HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-21, Page 6Country ca Dear Editor Liberal leader John 'Turner calls the Conservative 'Tax Reform a "Tax Grab I would like to inform John 'Turner that he has a good memory, but it's short. He falls to state the reason why. Has he entire- ly forgotten the unholy trinity, Srnilin' Jack Gallagher. Mickey Cohen, and Terry Hargreaves uf Dome Petroleum? They were successful in tapping the Bank of Commerce, Toronto Dominion Bank, Bank of Montreal, plus the Federal governtnent 'fur billions uf dollars. The 1.ibcr�t1 goVt'rnntent wider '1'rudeau. was responsible for the largest deficit in the history of this country. Anywhere there was a.probtet1l in this country, they threw money at •it. ('believe that If ti,., 'r.,ri.•t• 11.1,1,1't been t e r n wit LETTERS elected when they were, the Canadian dollar wouldn't' have been worth the powder to blow it up. You cannot run the country on •the cuff. Sooner or later, you have to pay the piper. Individuals who have had the exl'erience of a mortgage know very well if they don't reduce the principal, they are going to be payiri'g all their Honey in interest. During the reign of the liberal government, they paid very little on the principal. 1 believe if the Liberal government had continued any longer, 'we would have ex- t nforcing Sunday law op creator's law, reader says Dear Sir. The enforcement of Sunday law in Canada .is in opposition to the Creator Yahweh's Law! Two months ago we of- fered $1,000 to anyone win) can prove that the Sabbath was either abolished or chang- ed to Sunday in the Scriptures. No one can claim .the money Here's why. The Messiah Yahoshua said, "Think not that I have come to abolish the 1,aw and the Pro- phets; I have ci.ime Hutto abolish them but to fulfill them." In this case fulfill means •to fill to the full or magnify and make glorious as • lsaiah 42:21 indicates. The same word is found in Matt: 3:15 where Yahoshua is baptized by John to fill rir;hteougpess 1)) the full, and neither righteousness nor baptism are abolished! An c.xample.of filling'.the Law to the full is found in Matt. 5:21-22. Under the Renewed Covenant not only must you not kill:r Com- mandment F i but you must not even be angry. with yoiu• brother. Likewise you must•rest on the -Sabbath 17th) day (,Coni- rnaridrnent 4) a'nd' not even think about work ( Isaiah 58:13-14). • How long woirll.l the Law last? 'F'or tru- ave Sykes a from page 4 May Miracle, was forced to close the theme park's water slide and train ride recently. But that's tu)uthcr problem. Perhaps, in 'T,irtunti s hour Of need, people could semi her sortie unused Maybeline or MarV Ray products just to get her over the rough spots. It's not always easy to make ends meet .these clays. oses LETTERS ly, I say• to volt, until' heaven and earth pass away i occurs after Rev, 201, not a yowd ( smallest letter ), '•not a tittle • ( smallest .part of 14 letter ), will pass from, . the .Law• until all things occur" ( Matt. 5:18). . The enforcement of Sunday as the rest' day is violation of the •fourth Command- ment to remember the Sabbath (7th) day and keep it holy (Exodus 20:8-11). Speak- ing 'of..the days ahead, Isaiah ( 24:5) writes "The earth lies • polluted under its .ih- hanitants; for they have transgressed the LaWs, changed the .. Commandments, 'broken • the everlasting Covenant." Obey the Creator Yahweh! ( Matt. 19:17). Michael Lindelatif for .. Yahweh's Assembly in Messiah Box 767, Armstrong, B.C. VOE 180, .Largest sale to ' e Lield Dear Editor: " In conjuction with this 100th anniversary, the Aylmer and,,East Elgin Agricultural ••Society is sponsoring the world'$ largest yard sale at the fair grounds on June 27 -and 28: ' Events scheduled are a• barbecue, antique car `show, pony rides, Diamond Cabaret with live entertainment, helicopter rides, hourly draws fOr gate, prizes, parade wind -down, drive -on lots, horseshoe tourna- ment, yard kale vendors, dealers, conces- • sion booths, etc. For further information call 773-2318. Committee of :ldjustment will meet on Wednesday, June 24 at 12 noon in the Goderich 'Town Hall council chambers. OMB Hearing on Official Plan Amend- ment No: 11 will be held Monday, .June 29, from. 1 to 4:30 p.rn. in the council chambers. Environment Committee will meet at 12 noon on June :30. ill the council chambers. 1 A('A(' will meet on Thursday, July 2, at 7 p.n). in the council chambers. Aquatic (.'entre Committee will meet on July 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the Mayor's office Maitland Cemetery Board will meet on July 3 at 10 )i.1)), in the council chambers. DVIC. CORNER Huron County Council will'meet Thurs- day, July 2,.9 a,m., Court House ,council chambers, Goderich. Huron Waste Management Committee' will meet Wednesday, ,July 9, 10 a.m., Court House council chambers, Goderich, Huron County Social Services Commit- tee will meet at 9:30 a,m. on Thursday, Ju- ly,. 9, Court House council chambers, (Toderich. . _=r 0 t ney pertenced a similar condition that occur- red in 1929, which heralded the'ytock market crash. Shrugging Pierre's policy seemed to be, if you were short of money , print some more, or borrow it. This type of policy causes inflation, and decreases the value of the dollar. 4 sincerely hope that the Conservatives are elected again, so that we won't entirely' be owned by the banks and the finance companies. The statement that ,John Turner made about the 'Tax Reform being a grab is ludicrous, Any kind of tax is a grab, it's nut a giveaway. What does he expect the government ,to do, finance the country on welfare'.' `iirrc ereiy, N.J. Minaker !{°nations still to e accepted for ire s Dear Sir: The F'irewor'ks Display will be fired off at about, 10:15 p.ni. Tuesday, June 30. However the show'will be cancelled if it is raining between 9 p.m. and 10:15 p.m., as we cannot set up in the rain; plus we would 'not have the crowd. If rain does prevent the show on June 30th, we shall fire it the following .day (July 1st) at the same tune and location. . Donations, large or small;• are still being accepted. 'Please let rite have your 'supp'ort, Yours truly, Patrick I). King, Chief of Police Visitors enjoy m Goderich scenes GODERICH SIGNAL -STAN WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1987 ---PAGE s 1984 FORD RANGER 4 C'i'nder 4 Speer: Power Brak, AM!FM Cassette Luny Box Rear Step ti,,.per l inruhecl in Iwo fore Beige and 13';,wn Only /5000 km ,ind in real 11C t.? ..I., ()NLA 184 East Street, Goierich 524-2113 Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pennings, Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Cor DeCorte, Seaforth, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children, Elaine and Ken. The wedding ceremony will take place at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church in Zurich, on July 4, 1987, with open reception to follow at the Stanley Township Complex in Varna. Dear e 9 June 9; a photograph was taken of us by reporter -photographer while doing clean-up chores after a fish fry at St. Christopher's Beach. ' In addition to our picture being taken for Your news photographer, we would like to say (hat since. my husband's first trip 'to Goderich as part of his job with CP. Rail 13 years ago, Goderich has become our favorite vacation' spot and have been com• - ing here each .s'pring and summer as often as we can:• • • - We're hoping to continue coming to Goderich long afterour retirement. In our hearts, your hospitality and welcome sign to Goderich, the prettiest town in Canada, is certainly well justified. We, feel privileged in writing you this letter. Sincerely, • . Anna and Mike Cri.kliu. Kitchener, Ontario ju 5t J L' 1987 * Harness Racing Season Opener * Legion' Dances & Friendship Breakfast *Knights of Columbus Bluebird Ball ..*Lions Pancake Breakfast - Beef B.B.Q. * Laketown Band Concert Series Performance * Family Fun Night * Biuewater Boardsailiny Club Windsurfing Demonstration * Peace Park Dedication *Fireworks Display * Civic Ceremony *Parade * Recreation Department Public Swim •* Children's Fun'Pet Show . *BW. Pawiey Road Show * O'ptim.ist Music Festival -*Dominion bay Open Singles Tennis Tournament * CHECK CANAtiaA 4 )AYS CELEB':ATI= rlN EVENTS SCHE*''ULE IN THIS WEE'K'S DAY IN THE LIFE ` INSERT G c d rich Toon; 524-6600 for fu : ;,,, t;1�• ntact The ffi e ureau r 524 2513 Telecare ELECARE in Goderich 24 Hr. Confidential Listening 1®800®265-4598 BIC V CORRECTION Due to manufacturer's' shortage, the Hos-er adver- tised in our June 24th Flyer will be unavailable. We regret any inconve- nience this may cause our Big V customers. "A part of Your Life" When You •Need .� y-�� The Best! For the hest in complete Heir Care call... DF,SIG: Corrie See The BOSS! f" EXHAUST ✓" RE -CORED RADIATORS Reg. 5140. and up v" SHOCKS, Cars Reg. S49.95 Trucks Reg. 559.95 fr'BRAKES, Rear Reg. S69.95 Front Reg $64.95 most cars "OIL, LUBE & FILTER Reg. x19.95 FRONT END -''GET YOUR RAD FLUSHED Reg. $39.95 RE -MANUFACTURED GAS TANKS Reg. 5139.95 INSTALLED r -"COIL SPRINGS, Reg. S109.95 & up MUFFLERS, Reg. 542.40 8. up . `BEET' RUNNING BOARDS Reg. 5200. INSTALLED SPRINGS, Coil & Leaf Reg. 5129.95 & up 48 East St. 524-4781 ���itaiiiii�Illllll�llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll�lllllllllllllllllllll�1111111111111111111111111 5.11;1 ilNann.u.4n.n•,gn.oimimugiglmnm011111 mnmmmm _ , VACATION READINESS SPECIAL OFF STOREWIDE Offer Expires Friday, July 31st, 1987. a TIM LIFEE GUARANTEE ;.~ 28" CONTEMPORARY CREDENZA STYLE COLOR MONITOR/T.V. ON A SWIVEL ®,ASE Stereo 13roadcast Ready •Fu•' Square 110" In line piEture '28 MTS tuba •cdmb actor •Automatic black level control *Two video and audio Input tacks •Valeo and audio output lacks •BAa9 and treble control/4 • 19 tunttonn detachable remote control161 WE'VE GOT THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS TE 4440 save II T ANTE Sales & ervice 211 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 524-4831 III�l1 pl � 1I111,111lil�l llllill llgilrilll� iili hi� II l11 'i1i 191 Walnut Street Goderich. 524-4200 Main SI., Varna 482-7129 Behind the New Suncoast Ford OPEN Monday - Friday 8 am - 5:30 prn, Saturday 8 am - 2 pro