HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-06-03, Page 10PAGE 10 (,UI)EH1(.'H SIGNAL. STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1987 T1S TIME! Time to deworm your whole herd at tur- nout with Bonminth' it• Dairy Cattle Dewormer pellets! Get the most out of your herd with ionmInth Il°: (1) No Milk WIthdrowoll (2) Economical, (3) Convenleontl , 'Trademark/Authorised user • REPAIRS • REBUILDING': • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP•CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER 348.99223 W,TC.rELL CHURCH DIRE Cray ,a.®ptlst Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR TERRY WOODCOCK Phone 5246445 Nursery Facilities .available Sunday School 10 00 a m. Morning Service 11.00 o.m. Jurat• / Rr<•. & Mrs Ken Ruhii,s Nt .•. Brun•, v.i, I Bible Institute Evening Service 7 00 p.m WORD OF LIFE - teens Tues. 7.00 Mighty Mites Ayes 4 and 5 Olymp,uns Ayes 6 12,. • Wed 6 30.8 00 Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7 000 WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH St. Georu• ets Church Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton A.R.C.T. Pentecost or Whitsunday 8 30 a.m. Holy Communion • The Rev Douglos Pitts. ' 9 30 a rn Morning Prayer at Christ Church Port Arbor ihe. Rsv William Craven 11'00 I rn 'solidity, Sr hoof clnsrnq 'and . (Iwo, ptnlit's . II 00 ,t n, flul;Cnnuuunion rand 1.)1 111011 the R, •v Uciuglns Pith. June 7th Y•u •in• nlw(rys weirt),ne Kn.x Presby$ r� Church •l n MINISTER THE'REV. G.L.:ROYAL M.A.,M. DIV„ Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Praise .Sunday, June 7 CO nnnnu, not s Clc,r ,s 01v int! WC/1'4111p '1u,ic1r1y 5r pool THERE IS BUi ONE GOD , Nut ,,,ly Ful �l ti„s I:I.3i,s•Auv lI,uy Ieyri,n Bic ri 1 109 Pnr I,{r. tin Sigvite f ilei in Wc,i •,hip tDnpai t to Serve 0 North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-7631, 524-6951 Sunday, June 7, 1987 FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE A Mu•,icul Pr€sentatiun by NORTH STREET JUNIOR CHOIR Cool in the Furnace Part 11 lu Stewart du (.ttor Cuh'I- I2 felncusl Al 1 00 PM REV. ROBERT 0. BALL MINISTER Robert Blackwell Director of Music Fr e ethod st Ch1.=_„rch Goderich Lawn Bowling Clubhouse P1cton Street West THE REVEREND ARTHUR SCOTT 524-8800 'Sunday, June 7 , 9:45 a.m. Ch•ildren's Sunday School 11:00 o.m. Worship Service ALL ARE WELCOME COME 'r'+IORSHIP WITH US SEVEN DAY BIBLE READING SCHEDULE: •WEDNESI3AY - JAMES 1 9 17 HOW 40, HANDLE TEMPTATION THURSDAY -• JAMES.,1 18 27 HOW TO LISTEN 10 A SERMON FRIDAY.- JAMES 2.1 7 ARE •YOU A CHRISTIAN SNOB'? SATURDAY • JAMES 2 8 13 THE PROBLEM WITH SALVAj10F THROUGH LAW KEEPING SUNDAY - JAMES 2 1426 TRUE FAITH IS FOLLOWED BY GOOD WORKS MONDAY - JAMES 3 112 , A SUBJECT THAT 15 IN EVERYBODY 5 MOUTH TUESDAY - JAMES 3 13 I8,. THE. W1SD0M WHICH IS FROM ABOVE 1w y ya.t etiri BY YVETTE ZANDBERGEN Reverend Lockhart Royal from Knox Presbyterian Church will be retiring June 30 after being in Goderich for 27 years. Rev. Royal is originally from Coll, ingwood and was born in 1922. He has lived previously in Collingwood, Toronto, Lon- don, Winnipeg, Midland and Norval. He received his post -secondary' education at the University of Toronto where he receiv- ed his BA in 1948 and continued on in schooling, graduating in 1951 and was or- dained May 9 of that same year. In 1976, Rev. Royal studied at Waterloo Lutheran Seminary and after graduating in 1976, he studied at Wilfrid Laurier University where he got his Master of Arts in 1980. He also spent time in the Canadian army in 1942 until 1945. Rev. Royal has been the minister of Nor- val and Union Presbyterian Church, whieh is located between Georgetown and Brampton and following this, came • to Goderich in 1960. He said along with being pastor and preacher of the Knox Presbyterian Church, he was on the central committee on Qoderich's sesquicentennial in 1977, has been the chaplain of the local Legion for over 25 years and is a member of the Masonic Order. Rev. Royal has been married.for close to 40 years to Audrey 1 Wilson) and they have six children. His only daughter is a pro- fessor at York University, his eldest- son Edward is a public school teacher in Brockville and his second son John works for Simcoe County and lives in Midland. His next son, David, is - a high school teacher in St. Paul Alberta, 1 -kis next son, Graham, works for Union Gas in Kit= chener while his youngest son, Robert, lives in Brampton and works fora plumb- ing . company. They also have nine granddaughters. After retiring, Rev. Royal plans to move from Goderich,. possibly to Guelph. Other plans include continuing with doing supply preaching and he plans to return to college for studies:He said he also plans to travel and would like to study music and get g dAs Rev. Lockhart Royal caught up on his reading and other hobbies like golfing and swimming. Rev. Royal said he loves Goderich and sees it as his home. • . "I grew up here and I know a lot of peo- ple outside of Knox Church,” he said. "This is my home, arid I am sorry I have to Woodretiring from BY YVETTE ZANDBERGEN Victoria Street United Church will be saying farewell to Reverend John Wood who is retiringon'June 30.' '• Rev. Wood came to, Goderich in1976 after gaining experience in many places previously. He grew up in Niagara Falls and from there 'attended the University of Toronto where he got his BA in Classics and Theology. He was married and ordain ed in 1947 and went to Newfoundland for Two years., Following this, he spent three years in Toronto where he was an assistant minister "and was involved in post- graduate studies. , ' 1 'From then until the present, he spent four years in Fort Erie, four years in Trinidad in the .Missionaries and one year on leave' in Winnipeg where, he took up post -graduate studies. Following this, he spent six years 'in Manitoba, two years in Kent County and seven years at St. Paul's United Church in Windsor, hJW��N19gtPpj161��1>i11�VI�Ib411,tIMUuulcl.la l't l o� W�Ivinr�,�la��IlUllluullltuqulualq'J�UI�MI�W�����; II !,' Il ' OF Go l'" i191111YABWlisdlgpff "1�1t1r NillIlr+le •11,1 I�!4yl flr, ' Were' celebrating the 160th Birthday of the 1 TOWN OF CODERICH _beginning on the 160th day of the 160th yearn o . JUNE 9, 1987 - - and continuing for 160 days until November 11 YOU CAN BUY A 16 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to The Goderich Signal -Star (transferahlc to spouse only) for $160.00 Save 1)2M0 at today's prices and foro about inflation for the ricxt 16 years. Just fill out this coupon and send it 10 the address below or call 524-2614 today for more information. Girderich HII'T:IG NAL -STAR Yes, I would like to save 192.00 for the next 16 years on The Goderich Signal -Star. Now, only 160.00 with this coupon. NAME ADDRESS PHONE P.O. R(.)X 220, GODERICH. ONTARIO N7 A. • 1-16 l' 11'1 �r,ICfrFi rlY�l' 524-2619 T" r1 T P tigITYYrv1°.5 {T 4 �; "0 �,� i r , I , .: Exp. Nov. 11/87 , .tt rf:I!`; ,r lll' 11 AY leave," He added the main reason for leaving is in fairness to his successor. "It's hard fora new minister with the old minister still around,', he said, adding that he isnot completely happy about leaving and feels sorry that he has to leave. ited Church Rev, John Wood "The main thing is dealing with people ,in varying situations and the personal con- tact you have with these families." He stressed that it is also very important to have,a supportive wife while being'invo'ly- ed with the church, adding that his wife has been with him throuF,h all his years as a minister. - Rev. Wood is "More of a'pastor than a' preacher,". He Said Christians' Should have a wider witness and added that his is.. politics. Rev. Wood served on the riding association of the NDP party and was a canch4te for federal parliament in the 1968 election and once stood on the Kent - Essex riding. He has an interest in the • Coedit Onion movement and served as director in two provinces on two boards. Rev. Wood' took an interest in the spon- sorship of refugees. After World War II, a number of families.were sponsored by the World Council of Churches, and he was in- volved in sponsoring five 'families in- cluding .10 children in the 1950's. Rev. Wood is recently involved with the in- terdenominational sponsoring of a Laotian family who are currently living in Vanastra. Rev. Wood. and his wife have four children. Mrs: Wood has been a teacher at GDCI and for the past, two , years has ,• Ought at Bluewater Secondary School. His plans for retirement include retiring . to St. John's New Brunswick where his daughter lives while continuing to play an active part in politics and to carry on with his hobbies, lawn bowling and. duplicate bridge., Farewell to : Rev. Crocker YVETTE ZANDBERGEN Reverend Robert Crocker 'f"rom St, George's Anglican Church will be retiring' soon and moving to Hope Bay. Rev. Crocker has been a Reverend in Goderich for almost 11 years. He said he loves Goderich and the people and he is sorry to be leaving. "But in view of my health and the well- being of my family, I have to go," he said. Rev. Crocker was born in London, On- tario and moved to Peterborough when he was 10 years old. He joined the army in 1942 in Peterborough andserved in Canada and overseas for four years. Ater the ar- ,niy; Rev. Crocker attended the University' of Toronto in 1950 where he graduated in Arts and Theology and also married. From here, he went to Alberta for six years. He has lived in Lethbridge and Taber and spent a_short period as principal of "Old Sun," an Indian residential school in Gleichen, Alberta. He returned to Ontario in 1956 and went to Wiarton and two years later, moved to Sarnia to become Trinity Church's minister. Rev. Crocker also spent time in Brantford at St. Stephen's in 1964 and in 1972 was minister at St. James' Church in St. Mary's. Rev. Crocker was also a chaplain in the militia and retired from army chaplain with the rank of major. He also has written a few music hymns and was a member of the Canadian Power and Sales Squadrons where he instructed piloting ' Rev. Crocker's wife Dorothy has played an active role in the Girl Guides of Canada. They had five -children. Their eldest son, Robin'used to teach at GDCI but currently teaches history at Streetsville Secondary School, Their daughter, Barbara is an executive assis- Rev. Robert Crocker tant in 'communications and resource ser- vices for the' Girl Guides of Canada, and another daughter Mary, is data processing manager for the Stratford festival. Their son Michael, is custodian at Huron Central Secondary School and resides in Goderich while their daughter. Anne attends GDCI. Rev. Crocker plans on. continuing to do occassional duties in, churches that need help. He said in his time, the relationship between churches has improved, "When someone from St. Peter's Catholic Church stops me on the street and says I'm going to be missed, I think that's nice," he said. ' UCW supports capital punishment A resolution against the return of gapital punishment was supported by 99 percent of the more than 400 women attending the Silver Anniversary of London Conference United Church Women, held recently. Another resolution supporting a ban on the use of life style advertising of beer and alcohol was passed unanimously. Conference President, Mrs. Shirley Smith, of St. Thomas, welcomed the delegates to Metropolitan United Church, London, which was decorated with ban- ners from many. different groups. She pointed out that this church had also hosted the inaugural meeting of the Conference. The closing communion service was con- ducted by Rev. T)r. Maurice Boyd and Rev, Frances Clarke, ministers at Metropolitan. Local women on the new executive, in- stalled by Rev. Morley Clarice, were: Mrs, Muriel Coultes, of Brussels, Vice - President and Church in Society Con- venor; Communications Convenor, Mrs. Linda Hawley of Exeter. The new presi- dent will be Mrs. D. Ruth Dick, of Kent Bridge.