HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 18_­_­_­,_­­­ .... .... ­--­ -7 � I � I .1 i I - "�­ 7-- 1.- ___,____r ­­,. I " I � :. I I : . , , I 1 I . :�: .. ! I . I I Z. I � I I ; ; : . . . � I , I I � I . I : - ". - I �� �, ,4yo,qq.q�--�15,11919.11�Woll.491RMR�...--T , - . � . I . I "'T.T.--jitr .11 I I . � . � I . . . . I I . � I � I %, I I I"? , , IM . . � : ., � � :, :, I . . . . �, I I � I 11 I I = , i ,; , , I I � . . I � I I I I .. I., .1-1- - 1. -, " , ,� , _ _11"�,"Tprr , ,� , .. , , � 1 _ . ","I',"..- ­", , ­,". 1-1 ., =_'4_,==� , - W . , � r�,�, I 11 - , 4 1 : I � 1, . , " �_:, __ - ­_­ ­­­­­_ _ ­ _­ -I � _ -.- � - ____ . ... " - - . "I'll , 1-1- I � � I -11 I V IC 041#10-1140 d� 14'.1 ! n �� . , ­­ � - ---:.- _11- ___ - -, . �.. - , , ­­, ...... 11 0011N 4 1'1'14�;�­_.­ . .-__11-1 ­. 11 I � I 11 ��: � g I � : I � '' � - �� I 4 - ­_­ ­­ ­­, ­­ - , ��:��117 __ , I � il�,�1,14111111011111111111illi�illI -, ­­­-, - ,___­',__! ­­­ ", , 14"fe., ;%11 I 6 _­,;;�' ", 11-___-__r-- - --'7- :: ­ � I 9 - �� 1 � 41M � -d-, ­­­�­ .�­­r­­1 ­r­__.Z;;;;:��., .,�7 , � 9 � ! , "' ;Wl;i� �_ * ...... � , " __. " I _� ­ I I r I I .. I 11 I _� ;;;6� W .1.1, - - - . � i 4;;:14 I I I : 9 1 1 1 � - � 11 9 � . 1 9 9 I , , � d 1 9 1 � . � . i " � I I 0a 9 4111 -As $Is � was cellout qualitr, And Vino-*Rdu�o, In ant differonce: There, are no, pub�, i 11 . .., 10reet fightin$ - . 9 , housos O licensed hotels on the So- ERS . ,� , a �Is r 0140diedll red wine, to- MD MATRIMONY' :, somew-hat Uncanny, not 0, sound tv. t , A VIRMOME WHIENCE . SANIT'ARIUM AMONG CLOUDS v III[ LAIRD OF WOO CASTLE lie r .1 , , 9 X118 1100 , . get)" . 11 Skibo 005tato that I know of) And . . , 4 but Our own and the tZ Vino Port, costing -040 . 1 9 1 1 . . I __ 0 99 . � , I � . memurn footfalls' of our � escort, 9 1 1 A bottle, but whic cQuI4, Xiot there are hotels, all over tne, Duk , d I , 1 9 d ANTinainv OAnxr,orvs HOUR of Sutherland'a estate, which pre MMST FUUW�, ODATAIN CON,. , . 9 9 11 . when sud4enlyj felt Illy arm seized . U 1) - k, III. secured ill England for less than . . . I � � I'., I Al TIT 1, E IS 0,000 r XT ADO VE four times as much, Wine is Cheap- I , rD, ,owned and let, mostly, by the Most, &N IN C I 1) r, TS" T AFTER TAX by my compaillou"W110JA 44 awed , . I IN SCOTLA'TN . i FORP - � , . I � . . , � Noble himself, where theamployees DITIONS, IM il UARUTIN(;* '. d whisper saia to wq�, "My God, 44 19BA LrIME.L. er than water at Quarda, and the . .9 11 9 , : I I . 9 STJ411G-1111 0 9 F 0 El LIU. 9 1 9 9 - � Can "I quickly rid of their few ' 141 ,, , " . , . , I I .1 .. �, I ,you see thatl"t 'I too, had seen . � d � latter is regarded more as a inedi- � . � ! : , . 9 . I � . � Cin,o by the native, than a refresh- The Steel �,Iag-nate is, I)o dolialis., Carnegie 'gives the total I �1_ � ". �0: . . . . � I . I 9 1 1 what he referred tQ,. and we 8,11 I . I . big 1110 abstainers a boaus for their ob- t,ules Val, i4 DliTeront Arnlie$ as �1' I .91 I . 9 . halted, gazing At it, and I could This iinique I ast It u t I o a �, I's lit the, ing draught, . 'e. . y 11 � . ., I I _ . 1106houing OVA Dead, Man's Rand hear tho ,Click of th locks of the : I � By ,way Of recreation, Concerts . 9 Best to Reautify flis , sterai*usness. At Clashmol tlle i I .,d I 0 . ovvy Are fre uently given Ia. -tile spaci- I I � . . men ,have a hall to, meet. in; hi to Wh � 0 Is Allowed to Wke . . .1. � ready Nollutaills, of Unh, � . � , " . I I I . GM Soldiers 4111 U11044111 , Men's 'firearms As thq Made q I Mrtalvlace. � , . 9 1 1 . 9 k 1.�, 1''. . . Adventure. to are if necessary. . . I d I Portugal. � � Otis theatre -by visitors from Ma- ` Golapie (the Duke,,$ place) they . a Wife. 9 . 1, .1 � , � Zhet ,Qoniaeotion of the Laird. of have nothing but the public house, I I � � From the summit of the pile of I I dritol, It is strange that� a Span'- Skibo with Sco p- The British Army officer ---or, for 9 �­ . 9 .� �. I I I It wAs the night of September corpses rose & in Is hand and The world's Crusade against con, tland is not confined A couple of shillings at Skibo a I- that matter,',the, British soldier— . ,�, . . 9 11 9 on � � ard does not ,comprehend his neigh - i . . Z; his, estate, in the Highland 6oun- pears more wealth than'does a do , I. ; , 1! 29, 186T, the year -of the great In- arm-, it backoneld to -as, and then sumption is - being fought strellu- Although Spailish is , , �ically whom and , . I . bor's tongue, I laaada, and I explain this may marry PracL . ��', : . . I dIall mutiny, and the scene a, st py 'little.,, rly understood through Portu� -Y from whiclitho Earls and Dukes lar in G . 0, I reat dr?pPed do�wu, again it rose, beck- *usly at present. Unhapi Cleat 9 of Sutherland have taken. their because I am going to make, the whom lie likes. True, if o, soldier -1� .. . . � I and fell, anda Seems -ntly for- . � �'� L I in Delhi, the City which had Sc011 oning I � gain it did the Portugal promine gal. , :, . title - would be almost as cor tatement that I know is beat on ruatrimony, he must ful. ,N.� I l I . 9 Zing s 11. . the blool of so' mally of o same. In the solemi the movement with s. It - ania, i ,-- � � c Ur poor, a, drear still- ward in the Two res, ent doctors, one dispen- ditions—that is, if h I I I i I . . � . io rect todescribe Mr. Andrew Car, 'men who have brought ,up large fil certain oon 0 �,� I , .., I ,91 'defenseless tcountrymon, women hess of the night., with such ghast- possession of a unique, sanatorium avilion. , wishes bi wife to betaken "on Q I ie , I I . I ; I , d � ser, and a nurse to each P ie as the Laird of Dunfermline, families cli the weekly wage,$ men . a 1� -, I I I . � and little chik1ren shed like water ly aurroundinEC46 it was an MNNIMMO actually situated ill the Clouds. The. make -. The matron, tip neg strength" of his.rogiment or aorp%.. _'� 7 t ; , . I I up the staff whiob. is the principal town in Fife, tioned. I , ?� only the previous Xa,y by the ruth- sight, and little wondor it oause4a altitude is: 6,000 Net above t . I . , . 1'e 5'34 to a short, time ago, paid' If below the rankof warrant of� , _; . . I I 1: less villains -and perjured, sepoys, our small party to 4%1t and our IeVel 9 only where. all the I ,fly, I Scotsmen come MAKES THINGS HUM. .1 �- � . � . I I I I � "re ficer lie mustobtain his command - ,ad � and the building,% are ` ct- ( eflying" visits, To the patients from I for he and his: benefactions 0 f '� �, ,� . � I . I '4*h had traitorously turned Upon pulses to beat faster used as we. rra I . � I . ", , I . Q . - I o a, broad ridge in the Se ' a 16 was 11 better known As Portu-- are as much boupd tip with the. lat- When Andrew and his household ing, offioer's consent, 'and tlie , ". �, I I I I those from whom, aa a rul Adjoiltilig , . I I . . i's me to ust be a vacancy 1 $� . - - 00 e—arld I w,6ro to -fearful sight& andto death da R strella moun-umins. gal's "Angel of Charity," but in ter_district -as with the former. H 00 their Highland home, In _ in the marri'll . si . I I pea nd Tile . ,� g1c ,advisedly and ' with knmw­ in.many fearful shapes,. E urope's bi heat a 'ban famous, much advertised public .. )-I -1 I � 1, � tj It 8U.61- is Gaar4a, 9 I real life she was none other t. things begin to, lium a bit , estaulisliment; while, if below the I' I - 1XV I I I d I . . e, e 'ley had received the great-� denly flashed 'Upon my mind that dirtiest town. .1 I . . 33! etO rank -of sergeant, he must hQ,Y,e at - Q .. .. . 'es , the devoted Queen -Mother Amelia, park, bero fund, public baths, Car- flower show and the childre 8 f I . � . � 't � ;� -0 yet This palatial institution Claims --Loudon Tit -Bits. liegie, Trust, and many other beile- are the events of tile season, And- I at $ i t ,, . ndn�ss and, consideration, some poor wretch in whom lif ea 125 11 he savings bank, sev- . "' ''. I , . . , za it i Chambers JOUr11- remained lay among the dead, and I ce d -..,� � . - ,V5 & wrl er in . The " w is not a; dancer, but he loves ell years' good'servi , an two _ ' ta-ace to get distinction in many ways, I . fa,etions of a very dissimilar nature re " " , AL That there were some offitcers that he Wa,fted assis , . foundation consists of a bed 61 gra- '� imelight of the flower good - b__ � in the E I I- - 2) , _.D_,__ [lave little. or no parallel in the the subdued 1: condild badges; or, if a cor d . I �1� I � . ast India Company's' army away from is fearful, position; so nite 4' iving d,ovii in the earth show. Early on the all-important poral, be -entitled to them. � I . .. . I � � who were harsh and stern -with I said, ­Qome on, menIjt's some- and st'retching for'iniles. Protrud- ph - leginatic north, writes a 'corres.- - vege- , wever, , to . 1%, Pendent. I day, the exhibits from the Should he Choose, , ho . , � ... 1. I . their men, and who in turn were 0 e, all ' I ­ �%: 1. .1 � . I 1.10 . no wanting help," and ing throughout the rugged grounds HEARD AT THE TELEPHONE Dunfermline, as all the world table, flower, and fruit plots are marry "off 'the strength," ho.can I . .: 1, I oked upon by them with, little moved forward. As we did so, a are rich reefs of mineral, wolfram I carefully delivered to the, stewards,) do so without asking leave -of the �'. ,. , ­ . I . ,g from the .knows, was Andrew's birthplace, nd his mar- " " , I love, tlierq is no denying, but these large pariah, dog spran I —froln, which steel is made—urani- I I o least of by whom they are arranged for the X�ilita�y authorities, a J , men were the exceptions, and were .and made. � and this will not, be th . I . off down � I . 01 � � pile of corpses ore- -the ,'motherll Of ra-d' . pection of the judges, riage is perfectly legal; but his ' 1e and far between; for, as a rule, ,a by -lane, and an, examination of uni, . . .. . I11m­ DRADIAS IN ITHICH . IT RAS the m. any historical facts which Ine I Sunday togs, the wife will not be officially recogniz- I 'IV - of i amense value, and , � , town Diessed in its _ , __ � - - the officers and their wives well de- odies showed how he had which is, ir I ' I P1,1YED A PART. I connect themselves with the . -h e -d 'to free l 11 . . ty. rocks of oi.tyx-stone glisten-, .1 . of tile famous Abbey*. ' little community gat ers -at the ed, and will not be ntitle 1, I I . I terved the familiar loving names, i t,ele,andegptyed and what -uacl. caus- pret d �. . � I e British. officer h4s'full liberty to .." I I m&, bass (mother, father), .by ed our Rare. He had been ttaring ing like massive p;arls in the sun- . I I Whatever its surroundings, Dun- entrance, to the hall, and when th - tiarters or any other benefits. 1,� , , . I I . which they jvere univorsally spok-� � m which the beckoning shine. Timber is found in close , fermline did noi strike me, on the motors disgorge their human con q - I 1, . . � . at the body, i &t. -bile proximity. The sterilized air is, of Instances When Its Use Ras Been . 1. a I have been there tents there is a Nielcoming cheer, Outside Guards regiments, the I - hand belonged, and,, tugg' ­ various occasion � ,� , on Of by the men before Sat"ll en ing � I . with .a spe,cial ,qmile.for Mrs. Car- marry; but a custom has grown lip ,tered, into them, and secret agita- shoulder in the steady, persistent course, invaluable, alla the Only de- I , the Dleans of Saying as an amazingly pretty place, es- Miss. Margaret, by which a Guards officer marrying I - is the sudden -cold at night.d . The negio and little I tors seducted them from their al- way I liaA often seen. others of his feot I ; I pecially when it rained. . . It, � Lives. I 8, U an actress is expected to resign hid �, . I Zed oil the Carcass of Olives grow wild, whilst on ei her . I � � streets. are narroiv, hilly, and both of whom do & vast me nt of . i ­. - . � I.. . 1. 1, legiance and eventually led them species ,mplo 'de -the pavilions Oran Many a life has bee,a saved by ging, pea� kind-hearted work on the estate, commission. This may seem � . 4 ' I � .1 . �, i of ges and sloally, with a thick, clin ­­ I I � . io the awful deeds which made a, defunct bu. �alo, had oa,used the ,a, I I I I .. . to ,L � lemons have Only Lo be pickedi the happy, chance of a telephone soupy sloshin a that makes one 'The chairman, who .is, usually the � I t:" I . � . .. I the name sepoy a, synonym for all arm to rise and move as if bealcon, es I I ARSH RICTLE, III I I . I , ' I t�, �, . 1'.11 1. .1. that was vile, bloody and treacher-. ing to usto come on. It was 9, The rare magnificence of the being near the scene Of accident. wonder where the sun is, However factor, 'introduces" t1le visitors, A H . � �.,� I . I . I I c -ale surround,inals assists materi- Just the other day Miss -Cefie Andrew has clone his best to beau� Mrs. Carnegie opens the allow, and I its enforee ' . I ­ . OUS. , I gruesome sight anI we were none see I Caxnegie gives a Speeell in but ment depends ell , I , ,� , ,of us sorry to return to our Stone ally in the "C'ure." Rufferers for- Krein operator at the local ex- tify the place. He has given the Mr, a� lot of capital ad- circumstances. I .1 . i , THE SIEGE WAS OVER. f the �et their pain, and look for health oliall - people, of his, native town a park w.hich there is � I � . I . . couches foir what remained 0 9 'ge at Egg Harbor New Jer If an officer marries an actress � 1, 6 . night� I . I � across the valleyb'and salt plains sey. was� instrumental in averting Which for its natural beauty is un- -yi0el. . fete whose position on the ,stage is not t I , I - . Andrew is in his glory on I .. 1. I �,t� , I After four long.111onthe of never,. __*_ -a end of a valuable life. surpassed in the County of Fife. n P � , . ceasing strife day and night in the , L I . . THPXiE MILES BELOW. the certAi . day, when the children froin all ov- of first rank, then his resig atio : . .. I . I I . A -call came through from the Its libraries and baths are also ol-,� but if, I � Id � . . furnace heat of the hottest part of POISON IN POSIES. I . 'lity er the estate, gather on. the fields *ill certainly be acceptO 1.11 , ,. I I I . � I blazing sun i station of the waterworks, models Of Splendor and uti - �below the, castle and take part in on tht. other hand, his bride—as I . �, � .. t . I. I.. � the year, and during the, stifling, L Overhead is the n a pu . mping Miss And when Carne goes Fifewards - . . 1. � I. I . - blue, cloudless sky. The only '9�umber please?" asked . . ul if gia King �f Brit- a variety of games for many, al- may well be the ca,se—is in every � , . � I �� I , �� e .1.11, 1% enervating rainy season, the city Some Beau . tiful Flowers Wonld D. 6 1 se of Krein. I it is doubtf the I way desirable, then the seading-in , _ I was. at last stormed, and after six stroy Life. . sounds to be heard are the ,al recep- though,small, prizes. � mere fornial- I . . , ­ . - -more ro� . I � tion. � � I I . days' fighting in the streets wasen- � the "musical wheels" Of the anti- .There was no reply, but overthe ain could get a Mr. Carnegie is not a sportsman, of his "papers" is a � , i,on—on, as I - The alarmists would have us be- wire, camea faint cry, which sound- :. � tirely in our possess quateol ox wagon plying slowly UP (431elp!). as the word'is understood in that ity, and they will be returned to I , I � I . �' So h v`erYWber6, the mountain path I�den with pro- ed. like d SKIBO CASTLE. part of the C, . unless he is really anxious to 1: ,� j, , � have said, twentieth of Sept%ember. lieve, that poi n lur a e. r screwed � I Ountry. He never goes him) I 1. . � � The regiiiient to which I then b e- I in some form or the other. But visions and fuel. The wheels, 7 Miss Krein had her head er swears, &l- resign. � d . But Andrew is in totally differ- out to kill, lie nev -1, I � �7 loa-ed had been ordered that morn- I who would suspect it in the flow- iliclies We, are hewn of stone, on the right way. Withbut hesita- o most Ar � � wl .. surroundings when he goes tip though he does play 'golf, Ile does At one -time, to , my I4 'J .r , L_.) J 1 � ' to occupy the Aj4m- e - aad, grating on Tude wooden w -des tion . - not ,drink or smoke and 'lie does ) f� �, � , I � ro gate, of' rs we like to see scattered about she Called -up the waterworks ent mosses fined a member for marry- - . 1. I - � I . 'U ` -hich we had done acw yet, it is a fact that poison is,to cause a continuous weird me cly' manager at his office. � � to the Highlands. AD "big peo ".age those who, ing, the penalty'ranging. from $500 � I � . ,� . the ity, v, I'D , ( � ple" 'up there go, the 0arilegies ,all he can to discour I f � C I for a subalter� to $125 in tile Co -se I I . I cordiagly, and proceeded to make , be, found in'the posies. For. in- which can be heat'rol miles distant. 'Something wrong at the pump- are comparatively -small fr Cl 0. 1�0 1 .. 1 '4, . . ourselve's ,as comfortable, as circuin- i stance, the laburnum, which has Convalescent inale patients dress- Ing house. Go at once,".zhe said. Y) I e of a major; but this taxe has. been . � � 11. . I 11 Of ,ad in w t -am- He was off on his bicycle at oincet respect -of the- eir Royalty has been to Skibo Castl shed—at ,ist, by re-ulatioli. ,�, I � . ild not -expect to be to teal, When the late Kigg Ed- abol stances would permit, our Principal t been compared to a fountai . i lcz Z � I : bi e stroll about with pro- I � blood. He co, To all intents and purpos%'s, there I ..— care being to remove to places of gold leaping into the sun, is one brellas above their heads as a . .reaching the station, -ounct e 7 I � such a big gun ,as (to giv-e him his ward and Queen Alexandra wer are no restrictions on the mar- .. safety the large quantity of powder i ' ugs imag- tectio mr7 !axi, the engineer in charge, ­ �� 14t,,�- -P-al yacht round n ,against the he, , . 1V-,0N,M -5 , of t�jle most poisonous thi .. at. Should 9 ,pr,,QZr ,titIqJ_4 .?,, Most NablA ' .Kn ,-. _� thll* *L .Wr 13�6'3, 1i -V- .-, - _-, ­ ­ .­�, � .4� t t a. few I . ,� -reat &al of which lay loosel . 11 , "'tg,Y!" ..., ., ,,�, � �, _ .e 31U r� riag�e of our Army officers; but I - L, K i inable, inasinuch as it is poison in the sun become too hot white -cuxr, . I ZJJ�Jn�i a nctl_16116C .. Mal'­_-Ic, , * n 11 .- " I � foreign officer is, not so free. . , or to death. 'L'rllg� �beorje'Granville. Suther and ve- the British Isles the� �T,.e Id . - scaUarod aboirb, the, lace Wit leaf an<l.flower and seed. Even the tains are drawn acrosa tjh—el6ife_34 . Duprobi' Castle' . Indeed, Americ- 1� 1 .4 .., , WIL1101111- adl . '' I son -Gower, Duke. of Sutherland, days at -11 if. we count the it , nuinbers of five, shells we h beneath it is Pois,on-t 4_AL­w�iindahs, H09an had made a false step, Baron Strath . a , ey a 1"a � grass -rowing �, Llle and each pavil- nauer, Knight of the fine aftenDoon the Ki the on- , � . , in, � Lt_... I . collected in tho, works ruiroundiiie -FT6Xh,ui y to ion resembles a tent in mid-air, -the and.fallen into the ptimping mach ­ns_ss-1Q.rAMJaD,r---n, '. Ill ,T,,� - � ou- ,�- - 2�e,won - af­it,sk a4� 4_�.r­.:1�0.. I -.:�. - _., Im I 11 . . ly . . ,, the., gate _ta -ba usei6l. ;S,Gainsi'-�-a.7rXyJ1, ` � - . I inory.' O'ne of his legs -was f-e-arful- Garter, and so on, becaltse, al -.1 Duke boarded the latter's Privato ; foreign officers -I 10, ixe our .. 'he innocent -looking blossoms over- ;� � - I . 11 . � , ___-_�I.,,�pf_ y--mi-ibree who might be 4mPloy "L canvas sifting the sunrays to a ly crushed; but he had malim,ed -to though on a, par as. to personal train and wpre -whirle-d away narry "at wiilk� and their own 'I, . , �, I - I head, and it has been found neces- nicety of warmth and light. To- 0 handsomeness, Andrew Carnegie I Dornooh, and from thence to Skibo o-ovil, 1 3 ta . I", - I _� I ed in. the neighbori . ire. " I I I ...... , 1� I'll, n auburb of the sary to guard against Cattle eating w 0 clock the "expanse of asQf to owns only a pin-h-ead on the map! in autos. The Zing. shook hands, sweet ple6st A) I I � � 9 , ards ,six ) struggle clear; and drag him . . : Stehzee, mundee (or Green Vil- . the telephone. He took off the re- ' . . &Z . . �4 1 lage), so called from the numerous this grass for fear of fatal results. io �Iue develops into a curious of the, County of Sutherland, all took tea, re-entered tho auto, and THE GERM . e�i` '&R""y '44r� '�� The bulbs of suell dainty and u I again gradual ceiver, cried for help, then f aint- I I � . I orange groves and other gardens purple, and ly into a . . the 1,439 square miles of which, ,drove the engine home again with !'*Prussian, Bav- . � u cissus, -'is brief blend-- ed. . -head his own hands, adding i -is name, is composed of the k . � delicate crimson. Th but for another little pin I ";i""' with which the houses there were' I In March, 1902, there was produc- ,I�iiiez ; but the . * hyacinth, and snowdrop secrete the Inmof sky tints is the only twilight. space owned by Mr. GilmouT of once .again, to the autograph plate arian, and Saxon ari e marriage . . - . , _ � . � . .1 . surrounded. k 0 sun -oasses from ed at,A,Y1,c�liham.',s Theatre a one- Roseliall—Andrew's neighbor—be� on tb,e ea -b . of the engr . --;n rulels'as -to t _ 0110 or I�ost deadly poisons, not to Spea Next moment the - .� S I QP�� 2 ,J " All day W45 worked, making our n, - w4i'v - I ot play �alled "Heard:at the Tel- , . 'Cers�!,� l _ _ a 'a a � ongs -c. -1 bears the signatures. of ,so man -of Prussia -'R&M - - y- � , , _,, -e ox..I;-s,, the monkshood., and I . " I _.. z4zions . .1 . - _"�. new quarters as safe as we could. of th view behind the mountain peak ephone." This play created a pos- 1 to, the, Most Noble, et - U . _ �j I 'iv".2�-, . d Andrew's Castle of Skibo, too, past- and present crowneol'beacls. h r ,',-1A1,,- ­­ . . .The powder and ,shells were put the foxglove, all of which furnish and the Curtain of darkness . less -b6 officers In t tp-, Z���Zl' ­ 5- itive, sensation, and was denounc- . , . _'M�_ - I I noxious liquors sufficient to dest'roy scends instantly. At night the ,a fine� buildin t h t the whol,,- rmy. ­,", �":­�7�1 I out -of -the- ed as too gruesome for representa- although a monstron 91 CARNEGIE AND THE CR,OFTER. hroug ou . I "' ' . � 1 away into ,cellars and 'life. Despite its innocent appear- I . I Every Prussian officer has to o'b- 'j_'--,; �, : . ,- � " I . I . way -places, -while what powder was' u Milk�y 11fay appears over the roof. tion on any stage.1 is not so bi-, nor yet ,so handsome, I . '� ��,'.. " , �' � � 11 I . I lying loosely about was deluged t . of a L I �, I with water; and all smoking hav- is one of the worst of poisonous only an arm's length to the stars. young hu'sband hearing, by means the Sutherlands, ten miLes along ,advice of his wife e'nt to Andr,ew information about the bride,. ,her, I . flowers. Even the cow avoids it. three "I ance, the laughing little buttere P So great is the height that it seems The central idea was. that as the famous Dunrobin Castle, of An old crofter 0110et, lost a COW tain the Kaiser's leave to marry, I which was uninsured and on the and his application must giire full C - � � . . ­ . we considered The sanatarium consists of of at the ,coast. Skibo is not set On "a Nv I . . ing been stopped, elephone, the,cries -of his wife with his tale of w Oe. parents, brothers and sisters, and � I ourselves pretty safe from a blow- _C4 pavilions, containing in all who was being murdered by tramps castellated roc� ov'erlooking the "How much was the cow ,worth, so on, and thi application for per- . ''I , i Firth. " . . a an .ell some of us � broad watej�s of the, Moray � � "t up> experience whi ATTENDING THE DEAD. A HUN`DRED� BEDS. I in a lonely country house. . n III he aske*d. mission to marry must be support- .. : . ,',,, had undergone a few days "pre- , .1 Andrew's S6ottish home does not my in' nancang the " in Canton, about eighty miles I Two years later—to- be precise, 1001,11man-ol an "uninterTupted vie . w "About ten pounds," ($50.) ed by the officer comi ' ld 1� vibusly in the Moree Bastion, and would-be ' 11 had, no desire to have repeated. from Hong Kong, there is a pl,a Patients are only admitted Upon On Janua 8th, 1904—an inlikeep- Andrew is'said to, have given the regiment to which the . I "I Ce , ry of the broad waters of the German I I � . -x"%, . !�. � . . . known as the City of the Dead. the recommendation of the prieAs, or named George Hartstock, livi.y.19 Ocean," but has to be content with man a cheque for that -amount, al -id" bridegroom belongs. " "' 14� AT LAST NIGHT CAME OAT, There are one hundred and ninety- and subscribers are ,even denied at Minneapolis, the great grain city a comparatively circumscribed view the ,rofter went home jubilant. Further, the �officer, it a junior— d r! - 11 - I this privilege. In the premier 1pa- of Minnesota., was called up on the kInchile Ferry a,nd thesleepy But be was quickIv brought clown Rcond class—captain must provf` � -11 -with it a stillness to which we four small houses, ln ea -ch of whi�h of the 2 ud in by his wife� � that he has an income of aL leas'lip'. - $ I it - 'phone by an .acquaintance, James little'market town of A,ain. . 114 . .and - I t f vilion. wealthy patients are accom � . odged. at the ra e o -ee mil- Gar "Ye auld fool " she cried, "why $7,50, or at least $1,250 a year if A l had long been accustomed; to the a`cOrPs" is 1 , odated at the rate of thi field, an actor. !twenty-five, dollars. for the firs -t m. Th6 nauseating newness of Skibo . the screaming . MIS, or .$3, daily. They are not sa� it was, twenty subaltern. I I I I roB�r Of the guns, 0 three months, -and then at a ,re- . Pro- "Wait and listen," was the mes� Castle in a place where all elsp 1,; ,. On the higher 4k -s there are na . ,. . 1. � ,L' ­­ ,, I -ga,61-.hursting of shells and L!Le; violed with separa�e rooms,.corre- sage. I lebol seems as old as the hills upper -cuts 1114 ye ran I Of- , e geomancers P014nds ceaseless rattle of.small arms sue- duced rate until th sponding ,couches on the verandah, Hartstock heard Mrs, Garf I Vell� I can go back and tell financial restrictions; but.every I . eeeded a solemn silence. We were, emplo3yed by the relatives, Of the ' one from -entrance to exit. And it cost that sura, and that I ficer, whatever his statua,muit de- !L � . and live upon the Crude delicacies apparently pleading for her life l a f . unny, viewed from, him .� , 1", I �. dead person decide wh,en and where ' I it -always seem . 11 I I of the district. LpPosed that the couple were . I " some of us, occupants of a kind of , hall be buried. Silk Second paviliall and sil I the open ground below, to see And- made a mistake." -with Clare upon his word of honor that , . - : .11 . mosqli,- in rear of the battery I the Corpse a I . atients pay $1.60 daily, ,and three rehearsing a new play, Suddenly I going in at the imposing.front Back he went to Andrew neither he nor his future, wife b avo I � i 17 I . which was in front of the Aimare I or paper lanterns and imitation P rew I his trumped up tale. Andrew ask- any debts. ' . i . I share a, room. The third depart- came the heavy report of a revolv-. door of his castle. It reminds one- . 1� . ! g6t.e. �rotecting the entrance, and, fruit are ht= from the roof; there � ed for the check tore it across, Put In France, the bride is usually . .. 1. ­ ment is reserved for the sick poor, er, a piercing scream. Then a see- ur -, - I , , had chattedlare screens ion each room between fa -sparrow flying in at the mouth it where it we I ' be Of no Use to* cted to bring her b ,ban -d a .� ", 1, Bitting on the steps, ' the fact thaT, patients travel ond report, an ,awful groan—and I -unnel. The new . uld OX d f, I tea fruit, and ­ . of a railway t 41-6?3, �. . 11 Ule I U I e a Ithe d000r and the ,coffin; � , .hundreds of miles from their tiny silence. I whit, atone; the paths cut and anyone, and ,had the man shown dolt""'or fortune, of Varyinj de ,,, 1, , -Lich off the, premises , Out eight Y FG ", I ,.111 . I w, ispers, and a snore ere and and any other kind Of food wl Thoroughly ala7-med, Hart,cock at the double.. and -until ab � " _1 I �, t m announced. that, -worn out by the dead person liked when on haralets�to gain admission testifies ephoned to police headquarters, kept with mathematical.. precise- I � I the French officer was f r ell t � _44— . .11 '. to the popular administration and tl-'l ; the marble baths in a place . g an income . I the day's work, more than one had earth, are placed on an altar be- ,and two -officers vvere sent to Gar- ness . marry a lady possessin .. , ,; almost laps the -ban ro . .1 � . th of less t � .. . I sunk �nder the influence Of 4- 43 fore thecoffin each -morning. There general efficiency of the institution' field's rooms.: There they found where the sea . uglily, $250 a year I 1. BIRDS, BEWARE! . .1� I I . ;� , Breakfast, consisting of broad foundations; the -wrongness of ev- I ,-lit . - �11 drowsy god. At last my chum, are cardboard servants standing I Mrs.. GarfieId lying dead, with two .11 ' . I I , made from Indian Corn and salt, rightness, There is a very remarkable plant in her own rig - � I I who had been sitting near rae, f or about to wait on him with pipes or bullet wounds through her head, erything in its rigid Since then, however, the only �e- I . � dough baked hard on a atone s9ern quite out'of place within which grows in the colonyol Natal. . ion placed ,on the marriage of - I I I i some time in silence, got up, say- cardboard Cups of tea. There are 91e and her husband besi'de,her, dying. . t116 Its popular name is the corpse strict i �� Ing I he could not remain any longer a1so two handsome ,paper females in the field, together' with figs ' He ha,d shot himself ,after commit- sight of the shimmering sea, - . � '. � .1 - � I . � withou, a pipe, and )ro o6ed that olives and milk, ,is served at eleven ting the murder'. I heather -clad and ropk-strewn hills ,plant, It grows to a very consid FRENCH ARMY OFF I . I I I .. I we should take a stroll. t9rough the placed there to guide his spirit on ultlock. The next ineal is lunch, a and, mountains, and the thatched erable, size. and 'i�s principal fea- . . � w rel I . � the -way to heaven. The telephone has been used for t � streets and enjoy a 4smoke before light intermediate repast prior to I but jo, roofs of the homes of Andrew a ten- ture is a bell-shaped throat, some� are,: (1) The con -sent of the Ministerv� I.. � � - � many strange- purposes, . � I C, . . I , t�,, - seeking rest on the hard stones of --114— dinner at sunset, The first course han the a1b;- ants, Who can, imagine with un- thing like the flower of an aTum of War must be obtained. (2).Sat-, ,�, . I .none, mo . ' I .. � � I I I I 1. Our tenement. No sooner said than "111A, HAI" HERBS. is soup ,and this would baffle the tempted assassination of a, presi- mixed feelings a huge� glaring, lily,%ut, much larger and deeper, isfactory evidence' must be prodluc�:' .� I �. I I I I done. I jumped to my feet and, most fastidious Fiench chef for its toWer-tOppe'(l pile, , heate,a -with hot and opening into a hollow stem. It ed as to the moral character aiad :, I . dent. - . .1 - I . � 'having got ,P. corporal aiiU four There is a curious plant that richness and superb quality. One air and $team from the furnaces is almost black in color, and Cover- life of the la-dy about to becomehis , , �, I ,�, . isknown by dient, however, is One day in September, 1908, and boilers of themarble batbs and ed with,a thick, glutinous'seoretion. wife. . . I . . � . I � � . . . . . men to accompany us -with loaded grows in Arabia, and coxl%picuous ingre Prosident.Cabrera, of Guatemala ier Offices, and lit by electricity Its principal characteristic is its The Russian Army officer smitten �. I 1, ,�, :.,� arms in Case any lurking traitors the name of I'laughing plant."' This olive oil. The ne>,,; dish is baealo, I OtIl � . 1. �� ,� � might have, remained about, off we name comes from the fact that any- which is Norwegian coddried hard. was sitting in his office when his - n a A�stirict where people still burn loathsome odor, strongly resembling "by Cupid'has, fairly serious ob- . - 11 ' � ,' . Ele had ,' . 1. - . . I 1�z I I I" . get on Our ramble, The night was one who.eats its -seeds cannot con- The staple drink of .Portugal is private telephone rang, . 'receiver peat, a.na. sneak in. the raputed.lan- that of decaying carrion.. By means stacles placed in. his way " . : , I no sooner taken off the , he Garden of Eden�the of this it attracts carrion4eeding To begin with,- if under* ,the age I I �,, . . 4��' . calm aad still; and, though there trol his laughter. The natives of u ed .as a pickle in this item, and than the wire ignited an infern ,W-lage` of t I I . . % I � I i d 'this plant grows s b al i�aelic. . I . ce they alight I 1� . I . � . . I was, a perceptible smackof the a -p- the district where tbei fish closely rdsent les a piece machine, which ,exploded with a . . I I I birds to it. On on it, of twenty-three, he is not ' allowed , �, :� � , I I . d 1. � ,are lost. Their claws become to marry af4all, unless'by special . ,�� I � I .. I � ning report, Senor Cabrera , NOT A BAD LANDLORD, the,, � . . proaching,.cold weather in the at dry'the seeds, ind reduce theni'to of well -seasoned pitch pine when deafe d I � . lie secretion, the leave of H.I.M. the Emperor. 1. .. I I 11 Imolphere, in the narrow lanes of powder. Osmall dose of this POw- pl aced on the table, - B ut, like *wille fi,an8 enian,ded .in t .. I I I . was against the'wall, stunn - An -drew Carnegie is not a bad 10 � lity-thvee a;d Under I I .1 , outh folds up, and If over twe . f .1�, � � 4 1 , I I the -vast City the air was hot and . der makes those who eat it a:ct very at the wedding feast, the worst is ed, and badly bruised. But, ow' landlord as Highland landlords go. bell-shaped-. m 8 I . 3ight, he must pay into the '. ­ 0 I I I . . Id stifling, and the smell of villainous much like foolish people I The sob- to come; and although there .are in , q to the fact that the boMb had Thafirst thing that is apt to strike theyt are literally Wallowed foa� twenty -i , ',at a depositof about � - - " 1. . � I . ,,saltpeter mingled with. that IrOm orest person Nvill dance, shout, and many contrasting surprise$ in test- � r I thers and all, and digested by juices regimental,clic . I K, ;' , � I evidently been made by an ainateii of the Scottish High- $2,60; while in every ease he must 11 I . � I - - laugh like a madman, and rush ing I I . . the student the throat of the plant. A I I I I I .the festerin,4. corpses which lay ab � . . . he fortunately ,escaped with 'his land land system is the loyalty of secreted in . � I . satisfy his colonel tliat the IadY 19 �1. I... A� " � - I i � I I - " i hAps, &d not, makeour walk over- � . . : r .� d . I I I ;capers for an houi. At the ,end of I � . I � t�*of- . I I 1, - so as 86 i shion. some mis- the other. None of the 18,ndl",-Is WHERE TIME IS MONEY. . also obtain permission from . J 1, �, I out, some singly, borne in little about, cutting the most ridiculous I fe. I . ---I.- - I 41 I I I 'pleasant, On as 'Our PlPes,thi, time, the reaction comes . . The A POR;TUGUESV MENU, In similar fa laildlords ,,and their factors,, one to fit to b . elong to the regiment, and � �, . 11 d I - boga.n to wax low we began to I , nothing excels "nanny -goat", in i mt ing his divisioil, 1�;.;,�, "i� � - exhausted, and a cle, oreants tried to murder the man- are ever anxions' to take 0) n, , ' mand . :, . I � Cosme, on the Para- V .. . . ,, I . . eturning to head quar- dancer is� '1' causing the visitor spasmodic heav' arror of the -electric light works,at wbo halve, been at work on neigh- The Colonia No financial restrictions are plac. I . , I I I d I think of r isfaep comes upon him. After Is nap ings.. As soon as a goat is killed in - in the rixench,coloily of es, Iint! who may be on guaY, above Asuncion is olie of the , -,ese of , . � , . . I I ters. Though there was no MOOD, I of sovoral hours , he awakens with Mascara boring estat it of a ris 'rious in the world The, ed on the marriage of.Japai - I ,,,,� � . , � - it was not what we in Englana I . Glldrda the heat tans the flesh `N�dticing that histelephono tile qui vivo for a b so i most .oil - bu Ill,,,,, must obtain leava.. � I .. ! -a o make Or . d iys� a .,r being lightJy' wa, tria -,.I' � I , has to membar f the Colony frofn the- ' �,­ ation ol the antics he has black, Ind this afto Algeriz� ­ . 11 _ ' er.y �, :11 ; I - would call � dark night; tlM 8t, no r.eccyllta f I I a out of order, he -ol to flis ife. ,The man ,seeking work cor" _, n , 8 rank, 1, �, performed. I 1, I rerything they want, and v , . thone brightly ,and nights in the I Ved Chit ka of 2- '� Cot the wire, and at- once re, satisfy Prospective e- , ers that gro � or ! If of , �, Lt I I ll . . Cooked, is ser in n co n mploy w o �, !if ?! I I low -or grade t1 an �, , I , , 4 , . ,,, I I I . tropica.:arc not, to ,dt�i,ky ols at I I -----_*TO 1. I inch thickness. ceived a shock which burled bi ' he is really out of ,Work because the import nobIling. The workmen 1�enp'r al I from the, War Minister. 11.1 ,,, . � I � � in ( ( other estate", has no further im- have seven hours',. work a: daS, and - I I I homej ao that we could sew vvell '�o Poeb's Wife-'Igy husband read, , 'the drink is chiefly acid gailis, senseless to the floor. but time. * Their _11P L : M - , ., 'I I � or 100 yards around us, and on on- I technically termed Vino -Verb, a It was discovered, later, that the mediate. Use for him. The Duke, of earn, not money, I �.% `_� " ', , � tbi,i roorn Ob a. Public celebration - i didn't you rel- �` L"�,, , " green now win Used by the n6 WiroL bad been connected Sutberland's,average workman in 'wages are hours and half-hour%,. Inapeot,or- W1 y ;i . . . . . C', � tering a,f4irl'y', broad street leading, 'before thousands Of people, Alas, e peas- 0 � 0,,Olo,ak, a,s I told A . -, I I I -hey liave, a porb at eleven J? , I A,(.( I toward the Alinerb gate we saw it wa;% the last poem lip, -ever all I ts� A I * pint bottle of ,beer. 'is ob- =e tlie building. with an 6lee- :the Highlands, on.Aiting, tlie. honds These b 19a% -'e, up till I theY . and tests 28, Usuallyl trio light wire, ca.rrying ten fbou- of departments such I , some lifflet way on . I "i tainable, , . as farin. for- weel,t in ]land, and then they go 0" youq,' It's -n:�)v nearly twelve. t, wrote �" 11111Z publisher -"Oh". I I wa�ts tacjtive__,,IIm sorr,; .'but I didn'b �� I ,. T, .5 &, 1) ( I I I . I r i 0, iq 111oky if �0 R"(.1fs P� 0�1 .'I -.,I 6Xdu,r,-;On, If a- roan Do .1 . .�", � . however, the 4rk-w is so thid< and gand voltg, , The c im nal, was a est, or gam I � - � I ,� , 'd ,, ttlking i, 4. or, CORPSE's, Pi�,o. Did they lynch him or shoot, . I ct'1�1- ,i ,,l,ttir or a table, ]Lie J)ayS for it' It �y th6 ti , 'One of. those pick- � - . A 1111'r � clear $4.60 weekly, and the no Me, :", . I � t 1.1( I 11 ��m 9" � . I I warm that it is 4angerous to drink. discharged employee, who ww , � � - % . :4 1;1, .)ZDdP0qo .,�_ � 4ell tile Skillo j., �Iours of w, , )VIC. which are d 1 wAwrsh,%dowaius EOxle mY . ' _ - I i f , pockeLs I I .:" %v ' vidently �here ha4 bewt � � Special invalid . liqueurs consist o -caught, and. got ten years" " impris- I ditions are the sarno. on '. , O,du(.t- 1. I .1 ') '�ff I � "' I 1, �nt*r, 1 I � , I I , 1, wcontention during .t,he ED. a Issa %-11 vino-Ermico, a white wine of OX4 is awoa�dly plot. lestote. -;,,I- ,14. ­'. but import- od ir-,ail the balance to his crcdit� - wat,011111 I 11 j�,i I ,,r�qr ,-.',,,,,T)bncs wbd, � I " � . � plim"t, for M d . I . I I . I . I I � 1. I I . I . 1. I I . I I I , '' . ". I MrIed 1 fvow Ptirom, &,d.,) , " , I ,� Cs", A I � I . � I I I . �� I ,. . I � . . . I - . . I I I . d . � I . I d � I . � � . I . I . I . .. . I I 11 I , "' I k, 'I I I . �� I - . L , � t I' I I I I I I , , , , �* I , 'I Q 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 � i I i � �'Ilc a "?4*- , ,f,..� 0,1 � �il .. I ; , _ N ", , �P, . I 0 _,� ill � ��." �4,.. i I I 11 1 4 . I , :k �$ � , I .. I . � . � � � . 11 11 (; I, � v r I 3%trT f't, 1, I d I I . I I . . I . I . I I � I I I . . . I 11 _�� , - ,,�� In]) , . RN ,, ,� . � I I I I '� I I � . I � . � I r.. . . d � I � I . "I, ,� I 4-. I ; I , I . I I . I . I 1. . I *1 � I " � 11 ." I I . 1 i I . I I . I . . I I i d I I . I I , ( , I . I 11 . I I . I . I I I . . I 001_� � I I d, I I . I ", , I I t - f 7' VW , I I � I . . � . . � I d . .1 I � . . - . "i , I � ��,�,��,* '� I � � , i I I � I �, �d , �� I %1� .", . ": , ,I_ -d", '', _� -17 � r ­�,__, - -j-.-.-.--- 1 � ..� , " , , - � - �- 4 , , I � ? I . ", , -, -t-:, I'll-, .1 ­. -, '_____,­ 11 I . , �� I , I I `�1-11 It I loj_ ." , , 11 .1 . , , .1 � � , -, I ... i", * T­17� *1 .�!�4­ !. � 1 �!�-­7 � i_l � ., I I � , , " ­� -1 I . � I �. - I , d , , " . I � . _F I .. I I 11 I I , . b . ��� I I I : ; ; � ., . , . . ­' I I . . I � , ­,*�-12k­ ­.. / ,,I __ ,- I __ - -_ � . � . � 1 ; . - . q I I I � . __ ;�11�, _ - _ __�:., , , I . 1,� , , , � . I 11 . I -1 � � i — I . � .I 11 11 I � ­ 11- "I'' ._ .. - ..'' __-L .... .. � ,_ , ". 1. ''. - , ": 1, .1 I 1, � I I I I I I A