HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 3­11­:�.­­�,10� ­­�­`­7, '- ­1—TT- '­­, . .: I 1. I 1. � � . I . .. I �: . : . '. �. '. � � I I , . I 11 I . I .� � I I ,�, I PPI" , , I � I �* I I , I , , ­_ _­ ­­ I . I IT L � � . , M , I . . . I . 1, � . � . I : � � el ''In, W - . , . , � � �. -1 .., . . I . I 0 1 .1 I . . I � ... 1.� I ''. A k I � I I -11-I.- � � . � _.,__7_.__ , I . �' - , i MARMT REPORT3, 414.4141 ....... III+ ......... +114+11 :++-�+++.-.,.,o I � ­­­_ I I " - I - I ; -', . . +. Liverpool Exchange 016,soo , 111111 . . ., Chicago, - I I 11! Wheat Futupes Lowor-Live , - , . I olsons BanK I I I 1" The M" I $tock-4atest Quo.tait?p;.. it,t� . . . I I 0'*t' I CHICAQ0, ,Tune U.-Predi4ed ,tree I I - � I . , , . Itloorporated 10515 * InArketinir of now wheat gap the prloo "" , 0. I . L11 11CAPITAL(paidup).z.. ,­ . .... .... .. ­ $4,0,00,000-oo of , the cereal to -day a fIna, , downwaro . t4l I r I + wxl;g. .,It was a nervous, fligh F, session, - p,,I� .400,000-00 41 R , 9, trader t, 01 $,ERVEIFUND .... 0111. ...'. .... _'�, +. j - Y, - y .,, vvith, many pePing $14 . TOTAL A5SETS OVZFt ,'­ .... � ... $44060,000100 �xlo .." 1, , r . us Ele Qa cioll deyelopmenta. in k 14 L �,�, 111 . + I orth IDa ota. The Oosswaa $/ta to %o . ppa,78 Branches in Canada. sod AZ�Ats andCo esDondents in all .1. to %o to 7/so1ower than laA,niebt :corn 1� I i - � - . -4113hed I/ ., I . . .+ I fj 'ke to 0/60 to',!/AO dowii�, 04ts, Off, . I the principal Cities in the World. . % to, % + 11 , 4c, and provisions at Do to, U'46 11 . I + I .� A General Banking Business Transacted + $ I [ 31'il . , I ' 'Tile Llyerpool, market was olose4 to-d4y, ' "" '.1lolidaY. 'eldsed . 0 * 91. I, say.ing Bank Department * over' the , Antwerp Iva! lower.ou wheat, Berlin %O lower, Au : Budapest le lower. lill,� : . . . * Winnipeg Options. I At all Branches, Interest allowed at. Highest Currqnt� Rates. + , + Close. Ppen, High, Low, Ql000�. � . . I . Dickson & Carling, .Solicitorsi N , D. H U R Do N, Manager. .f. I . + t - wh%1- . I July ­.. 97% 111/1, 97% 96y, 96% � I + � I ; ...... i.+ ++++ ..................... ?�++,,.., ,�% , Oct. I_. 913/0, 91y, 91% 901/2 91 oats- I � , . I I . July _'.. 37% 371A 31Y8 801/14 36% I _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . � 11 .1 I . Oct . ..... 37% 38%, 8SI/8 87% 87%, 1� , _' THE CANADIAN BANK . Toronto Grain Market. i ' Wheat, fall,� bushel. .." I to "..., f OF COMMERCE I ' NY110at, goose, busQ:::::101% I 4 : I R0, bushel ,,-,# ............. 0 To. .1114:., : ) Oats, bushel...,.,.... .... 1042 043 � Barley, bushel. 010 4'6., . against it he took responsibility for it , I � . -9.4 I . ea,_ _ .01 , - (1190�'flj�&Vl.-, I . . L, . . . - ...:. , Buckwheat, bushel ::::*::,. 0 8 0 1 - � ,Peas, bushel ..... ; .... o-.. 078 01 � . SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.0., I.L.D., J?iC.L., PRESIDENT . . Toronto Dairy Market. . ! . ALEXANDER LAIRD, 0EN`ERXL Mk cER I I . ., utter, store lots.....,... ... 1026 u ter. deparator, t - " ; I �, . tZAPITAL, - $10,000,000 RE$T, . $8,000,000 dairy, lb. 0 19 20 100t, %T��knlery, lb. rolls.. 0 V I q�s i qttqr, retxmery, solids .... 023 , `01!4, , f I � 99sp new4s,14, I .... I ..... #..I 019 ovo 0, Oheeae, new, lb ............... 012 12%! 1 THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Cheese, lb . .......... ... ........ 0 141A 5 U, ofnbs, dozdn,.... . 2 50 �, IR � NO= '.1, , " . U611.1)rlc extracted, lb .... ... 010 Oil I I ,of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will receive deposits. Pf �& and ,­_ a 'j'ff6t . Montreal Grain and Produr , oe. ! . .1 '' . I ft -A � I Tb8rd. i#, ho � ,trpwards, on which interest is allowed �tL C, r4td�. MONTREAL, June 23.—Busnesp in, .k , po�t.­,,yf . .�, e aepos,t. Sa, fft. .j9,laj in withdrawing the whole o any . � I . a , f, r ion o "I ral,., for export Account was ,%uiet, t i tv � only sales reported being two loa p or N *2 Cafiadlan western oats for shipment t�,l ; eposits are welcomed, . 103 Mahohester# Ills Accounts may be. opened iti the names of two o� more pprSon's, t� `4 at Gd, The local marl�et ,was quiet, with no change In prI64,, to , i 6-- 01 -o erated by any one of the number oi by the s6rvivbr. A_jd'in­t­a cou t . note. A fair local trade was don6 14. � flour, millreed and rolled oats at stead;VV,; Sf this kind saves expense in establishidg.the ,ownership of f6fe mon�7 'Pt prices, -,. I . Oate—Canadlan western, No. 2, 41%o,tgk i, N .er death, and is especially useful wheii- a man de§kes t6 provide f8r 42c, car lots, ex -store; extra No. 1 feed, ! "L his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. 410'to 41%c: No. 8 C.'W., 401ho to 40%.c; i I . . - I I Exeter Branch—W. If. Collins Manager ., No. 2- local white, 40c t I 0; No, a 100,011 . *hito,'89%c. to $98Ac;, 4 coal white�; Nc�,/, 1 38%c to 89c. 0 I I '' I I . I . I . I . I Branch also &t Credifbn4 "' 1,11 I' ,� I . I .. I Flour-31anitoba spring wheat patents. firsts, $5.30; seconds, $4.80; winter wheat' )" \.*.", . . I �. . patents, $4.60 to $4.75; strong ba)rers', I — . . __ ______� .. , $4.60; straight rollers, $4.10 ,to $4,26; irs , J t b!' k,Fo poln - ell � "Eled. , , j-WO:0"i;lud,Z4'E1ed., "' " " " � Church Directory, bags, $1.85 to V, Rolle oats -Per barrel, $4.65; bag of 90 W. 1 �' I I + X� + ' er�,� " i, " '.'­� ' � I � $4 be., 5. � I I Feed barley --Car lots, ex -store, Sle tc 12c, - � , -Y I I '' su'"MER + + JAMES STREET ' Corn—American No. 9 -yellow, 611AO to 13�1 + I 1 + ' ' ' METUODIST CHURCH . 620 . M111feed—Bran, Ontario, $22; MaultObat', ' 031" ' ' IIIs, V $ Rev. Rlohard Hobbs, Pastor *21,,; t6 short �#ilddllngs, Ontario, $22.50 Manitoba, $23; mouillie, $25 to � ,5E,5Sj'Nj k* I N , .1 � -M, +I . Sunday Rublic Worship'llU0, a,mij. — ;so. Hogs—Dressed hogs, $10.25 to $10.50 ter !" +. * t " and 7 p.1m. " Class Servlee-Sundsy,9.110 a.m. and 100 lbs. � Bee f—Plate, half -barrels, 100 lbs., $7.50; , barrels, 200 Its., ;14,50; tierces, Boo lbs., I� Students may enter. any, + after 'Morning Servioe and Wednes. I + . day, Open entire year. NT vir + day night. . $21. . 50. . Lard—Compoun�d tlerces, $75 lbs., P90; I I . ,*ood time to eat r . � * L", , alners. in Canada. Young Men'* 10laox and Gataahumeu boxes, 50 lbs. net (parchment Plied) 9 c; tubs, 50 lbs* net, grained, two ha'ndle.q G � 4 + W. ..'acs.b.t.rget best positions. + , Sunday at 0 U.&L Sunday and B115fe Massie 2.80 9%c; pails, wood, 20 lbs. net, 10c; pails, 20 lbs. gross, 91Ac. Thousands studying ar, home. .+ + I .'School Pilot. . J?ork-jleavy, Canadd, short out ess _ " Exclusive righb of the "Flim" + and caught a Rat in his proceeding to draw.water t bhl�rels, 85 to 45 pieces, $22,50; qlf�bat" " iadii ous Bliss Book -Keep Sys- " + i�lctual Epworth League -Tuesday at S. p.m Prayer Meetiag-Thor,,da-v yqls, *1:1.50; Canada short opt and 46 to, 55 pieces, barrels, $22.60; fl ,.>1 tem" for Ontario. + ,Q�k 8 v.ui� pork, ,, ,.,Ia. 4'E"`g'g"su-aLF-r"evs1h.A,' � 'j ­ � Business from Start t,o 4 Jrtm,�s St. Methodieb ehurcho 1the pa.s. l'7)tyt21a_1`toz'108v1h`cj Finish." + + tor wk1I preach next l5anday. I 0 ese-Weaterns, 31%c to 11%c; east- . . It I + � _____ . SIX21%o to ny4e. Butter-Cholcest, 22c to 22%c. � , + Write for, particulars. + . . . . . . . the rep]Y�, . "But e the t6kir, 13,brden was given an. ell. CATTLE MARKETS. y � + , I + 2 . I THE VALUABLE SILO. . - I . . . I . . --- - . East Buffalo Cattle Market. + I Loudoa Busiiiess +1 . 11 � P - In consid -ring cheap feeding -, EAST BUFFALO, June 23. -Cattle -Re - celpts, 3000; market dull,� steady; pri'lle + .- and, fe eding for the best results des, $3 td' hteers, $6.30 to $6.50; butcher gra . + + - the silo must not be overlooked. 1 $6.25. Calves -Receipts, 1560, market active and ,011.ege + -,- + A The silo is g.rowing In popularity year after year. It furnishes , . plong; cull to choice, $5.75 to $9.26. Sheep and Lambsq�­Recelpts Woo; mat - ket slow 26o lower; choloe'?ambs, $7 to - (Affiliabed witti Clinton) I Ba3laess Oillege) � 1 (12.13. .S?JTr)i, Pe_.3ife n - I � I ?/1 �, 14'. ts. L I AROrE SCHOOL_ A GOOD I M, bv.t1uOL ' THB, j3EST. - Z, ThiB school bas'a continantal ; !--� work * I#, � ,,putation for hl,-xh wrad, � the, success Of it�F stud-' # 4 : � end for . i _L',�11�111� 4 I v2ntl& . . � 'O We ha*e three depairtments- * + * C01AIAIERCIAL, 0 * . 7 SHORTE[ANI) and * * ,PF,LEGRAPHY' 0 cheap ed and.good, feed. Itis an easy solution to tie feed question. One acre of corn- ., stalks in the sildis worth five acres outside. , One'llundred toils , of silage in the silo can � be hous- � � ed in this form much cheaper in- I deed t . ban can a hundred .tons of � bay in the mow. Silage alone is not a complete I , feed, but it is identical with the " green 'cornstalk- and during the � season of dry feed supplies the I cow with that succulence which ' I I nearly all other rations,exceptiug � a ration InvolvLngalfalfa bay, do '� not hav-:.'� Silage and alfalfa bay I ' I Nvill ma'ke a balanced r6tion and < cheap. Study the silo,question.' < < Tf Is worth while. It is -worth < while whether you are milking a < Single cow or not. 11orses, bogs, < <1 pigs and calres eat silage and < thdre on it as well as -does the <1 17.25: on I 11 to fair, $5 to.$6.9o; yearlings,. $5 to $6.25; sheep, $2 to $8.75. 1 Hogs.-Recelpts, 5100; market active, 60 to 10o.b,1g er;gjorkers, $6.90 t6 $1; ot gs, 5h,p .16.60 - inly 114.150 t I to $&60; ,ed, $6.85 rd ; il��'Y' $6.85 to $7; roughs, $5.60 to 1618Y � . New York Live Stock. NEW YORE, June 23-13eeves-Re- leipts, 2655 head; best steers, firm; otke,r u I! fiow; bulls, slow to 10c 1011'er' Cows , It, $4:50 to $6.70; bulls; '$3 to' $5.10; I -,%r,,,,,.,, to $4.40, . I Calves-Recelpts, 823 head; market ibout steady; veals, $6.50 to $9.25; cullsi'v 0 to $6; buttermilks, $4 to $4.76. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts, 4200; shdep, �Wl and unchanged; Iambs, lee 2be higher; sheep, $2 to $3,60; culls, $1 t.10$1.60; iambs, $5.50 to $7,65. 1 7 X-Togs-ReceApts, 4266 head; market, kigker at $6.50 to $6.80. - Shlepizo Live Stock. . I CHICAGO, June 2S.-Hogs-Recelpts, Mit' nlarket steady to higher, mixed, d �utchers, $6.20 to $6.2-911k; good, heavy, 46.25 to $6.60; rougll,.hea,vy, $6.15 to 6.25; light, $6.20 to 6.221/-.; pigs, $6.70 to $6.110. . Cattle -Receipts, 2500, market steady to lit Iver; beeves, $4.85 �o $6.70; cows and . stockers and feed Ual COW. I I .71.2 le 'ans, $4.45 to ItQ; .0 5 1 � . e s' 's ' �o $'_'O' " x , - . %%7Om,t!a. should sendat ot!ce, �Qr, s,o- ik^-4�1��- �-�"'�,- �-. - ­ _ �Ed5 t!Jn8b ; e.lptg, 1200; mar- , - , . AmbRiollZ YOUXLZ 1-tA-u` I OLVal * - . � � Or, h' _.� a - # - I" . - our lamra free 'catalogue I . 't weak , native, �2. I to 14,15, western, W,rllr* , Write for it la't Onice. and ene * $2.50 -to t $4.15; Iambs,. $3.75 to $6.20; -.,� - A- I . w,hat our ,��xadua;bols are doing. *# - ern, $4 o. $U0. . . Thi$ is a iZOO� time 'Of t -he # " Cheese Market;. - . you 1to enter. our -cla's- # �OTTA'WA, June 2S. -There were 1064 y�ar fOX � $` Catarrh and se�s. Stud6atjs 4re cnkerinZ,, cheese boarded to -day and all sofd at each week. Commence you" # " ,q6,A I S ll'Ac for whitle, and 11 3-16c for colored. . NkPANEE June 4,�At the cheese I I . . * 13romblan t! boa;d'this a7ternoon 1175 white and 760 courae� at once. 0 D. A. Dl:cL`A0HLAN, # . - colored bbarded�; sales. 16M�sold at W/gc.: "' I 0 Ili,.;TON, June 23. -At our cheese board . I I prkncipal. 0 The Bane of Thousands, and has to -day '16 factories boarded 2230, boxes, - IdIl colored.' All 'sold aC III/10. . 1CMUFTVILLE, Juhe c2S.-Thero were . ­ 11Hherto Raffled the Skifl 99S boxes. cheese',bdarded at to -night's '*k , meeting of the cheese board. Of. tills , I of Wdical Science. number, 1-10 were Nvhfte and 858 colored; The Mono ana wburt 369 sold for 11%c. There were five buYers. . 4;09 I � present. I � I . RD, June 23. -Offerings, 1220; R all Vold, viz. V,440 at 31,1/&c, 6TO at 11 6-10c, � Farmer's. Mutual Piro Insuirl Latarrhozone .110 at ll -%e. Next mdrk Frid Aug. 7 , ' I . - I I daG?) OADdau COANWALB, June 2!3',-(SP."y1,.l.)_ lie I I .. - Dry air treatment is the one tro.at- ofterings-Oon the Comwall, Cheese Board �ffdacl OfflQ0, 'Farquhar,- Ont "P'"t that will cure thbsg diseases. this afternoon were 401 white and 1402 opt - What 'stdmach medicine has ever ored, The v�htte sofd at IlYac, and% the L 41016Ted at 11%e. . . President, J. F. RUSSBLI I& been known to cure Catarrh or Bron- . .. . — I . . . chitis? , I . . . Vioa_rxc*, ROOT, GA.RDIVER I s. District Attorney Accused. .. . . Catarrhozonoe Is not a stomach inedl- ) Albany, N.Y., June 21. -Accusing , DIREOTO&S. cine, but an aJ,r medicine, thit earriep -1 � . to tka remotest paxts, of the throat, 4 Pistvrct Attorney W. A. Blithely of RQBT. NORAX8, Istafra.. lungs, anca air cells tittle drops of heal- j Pittsbarkuwith aiding Andrew W. Mel- . TO,W. RYAN Vub-lv� Ing so curative that whenever it' ton, a Pittsburg million -aim banker, in I I , touches gerrri life it kills, and eradicates ) hig attempt to secure a divorce from . I I W9. BROCK, . Wtaclhelbea. theiri from the system. . , Ais wife,'� Alton B. Parkev yesterday � WK, a0y. MAR% MAR Thous4nds of doctors . and loatfentg , 1-nadd.a plea to GoVer'nor Dix not to I . . I . 'Afio - have been , alsappollited by using' hollo,j,",the reqviSltion of Governor " I , AORNTS, I . . stomach inedicines for coughs and Tener of PeriAsylvaniv. for the extra- . a_ ESSE)%y., Elfte a ra, 40, N . W, akenk fgr ogolds. Have you not found it , ther 1, . U066rne wad Bid'a-U110. � roulidabont wiy to reach the disoased dition of Albert George Murpby -and I portion of the throat and lungs? C�ptadn T. W. Xirkbride, *residents of . � . CLfV6R HARIUS. MA01 � Aafta ,Why not use Catarrhozolle, which Is Londbn, England, wke aro Wanted to K. for kubbbrt, FublaTkOn W b&W 'Urlathad to the 'very� roOt Of the dis- 't�atlly fn the . d1yores pTo-;eedW9s, . � I I ease, and healfs so quickly aj�,d, per- I I I I . . i . .j � 310AN CAV'PRIONT4 fectly that every spot is rebufft with , - Boy Atterhiatod Suicide. 1 5 --,V.,rr , e�rcluhar ' 1. I . . 1 3 1 , a I t new healthy tissue? I . - . MontieAl, Juno, '�4,-A boy named e ,,�, � ,GLA DMAN, & STANBURV. go-lialtOT1 . Catarrhozono is the only medicine i Scravilil, eitht years ol'dj presented it � I . . __ ., � that will cure. thousands have testi- I ft'jill sigh in the dock before JudV ­ __ - ..�� I I 1. ied. . . ]21.1 I . Leeton,-oki a oh-arge '61 - atteepted Sul- � . I Think foi- a moment. Is it not sense? OiLce yesterday. Ile liss.only *been here 1 l I - , �ittle drops of heallog-thes air oar- & fL�*�v . weeks,9nd tells a story 'of a � - V . rkes them just ,where disea e..exists. C.0 A S) T "I R I A sem8h for' w&k,,'�Vhiah pl�o-ttb,d ,un. * j - I . ror 10auts amA, MUM. . Th I at is �vhy � % 4 k, ,nvailing� Ife slim d toff the . Allan . . , / d irl,04' but the 9g; tai.i, of a W,tge pufied'hini out, I C I Do -,�,A.ve Always 660 I Catarrhozone Cares, pi�`G'dock to "n 4he Kind y . 4. . . , , . � I bLas beci) reninn4leJ until, the'26th, and I . - - * Price, 260, 50c, and $1,00 at an aftealpt to ser'llie Ws a poiltiog : �­ �,� , '. ,I Belwi tub 0 ee , ., . , ah -� _ I 4Tug-glato, Or by mail vostp�fa from �K�ll Im mtfde, I . � 0 . �iankttlxrr "% � , * 11 0 1 ltarrkoEpne Co,,, buffg.os gX,,,. , , I I ­ . , � i . " " � . , "., I . . . . At.44 1-1. . . . � .� I L . I 1; ... I .1, . � .1� . I I 1, �. . .. . I Nlm �1*01� I I . 11, . % V I . . i � I � , �, .: . : I I : I . � ,� I. : : . . I I . I . I I � I I . . 1 4 1 . I . I � ., � � " 1� � . 1. . . . . � I ., , . . . , I . . .� I . . . � . � � I . , " '� I I I I I . I I . - I I . ­ ,­­ . . 4 '� I . � . I I I . 11 , I �. I I I I � . . � ! I I I ;! ) , . I � . V- . -1. - 1." � ", ., . � , I I , . ) i I I , . . I. � � I , I I , . . I I il ' 'N','� � ' ' � " ,�' ' � ' I � � �, , . � 1, r , � . 11 I I , . , I . : � I . . I � . � , I I . "I ; , I , ,�� , '. �4 :4 1 . k � , L I I , .��. I r � ,,,, �­, . , ­ -.-& __ _ �­_Z. �: - i , , " jk :: I , � I , �,,iid.�..�.I..��',-.�,��A—I*i�- --��' mwpwm__� _ ,-I— MR. � in . 1. 1. ­ ,.I'', . � , � F - . I I -,-:-.. , : - I � . I r , � 1. ., 1. � I .,� � ""71 � � . I . .1 . � I I 11_11.1� I , X INS � , I . . I 11 , ., i I . I .11, 11 . 1. . I �11 I �:, I � .1 I 11 . I I, I ­­­­­ . I—— _.. I 1�. .1 ­ . . I ''I -1 ­­ -1,-r1-,- .-1 I—— -1 %.1111 1­10"04111140"W"ILC"", -­­_.-­ --­ -1-1 I ­­­ , F, ^fl C 0 4:1. i W, " ­­­-- I .. .1. I ­.., ...... - -------- 11 ­­,;�_ I'll. -111-- -111--d- ..... . �.",;,..'�,�..'�ll,�.11�.,4�14,i;,,Ir��"-, "M.""**"0,R1"1_­" I All 0-0 VII 9 A V,V 4 I I . � . I . . Mr. Rorden 14s Finding Albo . rta a Hard I 11 I I - I . . , . " .. I, I . . BUYING A HOM ­ I 1. 9, FAR LES FROM ELL I bettement w"I".maAw" 1AAA 1109P PAVO 4.QWA 10 Nut ,to crack, .. Medicine 11at, Alta, June 24. -It, �, 33ord%i =4 his party held & moe.tj#S . .,�� 17 -1 7 '! .,� . Q . � 4 1-14 I . virst- 1t;jZdA . 11 h -.I- , 01A � - ,4, , � -1 'Wo 1P , , , "r. � �0 .. . � , I I � � It . , i � . . I , . I I I .1111, 7, . I , � . . . I Of smell. . I. I Lookin.0 Pop Wis In Ma ,plo Creek yesterday amrn�o%, . I . 16 4, 10,�kor,p * A I , � Every Observation Has a Moral, I , ()no day a, %_t4yeler who I I We 'elle chairmul ,of the meetlll� wo V 1. Wylie, who represent� wpj . r Im �� . - 4. 4 " ., �; , av " q gpl � I " 4 ., � �u ..-i I V.� ,ft y 01 17 f t: 'In . I . . of Its Own. . , h1a ,Wa7 along the geasho , . Owl Perched on tbe� bran Creek riding. in tile Qask4104%W4_W I . .40 - - ' '.-- - r-!` . tWIL -,"t , , '... ho c Rz, 0 A . . I — I ,water's � . Ur. Wylie lea 41 jAeSiSlatUre. I � A . bex befor'e- the vote on the reoipx , iQ00y � ., 1� , -. , . b - .".... 11 _� ._ - ;. 'A' I w ho -will , e .1oult ,I,sV',t - I I 1.111.1 ,�, I � ' 4 %. . . c0=0V � t�. - , LAMB BLEATS QE ' T THE WOLF m44. at the edge 'Olaw- - The Owl' ,N�"aked 094, but as he mailp no I)T,OtPJ ,� r,40fe T I . .1 ,� ­� , 0", I I I � I I but, preser� ,_�',;nco, an against it he took responsibility for it , I � . -9.4 I . ea,_ _ .01 , - (1190�'flj�&Vl.-, I . . L, . . . , I � . '.07, close yi6t it's S,,�,�,.,.` -�,'.­� I � I - he ie. to ,014. -day, 2xplaining hie 00 paney'of -the chair at an ailti-weciprooso 'ineeting: A. A , , . . "I ." _ 1 11 11 ... U q, eaves ,alls ca Ix. etect � 9" dino Is 154sia j he Club, Bamboo r'Than t I - Parod Down Noso Can't $moll.* -A � no �IM r I '� I . � . . , , . �. "I �,;­ "Ab, but, U.Z� it� � f(r, "I w as. very strongly in favor of . . t4t . vote," :hhe said, !'it was sptw . . . � in the -hank4,'. . 4 't " I 1i . Af . 4:�s`P., 4 :4,44 p". A'. , ,� 'r ��Cpw . ', -r I _.r , " u � "" tra0ti6n:Vf t4d nos -' �VIIX Trb le = �� -, �.v � . Talkle�s Man Is Always 64 � , fc-Na I Show For a Maligned Our. . ,; ,"dom, lt4yeler, I ex , ed, thell . claim that both of these could al on 138 hurriedly; we had a busy seg,* . .i.l. I ' that'th s6m6thP X,hQl 1�1 00.1 . . K able advice, If I could Wy i ,son on and had no time to �consldc .�sie ,is -1. . "_1 � , . W..rinklo � �a*. . . . - By M. GUAD. , them to breal� through the subject, We gave a verdi,ot, of _ iltufflcien,t evidence.. At first sig4t it . ' MV' � ' aii' aVbY6�t " O� �'A-V'Z, I SAO. - -1,lie.no's I ,.., , � LQ631,rlabt, IOU, by Associated- Literary Press.) . Thereup6n, to coaxecl an and at the end of half looked, as it it would be good g W.$ I . P-20-finoe, but vlien you,hear t. s t6n. tl,Qga'&n you in. ay thiak otherwi 8�, A I � .", vqa cri . . ., .,,Pa��Jy:the� ft#i'�o"' � I ch"' . - , _ .wh 0 - .... 4� - -,�.-A *_ - r� , "t `Z . Ild,'�,la.'�,hXk " . Peg. � ohe,,q4h - te'lP a,;,, 411., & .4", I . o 1 , ­ . -...,�, , 1�­­ ; "'T 49F D7. P acin 't'he'.ear N, � Aw& " day the Wolf fo=4 IN Aff IS Lamb wandering :1a the forest,. all forts 'Were, crowried with su Owl opened b MOTE .Is th aad . , , , . Id n . r of ali6�t; -ot be in the powe t 16 -agreement 7efmet I W . �, , ,' , . '. . I .n. �,.z � ,� . '. .... I. EOPIT , a - , w t4l.. ��'� , I.. 101k, � -4 ­.. ... % � Il " � . - and as he caught sight of her %Y he said to himselft ance to 4: d1sill'al hoot, an opened Its shell and i to �'tit such an ,at teo, �, - havo a chance If4e, WTe J40&-&r,,i f �i�hea,4,,sh�6ajq�pe.�,� - ' "' '11tilly geal But things have conle �?awne "Good lan(U, but 1s.th pople should- of eftre4sing their opinion." � . � . If'— - )0 k��Ad:'�the e4s,,,, �P,'�a#;i . ,1 - T�� aiiiial sbould� hi*d a 35rigIt" . to W pretty . pass"whea the Lamb,conies claimed the Traveler in d T1115"'retOTt brought a, oheer from a $ifis,11 section of the sudiepce. lie ,� I �� .� . I I :,- eYe, If 6, , ears havo:i qg­ I *_ I. I ,',e � �lbh,xf � ." rind offers hers& for my dl=erl I .� 01TIae one bu turned away . . . Wried laore ol the, 'audience ivith , J t b!' k,Fo poln - ell � "Eled. , , j-WO:0"i;lud,Z4'E1ed., "' " " will give thanks d dine on chops." an . So saying, he.�jT�roached the Inno. motitli to make discord An his shell to' show that * hW, h�N�6.ydr, when he challengbil * ' er�,� " i, " '.'­� ' � , ' , � rigl�t of Meksrs.. Fielding and Pat6t. ,, - Is `balk�y-, . cent andwas about to spring upon lier brainsIll- , on"to biA4 the honot of ganade, $9 k , �� , wbew she said: 11014 Uoral,-Tile'hlan Who nev i, Lhd Waallington. Government. Ife W" I . , � . O" . Mr. Wolf, I ,was looking for be criticised only for what giy6fl a TOUSing� oheer on the o=614 - I --- -------- " you-"� . I say. s1$11 of hls� s eeclL the tQ'W"` , ?�,'c 'I's -red a public holiday . .A in, houbk the Conservative leader's . - MILK FEVER TREATMENT. "And you see I can always,be found by.4 Lmb, What to wanted?" No Escape For the of vis.i.t. I "Uy nin has, got hung by the wool The HoUseholder, having Qh his airival here Mr. Bordei) W,m , Proper Method of Injecting Air Into the C owls Udder., In a tho= tree, and I want you to help . her free.1k and caught a Rat in his proceeding to draw.water t grbeted by a large number of b�.tjzdus who go�ie-Lla aheazty welcqO attei � .. ,�% �, The air.treatment for milk fever Is �The'apparatus get .4"And you shall have it�l said the , victirawl;en the rodent c � 4. &Otor dri),e ,about the city 4 public , It sirnplo one. manu- . olf as he licked his chops over the W flHow now, man -why di I W ' I inqe lug wap held in the Cit� �Iall. , . factured by sevi�ral c�rmpanles makes , prospect Right there was more mut. for my death?" . "Because All unusual featil-re, of the w�lo6me . it easy to* inflaWthe uddef"".ViAth�" ,air ton than he had,bad In s1s: months. you ate my el ,,, was' 9 411100anal'of a gas well. AAMs betn custom thxoughouI Oj r . and is nothing more Jess'than�d bf. "Right this w,sy, dear Mr. Wolf," the rep]Y�, . "But e the t6kir, 13,brden was given an. ell. cycle pump modified, of course,- to do 'says said the Lamb as she entered a path. you ba,ve no che, thilsia'stic �4tgonal wplcom�. The audi. en6e oheored the vis'll of the .,Br tills work to'better advantage, Hoard's Dairyman, A.bicycle��I:raip � 'Wother said you wouldWt come but I was sure you would. One loo'k Into. , house." "Then you ate my pickle �,tj,sU pr , ,erdi � ice. T,hey cheered Mr. 33' j, � ' ' "' A way be used in, the Absence of the . PumP muLnu factured especially for this your face told me what a kind heart "But no rat eats pickles." "Then you gnawed a Iz po'11'ey of t46 Hiidsoli Ba� RaflwWo ili6 terminal Qlevatars and s �mr 'I 41, issues. Onthe subject of %(�ei't , i purpose. I . I The end of the instrument.. Is at- . you had2v . "Heres hayseed by the bushell" chuckled the Wolf as he followed coat,11 persisted the h "Etere it is before your eyes aila Teciprocity 1hey listened care y . to'the arguln6nt presented and tooR tached to a small tube whicli-is In- serted !a the end of the teat�-_Clare after.. "WoWt the old sheep bleat a fe.-w "I deny it That hole ca burn, as any one can see." away ee anti-i-eeiprocity literature to read later. But it was only a small ' I should be taken to sterilize the tube -:in , . .1 ) when she catches sight, of mel I T'he Lamb led the way at a gallop, "That. may possibly be th I section who &eered an economio fx- boiling water or corrosive also to "ab"al"'D-'; wash1be end of.Ithe teat, as and the Wolf followed close behind, your squealing when you f self In the trap greatly. dis igument on the subject and �ho cheers , only personally. Mr. Borden there is great danger of doing.,more - and at the end of a few rods they turn- ed a corner. TIbe WoIf fully expected 1: thought sure,.it was a cat "You .6ame CiUa the argument that conditions had changed ,since reciprocity was desired harm. thangood to the udder. ?After the tube is Inserted Ia the tea . t. the - to see a struggling sheep, but it was. a are still dodging the .When I found myself apris �by both paxf,ies. - This was the twen- . operator forces the air into the -udder shepherd who rose up and gave him the contents of a shotgun and bowle.d so surprised that I made tloth, not the nineteenti, -centur Y. "Are with. the pump. Each quarter is..In- him whatever. You have no lI 6 to be governed by the Lormer' or "By Inflated, and care should be takexnot over� MoraL--:An dog Fox bad been putting me to death." e latter!'" he asked. the farm- to distend,thwudder too much. Ia the old who "Oh, but I have" replied ers," ,c=e an intexr-uption. treatment of milk fever and garget -it concealed in the bracken and soen all holder as thd tra; went in "Yes, I agre- with th4i,­ Teplied. Mr. Is customary, to rubber bands arose and stretched himself and said: "It's not that you actual Borclen. "Thli Problem -is Of laterles,t - o the farmex, Zd I believe that th;� �e�ling'of ..p�ace around each,teat to prevent the air from escaping too'rapldly. For milk "I haven't lived in this cold world but seven years, but my experience has cheese 1: didn7t have, but have eaten it If I the farmer as that this padi �Alotlld not be put inlo e1ect." fever it sometimes requires a second � taught 'me that it Is just as easy to iwould some.3k . I __ .. , Injection, but if the bands are used bamboozle a man as it is to hit him M oral. -Give a dog a bad lyne trPatmentis usually enough. with a club." he has 'no show. Wild and Wooly. For. garger the udder is not filled I . — . . Montreal, June 24. -Realistic to an ited. ilulte sor'.-full as for na:flk*fever� and. .. - The Discontented Clam.' Optimistic. extent, the Wild West tifter-the udder is illflated it is thor One day the Clam paid &-visit to the Some time ago there was Sliow at King Edward Paxk� has pro- �ided a hospital case, the injured be- oujh!Y� massaged, especially the quar- ter alfebiea-with. gage, and .when he had come into the presence of the wise man he said: British Columbia. An old Lng Mr. Hill, one of the proprietors, Springing from his horse oil to the gaX&t I I I I "O Sage, I am not content ,,with my had lost nearly every tliin.- ed was sitting on the roof 0 back of a steer, Mr. H411 lost his grip. Manaqeme�nt of Boars. . lot and would have you better it for as It Boated along, when and was severely trampled on and The ca re�ess.methods empioyed by me." proached.. prodded by the animal before other their management of "But you are a large and juicy "Hello, Jim." "COWbOYS" effectcd n, rescue. boars accounts,*;Cor a goodly part of I . Clam," replied the Sage, "and no "Hello, Bill." . Effort to Save N16rdereis. the "bad luck" In sivine, raising says a Wssouri'hog ra�ser. AllowingThe boar -...-. . -I;,-,--. %114 I "Are your fowls all. v@s � I I.I.. �­ - Montreal, June 24;-Ghevaher, L. ,to, run ,,with the herd is a common � :. _.t. , I � . . . � , r%n ITIMT, . . I I _r "Yes, but.tbe ducks can kelesi, Italian consul, has received a' letter from th2 lawye-r who defended �rActice',Jfiat, should be discontinued, Following'Ids animal instincts the I I � f�l'� -- - plied the old man. "Apple trees kflgeli�ne"Napolitafia, the Sault Ste. L)elarie murderess, askina -him to use boar sUbn saps away his vitality.' The . � . I animal'also wVrIes other members of j% / ,n � � IYA gone?" "Well, they said the crop ais' influence ill the prilsoner's favor. the herd, especially the sows, a failure anyhow." . Tile chevalier would make no sLate. nent, except that, "If the newspaper younger and he is even liable to cause serious .. I - la�l - - %6�-,& . , windows." ,epoTts are correct, the case is CerLU111- .y a most deserving one." . IAJury In such cases as well as get s6me with pig',at too early an age for .. - � - "That's all right, BUL 9 . . them to m#e'gultable brood sows. I � I � — , ) ders needed washin' anyhow W. J. Lindsay Remanded. EV,Wdles, hil-clihngeable moods make , , ) "I'll - reeper. k Toronto, June 24.-W. J: Lindsay, 0n a dan'gerou-s animal to have run- nihg at-layge.. Often one of them sud- I I . 4 I . Sagacity. �haTged with I6onspiracy in connec- . don with the Farmers' Bank, was re- nanded a week in the Police Court ae'nir becomes vicious and turns on , " th-�- first person lie encounters. The ,�� I , � � = One would have it that a c most sagacious of dogs, whil resterday morning. A tbree weeks,' talks should be removed from the 11.4, � 1�r Al I il ,I,. - I , .�,, , . I -11, ',I ! er stood up for the setter. "I ioiat asked by the defence was relas- Mr, Lindsay bcPar's month early in his career in oL, r 4y "QAva. I 4!0� - . � once awmed a setter," de "which �d, and must appear frow I I (let to guard against all possible accl, . . . Intter, was very int veek. to week. - � delits, Ifte only safe plan of managing tli(� bVir is to have a lot and quarters ex- . .j i .-4. � . 11 � ��� .... 1. had him on the street one dz acted so queerly about a. ce we met that T asked the � - __ - - OPERATIONS prossly for confining him in and fur- � 1, I I R name, and" - , him lob, nighfng plenty of exercise and sul-light. Thus managed he will re- , I., - that's an old stol7r' t . tractabFe. . 11. advocate broke In sneering . . 15 TOIDED AV in.Un (julet and . 0- C 1:� �__. - ------. gz� - I ,- . - man's name was Partridge, and because of that the dog . Diameter of the Silo. The size of the silo -musk of course, THE WHISIKEBS WERE THERM set. Ila, hat Come againill "You're mistaken," rejoine de,�)end on the amou�t of stock to be doubt you have the respect and gobd er suavely. "The dog diC, ByLydiaE. Pinkhani's fe&, as a certain a�aouilt must be fed wishes of all .your fellow bivalves. quite to a set� though almo Vegetable Compound eacli.day to keep the top kiyer from That ought to be good enough for U, �f . matter of fact, the man's n Belleriver, Que.-'Without Lydia spoiling, Narrow and deep is the right I coustructIon, and the des ' . the XQ . "It may appear,that way, 0 Sage, Quayle, and the do- hesitat count of the spellin.-III-Lippi � H. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound I I .per ,bet- ter, as cach added toot gives added o ommon Clam? would not be alive. For five months I �­-.­­.' �.­:q_.... I -_11 ... ll ainful a d * - P n 'Z weight to -the silage ali4 helps to make Am I pretty? Is there, anytlxlng stylish about meg Uave I a Piccadil- ,-,.. '__'_++++q_1_+_1! ! ! i ! 1­1_+++� . -a- ,.�-.--. , . . r ad ­ ... ,,;: .1 arperio .".... . ...':�1" I ul ds and . .. �:.,:.. n mmatto of ..:.. I . .. Wa n It more solid and exclude the air. To insure long service wooden dlos should ly gait? Why, I nevdr attract a pass- Regardless of Insuran .%. .... :":.- �.* .." � :.- the uterus. I suf- be latbed*hnd plaster 6r bdcked oa4 d Ing glance from any one except the we never realize tile vE . . -.-�:,-. ­__ ,---, �: ��..': fered like a martyr . . . .::7.1, '%9?� '�- ..�.'-..: , the in �Ide. This kee�pse the silage from r,-Ian!i hunter, and he has never com- In a thing till we have lost it. . , w*,. :�-.:...:: and thought often coming In, contact witl� tile wood and o pliniented me. fact, I heard him I applies pArticularly to loj - . . ,......;i -..'.'X*.I'-. ....... of death.. I .. - � , �_ .-...:.,:%1..! con- does not permit of that wettbig and. calling his Oki woman a clam the oth- leg in a railroad accident. .'.,-..;.'.::, " - ... Bulted two doctors i:-.---.:.-..-.--.', ';.1.,-,.'.-, �..%* '::.,�.,- - ........ could do ­ ...... , w ho : drying which. soon decay tho wood. If a silo is inado too large in dk timeLer voice of derision. 1want to stand out from my follows. I want York TImes. . . ,:..,.� L ...... - . n I othi j for me. I I I N, w�"t 0 a hospital, , 7 rind this Is a very frequent �rrvr, one '4 to be known as the Clam.ol The Sage took a long drill -Ir from the . +4-H44!_ -111, - H -H-1 I and 'the best dbe- I I "I , � tors said I must Of two things will bapperl-66�*r the siJage� will be moldy ill the tluNo, Ow- . bottle and returned it to his poattall "et Established, Police Justice . , . I .... f1t, . - submitVto an oper� Ing to the,inability to fIbe(i 14 down rav- poeL witbout offering the C M1 any (to sable i %tion, because I had a turnor. t I Wen : idly enough, or else tile cows will be and then wiped OLT his chin to say: Has the defendant a reputati( Dack home inuch discoura*d. . One of fed more.thfut they shouia have to an ItUm I ldftm:'! Did It ever strike S-01, racity, Erastus? my cousins advised me to take your " ,ornpound, as it had cured her. I did attempt to keep .1head of the moldlnW. . - I that there was anything In ,long chin whiskers such as fake doctors wearl Sable Witness (with refe equally sable defendant)-rilol w and soon commenced to feet better, ind my ap*?6tite came back with tb.e . to He ' rse's Teeth Neecj, Attention. secure the contideace of clubfooted . -v 'Why, mighty Gabr'el, yo, ol ,Irst bottle. NOW I feel n Alore att(iutlon shou��. be 'gl,mu to men?" I see dat dah coon eat a. hul im cured, Yoni-remedy is deserving the card of hbrses, teeth. Often till "By George, but It has!'�' excralmed Bkowning's, Magaziae. . )f praise." - Mrs. EMMA CHATEL, animal is p'niiislidd for soxn&111*�Fmity . the Clam. "It's Just the cheese. — Vall�Aerd, Belleriver, Quebec. ' _ . of temper ov doso�d fog S()Me 1.1111nent Gimme long flowing whiskers for the I I -,�, Where,He �Yas. Aimother Operation Avoided. when t10 whole trouble lics in -,�u nl-� sea a breezes to toy with and I'll asic #IDld yon say when your . Poughk,eopsie, N.Y. -1 run a sewing cerated tooth or in tooth that n-.� long- for . no inore. I'd be a mighty poor 'come$ Clam if holue Yery late'at nf naebine in a liirgp factory and got all en- artIcultzte-that 11, no Iotjg(-.,p t-oule . . Mot of a I couldn't make 4 witys brii.,,-,j you a tiovel?t, I .,un down. I had to give up work for I - .ould,not stand the pains in my back. together sk� perfdatly that t Ilea- w141 Prop�rly gr�iad the anialaPs foo(I Of- hir with them." I The sAge waved his baud, and the �"NO_ I di(Ill't. I wild he 0rouglit bome Che dottor said I needed a t* ton ' i e I .or womb trouble 6ut Lydia Pink- , tion this latter detot pr6duces Irlftes- Jn&&aP Wotftrs. I wbiskers were Were. Tbe Clam strOk- I them lovingly, tbanka a lot of c Loui&,jQ,l -b a - _.g:kq �einocrat kam's Vegetable Compound did more and oflier ed gave and was I . 4. ,_ . �i � I '­ 1. - - '. � .6r me d a" the doctors did. I have lldve,A­competent veterinarlall�gdaver gone, He bad scarcejy -begun to show, I . 7 , A Futile ouest, grained fiv(�pouncls. I hope that every- a hoize's teeth whc,nover you svt4peot oM however,. ,Nvhen a fisherman came I "Dabbs is advertlaing for' ine who is saff .erhig from female �that they are Nitising f h e animal crov- ftloog &M4 scoope. d him. up and after boy who doesaft 1114LA b4sepall xotible, nervousness and backache vill take the Compoand'. I owe ray ble. ta,lang . . a Inng look at WUXI, Salh: "Jt tie was a Clam I'd oblaak him "He inighb,as.,vell iry to bonks to Mrs. Pinkliani. She is the vorking girl's friend'for bealth, and Care of Young �",'ok. into The Proper for Is my II:o;1w1 and 8011(t him to mav r I Mytlilcal Pot of'jold,at tlie a1UbQN(A-P1r=f�kbanl ALge. diwemenwho suffer sho'61d write to -place �,-1111*yters ket outdoors wIIp,jj;.,ver flivy "-;-!t to go . It lie %% n, it d 11(le I'd , 4otl bito to . �1�ell;;;_. 'I., . . , . , , ;"� ler 911d take her,; Ivi-ep. -Miss TILLIS ?Lv,:71a,SJoy,'*F� , Poughkeepsi%NlY L' there, ft Tlivy will do boxt witsi , 1�nit.V, he"Is d "if, 1. r 'w'L-11111 fw, v") vlq�.'s . 1�w 3% i nk-alier il '(,Lpm r!or .1 mm, -.1 " .. . I I t..IA� I,, :`31 W"d 'itnot Th", .. ., _,'�-,%AriA Q116r­­, , of -fu %?A.� _g", 4 range, p!(,:-ty ,nf Q,1 ­1f ,r wl,,. t -v �.r,,jwt,jj . A_ �f_.: ,_. I - - . I 1- ... ­ I � I , _ . - 'W" 0,44 ` � 0, 4;, , - j 1110 41011 I L I ."', " , 1041A, I . . I I . , 1 W44, WAkW, I ' ' I � % J' , ,." I � re, espled, . , , h of 4, 0%."- . . , I repo, , sea ,,,�OP I . I I #t , ��� , tild MIA , - r I ,,', , , , , I I I , I L I I " � � I I 11, 11 I- � I �(ff I" 1� d tU6 01 M- , " d and gaio(i .­ ,. . .! I 1 1;7 �; I I I r�, In elluuts',1P. , f �� I I 4PUbt nd' . ;,� :.! , I � ,�, I Ve mot 74110, . , I revAll u I p A— t91 ' L' ' � '' -, - �. I Ir slleuce.V­ � � � d entreatel I . g, 2 , �, 11011r, hliog " 1, ,i ccess. , � ,,,,, � I �.i " I I I ,� .. . 0 . , , � ; gavent, , , �fl I ut, ,:. � I "I. U ,. . '', . , ­, d the 0 " '' , - , dsleejjliy��,':� . I V �,il � at allr 'e*, I I � . � , " I � � sgustao X1 , 11 , , . , . t opeved Jilio I I J_ �� �1� I I , d the 'otltj . 1''..: � % I I � � .1. : �­ � L I , r., � �] , ,� ,� r er talks imir ','.: be doesn1l I :' Ir I � R�i, . 1.�! I , I , Rat. I I L I I � 'i . I , x "! , cellar, wAS, �,: 1� drown Wir �. I ii led, out.: .,' , ,11 I � You Lvlsw� " ; "I ese," 'was _ I 1:' il se $n. ,W . , � '. I TA Ole Ia my,,, ouseholderV 13 . me from a . . � . I a case, but , ound you � ��.l turbed me;i. fight'$$ � I trutu ' &.* ; oner X.Wap! ,0 no nols0l, excuse I* the house� 11 .1 ­ , I I o the tub., I 1�� I ate t . � .�he' . I that you � I I .. ''I I . I had had I ­ � ­ , �: I name and � � ; I . . � � " a food In . lq lellow who 11 . .. 11 he possess� ... ­ , f his house ... Ill: a boat ap- .. 11 �� .. � ... I I.. . I I I 011ie Is the a the oth- clared the , ffligent. r - y, and he : �, I'll rtala man . ! I � - man his . -, he collie's ly. 419%0 . I li of course, . -1 ­ � ,� came to a . ,�, d the oth- � 1�� .: I � 't come . ., ,L: " st. As a 11: Z I'� anle Vag 11 :N 11, I, " " 11. neott's. ..t� .,1 . . _14�. +-H-144 ,Itness)- n for ve. ,ence to voracityl I . 'nub, ra ,� - I � haq2�- . I . � . . . � I � � �� - I busban(V - lkt".40,sr I , I ayays , � I ton.";-& ­­ � . � ­ , I I I . �+ , �� 11 I I ,: An office 0) . I I . I.. I An(c tbit#. . I , . I I A. end 40f il ': I . - .11, . 5 Ererald._.,� � I ; I I I ., , .44k- _ I I to AtL_ I , 4 I 'I.- kinzis, ` % ,, ­_­':