HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-03, Page 12IT'S EASY
'S p.m., Monday" Too tete to classify,
Tuesday 12 noon, far Wednesday
'4,50 min, 22 words 204 eo. additionol word
thereafter Consecutive Insertions: 2 con-
secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con•
secutive insertions '3.50 ea. In Memoriam:
'A 50 min. plus 35a per line of rhymed verse.
Cards of thanks: '4.50 min. 25 words plus
6a for each additional word. Public Notice:
'20.°for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors:
'30. for 3 insertions. '25. for 2 insertions,
'20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number: '3.
first week, '1. each additional week.
Prompt Payment: S0a discount per week
for word ads paid in fall at time of purchase
or wirthin 1 week, of insertion (Tuesday at
5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates
available on request.
To pace ,'our hoer •i hitting
CI<. ssifieci ad
PHOfE i >8t VISiIT
:3 A - 5:00 P
Address mail correspondence:
CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich 5iglnai1-
Star. P.O. Box220, Industrial Park,..
Goderich. N7A 45
1- Articles for Sale
AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl -Cleaner removes rust
lime and n'iineial deposits. Simply place in the
'corner of your toilet tank•.. Avertable at Hoff:
meyer Plumbing and Heating Kingston Street
Goderich 524 7861 1 tfar
FOUR 15 CHROME RINS +rocket) S70.00. Call
after 6 p.ni. 524 9626. 21 22 ••
'L'ADY S CAST 14kt gold duster 'Mg; Appraised
value "51 075 00. •• sE ll for ' best after
482 3217 21 22 ,
HARDWOOD SLABS ,by truckload delivered. Call
early mornings and evening-, 529 7642. 21tf
'SPRING CLEANING 'cnd'.gnrdening keeping you
too busy to cook"- Let Colonel Sanders do the
cooking. Its our taste That !Hakes us famou'
Req W. Bell 56 St. Patrick St Goderich •din'ngr
for one uwnrts you at Kentucky Fried Chicken 94
Elgin •Ave 1- Goderich. 524 7359 22
KROEHLER DAY bed: clean 5125.00 Chrysler
10 000 btu air conditioner good condition
5290 00 187 •, Blake • St West • Goderich.
524 4386 22 .
AUTOMATIC WASHER 2 , speed 2 cycles
Feigrdoire fridge older model 524 9332 ,• 22 -
WANT •0 SELL Bar bre dolls, clothe furniture 3,
storey house.,und citcessories' Wont 580.00 but
will take . hest: offer • Phone 482.1769
iHolmesvrlle after 5 p m 22 2`3
high. Top glass doors adjustable shelves solid
bottom doors lacquer finish excellent condi
tion Surtable•for TV hooks or office etc. chair
and foot stno. on casters view condition. Call
Wednesday otter 9 p rn. fpr appointment
524 6874 • 22 a
REFRIGERATOR for sale asking 510000 Phone
524 7075 , 22x
LOOKING FOR something different in greeting
cords"',We have cords_ from 81 !fain Italy. and
Sweden 20°° off cords wrap and bows.,,
•Grayhurst, Business Supplies 38 East St 22nx
BICYCLES r New and used bicycles far sale. Take
trod ins repo[ bikes' Phone 4825698 27 24x
BUNK BEDS Excellent condition Phone
524 9193 22x
30 WESTINGHOUSE c lnrhi( range good work
ing condition harvest gold Phone 5242523 22
'PATIO SETS 40°° off or more Wide 'selection
'Warehouse aper Fridhys and Saturdays 71 King
St W Forest Ont 1519) 786 4405 19 22'ar
I ARDWOOD SLABS by the trucklood (approx
10 11 cords 5130 00 delivered Phone
529 7302 19tf
MAGIC CHEF propane•stove 4 burners counter
model ovprhe ci oven, asking 5175 00 Phone
524 7228 ' 20 23
11. Articles for Sale
SPECIAL OCCASION' Luncheons Dinners
Sinaiyusbord the Candlelight Reitauramt lives
up to your expectations Mrs Morg Gould 269
Cobourg St Goderich has w,on u smorgasbord
luncheon at the Candlelight Restuuront Goderich
524 7711 22
AIR CONDITIONER 9000 B T.0 for vent or win
dow 22' wide. serviced. new compressor foo
beg for new home, $250 00 Phone 52'4 7447 22
TH.REE SETS of lawn bowls. Admiral frost free
fridge and ,[oohing stove avocado colour
Phone 524 2315 22,23
THREE peacocks for sale. Phone 529.7320 • 22x
APARTMENT size stove 24 white. Whirlpool 2
yrs old Phone 5247.464 ' 22
DIRKS GALLEY Restaurant will cater..for up to 300
guests on yodr locotion. Phone 5242160, 164
Court House Square, Goderich • Arranged for
your convenience and to your .taste. William
Crawford,.44 Essex• St. Goderich. you are the
winner of two super subs' 22
Play [mutually or automatically Spinet pedals 2
full keyboards. auto rhythm, piano, drums. etc
Will 'warrant. deliver, and help .new. owner
understand and ploy. Worth $14013.1Q • make an
offer. Port Albert 529.3140. 22,23x
GIRL S CLOTHING sizes.12 and 14. ladies clothing
sizes 14 and 16, girl's purple 20" banana seat
bike ,all priced!to go 5 ,a-7628. 22
•HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY.- at your home this spr•
ing. Art's Landscaping will provide you with a
prrvgte showing, in your own gorden,of shrubs
you could use to enhance your property. You
make the choice. Coll 524-2645 at 166 Bennett St.
E Goderich. Dona Bean RR 1 Auburn has won a
pair of garden gloves. , 22
TRUST BROWN'S • To ';colorize" your' home. A
complete range of all interior exterior paint pro•
ducts, a full line of wallpaper end carpets to suit
every taste and pocket book. Robert,Cook, 147,
McDonald St. Goderich, you can claim your prize
,at Browns -Decor Centre." 33 West St.
524.7117. 22
memorative edition honouring the 100th An-
niversary of Champion Road Machinery. $2.00
per: copy (out of town orders odd $1.80 postage).
Makes great gifts for f-orrner Goderich residents.
•summer visitors.ond friends. Available at the of•'
fico of the" Goderich Signal•Star, Industrial Park,
8 ern. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. • l l tfnx-
GENERAL Instrument '10 ft.' mesh satellite dish
and equipment for sole.• - Call 524-4243
anytime. 44tfnx
..LARGE FROST -FREE refrigerator 30" electric stove
with self-cleaning oven, white, excellent•cpndi•
tion 5250.00 eoch.:Living roam set - sofa, chair
ec id•:swivel rocker, suitable for cottage 5100.00.
all •Saturday, or Sunday.
524.4472. 20,21',42 •
IS YOUR BUSY schedule leaving you too little
time to cook' For a quick and delicious dinner
treat your family to McDonald's Restaurant; 350
Bayfield- Rd..,.Goderich. 524-4622. Mr. and Mrs.
Kevin Jewell,- RR 4 Goderich, you ,have.won two
free dinners from McDo'na.ld's. 22
12 FEET of oak cupboards upper and lower com
plete with counter top •$800.00 firm:. two -used.
.boy s bicycles, Raleigh and Norco, 20", asking
540.00 each, 524.2593. 22
45 ROUND oak and maple dining room table
with 3 leaves 5 choirs buffet with mirror good
condition 5400 00 524 5244 or 529.3109 21 22
800 x 14 5 12 ply trnrler tires $75 00 Poch 3000
Ib frillier springs 520 00 each 2 gas driven
writer pump 5195 00 acetylene torch outfit corn -
plete 5199 00 Bob Murray after 5 p rn
524 2357 • 71 72 ,
BEEF FOR SALE hand fed cut and wrapped to
yam specifications Avnrinhle m Quarters rind
halves No spray on crops no cnncentrotes
growth hormones drugs etc used • Phone
524 7077 21 77
WEEKLY SPECIALS Wednesdny chicken wings
Buffalo Style Thursday Frsh R Chips For more
rent nppctitn plensers simple the menu nt
NORTH FND MARINA North Harbour Rrl
Gederrrh 524 8813 Tod Bakker RR 3 Auburn
you hnvP won two Fish R. Chip dinners 22
DINING ROOM SUITE Colonrol style 5475 00
Chesterfield (beige) $185 00 Phone 524 9871 10
nrn 9prn 7724
TWO PIECE gold chesterfield two Inmos Phone
482 3211 niter 6 p m 22nx
(01FMAN two room gas fired vintl heater Ike
new Phone 524 9550 2?
PICK YOU OWN peas and. fresh beets. Starting'
this weekend. Phone Reg Riehl 524-8i43.• • 22.23'
TWO YEAR OLD 20" Lownboy lawn mower
5150.00. Phone 529.7790 after 5.30 ' 22
1988 CALGARY OLYMPIC tickets 2 tickets for
three events. bobsledding. round robin hockey
and rodeo. Dates of events • February 20. Feb 21
and Feb, 22, 1988 Coll'348.8431 weekdays
345.2079 after 6 p.m. 22tfnx
CAMP COTS $6.00 each ' small chrome kitchen
set, table 4 choirs $35.00. Phone 524 9663. 22x
THOMAS • ORGAN with double keyboard.
3•corner cupboard. maple queen size bed frame.
1978 Volar,, station wagon for parts. Phone
524.7623. 22
DISHES • set for eight Glo-White Ironstone, leaf
pattern with, .crearn sugar, good for cottage -
also 2 BirCages one with stond. Phone
5249580: 22nx
BUDNY STUDIO • Introducing limited edition
prints of well known Canadian Artists - James
Lumbers' • Les Tait • Jack Reid • Alan Kinglond.
Mrs. J P. Warren 131 McDonald St. Goderich
you con claim your prize ot Budny Studio 114 The
Square Goderich. 524-9021. 22
1. Articles for Sale
are coming s'..on.
We are now taking orders
so put yours in today.
Phone 529-7794
We can Offer
1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21.
We even take trades
"Sunshine Impatiens
"Tuberous Begonias
"Hanging Baskets
"Nursery Stock
"Bedding Plants - including vegetable,
tomato plants and herbs
In Freezer Quantities.-.
Buy Direct From The Grower
For Top Quality OPEN
inn err® r
Me 11
G.iI5 io Trade your marmalade?
Let us help .you trade those un-
wanted items for something you
want at no cost to you. For adver-
tising information call Theresa
weekdays 9 - 5
5, Cars for Sale
1975 TOYOTO Corolla will trade for•.any of the
.following lawn mower TV,'TV"a;ridl dr building
materials. - Please call - 529.3117 or
524494.8. 19t1 '
QUART SEALERS and paper bags recent best
seller books to swap for Barbie or Ken doll, ac•
cessories or other items you have to trade,
Phone 524%7202 ' 21:23 •
,CINEMA STOP over one hundred and fifty title's
in stock. 99 cents Monday • Thursday $1.99 Fri•
day -Sunday at the Goderich Esso Centre •79 Vic
tdria N. 5248612 Albert \Leitch RR 2 Goderich
your prize is one Travel Mug with our
compliments 22
WOULD SWAP land packers or other machinery
for large pony harness and wagon for Donkeys.
Phone 529.7174 22x
3. Garage' Sale
Read the Classifieds
every week
to UNLOCK your
1 Goderich and -area merchants have donated prizes
each week
2 The ' name of the winner, drawn from our subscription.
list, is also included in this classified ad
3. The "Treasures" are "buried" at random among the
classifieds -
14Simply read the classifieds each week to check
• fou your name
15: Tathe ad with .your name appearing in it to
• the participating merchant. It is the key to
unlock your treasure -
6; All the prizes must be collected within 2 weeks of the
date the winners are announced
This W'eek's Participating Merchants are:
'Kentucky Fried Chicken Brown's Decor Centre
Pepi's Pizza Donuts & More Carpet Care -r
Hair Affair • • North End Marina Squire Gifts '
Dixie's Flowers & Git ' Art"s Landscaping Campbell's Cameras
• O'Brien's Meats • •, Bluewater Cleaners Le Trousseau
Morris Draperies ' Suncoast Craft Corner Captain Fats ..
McDonald's Restaurants. Carman Cameras Candlelight .Restaurant
Norma's Sewing Centre Dirk's Galley Restaurant Budny Studio
Goderich' Esso .. Culbert's Bakery " Baker's Nursery
' Don't Miss the Fun or Profit, Read the Classifieds Every Week
Sale Kit with posters and including one free
gorage sale ad on the classified pages of The
Goderich Signal Star Only 56.00. Available at
the office of The Goderich Signal -Star Industrial
Park 8 n m to 5 p.m Monday through
Friday. 11 tfnx
FRESH LAKE HURON FISH open seven days a
week • Monday Thursday g a m 5 p m. Friday.
Saturday. Sunday 11 a rn - 7 p.m (On Tuesdays
Only) 10°0 off to senior citizens. 'Benson
Shackleton of RR 1 Dungannon your prize is a din.
ner for one (catch of the day) at Captain Fats
South Dock, Goderich. 22
YARD SALE • Two family 181 Bennett St. E 9 3
(not before 0). Saturday June 6 Housel'pld and
miscellaneous articles 27
MOVING 45 Suncoast Or Wes4 Numerous
household articles toys small appliances
clothes etc Soturdny June 6 1987 8 30 a m
?' 22x
3. Garage Sale
• MOVING SALE 1948 Walnut St Snturdoy June
6th 8 o.m Rain or shine 22
NEIGHBOURHOOD sole Soturdny June 6 128 and
131 Warren St Aluminum windows bicycles
clothing and more No soles before 8 30
a m 22
YARD SALE Saturday June 6 8 30 0 m 138
and 140 Pieton St E Goderich Dishes toys fur
mture hairdressing sink and chore tools and
shelving Ram or shine 72nx
COME TO MORRIS DRAPERIES yorir one stop in
terior decorating service centre Custom
drapery Kirsh trnck and insthflatror, Draro win
dow shodes wolipoper C I L paints Alvin
Gilders 187 Cayley St Godenrh you con pick up
your prize at 36 West 5t Goderich 524 2551 22
GARAGE• SALE Sot June 6 8 ri err 1 p m
Anglican Rectory 87 North 5t corner of Bruce:
Garage on Bruce St Rocking choir etc 22nx
YARD SALE Snturdamy. June 6th 222 Quebec St 8
a rn Tent trailer stereo von bench sent couch
choir sow rhildren s clothing and much
more 22nx
CAMPBELL 5 CAMERAS and Benlnmrn Photo Labs
make n super team for top quality photo
finishing 14nly $1 00 f' can extra s'At of prints nt
time of development for 12 exposure film $2 00
for a 24 exposure film Cnrnphell s Cameros
Godprrch 168 The Sgeore 524 7537 Thelmo
Johnston Blyth you me this weeks lucky
winner 22
_{ ara'e.
Sale Kits
Including free classified word
ad coupon. Value s4.50..
also included...
v2 Large %card Signs
vPrice Tags
v' Complete Inventory
v10 Tips for a Successful
Garage Sale
Available only at 'tlie Signal Starr
1''or 111 ore information
CALL 524-2614
4. Antiques & Art
,ANTIQUE DINING room table dark wood hos
five legs leaf•'included Hos to be assembled
Phone 524 9143 at meal times 22nx
ANTIQUE WASH stand for sale Phone 5249540
evenings: 22nx
Ferguson s Honey Brad Chase 40 West St
Goderich you hove won one dozen ;rnixed,
doughnuts from Culberts 49 West 5t Goderich
524-7941 Home of Tasty Pastries 22
5. Cars for Sale
1978 DODGE Magnum Manitoba rnr unstilted
loaded includrng cruise and air exceptional
condition safe solid and dependable will sale
ty $2350 00 1975 Firebird 350 4 barrel Crnger
Mags Holly carhs 'excellent will safety
52800 00 1 771 0591 or 524 9012 2?x
SEE CARMEN CAMERAS for your Video Camera
Rentals req 519 95 May Spec cal only $10 00
5 Bidwell RR 2 Godereh your prize is Free
developing of erre twelve exposure film nt
Carmen Cnrneras 112 Court House Sewer
Goderich 524 7924. one hour Lab service
available, 22
1987 NISSAN SENTRA GXE nutomntic power
brakes power steering air AM FM one yeor
warranty 53000 00 below list financing possi
ble Private Coll 1 23R 8692 70 22
1973 6 cylinder MALIBU CHEV in very good condi
Iron For quick vale 5400 00 or hest offer Phone
'529 7614 21 22
BEST DRESSED PIZZA in town is Pepi s Upper
Crust nvoilnhle doily 11 n rn to midnight Sotur
day to Thursday 11 a m 1 n m Fndny Sntur
any Wr' re ot 45 West St the 'former site of An
drew s Dory Come in and relox in our glossed in
alcove Phone 524 8384 Robert Hoy, 188 Bloke 51
West Goderich has won a large Pi770 with three
items 22
1984 MAZDA 626 4 door Sedan nutomotir
bucket Seats nrr conditioning tilt wheel inter
mutant wipers AM FM cassette A well kept
nutomob le Plense tall 574 7476 21 24nx
6. Trucks for Sale
19.75 FORD F600 furniture truck 18 ion roll up
doe?' May ht' wee. nt 1-'73. West St or phone
524 4183 22 " -
DUALITY MEATS •BBQ season is here •Full line of
retail fresh onrl frozen meats Hamburger potties
" 51 69 Ib' 12 Ib- bag Lean pure pork hornernade
sausage requloi or garlic Try our 'own pep-
perettes Miss 8E'v Wright 157 Brrtonnio-Rd. W
Gorier ch you hove won two T Bone steaks from
O 841011', Mr-,nt,, 413 Huron Rd Goderich
•1978 DODGE 300 Von auto power steering
power hrnkes ' lent 6 engine 51650.00 certified.
Cull 529 759i3 rifler 6 72" •
7 ciassificati®Ins
7A. For Sale General
711 Wanted To Buy `
7C. Wanted To Rent
. 7D. Bicycles • ,
7E. Motorcycles, ATV.'s, etc.
7F. Snowmobiles & equipment
7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers
7H, Boats, Motors & Marine
73. Service, Parts & Repairs
7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies
i7A. For Sale General
QUALITY •,tock FRIENDLY service G00D
prices, Tree evergreen., 'fruit trees flowering
and ornrimentril shrubs Don langridge 140 War
f 01 51 G,,lr'rmrh you on claim your prize ot
Bakers Nursery RR 7 Boyfir'ld 482 9995 closed
Sundays 72
7D. Bicycles
BICYCLES FOR SALE ladies and men s boys and
girls hiryrles excellent condition Phone
524 7855 22 73x
7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc.
1983 HONDA 750 Shadow black liquid cooled
low mileage excellent condition two full fact.
helmetsnu Turfed Asking 51850 00
524 5236 21 72
ROOMS SPRING 10 LIFE when carpet care Ex
pr'r1 i leaning puts 'beauty hock into your carpets
and upholstery Donald Whit 241 Downrose Dr
Goderich you hove exon n gift certificate from
Carpet Care 186 Rich St Goderich 524 2440 22
1982 YAMAHA RD 350 liquid cooled 45 h p 2
stroke 10 000 km E xcellent condition Best offer
over 'SI 000 00 .Coll 524 8987 after 5 227
7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers
& Trailers
TRAMPS rre.el 5th whorls honrdtops new
nod used Golden F,ilrnn P'rowlr•r Soler Lionel
Hitches rn,'k caps Soles 'onto's repairs 25
years m h,Yiness Camp Ou't Hwy 8 1 mile west
nl S'rrttforrrl 191 5938 1? '10
FOR SAI F 1966 Rnrnhler Trailer 'Very gond con
dihon sloops fdu' Hn', propane stove and
eater Ask St 200 00 Phone
57.1 8689 19rf n x
QUICK TASTY I UNCH soup and snndwuh in lust
five minuses Also 35 vnnehes of donuts and
hnlesomes seven different kinds of muffins
Open 5 10 n rn to 12 midnight 7 Boys n week
9ohn Glousher 3.11 Bayfield Rd Goderich' you
hove won n von her for lunch for two from
Donuts R More Hwy ,8 Gederrch 524 2335 22
FOR SATE Chelsea hardtop tent trailer sleeps
six 51500 on Phone ,74 7816 77
1972 HARDTOP Stilrcraft tont trimer 6 sleeper
nrr Flo., 1 burner propane stove croskinq
51700 00 1?7 Sunset Drive Phone
574 7161 )2x