HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-05-27, Page 15(,ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEUNESDAv, MAY 27, 198; PAW,!'' 15
'5 p.m., Monday" Too late to classify,
Tuesday 12 noon for Wednesday
'4.50 min 22 words 206 en (additional word
thereafter Consecutive Insertions: 2 con•
secutrve inset tions '4 00 eo. 3 or more con
secutrve Inser tons '3 50 ea In Memoriam:
'4 50 min plus 356 per line of rhymed verse.
Cards Of thanks: '4 50 min 25 words plus
66 for each additional word, Public Notice:
'20 for 3 insertions Notice to Creditors:
'30 for 3 Insertions '25. for 2 insertions,
'20. for 1 insertion •Drawer Number: '3.
first week '1 each additional week,
Prompt Payment: 506 discount per week
for word ads pend in full at time of purchase
or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at
5:00 p.m ) Display Classified: rates
available on request
To place your hard hitting
Classified ad
j E NDA ptl - F" I '11' ;i'c p 11°
:3Ili ;ii>>„ - 5: ® PM
52:; ®2614
Address mail correspondence:
Star. P.O. Box 220, industrial Park,
Goderich. 147 4386
1. Articles for Sale
AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cieonc,r removes r'us
lime and miner 01 deposits Siniply place in the
corner of your tartet tank Available at Hoff
meyer Plumbing and Heating Kingston Street
Goderich 524 7861 Itfor
Sniorgashord The Candlelight Restaurant lives
up to your ctxpnctotions H9gh Maccrostie RR 5
Goder rch hos, won n stnorgosbord luncheon at
the Ccindlelight Restaurant Goderich
524 7711 •21
7 H P HONDA tiller rear tines used one
season exCeiler,t ; andition 482 5875 after 6
p.m 19tf
FOUR 15 • Chrome Rims rocket) S70.00, Call
after 6 p,m 524 9626 '21 22 ,
,ONE QUEEN SIZE WATERBED with f,rnsted larvas,
• drawers, mirror and red bumper pads. Bought in
March paid S738 00 nsking,S400,00 or best otter.
Electrohome 26 col!oui floor model ,T.V. asking
$150.00 or best offer Phone 5247942. 21
powerheqd and attachments 5150,00 Smith•'
Corona portable typewriter in extellent condi-
tion, 575 00 Phone 524 8954 21nx
ONE GOLD COUCH 'with matching chair in very
good condition .Asking 5100 One florol couch
with matching. chase Asking 575 00 12 cubic foot
freezer Asking 5100 00 Phone 5244156 21nx
FOR SALE Maple captnin s lied comes with mot
tress unci hox spring in good shape Steel desk
with formic() top good for student very good
mire Two pairs of P195, 15 inch Bridgestone
tires 524 8723 uftrer 4 00'p in 2111x
• TI'CKETS 'AVAILABLE for Blue Joys Garne vs
CciIifornru Angels Snt'urclriy Mny 20th Bus
leaves Sher woods of 9 9 rn S20 00 per ticket
Phone 524 83'18 or 524 6973 21
LADY 5 CAST 14kt gold cluster ring Appraised
value SI 075 00 sell for hest offer
482 3217 21 2?
HARDWOOD SLABS hy truckload delivered Coll
early mornings rand evenings 529 7642 21tf
NEVER BEEN USED bre k lined Sruleur woodstovo
complete with Sentinel chimney mxi accessories
Still in dr 'atrial 804 Will sell rornplete fpr 5800 00
firm Cull 524 1748 21 Iii
P%XRTICIPA1ION DAYS Ir, support of Cnnodu
Health and Fitness Week Sun( most Mall Mer
chants will nrrept the fit hut'ks you rereived for
pertrnpi'lting ul 'my of the events 21.'
PATIO SF TS 4f) off or rtMOrr' Wide selection
Warehouse open Frirtnys rind Snturdoys 71 King
Si W Forest Ont 519 786 4.105 19 22nr
HARDWOOD SLABS by the trurklood 'npprorx
10 11 rend 51.30 00 delivered Phone
529 7302 19t1
BE At!11FUl ENGLISH prom hnhy huggy hahy sw
rngornntir hnhy lounger ertd other srnnll Fisher
Prire+ items Irk r' new rondition Phone
524 9468 20 21
MAGIC CHEF prnpone stove 4 turners'. counter
model overhead oven risking $175 00 Phone
524 2228 20 23
-BRONICA F.TRS 645 prism 75 rim 150 lens 120 &
220 hacks speed grip $1 300 00 Simmo roller
simma 16 x 20 20 20 x 24 drum Ciba
8 x 10 & 11 x 14 drurns 5120 00 Phone
'528 6945 21
FRESH ASPARAGUS in freezer quantities our
own tomatoes English cucdmhers Plus bedding
plants including tomato plums rind herbs hong
ing baskets tuberous hegramos etc Avnrlahle ot
TE EM FARM RR 1 Bny„field 482 3020 21 •
WHITE refrigerator for sole 17 5 ruin( feet
Good condition Phone 524 9588 after 6 p m 21
45 ROUND oak and rnople dining room table
with 3 leaves 5 choirs buffet with mirror good
condition 5400 00 524 5244 or 529 3109 21 22
1. Articles for Sale
WALNUT LUMBER 1 Lind 2 d,flerenl widths •und
lengths r eusonuble 2' , tt, Ic k quo star k Phone
Bruce Fah over 524 6,318 21
MOVING Must sell r hesteititld rind ilium inti
out.; wash stood d.uy bed with pillows rind slip
rover Phone 524 9450 ttvr>nuulr. 21r1,4
SMALL WOODEN during room or hreokfrlst set
table 4 choirs with leaf hutin 530000 critique
buffet 5200 00 524 4694 • 21
BEET FOR SALE hood fed rut rind wroppud to
your specificotions Avrillcrhle In quarter's rind
halves No spray un crops 110 conccv)hutE.'s
growth hurrnones drugs Or userl Phone
524 1011 21 '22
BOYS three piece suit site 16 medium brown
pinstripe shirt tri• to rnutrh Warr, once for
graduation Call 524 2784 Titter 5 p in 21
DIRK 5 GALLEY Re,tnurnnt will cuter for up to 300
quests on your locriton Phone 524 2160 164
Cour t House Squnr c' Goder u h Ar r ranged for your
rnnvunience and to your 1^aste Jour Armstrong
246 Hicks Sr Goderich you hove won two Super
Subs 21
SEVEN PIECE dining room or kitchen suite (hutch
and buffet included) trtrditionul colonial style
1solei rock maple) S600 00 Phone 5249821 bet •
ween ICNE in to 9 p 111 19 21
ROLL UP 'GARAGE DOOR 7 x 9 complete with
tracks etc , good condition reasonable •price
524 6920. 21
HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY at your home this spr-
ing Art's Landscaping will provide you -with a
private showing, in your own garden of shrubs
you could use to enhance your property. You
make the choice. Coll 524 2645 01 166 Bennett St:
E Goderich Jake Middlekarnp RR 3 Auburn has
won a pair of garden gloves. 21
TRUST BROWN'S To colorize your' home A
complete range of all interior eictenor paint pro-
ducts a full line, of wallpaper and carpets to suit
every taste and pocket book. Ralph Josling, 106
Picton St. E. Goderich, you can claim your prize
at Brown s Decor Centre 33 West . St,
524 711.7 121
memorative edition 'honouring the 100th An•
niversary of Champion Road Machinery, 52.00
per copy (out of town orders add 51.80.postoge).
Makes great gifts for former Goderich residents,
summer visitors and friends. Available at the of-
fice of the Goder•.ich Signal -Star, Industrial Pork.
8 o m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. l l tfnx
GENERAL Instrument 10 ft. mesh satellite dish
and equipment for sale. • Call 524.4243
anytime. 44tfnx , '
LARGE FROST FREE refrigerator 30' electric stove
th self•cleaning oven. white 'excellent condi,
tion 5250.0.0 each, .Living room set • sofa, chair
and swivel rocker. suitable for cottage 5100.00.
Coll Saturday, p.rn: or ,Sunday
524.4472, • 20,21,22
We can Offer
'/2 mile south on Hwy. 29,
We`even take trades
11lI a IU (rade your marmalade'.
Let us help you trade those un-
wanted items for something you
want at no cost to you. For adver-
tising information call Theresa
weekdays 9 - 5
1975 TOYOTO Corolla will trade for any of the
following lawn mower TV TV aerial or building
materials Please, call • 529 3117 or
524 4948 19tf
QUART SEALERS and pdper bags recent hest
,Seller books to swop for Barbie or Ken doll oc
es.sories Or other items you hove to trade
• Phone 524 7202 21 23
BUDNEY STUDIO Introducing limited edition
prints of well known .Cnnadrnn Artists Jomes
Lumbers les Tod lack Reid Alnn Krogl
Dauglad Nrnrn 150 Bloke St E Gctderirh you can
claim your prize at Budny Studio 114 The Square
Goderich 524 9021 21
3. Garage Sale
3. Garage, Sale
YARD SALE Silt uiday Muy 19 140 P01inerstnri St'
Rrrulclute June 6 Children s Clothing toys cur
sr'tlt play pen, ond rrim Tr more 8 70 12'30 nu
n01E' before 8 '30 please 21,1
YARD SALE triys he yr e'• rind uior, 8 o n, I1
noon 244 Dnwrmose Drive Si,tur.fay Wry
30th 21
YARD SALE Sri1u1c107 Muy "30 nt 86 Angleseo Sr
10 urn to .1 p ni Molly items rnr luriin9 r hildrr,n s
h c yc les unit glnsswnn, .21
INEMA STOP u,1.r ono hundrt'(l until fifty.titlreS.
in stuck 99 rrents Mundoy lhur'.dny SI 99 Fr,
dr1y Sunday inthe Gorier ic. Esse) C.entre19Vic
tudin N 524 •8612 Mrs Jai; Burka 332 Huion Rd
Goderich your prize is 0311• travel Muy sur
om,plmnents 21
HURONIA BRANCH of th'E• Ontar 0 Hurnorle Sor Ir,,
ty Yard Sule Sitturrlay Muy 30 9 u rn Lit 136
Huron St Clinton Assorted household or ticic,s
Rain date Ju!ir:.6 21
LAWN SALE Saturday" Mcby 30 10 ani to 2 pin
Old stand doors starrnwindows quurterround
small lumber pieces old aluminum doors elec.
for (fork dresser with mirror occnsionr3l dishes
glasses .books B W TV plus 147
Carrier onSt 21
TWO FAMILY YARD SALE Saturclny Moy '3018
8'00 u rn. No earlier soles please, 161 Coro
bridge Street 21nx
YARD SALE Saturday May 30 87 of 153 Crrrnbrio
Rd N at 8 ci.m Airtight fireplace 'motorcycle
truck topper bikes and assorted toys and
household' goods. 21 rix
GARAGE SALE in, Ridgewood Park May 30th u
Open pt 8 a rn Ladies clothing toys etc. 20 21
FRtSH LAKE HURON FISH • -open seven days o
week. • Monday Thursday 9 a.m. 5 p.rn Friday
Sotu.rday Sunday 11 ,o.m. • 7 p.m. (Tuesdays On •
lyi 10°° off to senior citizens. Roy Pickett RR 3
Clinton your prize is a dinner for one ;catch of the
,day) at Captain Fats South bock Goderich
524.9211.:' 21
4.. Antiques & Art
For one week only ... we will adver-
'tise your Antiques & Art "FREE,'. Call
524:2614 - ext. 34
Sole Kit with posters and Inc hiding one free'
garage sole ad on the classified pages of The
Goderich Signal Stor Only 56 00 Available ot
the office of The Goderich Signol Stnr Industrial
Pork 8 n rn 1n 5 p m Monday through
Friday ' ltfnx
132 RICH STREF T yard sole Siturdny Moy 30th
GARAGE DOOR 7 x 10 ser trnnnl new $700 00 7 00 o m to ' 21
will sell for $350 00 romptete 524 4652 21 x
800 x 14 5 17 ply trailer tires 575 00 'rich .t000
Ib trailer springs 520 00 enrh 2 gas driven
water pump $195 00. acetylene torch outfit corn
plate $199 00 Bob Murray after 6 p do
524 2357 21 77
MOVING SAIF 201 and 203 Elgin Ave West
Saturday May 30 R a m 12 noon Rail or shine
elfin° household items, furniture diSheS toys
and smolt npplionceS baby crit ond,
carriage 21
When yo want to
tell a few thous • nd
people that you're
having a garage sale
do you:
6. 1'in a note to your postman.?
It. lata() the information on your
C. Sprntsor a little league team for
a deck and hope They don't get
rained nut?
1). ('all the Goderich Signal Star?
lint could do all the above or your could
,jd,st call The (,oderich Signal Star. it's
'as), effccti.e, and economical. We'll
dctiser the'neS%S of our sale to prospec-
tise shoppers at a lost cost.
Sale Kits
Oslo 6.00
Including a free classified ssord ad
coupon. laltic
also included ..
v2 i,arge Yard Signs
v Price Tags
✓Conllplete Inventory
✓ I() Tips for a Successful
Garage Sale
%s:iih ltle onls at the Signal Star!
tog more information
Oe erich
Read the Classifieds
every week
to UNLOCK your
Goderich and area merchants have donated prizes.
each week
The name of the winner, drawn from our subscription
list, is also included in this classified ad
The "Treasures" are "buried" at random among the
Sirnply read the classifieds each week to check
for your name
Take the ad with your name appearing in it to
the participating merchant. It is the key,to
unlock your treasure
All the prizes must be collected within 3 weeks of the
date the winners are announced
This Week's Participating Merchants are:
Pepi's Pizza
Hair Affair
Dixie's Flowers & Gifts
O'Brien's Meats
Rita's Beauty Salon
Donuts & More
North End Marina
Art's Landscaping
Morris Draperies Bluewater Cleaners
McDonald's Restaurants Suncoast Graft Corner
Norma's Sewirrg Centre Carman Cameras
Goderich Esso Dirk's Galley Restaurant
Suncoast Mall Merchants Culbert's Bakery
Brown's Decor Centre
Carpet Care
Squire Gifts
Campbell's Cameras
Le Trousseau
Captain Fats
Candlelight Restaurant
Budny Studio
Baker's Nursery
Dcin't•Miss the Fun or Profit; Read the Classifieds Every Week
5. Cars for Sale
1974 CHEV nearly new snow tires good motor
as is - S250.00 or. best offer Phone
524.6637 18tf'nx
1978 CHEVY Malibu 2 door rebuilt motor safety.
checked 1982 Dotsun King Cab truck dual
wheels stretched body Phone 524.9443. 21x
terror d'ecor'ating service centre Custom
drapery Kirsh track and installation Drc.c , win
dow shades . wallpaper' C-I•L paints Mrs • R.
i'ytrller 206 Bennett St W. Goderich you can pick
up your prize at 36 West St. Goderich
524 2551. 21
1982 CHEVELLE four•door hatch automatic
82 000 km highway driven, one owner hos been
certified. Call '482-7466 20 21
1987 NISSAN SENTRA GXE automatic power.
brakespower. steering air AM FM 'one year
warranty 53000.00 below list finoncrng possi•
ble Private Coll 1 238.8692. 20-22
AND' OTHERS 28 1980.86 Automobiles Che.v
Ford Pontiac and Dodge 4 6 ' and 8 cylinders 30
1980 86 1 4 1 2 3 4 and 1 to 5 ton trucks
pickups 'crew cabs cube vans cob and chassis
and dumps 8 19$0 82 Vans suburbans and
station wagons 5 198082 4x4s Jeep subur•
ban and AMC Eogle 9 Van Bodies, Dump
'tra11ers truck camper and cops Mighton s Car
and Truck Soles 4 miles west of Durham on No 4
Hwy or 6 miles Bost of Hanover on Hwy 4 Phone
1 369.3136 21 ,
1984 TRANS 'AM 305 V8 5 speed under 40 000
km Equipped with T Bar P W P. ant , and many
other extras Priced right Phone 574 4613 21
1973 6 (yielder MALIBU CHEV in very good condi
hon For quick sale S400 00 or best offer Phone
529 7614 21 22
1984 MAZDA 626 4 door sedan automatic
bucket rents air conditioning tilt wheel inter
rnittent wipers AM FM cassette A well kept
automobile Please roll 5242476 • 21 24nx ,
1+973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 4 door good condi
tion certified S600 Phone 482 3159 21 24
1982 OLDS 98
96 000 km power steering power brakes air
conditioner AM &FM stereo power windows
rind locks 4 ,,.+w.Michelin tires
WIII conside uny'offer between 58 500 and
59 000 00 Fir More 10101,ncition please call
I6. Trucks for Sale
1979 CHEV BLAZER 63 000 miles one owner
very good cdnditian Phone 524 2825 20 21
1983 DATSUN 4x4 Hustler pick up 4 cylinder 4
speed rail her hush guard am fm cassette
cloth interior 4,9 450 original kin Asking
56200 00 certified or best offer Call 524 6498
after 6 p m 21
197$ FORD F600 furniture truck 18 von roll up
door Moy he seen nt 173 West St or phone
524 418,3 21
IS YOUR BUSY schedule lenvinq you too little
rime to coe'k? For 0 quirk and delicious dinner
trent your funnily to McDnnnld s Restaurnnt.350
Bayfield Rd Gorierl,rh 524„4622 Gordan Fir)
nigan 164 Brock St Goderich you have won two
free dinners from McDonald s 21
7 cleatsifications
7A. For Sale General
7B. Wanted To Buy
7C. Wanted To Rent
7D. Bicycles
7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc.
7F. Snowmobiles & equipment
7G, Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers
7H. Boats, Motors & Marine
7J. Service, Parts & Repairs
7K. Swimmi'ng Pools & Supplies
7A. For Sale General
CAMPBELL 5 CAMERAS and Benlumie Phot,, Lobs
make a. super Team for top quality photo'
finishing' Only 51 00 tor' an taxtr•a'set of pri71!s at
time of deyeloprnent for 12 exposure film S2 r30
for 24 ' oisposure film' Cornpbell s Cuc,ner'.1
Goderich ,168 Thc Square 524,7532 Jack Erw o
246,EIgin Ave W Goderir.h you 111,1 this Week •
Lucky Winner 21
[7E. Motorcycles, ATVs, etc.
1985 YAMAHA ViRAGO 1000 ' lot, of , hrnin,'
windshield, certified S3800 Lw_knr?w P80 ,'
528.2304' 20 21
1983 HONDA 750 Shadow block I rtuid °clod
Iow,mileoge excellent ;,onditwn 1.51) full lore
,helmets ,' included Asking S1850 00
524 5236 21 22
7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers
& Trailers 1.
TRAILERS travel 5th wheels him(cttops new
and used Golden Falcon Prowler Bo1er L.r>nel
Hitches truck caps Sales r1)'1ru's reprint, 25
years in business Comp Out Hwr )i I rink,. woo.
of Stratford 393.5938 12 30
18 MASTER Coach travel trailer three, hr,rner
stove. 3 way fridge 'toilet and uwn,nq Sleeps
six excellent condition Phoi5r 5)4 7547 :Ho,
6 2021x '
FOR SALE 1966 Rumbler Trailer very gnu,t r on
dit,on Sleeps four HOS prop.!r,r+ sto.e 311,1
heater Asking 51200 00 Phar,
524 8682 1913,1 4
1980 PROWLER TRAILER 21 rt 'tin cnr'd,r,one•1
new owning 4 pu both TV anti>,+ )ri '.Inept six
Lit excellent uonditiun roust he .,'rn to hit op
predated Phon'e 524 8944 21,14
Crust avuilrIble dally 11 til rn ni•l +•p1' Sun
dayto Thursday 11 n in In 1 11 r„ Fr 'dole Srltor
day We re at 45 Wes''St rhr+ former into 11 An
drew s Dairy Corse in rand rr+tu. 1,1 cirris.r„f v+
alcove Phone 524 8384 F R Po+ry, hrr )9 Pu
tor, 51 W Gnd'erich h•is v,n•, •1 ' lig, P.110 with,
three items 21
7H. Boats, Motors & Marine
Cruiser I O motor Cerrrp'l'tr w '8 rr
'Pen nt She'ter V Iliey T, 1 'r•1
524.4141 21nx
OWENS 27 ft hoot in bon( rr''''''3''4 • ,
flogstoff Completely hull •,Pit. „ •;, ) 1„ 4
people A sten] rid Sr100t7 Pr, ,,r,r• `,24 r,u,.d
524 2651 524 6218 Ilex
26 CHRIS CRAFT 9 henry+ I}li •+1• • 1' 1 L. •+.V''
Sleeps 10137 stand up held On.1 yr,,'., Tr r ,
eluded For more inforrn:it er' r 1 1;4 7,,3'12
529 7.832• 21,14
NEW CANOE 16 ft iPaq (odor ,'' r
Falcon s Nest 514 6,318 21 r'x
QUALITY MEATS BB0 sposon is here Fug '
retail fresh and frozen mends I-limb,'gen I,, Min
SI 69 Ib 12 If, hog Trim pure perk hol,+enuri ,.
S(1USmge reqular or cloth( Tr4 i1 :)wr+ Vcrr
perettes Mrs John .1,!d 155 i"xtcr,I 5.
Goderich you hove won tw•' 1 Bonn Sre,,k. for";
0Brien's Merits 41.3 Hur)•' 112,1 G,,tervh
524 8632 .21
7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies
SEE CARMEN CAMERAS 101 your Virlen Curnprrr
RPntnla req 519 95 Moy Spe, ,rii .,r+ly SII) 0t'
(Ivories Sower hy 154 NPlsn" St F Gr,r1pr1r h
Your prize i5 fr(E, deterlOpinq of ono 'we
pOSUfe film nt (or men Crmrr.s 11) 1., 0131'
Hourse Square Gorton( h 5)4 791.1 ,'or'
Loh service nvni111hIP 21
PFT', FOR SAIF rrur Sioroe,o kitten.,
Chnrnlnte point. Throe fermi rs .+ire r ,r,10
shells Phone ')29 7382 21 2;ex