HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 15� � � I I . � � . .. I. . -- ­­ ­ ...­ — I ­- ­­�­ , I , 17 17 ., . i -­�r �� �, "I't- -��f- �� � I , I . , W , -� ­� — - ---. , , . . 11 ­ , 11 - - , I , I : . . I I i , � I I . 1 I 1 � , � I 11 � "­­W��- I � . � . �� . � . . � � I I . . 'i. , .11 I -1- , I I I I I . . I .,:. I . 11 I I 1 , , I :", " � ,.:, , , I I . I I I , ,�, I . . . . . . . � 1, , I.. ; , � ��� .1 . . I I I . . I I . I � ": I . . � 77' -, �"­"` � .., 1. I, .,-Wm W*rw"*,�� . I '. I I I ,�:,�" I . . 77: , ­ — I , � � I 'rTPRr""�1111ol �—­ ­­­ ."­-­­ -- ­-­�11 "vw!" -.1.1 1.11, ...... 6,.. .11 I.." I 1, � , . ,�, .. . �­ -�t­im�-.�. ww"-wN �., "I li I I -----1 0 ,qd �M�­W:1!411`­!M �!M"! !,Ila 1, w, ro.", �, . 1�1�- 1. 11 �� " �­­ - . I !� � . - , ­­­-­.­­­ -- !!!! I'll ­,­�-7 1 1 1 � I � . � I � I . i li���i�i���ilim�� ­­­­ ------­ ­­­---­­�, . � . ; .; � , 1:: ; L I �, -'...'.--"�-'�-"."'�'�'�'-'-'� ­ ' " ' -`­— I'll 1. �, � : I � - L � . � ­­­-, — -­ - ­---�--- I I . 4 0 i 0, , ., ­­­ �­­�," . . 1-1-F, -7— I I ''LL 0601 1. - 1. i .I . Ir � - , " - . I I I L . I . ! , I I . I L I . , , lit lot himill, faiten-ed 4 - slut, "111 I 'ou'd turned . ,,L ask his, I : , camo, into bif, mind. !a,�. , oft ta$ ". Another CUP Of br4ndy —�� �', --- . , I . I .0 of, ,%8 bo , w In the pros,ou Wehova � , I . 1, L 1; - LL li- . , I I , I ,. �, ` ,� � .1 11 I , 1: , I � " T : L 1: ­,�.! 'HISTPL R��,�L'SL '! , , I , I UP[ A � . I � , � . L, I vwt0:11W1111- 0: )b he bad coin , When 0 his. horror 10 ,SAW that ],�U$Sap& had *' I and starte,d out ,of his Place, in ' delirium ,of , 4, . delight. L I if" Awlaa-d in his 1) 0%"Ple no Admiration, , 'Mis is the confes- I "universal ,human habit, �,� , ,,,,, I � '! 1. I ". � , ,,,, , I I I I I � I . I .A LL I I 1 :14 � --- I I � '11 4 1 THE MAHRATTAS REVENGE I retreated into a cornerof the room, . 44' Why shouldn't I involve that . of ,% in our sense tl,110011114bit ,of forgottluot ' I I ., I 11 , ­, 1)IS00,VVJtr,l) LI�X A, Soor � 11 h I and, Wit a fearful look 1aL his eyes D OWChuild JLA the plot; after 4111" ,��f the Ug,1jne$$" 4. holpleSanoo$ of All I , _rl$)R L , . i I � �L . ,� L 111111,�,­.111",' and ontstrot QbO4 , hands, Was moilth� I , . "R, e forced we to he Muttered. 1 Pain, that. it has a motiv'o, a future, �L , . I ,�, I T'r jil�[()p , '011410$r I . I Infin's", 4 muttering, to himself , and kill ray son. He ought to die for L and, 4, aod.11� � . L, . I . . :: ,'. 1L. :1. , 1 I I'll .1 . I ­, ;I I 01, I try W keep off Some imagivary enemy. Clearl drink had Y L affected it I �) I . , He .fell at last 4ii1to a drunken I I � 11 . 0. Re was despised -Not only wore his people ,not attracted to . I I . I I I L -- I L . I I I I I I . , I I :1 .... Worn By May 000a of Soots At I 1 . . The Uahratta ,country in the western part of India, is the home '13 u $$&PaL'3 mind. I . . "What is it 7 What do you sool" I stupor,. which lasted until ajaw'him, h*ur in the morning, when lie, was . I , , They repelled him. They looked for a mighty rovol4tion of L . . . . t , I . IL , 11 � ZCOCU004-7-Bollght lvor �oag�, . I I ,.� I I : .1 -of one of the Aneat Indian ra ces. asked Dowchund, nis knees shak. , aroused by a servant who asked . stre�gth, triumph.over sorrows and I I 11'� Sold For ,,$691000, 1 . I Or, . I 4 11 .* +, 4-, � �9 .4 .. Al I . I I I . L � 1. � . . The pride of the "461 a*. O' "YPAQ up Pars over- ,�A ere 13how Baria was. � No. they resented ,+. that - � I I'll., � I v, FAVORITR RECIPES. � inhabitants is Instantly the eiril :resolution One who claim Aftor many centuries, and iA 0, I 11 , � washing Out of (1001% and Away nAtural, as they know that they came him, ea t* be '& Ouister . I . curious ,way, 4, historio JXo*k1,aQ0OJ . I . . from buildings and smokorn. , When Are superior to th tribes of other "Hold Your tongue !" shouted leaped into the drvnkar4's brain. of Jehovah should not rise above the black -pearla which Mary, Queor'll of , . �, Cherry Piem.-Stone rt of, the washing is done the gasoline distripta-fo.r the eMahrattas have Bussapa, 4ppareutly regaining his Crying out that his son wa,s stolen common lot Of gufteriDg. I 11 .. 1. .. " I i , Scots wore on the morxiiAo 0 40 I � oberries, all the juice. Add should be thrown on loose ground iu their time conquered All India. self-0011trOl. "You 'told me that wad probably murdered, , 11 �� Lf � . . . riel,s­- ezeo�ltioli. At. Potheringay QoA,t10 I � 11 � 11 savIn . . ... one and ono -N cupfuls of sug�r that will drink it up ,at once, This knowledge has given rise to you would bring a suit against me together a search4party , from This Is the sober second thought has been, recovered in a I and one tablespoon, of flour and stir Severe explosions have come fr . of a, at ten within three days. . among the neighbors, and went , Tom ' ' " � Din tragedies ­ ASO* , , . �11 range and of Well, I have , concerning the sufferin rom that morning w�bov A . I I . � until well . mixed, Bake with .two pouring the dirty gasoline, down � . brought from house to house in th �$ 1 1 , terrible nature, you your money, Give me , I I , 0 village, The first judgment was t 10 common the foot of' the, acaa.014 the ill.f eruats� I . )# M44 I the hole in the sink� A large num- One of the crinieo. that thrilled ,Your account, . Inquiring everywhere, and search- One that hisafflictions were a 4i- Queen diotribu.w. her jewelq 4a4. 1 . Marshmallow Whip- With As, n I Dew,chund .produced his ledger on I the stables and out. ViXL�l punishmeat-he, was smitten oX nioney Among her friends, tbe.bJ4 I I �� ... fresh the alop bucket where it floated a 8 ' I . . I ,20l I rp ber have come frum.pouring it *1 the'whole country, and incidentally I am' , Ick � � I I . . and nearly brought to the gallows all an( until they reached Dew. God. But no,� it is apparent that pearl. necklace had be - , ,�� I ' " Id I ssorsout one-half pound of 1 e g ding up the b I I en lost ff , k Inarshmallows into smsil pieces, 11 I 0 1 4, . I � ' . - . gave off vapor. I Innocent man, occurred shortly af- total amount of Bussapa's debt chun po 'shop, I he was wounded. ' � 11 I . ,, t , not for his own, of, and was only recently uneA - I . a f p at � ter the termination of the Ameri-. tO8'e 'rat question. 0110 . � � � X. , then stir the minto one-half Putting, gasoline in the water in ther with trio interest due. A th . Dewebund but the transgres � go of the, peo. ed in an old curiosity shoo, in, 4 ,� I . V-1 Age in - I is no =ore pr ill � I . . ,. -of whipped cream. Sprinkle with a wash boiler is always followed by can Ci�vil War. Bussapa, apparently calmer, sat fell into a stupor of fear, That ple. There ' onounced small SQOtland, The I I . .. I)lack walnut ineats and garnish an explosion, . . I I beside him and looked on. When, was suffloient to excite immediate statement in Scripture, of the sub� keeper of the shop parted wilth, the ,: . :�. �, with maraschino cherries. ves During tha�progrosa of this con- I I I " Serve Silk. dtessea,, ribbons or glo the amount had been Agured Bus- suspicion, especially I of a money- stantial character of tho death of pearls to a lady customer for O'n, . . ,� In sherbet dishes with macaroons, ma,y' if rubbed hard, make a a Met the. nativef cotton�growers had mpa began to wrangle for a re'duc- lender, alwa Our Lord, -It is a strilting ture but there was then nothi to Ili- I I 1. ., ,Park Made enormous profits ow' ya an object of hate . � , � , Butter Cookies. -One pound Ing to the 1 - Among the villagers. A search was of the sinless One, bearing t W Qx� ,:�,�, . I � .Of whiob. W'ill:.fire gasoline. blockade of the southe ports of tion in the customary , manner, so , tebur- dioate their Teal value, 70 . I . h � butter, one .pound of sugar, one Clothing can be cle,aned'by Am- . rn that the mongy-1-olider became oon- made of Dewchund's $tables, and den aild responsibilit7 of the sins of Ports have, declared thak they are I � .'� . 4 � , and three-fourthe PoutAds of flour). monia or benzine soap without the United States. . . vinced that his visitor.had, in some the disturbed heap of fuel, the menj in order to deliver them. incompaxabl6, and, in 'fact, they ' � � , , . I ,��'. I � � two eggs, one and one-half tea- danger. , A safe substitute is gela, Cotton waa at a premium every.; spade coated ith mud', increased have been resold for no less a Burg 1 . 1:.1 �11 I , I unknown manner, obtained the w 5. With his,stripeB we are healed , . I ,� ,� . .1 I - I � � ., . 4 . - � . 1:. spoonfuls of bakhxg powder, one- . tini2ed benzine in which 25 per -where, and money poured into the oney and was prepared to pay the belief, that,. �-Not only are Christ's sufferings than $8o,000, I �, I I � I half pound of chopped almo .tta country from the sale I . .1 I I 1, - � ;. 11 I . 1 '14" 0"" cent. benzins is added to �, of � In m Dewchund, after much bai- killed the child. I . vicarious; they are also redemptive. I I 1.11 l . , a mass of Mahra hi. . I . . I 11 I �1, ,� I . � ,, the healing, is ours, in . ... I .1 �. teaspoonful of vanilla, one-half pap, water and ammonia, � the raw material. Cultivators who gaining) agreed to knock off a lump Tracks were fouad leading from "The peace NECKLACE BOUGHT FOR SONG ' C, I. I . a I � . wineglass of. brandy. R-oll Out on , It can be handled without spil- had formerly eked out a precarious sum on condition of immediate set- the shed.. They ran in the direc- nWq It seems that a short,time ago I a , I . 11, . I . .. I ut with co,oky ling; the Amount of vapor given off existence suddenly found th tion ater-course, and there '30 tionce of the ehasti8ememt ''I . em- tlement, .and Buss-apa, ,still grumb- of the, w I and the saourging that- was his." lady, riding her bicycle in Scotland - : �.. . I I . I . � �,utter, and bake in moderate oven. is slight and the amount of inflam- selves rich beyond their wildest. ED& at len they soon found the body'. � , , I... I � 1� I . ambitions. In fact th gth. agreed to his terms, 6. Laid. on him the iniquity of us accidently broke, the chain by , �� � � :�, I . eirchief prob- D-6,wchund was seized and handed ,bir glas ' �, 1, I I F ruit Whiff. -One pint sweet mable material In it is small. "Now bring out the mortgage over to the police. Nobody doubt- a,11 -Note the steps by NFbicli t , Which, her eye- . ses were sus- 11 , � creaid, one quart box 'strawberries, . - � lem was how. to dispose Of their deed and the other bonds," said the great, inter ,ended. Remembering that in a : I . , � 1 . pr6tatioh of the a ffer- ? . .. 11 ', USEFUL HINTS. � wealth.. . -h,m as ed that he had really, murdered the. ings of the Servant is reauched. I � . One-third box gelatin, one and One- Mahratta, "and bidorse 1, . ittle shop she bad seen a, few � fourth cups sugar, whites of four Among the most prosperous of discharged. Then you will write boy for the sake of.his ornaments First, incredulousness; then, dis- strings of beads and other trifles. � ,� I I., � � .. . eggs, one teaspoon lemon extract. Warm dish covers as well As dish- these farmers was Bussapa, Patel, me out a receipt in, full for all the And disposed of the body in the I dp6r to youthful village maidens, I . � I I I' �, 11 gust and aversion; then, rackoni-ag I 21 I I I'll Mince strawberries and Bweeten; es If you want your dinner to be who launched Out into the wildest'nioney due." I middle of the night. His incoher- 'the Servant's pains a penalty for BhO rode tbere to see, it she could. I I . , ""I'l soak gelatin and add a little hot served really hot. � extravagances in order to 01save Dewchund began to demur to this ent protests, his assertions that his sins; then, a recognition o� the find `Ome�",'ng to replace for a, time I . 1. �'� , . ,V water; beat whites of eggs stiff and Turnip peelings should always be the face" of the iamily among the proposition. "Pay me my money Bussapa was the mvxderer� were substitutionary character . of these her broken'tliain . Upon eXamina- . , :�, ,,�� I . , I . cream thick and light; strain gela- .well washed, then added to soups neighbors. . first," he said, - thinking that Bus- merely regarded as the last,desper- fierings; and finally, a c0nv,ictioll tion none of the a�kticles in the I . 1. tin; add flavoring, then strawber- to which they impart a delicious All the cultivators vied with one st6pa carried the amount with him ate plea of a detected criminal. su 1. . ,shop seeined likely -to serve her i � , , � ", � . 4. Ties; beat all a, few minutes; set in flavor. I However,at last 9, search was of their redeeining worth. .. , —4� i � � � another in display. Saress, or pet- in the form of notes i - - purpose, and she was on the point I ii � a cool place or on ice. After frying, do not pour off the ticoats. of the most expensive tis- Bussapa became Jaighly incensed, made in Bussapa's house, and .7 -9 -The theme here is the injus, of leaving when the old lady behind � I . 11 � � there, wrapped in a bundle of his tice done the innocent, Servant, and the counter said: "I have' got an - I .. ­ �� , . Cheese Omelet. -Six eggs, one fat till it has coled a IA-tle, and sues, were loaded upon the wo- "Don't you believe I have the, hls remarka,ble silene I I � I � . cupful of sweet milk, one table- i then be careful to keep back the men, and gold and silver-orna. money I" he shouted. "I'm not ly- I Own clothes, were found the silver . e undei per- old necklace that might do, but it , . . I I 1. 4 1 spoonful of butterj one-half cupful : sediment to throw � aw ay - ments. � ing. I have brought the full amount anklets and the bangles -of little secutiOn. Compare. Matt, 26. 63; is much more expensive. Shall I . 1, I,- . I of grated dry cheede, pinch Of salt, I When cooking salt meat first High-priced 1, . Bhow. I . � 27. 12, 14. 1 fetch it for You?" 'A necklace of . I . trotting bulloc a with me, but not in money. I put I Bussapa, 7. He opened not his mouth -This rat . I �, pinch of paprika or pepper. Heat I wash it well in cold water, then were purchased, and carts with sil- the bag in your stable. Come and 1 . in his drunkenness, had , . . her large, dull -looking "beada"� � . . I 11 , - . I butter in spider an4 stir in flour; Placo. in a saucepan, cover with ver tyres, an,cl harness with silver see it.)) 1. iforgotten to take them and secrete Is Unique In the Old Testament. was produced. It did.not seem to I . I I : , , � I I . . - pour I in milk and cook until smooth; 1 fresh cold water, and bring to the yokes and silver monlitings. The ' Dewchund lighted a lantern, andl�heai in Dewchund's house when Under torture he make.% no cOnfOs- be quite what was -wanted, but the � 11 I I I'll � of guilt. for he knows himself au,, I . I , , V ,111 : .A ,the alarm was first given, He had a'*" . . 11011s -workmanship of the clasp * . � :.� . �L � I . I I add salt aiid set away to cool. Beat � boil, Skim, and simmer gently till blooded bullocks -were matched hurried in the wake of the Mah- �,� :,� L . . t� � ­� I I yolks of ,eggs until light and stir,the Joint is cooked. I against each ot I her in trotting races, Tatta into a, shed ,in one corner of intended to place them in the Xr,I- to be guiltless. He suffer$ in si- took the lady's fi�ncy, and for 'the , . I ,�, �: - I ,, � n rris' camp, but with the chang -now hillin I I . , �.,,�o . ' I lence, for lie I s that his suffer- sum of tire elve ,s. - gs and six- , � � UA tity of dried fuel, . I t�l "I . lightly into cooled sauce, then a�cl I , When washilig flooreloth a table- at wihich the whole countrysi,de at-Jwhich was a q n ka -a I ,� w 11 � 4, . halt cupful (or more) grated cheese. I spoonful of painter'r. size added to tended, and the entire, pZpulationithat had evidently been disturbed ;of plan his wits failed him� ing has endless value for others. p�nce she became its , er, And to L�l I . �, I , % . ut with! Bussapa took the lantern from tb'l LTpon their dik,ijovery, Bussapa Compare the cases of David, Hoze- "it. attaching her eye -glasses she re- I � I 111p.J,;- , Beat v,hites of ,---a until stiff and! a pailful of water will give, it a ,of the district blossomed o I e., ' . I I - �,;,4;1 , , � ' . e� , , . ­ �, 11 , I I � . fold into -mixture, 'Put into but-�glosv surface, And make it wear red silk sunshades, which were moneyl kiah, Jeremiah and Job. "All sinned her rid � I sent: �ender and led the way into was kept under strict watch and strive and are loud Under pain." 1. I � I . I I A �et forb.'dien to have access to liquor, ­- �,, ��` I terkV dish or paix and b u r than when washed in out by an enterprising English firm ' the furthest corner, where lie a 8. By oppression and judgmenthe Or'FERED $30,000 FOR THEAL ,., il I -y minutes. Cheosett-her ordinary way, and promptly purchased N&lesale. Ot down; then, turning su&denly, � The deprivation of this stimulus � . I ... ;,-,�, .1� q" . - I 1 "t set, -about twent 'A ' I may be omitted if .iot liked. A few � Brandy, gin, ana champagne now � he caught Dewchund by the throat'shat'xred what little nerve re- was taken away -He did not die in To her purchase she attached but, . ,�; . .,� I . . 1. I I ,* the o-rdinary course of ovents, but I sing Ong � ."":,�L' -1 raishis, too, might be added. — �X— made their appearance for the first I with one band, so that be could not, mained in him, aud Bussapa made little. importance, but� b ' I ..!�',," - I * I oat, and forced him down I a clean breast of his crime. was violently cut off from the land' iend, � noticing I I � �1�1. '', 'I" 'THE LAZY CHILD . lcry upon ­, Orange, Marmalade. -Save the time among the sober country folks t�l � Tsi I the ground. Then he said, hissing! The idea of sacTificing mWe 0 -116 Abuse the ­be6d4,",admired them not"a , ,'� i 1, I of the living by a tyranno , . I L ��, '' L� L Riotous living began, and fi , . . . I " L V. ,, pool after the oranges are eaten, In many ways the world is grow. evellers wa Tays in o is ear: " Phow, he affirm3d, had never en- of law. Added to that, his own gen- little, =d �,xpressed a wonder as to � ,,,,,, I : , . . :0 among the r - t h" t " � . ., paid, you te-' here such pretty string had , ��I-., I J I., I keep as large as possible, when ing less cruel. For this we'must a I ... 're,c�,lii4S.4gl2d until just before his eration were Utterly blind to the w . � , 1. '* ; � , largely ,thank the scientific spirit, r r. .. .W11, 1 �Ix � 1� fact that this judicial murder had I ome roin,, :pit so chanced that � , !. About two dozen have collepted, Bussapa, wh so .� �-?N,gir--,F%�ave- 0 f , I B I I I of life which. - 4Drosperity were . .� I ,v I `1yQ1 , - ­ Y zon's it , � . -X--- . $: 1, boil till tender, when -the white The only persons wlin..,-, - `_ - - 'it, life. I've -killed X tle .entering Dewc!�Ti�'a�i�� on the . I . . �­ ,0kth can easily be removed with a which is daily recognizing move and 11 e t I � i I ,ell- ,Z�L­ klitt he g! night of the murder. His firsV'-fv- a vicarious value that it was for the I shortly Afterwards the Owner ,of the , I . - . . I I L -irAmgyesqiqn of his people. I I "beads" had occasion to visit the I ,.,�, more of the affairs .1- - ­ If you don't agree to!tention,,in fact, had been to �o to q Ii. spoon while .still warm. -Put � 0 1 the fuel. ' jja�rb -u-,;Ai the wiek- shop of a dealer in antiques, her , �,-, I belong to its departm. � ey-leniers, who had always, 9., Ma,de his I .. . . � '-.� . . � -�� -is what I say, I'll raise the alarm at I Dewchund to plead for a respite in - ' . through the food chopper, just'cover J coming :into fash' '' previously hold murtgages upon the ; ed -In the end he was a�� ,,-I)ject,being the purchase of a I , i , ,-��'.j;* ' '""" "" . I o , ­ , , I�j the - -lei ,� with water to. cook, add su,5ar, o ma -11 . ::.�� ;(�'& crops- and were the acknowledged'once and -accuse you of having miur 'the matter Of the debt., It was not with evil -doers in guilt. A I d�_ an gr�Raflrd:�-eh, -" and whilo there I � ne , I .; "' . 'I 4 " "MSO � V but to call a, -1 'I his glance fell upon his son, _ '- 4`b6&A`,k ..!I - cupful to two of peal, boil �Lfid �can. I , nimiti, w) dered him for the sake of his orna, unt, Ile ��,_. r_ I -owed her ,,, .-to . the 9 , _ : P 6,;�. a.sters of 1. � I is probably only a sy , tj she sh � "I il -A-,'--1- - - I 'o � Rn'�' ' quire into why he = the land. I ments, aild silver bangl�s. Quicklisleeping at his side, that the t c , 11"�'--� - .- �' . I - 4 ­4­0,�, I '� A'a - t a e " ke, 'dealer, Asking him what he th6i1Vr*,, - , , - I ­ Then wh9t .3�2 i ast, for h i. a - ,- --,­—.,, ! - . . Dewch'und, the village banker, as oftem in the E ''r �: pate .�-1 ­­ --,.-,%?, ,w 1,26�,-f $, Make your decision! Cancel the: ca,m4s to him, in his fury and de- people who of them. After a short inspection, -.A. --- . 11 cTo-wf4­and that leads naturally had no silver tyres to his oarts, no So stupid -vir-ore the . � , I arfarge hanafitl of s. lks, debt! If you consent, raise your! spair, of what a fine revenge this . it nimated, - ­ ­­ , to helping him up. This new me- trotting bullocks, and he went Ud ed him, that they accounted the dealer became qui a a ,, r5�� - uniieeled. and cut oiit on wrap i Tight arm, a -ad then come back with I would be, furnishing at the sa, I Ping thod is to be welcomed most of all, -fin ea I ". . * about with a long face, looking mye im worthy of noi,hing better than .,gerin,g ch "bead" in turn, and paper; weigh, allowing one-half as it bears Upon the destinies of' 0 me to. your shop." -1time a punishment for the mane - � 9 I as ing 0 many qu*stions as to how ound sugar to ,. little children. malignantly upon his neighbors and Half dead with fear Dewchund I lender and his own release from a malefactor's death, though he had: e their I -L- one pound fruit . hoping for the time when the price done no violence, and they could and when the lady had becam I ;ut in kettle for boiling, sprinkle in The new scientific pedagogics no of cotton would suddenly tumble- raised his arm ubeAiently, and his clutches. the find no fault in him at all. owner, that her curiosity was cOm- � . sugar, and stand over night. When longer divides children summa 1Y Bussapa, still holding him firmly, Dewchund was -set free upon pletely aroused. Wondering what I I � , . le . d ba.d, stupid a,n:d Ole- led and dragged him back into the;confession of BussaDs being ob- . I an, she took her suffic" lit juice - will have run for into good an a time which the longer-,,headodper- i 10 -12 -We now r,�--turn to the root- ''I . ' sons among the Mahrattas had al- idea, that all this proceeded out t 'could a" me' , l cooking, add canned peel to taste; ver. . On the contrary, it takes close ready begun to foresee. !1ouse where, after again threaten- ta,ined,. and the latt;r was in due "beads" to a jeweller of repute - two to four pounds of rhubarb to the good pleasure of Jehovah. excited reat in I L, . cognizance of the wonderful rela" Bussa,pa Patel had one link that Ing him in case he should. call out, course placed upon his trial, con-, Here they again - quart can of peel. Boil till it tion between, mind and body, sto- bound him to decency. This was Bussapa released him. . victed, and hanged. This accords with the teaching of'teresk, bilt tl-ds time WOAB 'Were -1 I- I 11 thickens, 9 I Jesus himself, that his suftering at' -Accompanied by 4,eeds, for the jaw- 1:��- , atirring frequently. This mach and brain, and learns t"here- his little son Bhow. . 'Now you are paid," he said in —0 Jerusalem was the, climax of an red to part ,� � is an economical and deli"Ous by that persons, and above all chil- I a low voice. "Give me the papers I ellor said that if -she ca I . Little Bhow was an almost daily eternal purpose, and not mere y with them, he thought he could get fruit. dren, are much more naturally di- - , and a receipt in full at once " 11 visitor at Dewchund's bootli in the , I the chance result of the machina- her as much as� six thousand � 1. I � Cinnamon R.olls,-Dissolve one- vicled. into the sick or the Well, the Dewchund, in whom the first THE S 6 ill � half cake yeast in one pint of luke- .hungry or the fed, the weak or the bazaar, where he was always sure sl� ated, now UNDAY R' 00L STUDY tions of a perverse generation, pounds !-for he said, "They are . I I � warm water at noon, when dissolv- strcilg. . I of being given some sweetmeats or said - lo. Offering for sin-C"i"Pare black pearls of fair qualityP I I stir in enough flour to make a Buth in this co-untry and in a handful of nuts or some other Num. 5. 7, 8, and Lev. 5. 14-16; 6. Fortunately for herself, instinct I ­ � I delicacy deai, to childhood. 11 "��hat is going to be done with INTE ENL-� TI ONAL LB SSON, 1,4. Christ's death makes possible prompted her'to decline this offer, ­ )eb'aitter, a little stiffer than Pan- Europe investigations of this mat- , Bussapa was not slow to see the the body 7" JULY 9. Vile forgiveness of our sins; for, and, ving related her ex i � - 11 f _ . ha perience I .� , 4;i , e "We will take, it away presently � I- ,� - I cak . Let stand until evening then ter have been made with significant increasing intimacy between his since death is the penalty for sin, to &�friend upon her Advice she . �,4 add: One pint Of potato water or results. One fact proved by them ; 'it in the water -course," I �An-cl hurry . — . , ) I son and the money -leader, but he and faith makes us one with'him: betook herself to one of the ac- 7 half milk and water, one-half cup- is that there is no such thing as a answered the Mahratta. I 0 dismisseA the subject from his mind. Lesson 1I. -The suffering servant of be can and does die in our stead knowledged experts in matters con- �l 1 ful of sugar, heaping tablespoon "lazy" child. The normal child is Dewchund, trembling With. fear, I . I . I J, Dan" I He had nothing against Dew,chund; I duly indorsea the papers and hand- Jehovah, Isa 52. 13 to 58. 12. setting us free. Our Father, nected with antiquities in general - ful lard or butter, one teasp - interested, alert, ' brigbt-minded, indeed, he derided him'because the . against whom we have sinned, sees and of ancient je-Wellery in partic- I , ' � -1 I ... fu.1 salt, one-half ,cupful currants, full of waking curiosities about � the � banking business Was at, so low an . ed them to Bussapa, at the same Golden Text, Isa. 53. 6. the travail of the soul of his Son, Ular. Here a brief examination of I . . ' "I �.%Iae ... r,0t.-,-,*ujf,.a as stiff as for bread;. world into which he has come, and ebb, and contemptuously dismissed'time writing out a full receipt for nd is satisfied (11). � . ... I - When light take small pieces and endowed with an almost unquench- him from further thought. . all indebtedness. Then he took a Verse 13. My servant shall deal a 11. Shall my righteous servant "THE " I . I I I . roll between the hands in long able physical vivacity. What, then, light and followed Bussapa to the wisely -The idea contained in these . I � I 1.�i , strips,- then dip in melted butter, is the matter with the little, inert Finally -the ciash came, and shed. . woids is, that the suffering servant justify many -Recalling the words and a glance at A book of reference 'i �..." 111 , Bussaps found hiwself only able to of Paul -."That he ndght. himself I Were sufficient, "This, madam, is . . 1: � �, :.� sprinkle with cinnamon, roll round) stupid, dull -eyed creatur Bussapa took the little body from is to carry forward his work so :, . �.; --- I es ' '.Or' keep ier of him that the string of black pearls worn by ' I .., ,,he & roof above his head by the be just and the justif I . � , ,:. �� I and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon ever at the bottom of the 01 aid of small temporary advances among the fuel, wrapped it in hie prudently as to be sure of success. bath faith in Jesus." The ,death Mary, Queen of Scots, -on the, day . I . . � on top; the yellow of an egg beat- never put a question, or seem to which Dewehund, the money -lend- blanket,. and ordered Dewchund to This is implied in what follows. of the righteous Christ is God'sl of her execution. The pearls have . 1, � . . I en until light and spread on top pass a given point? . lead the way to a dry water -course Humiliated a,s he is, and afflicted,. . � I is liked by many. Place in pan and The matter is- -that they are ill. er, made him. a few hundred yards distant, and his ultimate exaltation is to vindi_ righteous reason for reckoning as suffered by neglect, but I call buY 1. � � I .1 �, 11 , � . ,e bven., In winter Some of them are hungry, and it Meanwhile, he drank even, more 1 to bring a spade with him. There oate the purpose of God in his suf- righteous the unrigbte-ous sinner. them from you, should you wish to I . bake in mo4erat . heavily, becoming extremely vlo� . n>. Ile shall di,rlde the spoil with sell tbern: for sixteen thousand I I . . ,,.,set your yeast at noon and mix stiff is as,.hopeleas to expect a child to lent when under the influence of Bussapa,- dug a de,ep hole'in the fering. . the strong -Again recalling Paul's pounds, I shall re -sell them at a , At night; in summer, it is not nee- study well, when lie. needs food as liquor, and sullen and morose dur- floose gravel and buried the victim, 14. Many were astonished - The words: "Him. also bath God highly profit to 8, customer if you accept I st before evening, it would be to expect a fire that * heaping lirge stones upon the body.- - cessary to set Yea, - ing his occasional sober intervals. . Toward reason was, that his visage was so exalted." Though despised and re- my offer, which remains open for ^--then mix early next morning. needs fuel to burn well. The hun- So long as his wife lived he made daylight, after making a inarred. The sight of physical ter- ject", -of men, be is honored of your consideration as long as YOU � . I I . Buttered Noodles. -Beat up three g-er may be due to an.actual lack effort to retain his hold upon considerable -detour, they returned ture and weakness in a minister�Pf God and that, -not becaus-e of any like," After consulting her friends . . I I eggs and add flour to make dough of food, or it may be tha;b the teeth some to the confines of the village, whbre Jehovah was incomprehensible. , sigwaa 'he lady did accept the offer, and . - stiff enough to roll out. This, rolled are in such poor condition that the his aff airs but her sudden ,death they separated, Bussapa assuring . victory, but because he bare t old shop ' M Shall he sprinkle many iia- the sin of many in willing sacrifice. shortly broke down all restraint. . afterwards the . . ,out, will make three sheets or lay- child cannot che,,�, and therefore The only evidences of wealth bh' Dewchund that he need have no tions -Better, start,le many -nations, I . woman in the little Scotch village . I . erB. Place them on a clean cloth does not digeat. Or it may be that At fear. - � —4. was equally �elighted and as aston- * � , � let them remaid until dry the food offered to, it at home is were left him were little Bhow's "There are SOM6 wandering Kai- They shall hear the unheard of; � I I .and . namely, that a sufferer is able to, . ished to receive A cheque for one � I ,enough to out. When dry lay one entirely unsuited to ibs� needs. � bright crimson tunic, and the sil- karris encamped rwar the village," When preparing fried chipped po- ttiousand pou.ndsi So, for the first I I -sheet on -top of tne other, roll to- Some of the children cannot hear vor a-aklets and bangles which his he said to the money -lender. '(TO- triumph so gloriously, The prob- tatces to serve with fish much time time as far as w, . e 'know, since that � I � lem of p&in is the acute problem of � ) .. �4 gether'and out the n odles as fine well and some cannot see. They pride forbade,him to sell. morrow I shall accuse them Of hav- a d if the potatoes, al- grey day in the month of Februarys . L the ages. I . .� �`sible. Boil in 0 Ited. wa,ter. do not complain, because'they do At last the time arrived when ing lured my son .#way and mur The, unseeing eye can rea.4yout, are steamed for a quar. 1,587, when the grim beadsman's "I � "" � .- discern no utility in suffering. So - 1--e jjg�,pc the water boil b'e'fore putting n,ot know what is the matter. They Dewohund found himself unable 'to dered him." kings �'shat their mouths, and the ter of an hour before putting into axe laid low the loveliness of ill I n' the nooidle defeat asgist Bussap& longer, and told The Kaikarris are one of the the boiling fat. A certain -amount fatei Mary Stuart, the pearls that- I . I i , -a. When'done pour accept constan-t rebuke and Ig . - I .. I � .. nations stand in Awe before the �ev- . .( I I ication of i � him so - wandering tribes, something like is also saxed. enriched the neck which, a writer I Into a colander to drain. . Have a with the dumb mystif erlasting glory of the crucified Ga,- of' fat I . I ,, generous pint of bread crumbs noranoe. Many of them have never Then Bussapa shut himself up gipsies, w1io, ostensibly carrying on I-ilean. peasaint, rieen and exalted A cold boiled Spanish onion of the times tells us, was "graceful I I I � which have been browned in but7 dra"Alh .one natural breath since &16ne:with a bottle of brandy and the trade Of baske-c-weaving, do not � I beyond compare," will OhOe more' I I . on high. makes an excellent salad if sliced, I '. ,� I I are. being taken not to burn their birth, owing to the presence began drinking, He continued this hesitato�Ao r�ob, or even murder. I to enhance a I � 1 1 . I d ' ss -ed with oil and vinegar in serve OMNLA " I :: t P aY,�r Of noodles on of enlarged tonsils and adenui-cls. orgy until all his liquor was gone. wh6n opportunity af In this . I -3. -The central r,hought is found and To charms, -while. for 1.00 lo 9 years; ` , I � - ,- 1;w ut a I - fords. iing words; unbelief bas the Usual manner. � . a large platter, then a layer of Them chil4ren can never com- But' this time, inst64d Of stupefy- instance the silver anklets of little in the Opel . and mare their erstwhile .. -al own. � I I � browned crurabs, another layer of pete with their fellows until All ing, the drink roused all the wick- Bhow would have, fu � rnished A, sat- been unable to acuept the suffering lx7han sweeping carpets always er, for whose fair beaut,, man were " I 11 � noodles, and so on. until all have these hindrances have, been remov- edne, � 2 or to see the strong arm remember to sweep th-e Way of the liv' - s anA fame, � qs in the farmer.. � I isfactory motive. . Servant, ready to risk their . el sh the wrong '%lay is has lain forgotten in "-he sleep that I I J 11 . 1i .. IL . been used, havffig a layer of. crumbs id. Some recent investigationg He saw hims, f bereft of his home- Bussapa then returned to his Of Jehovah's power and purpose 'grain. To bru - I ! il ,on top.' Put a large piece of but- i4addo by a French physicia-fa sboW sbead and, turned out to starve. farm first dosLroved all the Papers revealed in him. He came with 110 not only bad for the carpet,.but it 'knows no waking. . I � . I . that I rid" to assuage Ili' of � I ,- I I ter in a pan and brown nicely; to that among well-nourishad children Better little. 13how dead than a then began. S. regal pomp a ,3oliquering Mes- tends to brush the dust in instead I 1. : I . I 'th6 -ter tb iiel wilh brandy. �, ,Iah" Dying upon it cross, he was of out. — . . . I . I 1. I.. � this add a cup of. cream and let it oi,,ly nineteen. per cent. have phy- �O.n third night af a gri )p , I .1. .. . . . I I I . . � �-�, oil Lip two or tnrea times; then 6 cal -de,focts, While among the P-O�i­ quarrel De u, tip his"I "I must give the Alarm at once, a, sturablingblook to Jo,wA and fool- When plates or dishes are burnt I I I � I I . I ..Z: .11 * sus hl Bitten nail,ss a� - ,,., di5figurement 1, . I '. shutters and was sitting .in hi's be thought ,"or I shall be pect� ishn-ess to Greq,j VAItthia is re- . . I ,, � .. I 1. tt 4. le - 0 � pour over the noodles and ,crumbs. ly nourished over sixty per tent III i , ' -d by th e after baking they can easiI7 be not only. B t I I . �, , 1.1.11 . When you have <)nee tasted these' suffer from these defects. shop About. idnight, making up e,J. I can easily slip one -of little pretente 'IS eloaned by rubbing them With a At ti, 0 but they spoil � ; . , I , .. This question of fee,ding is bei - 33how's silver anklets into oni of past, because he% ,a ,he fult'U"."."Iya e fi�,�ers, Jf your . � I �� .� I . ill never want to eat them I 11,9 his accounts, according to his mis li cloth dip"d in salt. � ; I .1 � I .. "Any Other way. , . . met in many cities both here an�l tom.. All an once lie heard a Icr ock I their huts while 6he search is in' alveaAy atoompli � � I , II . I I . you W . o1hild bites hi�d-'Io not rest.,unti yotx , � . . . I I.. ,,� 1, , I I . . abroad by tlic supplying of a sub- at ,the window. He oponedf the progre�o, and later in the day the 2. A tender plant'. . .,& root-Xot To �proaevva�'btass bedsteads .rub bare cure -C! Vim of the h%bit, Paint , I.. I . �� j, " -1.11. I .1 I stantial luncheon, either free or ab, abutter cautiously and looked Dub. I body willobe f6unV' I a ndblo treo� but a lowly thing tb6m now. And then with a little ths tilps with bitter Ooes, and help. ., .. " I I �: 1.1, . . I I I)AXOER OF GASOLINE. Compan- To his astoniahnidnt, he saw BUs- 1 9.0 had tom,olettd his plot � to hils striiggling in dry soil. This ho�. � swoot oil on a. cloth, atterwards in overy way. POSB!bto., ,� Glorox - : : � 4 . � a nominal cost' -youth's 11 . - . �% I .. , . I'll � . I I I .� �, I I � 4asoline shou14 only, be used for i !on. 1. sapa. � . . satisfaction when ,a fiondish'� , idea mility and obscurity of th4 sorvoolt) Polish witu 0, dry 1%thu, sb&o,ld be worn ,9r, �190� � o I. ... . I It, I ,. . i . � I � . . . � I I . ­ . . L .., Y . � : ,: . . . I I. I I . I � . I I .. I I I . I i I- 4� 1 � I � I I - - I 1, I � i t 0 �i� I I I I I , I , 1 4" 1 � I , , r" gl I , + i s a F11 I % Wt 1.1 . I I Q I a I I I � I I I I I I I �� I - . I 11. I I � I rl, .r. Y I I � .1 . I . I I I I . I " . �, ,,,� I ,. . I . . . I . .0 I , , . � � !�, : . I I ) I I I i I � e. I 1 . 4,,!­�, � . ,� . I I , " , I I . : .1� I � I I .1 � I I . 1. ,� . I . . , 11, 1. . I . I I . , ''.., I . . I . I , I i . , � . � � I i�l � I*, � � . . : I ,�� . , I � . I I 11 I I � I � � I , I .1 . 11 I I . ­'. I I ,, , . I I . "z , . 1� . . .. I I I . - �. I -, I .. I �. � I . . � . �� . I I I I , I � I � . � �, I I � 11 . .�� ,�.. ''L . . � , "I . .., � �, - I . I I I � . �!��. � I , , I � . . . 1*7 I I � I � All­�.�,�­­e�,­ � t ,L:;,, �,'­.. I �; � I 11 . I ,. � I j *-�' , � , t , ­... I I I I I I I r ­ .. ­­­ .. ...... - �. � 1 � '' I I � . I I , - . . I ­ I � �. 41 *��' � '.1 I � , ­':�,­ 11�­­ , � - L I ­ ­ 11 ,, I : I - � . . I -1 ­­,' -. � L I , � 11 I ­ . " I : , k r I 11.1-111-11- ­... 1111..�­.1­4. I " I I . . I I t , I . ; � I � "Iliiiii& ow ­­ I I I_." . I'�1:6".''�-",��,,�,.,�-���,A,."Ll��1.11�;!..��.'I I'll., -1 11.1� ­,�­­ ,,�­,,, . 1. � I I iia � , - . it 1 L- � ,;, I � I' I 1,11'' �