HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-21, Page 9;r 8 (;()I)I R1('H SIGNAL. -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE: 29. 1987 FLOWER SHOPPF VfiN_Jc. 0 KI G K & GIFT SHOP am_sA the. Square on 6:.ast Street, Beside the Post Office. Phone 524- :t 132 DAY OR NIGHT �a 1ur 6d�XA!GNS�/C�� Community Card Shop =Grooving Cords •Party Wore •Offko Supplies .gooks 8 GINS •Wedding Stationery �f�im s•.„t r, elf 3, ,`,.A•,, y .U1 — 25th ANN 1962-87 (2::?1/. LA < L S R br E c EROSIO\ O\TROL SYSTEMS �Il�t�llllll ; (,<lk)1a11 Baskets •(Iri iinti • Retdining Walk ® tont' Rip -Eich I )ivkion of Lake Huron Farrn Drainage li I ,,1,11 )141 )..)4) f ,IIIA I'If`,Itic� KondyMize '19-529-7036 of t. Ny 25t The Goderich Rotary Club celebrated its 25th anniversary in fine style, with a dance, featur- ing the 'famous Spitfire Band, Saturday evening, June 20. The dance, which was well - attended, was held at the Business Air Services hanger at the Sky Harbour Airport. (photo . by Patrick R.aftis) . 9 ut 0 ervc ffer you *S oco Gas Bar * L cens °d Mechanic *Major and inor repairs trnestic and forest:°. En vehicles u ali! PILL CMLLEfi Propri•wator 1=3111 662 10.= ESSSIO 111—i C J 11 ®EF REG] LOR u. PRICE 1, Lub lit r Most Cars and tight Trucks Reg. 177', max 4.5 litres of oil. Valid until )uly 31187 S J Service Bays are conveniently open: Mono -Frio lam -spm Sato 7am-12pm (Form rIy 5 Points Sunoco) Loci ted ®t the 5 Points hi Goderich 524-5358 ua � tivities f op,y : 11 ri g).a Activities for all ages will be featured during Goderich Canada Days Celebra- tions June 25 - ;July 4'. The festivities com- mence with Harness Racing Season Open- ing night, June 25 7:30 p.m. at Agriculture Park. On June 26 and 27,' Royal Canadian Legion Branch,109.will hold a dance at the Legion on. Kingston Street, from 9:00 p.rn. - 1:00 a:m. featuring "Solid Ivory", - no ad- mission Charge. Also on June 26, • the Knights of Columbus ''Bluebird Ball" takes place at, the Saltford Valley Hall, from' 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. featuring the "Royalaires": Tickets are $1'0.00 per per;.. Son which includes' a hot lunch: A F'rtend - ship Breakfast is scheduled at the Legion on Sunday, June 28, 8i30,a.rn: - 11 a.m., Adults - $2.75, Children - $1.75, under six free. The Lions will be holding their An- nual Pancake Breakfast & Beef BBQ the same day in Harbour Park. Breakfast is served from 8,a.m. -1 p.m.. followed by the BBQ, 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. The cost for breakfast is $3..00 and for the BBQ, $6.00 advance, $7,00 at the gate, $3.00 Beef -on -a -Bun Ram Location. -. arena. • The l,aketown Band winds up the .lune 28 program with a concert in Harbour Park • starting at 7 p.an. This performance opens the Annual Summer Concert Series which features different bands., and groups each Sunday evening through late August. All sorts of fun events are in store for Family Fun Night, June 29, 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. at St. Christopher's Beach ( Picnic Pavillion closest to Harbour ). Activities include the Sand Sculpture, beach ball Volleyball and jelly bean guessing contests commencing at 6:30 p.m., Trivial Pur- suit/Family Feud Style and Family Bak ing Contest Judging at 7:15 p.m., family doughnut eating contest -1Y:45 p.m. and the Simon Says. Contest at 8 p.m. Complete details about Family, Fun Night Activities are available at the Tourist Bureau - phone 519) 524-2513. Call this number to register for beach ball volleyball and Trivial Pur- f' } , .4 1 ,fit :7(,', 'r4=;1...4),',',',:r.:7',-, r phi > ,.:Q -4 „ft ; X41?.3:�•" s. Dun annon o Gas B r st r ppreciaion a z: Friday and Saturday, June 26th and 27th T sh w our appreciation for your bnriiness we are offering you a chance to WIN A NEW SHEPRED BARBECUE with every minimum 25 tiR're fill -apo This Offer good for these tw d ys only. Hot Dog and Drink • jr fY ' S.6 ' with gets purchase es e rre ys Cel y a rto r ., ti suit/Family Feud Style — registration for these two activities is required by June 27. June 30, ,the action gets underway with the Bluewater Boardsailing Club's Wind Surfing Demonstration — 6:30 g.m. at,.3t. Christopher's Beach. This will be followed by the. Peace Park Dedication at the har- bour — 8:30 p.m. The evening winds.. up with the Fireworks Display also at the Harbour, starting at approximately 10:15 ' p.m. . • .On July 1, • they Civic Ceremony .com- rnenc•es at 1:15 p.rn. in Courthouse Park. At 2:00 p.m. the'Ganada Day Parade gets underway at the Squary and free cake Will —be -given --out during theyRecreation.Depart-._. meet Public Swim :-- 2:31) p.rn. - 4:30 p.m. at the Municipal Pool. The Children's Fun Pet Show 1 Cats & Dogs 1 starts, at' approx- imately `2:45 p.rn. in Courthouse Park • featuring a wide range of categories from Best Dressed to Longest/Shortest Ears, 'fail and Hair.. • The B.W. Fawley Road Show, presented by E.C.W. Union Isocal 1§, Will be featured at the Arena on July 1 from 9 p:m. - 1 a.m. , Admission - $10.00 per couple. , July 1 also is the start of the Optimist Music Festival at Riverside Park. A varie- ty of entertainment from local musicians • on opening day to Folk,„,Blues, Bluegrass and a Children's Performance (July 4th - 3. p.m. 1 will he featured. Admission -- July 1st 112 noon - 1 a.m. l -$1.00, ,July 2nd (5 p.m. - 1 a.m.) $3.00, July 3rd ( 5 p.m. - 1' a.m.1 - $5.00, and .July 4th 11 p.m. - 1 a.m.) -'$5.00. Children under 12 aro free. under 12 are free. On ,July 4 the Dominion Day Open Singles Tennis Tournament takes place at the Maitland Golf & Country Club 9 a.m. - $4.00 members, $6.00 non-members. Registration must be completed by July ., 2nd -- Phone ( 519) 524-9641 to register. For addition details about Canada Days Celebrations Events contact the Goderich Tourism 'Office/Bureau at (519) 524-6600/2513. We carry- these fine lines of appliances • NI :11” I''\G • K 1; IX I N x1'1'O R • IHC;A\1 ('i N'I'1{:11. \''\('i!U\•1 •‘‘,11 114.: 1b"I?y;'I'I NCIHOIlS1 ekV(1(1I)- •1).\NR ' • l1I111-il,1'OOI, •ilii{E:K:1 HUTCHINSON APPLIANCE SERVICE 308 Huron Rd„ Goderich 524-7831 524-8732 BO MCKINLE:`1( R R 3 CLINTON, NOM 1L0 Representing your TOTAL FINANCIAL PLANNING NEEDS WE CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH: Annuities_ RRIF's. Business and Personal Life In- surance. Gr©up Lif©, Health and Pension Plans. Income Replacement Plans. RRSP's. GIC's. Mutual Funds and Debentures. LICENSED WITH: The Manufacnlrrn Life Insurance ('nn,p;Iey CALL 482-3714