HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 17F-I I ,--,:-_,v-__ 117"""", " . . , , , I , I .11, � 1 7i . . . I . 11 11 . I I I . . � � - �� I . I � . I . - I. �, I ,, . I I I , I I I I � I I . I . . . , - oi17'­Z1:1!1 11opill, 1111111 I III i I I - , "I - - 'LE I I I �' . I I I I I I . , 4 I I 11 - . I 1.1111, . I .. I . . 1. . . . � � ;, . I . I . . . . 11 , , , I I; 11 q I .111CIN: -.1 ------ ___._._­_.______­. 0111, I I 11 � I ;. , , , ;, , , 1�1 4 1 1: �11 � I I I I . I 11. . We have on band a. ood supply of .#�"*.* above cement. Let usliaveyour next I . � I . . I ��� 0 1 rder. . -, R. G. 5eldon .1 i � � I :, I . . I . I L I L . , : ' , L .1 I , . 6 � i ,. L .1 I �1, L. � I 1, � I'll 1, � i� � I I : j Z . AS THE RESUET ori A TIP I � many a woman noNy b", a, xeputa- L . �� Mop. as a fine baker who was I Formerly known as but ak ord1balary . I I ,. � _� I one. , The Up is Ito � - �k I �W_,', . % USE SNOW DRIPM FLOUR ..2 � I .ha� 44 all the secret about it, with the use of Snow Drift flour half (the' I I bak-LTLg isalready done. 'With just I � ordkilary care end skill twice as , I I , , igood results are assured. I 1: H. Cook Sons and Co. !, Hensall Otit. . I . . '��,i, — I G I k.. � , 1 1018 ! I WN 1918! �, I - 1-11,44-1, I I, � " , W.% ", , I L &.V , , . t,_,, 7 . , , AM I ,. I � :� : I � r o r z) va'a, I e � *(�� I - . LOTS -first class in the great Northern addition within the city lim- � ks of calgary. This is what the I 1. 10 R. states; � ? ou. can recommend this property � . t��, I ur clients as a good investment . I � - tooth safe and profitsible." . -ii- ' L These lots are . ell-_.,ilow at �tI75.00 11 I , . ' ';r 1-1 I - - """ ach one third d ,t4 L 0 1. . - 'Ll * 7 % a . n and ance I al K. twelve and eri ' a-1 ht I - interest. If you ' hteen montns at 67. 1 ­ N �,,, . L monev don't dela3 Vaint to make some �*,- de of in looking me up me- t thisig0a ell ' I' DoWt For et th a lifetime. I w y, I_ .tands to sell As el t we have Farm J and splendidly sit _ , of the very best, 1, - -1 - . ,.-I, :�_�21" m _ -est --77 11_11fl.s' ", , , IV _� T" D _1A ­­ , �_,�._ � 1,,�. ­ V "a .:, -_ �L_,, --,-- o. to r i i ja AL41-- 9 ���,�'..",-"..�'1111.1',",.,�,-,�,,�,.,�",;--��"---",.-� : �­­ � 'I r_1 � : � 7 , I . - -­k--r-----W- ­--­ ----r7 . ,� I,. ,. , . , , , . � . ,� , , . ;, - I . , - � I 7--i—I 1. � : ,,, W__ � , - -"11 "I'" , I I . I � I I . 7 , .� , . � �, : . ,� , , I " � - 11 . I , I . :1 ., . I � I �.. I I _T' I , �, 1 *4 1 1, ... I ". - , �� I . I . ,: 11 I I .. It, .1 I .'', I ... .. .11 , � � � I � .. �. I _'Ilelwl�­ , . I'�, ,�K - � � I � ,. �, , I , I . r . .1 I I � I , I I - 0 . ..� � I . I 1. 1. I . I � . � 1. I 1� . . I I I I �� . . I ECE . "'I"." IR MISS . .. .. I . ,� I 1. .1 1,:1 r, ,�.. :1 I I �. � Vra' X14MTE , TI , . . I 1. I . � I .� , I 11 . . I l, .: r � . � . . � - I I �.. 11 ., I 1:1 .. r I : _k " 1. -��.--�-����.,----.-,---,-.--�-�-,.,--,-.-- -.--.,.�---...�.�1--�.------�-�---.-- I � I I � I . � '"' . I ", . rv, 0 ]JUGGIES to -BUGGIEZif A CARLOAD OF NEW BUGGIES HAS . . I . I . ARRIVEDO I I . . .1 � I . I *--WXW- _4000__� I I . � I. �. The Internat,io'na,l Harvester Company - having I I . . stationed me at Exeter to handle their. full Line of goods such as the ; .1 I I I . I McCo.rmick Binders, Mowers, Rakes Man= . ore Spreaders, Seeding Tools, Bind= , er , Twine Gasoline Engines, . 1. Windini'lls, CoLksbutt ' Plows, Mr.' Hunter will remain witb me.' Particularat- tention will be paid to Machine Repairing of all kiu,s. 11 The first shipment will arrive . on Saturday and will eon- sist of ,a carload of First Class Buggies, especially 'Young Men's Outfits. These will be the Celebrated H . igb Grade GRAY BUGGIES frr,m Chatham manu- factured by the largest concern in Canada. I � . SEIB qr"nm _- . ­01MAW 190aw-s-_ 1,11" I WE"'S.'a'NELL, Exeter I . I I 1. . I I I � - . - - - � : . I . Mr. ,,'and Xrs, Ort of. ZuTlch. Crediton , Blnll.eiiink Fitkbeiner, of Loadon', I I I ' ' I spent a few- days with his parents Wanted--AGood stdillt boy !1:0 learn I here� � tinamithing. and hardware business. -------*- . I . One with experience. preterred. W. ,L'C.0AN, . J I I I J, Heaman, . . . Mr. and iMrs. Wes, Kerr, of Win- The St. Pa-"rick's 11, 0. church held 1. obelsea, are siending a few days visiting with her parents Mr. and a pier-ic Jull� 'Li9th. ' Miss Jennie flaskett ha6 returned Mrs. J. Banes, I . INIrs.JBirt, of Capace. is spending a home. I A. picnic was held June. 29th at few weeks ,with her parents Mr. and No. 2 school in Biddialph. Bir. and Xr�i Elivood from London Mrs. H4xtzel. It was very quiet here on U,tur- spent Batill,rday and Sunday -%vith friends at Saintsbury. . . dai. Some spent the day A Grand Mr and Mrs. I-larltenon and daugh- Bend while others erljoyed Ithainselves ter �idellne sPeli:OSunda with friends at Centralia.- . on the Sauble Line, , Thc� Misses Holtzman Ickt for Chi- Mr. Joseph Thompson, is one thi oago last Friday where Ithey will con. sick list and is not expected 'to re- tinue. their . I cover. A trained nurse, Mrs. Wilkin - .duties. The Misses Eilber of Ubly Mich. aro son )is %vaiting on him. .I- . ­ �. "."."".7 spending a few ivP4,y , - f .1 ,o 11, aroiin&here. ,iZiv, '11:9�� -,Wit "YeN . I Mr. Ei oronto z��,? Idic .Marshall from T � - t�",. - 4 , -T.;. ,1--VXL,1L "'r ;a is spenclaig w4k,;_a7ays wilth" BrIrUtrja ' ! I The Miq;.A�­ ' . 6es Clark and Kuhn opent t e Olic, , Mrs. Oamnei Haskett.. _ -ifte of 6abi-tsbury. Miss Edna Hask n I ,If_,� nJ . .. " P ays in Dunnville :Kisit.En spent Saturd ,ly i"th her '(3wrandpar- - " -L n a. � I . I . , " alets. . . The Evangelical Sunday whool Nvill Dr. I'Hossae is ivaiting on Mr. Jos-. hold their picnic at ,Grand Bend liett, F.IM111 . e,ph Thompson. . . Wednesday. ,Anybody wanting to go ' 111aying is all the go on the 'Sauble . sh uld hand in their names 'to MT' , Line. .. I j. Joitzman, D. O.eitr,t,'kier or iChriq Air. Jack Harleton is home from Vahner before W 1�01�%Owl ; .1 . )0,� & , ' '" 4 "L .. Miss Edi , 'a ondon, spent & S Toroutol I . I 'The. best Baker of Middlosex is in )4�"'�,(,6�'Nf a..4% \"Iju,ast of Miss Alma 1 it __ _. . � Lucan.. 1 I . .1 �,v �. � - � RQ11 . Biiss M, - llqrvey illas- aud and BTr .,- --- , Mrs. 6ry;��, accompanied by 'Mr. I I Lett spent Saturday in Cclitralia. anche Armitage spent Sat- Bliss Bl, I and Mrs. Biker, of London, are spend ing .a. few weeks at the Bend. Monday th� CrediLon, . urday at Grand Bned. - 11ugh Messrs. Erwin Carty and On evening Juniors drove Exeter and pl�lyed Elod.gins are.rusticating at Lbe Bend.. ,to a game of ball with itheir Juniors Mrs. �Collins has returned home m ,BXQj1-,R1sIONs To WESTERN has been thinking itha�t ,they had the . - I fl� ­ A T)A I Exeter has been thinking itheY ,had . - !� ; I � � the befter band of Crediton but they AN OPP03TUNITY FOR THOSE .. �Iound out different when the game GOING WEST � �u.u_,__ ,illvoy system I-amc to "III end. The ' score was only, I - -tit"k)umleee �-ha't on T6,eaday Junie 21 14-3 in .Cxediton's favor. Will this On July 11tb. July 25th and Aug 8bh I I guly ,tlth'iand 25th, August Sth and be. sent 'to the London papers. . through tourist Pullman sleeping cars I I 1� � 11 122md. Oe'ptember Sth and 11fth. 1911 Afr. and mrs,.R.Tluxtable. Mr� 11ar will leave Toronto 11 p.m. for WiDui- . . , I DRomos-eekers' -ex6urdons will be run I � __ I .... � ry Beaver and Brr. -1-farxy Eilber sp- nt pe t I n 1 n On' - � cil an.d oin son Grand Trunk Pa- '. if Wul all static uttrio and Que; the holidaYs in, town visiting friends ,.,ray between �Wini:iipeg and � ito Western Canada via Chicago . . , I Tiluth or Wv,a Chicago. St. Paul 11,10 3-ClotiVCS- . - Edmonton, Carswillrunvia Grand I Bljnn-�,qpolis. it reduced round MrA D. ,Baker. of Detrolt, iva4 Lhe Trunk RallwaY., ' System to Chicago, ; . guest 'of Brr. rLud.Mi5A 131- ITILISt. OYCr thence connectffig lines in connection � , L , . r holidays. with 11 Homeseekers' excursions, The j � T Allief irell-knOwn double track linv thet wor -very low � , �,', I . Quarterly meeting services e rates to Western Canada are 11 , i. : of Ithe,lGrand T3:unl;: fioin 'the cast '� . � I , bel(k in the Evangelical church last, -Winnipeg and return, $83; , Edmon- . 11 ito L hfi�ea, . , � 1 1;.. 0 , . 0 appeals fic thc* travelloc Sunday, .1 . .1 I ; ton and return. $41; tickets good for . � 1,; �;� I - �train servico. .,� '' �4n:d ii4th Ithe suporloi , ,."_ _ , � 1 .1 I A, , sixty days, ., �." �': 't . Last Saturday ttho Ciediton SLars Proportionate rates to ­;' " 1-1- �. '' V -d by this line includip- IN -, .11� . V a is tdforde . ��, � 1. 1,� I ;�ib 4 t alltoed Ito Tuilaiton and played a other points in Manitoba, Saakatche- .. I , I I "". o famous -11 -ernational LlmitLd," I ,�, �� �� friendly game of baseball with thoir wan and Alberta, Tourist car will be 1; I om, Momtreal idally nt 0.00 a -in. and J ,�, ,fl I . . 4r team, We understand 'the game was fully equipped with bedding, etc, and . I . , I ��l . I "'. , &�bgwb, is Ithe fintst and fastest train . ntorestirlg one ,,is the score was porter in charge, Berths may- be so - ll , I . ada mi - mgers'wfllba at- all I , � . � � I Can, iny T.wrst. � - ay cared at a low rate. Winnipeg Exbl- - 'hic- 6-5 in favor of Fullarton. Satiird� is way - The route V�a C Teddy's lucky day. I bition dates, July 12-22. ] - -a most !�teresdnz one takin.9 olust have been ' I . ingers through 'the principal ciit- nrrs4 D. lyfelsailo and children. xe- I Full particulars and tickeis from . lid towns irx Canada and in tha turned home on Sunday after spond- i any Gran k Trunk Agent, or address ' . , � te,es of BllichLzan an(I ,Indiana. In. ing a few Wecks 'Wth hey parents A. E DUPF, DistrictPassenger A- . I 0 1 . : .1 g0dhion lo this a choion of. seven . 11 ent, Toronto, Out, - - I I I I lines betircian Cbkago x�nid St. Palif . I - .. � � .1. *V IKIRKTON ' I . . 1. apolis is offered. . .� , vniz to the gre a -% rrAIL CA I and Minne,i . c3h 1 J oi at Inimber of Call- ' I I . . jadians who res:de � n Chicago, St Paul I Cmtaa I . .1 , I., I 11;J16-cepolis 3)111111�. and otbLr cities i I W"IL p,m In A-10ASS Teacher Honored by Papils-on , . *10 11*011te 11cra is no doubt that the Thursday the pupils of School Section I runk mrill find ipany patrorls MINA 11C Number Three, Usborme, presented A166i&GraW Ti � I I I . I ;;;;; %vill, Itake advantage ofthe oppp.r- ,I I their teacher, Miss Greason, ,with a 1, 'il L'bom for a bricf - beautiful silver biscuit jar and silver - 'ty thus afford,L I -il '� 14W;7i,S.:, at th,ti AaVions with kholv Successfully Treated By butter knife, before her departure. . I �.. .. � . � I . The address was as follows: I 1. � I I 05 . . . � I, . . aaln-�Id.ap� eiti/ons are exompt fcom fn DEAF. TzAenrm-On the eye of I � 4,v 1 1. 164 Ick . .1 . so_ioafjc�d inamigratioa Examination a N 0 your depart tire from -ani Ong 11.14, we, . ,�, 1 and there i� , 'no Ooawntjon at any Point, Ult.) ,your piRpilP, canii6t let this time pass .1, I Baggago 1.9 carri.v-d -through 'the witholltsbowing you in some way ;, I � . � I . "I U,xit�d) ates ia bond withoUttre air;- Deafness is not so common as blind- that you have endearda yourself .its . �, i . I jngt ,-peo-ilailwntion on tbe !part of nos , yet thousands are more o less teacher into the hearts �,f all Tour I .' - . , .ffl� .1 1. the . I � ..ted by ri, and their comfort ser - 11 � p"u-Sonler 111`)SJ�0011'011 iN ]lot 1. ,�� C pupils. During the time YOU b&VO I I . � -1 vessorv, at ;Iny Of itIlL, fiwnts nt the iously interfered with. been our instriactor, you bave ever r �; , �'r.. . borde" r� . � .. il Catarrhal deafness manifests Itself been patient and painstaking with ils, I I I . - . . I �.. .1 , W� I I r 1 d'n � I—. Another � featill-0 that will appeal to but slowly, yet it must be acknowleft 0 p1ld n1though at times we bave tiot , . I �. tile ,bomego,k-or, ("i 1h,, coinfortablo ed that the. great majority of those wh you, we wish . . : � 1, I'�, I I ecorne totally deaf mig!--t have avert- done oil, best to pilea4e � tall Our palt . I?, 11 , 1 1 -transler ot points like Chicago, St. b 'ge , .ed this unfortunate cont.,i,lon if th A .1I ey* you at this time to rot . -1 __ . pira�,,*�d J)11,-u�h in Freshly ven'tila.t. a . 110, treated the catarrhal Inflarnma- nii-saeeds and think of ns onlY as Your icl.eoa vars* nvd,d;IlX 't -11V 110DOSsity of . , t its beginning. pupils, wiln wiqb,roii well in wbatever t'av(.ql.,ug a ]on; idist;inoe in the same ' "' " ft, you lit,ty b,. As a tang- , . The only remed-y-that ' can be t safely sphere of li I good will car. I employed for all forms of caarkbal 1 * tt,%,e lw,,,.y of ex re.ssing out . In ,1�d,di;tlon ,11-ofli-e above routes tho deafness is Catarrhozone. YOU. siToPlY you we here pretient yon with thib -$ale � �&S :is ,nlso ;mt,horized via charge the air you bricathe with 'this .z . biscuit ,fir nl)d 9ilver butter : � of ij�;Ick . ilv, r Sarill",,n-nd the Nlorthc,rn Nav,T-xarion healing, soothing agent,.and by fore- , knife, hoping th,t ibpt,o mrtic", WAY Coin kg1jil):Icent, Steall'tirs Ac- ing It gently through the ears destroy be of use to yoll and ONAt they IvIlil) PV- :, - 0.1 I's �Al � (I, 1111111;ron kind Lnlro .-Supexior the germ life which, keeps up the, in- remind you (fibe intim,y Pleas"I't r r , ui'lh�r Phrti,cal-ors ,ipply to any flammation, � and at the sa - - ----- - .- s t,,nt, of 11;ha Grond Ti,anlc Railivity the soothing, hoillitig- action it heals the dili,s you spent with wl at Pill,-t0l"?) , -8 10', - sr"t"In or IV , j't,o to M.r. .T. Quitilan inflamed surfaces of the middle ear. 113chool. We feel 010, We III 4119 ", - . CA,.rA I , I'M, hn0W tbab lqtr�;ct p1s.q,bliger in,gen'L Tlonivon- JzRk1oZ0_,1M,, to those ,who are rlear and kind frierio I - r 11 .. ,T little deaLf, and are growing ill- r 11r.1064 will he sonl(or V Ose's gain, " Tar,,, r-,Zt - 4:tjron, AfonLmal,'Or Mr. AX E, Just in 11gent capable of; AVevish ynu God spl,.-ed and , M-0 ' rr L . iiuf.i Distr6dt pemgeng,�.r og�m't ,u,r.- creasingly deqf, is ,' - � I . '. -t satisfaction, and i I hat your future nrwy Ile evell briphti.), I, �� L' ; laiffording, the vtmo�, I , I . I rrr , I I ion staltion TorObl"), Itts Use Is Att&eocl ,.vlthout danger, and oinin the post il,P': JiPPIL , I 1 .,.�,,,,7 'ed on at * ,f tht 01 I r ,"�,,, , , _Ars� _ ., t t7: as the treatment can be carri I ,4!gtied on heh'k!,,� N. ,4, ell , - el, by. _ . . � � I home no person threiten.ed -with the I TVIAT 14oi:iotmir. � � _: e.afness should, postPoPe .� FORN frltk�XM, ON% . -V ..TT, . I .Im"� Xg Nfe,C411,7"D ra 1 1 1 A **45 T 0 R � �aj.t of the Dominion' one MOM011t In VOP,01"Ing itg'uso- I I C I A 'Lillidotmiollevater! I Tuxili NICC,U'UpAl. I I I I Slowing a=-ovnts of the beneficial ac- 1X()$AR0 IIA1=�,- I . yor Infanis ma Children. I 0 tioh it W-ertq condi ' -, I . . I I I _ . upars catarrhal �n;� Tl.,(, na"Iriev's ul�q reod by Niss Jen . 8V9 Al ayS B4Oaffl tions of the nOddlo, ear �)avo been se o,fllielvl(,("tlllotif.z�b,;In(3 thertesentalit'll , I � I Kind Y011 H W g, iiii, and you v,,ill be resorting tO th I I The, 1.1 . .. �, .4 -,ea Peril Francia nind I : af, �, -ure, and the slTilplest nlade by Mi � � Only method of c � I I . .1309LM the �'r . ilotlliaod , too, if yo,u try Catarrhozone, I NIA1 V 110dgert- MISS GrPaSon WAb , ,,�� V r . . I ,e J)ea Ps oVerywhere sell it, 250, 500, and 10,pli by sllr�lise bat warml 0 11 1, 4 , I The 'Is for their beautiLl ,ii,ft. 1 4" 1 V W I Catarrhozono! ed ]ter pupi I SigoatUre. ot �Z, ., . I : I I ., I I . V'00' 'i My mail foonand Kingston, Ont*'ond many act$ Of promptilt.as shown 1. � I I . "O'N Suffelloo N'. yo I t'n 11pr during -the two years, ond a hall � � . . I 'I . I . ."� I I I I I � �, I I ,,,�,,,­" I I . � . X , . ,,_�,,"' �� 'I ) 1*1 I . I . 11 I I I f I � . , I . - I 1 I )� I.;; '!.-. �� ­'. � I - -1- -ill - I .. I I'� , I L � 11 I I , �� , I r � "Ill i " : � I . I I ­ I . . 11, I � : A � : I I . .r 11 � I . r 1; " I& .. 11 I 1-11- ­ '' ' ' �L ' � I . �: r, I 11.1.1 1,:::,: ,1: 11:1 121':! 1: 4110, I , ", 1, . 0011, r' 1- ' ­ . . I � '-"-- ---"-- .r ­ - - ­­ ... --10i PIA11 "101. P? � ", � - - ­ - I - . . I � ; — - ,__�, ,A � �, . I 6000 with them, The teacher also. 11113RNS�' AL14 . OLAlti),I.Ni�,,I��-)�A,S>$��loitrIA I I Wj��T 1� , '2�� . � expre;sml her deep regrat at lea,,Ir,,, . I . I . . � � 0M 4 t I I 4 I ped that they would be as kin anted I -ioulk boy 4o learxi. � On Wedlle�4-, And ho a �Wi, -0964 � I � 4ay of lost wf!�,,k Colo. � Mrs, Rfifus .1%l(11,)h(!r,'iw1 ;.,�l I littid �'� :, 1 to her , uccessor As they bad been to flummithlog and burdiva,re hi'814es',- fort Qttstfe'- '09borne the hoixv� of -11 baho returiw4 boine afl,,r �,- i),,lldlux� . :, her. a . I One witIt. experience preforred, W. lq , Jas�qlnoja -,vaji, 11 A V,011plp of Illollilis IMIA bor parmt�i , , , , I I W_ J. 004mall. 1. . I . . - r. ijn(l Mr".4. TIJOS, I , A 1 . . - I tile scene of ,,t protty wodd4ig ivt,-�i Ur. and i5frmt. IiVol- 8iiml 1) ,�Ic�;illivrayl i I . " I I , � - .1 , . Mrs.' II., P. Xaddan, is visiting her their da ught r f u . . - , . , I . e �tella wae ljitod in Tolyntine. . f�P, WOODIIABI . Inlrents inXt oudon, . .1 � . � � rti� ("ImAlik. Al,vbb and � �� I 1 � .1 n, triarriagre to -Mr. A,vthkir P.. lGardiin- Mr. and At ,," , � � I � � , � W. XQ,ir and mlfe are speriding Boy- er. Tbe�, ivremony took plac,� ,oil the faraily. Of IN'1111)f.pog, lq.rik'�'d 1:�, , I �' , I CORNOR STONE LAYING L, O.. L, er �t : 1 , ntt days 14 Toronto. 's a i I .1 I . . Jawn. undpr �kn arch of ferns, flomrem last week' to vi it x1i], �iv(4-, ill . , � , . 492, � \ormau,cook has ivaelved'his n, I , " , ,�� 1 � On Wednesday afternoon "y and maple leaves with a large canT, vicinity. , I . .1 � J011e 28bb Rupinobile touring car, 'It is 21 ,it)), b0l stwpt,-nde� Irorn tbe c�lnfrkl. Ars. John Appleton. Croiliton, Is , I ''I "'o A, very interesting ceremony took handsome maelline. , , . . "I :,, plac . I , Tile bride. was given away by her fa� visiting a Couple of lv(�vks witlk her �� �� 1''.. I'll e in this village when three fouu� . jack McDonald has returned C . � - .. , . t to � ther .and look -4d very prt�vty, Ill 'a obster Urs. \Vni., Shwidool - 1. I . ko dress .of wbjt(� mull. .. ', d0lon stones were ,,well aua truly town ,to make axrangements.ito a I trimmed witbi Will. Aftaddook *.m ill bigh spirUis , . i �. . I ... �11 lald" in the new Orange Hal), At six a trip out to Calgary Alta. white catirl, ribbon, and lace biser. over tho arrivid or a jiow haby girl 11, �� �� 6 " . o'clock the Rev. 'IV. R. Vance, Acting ,M4.'j, 3), !Clooke and wife returnt�d tion. The only ornament wbrti by on BloildaY of InA -%reok, 11 I I 1, i , :,� chairman called 0 tho, L , 17 � -ido �t bi 1 .4 1 L ,. , n L, 0, L. 4.92 to take Thursday night to make properations the bride Nva's, a pearl suaburst. , John Berpoy bas in. g Vi � I . . 1, . . . I charge of the stone bearing the Lodge ;cor going to Toronto in Jul)'. . g-ift of ,the groom. Tile bride earried provem(Int to his hoilso by bricking 11 ,i. . _�, I , I number, Worshi ul Master ,T, W, -1-fansou Pe has, sold los-tourlmr V. I-oQuet sweei; peas, "Tbe bride It and btlildiug It ce"10"t fouiidatlq*lt� I 0 -�� � , . . . "I . 1�,�LL � ,! I vo I aroo I � Skiumerdirecte Ze brethern In the car to BIr, ��111�111cicer, of DashN Od'. and 0 Qg1reoto i 61 ere unattended wl'th'tha ------*I- I I . I 11 ". I 1. I 1 ,� � beautiful,service of the order, Bro. and intends purchasing ,another, , y , --illym , 1;4 . I ,� I I c4l ception ,of Zetta rli�arl Passmore I ,OU TAKE, io . I ... - � � . vire left horo to as flower girl and I�obert Cann as R fl,)n and 7 Is �Bac,lz I ,) Whitfield Switzer read a list of the W Bucliftilan and I Our A eputa MQnV � 4 � ,,�� I I former Masters of the Lodge, the visit their sells John and Peter at vag .ha bri&. I of rehis Offvr .. I i ;� " � ark Farm. . I names ,of the present officers, the Bow T, ,V flower, girl was �prottily �al tirod id We pay for all tln� medicine use'4 � � t .. � bn niece and nophew of t , - I c9mulittee and of the eon. Ern, Steacy has.taken a situaltion.. a jvhlt� milli 11,ith Insertion and lae I � � p "'). ,a duxin a the trial if the, remedy falls to I i� z �. li I I . . =,�3 these names to. be placed in as manager of -the dry goods depart-, trimmingl,, The Ceremony Avas per- completely releiv.� you of, e � I � 0 ';,l I ,Qnstipatio ,a I I � � ' I � L ,:1 . ,� the stone, The bonor of laying the Inept of a big atore at Fort Carling iormedby Rev. E� G, Poivoll of Rx- We. t,ake all the risk. YOU, are. not' , , 4, L L ' any vra� 'wilatever, � � stonewas graciously passed over to Alti koka, Fort Citifinp is a grrvat ete saisted by apv. CoJ1n...i4(!tcbpr. obligated .to us !A , a . i " - Mrs. Brethour, Sr., wholforfiftyvegrs sua.mer resort, . of unes road ,at . 5,30 o'clock ill 'lle jA you except, car offi,tr ould an -* , I I , , YM , ,y )1. % loyAlly supported her late busb4nd ill 'The Ladies Aid of Xlpp�-n nnd Clils- afternoon. "rho Areddintr innrob -was thin- be more fair to you*4' Irs t1 T , the building up of the society. The elburst, recently presented R,�v. and " I herd� I 11 I played by Bliss iLlildsay Ulardiner, any reason why you ,4hould hesitate I I � ;, silver trowel used on tbls occasion Brrs. Couzens: with a liandsom., bed- sister Of the groorn. to p'4t our, claims Lto a- pradtfca,l ftes'e,f, �,�"6 - , L was presented to , Mrs, Brethour by. suit and several other pieeles of turn- AfLcr the cert!InDlay congratilln ( ions Tbo, most scientific. common sens��. 1. � 1 � I �'; I Miss Marjorie I Switzer, W120 in turn ituree . I" , , . be to ' 1� �, . , , I I having ell ex n&d all ro- treatment in Rexall Orderli.�s. -whicu I . � was presented with an engraved silver David CalltelOnr 1111-3 dispOsOd Of his paired to the basomkint which waq are eaten lilt candy. They ara very, . � ),-. .11 '� I . � cup, The fife And drum band gave residence an Oxford street to Mrs, I baan'tifuiry decorated with areen ilud pronounced, gentle ,and pleasAlit !a. I ", : , I . . , :�: hearty support to the proceedings, ,Guy Valdivall fox, i$1400. We have , *�y �ite bunting inaple leaves and flow- action, and particularly agreeable in I . . � . 1 . The second ceremony was deputed not heard Dave'H intentioxi,s bu�.' hope I erit Nrliare a dainty �vdddin�r supper every way, They do not cause, dial.. . � �". 'I', : ,� to 'the Canadian. Order of Chosen he ,will xellialn in town, : � i X, I �vas served 'The bride -who i,m beld rhoea, nausea. flatulenne, griping or, , 1, . . � � . Friends, which was"represelited in the We learn that Dr. McFadden who j� the highest esteem in 111,.� -0111- any inopilvenience -whatever Rexall . I I I . person of Mr. L, Beavers. In a short left here about; five y,�,ars ago to I munity was the recipient of ft larga Orderlies are particularly good for, I !; I ,� address Mr, 13eaver's pointed out the practise his proiamdon at aingliamp- number of costly, and iv,ioful wedding children, aged and deljcat(� personsii, , � L unique character of this Order, in that ton' is .no.,%v located at Kingps�on. R C, gifts included in ,` wbich was a specia) I We urge you to try Itexall Order- . � � � , it admitted as members, both men and recently returued from tlia Old Colin- gift of an envelope of inontn� fronk lies at our risk. Two sizes 10c, ana I . I women. He was presented with a try. We iire ploasod to 1,�arn tha[L the. Betbeny congregation of Nvbic� I 2,t1,(,,,; e,w,,,,il,bPr you can got Rexall I � I ,� � I ��': trowel from the hand of Miss Hazel the Doctor is pros.pering. the bride was organist. The grooln' 1,�s i I this' cominlinity only at . . ,, I Brethour, who also received a cup. John McArthur and Hanson Ptitty gift 1.0 tho flower girl wis a ,pf�irl our storew-Tho Rexall Store. -W. S. I I 1�1 1. I The last ceremony was performed were in Walkerville list iv,!vIc. and rinn. and to 'the page bov ,I slick pill Cole. I I I : 1. . . I . - �', . , by the Canadian Order of Foresters. while there thti former parahasL�d a Tn the veening a program ,woa hold I ---.O-- 1. . . I � : t� I , The members of this Order created tourin.- car and runabout and the w1ii,h consisted of singing readings 71'L ETCH I I � I �� .. I Considerable interest by their hearty latter n, touring car. The. ran the recitations and .selections oil the I . 0 . � ,� , �,�� , , singing of the "Red, White and x,nachlnos home. They art, handsom,, gramaphone. Guests -wer�o prnstmt NVailted-Good ,,,oift bov, to learn � I I L ,� . .� Green," Another little lady, Miss being of the Pord variety. . from , Torntoo Ayr, Rlxeter and Ilen- I tins rilidiing .and �ardivaio bushiess. I I 1, I - OIle with exporieue�! 1)reft�rred, IV. � I L I I LottieLingb6rdi presented the trowel, sall and Leadbury, The bride's tray- I I I . and wasremembered as betore. Gen, ISTAF F A elling suit ,was -.I blue, broadcloth. !.J. tleanian, I I.. ." Brock, in the name ofthe Order. set- Rer, Bir -Cousins of Honsall is the Mr. stud Mrs. Gardiner ivill regide at I Mr. E. Axt returned from Londola �­��, . I I . � �;­ tled the stone in its place, and thus minister appointed to.. ttake charge of "JHillcrestl� on .the Thames Road. last week whero h,- was assisting his I ��, " 1 1, a V 'They have very mary I son -ill -law in the 1-utcher buslnes4- 11, finished the ceremonial work of build- the Methodist church here w'hil, Ile friends who , 1139 the foundation, Mr. 03rown goes to �Oomber. will, join in with the Times in ivIsh- , Mr. B . 'Shore. principal of the Dash � I � . , , 0 Next in order was a vigorous game Aft. John Oliver one of our worthy ing. them a bappy and prosperous .1 wood'Sellool, was examiner at the en: I , .'_; . . � trance examinations here last week 1. ,i 11 of ball'between Woodham and Cen- bachelors has decided that it is not wedded life. i ,�� � " tralia. Woodbani after seTen innings well I'Or a Inall to live 111011vand has 9- . I -Mr, W. .G. 13(mton ,was the presiding . X . e ''� 1 I.`," I aininer - ., - - a ,wife in tho pra sD INTO'N'Eff x, at the Crediton School, '. winning by six to live. taken upon himself - 5000 ADDr - Mr. E, Appel has purchased the I � ��, Supper was then served in the base- sox ot' Arims Ruth Pattersoxi, of Gadq- Inducements that ebould make 0. N, , I . ment of the church. Afterwards a bill. 'The bonvemoGn * was snent in 33. 111orse Show lGreatest Bvt,r. property of Mr. Jacob Ort ,of this- �1'1 , village The, purchase price being I rL , , program of music and addresses was Detroit nrld Goderich. 117'o ivish ."Ur. With 10.000,00 added to the Prize , $1500.00 Mr. and, 'Mrs. Ort intends 0 � . , �1. given in the body of the church. The and Mrs. Oliver ilrieli bappiness. MoDaY fov llarAvi,k tbe. dislilay of arIN- to movt-. to the Brons,in Line. where . 1 4 - �, .�;��_J Kirkton Brass Band was in attend- The beautiful home of Mr. and IN'Tra. to orn-fic borsofldsb at !the 'Calladkill 0 � - . they -will live with their son -fin -law, r, : , I 1. �:., once andgave good serylee. The re- James lBarbour was the. scene of an No I jonal E hibition this Year Pron"`3e" , Mr. A. Melick . � I ceipts of the evening exceeded two important event an Weduosday of to eclipse anything in UZ4 history, ' � �-, , ', , 't i Another grant of '0250,00 has been I I ,, I hundred dollars. last week when their sixth daughter Every alas.% fron, the T)onY Jo (Y'lle 1. i I I I � . mado by the Dominion Government �' -P � � was married to AEr. Roger draft animals Promise to fill "cell- I towards the work of grading the hill I ! t, � 61 "I The new ball will probably be open- Aliss Sasle " , ed on Nov. 5th. Rice* Tho ceremony ivits performed tiorally well.. and the ,result eon only i to the lake at -St. Joseph.' Wfth;t.hs t` I , . � I . ­*_ — at hlH,i noon by the Rev. It. G,. Mc- *be the are,a,fekt display of hors",eVy aid of this money the foreman John � ", .� I r Kay. 13. A, in the presenco ol! about fteen in Canada. _ � � iLamporte expects to put [the hill in 1. ,, I I � . �WA-mr",S TtOAI) -y guests The bride was beanti- ��_'�_J�'­il�_Al,' 5&tr,T,%' ,_ �. _.-f, �. � .� A.". r: Q � . : I . In, I . - any load can be haul - P, , �VASIIJ such sh�opc that � I I ull ­�ff`o�iikl,,_ E A DE,k'G.TY I Haying is in full swi . ina rich craem silk' ECZEMA OUR Ing. y .gol , — - -i-e- �shY�%"L_T� e', Although D. D. D� P=,scriptioin ed hp iti , i . I. t ( . i [ILE, KWU0 .. 11� ,� Mr, J. T. Allison lost a valuable colt dress trimmed with , Us- % th� i Vonxad 0, Wagner. a former res- , �, � � — Nrzvx�,��_D2 "_ , . -as se 'n ' -4.r;! a, � _ ljdq,p�pf Zu:r las�� Week. and, was attended by little Miss Ada, b ,i&"�T�rj�e _ jp4p­�*o has made his *r. and Mrs."B. Williams spent the Miller as flower girl and,bbisLer Roy OT -T- Temedy ,for eezema, Psorinif-1 . on. V. DT'T&.r,t4 1. I--,' :P.4 wobk end at the lake. . ' and all Other forms of skin diocasta. w6me Ili 'a -raft .�. last ��,_ I 7?1atrick as page. it is now kiiown that there is no number of years died at Drayfiou71io,.-' I I � The turnip crop this year .is ore of .0 pital, ai Friday June 16th, from i -a - the poorest for years. To DRATN OR NOT ITO DRAIN ' other wash. evvil: ihos,� used by tnal ternal inj aries He was assisting I Mr. and Mrs. Beath and Mr. mind . btauty ispeoialli%io., that can compam ivith the erection of some new build- I I Mrs. Wildfond of London visited Mr. ,L-Irof. W. M. Day has recently been with -this mild 1�cLi.iid for ekanlsinT, . . . F. Clarke over the holidays. � making some calculations. on the fill- th,,� iskin of pimple%,. black-hitads, rasli Ina's "-hell. in some way .or pWnk .5 . , " 'Qk him in the abdomen Re eon- , ' tsr ]P,e-T. Colin Fletcher will Address the ancial side of drainage. A farmer and all isimllar shin affa;ctions- tinued about the work bat la:ter in . BethallyEpworthLeagtieog. Sunday, has 50 acres that is rather Nvet b&t I*or ithits reas-IL allone a hottl­ nf the evening complained of . pains. ­­ . evening next. ,_�. 11 although not drained it dives say $15 D. 1). A z,hould b- kept on halid in which graFaally grew worse causing -1-1-- I,-,- I -I -A . Friends from Hibbert visited at Mr. per acre. the value of th,z� crop for -overy housebo!�J, A fr2e trial bottlt� his death. He was born in Germany � audNrs'Geo Jeffrey's on Snnda;y, five years in sucession together -with will isbow you th,,, merl'ta of th"14 in 1836, coming to Canada when niae- . , I Tem!-dy as a �oniijiexlnli 7 �' I I amoBgbt whoin was'Mrs. Jeffrey's als- compound interest would be $4 41 at �rNlt I tee'a years old. . ter from Kansas City. the end of the five years. 1If how- ' D. D. D._O�ems to remova the caulse Another of the pioneers of Huron , .1 (Too Late for Lut ,,veelc) ever he were to drain 10 acres of i-.hatevor the troublc may ,be. ,eb-an- I County departed this life Saturday � _- ­, I . nq -1, I . land each year. and it the drainage iiav IthQ rshin. leavinz It ­ soft, 19�mornjng June 24th. in person; of The congregation of Bethany church increased the value of th m nd chmr as that of ,I heal.by Douglas of Blake at the age of 77, 1 .1 met at the home of Mrs. Theis. Pass- five years with interest would be child. I more on Alonday evening as asurprise 1). D. Laboratori�s years. He was taken sick on the, ' 91,5748. After paying for the drainage Writo the. 1). Wednesday previous and the cause of , to Miss Stella Passmore, who has so with interest, he would have left Dept, T, I. 0 .Colborne St. Tor�x�& his death was a stroke of apoplexy, � ; faithfully and well filled the position ,91124� the same within *20 as if he and prove its wonderful c-ff"MwIless , Mr. Douglas -was widely known hav- I of organist of the church. A very had not drained the whole 50 aer:,s NV. S, Howey. I ing served as a director on the board � pleasant time was spent in musib,etc., at once then the five crops with in- � .0 . 0 1 of the Hay Mutual Fire Insurance I I and in the course of the evening bli5:s terest, would be worth $6,948, This HICIKS, FORECASTS Company for many years and he alsD .1 . I Passm ore was presented with"I rT " ,ifter paying for the drainage would A lRegular 'Storm Period covers the 1vos ,t inerliber of the license com- I of money. The ladies had prcii � - ,-vp. him a balance of $5121. which 6th. to the 10th. Nvitti probability of missioners for South Huron for, a .1 baskets and refreshments weee served. 1,� '7 more than if he had not being prolonged over the f-iVi. Moon number of years Some years ago he I . I I The large num ber presen t thoroughlv d,I, uring the next five-7iiar W a m -k � I � -1 d oil, the 11th. 'The Venus influence is retired from the active Ork off r - ­ .1 . enjoyed themselves and joined !a w6. pekod drainage by the- installment still dominant at this period, wVich Ing to live in Blake, -where he took � I . .1 w6hes for the bride elect. plan would not him $1004 more than fabt may reasonably excite hopes of life 'Ili a more leisurely manner. Ra . � �� . I ___ -0 - not to drain at all plidthe complete rain over many sections of the grain- leaves to mourn his loss his williaw,- � - . - . I I" . I � I � I . ,e -svould enrich him by $276i � -w . WHALEN drainal, rowing regions. We believe that a and ton children who now live in var I � more than no drablage. . . . ; very serious la -k of general raiifs will lous parts of Canada. The funeral . I . � I . ;� Bliss Minnie Millson won the priz-t 'The price, allowed for drainage 1n be ,upon vary- ,ide sections of the was bold on Monday interment tak- I 0 - I of school section No, 12 Whalen for the calculation ,%i, -as 1428 per acre, and great agricultural region a to , the ing place in the Dayfield cemetery, � . � - I best aLtendanceduriing the term. The the increase in the crop was piacoa northwest and south froin'the middle Mr. Pj* Bender and son Walter, pr ' izewasa beautiful] leather bOulld at $10 per acre. As a matter of of July until'late in [September. are visitin.- relitaves in Michigan. I volume of Wordsworth's poems. fact the increim� is usually worth A �Reactionary Storm Period cen7- Afr.'Lee Hoffman met with an un- . -------- O.— � much more than this so that. Chn �ters on the 12th. 13th and I-Itin. with fortunate accident on 'Tuesday ,he 11 computation is some,what unfair to lbility of threatening conditions was assisting ,in blasting ;some blocks F ULLAIrrO-N drainage. however it is bettor io err possi I ading with powder when a charge went off I . I holding over from the prece The annual baseball tourijarneut and on the safe side. ­ storm period. F ailing barometer. itl- prematurely with the result ltha`t his T 44 not the crease of temparatur�% with cloudi- hands and face were terribly burnt. picnic was held in Fullarton village on But the, increase in crop i. I POTnipion Day, followed by a c L.cert only return from drninago. Tb(- val- ness and moderate rains, will be clue While those attending Ithe funeral tic of the Inlid is lar.-oly insroniod . in the Methodist Church in the even- I Wednesday the 12th. to 'Friday -the or, tll(� 1,li-o peter Douglas where on A douNe-liender between the This is fillostratod in the, ea. -e OF 14tb all* followed by a change to their way to Dayri-ld C-metery on , tain farm in Lincoln County, It fair and cooler weather up to the Broliday an autoni�'ile " �nlg!lditon and Ftillarton Baseball t6ams ccr I * " was sceduled for the afternoon, but was bought for $GODO about two years 16tb. Do not forget that ,'ill storms till., rond and a number of smashups, 1 nwing to tbe Crediton team being de- ago. Last year .1p2000 ,was spent ill ,and ,weather changes progress from res-alt;2-d The driv,,r of the auto did I ... I draining it cild it has s�ncc bmnl. sold st a,qt; they do not sLril,L, th,� I not !;Lwni I o know enough to stop un- 11 . 11a6yed on the road only one game was $12 , 000. . . we to e . . played, Fulhirton winning a close and for s 10. A..C. Nvbole country at the same titne or I ill I ite prnetission bad passed. . exciting contest by a score L f 0 to ,5 . The department Of Physic day. 4r�sclsmic period is central on *1,11j, c,(.rilponts wero brought befora - "Billy" WcIntyre,'a, graduate of the. over -which 11rofessor Day his charge the iltb. affecting the - Ith Ito the squiro petty of -IT(�nsall and fined $10 11 11, .Fullarton team. and now pitching for has a large staff engaged in makillZ .1 '11111 ro,d.q ,�'17 ill till. . - London in Lhe Canadian League, uni- drainage wirveyse for farmers wish- Those who fi-ure the plan to innt- i ;j1pittition of tl-t, heart, nervous- . pired the game to the satisfaction of Ing to drain b*bt they are kept ve�ry uro crops at & earnest pospibL� part ness, tri�mblings, nervous headache. bo . th teams. The pvircipal feature of busy. Those -%N-bo wish surveys made op. the summer will... we prodiet and cold hands -in d feet. pain in the back, . this fall should apply at once as there � . 11 the evenhig entertaltiment was th� and advise come out winners. A pos- and other forms of weakness artl re- . singing of the Schubert Nale Qoiar are 'nearly as many applications in sible reaction to fair and CDOIC37 TURY lieved by Carter$ 'Tron �3?ills, *madv as can be tittended to this season. ching',the 10th, �and esp�,cialls' for the blood, nerves and � tette, of I.Voodstock, which d=d � ,; on which stirvoys are come, on f -and tou . o ''I I I 1 1 ( f - ( f-!Llf � tl�e lorge nudience. with their , The terni complexion. I siugiv Theebair was Occlopied by "do are explained ju J31illotirls 171 '11th,. . I I and 175. wbich may be bad free from innnnnnn_____� _. . -.-. - __ � a ca - . WEE TO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER- - � T H , the 1)(.pt, ,rtment of Agrilculturo. Tor James flamiltmi, aPioneer of Rib. .. hert.Toxvriship, died at this home of outo- FREE TO YOU—MY SISTH ' ING FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. IX I -------- 6— ... ... I ";55" I am a woman. . . hio son, T MRaloillon. Stafft, On $At- EL.TBIVILILE :[ know woman's sufferings. . lirda,v, July Ist, in his 81st year. He . I have found the Cure. had been. A. resident of Bibbert for up- -Mr, and Mrs. Thos. .1ohns and soil � . I . .twin mail tree of any charge, my bowe treat - wards of 51) yem r4. He was a inem ber Stanley. of Alvinston, sm,,nt i&' koi. -.1. ;, i_nt with full instructions to any sufferer froialt .. I ' x, �.� : wunen's ailments, livant totellall women aiboafj oftbe P&SbYtOriAn Church and in idays visitin-m Mr. Sain. Johns, � - `�� thie cure -you, my reader, for. ourself, your. I I . , Politics a Liberal, His wife predec- The annual gathering was 'held in ':,"N" ,daughter our MOL110T, oryom sisior, 31 want to 11 I � -�*R:,",`K�,� . . . .,�, � In -;�'­', '. n ens.ed hilil snuie six yearg ago. He the Herd -wan orchard here on Satiar- .... ;`.-:;2:1-1Vz. '. � ., tell yoli Ittow to ears yourself at ,home withoub � ; . .­:�;., ;�,,,j2�-,:::� thehol oradoomr. Alen cannot understand wom- . � , I P.1ves I'll P a a a R � litern,nd tbree $OTIS-- clay )nst and was a big success. Al- ,,.: ..,.�. "; en -s sagAngs, vVbmt we w0nisn knoW trow ex. � :N':!i!::� ,�,:.'- Mrp. (Di) A NV HoLbnn, of Statsburg, tbenigli the day w.is hot a large crov; d .'�'.�:�i. .'&.',,�..,,g "..." ,.J, _- � � ��::"� e lence, we know better than any doctor. 1know, �,. ., . "....", ­,�`­.,,- ;,?�:�,; kd sure cure for Sask: JAIlles, of Bly1h; Flugh, of Tue- elijoyed a spienaid time, A platform � V4 M3, my home treatment is a We Am I—. ­ ..... .... . _...l.rrh"or whitigh dischargei Ulderatiott, Die. I . kerEmith, atid T bl of StaffA, weeiing was held n,nd several address- .:. � ..... I . I—. ph.ccmefitor Falling of theWoMb, Profuse, Scallity I . I I � - i-sweregiven. TheTiewpastor, Rev. ::.;.:.; ,:j;!� or 1--tiful Periods, utertrie or Ovarian Twoors or . , . - � I 11 = I . ­­.- T. A. Steadman, was prespnt and 0"... uro,... lie, also pains in th6litad. backandboveMs. . . I I � �:� down feelings, nervousness, crtepingtabl. . � . - - 11 ; .��., i ���.. ,!.',� *�, , 11 spoke. Splendidiwisic,i,tas Ti -vide 1. betw I d . ; in � � ;;;. . the spinet melaittholyt desire to cry,i, hot I I I -� �-. ,1&;_ -uriness, Iciftey and bladdee troubleig . I b- the St. Mnry's Brass Baud, Aq '.�` 1. . � W_ , ,1 I i strawberries could not be secured.. ice as were served in- stp,ld. . Arr. and Ty.trs. John Johns, c r 1: * :Lt er, spent the holidays with ltivir.son T�In Sam ,",rohns. . � . JEST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD,u ALT,A76 9.11 rA I N. C U 1'1'�t� W I N 0 1-; s thebe.,A reniedy fOr 3)lAICT1'1lU:A- S 01 u t 0y I i n r n, A eg ,,�. lie sure and at;L ."., " "ll 4 4.1, Ivilis!d'v,�q Sm,,01,11- Svr . , %W,l. Tweroly,tivi:.,:Q�tta a IYOU' � . � ,� 11 . . I I � . I . . . . . I - I � . � , , > ... Ill '. I ­ r- - I . . 1� I .. . I I , . I I I 11 , I I I I ., � " ll 1, I. , r, , 1. 1"' _ _ � — I L' � �� 1, �, "I 1:� , . .,�: IN Iq al�- "W's. othet I , I X I I 1ZRUZ5e" Uy Ny..&I... lno N;�i;rt�;�t;;;j : ttoiieklayoun.gotuprettilr t t � ftee tn nrovd to voll that Tou'Call clitO -mrUtter 1fY0o.Wlb1I ancuLwaLoongpiumm �Ivf ... 1) rotitrAnitill. 1 Nvill iiso send You froo )i�.,..,,r4l,Nvithe'.�plo,iiatoryilliisti!ationsAow ,r rdt.:i.inselves6tholne. E�GV,V*01116)16110111M rii�t�iliodoi)torettys-l'Youinusthv6V4ant)POJ!M--" woni ell have cured theniselves With ply HOMO, , 5 ot "a-411ters, 1,W1116% ainaftnIPA041 :'A - - 01 - ._1__-___11____, -'W''. irs, also tlio bock. rlt�)O.aay, as you way , 13 VILUA! RS, . � M. SU:M P& 130X 1-1 81 . I �� � 0 1 , . . . . I I I , . I I . .. --.1 � � limwww�