HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 6-- "RM wrr 1_W_1__.11_V_W�, ��. ---,—,
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�.. opposite Electric. Light Plant,�
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� , Keep Happy , the Homo
I by oettine YOUR, I
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THE' COSTLY GAMk.1, , or XAV)�
J3`UZ1)1N0 I I
Saturday'ogreat naval review at
� I
spithead was its effectiye a lesson in
the treasure expended in maintaining
Briti�h supremacy of the sea . as it WAIR
a spectacle for Monarch and subjects
of a worldwide Empire.,
, - Our school-
boy memories go back to t . be Spanish
Armada wlilce made war on England
In UK Xhat fleet comprised 181
,zhipsf wooden, small and cumbersome,
Saturday's Armada, comprised 167 Bri_
tish W4rSbtPs, 4with an ap, reg,Won
I., I
. �
tottage of more than one million, and
eighteen foreign vesselsi representing
I -
seventeen nations. They were ranged
I I 1.
in a Parallelogram six miles in lengtia
, . I. � Here. We handla only
and two miles abroad. ,At, Queen Vic.
� : I 'EST and we have
4 � he B
. torla'.s diamoud. Nbilee review in 1891
11 � everything you need at
little, more thain, a half million touage
1, �� - all Seasous, .
At. I � I
was present.
. '. . . I
Saturday's aggregation of British
I , , , Tot TH. AND Wiff 8101
)11�1� I
Dreadnoughtv,%ud s waller ships re.
. , , -
� .-
-� t -1
. approximaidy the outlay of
I � ".
, �� ,N WANTRD-01101CIs BUtter and
I 11 Fresh Egp. ..
$.100,000,000 while if the yQue of the
I I ` -W
eighteen foreign ship% weno therd-vas
in this histoth! $pithead
,� I I li
t -1 . . I
'' .1 .. _. _
I .
roadstead of
an international war fleet 1�epresent-
�,_ � I � I
. .
ing a total expenditure of 000,000,000.
9- 5 a
J � It
1�1� 0
L Aft t& n
The British naval Budget is 200,000,000
,, ,.. JU
yearly, ar#1 that of Germany half that
. I . L
It will pay you to see our prices lit:
sum, and both steadily going up.
� I i,�, fore placing Tour order for
Canaba, feels sure of a year of pros -
perity when the western wheat crop
� Peerless Wire Fence*
reaches $100,000.000.-Torouto Globe
% I
�_ _�t -,
—0 —
I �
. , Frost Wire Fence
Llote and Comment
� %', I
The n�ew tax on liquor licenses has
I ___-1P-_ , .
netted the Provincial Treasurer $IS,.
. __ . ,
000 for the mouth of May. It is be�
Moot Galvanized Gate
lieved that this tax will net the pro.
vinee art additional revenue of $18%-
11 V,
, at $4.00
0001, .
******4& .
� Cedar Fince Post at
"How is business" 1) inquired the
11 �11
news agent. "Just.moving," replied
I 20 cents
the furnitureaealer. "How is it with
.you ? stationary. ---Scottish
I Red Cedar Shindles at
- . .
� �
$2.30 per Square .
I .
Anew one dollarnote of the Dom-
- I-
� Shingles
White Cedar
inion has just been. issued., In place
of engravings of Lord and Lady Aber.
deenitcontains those of Lord and
, . . - Square
at $2.10 Per 3L
Lady Grey. In -the old notes the por-
traits were in the upper corners, but
in the new ones tbe7 are in the centre
All Kinds of Lumber at
side by side, The' lumbering scene
has bee tted. The bills are ex -
P omi
I -
, -tre
, .mely low prices �
ecuted in green and black ink Instead
of brown and black as formerly, and
the domination is executed in letters
as well as in figures. The notes are
� GRANTON. __ ONTA1,10
fine examples of the engravers art,
and the printing is artistic.
I I I � .
,hhv - I —
I bf
I meo
1 4
--- —
.-.--- -
"" jD1 ic -
— � . -_ 11 —
t "..
Mrs. E. IMarriott of Blanchard is guf-
1. fire
-1TU-;Z.z__� rosts, 'the bane of
�,�=� .
f6ring from internal injuries in the
region of the back as the result of a
. the farmer and 1the Lorchardist. NVOLIM
buggy being upset. As Mrs. Mariott
I - scer, ,become ,a thing of Ithe pa -ft
and child ixecompanied by Mrs. McKay
I I I -the tre � Ddmii.nio -contin_
if ees of tb�. r11
and child, were going to visit a friend,
I I .
. � - ne (to disappear as rapidly as 'they
the horse shied and jumped into the
ditch upsetting the buggy. Mrs, Me-
r , � I have of late., and that Catoada will fin
Kay and two children were throwla
_� , 136t xa,a:nv years be as renowned for
clear oi the buggy, escaping iDjury,
I I .. bee ;semi-fropl coal products as i&he is
while Mrs Marriott was thrown under
� J10 -&Y for'bcr'timbLr,arctwo isth-
the Wheels where she remained pin-
, 1-1 z tinnoun-
; or starlllnZ and Interesting
ned until rescued , .
I .
I � cements mad -e by ralima�tolozical ,ex
� .
Hw Mr. K irplikes Vaod.'
� perts.xv,ho have bc�en,coraparinZ note;
� � . the 'tiva annual
c on wea'ther durin-,
Impression afk
I :�
I ��_,convcation of- American ,011inatolo'l-
I Clonthatied from Page, I I
. 11 toal Asgociation. held bi Montreal.
odriditiiii[r(s -able to ,pifoduce ,the. qaal-
This does not iumn that t'he jawy
ity ltbat we jear.. Last year tze av-
:.. I -famensell -apple, known to all as be-
eragn ttrice for maltir,z-barl-y in
I I 1:13- ju,-t abon't the most istiactilent
Toronto was 65 ta 67 ren,a, while in
, I
I . .1 adible, the PTUVr`11,03 of Qu,ebec ,pro-
Buffalor It was M. to 98 ceul:3. Thas
1. ,
lances. will, be ,,supplanted by Jama6an
itivas an incr,.-a3e 01 31 ,0011t-, on Lhl-
hi-�;hest quality of malLin:� barley.
I Tains. ,.n I or that Aron.lLrear Melons -will
I .
_ a d Loa yet
On hay th uty as .S4.00
I .
, I I in :their glory by Flor-
. re t in 13
last year there Nr,�re a Z .a ai -
tda, oranges, btit 'it does mean that
tons 4hiplyed. tto fth�8 o ehvT iside, 18T>Jit�
I `
. thcrt!, is a ,chan_--c co=n.- ovar Can-
LIL� the duty..allowinz half for the
ci;�Iutner artd half for the prodazer.
I . , _
a4a's clitriale. Ont, of the treason'3,
the, fartnex ivould g -,rt .�2 ,It 'Lon wo.n;�
I � I given is tbdt Ithe thininn.- oat of
for iltay. : . .
I �, . our' forests ninkos 'the air 1%,,qs V0�,_
bIr.alcLear. bali,2v,�s that farm val-
I -iriant. 'that the ,qnoNr melts more rap-
ues will inerea.Be and gav-,� fitgures i.-s-
timatinithe `ncreas-od -iarniag power �
I . idly and that 'the thcrmoniau,�r r1aeg
� , sla
or ,he farm. 2,1r. McLean as - d ,
I . ,
.earlier that 1,n 'L,h4,, old 4ays when the
110. iL 81!elll iadvaLw�oas that we
- ; -
I piles of r,row might Invip becid acen
Should have a tariff wall b,,nv,,��,Vp,
I in, tbt� -sraods and 'the field��
i sbGrne *Ail Hay, that we cotilix
:ioc r -cal. with each oLlwr without a
. v, ere. bare and dry. OrL
I :the olh,�!r hand it iras poinbod out
- I
. .
I . I 4eforestation 1jet;ds 'to drought, as
Marvelous Recovery",
I � � 1ba isnow -then all m0ts (tuickly ,:ati-ri- ,
I in-- a flood w1th no reserve of inofdt-
ure. I .
Montreal Man So Ill With
. I Tbe foat fthat there is a clitnat"e
Dyspepsia Thought
I raciprocN.y �bv'hrv:-n Carlida and the
� .
.1-tafted St,a'tes, b,y v'rtue of -which
He Would Die.
I 'the .'a'11vi- Fc-xport lht,.-ir 'heat waves.
anadri tprovIdIaltz, thern, -with
I � : to u'.. C. ,
cold foe't Rn winifer in relturn, was
No more convIncing,evidenoer was
ever put on paper than the tollowing
also gilluded 1,o hesplba Ithe, fack that
letter from one of Montreal's well-
, .
�, I Ith6 org,ar.ixa:E�oli is nov--pollk;�eal ,,d
knovin citizens, Mr. 1). R. Larose; of
I . re nre r.abody pno-soat to Fir o
� 'the 9
338 Zollette street �
"Permit me to write you a few'
. leigislatIdn for or agahn* 'the cx
words concerning Dr. Ramiltolfs Pills,
I � zhan;�o. Dr. A. 1). 'Elackader of Dfonl
. I . I .
I suffered from dyspepsia. and indiges-
tion, for five years. I suffered so
,� �
., lxe�t iras ,�,),,et��d piTiiiii-nt of tbc�
much that. I could hardly attend to
�', 1
,, i assoriaNan Ilic first Vaxl.adfian to re�-
my wOrl'- I was. weak and lost all
��,, *
I -Velvv &ueh an lion6r. Tba organl�i-
courage. I enjoyed no rest until I ;
decided to follow your treatment, after
� tion. t',.A fcomposud mnWtly. of fGov,cr�n
having read your advertisement In
xne*nt -weathef Vrolits iind 9 . On th�
the paper. To my great surprise X
Immediately began to feel better. I
I sayvr,.4�-[A,ati6�indi, n. eill pnr,t.q Of Lhi-
� I .
aul now using the second box and X
I -,,- k_ �con - 1 r -leman froin whorn
-, xt ,knit.the �xent
feel so we
&11 that I want to tell you
I , I I - .
, �
I ,�: � -the ,)�w�s paverg rarceive'Itfic foreca4sts
, I ,,, .. . I
that I owe this great chan
famous � pms I recommend them to
: ' . ' - -';Z44UM011t;�5f. 010,90rS.
1. j$'FdOit.,
.. ' 'Vr ffiti� (I"t
every p r
e 5;� -who, is suffering from
L .1
i , I �
"� ,1 11
dyslepsia. Your grateful' servant, D.
, I I . .., 1,10- — � .
R, arose, 988 Sollette st., Montreal,
� �_ I I I., I 11 � ., __ � .. I I ' - � I I
, I I I - . . � I I -....".1111111.1111,111W .
-..,I ___ � --- I . - ��� � I - 11 11 . I I 11 -1ko"-, I
The �,pe 'Wd that th,� olil?Qa� tbt! w,Q,A 1.3 vrospserous 101,�nI its, 41 1 1 . p 1 I ' . I.. . �. I I I ,r .... �:. _.. I I .
�mta say V4'at", lu'� kh,L, Lr.atb�,s Rtu�s. rnarkot. . I . . I I i
)a certain articli?s, ra wrtoin t!zn,i,a Lookln�, loarquay al; Oto 11,001prQ- SUCH A �PRETTY GOWN0. . Houses for Sale I I F arm For Sale I
�the awrictIP's are low -w. T�,ie on.ly fair City Ja:,*,�reQW10Jgt 'the gipeakar could Vot � _; .;�11`1;11 1"'Our hou��km for sale, an . . . " '11� ,
a 5hop it FOR SAT(R-Farm oontaining 100 .,�4
way In. whica t000mpare t4a markats seo,'how that 1he ngreemezlt can do. Worn by Miss Do Sous;t w,ant',A, Apply to S)lr. ,"id Nlr,. ,,� aor "
is to ,get the arerap?,,3ay for a year.. other't inort�ose . . . cis 'of first CIAS ,
. -liaii %liaprt)tsperfty OR � I Z% land at the vil-i t 1,
L T 1- L
Tal'i-In-g- .I compilation of the A tb(' f4rm0r� th�� -maAufac`ture�r 'the in oThe Cominuters�" Brakin, . ago of Woodbam, Good tw"tore T.
, yJ �
. . a- L " L i. I 16_ __�i� .. I � . It I I 111�
ricultural-departinumb th)!r-�� nxahtgii. profeaslonal man ,and the ,m,Tc,haul:. I . ... I'll ; -.-- I rt. me liouse; bank barn, 34 by 8ti:
" markets In the Stat�ia, 1'unfor`Oinately )khl4, 4afs 14000mo -a ,.,,vggA-.-1 . . . . . � ,�� With tip-*�,aate stable,' fqki,XA UQV� I"
� , .
P,:. 11. .1,
'He, coatipaed that last year ivkth Party k)0IIcY".saYs 7*e 1%poakor, There X 1D,ft bol t about a year azo.L. 3ba, IdWo
.1 .:. 1�,W )at
)R heavy dtity an Claaadlau pro0actsLigo Is, ta, reason tor a djfferem;toa .14 ,many I ,-or Sale emonted ,t1hroughout. Aaso k% ;roo.g 11
�n',* tato tht,- U. S. ire cold lbhan� alz qiical-Ions, blift 't -he Q,;bjectjonla to life. ,.-r,. ".,..r oeillar 24xIiS with ,cement top, undail .
" � '�,'.�` 0 or, 'So I o at ance-200 acro,s Stanley gangway. Now driving
,�� �:�;:�,-, I ... Olied of oorq
and a half milliorri of dollara wort.4 olprooLfty iby �tha iConstervativ,e 1�arty . Srdlisqn,. 3 mile -s from.0iii-on. Noll "
,y onl� .,jall ,td't;o;,botmat.afadttii,ed,,b,.�- 66" -, . it , oot ro dLog,24x40; 7hen I
while 41v , sold ou qaarb,ir of hav4v , ,h, M.I.,, ;, ,,,,,"�:- ` I , ga ted ,steel �! , kouba
.1 'N . .,,',�,,§
- , . - ,�
�;4k�.::�,:,, � I . 40(xodp. 11n, ,good state of oaltrtvatio.0 17.xlB. Also a good supply 61 �of,g
G milllo-�to us. This Z,hoiv� 'to what cause at lbas botiox-po ;��.:�::�;:;, .
,a !party queA,�Olu. ..�'.,� . 100 acres jin ,grain, 10 a . I
country the bemoilts NvIll. ' acorwa. 'Then, ,,.qald Mr. Xj!n-.-, "what be- %1�1.�'.-' I , r ores alfalfa. and hard wa'.or. Tha 'farm Js thotic-11
Arr. AToZean allqo dealt ivi'th the �omesvf bIr, .'Uordeul.,j girgumenf that I., ,.M 1=160 -res b0h. rest .hay and paoLure. oughily .drained, and irell tfiexupe.tf;
Transcontinental 'railroads, and ,the the ItTade rat.ea jvjll� :be chang-cap, , .:';*� _. Stone 6.91xise. (two storey, sl4te roof, roo,stily ivith all new iv�re, fengeis. X-114
:- .. I
e .R,',,*-,-.'-*��:0; ...." (cemebt floor du cellar, f urnaob oisW:rj�
favored ciatiow a-'reem.-Ilits. ac The ralixoa,ds are jxert� to aerve t1i . � � * ten i-,Vcrew of good. buW mof4lly hava
I .
�,,:��:�41 to10boA6,. One barA 85x56. wWmill irood. Plor particulars apply,to Woo , .'
touched 02 'the loyalty iory ar4d show. peolplb� ian[d tit it is ibio(eti'n, to rxwn4 .1;:.1.:;:::0:..:::�,!:.�; Stablimig 40 ey Shier, Woo I
N � .
i..��.$.,�:--..j.��::: liuMP00. Waterworks. , dham, Ont. !114-9
ed tho follacy of . `tjiki Ooai� their I. -goods 4orth ana �aoixtb, what ... ". . � . .: head fQatitlJOL t1(nid 9 1XQiJSel§. Pecond I I 4.
servalivo argumen't. 1Xwo inatter ft? Take t1w, Canadila,u pa- ..... . . 5440. 'Hay 4barn 5Ox35. Crop - I � 1- I �
titiotdtions from leailliift Mzttilsh, vlfio. )Railiray. The ,iLock ilas lZons. I .: i barn
: �:: .1 *
�,,,, .�il sold w0th farm it Idels'lired. Ap�ly ko ��
stift,M11,01i -UPholdinz, Sir *Wrlds ac- up isin-ce Taciprolefty was imiroduced I I 1. 't n Farm for Sale ,
.; ,�: -
tions on the codtinent were -read. ot4cl 'bas trisen IsIteadily from $11y.o to I ,�, I � � ��. , � , ; D1,11001ni McRlvo� , .'Box 56. Clintofit. I
,, . � � ___ ! __
.. ��_- �,�.,., I I .
. 'A��'Z __ .
A:q'th(' conclusion of Mr. XoLean�a �$240 at fte pr,isevt tlliie� "Do yo .1( ,:.:t . �. �, , _ . at chof.00 farm proiperity � lao& �
I . I.- , �.� ?�': Th,
... :..:.. I . I
adress Rev. Mr. Sharp objecb,�,d to think, klw ,sbrawde,* lne!li t-ha'.1; �wo I .. . -11 . W-Afiig 150 acreis bel*n;., COM Isoed if''
the statement b,inpliasized by Afr, Me. have would be outbididlAg eapli dtb� '..." Z1.1 Farm ior Sale V . �
. Lt�an. of groiring and selling barley 'er 'to, ,secure ��tock M I Lot 26 and X. half - - W ltovs i
if thew laancer',�4s .,'��.,�:� �.��, ; " 1 %
i�o ,
for maltin'; 'Paxpous, M�5 0.4aaftion, w era 11oinz to sUf fer." a.ays Alr, Xjfn'R,,� .-,1R..1. , .:. 1� I 1.7�., . TbaP ohoicex . ,shitp of Usborne.� On the �)romlses ilt.-
, -'k�:�;� � ' Piece of 1)"roP�:rty 00n- ,Vte bmr 0aw 1#
: 11; - I .
ff:i .::: ,ak largo up4bo-ck ,k ell. . Zt
11*0 40AI A lag.ral atanpdoinl-u, x1ae uln'!-Star Met tt,al Brit1iish pre- -�,!-;i Wiling 9�5 acres 1 1-4 ralle 3 from h ... r, jqth frame ivoo"d and drlvi� . 2gt, �
k.*:` .1
11a raply to the objedtio(il Air. Afe- ferend�,) 4rguin,ein*� lby 6%ayinjg 11 Kippen. ki,r,d one mil,_� -Ito eitation, The .
. . . . . . :::::: . . � Soft iva�f4jr,r . ,
Ki . "
- "How can it' affooU'th�a 03AtIsh pre,, -,.� " . land is �rollijqg and easily drain4 on !in dwelIWg boase. Bank barn 574p I
Loan stat,�d that i't Iyas p,Dl. nee,)Iss house attached -Hard aD:d
".1 �..
7' ,�,. ,ft, .:.; "a 3 I,% a hours,� 22x3O with
�,�. .. .
ary'for the tarm,�r 'to groir barley fi�r;�,Xce- W�� doi�,'t Import a single ,,,.� . I the pramis w(tb 20 fo4t post�. 'Hog ana strawl' .
,K:n3 i:�
. ..'I lohea.
!-� . - , kitchen, !4xlg ana summWki
for ixialtij�.4 lmrpose,-a but ira4 left ,article. from En -gland thdt Ia o4 Thl!t ,,, .
h ,house 36x5O, Cemc�t hog houlse, 20.t
Wit IhC farin-ar's own ciin3.61,aiioe. agreekneut.Vl The ltrd�h c)f!t4lie mat- i�i -� all in good repair with a first claa6 60 .Water In barn and dwelling hoa4tg
:::. ;��:, I �
lix his open-inp- voinarIva Hon, Mr. ter� is kliat ib irlil a�rfsft ,the prafer� ,,�:: �" cellar lund,�r fiouae. :Tb,aro are �two from never failing epriag Well wMN .
�, ..... �� ..", 1. .
N -1a; comp)(me3ued South Huron on ence says Air. King.. I . - . .1 barp! 1w m4w -one S6.x7O the dthp,r go w)nd, mill; ,large orchard .of lohoig$
havinx ;suLli a faithful, in,duiltrious. - '110 - took lip the artintxatloa cry. . . . . . . . �. . )?Y P6 all furnished ivith. ligbIttainip, fxu�t; 5kaores of bumh This fa 111
and able roprvs,c,nftxtI-ve. as Mr. Me. sayin-, 0a't 'the ,OoVaeryat[�vea adinilt. .. ?� I rods *end. eavetroughn, Theri., are, 2 4: 4-1ch deep sell in a lint claiss '.%f - �
Aean, , I therei must 71OL) a, 1great inreeaze 4.1w , :�.� I new Wells D110 GUJYPli�% the house, 'the -of culbWation . 80 acres in gralss � i
. VA
. He sta:bad hhat wban It comes to a trade' x1eldtions by ;tii','6in�g tbtLs, arnal. i -1.-'.i: I I ,other the stablx4s witt' inOui3h ivalt. Alfalfa; 60 acres fin grain rootis aV,d(
grea!t -naiticluttl queetion l8aeth as xea- ment. When[ Canadians adopted. tt,a, K�1� I or to spare to aiftly U, COU.
de.e Al N� �! I PII) 01 corn; well fenced and uxitlerdrabio.0
'Itital '6:�.i5t,� 149 . �
in Ithe s4in't 1.;�� ----- . .0k cor- 'The farm Jis conveXlently
procity there -were many 0oniserya- dollax and .." , ... J'.1.,: tbresning outfit. Across th,eI ba
11 g%!;k-,..,-.-:.:-:-:,, . I
,�- t �i �,�' -- li., r,Ittia,he,M I
,N----�-.,-..g '�`
" ,
'g, 'n"..,
. I ne'r., run� a %mall creek which nt,,yer
Ives ,Nir,ho iriwe -no"t kirtatpared ;to cry ,of -aul*xafjon was rat$ed be -t : ,�g-,,
"XIm", _ I : Ung 1wo and a half miles from Exeli
" �,K:;:� ...�.,
.1., '�: .1
ibrow over Itheir lbaalchi,nas ever slaitoo'. cause ire lrex�-a leiavtr4t Ithe old leur- .:�",::�\.-..*: ::!.. � , .
n:.,.,.:..,:,X .runs dry,
hll`,.;��,U-."��'�k .. Over the cro,ak iq asinall ter and four intiles from Aep*11"" I
i0cinf ederatlonL . I m::�:§��7` .. bush, I I I 10
f,'-*ii-:.:,,c.:.;.k,k�i:i.,.-�.. I ( -
r...0__.k .* N
C.-.-.-.;.kX1' 1% .
In isPealdo?, of Mr. Shar'p's objaic� but ,)i ho �,"" �� . -X
I rency- of &Lilad abilliniZa a4id pettel I 0 Pb�$esafbn given December Ist, Y4 1
i.'1ffl1':0Z. I
woQ14% admit L'Aat tvhe .11I. -M.... There is �x larl.pe amount of holgproof wRlitbe privelege of rsoing ar.d dofte i
-o�o Polxft of"'Inalt- present tsytslbem i's lthv� helsit. Tne -Df- t'..:�::.�".,:,��."%r..i:�.:";f,::: 4 .. " -tmcipa n'c�wjy put uFt, also Ia' �3mmll ,ahy work in the liatere9to of gooiv I
tious to Air. XcLea. 1;'-"'.`;-;`. �i.,..,; I
Ing �axley Arr. Klhg..said he qufte a- fact of k1his agreerat-2in1l; % goilting to Wn� '�'; .;Ri. , .
, ��'�`�i"�X.",, .. orchard, of win'tox. apples. farmtafW as soon as the preseiart cro!g- L ,
I read vrith Mr. Sharp. -&hoa illt icomes erease.ltrade. said Mr Kdn.; aud in- 11 W! �... -
Z .,... I ,They have frpp. mail delivery and /
, . ,,g%,:-�:-:4-:-, is ,,moved ATust be sold as 'the pTbiq ,
to. a, moral que9tion, but the e-pxavrt- creased - proagerity malo.,is -ritater at Telephone oonne"tition.
. , - ti*:�I�Xv*: I lit'ietor bought in'town and is retTrIlig-
iux of .maft1iiL, f5axlev ,tvourcr ofreet fectiou fox the fla- that has igireu ,-:�.�",4'.�:l - I 'For partioalar� a!p'ply 1to ,,
lva"`.11'.,*�i. Easy tormis of Payment. For �ternfds, .
the brewin, iialtelvAs of our tcoun- this prosperity L - now hav,., m r * .�., ',ALBX. ITUCHANAN. *
= We :Y '..j:j
1,:.`:�, . .
0 -).. �,�.,,,,, and aprtficulars apply 'to Chas.11arvey,
tryby makin� it harder to �Z,� 1; barlav with the U. S. t1an With any other '� . ..'At I Rip�on Ia. O,
L I - . q'.."% ... on ,'the promrisea or 'to Thos. Oamero4
I.., .. I � . . -
.. .
and by makhal., 'them pay more for !',t. country in !the -world and aLthe pre's- .,�,LL:. -
�. . 11- I . . . . . . . I I Auctf.oneer. Farquhar. " I
Tbas, ift would cut Idown [the ,profjt,ii cut time, jv�.,h our inoreased Pros- .. ... _. , - _1_. 1,
. - . ,�,� 1, 11
of lth,o brelver end ,he believed 'tbey perity ,ire cau lboost of Loyalty,iltich �1_ . - - - - �' Notice to Creditors L
should be icat down. I as we W -ever had b-AO"re I . OF vosn 21,&.RQ-U1s*-X ,A` I'D I
1 .
'The speaker ,n!poka of our natural The speakner i3vid that in ltb-� pro- MA a.. . ',,.�,.' Iii� ,the 'matbar of tht� �.,,siate L Fa-rin for Sale by
resources. 111a Oxplainod that farms vince,of Quebac lfhiy have theIr Nat- This delightful model is charming lof
do.tot 1go idowyJ by woLrIdag bhom 'bult ional,pollicy an'd'iu,this �rovlwcc they James MoReever. of the Itown- Tender I
by letting 'them 1 -go to waslte. AN"a have have their pa'dmW laaqu--�. Tho either for a pimple evening dress or for . ship of Stephen. in �taa County of .
an adva4ttige tha!f ,the Americans whale lc!ry ot ttfi,a M'4C1*f11 VDII,dy is a house frock and Is 6veloped from sed. . Sealed tenders will be. r,�eelveO Ug.
, . I . "),
have Doot. We haw ellmWt,cal ,00vi- 'I, hat Gir'Wilf rid is Ion Ilimpevikil. whila marquisetteLin a lovely sbad6 of rose .-Notice is heraby given t)hrsuant to Tbqs. Cameron. up to and on July 1%,
. Et. S. O., 1897, ehap. 129, that all
:,diqo,ns 'that ,u*bla us *to -.et bet- .'t ' ho Cunadiwi Naltiowil Lea,Tue ave hung�over shaded maure satin. The 1011 ,for that limut(if al and well baft
tert grain, fraft iand vegatables than soiriii.; the talk of aeparxtion "Thte�� creditors and others having cla,ims tarm. home be.Wg corppo6cd of Loi No�.
!can be .produced anywhapo else orl two parties Are the pnrt ,and parc.1 skirt Is slightly gathered fiom a nor- against, it. -he osqtaba of Yam-eis b1crKeev- 14. N. E. Boundary towmahlip-of U114
L -
SaYS L thL, mal waist RE6 and we!,-hted at the bot- or ,late of ltbo township Of StietPhem- borne. conta-iniGg 100 acres. On ttihbi . q
this conitinent. He rnalled the par- of R ' h'i paely rn,dohin,�' 14
ababh- Of thL ilvii 1.aloints, heir by speaker., Mr, 43.C.1n.- ispokc, of , th-� tom. with an embroidered band picked who idied on or abolut prem(iseis is an up-to-date brink Airel,�
asing wbal. �ra .have 1� ,go,t wore. th-onsianIds of ,dollars that, has bean L th,�'13fth day ol. May 1��)-111 ara re-
iaid,4bo(,h tho Libar, I and Cone,arvit- � d dull quire(A On L 0.r before -thla 20th day of eg house and large ,driving koulaeX
"AlIthal comos front .natuce com� I I out -in rose, mauve shades an ]fiag; largre bank barn. brlok hen av*
bi-Lied iii,'th !the labor or inau,, Is tive 1press for adve,3.�tlshrg artiolas ol?- gold thread. AbOut the JONY, round J'a I Y 10,11 lie send to -by "X?Oqy large young orchard of choice Whate*
wealth" says Mr. 11in-. The niftial'i- tjoSir.,I�� .1.,�E�iLJ)J.Ocjty ' Ith eck and short sleeves of the peasant .P X095rs- frw�it; 10 a,cre!s of good hardwood
11 .4idd also of a ii repaid or deliver
h6t have bo��n dist6ba- waist is a like banding in a narrow of Exeter. Solic4tors for Ailmita,).4- every partRoular and is in a,.- high
faotnrir.:-, interests ar,- ;dopendable. ,pamphlets 1 Gladman & Sturibury, of the villa6vQ bush. ThAs is afoholoo far -in in &YN 1*
uptin Gomethl,rg.v .from kthe, zoi, ano ted. 11c �rofi-rcd to One in portica- width., The crushed be& Is of mauve t,a(tbr of- ithe ectid ,de:c,ease1d th-eir,
the J4170017 Of MaL. as is al,so It,hu pro- far. In rofor,�na.,, to lht� ," . , state of cultivx8on. 31-ais t be tsoR sCv,
favored na- sattu. � . and surn,ame-.4, ad'drdsses the pro�pAeIor Iias bought and
fCSSiOLal inan. 'If Yoti. make the farm tion'claiise, where 1the ifavored log.- I . . - christiaUL
interestq proisplarous You tions had ,!rOWn from 13 to�[) aoco The gown is worn by Miss Do Sousa and desciriptiona, 'the fiAll partiou- , It -
are joinz 3--o make . the mam�uf actur- irl-.,4117o.,I:ll��,I);Ilylt)lll,!L.*, 11.1; 'Cania in rd- in "The Cvnniuter," one of the suc- lars 0-f 'their clairns, tho statement mov,ing to. Torobito,6* Easy termls q
� .
ing prospeous, you ,make th�i ra,ox- a .�rcat deal of ,rld:cula. 1:0.r . cessful New York -plays of the season. of their accounts and tbo nature, payemtn. For terins and partioulailil
01 apply to Win. Stewart ox the prem -4 L
c�7ant. prosperout; and accau.,va'af this Ris orid,L,win of 111ko coll'o,,a;rvaliva at- . � L the sedurities, if any, hold by then&, IseLs or to Thos. Cameron. Abet., gar-( L ,�( I
there is Itbe 'Aror-gnest, reasoki why titude on thD l.th, And further take notice that after qUhar. . .
. llwr�al Conference, , Now Curtain Materials. such I at mentioned (late the said I
we should look fairly ard s(ivarcly was most forcible, *'-Iibirlin- as Pl- dtid � L A .
, L AfL colonial and mission furnishings AdmOuils'traitov will procced to dj3trli .
ir-to 4b*..� azrc,omonlE ' that- be hirun t'i,a titaw hli' 136rdon's - I
Thel Blingster roferrecr Ito tho agri- Winn.ipp,� �; , J"r1ttL,)n at Ot sia ce
. peech wdi 'i are, thos&.approved just now, the.wjn� but&thL- Ia" ts oftht., de as�damon
cultural interests of .. Lh,a .Canad.,;an' tawa fina -aefiverilff ar- vv,,,x1_.1qD,e,z. .,tbd dow, drai:ierlos, -that accompany them the 1)axtics entitled therotoi htxv'ia'Z Sale by Tenger. - ,1 I
west. Thera ara LWO 1)3-Orluces Q*;V� Conhrenee badLagreud td;.Sir Wit- are of a simple nature-exp�eus* re-a"rd only- to the clainis of *hich ' 1.
, Ive ma- - . . .
en. -wholly to Ithe raisill Z of graill. - irid� Trdl)ohalaregardiiiiax eextiiii l3rit- ferial 3nay be used; but the; . effect must hL shall. then have -n6tioa and that Sealed tenders wti.11 ha xeceiv.e ,.. .
cattle and ,horses. Th,e paopk� of isb, said AdmOniigtra�tor ishall not be liabIc. to and on;jilly loth. 11.11. b I
_v Th ,�
these provine, , I trea!f1:,es�L'whjeh knocked th�' hot- be that of simplicity; -otherwise there for the said assets or any part there- Cameron. for that de,dimble farm).
a a In order to live, pro- torn. oVi: of 'the 'C0'1fiaa1'vdLiv`a 'arlZu- Ia a jarring note. F or these colonial of Lo any person or 4)erson9 of NX11050 , Ill. .. . I
duce for txport. Edmonitan aan'l. ,N,fll ment. 11r. -King's petoration was -a rooms the iash curta'i � n coming even roperty .bclFb'9 composed of Edt H
,;;rairp. or cat'de to.1tegilua. says tbo tnasteely . tribute to Vaaada�s first el- I claims notice shall not-. ,,have on0eWion 3. tow.6mbip of Tracke'rA..
speal�er. They have to get .t market tizon at 1--h,p Junportal. Conference ind with the window ledge is used. received by lihm iat tthe itime of . A.,
iin' d*i3tribution. snafth. con'taining loo .bumdered acrek-
out side of lth-c:r -prov oos. "112-t u6, to tbp Coronati.on that bad . itaken The designs in tke cut will give the I MiN & STAN131311Y.
GLADI On the preinfisea Ither,a is a, lar&a(
suppose - we isay ire won't -inaloo, 1 i place under such condit';:6.ne of loy- housewife seeking for curtab's an exA bif.tok dwelling, )ar.ge bank barn z4id .
you 'to ,Expo,,tt. 11 . SoUcAors for Admfn�t--Itrator
possible for f Ithoy alty and discop:bonment. Mr. H. cellent idea of what is new :'In this line. "t 1,;Xe�t,ar this ,�Pothd_ hog and drive house., i7ood orchard
can '0: -ret it aut of A t The fillet design at the top'of the 111us- & fty of of chotbe fruit. 5 ,acres of good ma�let
., �hD J10111'a mark%1L Sm! h was chairman of th�, m�etjng Dated
three Is ,golaz Ito be Ia, co(njgi.,ist�lui) . I - - I tration is a decided novelty*. Swans June L 149.11. . bush. well fenced and dragned and UrR.
. 'Re icontinued "Th',*s is a ( bd-go,glar ECZEMA �WAS_SPREADING _. - ood sfa;te of ,culthiration. Nicelyi
question ltb= a quedt'lon of to -day. and birds are the unique features of tdc.� g
Mill D. 3). D. 'CUr,ed_ItL " I I I L 4V.,ted being two and a half mileW .
vV,i must look rahoad. (Safa Z tiara Th�s Is o' Trxnsldtion 'of a . Wtter - . - I Notice to Creditors from Hensall and two, and 4-fiW I
azainst'tha future.. upon, w.habiji cloii.,� written us in French, on April 16th - m4les from Kippen. For terms ian4
,L;w depends 'the ffftLre. The farM_L 1,9,1Q. �by Alr. DanZabineau. -GaV Lum . . I vaTtfloulars apply 1J:o faco. Fairburn on;
er finds that whare'tho, UnYted Stabas - . .-I In � 1;he L 11111'ft.0'r of tjle e
liere N. �13. I � .. - ,� %% .. .gf,l L,,3 of the Prem(6019 or 'to Thog. Cameronj
%vas a tXreit -exPo.etins-teovir!Lry iahe- . '. gg,,% .
"I had "4- - �g� . . . . . - `. �,�..! ',aut Dolg, of the township of Hay. Auett"oncer. Farquhar. I
,en ,stiffening w4tat ielr , ..
ZeMa -.,--.-.,. . ., 1, .
Is now expoit':tn[z li.si and iw,PD1it-'!-13!? for abodt ,61 inon'ths and h ad 1consul tl�� d. 1�� , �-�A a -g. '. 444'.'.., Ia the Couxity of ,11-uron, farmer. ,. I
. .,.%t,�--- . . 'j�
,,,v,..L,t5-:��.,-ac,.�-...-'..- ., �
more, while iro una gettfti- I _ -§R= ,;. . L . .
T N . deea-ased . �
' A 1.'n new �averal dodtorts who d5d- ndt do rue .,pMMg--g.p,%g -,.ngg
emigrants, our �Lx&rtll era ,Z ,
0 1 riq . U 1) , �
ony gooid. 111he (Useaiserwas slire4d,bnq *.� ..... I.
.,-"� ..... . �r-.�a.,-�
yearafter year and wo are beco1nj.r.,,,, �*.� *".1 � �__ .. Notice is hereby given pursuant to L
I ... .e_,�1.1�1,
... "?
. and I was must. 1--unoamfbttub�'e. I � ."o...."Z�'�,'W'Ji
... N - It. S. O., 1897, chapter 12D, th - For - ale by Tender
. � 'A§"`.
aL t7'reat (C.-CpOitlag couriltry . t n d t b,,',.,; t h w i gh t , v,NVW`, , ._.,... �..t i I `. creditors and others havin- claims L A
I would [go torazy,, AII my . -.1._.. ... t.
_ I
is ,dur. to It -die tgrealior.nal.urnl adva- ' �1 �.. .. . .. "M.1�
. 1. f 1,,'ienrls r -re Itell1mg me I would loolsn � �' '..,.-,"W...3%,..-�.,,..-.-k%�.-�. "I- - I..... ...... � - against the estate of the said Tenders will 1-e received lip to and
Itage. hha:t we lave. .. 'be txlght �' 2 . .* . , or on JULY 5th, 1911 by Thos. Comeron,
. 'n�y .4,ndls unla3s I found t; Pauli Doig. who died - on
Tonchia- oit rnanur.aetur:as �: . I Is ; auctioneer, Fayqubar, frr That beauti-
? �Ljl Lveatmeay. ' . -i ".., about .the 12th -day of blay V311
, or:L ' 'Jay - ...
%% .W..... _
speakor said tbat as far as th,o hialit - -1 I iroad in t - Pls6en-er ..V�., -Ioo fnI and up -to -dale lirme rf tbelater ,
. - X.. I are required on or before -
1�11 N11N-.;1M,%,P; , sg?.*;N,eJ.nq . . . . . " the Vvm. Bauden of Exeter, comal I g
ar'd eone,or,o .. " ..,,:,*
.JA a(l ;,t Woll ILI 0 1. - b_ Al _ ,...�
._.__' ..
5"A.1,,, -e;.;- Qgimg� -1. e�.�bl 1, 20th day ot July 1911 Ito send by
factuxie.4 Ia about your D; D. 0, tr.aa`tnm�. "Z;d %,_�! -'.'.-' .,g _ D 13
be irall to taba do,,vri tbio. tarl'iff AI'MAJ. .... 0 ...gm- " 12 acres of land The house is of sot- ,.-
. ii�,kcd for a sample Tt iffid-me so . , ,. - - �, �,1V?.-.W1-Z 'g. xr;..&P, post prepaid, or deliver 0
., '. �0 1 pil,* 1 C 'd brick r-truclure and is in geed re-
.. ...__, qtig,$n
� _
The on] .]rLicI'!S. . -.,�-le,�.,-.;Y,.�,,Ilv���,,-.-,, fre".�p �,- i,i?ri, I . I
y anoVufactured ., , qf- much gdo4 that I dnimedlately, order- - - - i 51,P Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury
. E-.-.,..,fe'.&%,
fected wimo aj.riculhiral ,'.implem enl,s �_,. �,�� �gg.:-.O,,�-.
- 1�-:! ., e.pg- - ,� .; ,-,
-�..' ,-�Tg...-, "it;.�,,����a,,�i.-lit'�p,�,.,;,.?� , .1
ad it-vvo, large bottk,s bo!tFLkis,Jt -took .1 'n .. 1; 3',VMy14!,1&,�§'.,.W�L - of the Village of E�ctnr, So .
�*-A`��I ,�.?.;!Ip!ili.;i,,v.ir,,e-;�g�y�;��.a.:
'4 .*�, '. _ pair, It is Tncst gdr8ntpgeuusIy 61t_
" 61:-.;.R�*..,'� ." A.
, 0 g., '. " ��?�'.
L;"4"ig.;,",",t?.?"'�':':'.'p .. - " . -
. .�.'�'J"':. ,.,
-o eilgh t "Ibottles alto.pther to cure� me � .�M,N,111. N, , . , g"'. licitors for Adiriiniatrators of I
Cho, makers of whicli could otand th . 6" , � ,� _!", th a. uated on the high gicund north Of thf& �_
0 � _,
reda,edon. Ila also r,,=.',,ndF,,-d Ithat thv ,`1W.Wt@ . er. The drainage and celler. .�,
,:N-50,�,,",�% ...... qN,;,N riv
ofthatberrilbleZ:aea.w. I ,shall never , :� . gge is I
manufacturias -had -been ,atsA'8)tt2,d bY be )i,i-[hGut: e bottle of D. D. D, in 11', . ., said deceased, their christian and sul- un,exce
.�.�' *,V", lt�K*q,R;f.apt� 0� , .
-0-1-ei., e, e�
0 ,�, .!!,; �ij, names, addresses a fled
. ,.:�- ?A11111.1 �--^Z nd descriptions The house is cquipped
. - , �;n.'Ii.,
tlitt x4d,uzll cm ,rit 'taw wi cr on soi L horaL ,,�,�RN,�,� , , with a good fu1nace, bath room, ]a -
MY �7.1�l,e.>.,O,i,,',�p�,�,!'*'�F,��1A.e?�.,�,�,+s.-�,.-,,��."; the full particulars of their claims va
.�,IjQ �_115r,� .
-coal. I §10AMN .. 6h",?;P1;,.;
' L The reco�d of ten years o C com ple t Q . '.., ., ... I- . --- . 010 statement of their accounts and tory, bard, soft, hot and cold water, .
The .,,rrikor poixltQd otft 'that a =ros of thouisands of the most severe I the riatin; Possesses pilier modern conTeniences
- �
.,Q%1.1.6..1...- .6 of the securities, it arty.
Als� L them.
large ninjorDy of tht� inanufaobir'.�Is QFds shomr ,that .U. D. D� kand% ,to- _ �, , held by And further - take good cut buildings and a lorge ozebarcT
were J'_ZOin,-Z Ito lilba Cxnad,',ari WvSL. day gs the absolute rellable eczema I .11 ., notice that after sur.h last mentioned of choice, VOriter buit. 7bIs is no .
Arahe thjn7zs pro�preous fn It -he w,�,ttj our,�., . irevn�te_ " " , :i ubt one of ibe fine -0 hc vies n the
I - . I . datetbe 'said A-drA'.n.,istr,i.tor,i�jililproI. d o
.11111 I
ind Lhvre, will ba a -zro�jtvr dornaral Write. Ito-iday, for free. :6ial b6tt �g�.,%gv�-
Ia , � .. .... ,%- gv.i - - - - -- ��tm.-.-....-% coed to distribute the ,assets of the -de- counti y end as thel e is only a .qbort,
. - - ...
, �
ror (ho wantifadbir,od i?:oods for ;JLJJ,,� ,...r-,. ga,W',W_'e.��,_-, '.... J
(o Ithe D. D. .D. Lal5orii�lori,eg� Deot,� ,.ggr- ,- . '
11 " W��. ,.-Pgl� . c - L-
.,* 01 , - eased t1roong tbe� parties entitled time to wird tip ibeeslate �iill posit-
. , `�... ,
��I'w �
-in, -1 ,, - Ti L 49 -'C0b'i;rw 'S -t. Tbxonto. -It .M� " N'I'MV.,Z�'. 1.
inilwovc .�W: of 111io dicruos &nr .ur. � ,"'.. tg'q! �J .. - thereto having regard ottly to the ivelY sell to Partv Fendirg in higbest; .
� I �
, -
rour,dhii;s 1�`b�,n matiufacturi.�3 are will give yon, inslant Xeli'L!' , , , " - .... I � . . . . . . - _ , - ... - I I
established lswine Ono must be .irt v; I)o- . f al'lilns of which they shall tban have terider provided i1i y can (crayly -with. �
, I .1 , - I I � 'id Adm'.'pi3tratoria . e
, . .
.. I rot
.. .
. .
I . : I . ..... - Ice und Ithat a' the teinis and ce-nditioms. Easy
Allion Ito biiy (be zoods, )aj�'d when - I I'll, .. .1'. I . A -,%*!.I not he Mlbl.,� fr:)r -:04 ousets
. I At the Wron . .. I terms Of PRTMent, For fozws of ten -
. . _q Door.
I I I - . - I or any part thereof to any person der and terms of part ieulaxs apply to
L— - I - . I or pefsons- of whose claim notice Tbos. Cameron, PaTqubay; S. G.' 33aw-
- ) � k &1111t I - I ,I - Iri if not -have been received by them den, Exel e r! or to Dick — - -1 el --
11 I , 1 11 i k 11
1'�L`11, � �
. I �..Al,
. � . .
11. 1.
-� .
,, 1-
�N ,,.�,
. � 171- -
.. �
� �i N-1
q vmlmy
.. . !101 � IV, I
V . k
i I
. ; - '1?i§�! .. , .. �,�� I
g I VIE i .. ��
, _" ...... .
, � I .
. . Maw" '140�`
ac the time of such distribution,
GLADAIAN & STA,�,Tl3tjfty,
Solie t
` ors for Admir. lsttratoxa
Datttd.at Nxe't,,r this W14 d:iy of June
10 It , . .
I ....,.,.,��
- - .
ibg, SOlicilors for Estate. Exeter. .
. . ..
1. .. - _�
- . I
. .
Dominion -DAy
__ —
London Clatarlo
111 - 1
. '. I 11 I
. I
, .
T13z inanagornent of the West,,�,Xal
. ,��
Vi adon Ontario b'lve 'this
ii�r. Lo , year
Single Fare -for Round Trip �
u number of char,.y., 's r*gardiiig,
. �
i �
I- I
th',',1*4 A1t`t1'*0tiOx1 Und 111dWnY Perfor-
. . �
(with raly,imum charge of 26)
5 .1 11
ltt� 11
I_ � ___
niane,,,s ,have vnt,orod into a
contract',,,,, wth a reliable New YQrlc
Between all stations in Canada, *
211 I
" - .
- 1"
firt-A to fill up 'tho ontire !U1rJ&vay
also to Niagara Palls and Bj)fft,tl,(), DT �
Y, Detroit and Porb Hurop, Web , .
, -Ri N ],MLST . DVS1 6INS 14N OUnTAXIf MA,
lwitbi qood tolean Moial shows of dif-
feren'.� lamids and the pubilic may rost
� ,
Tickote Juile .3oth SM&
� L I I
this design. It conies in white, Ivory
a.,wir-9-d. of PlOntY Of ,=t4rbii'laint,�Int,
�11A,.t ,amiusc,ment 'whoin vis�jti,r,.Z ,L h,0
. .
Tuly Istgood I
I �
L 11 I I
� I . .
.R,b,r, limit July 4th 1Q11 : , .
or belge, is l'orty-eigbt inches wide and
Exhibifloni- The attractions in front'
55 ce'nits,ii yard.
of the lGrand Stand will be Of a hit�h
I Anotber pattern In fish net simulates
orOer and Well worth -travelling M* i.fm,'i
I . I I
-TO- . � I
leaded glasp, and this triangular mesh :,to
See Thero.,will ,be otnumb6r or
I .
Nfil.ly,lj T 1, I 11�
I I . . � P,Q, � I . I _-Ir- I Ilitary tinmimodvros tind - Ithe Ld,oa 1, I - a es. I �
11`�, I 11 1111,
� Let all who have Weak stomachs,, She won't tell the f,en- , wears very well -a wonderfully good p,remer, will.1give a spl'Inald e Lake ofBays., . � . ! I .
� ��',� . . fabric for the low t xb1bt- TemagAmi. I
", I aud those Who suffer with Inalgestion, � , .. I
�; �' . � I I I I . price, of 75 6en q I . a don of Ibei.r v ork ditily, Sev.oral hands , ' .
��: -�'. heada0hes,,billouslies.9, ,know they can . . �� 11 I yard. , . . . . I have already lbc-�n tougn P�C(] arx(l a " Algonquin Park, ' 0. , , .. . , � I
. V I AL -1 r y be perfectly cured by JX� Hamilton's . . A'touch of color and ,warmth is Ap. itary lta:too will be hold �
��', e,*4 sus -man I I M i
11 - 1-ildrexi C,r I � � � 'Magatietawart rflvpm .
I 11 Pills, Successfully �used . . ". - Oftich laVaning � I
I 1, FOrl �FLETGHER`S for wany We won't 91VLI It aw"Ay b64 I � I r)reelnted !'A cold weather at the wln� Vlre,�N;orks of the hiighe8t ord-L,r will . Frenab River. I
� 1, .. I "A _111,10 I AL 'years, mild and .safe, ��50 per box, all , d9use sher alWays sends thei . ;el e I I I be -on Itho Progray.nrit,overy night it,- I.. Geottgain Bay. . � .
� ; I Ir R_�* S 11 R111 I dealem; or The ' 04tarrhozone Co,, . ,It - ., dow, and In no way can this, touch he I . � � Lake Couebichin I I
� � f r
r . e�., . . . � 4"' Xingston, Ont. ' ' I I I nal&bOkls to us for, Wed- � I I ' " better used tlian -witli the colored � f am 'Kawartba Lakes, ett.. , .
, � . . L , � - I . I rrr cludiEg (h. Sample. Of Arodern Will, I . 91 �
11 �. - _, 11 � , �,J . # . . ision lbef.ween a jtro,�,,,, e�l . .
.": � I �. L." " - � ' '' ' " , . , I d11nLf459,pd&Whene ertbevelti - � I I"I and & C611i , ,,, . I . r I
' o , , �Nm�im_, , ' " V , serlm curtain. The illustration shows and ,an automobile TI)o ,,�pa,od 7 I , At loir rates., I I
I I . . I � ��� . I 11 I I � � , ' I � j,# � eolni L. jj�j th't , , , 'Willy I I
,.:. I I anythir ,� Wandering P�O- . . I I
,��, : ,?� _'' , I r E� L I - 00uldn't YOU a floral design with gold, br6wnr4, red -5,,, �fhis ycar is 'the best. ov(q, �
" '
I,. , 0*4 14-1 *1 I d r e n r;-Hafilliton's Pi Is 1 MATRIMONYAL LIM "' 09110" let me have some cold wittles, greeiis or blues predominating, There = MbY Ithe- 2xhilifticm Th,N Tltho,f.cr� it Y, d flill in r&,�); I fo'n,
11 . I � mi�Aci? I I
i�, ^"A%V&% $I �, ',1'4ftfi1jj.r JD,O, Is a border on each side. This inate. ddbes nre fsopt,"m'barL ,gt,fito 16 tbj - fvntn At'Y- Grand Ttlink A vet, 1. or
YOU , . � " ,
I I . Cure 0 I'sp , - address �i E. Pliff, Diattlet P "org_
,r �n � .-''- It _11�*-', , , Mrs. 9tl9seYCOld - I All i'lLformation 1givon 001 applicaitiloil '49.
:�, J � F 011ow Su Try 66 1 cents a
� . L ''". � � y .1 � � I 1, rial may be ,purchased for Z
A '= " � I I think that thIs li_ad I ,4APn atore? ,' " to lete lselertitnoq AX., llm-. t., Lon&w er Agent, Torontl-,o Ont.
�, - , , ,, _... .1. � I I � . �, . Yard imd is 9064 lvalu&, � � , ,,'. I
I . I � I �
�, � '.. -1 , , �, I � I , , 0;�t. . I .T. J, Xxt4XVIT, bs,P,01 Ap-t�t;
I . �� 4VA, � 1. 1
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,,A ly. .� . , � I Ill . � I I 1 � 1, I � r , 1 .V'"r . . " 11
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