HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-05-27, Page 29CO ity e e,�e,��na wrecl._: foun. in La e Huron by .ver The niy sterious r'ck of the Canadian freighter Regula has been loca(t'(1'u southern lake Huron by \Lc hlgaul di\ et Wayne lirusate. When the ship sank in .the (;reat.Sturin of 19I3 her entire crew was lust. Last week, we recalled how the ship was last seer afloat, ploughing into worsening conditions lust below 1I irbor Beach, Mich. In the aftermath ui the ,tuna. the Regina mystery was lien,hteneel \ n b0(1i1'ti fruin another wreck, til' ClEil•I's S. l'ricc 1Vash01 ashort,\\eau un_ the l(egitia's Itfchelt... Haw w:is flus passible Of several theories a(I\ ted, lie110.1"t`i shat unscrupulous beach scavengers looting the bodies replaced • the wrung lifejackets on the \ 1c tern 11'\ - ittg to Mask their deeds. 1)uring soca 1,)1) dives on they Regina last year and early. this Spline,. lirusate has scouted the wreck for clues. He found the hulk on the edge of the salmi shipping lanes son10\0aerc in the dozen miles .bet\v"n Lexiit.t;ton and fort Sanilac•, :Mich. It is about 25 iniles•frnni the wreck of the Price, and shows no. evidence of collision. Brusate clean\ identified the Regina by her nano' carried on both bows, across the stern and engraved un the ship's bell. The w'r00k lies arhnust upside-down. • Most of her upper works hay e disaip- pciared and a lot of debris is scatt't•e(l on the lake fluor. There is a large 11010. e0 11'1' plate., on one side, but lirusate doesn't believe it vas caused by. collision. '1'11' wreck farces northeast, and otic' anchor chain is stretch across the in that direction. In light of known facts about the storm and the Regina anti frit' wrecks. it is speculated that shortly after sit' w:t:, Inst seen by a ch wnbound ship which \vas retreating to safety, the: Regina tried to turn and do likewise. 'But the steep. Icon - fused seas and shrieking w'hlds uuly hart THE SHIPWATCHER By Dick With made; it impossible, and the small steamer became hopelessly caught wallowing 0 of •ontrOl. ,ill \\nl., ut ( flow far she may have drifted in this tricken condition, 0r w'hether she vas u(ttia11).0b1e to snake the tuns, obviously can only he guessed at. But at some point. ('apt. Ed McConkey inust'have tried desperately to regain control by dropping anchor and in inging her bow to lace tnirtll aJ_,iliit. It oils in dint position that the Regina foundered and her crew of 15 i some ac- counts say 251 died. The Price, larger than the Regina, capsized in the storm but exactly where is not known. Her in- verted hull actually floated for a couple of iia\ s and now lies.in about 60 feet of \vatrr just west of' the international boun- dary above Sarnia. The 1.(egina's location becomes public knowledge when Brusate is granted a salvage permit. It is hoped the wreck will • be patrolled to prevent looting -of ar- tifaict$. Tire only thing Brusate has been permitted to rentove'is the ship's bell which'•has been sent to the Michigan capital, Lansing.. Following archaeological requirements, Brusate has recorded the wreck on 700 to 801) photographs. If permission is granted to bring artifacts' ashore,. he'says'he'll donate tlieni to musetttns.' ' Meanwhile, the Regina continues a bat- tle with her element for 74 year's. Brusate obsi'rvvs the wreck has deteriorate markedly. from underwater turbulence in this past winter's storms. veru. _ gent i its • Lives. to 1'11' Ontario guv'ci'nntcnt :111,1;nunt'cit lave major initiatives to help the'aigriculturail iiu•lustry•, setting aside a rt•curd $5.63 • million for the 11i.nistry (if Agriculture and Food in the new provincial budget. In his bludget :,tate. Treasurer. 'Robert Nixon said low commodd price'', declin- ing farm asset valu6(s and high debt loads `are'still squeezing Ontario's agricultural, sector. budget rcc•unfiriiis our continue(1 conttititnlent to the financially distressed agricultural sect(it'. ,Sine' tYiking, office. this government has incr'a(Se(1 spending on agriculture by 72 per cent," he said. "The initiatives announced in the budget are practical prograntS aimed at putting money into the pockets of the fanners that need it," said agriculture and Food ;kllitister .lack Riddell.."In the face of -the continuing credit and commodity price crunch, farmers 'have been forced to let some parts of their operation go unattended." A Farm Management Safety and 0 armers get r { 1lief in T�:udget "No doubt about it. With this new drovin- cial budget, fanners h,eve definitely made sortie headway in getting relief from tough tunes. We're very pleased,' said Brigid 1'y'ke, President of the Ontario Federation of Agrirultur•e 1 OI''A �. The programs the 1.iberals earmarked funds for are programs the OFA identified as crucial areas fur improvement itt earlier consultations with government. Increasing the rebate under the Farm Tax Reduction Program and eliminating the prepayment .,requirement for eligibility fur the rebate are items the Federation has lobbied for 'over the years. ' Likewise the (.)FA pressed government to retain the Ontario Family Farre Interest Rate Reduction 1OFh'IRR program at 100 per cent for 1987, and the new budget provided for this. The newly announced Farm Management Safety and Repairs Program and the Land Stewardship Program are also welcome, said Pyke, but full details still have to be released. "We don't know, for example, to what ex- tent farmers have to finance new grain storage facilities or other capital projects before they can access the $2,500 assistance. But we will certainly co-operate with government in ironing out implementation details," stated Pyke. Once in, place, the new program should not only put money in farmer's' pockets but help whole rural communities. 'Because of poor cash flow, farmers have invested very little in new equipment in the last few' years, she said, and costly. equipment repairs have strained farm budgets: This Farm Management Safety and Repairs program is a good response to that situatron, the OF''A presi- dent commented. ' Although pleased with the new initiatives Moved by "government in- the budget, the . Federation identified other major issues that continue to merit serious consideration. gees five ew icult ral in ustry • Repairs programa: will provide $b0 rnill'on to. assist farmer's. with ,farm analysis and planning. farm safety, machinery repairs and shoe) equipment, and oh -fano feed `'and grain storage. Under .this' program, the gov(arnnftnt will ,pay up to $2,500 per au'nl(r. ,111 fanners with a gross farm in- come of at least $12,000 per year are eligi- ble for the program which runs from June I, 1987 to May 31, 1988. Another new initiative for agriculture is al 'Land Stewardship Program..This pro - grain will Provide $40 million over three years 'to encourage sound land. manage- ment practices. The prograrn will provide financial assistance tofarmers for restor- ing soil productivity and reducing en- vironmental damage on productive and marginal lan(ls. This will.irnprcve the stewardship of ( )rltarin soil and water resources - which will 1)e needed for future generations," said l(idcfell. The popular Ontario Family harm In- terest Rate Reduction 1 C)F'FIRR 1 pro- frOINNEINEXtft Middegaal it SALES * SERVICE * INSTALLATION _- — FOR POOLS AND WHIRLPOOLS %Seaforth 234 Main St. N. 327-0104 ��L THANK --YOU Goderich Sunset Golf Club and members would like to thank SUNCOAST FORD for their donation of the 1987 Ford Tempo for the members tournament held May 18, 1987. Unfortunately no one made the hole in one, Bet- ter Luck next year. 7(1-q Hwy 21 Goderich 524-8047 gram, which provides iintere:5t rebates on long-term and operating farm debt, will be - continued at a level of 100 per cent for the 1987 program year. The program was to have 'geared down to the.•70 per cent sup- port level, Sept. 1, 1987. •• The Trasurer also announced changes, valued at $18 million 'which will increase the total value of farm tax rebates by 17 per cent. The amended Farm Tax Rebate Program increases the level of farm tax rebate on agricultural land and buildings from -60 per cent to 100 per cent. The farm home and'one acre will be assessed at the farm property tax rate. To speed the rebate process, farmers -will receive ,the annual rebates in two instalments beginn- ing in 1988. Also, the prepayment require- ment to qualify for a rebate is' being eliminated. The budget also makes a Commitment to extend the Beginning Farmers Assistance Program for five years. Agricultural spending in Ontario rose from expenditures of $328 rnillin in 1984-85 to an estimated $475 million last year. (:ODER1,'H SIGNAL -STAR. Wfa).ti'ES1)AY..'ViAY 27. 1987 - 1'A(:F (IA ers 444i The Gk.derich Business Improvement Area invite interested individuals to sell the following products from the URT HOUSE PARK (s.uth) Saturday Rikrnings from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. MAY 30th t OCTOBER 10th, 19 7 •Hornent.ade Baked Goods •Canadian Fruits & Vegetables •Eggs •Honey •Firewood •Maple Syrup •Flowers Plantsd and Small Shrubs Space may be reserved , i -: for the sum of $5.00 per day by calling... 0'1 010-5./4,:!---4-, ,...::%-, 524-6600 or 524-2340 4 "" p'' --• ' Goderich BI.b.c-� aa' d•A r.4rt;)' "TIGER" HUNT �DERICN 100 th ANNIVERSA G RY FIBER DUNLOP DAYS JULY 31s1 - AUG. 3rd The Goderich 160th Anniver- sary/Tiger Dunlop Days Committee is stalking the community in search of an outgoing individual to play the role of Goderich's founder, Dr. William `Tiger"- Dunlop during the special anniversary celebrations -. July 31 - August 3/1987. SELECTIO << It i m i r ��t a TE The Committee has decided to run a contest to select the finest "Tiger" In the land. Judging,Will take place Sunday evening, June 28th at Harbour Park. Tiger would be required to be in the Goderich Canada Day Parade July lst and appear at a minimum of one event per day during the Goderich 160th Anniversary/Tiger Dunlop ys Celebrations, July 31 - August 3. PRIZES: Trophy & Provision of a Tiger Dunlop Costume for the Canada Day Parade and the. 160th Anniversary/Tiger Dunlop Days Weekend. ' TO ENTER: 1. Contestants must be at least 19 years of age. _ 2. You can enter yourself in the contest. 3. Perhaps you know someone who -would be just perfect as "Tiger". Nominate this individual. She/he will be contacted to see if they are interested in running. • 4. Contestants must be entered by. Wednesday, June 24th at 4:30 p.m. CONTEST RULES I REGULATIONS A complete list of contest rules and regulations is available from the Goderich Visitor Information Centre, 59 Victoria St. South, Goderich or at the Town Hall, 57 West Street. Phone 524-25,3 / 6600 for additional information. '441.00-fr'w The more complex your needs become, the more you`ll appreciate the simplicity of bo '::.from us. First you need a car Then a home i heel a,wand (,11 lionv about home improvement,' (a larger home' investments? Nat1))nal irust understantds that the 110 1,re successful you hecOine, the rtu)rc complex Vi)lit need, became .So We've made li)n•r((\\'11)s; One: ('nniL in co. call ii YOttt'll tln(1 Oul l,ltc, ci llpctltnc and our stall Irlernlly ,incl (.l)lntc(ru•-• Tvt): kk'c'll 1) 1npletc au atppllc,tt11111 Three:'1 cave the rest t(, u, kb'c'll s.;vol) yol,tr 11 O O1 ntnrt,gagc quickly 0011 t,111O1cd tO \Otte nccd, Limited Tune Offer wc'VC IlltiO i1111111' )17r Ac log Ire)I1) oilers cin our loans and n)Ort,t,l(i.s lt, \'O11 re looking ti)r'.1 ,1111plc \\siv nearest N.ltional 1tu,t ht,nte h in t bran( hes ,ire i wen 5 .1 nl n 1 ti 1, nt V1/4.01.1 c(in\'nlent 0(1110,011 (,,Ittmd,l\ NATIONAL TRUST ti,,(1�w1.11 \ 1. 1(1(1.1 111,1 1 ,0-v tnr.n l i 1 1t•.1n1 The simple way to borrow is to talk to us fi rst e GO1)ER!CH - 100 Kingston St,' 5> ,1-731