HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-03, Page 135 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & .Trailers LE IROUSSEA., the Home Beuutifrer for all your decoruli ng needs We pi u.ide the newest , uluur s un wallpaper Ideal Pwnt blinds 0nd deluruhny uccessones Sundru Billson 181 Rich St Godernh yuu con pick up your prate fit L e Trousseau /4 Hamilton St Godenc h 524 2448 22 .31 fl AIRSTREAM excellent condition Power lift owning., 011 asking $13 500 00 Phone 524 7237 J2ifn ATT'N MOTOR HOME OWNERS Next time take your cur with you For sale low dolly for nod sire cur No plates required Now ,i' worth $1000 00 U S Makes me an offer Port Albert 529 3140 22 23x 7H.. Boats, Motors & Marine ATTENTION FISHERMEN Lowrunce X4 X5 Eagle 5000 6100 /000 and VHF radios temperature probes loran C stock fit discount prices lake Huron Rad arid,Gun, Underwood 368 7182 Open / days 22 30' YOU NAME II we v1' gut it ,or run get it A full lino of c1aft supplies inc 'tiding mohair wool Syn Merl( , and 10tt0r1 301'11s We 1 of 1y C111110 Woodland 51:'rinS 1 Loethoul 186 Boyfreld Rd. Goderich your pare is 0 lottery titket from Sum oast C.:rift (Corner Sum oust Mull Gorier lc '22 71 Service, Parts & Repairs PU1 AWAY your wInl<,r routs lockets suns dresses 1Ieorned and ple''ed Stor eyour fur', and fine woolons GOad sr' vi( s' good prices every day. D A Croft 56 Essex St Goderich <un hover] suit dunned free 'of charge ut Bluewutl'r Cleaners 38 West St Goderich 5746231 22 8. Computers Videos etc. For one week only ... we will °dyer' tise your Computers, Videos, etc. "FREE". Call 524-2614 - ext. 34 10. Pets for Sale PETS FOR SALE Four Siamese kittens Chocolate point Three feinales one reale Have shot', Phone 529 7382 .21 .220x AMERICAN COCKER SPANIEL puppies, block or .blonde Champion 'sired.. adorable pets e.gistered with shots. Phone Brenda Mansell' 524 7707 22 f.AR.M MWBKET 11 di ssifik fps 11A. For Sale General 11B. Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hite 11D. Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock' 11F. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm 'Real Estate 11A. For Sale Ge • eral FOR SALE 87' acres of— fixed hay.. in West' Wawanosh. • Phone . ' 5242402 or 524.6973.• 20.21.23 DO •YOUR OWN THING AND WEAR IT! Singers Sewing machines, knitting machines, service to all makes. Trade•ins and used machines. Fobrics. yarns wools',and notions. Call ,5245151. Alice Stinnissen 5 Kroh'mer Dr. Goderich. Norma 5 Sewtng'Centre 56 The Square Goderich hos a prize for you 22 BALER BELT. belt lacing and hinge. Belt lacers and alligator hammer on lacing in any size available on order. 5297604 22 25 11E. Livestock i BEEF AND Holstein calves all• sizes arriving weekly Sold in Idts or 15y choice. Phone Tudor Wain, 524 9898 or 524.6613 ' 18.22 FOR SALE Bred Gilts to farrow late June. July August Breeding dotes. vaccinated R.O P. tested guaranteed. York x Landrace or York x Hamp good selection York Harnp Duroc and Hamp x Duroc Boors Days as law as 129. bock fat as low as 8.4 mm all priced competitively' from $250 Bob Robinson RR 4 Walton, Call 345 2317 22, 23,24 11J. Farm Systems LYNN LOWRY Farm Systems Ltd. R.R. 1 Kincardine, Ont. FOR ALL YOUR Manure, Feed & Gr&i`n Handling Requirements CALL 395-2615 or 395-2616 Or see us in Amberloy. We handle everything - Almost. 12. Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE SALE two houses for Sole on nd1ncent lots in quiet residential area One o two bedroom the other o four bedroom For rnformo tion colt 574 6602 l Rtf IF YOUR HAIR IS RIGHT you feel better all aver Complete hair care for ladies and men We offer a full line of Redken retail hair rare products Peter Herring. 32 Waterloo St S Goderich has won a $10 00 gift certificate from Harr Affolr 53. South St Goderich 524 4279. 22 IDEAL HOBBY and or garden farm Six acres ' mile north of Port Albert on Hwy 21 Red brick house over 1900 square feet including two baths family and living room' 4 bedrooms large noun try kitchen plus walkup attic and ill origlnat woodwork Out buildings include large born and shed landscaped with fniany mature trees 574,500 529 3107 22,23 13. Mobile Homes FOR SALE 86 Mobile Hume 14 x /(1 It sell, tutriishet1 heated FlotDdu r„wt, I,11<.3,• ,Ie,k un 1 shed By uppuuitrrrerrt Phc.,nE• 5/4 49/2 22 TELL SOMEONE YOU CARE ',end n bc>Iloon bou quer to say happy bin thday 0t' lust hoppy day Aller) Arthur 154 Essex St Coder ch you h,rvE' won 0 luny stemmed ru,e Irani 0,x,..'• F lower . find Gifts 166 (out? House• 59002 ' G•'dn•r r( h 524 8:61 '22 FOR SALE mobilo horse 12 x 54 2 hedruunis well nrwntauled Phone 524 4922 weekends 2/1 88/1 weekdays 22 '23 (OR SALE Mobile”. 2 ° 64 plus H x 30 add tion 14 x 61, 22 x 44 on 1 ,1 i.' hunk 0131E'15 Phone 524 2100 22 21x JADE JEWELLERY tdy•w (n11,1,1o)rr 1110231' Inde 'well('Iy /n' 111,ite you N) .r"• ,x,11 lar gr• '11'112 torr Mrs Elennnr N'lsnti 1.13 Elizabeth St 00(30111h n or ireownits you at 11011i1 o Hwy 21 5 Gorier < II 5)4 /920 12 HELP EE;3. RED CROSS READY! 964.615566.66, 16. For Rent SMALL EQUIPMFNI RFNIAIS L'i:,u 41x1,1 gulili'n con(r031, auton)nit'e Ili) (3 0'111111119 t' 3 '' 1 1110 5011(301', '3 'mile., East r,l Krnrnr,lrn,', un Highway 9 Plume '395 2695 4'/1111 MOTORIZED wuotI'plllter tar rr,nt $40 00 pr•1 day Plum(' 524 48// 011('1 6 p 111 471111'2. MOTORIZED woodsplrtter 525 00 p(:'1 'lay Cull 524 8110 after 4 p (n 43tfnx FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction LUEWATER CLE?S.NERS 524-6231 Doing it Yourself?? See us first, we con heft!' aymai tUertaI e c u i o m e n t Mrd BAYf•IFI1) kf), (,(31)3(31(1! 32.1.2659 holiday rent•a-car system We have a full line of: CARS -TRUCKS -VANS -WEEKEND RATES AVAILABLE '12 or 20 FT, MOVING VANS AVAILABLE STRICKLANDS $2495 INCLUDING 1pO Free on cars only 4t' 344 Huron Rd., Godench 524-8311 17. Apartments for Rent BENNETT'ST. • now available '2 bedroom apart' ment all utilihF,4 paid Phone 524-6653- 04tfor 04tfor TWO 'BEDROOM APARTMENT ' 'rarpc•tr'rl throughout fridge and stove excellent. parking facilities, •Avoilable Phone 529 7888 ,21 tfor ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT uvnilnhle immediately in adult build ilq' c arpeterf throughout completely renovated 111 quint neighbourhood close to the Square .21.22 AVAILABLE July 1st spnr.Ious 2. bedroom opal t• meat ground 3 loor 5295 00 0 rnnnth For in queries call 524 9876 22 23 • TWO BEDROOM apartment with two bathrooms very large ort mann floor built in dishwasher carpeted throughout Avnrinhle in July Phone 524.7493. 22 24 THREE BEDROOM 0,pnrtrnent lot rent kir hen living room dining room Coll 524 941,1 before 6 or 524.9691 rafter 6 ' 22 23 GARDINER 5 MOTEL Off seoson rotes week ly monthly Fridges and stnvrl5 all utilrt'rns 111 cluded 5247302 02tfar THE BROWNSTONE 250 Hincks St. One & tWO bedroom apartments available for May 1st (tc.( up,u1( v, -fully carpeted -refrigerator -stove • -no-Wax floors -Controlled c111% -outdoor perking Laundry Facilities - 1st '& ird Floor Model Suite Hours: Monday - Thursdr3v 1 - 8 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 1 - ; p.m. For Rental Information Call Margaret 524-5183 18. Houses fon Rent TWO BEDROOM UNI1 fridor• carpeted 5435 00 monthly phis ,' r '11.5 (nil 524 2879. I 1 tf {only NEW HOUSE onlieniIktt Shoot for ten'.,, w'rn or, hon to buy Avrnlnhln lune 1,1 Pir,nn 1236 4730 21 22 BAYF11-1D Thom; bedroom bungalow 1.,ni,rhln Juno 1st Phone 1 236 4230 21 22 LAKEVIEW hungnlnw nn Irngr Int moan, ulntra condition References Phone 574 9480 )20n THREE BEDROOM in, Snitfnrd nvn,lcrhle July 1 rorpetsd rlrnn rrlrrPnrPt Phonn 492 5941 evenings 22nx FOUR BEDROOM house well In, Med Pi,nnn 524 9550 22 23. Commercial Property for Rent 1)111(1 5PA(,f (UR RENT 900 •,t'3 fl Ori we,,) 51 , ill `,21 2664 I Id n HA YFIELD kr•t nl ,)Thr v ,p,x e 'J,orluble mmnediutely Phone .Iii/ 3220, 1403 ',11 /RI FOR RFNI ',29 /dHs 11,ft APPROxIMA111' 31)031'5(3 It maw floor office 5311, 0 Idf111r>t,le (/C/',f' to the 5quo10 Available '1.3,teiriber I Phone S24 5:316 IBdc>r • 1122 mini, 111E^et PFlulre 53 VI( IURIA St (ruder If It luwe'i 1e)e1 1500 square lent n.niiable immediately 524 5244 morning.. 21 22 24 W,nne,l 1„ ir,nt Your(, s 0RKINC, n,'ale• nun 5niuker looking to burr' .tpul11nevit 11 hou',e rnrd li•nng C'xperrses 111 (ruder Ir (' >3 Del 524 75/I home or 524 7476 n',n lO 1I r"70UlO IIKJ t„ rei,l ,,r rest ,rntt, uphori to buy t3 0•11 111 1'1111 3 , 11„1/111 house v„tin b0111 (1K3 5(11031 '1, f o•iclo 111 0udr•nr h Cor lo,, Dungnnnnn or Kin to.,3 .rr'•,r 1' 511„u 115 pn,'.rhl&” P110111. 1`( 119/ I2 2'3 3ARM 1101151 in Groton 01 Gn,derrrh 011'(1 S,•3,lenih,'l 1t', Doi 1,101-W1 '1 ('>11 Pete1 Bar hlnarrrr or FA,k', ('1',1,3,• 1011of t .116 832 /152 22 30 2 STORES FOR RENT in the building formerly known as the ''Print Shop". Being remodelled at present time. Inquire Ken McGee 524-8391. (McGEE PONTIAC BUICK) STANDARD TRUST B .°:iILDING FFBCE SPACE AVAILABLE 1st Floor Si. 2ncl Floor 13E3 The Sqi re, .Goderich ' Phone 524-7385 SPACE Fz u .! .[NT J Li f lit In Zone eAvailable July "19'87 01200 to 3600 sq.. ft. e service or' wholesale •outlets 'Shop & Storage space ,For more information call Jeff Fisher at 5247312 or 5297821 25. Wanted to Buy WANTED small bout trailer in q.00d condition Phone 524 6359 or 524.6364.'22x ' WANTED JO BUY used brick. Willing to pick up Phone 524 4910 22 WANTED Wooden playpen Phone 529 7912 22 $$$$$$s$$$ CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, liv,'ng room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 5271633 26. Help Wanted PLAYGROUND lenders required two playground leaders are needed for 'running the summer playground at Kingsbridge from July 6th August ?1st Applications should be moiled to 5t Joseph s School Kingsbridge RR 3 Goderich Ontnl io N7A 3X9 Application deodl,me Friday June 5th 20 22 , RETAIL SALES Prrrnonent position available im mE'dratr'ly for mature persons in local retail business Applicants must be available during daytime hours and 1 2 evenings Please send all dE educnhon and. quolif'cottons to Drower' No 12 r o Goderich Signal Star P 0 Box 220 Gorier uc h Ont N7A 486 20tf ar FINANCIAL SERVICES L'orge ron5umer oriented nrgnnrrntinn looking for full and part time peo plc' to mocker readily accepted products after a short training period Great pay for good produc tivity Please send resume to Drawer No 16 c o Signal Star Box 220 Goderich Ont N7A 486 71 23 BABYSIITFR required five days ri week in my hnmr Shift work Two weeks days 7 30 3 30 two weeks oftrrnoans 3 30 11 30 Needed im rnndrrttnly Call rafter 4 p m 524 2676 22 23 PART TIME clerk ,piss Apply to Drawer 22 c o Gorier Sign(/' Stor P 0 Box 220 Goderich On torin N7A 486 77or RET IRE D PERSON or student for port 11,110 garden nc� Apply to ('rnwrr Nn 21 r o finder ch Signal. Star P O 8nv 220 Gorier irh Ontario N7A .1336 22 SAI E. PERSON FNTTREPRENEUR BUSINESSPER SON Immorlintr opprninq to rnorkrt our unique rnlvr trsmq 100r opt for Pxpnndrnq Motor rind 1141., I (Luh Duo) tnr Flexible hours top commis slon onus rnanagement'avrrrtdo, Contrirf Mr Bnuol m' person nt the Elm Hoven Clinton on Wednr'dny lune 3rd nt 7 p m or 7 p m sharp or nn Thur,dlnv June 4th nt 10 n m sharp .72nr l AWN AND FRUIT trio mrtintrnnnrr 5ensonnl for 'mull rnuntry prnporty ,n AshfneLd Call 6o1 Ire t 514, 236 7568 27 23 GOUE RICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1987—PAGE 13 "Remember the MOM -O -GRAM" Say it in a classified JUNE list `l) n I 1 413.50 3'411 22 N(tl'(I' or pltiti Send Mur Dad ' a special Father -'s Day Message! tle'.s been .such a terrific Father all. year through, null ',S your turn total him what a ' ST4R he is to you. Fes 26. Help Wanted .The Signal -Star v% ill convey your message to %your 1)A1D including a symbol of your love %Sith your warding. Please call 'Theresa before noon JUNE 15th. ' 524-2614 Ext..34 ELDERLY Clinton ,,widower. requires Liv(; 1.11 housekeeper Would prefer someone with drivers licence and will 'be willing to drive short ° trips, winter and 'summer. Drawer No 36 r n Clinton News•Record Box 39 Clinton NOM ILO 22 23 MATURE responsible person for peenhcmrns part time positron in photogrophy pnd fromrny straw Send resume fo Foto Pros. 15 Albert St ' Clinton NOM ILO. 22 23ar 'SHIPPER RECEIVER Full trine' position open for yell organized person. with excellent conn municatron skills and ability to deo) with pubLic Benefit pock aye • inc luded Phrens. 524.8121” 22or ssistant Manager Position Available Applicant must be a mature Thinking n• divrdual desiring to learn th'e operation of a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet Excellent benefit package and opportunity for' advancement Please apply in person to -the manager of Kentucky Fried Chicken 94. Elgin 'Ave., Goderich 26. Help Wanted DISHW-SHER'NEEDED 'lppl`t in person ,It ZONI RESTAURANT (,udl'ri< h 524-4611 r THE HURON -PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD, Requires a qualified teacher to teach Religious Education to•the Mentally Han- dicapped at the Trainable Retarded Schools in.Huron-Couhty. This is a part- time position. - • Applicant must be a mature Catholic and willing to share his/her faith copimitment with others. Previous experience in teaching religious education would be an asset. Applicant must have own transportation. A recent pastoral reference is required. Applications in writing should outline ex- perience and be forwarded by June 29. 1987 to — Ms. Theresa Bowins, Religious Education Consultant ' Huron -Perth County R.C.S.S. Board P.O, Box 70 DUBLIN, Ontario NOK 1E0, (519) 345-2440 • D. Durand Chairman of the Board W. Eckert Director of Education EX i PLANT OF NABISCO ::RANDS LTD Requires : sonal Workers to Help Process Peas a Corn for the period of apprOx mate) / July to early October. Hourly Jobs Available °Day or Night Shift Personnel Department 210 sWellington Street, West Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-2445 OR CONTACT YOUR NEAREST CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE L. REGISTERED NURSE9 S AIDE NABISCO BRANDS.LTD, a leading processor of quality food and beverage products Is seeking one (1) Registered Nurse and two (2•) Nurse's Aides for our Exeter. Ontario food processing operation for the period approximately June 29th to October 1st. The Registered Nurse (day shift) should possess a valid Registered Nurse's -Certificate for the Province of Ontario The Nurse's Aides (afternoon and night shift) should possess an R N A certificate. St John's Ambulance or C PR with related experiences. Duties *Administering medical aid as needed °Preparing accident reports °Issuing employee work and safety supplies •Issuing and preparing employee time cards Please send resume or phone Personnel Department, BR Isco 210 Wellington St. W., Exeter, Ontario, NOM 'ISO 235-2445 ra