HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 111 . �i .- - .I � .. -1-11, . ...... ­­­­­­­­�­ Ill— --�­­7-W­R—"W,W,r I.I�.I.I..".,...."W"1.1,.Ifll"""l,pill'I'l�� � , Z . I I . . I , I I : I - . . I I .. ,, I I 1-111—- . I .r . ­�— 11-11--—- —,------ . I � � 7 1 .1 I I :; I . r r I � I r I . I I . r , . I I I � r I r � r � I ,,, 177 - I . , I I I I � ­ c, I .1 I — . �. ­ I ­ I . ,� ­ , � ­ I . .,.W,#F,F7­ -g '57 — ,� 1111 .".." " '­ , . *0"-O.�, ­W�.,�, !�Vl­ "o" 1-� RM�A­ .- .. . . . I r . . I I , . . .,,, r .1 . , ,, , I .1 .11 'r .. .­­. M- - � ­­ —r-­-�- ­ ­­­ I .— . ". "' - I -- ­­— ­-­­ ­­-­­­­­­,____ ­­ . 11111 I I I I , - I r r ��, : I I "I! ­ .&I :2 ��� , I t� �11!1�1-11 ltl�,�� I ­­­ I .. I --- � -=='=�=, , 1":,� : : , I .­­­�- - -1 I I .� --4- - -------, " --4 1-1. I I r ... I r . RW9WMR;RR9%;9W1 , , I , i � , i " 7 ,, I , � I I ; I -1 11 I -- " ---- - — 11-1 ­ -AT -- I ... I I AV'$ WW,V,4*4&� _,�- r I 1� , ,, � 7, � I q 4yW,&,% �,&'f ,�Vq& *AV0,1W1*"`0 A FLOWERY 10131COUL14 . RO"I've, ,of tile Order dwiring the TIKE, IWPIP, W44 rJASTr,,X1111D. . Why lot that hea$i�he spoli your 4 , . 4t.0 I;ro%w . I , r . . � I . � .. I , . .1 � I . . ­ � -, your, ,amounted to $270,180,1,�. oil � ' &I r . 6`il j�, , STARVED NERVES Pat bad just Come ,out 61 prison r ' ,, " .A , .-4 A .., I ,,& Atl ,.Ywis" Tv ". , r . I . Presftt("a witlag, Ist, 19 � . D ' . I I 1--1.11.1- "."A)i V Ir -,A! I . rb'y an, Indian Prince to J. 101 the amount on , I " All' VA I — New yweroy, 1. I and in anob WAS r$3,0( ,_ after (10111K SIX rilo'athS and, ha4 ��� � 11 I wa.� U 1 2 .1 � . I r , - 1�";, L� ! � . . 9, a 4 At the �0108 'of tho year, Me$ P., friend of his named Mike. 40 � � � I F WA I 14" r r 01 x8liralgia . � ,9 r ,I ' e , I , " I I . , R C- i 017 1 gr ' ... . h this Br )2 � A . KF:��R r 10 ft , Folk ThQ huse --it Must "Rullo.", said ,Mike, , "Whor"o . r 7 WA ,,.,§] I I I �, I :v, �11 I I I Among queer addresses. of wel- ,$3,287,494-.42. � . I I ... r c, . . �-"", I I , Como the following curiusity, Pro- The standing of'tho Rigli Court have you beon all this tolme?" 40. a 13ox at yotw'druggist'A' i. . i 1�1- be Troatea Throujo �the B100a . i � Guarautood to contain nor Wr CrPhillol OrPIUM or Other polsonoul odmgs, 1�y t1l,* 30 I I . I 1 � !" . �,., t 5" 6%-%,4W*,1�,,0,*,,,%,*,W"!J . sented receIttly on behalf of, an In. "Bure", said p4tl '11'yo beau . . � I ,� "I , r� ", I Sick and Funeral Benefit Branch is R1 Drug 4"4 chamical, cowpAny of c4aocl". Limited I . , ,.r I . .1 ------- �-­­.­ ­ - i � - I .., r .Xleu'ralgia is a cry of the, 7101've14 dian prince to Baron ,Hardingo, of also most satisfactory. During the doitg six months in gaol.11 I Notiop I , r Afonkoo, , r� N , t1lo no .....-.1.11-, I 111. r-�-.:11-.��,-�.''.,."�."..",.-"--,--.---�-i,�-, r- - I— .­ I ,W Viceroy of In_ r .. no le 1 4-`� . I 11 . S I N" Q A SO G. )ss "And what fo,rV) asko ­ ­­1111111�" I � I for more and bette' . Ponsharst, , 11 Mike, ­­­ r 11 � I """ . . Ill. W, 0AWSON Nine ' , , : i r blood, It, lit I a, Sum than $1417,0�%.06,, U io 6 aling a piece of rope," .1 �', 1, 1, , vvn 0,clock, 0,1Ad little orally means that �ho riex"s are dia, ,may be YO Claims, was paid in I ' Toronto, I t'� roolboryle ftesel, r, . . I ; , .1 It was W worth mQ4ioUIPg,:- Covering, 0,132 1 r r to I . . OJ, Wa(lin 44 -ow Sprayor � !,. I P110001maln 9010� 1. r . r I . 1, and .being starved. , biker evol7 oth. r R' paid Pat. I , , I., . I . Gertru4o tru all reay for be� . er 0 1 Lord, these northern lm4" this Branch. The amount to the "Stealin' a piece Of ropOl" ,said I I I � k1,1IF'4T AC�l FRUIT VARK, foo4 build. . � 1) 3 because mother was busy ,fatherr part of tl,io body the nerves receive lay& otellial r'nOW P'ak'ron Whic').1 Credit Of this, Fund at the com- 11 . , Ing- iAf;$Wr& V'iW' c 0* I r I r r . I olt� %" ,rl their . n UT, � Mike in astonishment. ou ana, I , I I I . I I I � ,'t! . her o sbment, thr,ough the invisible Nymphs ,play merrilZ to mencoment of the'year was $170,� 1 �=.­-'..-­, -1 , liad been Caged upon to rook . 11 1, r ­� I blood. There is thorofore no doubt and fro, and 04 which tile �Xsiug 773.82, and at t4e. Close, $207,223,20, "But, begQrra," said Pat, "there -- - . I . ,�, � before sM. went to sleep, . . . e ITAY4 AboUt two ,hundred F�,uit ,Varip* , , Ir. . .4 .1 r Was , W at the end of it V I No 4AwI,P13=)l­ - � - all sios, . all P4000 On my. list. Obrn.,: " , � When sale was all a - sun exhibits WPA extra- The report of Goo. Faulkner, a CO . . - 0 it;me,, I I r, r that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will and, setting I I muggled'up in . . . I J1)0t94Q,Vbef?1Z u "I". 11 I cure the worat ,cases of .neuralgia. ordinary beauty Of 111%ture AS if High Secretary, ,covering the, gen-i ' r sn1J.%9ZZl46 P11- 11 ­­­ ­" .1 . I I . a blanket on hia lap she, coaxed, A It juatwblo I 0 " . � T does X%0� matter What kind Of a Va 7� They actually make new, rich small diamond pieces glittexing with eral wolk of the Society, was next A Pill that Provo a Yalu ��, I I - 1: r ' "Now sin,V 'Froggy would" e.- Wide oad nap- � 00, Y1)*Qu want to either W7� or sell, I � bloodir carrying to the at& , n of service to you, I r "I don't know 'The frog ho would rved the greatest lustre, these beautiful in order, and Showed in detail the Those of -weak sbomach will, find row rows and . . I ,�... . . .. I., . I . nerves the elements they need mountains covered with IQ , fty treoB I Is AX4 101y I �Ir I , volume 'of busixiess transact- strength in Parmelee's Vegetable 'Y'l"U'01, ,vurnirb. . F,you want Albt,rtv,, sas tallow A -wooing go.' I'll have to sing,. . ed whh Brood- '. XanitQba or Brit � % Ls"26A. , I I , � 11,791, Pills, because they serve to main- C��Mt 4VI I xv ,. I I .something else.�' . r I : thus driving awiy the sharp, torr Clothed in the finest lichen, 'em" Old through his department, wyad . I any qualitity'l 0433 sul)ply you, �. I 11. P, . I � turing pains whioj4 hearly drives brace,4 by good. many kinds of wild . The amount of Insurance Promi- tain, the healthful , action of the sall 5�ria 'Pr411311 Att4ohments. ' e� . . I , "Then 'Sing &-Song O' sixl, ,the sufferer wild. So many ca�sesof ore4pors bearing the leaves and lims received duriii. r a. TW I : � r ,g the year was I stomach r and the lari- . Writo for otir catalogu )(OU o%'A&0t Mer n1ght,8 or h idwya * I � 4 .. �. , 'J, I .. liver, irregu: ­ 0 eye Y -two, AyrUlal AveA1010, I . I " � �l .Pence.' )) V I Vanadlan Potato machinery Co., Ltd. hone Park 627!it . . . I I . ,� neuralgia have 14de<l to treatment flowors, of ever hue and color toss- $644,,Q77,82, which with the large ties in which are most distressing. . I , � ,. . I .y I r � I . .. -hrough Dr. liams' P .153 $tone Road, Can, ontario, ,, I . I . Jt,iso it, was all ,about, a pocketful Of t 4 ii(l , ink. Pills .ling their branches r in the balmy sum of $133,690,75 derived from ,in- Dyspeptics are well .Acquainted with I ­-- , 1. . . I I , ff. 'Wind, yielding the, nourishment to . . � . I Q. BUYS 620 A, Twenty "I . . � � rye anti the king and queoll and that overy all erer froin this dread- terest oil inve'stments, made the to- them.,and value them atr�thoir.proll .... 1. I I ;;; ; ; � SKO Thousnnd, CnNunSah 'Grasor I I I n . . Rom 0. roe , Cattle ana im. eme il r � . I maid and tho.blackbird that father ed trouble should lose no time in the eyes of the travelers passing by, tal receipts in this Branch $777,. per worth. They have afforded re- E. I F or p I ad4ress A. 0. 11 onno . . . . . I r I . . -be: 'ef when other preparations have �30ME THING FAR WORS . I . r I ,�, 1. r sang, giving the Pills a fair trial., Mrs� these a094 .red villages and ham- 768.57. There , were 498 Death li 001al ai - - ­ .1 . I -- � I r I * I I 1- -- ­­ I I . .1 r .1 "Sing some more I" the little girl Sophia H. Jobilsoa, Mozan, Sask., lets almost Surrounded by thermOSt Claims paid, amounting to $5ol,- failed, Alid have effected cures 'in .Lecturew (on the Frenob Rovolu­ FM O F#r I % � . . . 1. r r A " ., r ;1 I � ; I "For upwards of ten di i) -"It is impossible to imagine The best mixed farming district' , � r I . . . says : years admirab wh;oat - and baxley fields -am of $276,- ailments Stan ng where tlO'l . A Is ta. The oldest land, cc , a . �,­ .. � ordered., I I ... r . 582.44, leaving. the a of 10119� wap%U7 1 . .11, . I Father looked down at'her, .and a periodical sufferer from with dewdrops decorated resembling 186.13 to ,carry to the Reserve, other medicine$ were found un- the chaos that xeigned--confuslon Alberta, Write for oatalooue. DepA I . I , 11 r,,, -h�e most pretty Ralleries of green r and anarelly everywhere, 14 'Our mept "A," The Saskate.110wan Land all : � . , I . ) witho thinking, began softly. which iqtt.the close of the Y�ear was availing. Homestead Cont r . neuralgia. , It located in the side t ,.. .of My fhee rand in the jaw, which velvet Set with costly big �. . .pany, Limited ­Red Door, I . t, r " , . pearls; $3 V.8j4k.42. 1 . �,� . .. .more peaceful conditions. WO Can- Alberta, r I r . � . . . . not even imagine such a, -state.of - ====== !'. '?,,, ,Sing a song of little girls, would actually click every timer I these silvery dreams said the pic- Ee amount of Sick and Funeral "I oupuose you have heard of the r . I I � . I � � I . I I � r&)id also of their Shining Curls." opened -or Closed' m mouth, At taresque waterfalls that have been things. " I I . I . AGENTS WANTED. r I .. � . I y Beniefit fees received during the danger in kissi ma — . I ­ . � I . . .1 4 111� like that," Ile wak; .told,, ap" times the pains would,, be almost reduced by the hot weather �to 11 Voice, from the back of the hall - I . r . " I ANYA 1111118, WANTUD vrookly Isla," � r . .11 provingly. "Sing a song r'..... unendurable, and as t,me,went on,. marely a thre . adr gently ilnd'.0186rly year was $175,863.29, and interest tentatively, . T have," replied r can, oil'. come Up to C ra,14�1.A fr.dTylor, Loutlon, oxitaito, I I . � . 1, I I ... � � � . � 1 $7,811.05, making the, total receipts she., "but I come of a family � noted 'eyes, We . , . ­­­ I I I I I "I . . mored" F.athexr continued,. ' , pay whole,nervous system seemed' flowing down here.aild there along w this Branch $183,674,34. 'there for co urage. I I I . our house, and you'll a" some- — GENTS WANT -----v r .11, . I L � "Sing a song of, little� boys, to be affected. I ;was constantly the valao) ; these lovely iris flowers in � r . ngr wo ZD�-A otud� at otbo4r I r 6, .�, � 1� , .r thi rst than that, we're mov- - Agency propositions convinces. , , . r were. 6,1312 Bick and. Funeral Bene- I I Al , none can equal ours. You will All a . . I t , And also Of their broken toys. doctoring, but ,the doctor did hot of ,the sweeber.t IT giance, that ,,- fit Claims, paid,, amou.nbi g p in)," a � A . 11 to Housekee ers arle, strongly ad- r. . ways regret it if you on't apply or 1. . � I I lartioulars Otto Trays lars' DepK, wo . r � I Sing 'a song,of sparkling eyes, seem to be able to give, me per- hibited the full beauty bftheo,Suan-, I lb �] - 1�� . . . $147,9,24,96, lea,ving $36,449.38 to vised to commence, the use of Wil- -A pain. I ert St., tawa. . I I . I .� I r I . � . . "I I And also r of - the b,right blue manent relief and 'at last I decid- 'mer season, and, these attractive the Reserve,. which at the close of son's Fly Pads early because af A Cure for Rheumatism. � � . � ,�, � � 11 I , . skioa." r, 11 .. t ' . I � . " 7 f -til alla persistent form of rheuma- MISCELLANEOUS. � I .1 edto, ry Dr. Williams'. Pink. Pills, finest Sceneries Of which the most th to $207,223.20, files I 1 led in J ne would. otherwise I r "� ). . 'e year amounted al u i - - ­ , r .,,*J,,r . � More I" was the. command. . � I got a half dozen boxes, and be- picturesque And the best of all is tism as eau,Sed by:impurities in the ARM SCALBS, special I ,, ., ,r . There were 78,104 members in become a host by August. . ' ,. , r price. Wiloon'o .1 r 11 I "Sing a sonn- of Small pink toes' fore they were half -tone I felt much that of �tho Rereat forest do -wel- I blood, the, .result of, defective ac- F Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. . �� ". 0 . 1' . good standing, at the close of the -"LACE your mane r y with ,ar I trUg r . .1 And also -of t% tiny nose." better, and by the time I ha,d used come your Excellency 'and her . . ,� tion of the liver and 'kidneys. The U 16 . . , .1� . ,,�. I ­fh-e -little girl was sitting tip now, them all every symptom . of the ladyship by the soft voice of cue- year, Cal -Tying $78,1q2l.000-00 Insur- To pass from friendship to love blood becomes tainted - -L We will guarantee large returnsa,nq. . I . , ., by the in . I i � ,�y JA,ide'r � nee. I investments. Correspondence , I 111� ll aiwiak and, the a is not uncommon, but the return t oduction Of uric &cid, which,caus- � 2100ilti-I'd Edmonton Lo ators Ltd 14. 1 1 .1 ve e. .. trouble had gone, and I was enjoy- koo, green pigeon, dove There were.issued froth the High r � anciai Agents, Edmono . I . . . I . , r I . "Sing, a song of the bureau, Ing a ,Qomfort I had not.known for chirping of the blackbird. Secretary's. Office, S 19.3 Iriettraace trip is well nigh impossi , ble. es.1much pain in the tissues and in ton, lit% " . r � r r . pa,pa, and sing a song of--of-of-of years. I have since remained in the � 0 1 my Lord! the iambic, verses of ,,I,, r — the joint$. Parmelee's Vegetable UMSUR, interior trim, doors, floorin . . . .� :� Certificates and 7, Membership Ask for'Minard's and take no other. L SuBli. Price quoted at your at-& .i -the, door, -and lots of things VI best of health, and can only DRY I your Excellency's 4 inless glory, � �. TPills are known to have effected 't I 1,�,., -� . b& Certificates, or a total of 15,ew, . t5mall or large orders. P. W. W. 296 I � ­ Father ' gain 6we the4ly of living wi . many remarkable .cures, and tbeir Toronto. � . 1. I I i I "! . snuggled her down a i I I thoUt Pain � of the praiseworthy simplicity,, the and in addition there wore endorse- "Papa, will you buy me a drum I" . 1, I � . A I 11 slid held her little hands in his, to Dr. I ama� Pink Pills." ' love of honesty, sincerity, imparti- meats ina.de, on 1,629 Insurance said a little lad to his father. "Ah use is strongly recommended. A UT YOUR GLASS AT HOME. -Our no t4 1 , e , "Red Devil" Glass Cutter cuts wkr4l, Rad. Sang: . . Sold by all medicine dealers or ality, and the benevolence to the Certifica,tes.. will disturb me trial of' them will cbrivince anyon gass, plate. glass, smoked and win I I I il'-111' � .. I I . -but, my boy, -you ' . P" I ��, � "Sing a song of tusled heads, ii at 60 Cents, a, box or six poor people which are tile most val- f Robert Elliott, very much if I do," returned papa . Ity mail 25c. W. E. Potter 4 VZ I � . by ma I of their value. . I ass. B � "'.,, I And also,. of the snow-white beds.", boxes for $2.50 from . The report ol — , . f6l Beno St., Montreal. . I � ' - I I ,The Dr. Wil- uable arnaments' of h-untlan beings, High Treasurer, showed the funds "Oh, no, papa; I won't play it ex: � � — ,� . ', 0 AWMILL , MACHINERT, Portable I ,,l He was silent for a while, think- liams' Medicine Co., BrOcirville, and which your Excellency has BO of the Order to be in a most sat- cept. when you're asleep." GIVE, AND TAKE. -3 a MI, s, I "' I I ­ : Ing. Gertrude was asleep. But a Ont. - . . I k heavy Lathe Mills Shin " 1. � wisely displayed in many European isfactoxy condition. The income in . — , ttWhaere ye Coming home with pnglues &Ad Boilers M1* Su V �e a. I I ,", . wid-e,awake voica,:--,Fg,ed: . 1-44 . ,, � D, ons.rManix-faciliknic C..?Vtd., W lit , " I , I I lmperlail courts, are cheerfully 1 ,4..�- ,;, � "And. sing a soag of the crib, . the several funds, was as follows: t,TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY% your milk pail empty forl" do- Street, !Ilia, OLXt%T!0� - - -- 10 0,�` 1'� I , SENTENCE SERMONS. sung by the heavenly nymphs. in Insuran ) Sick and for Red, Weak; Weary, Watery Eyes anded the farmer. "Didn't 4 -, too, papa." ­ . . I . Paradise. I ce $777,768.57 in .. W 'UPRIGHT PIANOS, two hundro,d I I � Caution is necessary in friena- . Funeral Benefit $183 6�4 Old cow give anything?" dollaxs, payable tVenty dollars a .4 ti� , He went on: - —.S— I Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists d ei ine Wr,teorder -and ton dollars mo 4 1 � ' Geneiral Fund $102 83i.78- Total Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 9 = ��A a ;, . '�Sing a song of fast a.sleep, ship,; and one abould love his r4.34, a -ad and GranulatedEyelids. Murine, Doesn!t Yes," replie the boy, ntam X & I I . � Wholesale Department, The a , � . friends as if.some day he were go- FOR TEETHING BABIES Income, $1,064,342Z. The total 500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in quairts and one kick. " PiAUGCo., Limited, Montreal. . I And of the watch that m,1her, I � -1 .. . I ing to hate them. expenditure in these, funds was Aseptic Tub' � 0 AINGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, eta. � A ,, keep. . � I es, 25c, $1.00. Eye Bool�s I . al and external, cured with -14 � 4 .� . I * Do not expect a friend to ask There is only one madicine for $748 052.87. The' suTpjus, income and Eye Advice Free by Mail. * %­� tern - . . &in by our home treatment. - Write US � I 1.� Sing a song of � wake again, . ) I . 4 1 1 ��:��-. * of sunshine alter rain., you; anticipate his need, , teething babies -that is one that over expenditure amounted to *Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. � I Cefore too late. Dr. Bellman, collinip 4 � �,?! ` Among your friends esteem those will make teething easy and at, the $316,289.82. ..� wood, OnL . I "Ing . 1,; Sing a song Of go to School, . � I I -1S. , who -do notenvy your fortune more at The conversation had turned on k 4 :.�, I ' splanade, Toronto.- � 1 401, same time Can be given with abso- The Insurande Reserve, Fund SCAL13s. agetal pri6e. Wilsou'll And alsoon the V her's, rule.' . ON or , A than those who do. . lute safety. That medicip the subject of ,stiikesandlockouts. I was cured of Bronchitis and sthma scale I .]� �`? . d s arm was quiet, , ne, is the close of the year was invested ,, Can anyone tell me," inquired the by MINARDS LINIMENT. .4 - r . . .1, ,,,­ . so father sang in a lower tone: Friendship is ,one Soul in two Baby's Own Tablets ­every box of as follows. . MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. . - :1 , . bodies� , - ,� � I . which is sold tinder the guarantee Municipal . and School I joker, "why the locked-Citt work- Lot 5, P.E,I. I I . I I Isihg a song of late at, night, 9 . ee L Debentures .... . $3,218,797.30 ers are like a watch 7" "Why 131 I was cured of a, severe attack of Rheu- . A . matism, by MINARDS LINIMENT. . ind also of the eyes shut tight." Amon most 'men friendship is of a government adadyst to be fr ... "Because in both 'cases' the Mahone Bay, JOHN 'MADER. � I I nothing but a similarity. of ha,bits from. all those injurious Opiates and Dominion of Canada I -was cured of a, sever sprained leg � � . He was Singing very softly now. and desires, so that they love the narcotics which make "soothing" Stock ......... .... 150,000.00 'hands' are outside. the 'works.) 3' by MIXARDS LINIMENT.117 � I . . 1 A '. � laishe laid Gerta-ude in the crib, �he I � . . — JOSHUA. A. WYNIACRT. L." PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult 4 - . . . '13 . , S&Mekind of business, amusement, stuffs so harmful. Concerning the Deposite,& in Chartert;& I k. us in regard to any disease. Lowest I I . � I 1'� , Said: . . I I . Bridgewatbr. I Prices In drugs .Of all kinds. I � � �,'.I:�, � 1%. and talk. I - Tablets, Mrs. George Leblanc, St. ed Banks .......... 2o,000,00 If attacked with Cholera or sum- . � .Vru saes fitted by mail. a Send . inaasl4rw 4 ,.'�,�', . ing a song ni-ht 9 mer Complaint of any kind send at , . ,,; of sleep all ,(I used Current Accounts in I I ment. Glasses fitted by V, Write to-dav, � I , ..., I � i - ' eil the heart Pamphile, Que., says: I 4 1 ". " Sing of dreams till morning Chartered Banks.. . 4 OP4� . of friend to friend. Baby's Own Tablets for my baby , 39,697.12 once for a bottle -of Dr. .T. D. Kel- t.. for anything sold in rst-olags drUlf o,T light. P) . % - � '- stores to Dr. Bellrazu. Collingwood. Ont. . �. '�p I I . . — logg's Dysentery Cordial and use it -, " -­ . 4 -- .�,,�'. . � .. -Youth',s,-Companion. . .�To sa-va a, ma�n,..gi,ve him good when,he .was teething, and consti- . . -� `-i I I - - 1�1- W E ay the express in Ontario. Forty. I -, �. � . � . friends or bitter enemies; thes6. by pdted and -foutd tbi3m. an excellent . $3,2��,494A9, according to directions. It aCts with - � , ?weeks Yorksbires, registered, ten I a ' Write for what you - .I I -1 I love and those by their hate to, keep rentedy. The Tablets are sold 'by The total assets of the Order wonderful rapidity in subduing that Tommy (inquiringly)-' 'Mamin ; 11 dolli)rs. -@aoh. a & Son, Al� .. - . I .. n . 14011 . . . I . 1. � SURGICAL TRIUMPHS. * him from evil -doing . . I I medicine dealers or by mail at 25 amounted to $3,559,322.09, and its dreadful disease that weakens the is -this hair -oil, it tbis bottlel .Lhos. N, IK'a,v-s�. ­, r. . . ' 1. ..., .., . , — - . .1 . "If I take the place, mum," in- ,Cents a box from The Dr., Williams' liabilities $P,8,517.97. Assets ,over strongest man and that destroys Mamma -"Mercy, no 1 That's liquid CHENILLE CURTAINd 11 ,�,.­, sicians Report RemaAkable quived the prospective cook, "kill I Medicine Co., Brockville, Oi ., 0 . . 4 . The report of Dr. U. M. Stemley, have used this cholera medis,,ine that's why I can's get my I . Thi it liabilities $3,530,804.12. the young and delicate. Those who glue.,, Tommy (non-chalantly)-"I ... ­ -dB of house liangings, also . .1 .1 itmilyl" '11,should —-T1 I suppose tilCE CUIRZAINS DvED ANO CLEANER I � eat with the f. I I I I .1 11 l. I Transplanting Operations. I Chairman of the Medical Board, say it acts prompt-ly, and never bat off." - — LIXE NEW. , 4 1 1 . ,say so!" exclaimed Mrs. Stubbs. TICE CANADIAN ORDER OF showed the averag4a death rate fails to effect a thorough cure. ; write to us about yours. 1 4 . . I Dataili' of remarkable operations "Why, Pll give a- dinner in your FORESTERS. since the commencement of the Or- I REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND 01111.0.4 ;BRITISH MAERICAN 13YEINQ DO.,Boxl3g, Montreao . 4 . . I- ,� In the 'domain of tramsplatitation hen -or every week." ' . . . — . , , I der to be 5.22 per i,om member- Mrs. Brawn -"Doctor, that hot- - Wits.'WxtTsr.owlsSOOTI-ZXNGSyn,ap has been .1 . are being given before the German � I . ,,,d for over SIXTY 71�AR$ by MILLIONS of . , I" . I . The Thirty-second Annual 111ceting ship. There were submitted to the tle of medicine you left for baby is MOTHRRS for their cHILDRUN wIllix I..-� , . Surgeons' Congress at prese.at sit- . Mr. Joseph G., Bellamy,, a Yar- igh Court -The Sessions are Medical Board during the Year all gone." Doctor-"Impoissible I I TAPTHI �RFIMT S0C=SS. It . ji)? 6f 0 . ,, with PV ting in Berlin, says the Berlin cor- n ur, was found of R SOOT e CHI ' the GUMS Queen's aniverolvOnty � -1 . -tended-31ost Repre- iO,106 applications, the largest le him a teaspoonful AL RXiRtWITINXISCOL .. respondent of the Westininste xlc,.WITA � ,r dead in his room in a hydropathic. Largely At told you to giv LAYS all PAIN; ti Irears., number for any year in the history once an hour." Mrs. Brown -"Yes is the best remesd .11MA. ab- King-ston, ontalio. le s� for DIARP I establishment in Matlock, Derby- sentative Alecting Iffeld in a solutely ha Be sure and ask for "Mrs. . Gazette.. . . Shire. Of the Order, of which 9,215 were but John and I and -mother an Winslow's Soothing syrup,,' and take no other ARTS, .EDUCATION . I ­ I ,The transplantations .reported ­ I A large representation of de -le- accepted, and the remaining 891 re- the nurse have to each take a kind. Twentw-five cents a bottle. (� THEOLOOY, MEDICINE .. . we're. of. skit membranes, tissues I gates present at the Opening � ions I , I I I ) I A stitch in time saves nine, aluld sea- jected. The number of applicati spoonful, too, in order to induce -"I want to pay you SCIENCE, including . 1. -&TV ICU- ,e- 6e, sweet little cherub to take it." ENGINEERINCT. , '0 n es, bones, and even of arti sionof High Court,of the Canadian 7as 1,290 more than for ,t Everbroke I,," 1; / every house fly killed early saves a I he .pr I ..4 , lations. Prof. Kvettrrer, of Bros-: Order of Foresters betokened the vious year. I something on account." Tailor I 1. thousand at I -east later on.. Wil� t lau, repoTted tha-6 he Ilad. replaced , deep interest throughout the Do- The report of.W. G. Strong, Sup- Keep minard's Liniment In the house. (rubbing his hands) -"Ah, I'm glad� The Arts course may be ts.ken by 11 . . � I , part of a femur, including the joint, son's Fly Pa -ds will kill many times i ion in the welfare of this great erintendent of the .Organization, - see you." Everbroke-"Yes, I correspondence, but stodene; desiring I .. I more flies'than any other article. in n eat to .� , with similar par -6s taken from, a I - — fraternal Insurimee Society, which showed that during the year there In the misfortune 'Of our b want to pay you a compliment on, to graduate must attend one semion. ,.. I . �� . I died from a "Mr. . Mills " said- th . e spokesman now includes nearly &0,0-00 Canadi- were 8,280 iniations as against 7,- friends there is a little something your artistic way of dulinin' g' 'Sh, I I � tumor some time later, and a post -.Of the . its memberah' I I . . � 369 for the previous year, an in- not quite displeasing to us. . -not a word -you deserve it. Goo� ARTS SUMMER SESSION . w�riingnlen's committee, ansin 1p. . L . — -- . mortem lexanlination Showed that C( Great enthusiasin characterized crease of 911. morning." toll we have come to tell you, Sir, that � I July 3rd to August I It1h . . united bones had grown we .want shorter hours and---�-" the gathering, and rightly so, as At the, close of the year, there For Burns and Sealds.-Dr. . . I , - - 1. er perfectly. " Very *ell," interrupted the busy the year just closed waS the most .were l,"069 Courts in the Order, r4e Thomas' Eclectrie Oil will take the Don't �gnore the few .house flies For Calendars write the Registrar, ". I . , In t�io Other. similar cases the . Lt Successful in the history' of the Or- presenting a member -ship of 78,104. fire out .of a burn or scald more You see in June. Unlesi you. com- G. Y. CHOWN, Kingston, Ontario . manufapturer, "we'll begin Tigh , . %7 . " ; I 1. . patients were alive and well. ]Prof. off with shorter dinner hours.0 . der,. and to this may be added the There were 517. Courts in Ontario, rapidly than any other preparation. mence, using Wilson's Fly Pads - � , , �� . I . 1. I.. Kulettiler . . expressed the opinion . fact that the delegates are for the 180 in Quebec, 56 in Nova ScOtiai It should be, at hand in every kit- early your house will be overrun - ---- - I . — - rince idsummer. JUST BRA I . I that it will henoe,torth,,be regularly Mward'd . Linimont,.Lumberman's -Friend. first time meeting in,the commodi- 71 in New Brunswick, 14 in P ' ' Chen so that it may be available at by them in mi G. ­ I I 4ossible. to transplant sound arti- " . . - . nadian Ed -ward Island, 65 in Saskatobe, any time. There is no preparation - "Ma faither's b, sojer," said t � .� � . 1. I . . . .1 . I ous Assembly Hall of the Ca ,all, 3� in Alberta, 17 in British required. Just apply the oil to the The Heiress -"Have y4o . � culations from corpses. . Fortune Teller -"You will suffer Foresters' Building, 22 College 'V� u seen little Scottish lassie to her play, - Prof. Lexer, of Jena; who is:de- much by being very poor until you Street. Columbia.and 112 in Manitoba. burn or scald and the pain will papa?" The Duke -"Yes, It's all . . scribed aa driventor o . f I the above- are thirty-five. years of age." The new building is up to Among those in attendance are' abate and in a short time cease al- Off. I I The 11-airess­"You don't mate. mentioned meth,oct of tribnspI4 Im- date and thoroughly equipped, and the following: . "And so is my faither tae," To - I . nta- peounious Poet. (e4gerly)-"And is, a credit to, the members of the High Chief Rang- together. � mean to say that he refused to give plied the other. ap ' "You will local Courts, who undertook the "Ali, but ma faither's been in the f.i.on, ga,ve an 'count, of an'Other then?" Fortune Teller- J. A. Stewart, -i�; J. A. A; Brod- his consent I" The Duke ­'10b, . . er, Perth, Ontar triumph in this domain. Ile intro- get used to it." work and carried it to so success- THE CAUTIOU aid he'd give his consent .war, and he's got a hale lot o' . eVr, Higb,Vice Chief Ranger, Mon- another Cent." medals; and he's got the Victorisi � . . I . duced to the Congress a lady pati- ful an isall-a. The magnificent treal, Que. ; I Goo. Faulkner, High Singing Teaoher�"Now, chil. -but not . enb who had attempted suicide, , by The Pure Food Law stopped the Structure, is a trikjute to the spirit Secretary, Brantford, Ont.; Robt. dren, give us 'Little 'Drops of The ease with which corns and Cross, and the King pinned it on . drinking sulphuric acid, and who sale'of hundreds of fraudulant me-. of ' fraternity, which prevails among Elliott, High Treasurer, Brantford, Water' and pAit some spirit in it." wi' his ain hand," said the first I . � I .had seriously bwened and Con- dicines. They :could' not stand in- ,the members of the City of Toronto, Ontario; Dr. U. M. Stanley, Chair- Principal (whispering) - "Care- warts can be removed by Hollo- "But ma faither's braver," s;3.j . . I'll stricted the esopliagus. Dr, Lexer vestigation. Hamlins Wizard Oil and the result of their united ef- man Medical Board, Brantford, ful, Sir. This is 6 temperance way's Corn, Cure is its strongest the other. He's been in dizzens o,' " I constructed an entirely new "o- has stood the test of 'investigation fo'rts is a. splendid object lesson to Ont. - W. M. Couper, Mo,ntreal) school. Say 'put some ginger in recomme . ndation. It seldom fails. wars, and he's lots o' medals an4. - .1 . . . . ".. , I I phagus.out of intestine and apiece for nearly sixty years. I the delegates'from -other centreo. (llue.'; A. P. Van Someren, Saska" it.` Victoria, Crosses, and be got a rale ,��, . of outer skin, ami grated it on in-. .1 — I The'sessions of High Court were toon Sask.; R W. Wigniore, � St. . Mother-"'Georgie, are you teach- wudden leg." And, with a trium- . :­� I . ) . 4 . , q , . I ,stead of the injured organ. It reach-, In friendship the absent are pre. presided over by die. High Chief to, ,ong for a married g the parrot, to swear?" Georgie pliant air, she wdded: "And the I., I I I ryn . . ' . John, N.B. ; R. 0. Gavin, Toron , "I think Ws vr Inr'NO, mother; I'm telling it what ,. , sto- sent, the poor are rich, the weak Ranger, J. A. Stewart, and all the Ont. ; T. E "It's worse- than . . . . ed from the pha' . I McLellan, Galt, Ont.�; man to gamble." King naile-d it on -xi' his aiD. I I I . I , I . . . I d mpletely suc- are strong, the stammering speak, other High Court Officers Wore In Members oi the Executive Com- wrong. IVs idiotic . His wife gives it mustn't say." hand I" I � I I � � � . 4 . cessful, the patient being able to and the dead live. . attendance. . . mittee; W. L. Roberts, High Aud- him beans if he loses, and oonfis- minard's Liniment used by Physicians. . � I .1 .1 swallow solids alid fluids without I I ' After receiving reports of the itor, Brantford, Ont.; J. P, Hoag, Cates; the cash if be wins." . Diner­"Tbis is a very tiny por- I diffi,culty. This is apparently the, Agreement among good men is High Court Officerb, which were dis- High Auditor, London, Ott.; W. I HIS UNCLE'S FAULT. tion of Chicken you have given me,, , ' � . I � � I I first time this operation has been friendship, among bad men, con- tributed to the delegates in print- Walker, High Registrar, Montreal, I . � ,.. I . . . I waiter." Waiter -"Yes, Sir,. but 1 I ,performed, &,a several other Sur.. spiracy. . I . � . ed form, the meeting. received the Que, ; W. G. Strong, Superintend-. I .. 11 "Now, my boy," said Jimmy's you will find it will take you a long I . � . �'� I , . . m� present gave accounts of Un_ 4 1 vari - Ous. . Civic. deputations. ' ent of Organization, Brantford, uncle, "why can't you sit at the time to eat it." . - I . I ­ . !,�Ofaleesful, attempts, . The report of J. A. Stewart, High Ont.; Lyman Lee, Solicitor High I I , table V' . . I -- . . Prof. Lexer summed up the ' 11 I � ,Chief Ranger, waa� replete with 00tirt Hamilton[ Ontario, Eon. . . "I can't," whined Jimmy, wrig-. - .- - I achievements attained in bransplan- � � I facts and figures, showing the Order, .Colin'H, Campb-all, High Court I . gling in his Chair; land it's yourt I tation. 'No eompl,ote ,organ or en- I to,be in a most flourishing condi- Solicitor for Mani�bob&, Winnipeg, fault. I I l, I 1 , said, b - 11 avitis-on, D.H.C.R ,"My faulti.11 echoed his uncle. , tire limb has yet, Ile een suc . tion, maintaining and even Sur- Man, ; F. X. D' �;�� I . I 31peg, Man,, and D. E. M�-' . IiAnd how is it my fault?" . "..'", cesSfully transplanted. X . passing its record for previous Willi . I �1 Dr, Lao,�ve'n, of Leipzig, reported OR Til I . Kilinort, Winnipeg . I .. , I "Woll," Said Jimmy "you told , 1 '13, 1. years. . . � I .1 I ;! � � ,,, �he failing of the '? - � igio, the I I ' we ye a million was & !I ��­, that he hald curod t , I I � On the last of January, . I . - - the ,stlorday that teacher -�nder lip, which resulted from fac , . Two things , � - �.�,!q � I I I I � Urder had a membership of 73,985, are to� be f -&red � thundering lot, and when W W .: ��' � ial paralysis by Implanting free , and there were initiated during the envv of friends and the ambush of asked me this morning what a mil- is thti I resneay l "'k.- , trig an enemies. I . . I ff : i lion wag I told him it Was a thun- lwowo! , � bones into, the lip. Another, case 1, i, I -- . . �' I � year, 8,280 now, members, bei , . . . � . "Obwch I �. . — , dering lot, too; now, it faaart, r reported was the replacing with I can't si # � "A. . 1 . increase of Oil over the previous I I . �. "'! ivoyy of the clamaged.parts of an yeal'.. During last yea, 3 66a mem- For Mother Graves, Worm Ex- ,� still." � I , . t 6 0V e I za , , i . 1 . I � .". � � 2 . ?u�'dbr jaw, 1'xlierionce, it was bers lapsed 'ad 498 iid� 2 , 1, ;;; t ... -- t �, 3, f " ,E a I , leaving terminator has ranked as the most � 3 TIM ' 1� � w1w.e.. 'A i . -� StateO, shows that the hoi�b of.ani- 11 .1 the net membership at the close -of effoot,ive preparation manufactured, ' The man who laughs Nv!ien thll,gys , . � .4-11 1;�-nyo-,,,h qo;d a6ftA.-40o, 1h 11 I I I I I 11 . � I I � " 4 : ,' , - -1 ­� I , I I �,�. � 1, I . 11 Ini'lls 'is specially suitable. for re- sonct f 9911ple to neot. W. 1.11 the, yeir 18,104. anti it always maintaina its roput&- — . � — go wrong is bound to ,,,'I-- *, rl�,�,v,i . ,I:r ��.,, "". . I %rt, I National Drug and Cheimcal cd.,Toeolitc. - Th I I � I .1 :. : � ED. 8 . � ISSUE 25--11 the throng. . I ­ ­­­,��, I - � . pl�nillg bone -p a. I e increase fit fhe� Insurance tion. . I . � . , I . 1, I I . I , . I ... I . "O E �y i s D ' I E, ' - - ! R a - n C y ' I I t � b � T d* I _ I '. " ' I I i E ' nZ CA D u nol . -, b.' �'�dec, 0 0 C n ts� ' us, .'end ... ' � ' ' - d' ' ' ' ' ' b ' , esk.. _ _ ,_ y ' ' T ' T ' ' S ' A 1.1' C �- A 0 " T I Ei E "n S L � ' - P I N - b -'r-P..d-n �.g rad.a'. I _ ' -s ( r' ( .' ' — , --�f I` ` 11�vl- ""-- 19 1 'I 'I , OA - 0 1 11111r, Ird , B2111 �, I I i 11 I - I 1 ,�4� . 14-, , , , - , , , � " I f � ':� r. g - �JM SES_ TS U SI'DN [AR FR _ S _ _ July 3,d to Ma-�t I Id'. . it F.. Calend.., ", '. ti'. R.gi."".' ,:I r :,W , i.a.,.., 0.t.rf, '. y . CH N K _ ­ _ . I I . . . � . I.... I � I �, . 1� . I � I . I . . . I . I � I .L I . I . I I I � .�. .; l. .. I I . . I .� . � I I I 11 - I I . . . . �� - I � I 11 . I. .1 . .1 I .� . . . I I . L I . � I , I . I . . . . I I 11 11 I I �. I 11 . I . I . : � I 11 � . I I I . 11) A I . . ­ �. I . I I , . ., . I I i . I "I I I I . � . . I . I . . � I I I . . I k i , I I I .11 I I - � I I I I � I I I I � � I I I � .� . ,. �, � I I I � I � 1. 1� I . 11 I � �. ­ 11 .1. � Ahl, I , i i . I .1. I- I � � . 1. ­ I �L. I �, I � I I I I I - ­."­­­,:­­­.�� 0 , '' A&, , . . -11-- - I