HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 20Was So Nerw-bus
.r( 1. I 11
Not Stral in,
. I
�, .
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n '
, " I T h e, HID' a S e '0 I
I � A ,
Dias t 00.01 so ratlons,
. strous Foro,4
. ,f
.. � .
- . . � �
Swoop Through Camp.
� . ,
rlwll . I'll. �,f rs:. Arthur .Aloo,re� Freeport, 11TAII
I .
��� �, I Nvrites-.-1'1 would recommend Aljlbum'i
Forty Mile Wind PrIves Flom**
'I �',
,; 1, He trt and Nerve 1`1110 to Anyone wIra is,
ThrouSh Mining Dloirlct 41"Ind Damo
� S" I .4 ,and their nerve,� all
'j 1�k �, � " jve� j ��,, run d4w
, I
, IZ,Xtanooft power plant and oujjd�.
��y �k ? I I un,,,uung, I was. troubled with I 4 -per-
, VoIlMess of Ine very worst kind, And
Ing$ Are Qovourad�Popoupino, 06n,
- �.
, �,,�- � �
. wbon, I start,,�&'W, to take your pills, I
, ''�
tro and I.akevlaw Ara Owept-Loss
� ,
".,i , . mass!z� bad I could not stay in the house
' 'L�,
It Estimated at About CAM.,
I �', � _. ajaq% -nor could I sleep aights., Sin
'f 1, , ce
Porcupine, Out., July 8'-�-VQroat
I I I � taida'), the pills I am entirely cuied
'' - and
'��, � , . cat), recommend them toanyoup wh .
0 W
11roa driven by a forty-nallo-an-hour
it�, �! 1, ,,� I I
511, I nervous and run down." �
wind bavo ragod since yootarday. mora.
� 7 l., I I ��
� I " � ro any of those 814ffering in arty way
Ing, doing approximatoly one bundreA,
1�- . `1� .
,.., .
�, � fro -n au)r derangement of the heart or
I .
thousa,ud dollaro�.damage. The power
.11 I
�,�� - � iiervv�, we can recommend our XIL-
.. i , �
plant, and camps. at Dome extension.
t'...., �.., �, BURVS REART AND NER" PILLS
. . .
, ,
are destroyed, whilu
, tire now 'burns
,� .11 . � : �Xir;l the. greatest confidence.
within one buridr;,,d rods, of South
.. '.. I . They have been tried aii'd proy,ed, for
,Z�. �,_" , a years, to be exhotly
I , wh-i t, we cic�lm for them,. I
The Porcupine Contra towasite and
��,, ; .
I Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for
Lakeview were swept over with t1ho
los., of several buildings, lumber for
lt� � " $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on
� .
the railway station and a thousaad
,� I EV �, recaipt of price by The T. Milburn, Co.
cords.of wood, flames 41-
- i are sweop-
I -
I , , Limited, Toronto, Ont.
_., 1. . � � I
_ �
. � I'- I �
Ing thvou section of Whitney, Resi-
�10 I
dents of akeview and Camp Six on
, I
I 'I., . . __ i -6-- ii - —
the railway were rescued from the lake
,, ,., � " �.- � �, -
.1 , '
� I
�� 11
rk oas. 1:�
It is by far the most disastrous for. -
, , ,. � 9 ,
'_ I , I
eat fire in scope of the territory cov-
::�� �, r � I
I .1.1 I / — , "I
ered yet recoided in Porcupine and
11 �.� ".
not until all the reports from outside
. '.I, �, jlKalser Wan.tp in Part of the
I ,
districts are in will the full extent of
�. 1. I , ,. , I I Wealth of Mar0000.
the damage be known.
The flames started souti, of ths, West
11��' .
�I .. I - —, .
, I I
Dome, running across the body of the
11 �
� W Illn Anticipation of the :Possible Parti-
,� " " .
property, threatening the new
plant, as the fire brands fell like hall
- , I
�..� "'t . tion of the Country the German
around the buildin a, The wind
� 1 ,,� , ..on Sent to
" Gunboat Panther Has ;
changed .slightly, driving the flames
� �.:� I � 1, of
. L � _,:�� , I -Agadir and European Press
I , I
� . I
east to the Dome extension. 0 ne
thousand mea were out fighting back
�� �,� � I
,� . g, i the Opinion That the fititention to
the flames. to no avail, .
i . I
. . t to Secure a Part of Province of Sue.
Losses are reported so tax as tol, I
�11 l .
1'z, I
1.li ; Berlin,'July B. -Germany, in send.
low$. Dome Extension camps and
pqNver plant, transmission line, poles
�� ar_ the gunboat Panther to Agadir
wit4,out the wire. Warn" lighting,
,� 11 I .1
� �� . 1, . , li ad, takin' r, Xo -
�_ g a claim in Southeri
9'hot drill, T, & N,O. lumber 1qr st4-
, I . I
I 11�i . I pdoo in anticipation of, the possibh,,
, . �
tion at Lakeview, Joy s4w4
, R plant,
John Crawford dwellings and other
I I '. purtition. of the country, aacording to
,., ; I
��, � 1,the general interpretation of the Ge:-
,,blutidings on Lakeview, lRemsbottom
44d Edwards 'oa Lak-evieW, dozen
; toan. pres-,. wi,I take its share in the
ofters ,of small cabins,
I'll .2; iProvii . ice of Sus with Its 1.1ch copper
Thq��Jjre is still b=ning, I
�, : I �6nd mineral deposits, its great
I 11 -
�� ,� 11 ��Itural
I" I - � I
p:)ssibilities, a3
I I id its el�u4V;
,,, I ,I e
1-: d inate, iYwhich th ,whites can live
, 1\
. "Z �and work. unless France and Spain
. �
' There I a '� —
mid to be a potato famine
111� Jwl froin the present adventure
ja Manitoba ,
, I 'a respect the integrity of
I � ... ,'. � Vn
od A911t of Montreal, the
. I , ,&Cco.
, . "�
.. - I
.... ,,, ; ,�Thlz is confirmed by the semi.offl-
. 1 I .
statement wbich appears In. Tho
0= ative, wQu the mile
swim4ag champlonshipof tille British
E mpire, 11. I
1. , � � logi that
L 1, I., 1 1 1 " -, � :te Gazette pointing out
I I I , once and Spain, under assurances
The Daily Express 4ag We choice
� 1, -purely temporary and benevolent
. )d
,01 1, sue to Lord trat400T,io, is
: iaction, both lanAed troops. and oocu-
expected to lie b.ptwema Sir Edward
!� ,
- I I , ied territory In violation of tile Alge.
Vras -says
Woustou and Sir Montague Jan.
irT_'� Act. ,Germany, the state.
?�, � .. '
il� -1 � 1 , gmexit, is justified in taking step� to
,f. Charles R, Randall, special
doctor of sciences, and for eig4teen
� ,
,� .protect her Interests, She lias no IA.
tention of remaining Ill
years teacher In the Lockport (X,Yl)
. ,
High was arowned at Olcott
Pgadir. but Will not leave that fown
Beach. I
�, efc I 'regular conditi6ns are restored
e _�
K" in Morocco.
The new railway into Porcupine wall
��. I 11
� This phrase evidently� means .until
to-gmally opened on Saturday, Zon,
n a
Frank Goahra a 'ecomPauted t-110
-1 ;v-1A,z%;-"xeM0ht i�f' the ranco-Spallisll
�"� ex'Liditl A
I- -� . i "'
the � aiazitte
T. & N.O. Railway Commission on
f4e trip, .
. further discusses the
I I bent of German interests in the re.
Dying frorp. convulsions, caused by
:.., on anit the prospects of the spread
the excessive heat J emp, a
" _
" ... ( disordere there on account of the
g.hgomAker, living at 00 Gea 4veaue',
.. Wade of the Sultan and L Franc(� to,
TqqAtq, 4ged 50, years. w4a pick up
,.. .1 ird the disml�sed vizier, S14 Madanj
outside of ,U14 home about a quarter
. � laul, whereby Germany subjects liv.
to 11 0,010,k Saturday night,
in Xorocco and others un4er the
The report tUat�z Robert Swazey,
�� of Gt!rmany are endanger-
Canadian. had -beea burned at the
, I I
stake by Mexican bandits, near Fort
- .
.1, 13�eblal despatches from Tangier,say
0=paerette, for refusing to reveal the
,7.- , V,I.a;�'German force has landed.
.. at
whereabouts -of money bejougin,Z to
I ���
.... I'll , r, The; is nut confirmed, but it
� _�, ,
the rAilroad which employed him, has
I -
I., " stated,bere that it Is likely that the
reached Ottawa.
;� .
,� , 1
� , he
1. � e !"for tl - present" in the offi-
I � 4
� �,;, ', . �: I'll. � ouncerp,ent of the ,despatch of
Train Kille Baby Girl.
.-I"", I 11 %. I e,p4lffther i�.Iiyjlies that warships will
.1 1, -,
-,��,,, -: '4ba's "4ni to, AguaiT later if such action
� �
' '
. Hamilton, July O.-Sadle Faeuberg,
0- -old daughter of aewish
_, _
I : , ,: " 'Is. Justin e' d. '
, ' lbe,(1prman Nlinister has
: - : .
_ '/
I ifn�63�m�a, the� roccan Government
� mral ,a to, w as instautly killed at
'he 8 Tt station We G-T,R.
I" � ,; ,
, ��� " ,�-Iffia - Itiv,, Panther v;;illl ramain as 10,19
" -
.1 .
u street of
. wre Saturday
I a out nine o'clock
, �', , , , '. , a 6 cons;dere it uecessary.
, -, I .. -
_11LO:_i�_i " '..
morning, .
� I — ,
The parents, with the little grl and
IF I . th e Fore.
another child, were on. their way from
e.0,July 1-1deal we,.
Newark, N.J., to Winnipeg, where
'Vgtendance marked
the7 were to make their future home.
ja,"0�1.celebratlon h,,,,
The family we -e changing cars, and
�. .1'. by Ron, Chas,
while, boarding the Toronto train, just
1. State, and How-
as tho englue was being connected,
-1 . . for Grenville,
the child lost her'looting and fell from
as won by 0. B.
I - and the humdred
th, e 8 underneath the wheels,
wUer:`sWs was'groand to death before
�a palls.
she could be -rescued.
ville at-
G.T,R. Constable Dirroch, on bear.
, two.
Ing screams, Tan to the scene of the
, � w , a S a
accident and -pulled the tot from under
. A hun-
the 'train, but lite was then extinct,
.1 boy
The body was taken to the c
, to vie-
mor us, and an inqueEft was openz
by Miderson at four oclock
- ,�
Ila �ftdrneou and adjourned antil
next week. .
Drowne� While Boating.
Ham�lti6n, July. 3 -The national
� � hiie was;marred by one ead-
,; when Mts. Edward'H, Shep-
11 5 Ontario avenue, was drown-
13urllngton Beach t.' 4.20'Satux-
"I n. on.' Ws the Ta� blaia ste'am'
1� A Cahill from �ordntZ, the
.1 In which A4: -z. She hard
te galling,, j4st 41tside
he u-nma nageable 1, and
i the steamer, just 4*8
thii oranal. A. 6111glos
i craff seemed In'e'VIO
fortimato' lady, dotib�
lat iA 6,601dent 00111d
jumped1rom the bo4
k . e 4 .
a 91* An of
P fdvle ing t
Is w eel, ovet
margin missed
all Voat. M1.
w6te rescued
position By A
. o,�
. .
I M*611
ho W'eto
� am In
. thd
Oil ,
. . %
. .,
I prow.nod . White Bo;thln$�
Tionno 4ty 1-l"f "k,oli 014 camo,
goi;,Jil �h
ter i any o, uo are drown,,
tLey won't h4vo far to tit, -, as," sbout!
e,d Ames, Russell, as be and 4 b4114
ot kova front the. Ear1scourt
youlloi,4141's1t, Church entered Eldorado
Park.. Brampton, early *a the aft4r,
U004,01 Downion Day, wo hour's
later big body was dTaggel from Ili;
take, after. having been, submerged
for *nearly -half aLa hour�
Russell was it young ma4 ot twenty
,raearra, and lived with 144 widowed mo�
I, at 45. 4Q,odNyQQ4 Avenue. Earls;
,court. Tmr4ed%t0lY after 4 1194�ty
plonickers' W0011 had bee4 64t,09 4a
and several. other of the young men, of
'the party made for the take.
- I
Prowning at Brantford,
Brauttord.. July 3.01eargo Newman,
�, 26 years old, was drow4ed. in XQltaiwk
Lake Saturday Ot6rueou while oauqq-
Ing with ftupt;her you man, The
eahoo, upset In tweMy'let of water,
� and Ne*mm went down, after &rap-
. pling In vain for the Qanoe. w4ija his
Qompauloa swam ashore, The gre 4e,
, partmelat lite boat woA oalled out. re-
covering the bo4y in aboat thirty min-
ates. Lite was thou extinct, Newra44,
who, worked at Verity Plow Works,.
left a young Aife. Xo Inquest will be
held. . I
- —
. Brant County Farmer Dles,
- -antford. July 3. -After living all
his lite near a farin where 4o was
barn 75 years ago, Thomas Brooks,
one of the best known farmers in
Brant County, died ali his home on
Mount Pleas ,
,ant road, near this city,
Saturday after a short illness, A
widow and four sons survive Re was
prominent In politics, being � Liberal
a fine speaker and an advocate of ta�_'
iff reduction.
.1 - - '
I - '
11 6ettloment With Strikers,
Liverpool, July 3. -Itis offically an-
nounced that the Ounard, tile NVhIte
Star and other "coniblue" lines and
the Harrison line had agreed to re-
cognize the dockers' union and to at-
tend a conference within a month for
the settlement of the questions of
wages and conditions of employment.
I "I
p. I
� 1,
11 .1 I . , 4___.� ... .... _�___ .
'''A ..-,.---- .!____.____ I --d
0, tt I HOT DOWN SUNDAY SCHOOL, I � 11 1. .1 I - � I .. I i i,j
,. . , O" ST " 8'
. -. I -1 � I t. I — .. .
I �. I . � , ikkollilklilol�litlilltillilillilliI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillititilitillil)UllI I , . .
64riquo Affray 000uris at $0090 I.. � - I I
Lesson. II.—TWrd Quarter, For I I . -11 I
1�1 I I amd, Near Cornwall, .. I . I q . .. '_1
I � __ I I j ki,ly 9?, 1 9, 1 1 0 � . I I I . I 0
. 0 R A, .
I � . � 11 ASTO I . I .,
I I I .. I .
I I 11
. Dr. MCQ9.4, Qf oarps William Shaw and . ( � - " I I I --- For Infants an4 Children.
to, the Home of THE INTERNATIONAL SER ___ =_n�
MC066-10 Brother Go . I M ,1111""�111,�ll"lll..�1.111,11,11111,�l.
. , .—
Aaod Farquhor MONO to Look For I " ______-1�-_ . I -
Dr. McQo Is Wife gind ObIld-Altor. / W. - i K
9 Text 16f the Leeson, Isa. III, Is to. III!, � I The "Und You Have ,
cation E:nsuroa and Whon Party Is
., 12-Momory Verses, Ili!, 4-6-Oolden -_ - - i
Leaving MqRae Shoots DrV9814t- _ i
. � :1 Texti too, till, 6-Cornmentary Pre- , 11MI . � � . Always Bought T ,
Cornwall July a -Ilia little villqp I pared by Rev. D, M, Stearns. �p '
I . ; .1 1&fcrAs� I
W " W, , .
of Bridge Nd, a short dIttanoe norfh I . I I
of Lauodatet, was oatly stirred about Behold my servant, my righteous. t adn 'dadaudRe ula-
. ,�i servant (11i, , 13, lill, 11). This is ,what =dBov" A
five o'clock an Sa ud% afternoon by 110 I . % of I , ,- -,
91 —!! Bears the 0 �,
a thoQUng afTray In w Ich W. Shaw, I we must. ever and always do In this � I
I a druggW of Carp, was r -bot in, thO
X ,,as, an alliba blessed holy week, which is all writ- --- — 1, I
� .
left lune b V . Signature
1,00j4en of the Zo,wilship of Lamas. ten by -the Holy'Spirit and is forever _4� � , J
1, . 1,
ter, who Is reeve of that Lownshb and settled In heaven (11 Tim. 111, 16; 11 PXDM0tq1gU1&Sq0n,Cheerr14- � I
. reprosents the township in tilo oun. Pet. 1 21; Ps. exix 89). Compare Isa. UeSSA 'Rest.Coritains neithm Of iN I . I
t, council, X111 ?; Matt. xfl, 18; Zeeb. Ili, S. Hear V01=31orp'hirtO nor 4=41. . I I .
. Dr. McGee of Carp, accom anle(I by 4 1
Wm. Shaw, his druggist, atuy a broth- John the Baptist's cry, "Behold the 0T NAWC OTIC. � �.
PrI of Dr. NjaGoe, j'�ajjt, to Bridge End Lamb of God!" and see Him In this - N I I I I � I
., -in4dw lesson described as it Isaiah had been. . -VrSNV=FrMMfi I
on Satarday afternoon I to tl1G real- I I A-,- arlpa ii I
dence of D� 0,, Hellas, father a real ivitness of His sufferings. , I � � jiy,At� X'a-
oi Dr., McGee, AyherQ Mrs. McGee And am grateful to some one for .calling AWAW" +
child were supposed to bo staying, B."Aa& $6& -
T!:.3 doctor wai: informed that they my attention to 'the faot that these Xd,rd See* "' . I � I In,
were not thore, taid an altero4tion fol-' last twenty-seven chapters of Isaiah ft;y".`-',&1_V., � �
lowed, ia which guns and all axe were are divided into three nines, the first rfro-Aed -
V,?nW Xtx,mw - -
& _.
produced by thw Kollues, The chailt- two ending with the statement that W,4;Wr,ajV,r,faW :
""' fearing trouble, pulled the auto I there Is, -no peace to the *iclred (XIVM, I . . , I I I D U se
aITe road, � Aperfect Reraedy for Constipa-
�t auto ,,,, L �r. pulled away, and 'as 22; Ivil, 21). I tion, sour Stomach,Dlarrhdea, '
tlwy got A 1,arquahar HaRae got 'rho. lesson today Is the middle por-
down ,on his :,nee, took aim and fired, tion of the second nine,, and it we N�rorms,Convulsions,'rL,verisli-
the bull guill., through the back '01 the take the fifteen verses of our lesson ness andLos s. OF SLEkF. For Over
seat and 'Litu the bAck of Shaw, On- as one portion, as we have a right to :.
tered hs lung. Dr. McGee took Sbaw do, then -c . hapter lift, 5, Is the middle Ta-;71;Z_1,9ignature of. U
to Cornwall on the ulglit train and verse. What a great fact this is for 6t411111 �Zwiwl-
4o was taken to the Qeuer4l liosp, ta , us to ponder, that the middle verse N7EW -YO'RH. I , T hir I y Tears,_ ".
I I I �
The bullet has not yet been removed I ; 71
from the lung, and internal hemoT Of the middle chapter of the middle I "I I . . � , ..
" section of tbe.last twenty-seven chap- �1 MUM R 1�,�,
r4age Is feare4, . 1. � . OR 0 ' '*'
. �t warrant was at oaco, taken out, ters of this great prophecy tells of RE'' ��
and Chief of Pollop 5mith of Qora- Ills being wounded for our trausgres- I— i, i
wall went down. on the early train on slons and that with His stripes we EXACT COPY OF WHAPPME1, � ' - . I
Sunday 4114 brQugllt FArquliRr XPRAQ Here 15 the 'ieart of the 'CAbAokTO 1A
, _, are healed.
to,-he Qqruwall 14j, wlieto lie will be _ whole Bible and of all history, thi) ... I � "Z' �
. det4inecl pending the result of Shaw's one topic of conversation on the part
iajqrjea. . of 1,,,s and, V,Iijah on the inount of - no .
I ___
$h4W 1404 44 gi - I
lite wortem Ptat4! transfiguration and the constant re-: I
paeut at the 14oppitfif, In,elieving lie wag .
4bo4t to. dip frain of the songs of the redeemed in .
, J4 )j,Wch he idoutifted. _�___
I Negrc Shot Policeman. FPr P'T 1V1:;.hA@ 45 tale mail W40 11r. glory ,(Luke ix, 31; Rev. V, 9). In.
_. ecl t P ,sb ft of
New York, JL'y 3. -Patrolman Al. V -ot, Thq 4ffg4r 44s imumd-a I Pet. 1, 11, we read that the SpiL
Lynch was shot a � nd killed and Patrol. g@jjsgtjon, gR 111p partj@g cogjj@pted Christ in the prophets testified before -
man McDonald was wounded by a with t1j@ aff4dr gre all prominent and hand the sufferings of Christ and the
negro yesterday at West 37th street respectable ppople, glory that sho I uld follow, and It was
and Ninth avenue. in ...e disLrict this very topic that Ere Himself open -
known as "Helt's Kitchen." Hqttopt on R@cord, ed up In that *walk to Emmaus on the
The aegro. who has not yet been Tvpoatrg, July S.-Teste-rday Ill ()n. afternoon of the resurrection day
,identified. was arrested. tarto jygg tho hottv�D day on ireg,ord, (Luke xxiv, 25-27). . .
11 - ..aria Is Aground.
- Colchester, Ju - ly 3--Th2 steameT
Umbria is aground on Grecian Shoat.
L .- will have to be lightered before
shi can be released.
Strathcond to quit-. .
London, July S.—Two I= ortant an
nouncoments were made a? the Dorn
inion. .Day dinner, which was atten4�
e4 by 000 Canadians, The first wal
a Duke of Conna ht, who sRU
11filroth 'VT , bl�
t the .Llrinqe, ol,
I soon would visit Canada. 444 - t4(
other by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the ()411,
a4ian Premier who said that Lord
Strathcona aaa Mount Royal, h'
commissioner for Canada, was�ab,_W�
fe, I
-3dy In Whirlpool. -
ITiagara Falls_ N,Y., July S.-Ijif
forts to take the body of an unknowt
mail limm the whirlpool yester4a3
proved futile. It has been floatin4
about all day, seen by tliousands froir
the gor t ars. When first s'eet
th ye rou e ,c
e y was fully attired with thi
exception of coat and hat. Last Algb,
, practically no clothing remained up
on it. No one has been i --orted miss
Many Deaths From Plague.
. Amoy, Ohina, July 3--Sixt elgh
deatba from bubonic plague aff-threi
from smallpox,kwere reportel here dar
ng the two weeks endtag Saturday
One death from cholera occurred i�
Katangsti Island, the Internationa;
settleftient, about one-third of a mil(
from this city. No other c
cholera have,been reported.
Bare Heads .and Shirt Waists.
Pittsburg, July a. -Rev. Ohis. L. H
� CartWright, pastoe of the North ave
nua*Methodist Episcopal -Church, hai
notified his congreiation that it wil
be " good form" during'the warm wea
11 tb'ed for the women of thi church tt
come to Surfd'ay evening servleef
runr the Children I
Prince William, Heir Apparent
I 1, to ihe , perman Throne.
— I
I . �
Slaok,and $liver straw -Braid Shapod
I to Orame the raoe- ---*��'KWIC4 .
Picture millinery is not all of the
ivide brimmed class. This picturesque
. bonnet, which frames the face with
Ta@ 4jQPa1l;;9T1 14KeoroWgIO?U 199prLIP
"I 11791,19 go lba 4 �o August 94, 1854,
At least ten of our lesson verses tell
of His sufferings (Ili, 14; lift, 2-10);
Tuscan Straw in black and silver, 10 I
� ... "I'll. .
tg ftil lwttpt d4y, The offt,
the others and parts of these tell of
ri�,,'.* . � I
:��,.��.-..�,.�7,�,�?,.'�,�..."�--.ii., :.��,. ,mt
,aa Td9atah,@4 t -19 tb@rW0M@t@? t;h@ll
EIN glory. As we read of HIS marred
I " g , -
1 �.� y
1171011111. _ t'.gg,
F"T g
� ,g .. _.", ..:."' ,
M'mt.�-,�ffi -
�sz �n R11
W49 99,02 14 the city, Y @A@Tday
004t f049 Q'OlQgh A teAlpff4tun of
visage and form we see Win before
:X""U. V
'_1-* .. ... WX .0
,�l.'�*'.-�%'�.�'�i�,��,7:.�,�,11"""i _ `�,N' �P'111
.., ,: \, � �
�, %�i�-�.-,.-.: - . EM I
IN I " -
101 in th@ glig4@ ly@,g Togipte-red at
Calaphas and Pilate in the) hands of
` �..�-...�,.,��,,.;,�,.,�,.,,-:i",� � ,�-:,
�,,�.,'�.��;.�,'.��;�i���i��.... ..,.,. .".."l,�.
the Office on. Bloor
11, nernies. Other verses tell of Ells
a o
1�.:'20�',k-k",, �T,.-:! I I I - � . . . . . I
S40e , .
lonely life all those thirty years, at
� "... __
-9,'.."It- -N, I';', I �
..�_:�;;:�..;....:.;'a :.�,.: - ,
- �,,, ,
The @xpeptiongl heat wag genergj
Nazareth, the Ill treatment during the
I 1k,1.1--1...1,,-
`:::::7::.:::":. ....... , ,
'. ::7:m::,� ..� ,.,
,;I"i",::��:,��:::��::;:�:��7���::"'I :i, .. . �
, ,
"' .�; �!
MrO4940% (AAA111Q an4 in gomo
three years of His pubIlc ministry and
.,.:i�:�,:�:��,� , I
V.Vts of %1@ @a9t@T4 §tg,teg. 13tit in
the sufferings ,of Gethsemane and
f- ,
wii@bog and thq 949tarn PPOVilf-M it
,% .'..�":P . I
W45 119M49 94t 'Of tile QN411111TY, TV-
This flfty-third chapter may prove .
'. :. 1.
�i�;,,��i - �,-."`,,,
ro_-t-p's lip .
. ,�Q was paoged by btquegllff, .,
� SM411 P�MW9314 'MO WIPISOPIr 41 gi
to be largely. Israel's national confes -
., ,��;�,
A :n .�
111. . .
11 .,..,..;.
'.11"i'..", -,k: -� *�.'�'111�'.,'�44, �
I 111.::,�.
'i :.�'.,
' 0,11.", ;�,;-.' ". "I
-tript, W111011 Zoloorte-4 offloloy t� th@
ilon after they. shall bave looked upon
.$.K'*%�rs, �1. I
�". 'N' -1
A-�,§`,,.-�-,".*�', .13.
:-- m
"N", 11�11�11!�71 �
11;11�1.§-�., X
e, 109 deg;,epp, ++4
Him comingo It His glory and shall
,�',,,�,?",XR* �--;�.!,�: . I
I 1-?R'1.311.'ii_- ,�
R-� " I -
.. � .*��.* I . , I � I.,
11 ,� , - 7
A , -;,�;.: .." -
M�:i�.,--.,:.,.�I.;�, -
bouc . _tej,a&, at Qiitaw4
.1pu 98 jyfig T@gjs
bave received Him as their Messiah-,
I ,.;1% - . ..
Z'- �kiw�.�&
Aj�*�:::�,::i�*,�.i::��.�,"*..*�.-.�;ii;:i�;!i.�,;.,�,:�:k::��.,�*i;".�*,�.,,�i: .��
k�. k..',gi�..� 11.M::'�:ii" , �g.;" -, ,� =-Qt-,-t� .
e� ;i�,I�i�",*. i."�-.'.��1,1�,..:.-;,�l*.i,�.,? .
. .�,..,.,.,,�.,.�����..�i..,.",�";��,.�..i,,-,I � 4�_
:�i��:,.",.-i�,;.,�.�..�.�.',�., �":;,:;g;�::,;:::�. 10"N , _�,_
92, at. Akptreal. Qgebeq and lialifty,
. ap-
but it is. also for our Individual
D:.,g �.,-,�,k�.:.,.,,..,:;,::z,::;.�;.�::;..,:�. `�:;:i: -i.�i: ,,, In,' � �,.-,.;t.,.�. � 1
.. � .:., -,'i:..*,i:."i:k,�i:�:�:i,��..".:i.�.�� �
M, Whil9t t44 -t114(lr9d ;744Tk was
propriation now. We u
. - ,iifi�:�l�...-Iif�;."::�:ji�i�i, ',-.-',,,*. --� " .:?1�1�114�
_ "'.. ..�i�, .k,;," �, ., 'i I
.�g\,w E,*,.,:�� ,.g,�+j� ` I
IX'ffi ,; ,*:.,.�!:�!�:::;�:::j:% . ... ., �
reaclied, at Oanton, Ohid, and in the
fully say If we are no w Ills redeemed
. ��. I 111 I
;S,i 0, *ii.,'ii�, , ..;.:::,ii:,:�:�:i�i�,,�.k4�%e,;";""�,�i I ffi.'.�
.... . . I � '.
.�. , 11 �
- ,
'�K!i.:g ii,i��.-",-.'iii.-'.��'�,��,."...� , . �1
. ...N.'' . �-,'��i,;� 11 'g�,
State of NXIssourl. .
ones. Time was when by me He was
..�. . �.�
.�i:��:. I .. - . , "
. ,M% I , .,.... ., ,�� 1, � .. - - L ': I '. : . �,�LA
�:;"�o:...;:�k;Z I , %�. ,Z..q:-
I.F...." A .,
L�-�ceased'was botin "'Colborne, 0,b.,
despised and rejected, and I esteemed
11 - , ,M- .
'�:��.,: I
. ��,�� '.*. i"�.�:'-'�.'Iil.%,! :0.1; , :
Porden at Prince Albert,
Him not, yet He bore my griefs and
_... ".
1'�!�:-;,::,:;:;;1K:X, ..1 .02
:K:', 1, . I ,
- `,..-'.::::,..R*,- I I
Prince Albert, 5ask,, July 8,-Xr,
carried my sorrows; He was wounded
� .,i
;�:i�:�,.",.*'."��!';.*.' .1 .�
1�:..: --i . �
.1 ---
R, L, Borden, reac4e4 the mq@t north-
for my transgressions,,bruised for my
, . ,
94Y point 04 his to'4? on. Oaturday
nj&4� at 4?Tince Mbert'," This city
iniquities, and with His stripes I am
P11,to b.y Amerlean Press AsSoolation. . , -
' ' '
tavq �jrn an, @nthuslastic reception, It
healed. Like a -lost sheep I went
astray, seeking only my, own way, but
The innocent looking Uttle boy herel. I
. 4 QQA50T)Tq4ve*' represe4%tive in
the Lord laid on Him all my iniquity.
mple. ItAs trinimed with bands L "'
with pictured is the -eldest son of thg,l an esa I .
the Provinoial Legislature, th.oqgh re.
progented at Ottawa by a :Giberal,
We are not expqcted to finderstand
�.i i��
crown prince of Germany. It he out- of black velvet and a spray of osprey', ��� IN
, ,%�
40 ilia meeting was higWy pympat4e-
the mystery of His sufferings, but we
liver, his father he will probably sit on plumes held in phice by a pink rose. 1 , .
11 I -
tio in tone, It nunjbere4 about 800.
are expected to believe it all and,
Among We pretilest of the new flo,w -
the German throne, Fle doesn!t look
4 striking group of banners was dis-
pleading guilty, receive Him as our
er creations ire the wild roses. They
much like a kaiser now, but he may, .
,played on the walls of �he arena. One
personal Saviour, Only thus can the
grow up �o be a great wAr lord. . His sbade froin the pale.,k( pluk to a bilm- ..
of these was IA black, and re'aal
arm of the Lord be revealed to us, for
name is Wilhelm, and he was named Ing blusti. qnd thLir yellow centers . . I
"Roeip, ocity, Ret�,ogression, Rula";
'we cannot know His power on our be-
after bis,imperial- grandfather, Kaiser i aie the height of naturalness. Oxie k I
flower hat
"not,161,1*in red; white ali4 de-
_ "The West Appreciates Bor-
balf except in Christ Jesus by virtue
� ..
of His great sacrifice.
%vas made entirely of the . t
Wilhelm. Ells gveat-great-grandlather, follage of the wild rose. It fitted close .
den's Fraiiknesd*."
. I
, In verge 9 note the prediction that
W11belm L, was the fin . or of
5t empe . to the head aud was edged with the W
the German federation, and. another I I
No Ferry. I - .
His body would be ,laid in a rich
. blogsonis that smi.�gied dowu against , .1 If I
ancestor was Frederick the Great, a .
� � .
Xinaston, Jul 3.-Wolf� Island ... Is
man's tomb, although His enemies
would prepare Him a grave" as a male-
noted soldier, of wbose deeds much the hair. A c1moer of- folinge and
* "?,�,
has been written. flowers was canght ,it �the side with 1,
having Irouble regard to its Jerry,
Its own stdamer is being eu�Arged a4d
factor, and we know how It all came
. a black velvet rtubou bow. . 11
. . I
not be ready, for anoWir mouth.,
to pass. Not only did Ere His own.
self bare 'our sins In HIS own body
. -
Ina Island Council secured a iago-
wacht an4'scow and brought a
. on the trjee, but He also left us an ex-
ample that we mljht: fol.lo,w His steps,
- . .
Oro of Islanders across the harbor
gston market, The customs of-
. ad suffering as
11100,14111511heard about it &::4 pounced up-
meekly as He did (I Pet, 11, 20-24).
on the'o'wdei of the yacht arid scow,
This -we cannot do till we are redeem-
- Dr -Q. K. & K. 'rAKrK ALL PIRKA o
! without their LMLS, anU Mffa to Temovi thrgatening him with prosecution. for ed by His precious blood; but then we
� their costs, . I 1. carry -Ing passengei withodt a 'license. _a,re taught that It Is a great privilege
. --- - Flnally.� a rive- steamer whicli- i,as In grafited unto us ic, suffer 'for HIS.
Won International Oup. fo�t was secured for the Test of the sake and to fill lap the. .afflictions
East Church, July V.-Claarles T d wj. which are 4ehIndk4or His bo6y's sa%e
Weym,ann, the American, won the in I (Phit, 1, 29; Col. 1, . 24�-
ternationa.1 'aviation cup ori Saturda� -
covering 03.2 nii1es ffi'l hour 11 min . Prostrated by Heat. . To be silent before our enemies
-ites 36 1-5 seconds. iffls speed wa., ,Toronto, July 3.-Shorbly before. 12 -when falsely accused, when evuelly
all�proxi,mataly 78 miles a., fiour, 0 cloak-jast night* Della r. Hook-%�ay, wronged and Ill treated Is a great vie- I
. . ageTIA, an cAiploye of the T. Eaton tory, and glorifying t6 God. -Efe suf-
� -
I - - -1 I I .� - 'Co., was, brought into the 'GeneFal fered shamefully for our sakes and
2% �Xop I.tal from heir rooming Ause at , , �� 1.1 11 4 1 VXr_
Impuri-Eies 01' Ine WHO
Anyone whose Blood is impure
ehould read this Tostirnanial
1. .1.1
— .
Mr. Chas. Alartin, Box No. 367,
Kenora, Out!, writes: -"Three years ago,
while working in Har�ilton, Ont:�, I wA
I taken sick, and no one knew what aKed
� me. Ev�ry bit of food I ate I vomited
up and consequentik I b6cara. e very
weak. My lindlord told me that after
that he, thought at one time I was booked
for the cemetery. Walictng down Apeet
one day I happene.d to see burdook
Blood L'itteps in a dmggist's'window Be
went in and got a bottle, Before I had
taken kalf of it f broke out, all tound my
loins in sores. I showed'it to my land-
lord and asked him what lie thought of
- it, lie told me it looked as if I had a
lies; attaek of chicken pox. Both he
andlis wife, tried all they knew how to
. persuade me to stop taking the 138 B,
but it was.fto use, I had &ttea s� 6aa
I thought 'it did not matter much whethor
--I went under or not, so I. got a, sieql�nd
bottle and judge to my surprise td see
the sores begin to disappear and by tht
tinae I had taken three'bottles I aid not
care for the beat man, in Hamilton. I
am 61 years of age and am able, to do a
da , y1h work with the next mox, ZhZks
to .B.D.1). i .
111trd oak BloatlPaters iLq mannfactaral anb
by the'V_1111bato Co,o L(paltecl, Toronto, Oab�
� I
I . I I
. � . i
. I . ! � -
I I , -
I I . I ,
. - .. � 11 . '"W".6— �' .'' � A
". ,_ �� ",
3MI,amllton 8treet, in the pollee am.
ulatiod'spWstAied from the -heat. She
'� -iz
v,e so me. y an I= e;1L Y. I
never cia be called upon to suffer as I -
. .
Efe dl,,, and we are so apt to com-
. "
,. .
h:a be.a la a iveak condition all,day,
a, a W a vell low when'taken to the
w en - to
Plain "t we have the least thin. .
. Thoutailas ofyoung and middle -aged men are annually Swept -to a, premiLttIre grave
hospital, but later rested comfortably.
� I .
bear thatis disagreeable, We certain-
ly have (Heb. 86
. y of tile fol-
eak, despon-
_ 1_
0 � I
001-lislon Noar Amherstburg.
need of p-itipace x,
. "I
Col. 1, 11). See in lilt, 10, His resui.
weak back,
etib in urlM
Araher;tburg, July 'S. -The ,qtiamer
rection 6om the dead, for In' what
. I .
other.way could one who died I ,
oil 1716111oryj
, chan eablo
I ete,
I - A
"j .
. .
Charles )1-6tobli3son, it big new I r�ci;ljt.
UE ,#Ahe� Pittz.
r,�and ifie � !en Oify- of
garg gteamskiip,Co., In take
his days. See also Ells Adilre glory In !
Ili.'13-15; 1111, 1042, when ge shall be -
I to
der its Inflil-
. ..
Ede, jifat IS61ow here, aL midnight Sat-
exal,fed and extolled and shall stirtle '
.. V-. - In -j".., es and ulcers
Uimppear, the .0 8
rveg becomelstrong q 1, so hat nervousness, bashfulness and des.
urdak Tj;'.dqqa* Was. not s6rious,
both bogs- coht4nded up, the
many nations ( I He ,
R. �'., margin)
ondeney vanish, the o o beco 5 bwl h1j,the faco ftU and dear, energy roburpg Ao the .
ody and the moral, p yWcal ,g . gystems are Invigorated; all c1raffis cease -no
more vital waste from the syst Don, 16t and fildrs rob of hard
, , �,
accident decurred off D
'a�es, Th -ol
shalf see the result of till His stif- I
, - .
I quacks you ,.Your�
earned doll -ars. We will curo yc.i or no,vayo. I :
Mt,g,Reef, . �
f I' SoMeL
an.d stkall be s0tsGee. .
�3a l't Tor I
oile iis said 'i,�dt 'Whrie we w4l
. I . .
, �� �
Rost6rhIs Mayor 0109. �
that time' we should remember that ,I
�'READIIR: No Matter wholi4g tr.Wd you, write for an honest opinion rrea o0 Charee.
IgoolcsFrea-"TheGdfctcnl,'oL%itor�I (Illmtrated) onSdcrttDis"sescfblen. 7"
Roatern, Sa'sk., July 3.-1,-Tjie death.
Ure longs to see'of flie tra;vall of,91s, �
- - I'tiday L
oeciatr6d E night of Don�ld S.
sgor, 'mayor
90G�p Rostbarn,
gotil In, us noW. I
sIftep.1the Pleasure of the t,ord w ill f
ask ff Iffm E M,ff L� an so
I Im Mr, � V&,%ff&",ffM1&fflft,W
-E � lill
M" 1% Dy
'_�e-i:' I L
I , of alter
'SLI't'Moirtlie"'illness-trotii heart,�[roub,je.
always pro8per In 51s hand, what enn I
, ,
I .
I .
L�-�ceased'was botin "'Colborne, 0,b.,
be more desired than to be In Ills I
I �for
01 .
Cor.MlchloganAvc.andorlsw� dSti � Detroit Atich. ,
57 yedrA ago.
hand His ple,
mmre (Jer. xviii, 0s; I
�, .1 I . 1
I .1 I .
Rev. Iv, il),'coatent to be treated no
, - All letters froin Canada must be addressed
I �CE.
I I . I
� 8,1�mnls Strike Still On.
Ile was If,only we may, glorify Him?
&Nft,N04r L
oar'Canadiaii Correspoildetce Depart -
the geamea',tl Union 1.6stu-cl a
Note the sa�fngs, "'Eris soul an offbr-
-- ,to
I N . mum raeut in ,.Windsor, Ont. 11 you desir6 to
I ong stfttetpent declaring th9t the�
tire, ,
Ing'for iln'� and "'& d'out, HIs's6ull
see us persollolly call at our Uedical,lnatAte !a Detroit as we see,and tre,
� .
1ptr5m fna)yuratad two yeati ago Is
'tbat "condwo.
unto deathll;ow, 10,42), 4na mq
V j0d
n6 patients in our Windsot'offices Which ate lor ;Corrosponden6e and
i filess oftly, Address all letters as followsl�
14boratory fdr.Cauadian bud
tj; pt
Atill 1, _Adt, and no
sions v,ill 66 bando rrbm the. Otigind,
love go constrain us dat Wd� alihn"Uo
"-111111-a to�. be poured oft,or'dat � or,
# _)D�Rg. KENNEDY & XENNEDY, Windsor0' Clat. ' ,
11 I
donilutd&i ` I '. .
, , '7 , I
? . I
8 u rf et in ,A ny w. 47 ',t 109 aaul.4 1�
, � ;q
, . I'll
r. . .� � . I I . , �
. Re t6 our 1vb,td dddress, � 0. .
.1 I__ _11 .1.1 1. I I
— � 11111111111IN1111111
. , Rawnwn-1—
I I .1
, '. I I
,,� � �, I I . I 1,
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