The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-21, Page 1o seer 139 YEAR - 25 elt • (;Oi)I•:RI('ll, Oti'F 1-tIO, WE1)NE:SUaV, RAE:A, A, 192'1 ouncil declares to li.\1"1'1S In a largely -sy nil)olu•" :vesture. the "1'uw'n of (;odel•icli hos bet.11,declared :t •'Nut.le,; Weapons Free '/tone." by town council. • A (lt'lt..tatlurl of about till people attended council's ,lune 22 mellow in support of a [Motion 'ratd iatedf at ;l ' 1Ley 26 public' Meeting oh -World 1'ease. In the :Nuclein' Age".. The prottrrull was presented by the l;otlt'r•I(•f) Medical Society and sponsored.. I, tit' (;oiler'ich Munstt rl;ul• .1s;nriali(nl, Fulluw'ing the program. ;d spontaneous mo- tion to ask cotinc'lI to declare the town nuclear fro(' was passel) by the 1)0 p(; )1tle present. . "1 have been to sc•y.'r;ll public Inceti\g5 in (;u(1Prich over they Inst I''\\ tears and this w'as one of HIP I.li'1;est. that 1 f.uye w'itt etised,' It' wo11111 )p(tI that' there is \trey' (nn:,lclrrai)le support for the motion from' local people." s;tid 1)r. .1. 1„ Ilull- ingw'orth; one of twin [medical snrlt'ty members whu•spoke to council r>n belholf,of the (1e10gati(n Hollingworth said -such a roscrlution would send o • message to members of p<u'lianl(rtt"••that the penpl0 of this area are against tile -nuclear 91111s rale and are expressing their desire to live ut n nuc'lcar weapons free en\ Il t)ilillent" Arnottg the, other point, )nude by I1011- itlgworth were that passing the luotii>n would give pi'nple a sense of achievement that they ari'.,dulnt; something, about the threat of nuclear «ar lits oils() said the ulilhull is lir keeping with ' the t'nited Nations c•rin'c•ept of multilateral disarmament, as opposed to unilateral clisartmainent and does not :n- tc.rfere with the cis Man use of .I: uelear technology , such ;is f>otcer, gl'neratuli. stations. "R'. decl;lr1119 I lo+Iiri•h to he a.'nucl0ar wveapols free zone. t`Ilc people of ( `iiiil'd'"P)e" y`i)�t)irtfrlittc 1''iiYhit( f(;1: ,(tiiltCtd ('amaili<'nl participation 111 the pr•oliteration •o1 nuclear wrap ii • : '10111 1lollingytorth. Dr. Charlton ('hon told council respon- sibility for ett)i'rttcncu's such as those that ,would be caused by 9 nucli'it'• t'xplusforl begin~-ttIth local 1;o\:ernmu•nt "In ;l paiIplet published by Err Planning (';.[Insula in 1980, the federal 9uvrrnnlent stated that the initial respon- sibility foil handling most einergencles lies tt its the uituiucippl, proynu•lal and ter- ritorial governnients.'I'he pamphlet defin- ed enlerte11cles as anything from floods to nuclear wars. Indeed, rtio,t err (reenclrs air dealt 111th tit lite tttlinleip'.Ifltll's 111 winch they occur. Since it Is w•ult'ly recognized that the only solution to a nuclear war IS pit.%cilium, It is atlt'Isable for all municipal' r;oyer'nnients t(o prutnoto nuclear disarmament. Choi of the effective e 1 nuclear w 60 CENTS PER ( (WY er ea ons free zone Star to publish on Thursday l ht l;odt•r[t h 51r_r,ital-Nt,ti• ,\ 111 tot• prultt tt tit' 1t 1 t•`, t•r11ri 4 A, ti,Uclf .11 the corn pony •s EEucktrt, Street plant but due to the July 1 (,inatfa Day holiday . troth mail and carnet ddeli%e•ry of the paper will take place Thursday .July Customers on rural routes (',It, expect cielit er'y of the paper '1 hurs(lay Prot 111ell there t, no 111,111ptlufl ul the postal ser t ice Carriers ty i11(Jelly t•r papers in tow n da\ 1110rn1114 t , ,uhst•r'Iher, ;Irlrl the paper will also he •i',1110t,1e• ,it new, .,tjnds on that d;1y In the tnt:•,ntlrut . .•111.11 th• 1'.1n911,1 1 1,1y tt11.19 911.1 l.tke 1).111 nl tlu t anotia \\et•k ld•stIt111t•s uttered tri d,oilt'r'l( h Civic reception size is reduced I he size ui 111..1 ,', Ic 'Reception tor guests Irtilli i;uttt•rIt'tt , setter city lkay Cit‘ :Mich ;ittei'tul.t the t;otleri& tt C;Inada lhty Celebration, has Leen t'tt11,111t•riil)lt 1'01111.- etl ati a result t .( det'l,tntl h\ 1;ode1'It'll "I'uwrl ('1(11.911 ('owned a:;reetl. 10 1 7-1 recorded vote. to lirttit the (;ode'rtc'll delegation to the .lune .' 27 lunchewtr at the f;etift>rtf..11)tel to the Nlavur Eileen Pauper•• Tourism Promoter Rubin Stuart and Adirunistrator Larry Mc- Cabe and then' guests. The original plan called•for the reception. to be attended by about sixty people, in: eluding members of the Tourist ('ornnut- tee, the (.'arlada Day Committee aril 6-8 • council nlenlb1rs. Councillor Jim Sear's, in a motion 'seconded by •('uuflt illor 13111 Clifford, questioned the idea of having lily local r'epr'esentatives attend a luncheon to host only five members of the Ba} City delegation.. -' Councillor • .John' Stringer, while ultimately voting stet favor of the motion said. "it's Li shame we have this dlsc•usstint every year just a week before the recep- tion." Stringer suggested the r)�ccption go ahead as planned this year and that ctiun- 'ctl study the Matter in depth next fall. Ree'ye Harry.' orsell anti CouncillorsSearrs.. ('liff0rd, .M,icCauley. Stringer, Carey .and Profit .voted in favtr of the mo- tit')n, with only list or .Eileen Palmer opposed. • Dr. J. 1.. Hotlingyyorth addresses members of'Gode*rich Town '22 (ouncil meeting. Council passed the syt3lbolic motion joining the Council, as a memhrr'.of .a large' delegation petitioning for the ranks of 169 ,other nuclear ,free 'communities in Canada, by a 7-1 declaration of Gode.rich as a Nucletlr Weapons free' zone at the June ' margin in "a recorded cote. 1 photo by Patrick Raftis 1 means is,. I belit'vc, stet delcare a town a nuclear weapons free zone," said Since Japan was declared the first, nuclear weapons free zone in1958,24 coun- tries have declared themselves nuclear free, as have 3,600 communities around the world. In Canada, as of .lune 1, 1987. 1119 communities, including Some nearby municipalities like Hrnsall, Owen Sound and Sarnia have,inade the declaration, Councillor (;len Carey, who prole the motion, seconded 'by Councillor Jim ~earls, said 1t was.a •'iogica1 move- . "It seem, to me this [notion Is a logical extension of what we profess to be and that is peace loving." said Carey . "I think it's probably true to say there is nothnl1 in this motion ' we • could (infnrce!' he added. noting that he is usually opposed to such unenfor'cable a(hi ll by council, '..however. i think an exception could he ritade in this A Goderirh letter carrier` v.alk the picket lines and talk with passerby i•londay, as the local union joined a series of national rotating strikes that brought local peietal sem ire to a stal,Jistill on Monday acid Tuesday. photoIby Patrick Rafti:s) Goclerich letter carriers picket local post office 1 iotlrrlc'It 9'11.1[ t',Irt I.'I, w,dkt'.1 off the Mille .,nit 11111,( lt.iit 1111111 11.11 111.11 ,4•1 t It t• Joh Monday I, part of ;I sei les of rotating resumes Letter's can lo' posted at the of - strikes ht the 20.000 tm 'tither I.ett('r CL r- rice, but they will not he possed on until the tiers t'nton of Canada i local carriers return to work No mail tt.ls deliyrret1 nl to1111 N.101(.1iiir \ The tialkouts, 1)e991) .111111' 111 an a or Tuesday Howe\ et, if the local strike rotating basis tht'iughout the tmime%. follows the pattern of rt(tot1014 walk outs in have sparked. clashes 111th the puller. or other centres, the mall should he flowing r'tiNsts and minor injuries 111 some Iat'1tr again by We'tltle\day (today 1 renlres.'towevrr, 1;nclertc it Police report Ruth t•he loco; letter carriers union and no incidents my oly all; the striking workers the Intal postmaster h„' t' been advised by hat(' t>t•cl"u'red their head offices to stake nit comments to Workers are prOtt'stunt ;1 c';initis[ 1'a,t the press contract offer ithrrh includes no pay in While the Iloderich post office remains ereas(' for this year and a reduction in the open. with inside w trkers on the lob, . starlit)); rate currently $13 13' for new residents cannot pick Grp their mail at the corder. case. We're certainly nut talking about a zoning ht' -law. ' Holt at least," he concluded, "we'd be doing something more than nothing:" Councillor John Stringer. the only menthol. of council .whit opposed the mo- tion to a recorded ,vote, yeas concerned about the long range uitplicatitms of the motion both locally and on a world-wide ,rale. "It's hard to separate Yicapons from nuclear 1 component' for commercial use. Would the ban trlve 71 negative impact on the economic developraent of this area:' Stringer asked. "1'111 peace be acheived if weapons free zones pr'(ilifer'atc only. 1n thy' west, without it similar spread in the Soviet Union'?" he continued, noting that unilateral disarms inept by. Britain, France and the United State; loft those countrte, vulnerable to it - tacks whuh led to vi trtd War II. are nu legal impliations, Thr-. Is 5019tly a symbolic resolution,Eiull- ing•w'orth countered. "There are rlo laws required of the town to enforce,in con- nection with the motion, he added'.layor Eilen E'1i4ner'nt)ted that 1n pass- .1ng til' motion, ! by a 7-1 margin with theMayor, ReveHarry Wrsell, (ouncillorCarty, Scads, Hill ('liffrd.- Peter Mac1 auley and Stan Profit [n favor. DeputReeve .leihn L)oherty w;ts absent. I.thi'•ttwnas simply •conh)r•Inlrlg to what is already provincial pulls ''' •1111.' provincull,/eovcrrunent recently passed a' [notio 1 • declaring Ontario aNuclear Weapons Free /oneCounil 1s also cumiderine the • plact- ml'tlt of .lon~, ilnnounlIng the towns 111910ar weapons fre, status. oh the entrroads to (;odrrlch Provincial police coverage considered by local =payors kill PATRI("K Mayors of the five towns in Huron Coun- ty , are giving serious rnnsider'iitu)il to a proposal that could (' 9111ually see local police forces in. l; tticrtrh, Clinton, Scuforth, Exeter and•W\'tTtgharn disbanded and replaced - it tth one central 1)PP detachment: The five mayor's, w'lio are not ;I ;ancllun- ed body htit meet informally to dlt(;us:s rntfnl•t pal. issues. got tot ethi'r.in l;ud01'u'h Tuesday afternoon. "We discussed a number tf Issue, per., taming to !municipal policing!. but didn't arrive ,It any dei isions, ,x111 (;oderlch May or 1•:110011 Palmer Goderi h is currently focitig ;I roan= power crunch. when It tome's to the local force. .1 deleeati>n, of l;odt'rich pollee of- ficers petitioned the (loderu'h i'o11i•e Com- mission last week for additions to the fo co to lighten the overtime burden, but \ere nut promised any 11i 111rtll,tte hiring of tt'w, officers. ' A press release from 1;oderich i'olice Sergeant (terry ltllgendorf state's that "t'nderstaffing of the c;t)deri(•h Police Force has placed an undue strata on police manpower this past wt't'k. whlc'h resulted In off -duh officers being i tiled in for duty , :\s well, officers on their normal tour of duty were fared with 16 -hour shifts Incl one offt,•er working 29 -hours straight dui. to a court appearance at the end of his shift.'; saitf the release Police last week Investigated .1 total of 1 j4 occurrences, ranging from distur- bances at St Christopher's Beach, under age drinking. assaults, durmestic disputes. noisy parties. to ;9 (il eat, and thefts. -, \lanpoyte'r shortages and o\ cytone en-ts on the local force are irttensttu•d ht the los, of officers to sick tune incl wor'krtarl's compensation anti i)ieh degree of seniority 'oil the tort(' nit'arllrlk Int It'ct,t'tl yal'atU111 111111' The cost of policing In small-town On- tarlo is placing an undue burden on our taxpayer's," said Palmer, noting that 1 itderich and other [municipalities where court facilities are located are "penaliz- ed," by not bel(ig reimbursed by the pro- vince for officers' time spent 1n court. While the province has increased its per - household grants for policing In tnilnlc'ipalltut's • lodt'r•ic'h currently rec0lyes $1.19,00 from the province. based On $50 per household 1• tt has not made ex- tra Increases for towns where court, .or detention facilities are located The budgeted cost of puhclne In (ioderich in 1987 is $1316,000. This figure in- cludes $54,000 as ('foderi'h's short' of. the Huron Central thspatchtng tiyStern and $400,010 for the salaries of Chief Patrick . King and 10 officers Costs like these are the main factor 111 the Huron Mayor's groups decision to un-. Vestlgate Provincial policing .1t least a dozen c'ounc'ils 1n Ontario are considering asking the province to disband their local forces ' 'i irton is awaiting the Ontario Police Commission's decision and ('hesley, i,lstowel, Thornbury. Nett Liskeard. Pte'ton and Parry Sound have formally requested costing studies The Huron may ors are considering ask- ing for an Ontario Police 1 ommis; Ion costing study , a step that would hat' to go first through the focal police commissions or boards and then be approved by town council in the yartaus municipalities There are many municipalities in On tario that are now policed by 1114,1)t'I' " s,uol Palmer Asked if suet a move would he unique in town the slit` nt Coq -tench. Palmer replica, 1 tont think sitz' has much to do with It" T; IC cheques av Table Friday Any one who Is c•olle(ting unrniploy- rmt'nt insurance benefits can clout) their cht'cdtl('s'at this ('aunty Courthouse dorme Cie disruption 1n postal service 1 spokesman at the 1'an,ula Employ - me'nt Centro soul 1.11- cheques will N. t\ailablt' ('story Endo \ In the (aunt\ building ,nut signs w to direct people to the proper location The temp'onary facility wdt he open front 0 .30 a n) to 4 :10 p ml two pieces of Iden tif)oahon will be required to collect the cheques i Area risers raise $.4,700 I"arty one moto'cycle riders from this area ...raised over $4,700 for research into Retiniti+ Pigmentosa during the nation - 'wide Rile for Sight, held .lune 13 and 1.1. Local riders made the five-hour ride to Minden, Ontario..tihore..they [net up with about, 5,000 other par't'icipants in the annual .event Nationwide, said Itt 11 ride co-ordinators ,1olin and Emily 1 ttultis. the tide raised some $51.4,000, with pledges still rolling -1n.. Ontario r'ider's alone raised at least $'225,000. Mr's, (•tlultr's said that the sit' range of local riders tis from 21 to 70 y ears -of -age, with, a large pe'r'centage in the' over -50 bracket. .. The date for next year's Ride for Siuht has already been pet. eecl as ,lune 11 and 12. 1988. 0NSILJF THF SIGNAL -STAR Life never dull hie 1' .1 waitress its ,lot' , Landing is ni't'er dull as Debbi(' Kerr found Out recently She Tilade a bet with local a\ rotor (;us Chisholm and ended up 140- In1 for 21 short. albeit 'terrif\ 119 riot' with him in his airplace For story and picture. sett Page 2 in this section. Elected president ,loy rt' Shack. director of nursing at .\lexandra Marone and General Hospital, h 15 recently been elected president of the College of Nurses, a statutory body that ensures ()titan() nurses meet registration requirements For story and picture, see the ('Immunity front page Music festival i'110 Rth Annual Optimist Music Vestry al is silt to hcgtn Wednesday, July 1 ;tt Riverside Park 1n (;odertch The [unto presented .by the Godeneh and District Optimist Club, will include entertainment'hy l(x'al musicians as well as well-known acts including Blackwell Srderoad, Valdy and the R \Wil Piw•1py Road Show. For information, see the story and pictures on the Community front a -e.