HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-21, Page 127G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers
& Trailers
TRAILERS novel 5th wheels huardtups neve
and used Gulden Fulton Piowler B.ler Lionel
Hitches, truck cups Soles Itoiluls it/dolls 15
years in business Cump Our Hwy 8 1 folk. west
of Stratford 393 5938 12 30
DIRK S GALLEY Restaurant will toter fur up to 300
guests art yaur IQLUI1un Phone 514 1160 164
Court House Square Goderich AI ranged for your
convenience and to your taste Mi s 11`14, es
Graham RR 3 Gude'ich you etre the winner, vt
two Su')er subs 25
1976 HARDTOP BEILvIEW troller sleeps 6 pr„
Palle stove sm.k and Ice box fridgee gond., unit,
tion ,Phone 51.5 2429 25
FIBERGLASS HOUSE trailer '1 way fudge qus
stove sink Iv unterulu sleeps 4 Hondo trill, it
108 Arthur 5t 25x.
HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY ut your Rome this spi
Ing A1.1 s 1undscupi ng will provide you with a
private showing In your own garderl'uf shrubs
you could user to enhunccr your property Yciu ,
woke the chot( r Call 524 7645 of 166 Bennett 51
E Goderich Lloyd' Cline 52 Cambria Rd 5
Goderlch yolk), pr rte Is a pull of garden
gloves 25
good .'.10 000 miles' electric brukes and kill
lights. 3 way fndge'und freezer 4 burner pro'
pone s.tove '2 holding Rinks 50 qui fresh water
iarfk AM F M rods) and tllpe 4 speakers TV' &
FM aerial '2 proparw. tanks new owning On
uvarfoble lot Of KIM 01(11110 PhonLuck m w
528.3810 25x •
'IS YO.UR BUSY schedule leaving you too little
tulle to c ook''' For cr quick crnd dehcro'us 01014(x1
treat your family to McDonald s Re"tourunf 350
Bo,yf reftl Rd Goderich 524 4621 Rober t Mm Phec;
RR 3 Auburn you hove won two free drrurors fionl
Mc Donald ', 25
7H, Boats, Motors & Marine
5000, 6100 7000 and VHF radios temper•oturc
probes Loron•C'In stork al .discount prices Lake
Huron Rod and Gun Under woo'd 368 7,182 Open
7days 2230
LIFrIOCK F.G 14 ft :..seater fishing boat wlfh
fee•nee sprint trailer and 6 h• p Chrysler motor
with took New Condi tl.On ShokeSpeor E: Wander
Folk elt'ctrrc motor 3 (peed'ctnd frivol No 6 or 12
volt moclr.l 606 Phone 524 9259 23.25x
NFW CANOE 16 ft long cedar strip Phone
Falcons Nest 524 6318. 2325
years experience Salmon Stocker Charters Inc
,519) 455 9114 24 29
SUMMER SALMON SALE Brg Jonor`Canncn, .le(
till downriggers 5289 00. temperature probes
SJ 79 00 Shimmano downrrgger rod and reel
(ambo 5100 00 VHF scop rad1o5 .$375 00. A C
Miners ' 55.95 Over 20 000 hot salmon lures to
'choose from at Loke Huron Rod and Gun Under.
wood, 368 7182 Open 7 days 25 28. •
I1 ft. SCOTT CANOE with transom used one
season plus 2 h p motor 'never uso'dr 51 000 00
fern Phone 524 7770 after 6 a n, 25x
MISTRAL Bermuda Sailboard with rill nc(05sgriee',
including wet suit 'lorgc,. risking 5800 00 Phone
574 6943 75
1RUS1 BROWN 5 la ,'1)10(17o yaur home A
nmplete range of all ulterior ext-trior paint pro
(forts o full Irne.of wallpaper and carpets to suit
*•eery taste and pocket book. Harold Alhn• 172
Nelson St .F Goderlch you (on clurrn your prize
nt Brown s Decor Centre 33 West St
524 7117 25
[7J. Service,' Parts & Repairs J
Take advantage of this offer. For one
week only The Signal -Star will
advertise your classified word ad
FREE" far Service Parts & Repairs.
Call now • 524 2614 ext 34
10. Pets for Sale
REGISTERED Golden Retriever pups ready in go
July 1 Shots 530000 Please roil
8)31 661.1 )5 26
BUDNEY STUDIOS introducing limited edition
prints of well known (-onndron Al tests lain.',
1 umbers l es Tart lark Reid Aloft KIngbcOd
Jean Jervis 12.3 West St Goderich you can rinir0
your prize at Budney Studio 114 The Square
Gelder rch 524 9021 25
11 classifications
11A. For Sale General
118. Wanted To Buy
11C. Wanted To Hire
11TJ. Employment Wanted
11E. Livestock
11F. Farm Produce
11G. Farm Equipment
11H. Farm Services
11.J. Farm Systems
11K. Farm Real Estate
11A. For Sale General
BALER BELT halt Inc mg 'Ind hinge Bolt Pilars
and olllgntor hnmrner nn Irving in any size
nvnllohle on order 529 7604 22 75
Ab 1 AL FA AND Timothy in sounre holes for sale
C011 529 7070 24 76
FRESH LAKE HURON FISH open s0ve1 days o
week Monday Thursday S o m 5 p m Friday
Soturdny and Sundny 11 0 n, 7 p re Ort
Tuesdays Only. 10'-, off to senior 1rtrzrnS David
Glousher 157 Lighthouse St Goderlch your prize
is n dinner for one ratrh of the day at Captnrn
rots south Dock Goderich 75
APPROXIMATFIY 200 boles of mixed hay gond
portion of trefoil Phone 524 1'01 ,f on answer
524 6616 25
11G. Farm Equipment
PRICED RIGHT New Holland 270 hiller houghs
new well mnrotorned Phone 529 726.1 75nx
11H. Farm Services
PLEASE NOTE thnt Winghn'rn Auto Eler trar will he
nosed from Jut)/ 1 1987 to reopen August 1
1987 23 75
111 Farm Systems
You can save MONEY NOW...
Wonted' Furin Systems word
uds .Gave us your word ad and for
one week only the Signal Star runs
it FREE Call now 524 2614 ext 34
11K. Farm Real Estate
PARCEL NO. 1 100 5liw tarr<iw'n(i
f,r,r,thnn with linlstrincl f,jt. iib t' Lrqu'L1
'nanure ,y',Ivnl F'clurtr13 11,111 Wit, Sr'dler Silu
L •111{. shel'fr thlnl 1' lli•t•r1 yr'a1 old r 1(1 (3 (I:IW
wllh .1 ,t:r 11(1(4 nuusu in woo repair 98 .41 r05
wilt) about 91) workable t ,Incl ha,. 41110 1 rap
',r1,11.Cr1 I'r1 �5ySilt.trtldtic,ill, I I„d
PARCEL_ NO. 2 - tl)(J,u rr'i u,ireland
W11h .tppn)xlf11lt'ly c)8 .o r -es wtrrk,tt)Io
Systematic all, tiled~ Crop
PARCEL NO: 3 - 50 dt,rt'•, 0,00,3nd
wild rill workably' Systentalically lllt'11 cloud
rap ntlahon Bareland
Above properties Oeinq of ler under It'ndt'r
Ti'ndrvr loons Ltv,01,i1)11' tram Arlhrir J
McGahey Box 428 Walkerton. O'tli•Ii,ro NOC;
;'VO Telephone 519 881 1490
A ^5.00000 t{1'p0511 10 accompany i,ffet (.04411
preferred trowevc'r trndnc rrrg avdtldble upon
Farm Credit Gurporotlon dppruval Highest 01
any olfr',r no ,necessarily dc.cepied
Otter. to tie rr'Ceived Oy July 10th 1987 by
4 00 PM -
F''It',15r. ralt'r lu f II r1', '10001 57?
12. Real Estate for Sale
PRIVATE SALE two houses for sok, oft adlucenl
lots in quiet' residential areu One; 0 two
bed( non') the other o four bedroom For Informa
hon toll 524 6602 ' i841 ' p '
o LOT FOR SALE full u>rvlco
lake vit'vv Kitchignini Camp Road
524 4962 25 26
0<re'• wooded lot
COME TO MORRIS DRAPERIES your oris' stop'ul
tenor decorating •.01vict> c0ntr0 Custom
drapery Kirsh track and installation Droca'win
dow shades wallpaper. CIL paints Elgin Fisher
176 Shore Cres Goderich you con pick up your
prize 114'36 West St Goderlch 524 255.1 25
14. Vacation Properties
IWLY BEDROOM cottage for rent Available now
until July 26th Bluewotbr ljeoch Goddrlc5.
Phone 151-9; 439 6013 or 52'4 4615 24x 25x
POINT CLARK two and three bed( 00111 cottages
available June 27th to September 5th. Phone
482 9896 or 482 3919 25 26
SEE SQUIRE GIFTS for your Souvenlor T shirts
sweat shirts bench coverups etc Mrs.' Leroy
Drorper 205 Britannia Rd F. Goderich a prize
awaits you at Squire Gifts' Hwy. 21 S Goderich
524 7920 25
16. For Rent
concrete nutonlotrve moving painting., clean
rn.q senders Doupo's Equipment 3 miles Fast of
Kin( ordine . on Highway 9 Phone
395 2685 ' 4211ur
MOTORIZED woodsplrtter for rent, 540 00 per
cloy Phone 524 4877 after 6 p m 42tfnx '
MOTORIZED woodsplitter 525 00 per ,day Coll
524 8110 after 4 p m 43tfnx
Do it yourself with
Deep Steam Extraction
Doing it
See cis first,
we Can help!
I ntEd
[ ecuiorn'eat
;blit R\yflfI I) RI), (;<)1)/Rl( 11 124-265x1
17. Apartments for Rent
1 -31 -NNE l 1 ST now nvollclhlr' 2 bedroom apart
merit ail online•. Ixnd Phone
524 6653 04tfrtr 04tfar
SPACIOUS Aeon bright trlstefully dreorntrrt
one bedroom npnrtuu>rll upstairs in alder home
Na pets smoking 01 writer bed references need
ed quirt residential '1100 privrtle entrance free
pnrklnq ',tnve fridge rind hoot included
524 7276 or 574 7)58 24 75
ONE BEDROOM nportmnnt on 001111 floor (lose Ir,
Sr -ware Avnilnhle August 1 Phony
52.4 494"8 25 1
ZONE BEDROOM opal t'nrnt hent Inc ludrrt
Available immediately 524 8480 25nr
TE4RFF BEDROOM npnrtment for rent with fridge
strive rind garage 5340 00 per month plus
Malities Ayr -nit -thin August 1st References re
gourd Coll 574 4966 ' 25
GODFRICH ESSO CENTRE hove you been ,n our
Vnrlety Store yet' Your 11 he surprised when you
ser for' select on of take out treats for all
members of th.. family We servo hot (Offae 74
hours r1 cloy lornes Robertson 146 Pic tnn 5t F
Goderich your prize Is one novel mug with nor
rornphmrntS 251
MODERN two bedroom apartment In Blyth
nvnllohle July 1st Refrrrnr et nqtr Phnnn
482 9710 73 25
TWO BEDROOM nportmont in 5oltfnrd 55)140 n0
plus uhlltms Ground floor No pets please
A,nllnhlr laky 1st Phone 524 2384 23tf
18. Houses for Rent
RAYFIFID three bedroom bungalow nvnilnhle
Immediately Phone I 236 4230 744frrr
20. Room & Board
ROOM FOR RENT f'rrvntn rntimtfe '.114)10 kit
,hen Both Imrndry anis living rlrrnrmmndntrnns,
with other roomers solar r,trn'. ,nr hided
574 9850 25
17. Apartments for Rent
250 Hincks St.
two bedroom apartments
aeailahle for May Ist cit c upon& y.
-dilly l arpt'ted
-nu-wax floors
-c unit -oiled entry
-outdoor parking,
Laundry Fac ilitie» - 1st & 3rd Floor
Model Suite Hours;
titnnday, - Thursday I • 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 1 - ) p.m.
fclr Rt'ntal Information
(.TTI Margaret 524-5183
20. Room & Board
rJ0 SECRFI INGREDIE N15 We lust make them
plum gaocir You well agree of ter you've tasted
00, 1 hie kern wings and home fries For more real
appetite pleuseis sample the menu at North End
Marino 1- 0r th Hut bour Rd Goderich 5248813
Stun Ryan 1 Bloke 5, W Goderich your prize -15
one order of our delicious chicken w,ngs•onJ
hies res 25
FOR RENT light housekeeping room equipped
with stove fridge color 1V and all cooking urea
srls. etc close u> Square 524 1516 25 •
FURNISHED BEDSIT INC, town close to The
Sduolu• Avoiloble July Isl. Phone 524 7409 or
524 4'134 24tf
2 Commercial Property for
OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 900 sq it. on WeSt St,
Cull 524 2664 12tfor
Recall office space uvailoble Immediately. Phone
48'23070. 14tf '
STORE - FOR RENT on morn street Phone
529 7888 16tfur
APPROXIMATELY 1000 sq. ft main floor office
space (walkable Close to the Square Available
September I F'hone 524 5316. 18tfor
26. Help Wanted
IOWN !{ LOUNIRY Hurrlelrrukers require u
motor. 1elluble tunny people with e,nputhy Jul
the handicapped children and elderly thents to
work us homemakers In all cirrus of Huron Court
ty. Durres Involve meal preparation shopping
Tight ho.usekeeprng and assistance ,,with personal
cure Stortiny woye 55 to 56 per hour depending
on ,raining and Or experience Mlleuye puid to
and from c'w,erits home l roirring uvoilubke Phone
35/ 3222 or 1 800 265 3039 25
FOR. RETAIL or office spore prime 'Iocotlon on"'
V ir, form St . Goderich Phone 524 4244. 244f
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Available' immediately, .totally
renovated, ready to go into
business, reasonable rent.
Phone KEN McGEE - 524-8391
(store is across from McGee Motors)
'24. Wanted to Rent
FARM HOUSE In Clinton or Goderich • area
September to December. Coll Peter Bachmann or
Mike Pedde (collect) 416-832.7152 22.30
25. Wanted to Buy
WANTED TO BUY used Fiberglass Fireball (with
or without fittings) Coll collect 61'3238 1561
daytime or 613 8221901 offer 6 p m .25x
COCA COLA memorabilia wonlcrl Trays. light
fixtures cardboard tm porceknn and neon
signs Anything unusual Call London
$ $. $ $ $ $ $ $
Antiques, complete or partial
estates, dining, bedroom,
living room suites, old
jewellery, clocks, furniture.
Call Seaforth
527,1 847 ,err 527-1633
Light industrial
.Available July 1987.
®120( to :3(,00 sq. ft.
eServic e'or wholesale
Shop & Storage Space
For mc)re information
r all Jeff Fisher at
5247312 or 5297821
26. Help Wanted
RETAIL SALES Perrnnnenl'pnvhnn nvnllohle Im
rnrdrnteky for motor., persons In Inial retort
husrr.'ss Appht<hntS must he nvmloble during
daytime hour$, and 1 2 evenings Please Send all
details education rind qualifications to Drawer
Nn 1) ' n Godorrrh Slgnnl Stor P 0 Box 220
C,rir{rr'rh Ont
N 7A 486 70tfnr
LOOKING FOR individuals to work in the
(,nr{enr) and BnyIiOLd men 105 reIntes to fmnn
,111 server's Will trona Send resume to A
Wilhnn1s"147 Hyde Pnrk Rood lnndon Ontnrlo
N61-4 357 Attention John 3 ,she 73 25
MATURE COMPANION to Irv. in to help with nor
sing rind household duties for on elderly woman
four miles from Clinton Own vehicle on asset
Room iincfMhorird provided above nvernge
1r'numnrntion depending on qualification
Rofnrnnre required Write or contact Eleanor
Rronks 3170 Masse Court Windsor N9E 2Z5
519 969 2388 24 25
NEW COMPANY kir amuck: for two years ex
(ellen' ground floor oppur'urllty with u multi
lexel marketing plan Sell Glossy 1u19011e with
some duytrine apparel No deliveries Excellent
oppor lunrly for nlunugenlent position 01 011 0
par 1 time bosis 1 hrs wuuld uppeul to rnyonc
who hos hod poi ly 3)1011 business expel 10(11
Call Cheryl 529 :3116 24 25
HIGHSCHOOL student wonted tar summer 111„11
the on Tarin Phone 529 7258 2?
DRIVER WANTED for volt and tank deliveries
Sulury plus carnmlSslOn Apply in pt•tson to
Culligan Water Conditiony19 3/6 Buyheld Rc3
Goderich 25
RARBFR ,vnr tnrf to mmn to lurknow Mnrn Street
Ftnirdressing Salon Choir and mirror supplied
Plans' phone 528 7907 before 5p m nr 395 3690
'Iftor 5 p m if interested 75
TWO FULL TIME wooers worn esses requered for
dining room acrd bol experience preferred App
ly to Bailey s Restourunt 120 The Square ask for
Corolynt .25 26
PART TIME babysitter 1ui.lutred in your 410,11.
Three children ages 7' 4 and 3.10011111s Must be
responsible and rehoble Phone 565 2565 25
invites applications for the posi-
NURSE, full-time working out of
Qualifications: B.Sc.N. Degree
or a diploma in public health
Submit applications. to:
Cr. J.K., McGregor
Huron County Health Unit
Court House,
Goderich, Ont.)r'io
N7A 1 M 2
A Canadian Circulation Firm has 4 openings
for junior trainees. We provide:
- on the job training ^
-5225- per wk. & Bonuses & Company
Company Car Transportation'supplied
At you like to travel Canada and enjoy deal-
ing & speaking with the public we may have
the job for you.
-Must be bondable, of min. age of .17, & be
able to start immediately
r to the Desk of
Fopersonal interview apply
the Bedford Hotel, Courthouse Square. '
.Miss L. Archibald
Thursday Only;
10:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
First applicants given priority
Requires an accountant able to prepare
it monthly finoncioi statements for three 1
active companies in the Boyfleld urea.
Computer on line experience an asset. •
Wages negotiable. Forward resur'ne to:
c/o Clinton News -Record
Box 39, Clinton, NOM 110
111' .Ifni('(111 t• 1,1111111111) I'i 1.,,,1,'1,r'll 1 1'1' ..
llr',1111,10, .,p.Illrlli'111 111, ;nil. r1 "di, -,,Li' ,
,\l,i'I IIsi' 11, IIr1'lcIi'it;
1'11'.1,1 will, 111 .
I)'K\\\IR \rt ,41
1 11 1111 1 ,r irl,•1 II 11 ',1•'n I l ,1'
1'1 1 11r 1, ' '„
111r11e111h 11111 \'\ 11111
26. Help Wanted
C;ar e? & Ottewell l E quo r s, o Legal
Secretary real estate 1- pEer'Ience
'F'R'CS. apply 111 wrltlny »tearing gUitfltlLd
burls to 50 North Street, Qaoderich.
N7A 2T4
Attention: J.R. Ottewelf
To assist mainly in parts depart-
ment. Must be clean and neat,
personable with good driving
Prefer someone with automotive
parts experience.
Ken McGee - 524-8391
-INE �
VatelOZTIMS inv
Aquafine Fine Water Centres is
expanding in your area and we
are looking for additional sales
personnel, male/female, salary,
car allowance, commission and
bonuses. Complete training pro-
gram. For, interview phone
364-1894 or 1-800-265-3435.
Teacher 7!V>:ssistants..
The Board has openings -In several •
areas of the county for .the 1987.88
school year.
Individuals applying .for these posi
lions will be required to work with excep-
tional students and should have'tramin'q
In the.' area of- child development
Normally. this Type of training 15 receiv-
ed a1 the community college -or Unl,yer•'
sity level. Past experience in workl'ng
with children would be a definite asset
Successful applicants will become •
members of C.U.P.E. Local 1428
Interested applicants are•'requeSted 46
forward 'an application• Including, a
resume and reterence.s
Applications well be received by the
• undersigned prior to noon on Monday,
July 6. 1987.
Gino Giannandrea
Superintendant of 'Personnel
103 Albert St.,
Clinton, Ont.
R.B. Allan
A Clark
Counsellor position, Survival Through Friendship House
of Huron County - a transition house for abused women
requires a full time counsellor. Excellent interpersonal and
counselling Skills a must. Thorough knowledge of
domestic violence issues required.
B.S.W. and shelter (experience preferred or equivalent.
Shift work. Starting salary $18,000. Star'tin;g date, July 6,
1987. Send resume by June 29,1987 to: -
�urvival Through Friendship House
1-34 Mac Donald St.,
Goderic h, Ontario
. N7A 3N-3
Attention: Director
The Huron County library Board invites applic ations for the position of ( hief librarian,
This position entails the administration of a ( minty library System serving a popula-
tion of 55,91.3 with 29 branch libraries, an operating budget of 58h 3,08-1. in 1987 and
a total staff of 10 full-time and 41 part-time employees.
This appointment will he 'made effec five January 1, 1988,
Qualifications: The sac ( eSSful applic ant will have a degree in I ihrary St ;enc 0 with a
minimum of two years experienc e in a responsible administrative or
supervisory c apac ity in a public library.
Fxperien(e with a County library and library automation syster'l', would
be an asset.
Initiative and excellent oral and written c ommunic ation skills are
Salary: Negotiable and int lodes a full range of employee benefits. The 1988
salary range is (.3 3,'14. • 540,950.
<Applic Minns giving full details
of three references should he
of educ ation, qualifications, experienc e' and the names
forwarded to the undersigned by July 11, 1987,
B.G. Hanle
Sec retary-Treasurer
Huron ( aunty library Board
'(ourt House Square
(;nderic h, Ontario
N7A 1M2
Telephone: '19-'24-8394