HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 2- - , �, 7-__.._'1-1 . - ",--1 I, -11. � 'I I I -.11 ­­ ­­ .­ .- I I � I - I __­� . " 7P 'I - . . � :�_, - . ­­ -, ­_ __"_,'_�'_7___,_. , ,. . I � - 1111�wl! ��-.;",.,"����-1"---,�ff—l-l�1--ti-�."�.� 1'1Jq1.FTP�___ I ­ ­­ ­ P- V ­­ -7 —71 I , : . / ­_ - - \ " I .1 ��� -111"M--- �77 I I I . , .6 1 1, 1 16 1 . I . 6 ­ � I :1 I i 6. 1 1 6 1 ,, r',"........ "I'll", ....... - 6 16 .. . I . , � I I I : I I : 1 6 . I .1 I I � i I ". .1. " I . 1. I *% 6 1 . .1 I , ­­­­,,,, 1-1 "MMi. -1- ., I I __­__'1q"M P7771k­ 1 _-16 --4--11 1 1 — il_ --- ------ ___ - 77 " : — — -- 11_­'�.��,:" — llr!���� � 7_6 . . .. ... — I.. .- I—, ... 11. 111. -1. -1 ,- -1 . � I *�,,­ �"o op -1. "I "I "I , I �' 11 ... �_ ... � - - - - - - __ , , , . . , __ _­ . ..... ... . . ... ­ ­­ ­' � . . . . . . . � — ­ — ­­­­ , 7!� 17� . , , __1 7— 7 � _---_-,_.---:L _--_1-___'_._-_,_ ..�"I'-���"-�.,.,--"",-,,��----�l--,-,,.7-7:�'i-1,7,-�, 1 "­_ -I------"-- _­_­ -,­­ I _,_-_-._7_.'-__111-__=' .�—.6--.�--l".--,.,-.:---.-��-6-1--.--�--�"... 6 � I i 1 16 1. . 6 1 6 - I I Thcy way ahe dil it ,00ul(l: : not Ohildl`011 <10, the v�111103 of the , �m_an for doing no. , 11 ... .. teaching dividual lettors, ,though tlj�� jJJ4 1 attaching the role$ I 1, 1. ' , SoMa to liko , �'x` it ' 4 '� a wor _ FROM B ON N. I E SCOTLAND FAVUS A0001 A BIG P111Y . , I th ' . I -ARIK 160 0111 � I U01 o 011 11 � — KING'S ,WARDROBE SNPLE toin�blm.ole than . . . I � 6 . I . MRS': Lf 6 writing. 4 Zi , the uppers. ,*"" i I 1 6 T ldre did, no� Periou"d eye (if ,Uou rse, TieWs . I —_ I . . . . 6 1 --- . ! 16 4. 6 . I : . I V* -o 'de6pher .4 1. . .. .1 . I . . 1. I . I �, .. I . I know they Nvere. learning. They lau,ell loliger 6111, t I . . - I - ,.� _1144 . 6 �. I I", . . , : I � - , I I � . 6 1 � first le,%r1led tho forms of tbe let- long wor,d than a short one.. IS NOT XXTJ,1,XV1r TO IVE Do NOTE58 OF INTEPE'ST FRON slzr", J,,'.X1%,N,9J1,SJ 61koNytJ10, I 1 .6 , . I DOE I G B4MRS IN IT1118VEIRS# . " I I VAMAN WOMAN PUS 1M.- ters by meaus of large models of 6 ,'A REUDING1 ("A'AME, I . ., . AB11, BANKS AIND 1111,11111S. 6 1 . I S, U LTS W14100 4STONISU. 00arse black sandpzx�er pasted on. 6 IJEADr�n or'FA841110N' - OV TORONTO. . I . � . 6 1 . I I . smooth white, 0 1 ,4ildre I . Scotland Tarlil 011(4 Owns a clevor . . I. _ , . . AP 11 "4 � I � I I . . I I I yory euds� After- Very so A the .v ,n are able — �. 04111lue. ;- . . 6 1 16 - � I L �W lij, I . I . wards these were supplemented to take part in a reading game thus . . . I . 6 I � I . . I I I., I I I I with other letters,outout of paper, eonceivcd, All the mo.A attractive The Detall of R , Always � WhAt Is 00111'a"On In the llizglll�lnds I � 6 , They do not Raw They are, Learn� 6 ,played on . . , ,, . is D ress I . Superintendent Frank Forest � Figures in t Nutshell, So That �, 1 6 � I � I I for laying an a table when. the obil- tov,,;, ,of the school are dim phows the Utmost Tasto and chief of the criminal department of , and Lowlaud,j of Auld Tlkey Onig Ut Reikd and Easily ' 1 6 :1 . ing, Rut ThInU 11%wq Van drell tried to make words. Th c a 6ble, the name o E each is: wri tten . : eyes - . . I I Scotland Yard, beli lie pos . I ,� .6 vowels were.pink axd .the conson'- *)u a piet4 Of paper and the foldeil .. . I Cure. . . sesses one ,of the eleyerest dogs in . Scotia. ,I)fSeSted, I . I . ''I I . � . 1 6 1 Do 1t. � . I , 6 . . I ­ . I 1 6 ,ants blue. paper plaokl in a bag, each ebild Recently by-laws were passed at I ,� i I ��Maria Montessori is performing . To gi . I Jraws a paper and opens it without , It is hardly likely that King B ngland. He is a sheep dog, named . f The city net debt is $28,,497,080. 1 - ve, them , muscular control 4 George will be quite so xnach Of a T,eddy, who is 3 years old, weighs Greenock to prevent veli4rs U TpOronto's .assessment is 006,604)'. � .1 *hat seems almost & miracle ' ein sbado with colored allowing allyolle ,else to see, and, force in, sartorial affairs as was his 05 pounds and .comes from fine pe- S,unday papers from ,�houtlllg their ' . 1 6 . � In she let th ' � 774. 1 the education of certain, children chal "- or pencils the -outlines, of thell if lie ean clQarly and correctly walres. . . I . I � ' of Rome and Milan. Under her - ilolinve the word written an it Royal father, for the good, reason digreed Somersetshire sWck. . . ate City property is, -valued at "0,- . . certain ra.pres, such -is Ovals, tri pro -is it that he does not think so much of Teddy has been with Mr. Forest 'A bequest of $40,000 by -the I � I . . system, of teachiag it is,a; wmmon an�rles eirclesi and squares. 6 Al- tile scrap of paper becomes, , Miss Susan Cramb, Relonsburgh, 000,000, I.. t:� � l dress and iz strongly disposed to since puppyhood. -10 n 40S - , The area of Toronto is 28 square . thing -for babies� of 3 or 4 years old though their fingers are tr be . quite conventional in his c 'L 1� 6 1 1 aine<1 wem, a� ,coin olititling him for the, Every 11 r ')lg for the tablishment and endow . , to Icarn to write ill ab,out six somewhat by filling in these geo- rest of the day to the toy inscribed 6tti- Teddy meets the letter ,carrier and I ment of a lectureship ivx musi-, at Miles- ; 6 1 � weeks. Chil4ren of 5 learn oil it. The success of the game sur- tilde toward it, but one Inust bast- takes the mail for the entire house- Glasgow� is announced. There are 31,000 telephones in 6 .6666 in A metrip outlines they do not, kno.w en,to add that, of course, his Maj- hold and carries it to Mr. Forest's Toronto. - . month and -don't even know they how n write ,ed the inventor's expectation, Colin Clark, an Indian tanvill-.7 . . , . thexr ca - Even to Maria pass esty, says Chamber's Journal, bed. Next he goes to the. library, I . ' dre . ' .9 Al I . am lear . 1. MbnN,stwri herself -the 6 complete for it was found that the chil n ' veteran has died at (.6',aupar-Ang.V8. , Nronto is the ,second lar est city . Mariftlisitessori is a (>in 4caxna, at declined to play with the toys and takes the utmost care, at all times stands on a chair, gets�the supeiba- Canada' . L I . . . ' .1. all 01 swcatnz of her experiment �-ery ,de- I He ivas'born neaX Ciol&'avy �Ild in w . . wide learning and unusual ability. firg,* a.v aeurprise. preferred to go on drawing from to. be strictly correct in e- , tendent's gold spectacles and takes in 18K, en,Ljo�,Q,d in th'a U, W. ..� w Toronto is the headquarters of . , x4o, on . 11 6 11 '.. I In her opinion the only educatiOn :A ',t'f, IM -114 wday in.December," she the bag and reading the words, tail, and his taste, while careful in them to tile bad, When the, super. H , anders, I the O.N.R. I . , I I worth having is atito-edueation. In 8,-%I- ,t(&u Italian ,day of winter The propp-ess froi� single words its sobriety, iq quite perfect. I iritendent finishes reading his mail IT1111e, new parish ohu,rPbk yov, .,A- L The City, Hall has a floor space o . f 6 � � the work carried on -ulider her dir. s f-ZLJXk0-4. I was -on the terrace to short phrases iis c5ected by His Majesty is not disi)osed 'CO 'he his but to say. "Teddy,� I think rose, which "vla-008 VZO C,.d,,,, A� 6. 40 acres, 1 6 diflicul , 1�, take advantage of his high. estate I will get up,,, ,and the k��$., Toronto is the most beautiful city .. action Qno great ty i to, .4 the children were play- means of the indis-nen,�,able bla,ck- I dog imme- stroyed by fir,� dw", yaux* u", . ' � . I from rushi Is x,)�oit ,,,i� writes on it In this matter, and generally fol- diately brings his slippers. been formally opene.d. 1 6 in Canada. �, keep the teacher ng to i,ks.tq--,�Lt ,-#.r standing near me, I board. The teadi- . . I the'assistance of a, child who seems wm� sk*',u(5 b6side, a chimney which brief questions Nyllieh the children lows the lead of others; wad the The dog is so intelligent, that it Mr, and Mrs, Maxwoll Mso'N ,4 Transfers of property in, 1910 to- ��. , - rders -bieb - chief tailors of the West End will . � .�� I puzzled or embarrassed in his lit rot,s 4owk th4 tiled Pavement2 , they exe I only required a, few minutes of ia� Abbotsf�rd intend to mpenA �,*t talled 14,546. � .� sort of watch Lie appearance with rather Toronto has about 250 street fire � �.. t,le employment. The idea,of re- when ,o,,�wurred to me to say to a cute, thus carryina on a , less interest, not to say anxiety, struction to teach him to bark in autunin III �ritish Columbia, w - �� I . "Vards or punishments is rigorous- little ' of five who was standing conver-,ation on OUA Side in -writing . whispers when lie wanted anything: alarm boxes. � : ly banished from.the "houses I Of by Olaf On the other side in speech or ac- . than they did those of .the first . 6 6 � . their second son is. settled, This, yea*es tax r4te is ,eighteen . I . leman in the last reign. He Inside the house. But it is as a I . Edinburgh has decided to, make 1 6 1 childhood" under her control. tion. For louger phrases, ,ill ex- sent ' police -dog that Te.ddy especially lily mod -6 mills on the dollar. I I . I , d Her methods, alre described at 'DRAW THIS CHIMNEY.' tonsion of the same method is em- has, . the ern, To that end $25,000 Toronto has 40 parks with a total I . 1 of course, every variety of its fire department tbaroug � �.z 6 it com- clothes for town wear, each kind .excels. . Every night before i will im- . 1 4 6. 1 langth in McClure's Magazine. She And I handed him a piece,of chalk. ployed. xx number of Klifferex several superintendent retires he says: mediately be spent. for automobile of 1,640 acres. I I and for the most part being Toronto has aa estimated popula, , I .� J , - Te threw himself at Once on .the' mands are writt4e�n out on Paper "Teddy, is everythin Ighting appliances, and this I : begins with very little children and 1, g all right in fire4 . : �� ­ ,. first trains the sense of touch. ground, and began to draw mong the children. times repeated; while for country the house I" . u augmented. I tion Of 341,9S10. i I I I She the distributed a) n the sport . Tile city last year issued 14,460 1 1 . emphasizes the advantage� of isol- ,r,himney quite ' recognizably; The .AL larches,% Ranieri di Sorbello wear; especially * ins � vardr;be is perhaps quite The dog goes in And out. of every A professor who has spent more � I ating the, senses for the. purpose Of *herefore, as was my practice., I has two sturdy little sons who by side, his �room and returns to his m4ster, than half his life in Dundee ,says licenser. of allkinds. . � training. Education of the hear- praised him warmly. . the help of thi; method had made. a ,equal to that of . . ' Toronto's City Hall is estimated � 1 7 ing, for example, can best be � car- - L ',reporting conditions to be all6right he. has never seen a place where �_, I " 1�1 "The little fellow looked up at leap on the road of educado" sev- THE LATE KING. 1 If anything1loafing is reduced�to such a fine to be Worth $2,500,000. 1, ried on, in a room which is not on- L.6�0 Iled, was evidently oil " the eral years in a,dvance of their age. . 2 by wagging his tail. I Toronto -was founded as a French I .. .., sm iat they had as I ,ever his doesn't exactly suit* him he pulls art. trading post in 1749. . ,I ly quiet but also dark. The child- - Without realizing tl As is -well known, hov his master'5 Qoat and leads him to Work is proceeding at Troon on I I � p.,4int -of bursting into some ebul ) . � ran are often blindfolded for train- -ion Of delight an then eri 1, yet done a-lythin more tf�an . an 6 the. place that has not satisfied the new yacht which is to cross the The CLI&meier of tile face of the ­ lif d ec 3 8 Play Majesty is a very keen sportzin . 6 id for City Hall clock is 20 feet, I ". �1, I Ingthe senses other than. that of ,,&,rivo i lo scrivo !I (I can write! hiese two boys, the youngest of in those pursuits which involve 11, . Atlantic, alid make another b 6, . I I �, , I sight, They become so keen that I 6m writing 1') Lying -on the whoin is onV a 1-2, call read Mid wandering ,over the moors and -m* . ,ica Cup.. Toronto's -exhibition grounds . Teddy is very strict ,on convea th6 Amex I - ,",* 6 they can by mere touch tell a grain grtmnd lie wrote on the pax-ement , write both in English and Italian, hills -with a, gun in his hand, and .� He seems to A large eel stopped water supply cover au area of 260 acres. .. . , � of millet from one, of rice and can ; new ,an- __* __ . -a interest in tional introductions ' . Toronto's filtration plant when ; . mi),uo' (hand), then, with he displays mor tile instinctively realize that big mas-ifrom a hose being used at a fire �', . 4iscriminate between coins, owen thu.iiasm, he wrote Icamino' (chiX11- THE QUEE'N'S DAILY DAY. Felection of his shooting �Ldts than ter leads a danger -beget life, And i call On H.M.S. Unicorn at Dundee completed will cost $750,000. I'll , . I those which are, almost alike. neyl, ,and as he wrote he continued he does perhaps in any others, recently. Toronto is called the . "Queen I . 6 1 One day Maria Moutessori hiaP- to, ', 11 out, 'I am writing!' ,so that HONV Her ) - -es the 31ost while it may be added as an inter- Ted.dy, is coliEtaDtly on guard The Banff fund f -or a memorial to City" on account of its beauty. I . CA �Iajesty 1�jai, I nce against attack. No matter to I., � mother carrying a the other children came running of Her monlents. esting and pleasing circuinsta 1 the late Thomas Edwards, the, Scot- . The first electric cars to appear �: little baby swaddled in tne Italian to sft the sight and surrounded that lie always exercises the utmost whom the superintendent is talk- I tish naturalist, now amounts to in Toronto appeared in 1894, , �, fashion and half in jest she took him, staring in astonishment. Queen Mary spends as b,asy a -day effort toward giving help toward ixig ,the clog lies between his legs, 1 $250. .1 Tilere are 370,985 miles Of watex. 1 "6, . it into the schoolroom and.held it, ,'Then two or three of them, as ucts. home, industries in the matter of the alert and ready. He takes nothing Mrs. Chapman -Anderson, of mains, 71,068 water services. . 6 k up to the children as a model of trembling with excitement, said to Tht actual day's work begins clotheb he selects, most of them be- on trust until he is told by his mas- Aikenhead, is giving $1,000 uncon- The C.P.R. has 186 sidings in � placidity, immobility and noiseless- me, - 'Please, please, a piece "' when the Queen comes into her ins in the nature of honie-spun I ter that everything is all right. I ditionally towarcls a public hall for Toronto, and the G.T.R. 121, I, 001, writing room after breakfast. This . [ L ness. As she enlarged on these chalk I I want to write, t and, tweeds. I , Anyone who tries to pat tile dog Blairgowrie, and $1, The height of the City Hall Tow- ' I. � characteristics the imitative in- in fact, they set to work to -write is usually from 9.15 to 9.30. Carry- Then, as befits his strong naval is r�pulsed with bared fangs and vided the burghs of Blairpwrie er from the sidewalk is 300 feet, 6 stinct. of the children asserted it- � ins with her the large correspond- interests rowls until the superintendent 0 There were 9,0il births in 1910. [.'L . 6 1 fell to rivalling various words. ence of the morning's post, she and training, be has pro- g y, this is a friend of and Rattray are amalgamated. ,nd 5,459 death --A selfand they all "Nob one of them bad ever bad bably more naval uniforms than says -. "Ted -1 Subsidences have occurred on the 4,293 marriages, -a S. ., 1, the baby 'in in his hands a piece of chalk or a goes through it with two secretar- any other man, Indeed, tht Kaiser mine." Then the clog permits him- road leading to the new cemetery Toronto was incorporated. as I I I I ABSOLUTE IMMOBILITY. writing instrument, except, of ies. The Queen herself has usually is the only ruler who emulates him relf to be handled. at Prestoripans. They were caused city in 1834 with a population ol , . . . . . course, the crayan for sha,ding the opened the letters and glanced in this matter, for not only have, At Scotland Yard Teddy knows by the pumping of the water from 9,254. � through them before bre I . I The police of Toronto last year � . 'The efEect was marvellous, and geomef,rical figures; it was the first alcf,ast, Sh' these monaxcbs a very large ward- every room in tue. building and working seams. ,4t,�', ever since that day the "game of dictates her replies to such letters 1 of uniforms for the naval and manifests his wishes to enter any The grass parks on.the Muchalls arrested or summoned 24,286 per- . time they had written, and they ,as need answering, and soon clears I rom their particular one by standing on his 1 7-- � tilance" has been one of the; most formed. an entire word, as -when , other maritime purposes of estate of the Aberdeen Endow- sons. I L popular in all the schools. The they first spoke they pronounced 031 the lot. . � own country, but each holds com- r4bar legs and shaking the door ments Trust have been let for the The city's share of the -street rail- , . children when the game is to be an ent1re word. . Then follow regularly interviews plimentary rank in foreign navies handle with his front paws until season for $3,500, which is $1,000 way receipts last year was $679,337'. �­ Th with the governess Of the children, and . � , . I *played choose their seats. e "A 4@,eritable frenzy of writing ief nurse, the -use- has complete sets of uniforms,he is admitted. It is moredifficult less than a, year ago. The ordinary expenditure of the ` � �, -ook p*ssession of our school. Each . accordingly. . 'for a stranger to approach the sup- For a slituation as female assist- city for the present year will be , f teacher then goes quietly from one t with the eh ho I , 6 .1 1, �: . window to another, drawing the child tattered itself -that it had -de- keeper, and the heads of various Also. King George is honorary erint�endent's home in Hempstead ant at the counter of the Aberdeen $8,073,927. at - ,: shutteo together until twilight tected within itself an especial gift departments at Buckingham Pal- colonel in many foreign regiments, than to gain access to Buckingham Public Library, for which the sal- The total expenditure of the .1 I I ., . ace. Probably her Majest I y is fin- in addition to ,iolding simila-. rank P a 4d p n fO �� : reIgni' in the roonL - Bme �f the of natpze, a, talent. Not being able lace. The superintendent says ary was $2.40 per week, there were works a artme t r 1910 waa '' I little ones al-- s'cover their faces to adj'ii.st in their little minds the ished with these by noon, and if so in several of our own. King Ed- , Teddy can do everything but talk. Over 211 applicants. $43209,614,b9* ., � " " ., I trades - I with t . , S. conneaVon between the prepara- s s the 'various ward. had no fQx..er_th&n 33 such ___AA____ The custom of visiting tne well at Toronto is the first city in th . . �, . people, and other folk of that kind ointments,46id if his successor I S-Luiday of world to start school classes fo ,�,*-_-, . ..� e to -wriggle and tions ;�a� the act they. were pos- -whom she must see herself now and app PLANTTAIS4 HE AL. Culloden on the first , I" - places until- the sessed 'Xith the amusing illusion I has not vat so many it must be re- May seems to retain its popularity consumptives. . .. , . . - y dark and the that littiving now grown to the pro- then, until 1.30, w � hen luncheon is member�d that time ,and circum- - It is Generally ITsed in the Domini. among young people. Over 1,000 During last year Toronto issued -� 11, to an open per sift they knew how to write, taken. � stances have so far hardly been I visitea it this year. building permits to the value of -o the vestibule. just ,a.-; �,'hey had, when. the strength Almost every afternoon when in adequate to allow of his completely can Republic. There were 63 persons convicted $21,127,083.. � 6 pfulof young chick- came f,�5 them, been able to walk London, after lunch is over, Queen filling the position occupied by the The use of plantain meal is be- of crime in Dundee last month. . Toronto is served by three rail� 1- st even the most un- and to talk. This conviction shuws Mary visits some picture h gallery, late monarch in these, matters. coming more gen,::ral in the Do- Last month 127 old, worn,out ways, the C.P,R., the G.T.R., and ,, I ins minican Republic. Although it is horses -were shipped at Leith to the C.N.R. " learly %ow little strain is put up- titution, or a city church of note MANY UNIFORMS. The largest �rg�n in the world is. ually quiet down e or some hospital or Other c aritable become e ectant and serious, on the tender brain by the prepar- universally used among the poor, make Continental sausages. . I wait the ever.renewed mystery. atory work." or some old hallsof the great Lon- the well-to-do classes do not con- An outbreak of ,%wine fever has in Toronto. It Is in the Metropolit- .' � 666 When perfect silence has stolen So great was the delight e'vinced don Companies, or some interest- In the care of the -chief foreign 11 .. ins spot in London. naval and military appointments, I sume it s<> extensively, as it can taken plA.ce at the Cornton Vale an Church. ,-, .. over the assembly, so perf act that during the first few days in this ly be obtaineo in the market. Garden Colony, near Stirling. . Toront* is governed by 25 men, ;, I After five o'clock tea, she usually it may be mentioned that four'uni- rare ,ce will shortly controllers, 1;. the t1oking of a miniature clock in newly ,discovered .ability that the again summons her secretaries, and forms-tbat is to say, full dress, I On account -of tile lack of facili- A motor 'bur, servi namely, a mayor, four 6 - e . . the i-om can be distinctly heard, mothers came to report how in or- ,ies begin between Greenock and Large and 20 aldermen. � the t-Nicher ,calls a name in a faint so gets through the correspondence undress, mass kit and overcoat- j ties it is -made in small quantit an. Toronto ha. . Giovanni der to save thelk floors, and ev I an which has arrived since morning. are usually I necessary. Then there I and consumed in the homes. The and may be extended to Ardross s 314.14 miles of saw- -9�:hispbr, "Giovanni-" the crusts of their loaves, from in- I -een, peeled, Potato growers in East Lothian ore and a trunk s war building at a A , . Then, it she has arranged private ar-e the f ufl robes Of the Knights of 'plantain is gathered gr 'a - rises as quietly as he can from big scriptions in chalk they had been d of, sliced or chipped, and put Out to have found this season one of the cost of $2,400,000. ' . little chair .and tintoes out of the forced to give their little ones pa- and special interviews with any the Garter, of St. Patrick an t remunerative for many years. chartered banks, 1 6 1 room into the ves�ibule. persons, apart from. officials Or the Thistle; aiad his, Majesty ))a- cure. After three days in the tro- mOs are said to of Canada have their head offices in, 1 ,� I small shoes children, tradesfolk, she iakes these inter- longs to various home and foreign pical sun it becomes dry and hard. Scottish constables I , 4 Eiri I d views before dinner -time. orders of chivalry, for each* of 1 It is then pouad,A in a wooden way in substituting Toronto. � , � Woe to him if his f the 9 glited - and prou , -not, only have. led the - lompany's, :1 . creak 1 He must feel himsel wrote all evening but took these electric band lamps for the old , The Toronto Railway C 0 , .. 6 :object of some very .black looks, After dinner, her Majesty's chief -which there are special collars and mortar and sifted, the result be- ,, �� u h to bed in or-� . faLSliioned bull's-eye lantern. net earnings last year were $2,139,- �i,, for everyoneds trying to hear the relaxation and delight is reading, decorations. 1. Ing a rich, creamy meal, redolent .. � name "Lucia," w�ich is b4L,�ingmur_ der to . . which she keeps up, as a, rule, till Taking care of a kingly ward- of Orris root. Galashiels sewage, and purifica- 928, an increase of $209,015. . 6 U i about balf-past ten. Occasionally robe -of such proportions is natural- -, -ne tion works, which have cost about Toronto custom returns for . the �_ Inured by the teacher. a is BEGIN AGAIN AT DAYLIGHT. . I There are many processes of p. - 6 I 6 than a par I I - Ti orite i 6 um of $14,077ilffl., -ants music forms t of her pleasure ly a very big business, and the two paring it for the tab a -a f&V $300,000, ,are now nearing comple- fiscal year ending March, 1910, more quiet in her movem The usual in � I t On . reached the's I 10 1 6 Giovanni', "Guis�eppe," the teach- terval between the between nine and ten, but she does valets who have charge of it, act- form is a kin�d of porridge, prepar- Mr. Robert Service, nurseryman, . Toronto' even,ue for the, I I first preparation and the accom- not play or singas much'as she us- ins under the guidanc6 of the sup- ed and served in the same manner Dumfries, one of the best known fiscal yeax I and a funny s postal� i . I 4er next softly calls, plishment of writing is in children ad to do when yuunger, and reading erintendent of, the wardrobe, have a's other leguminous and f i ending arch, 1910, was , littl-e� boy silently joins the others . arinaeo- field naturalists in -Scatland, died ,$1,709,493. Montreal's was $1,063,- � I in the hall. of 4 years a month and a half, in or sewing seems to interest her rushing, folding Ong substances, which has a, decided recently in his 67th year.' 228. ; . . I c'. She continues to call in a mys- children of 5 years the Pariod is most at night. As a rule, you may and arranging the differerit items saccharine taste, and is very pala- : part in Toronto has over "O manufac- i I . � - I seeing that tablei. It is serveLt in this form to 0 66 shorter, usually only a month; and take it tbat,11 p.m. always sees the from time to time anc The Raxl,of Minto tooli I terious whisper until a, dozen bam I an interesting ceremony at Soudan turers, who pay over $29,000,00 2, , � . . one of the little ones learned to Queen retiring to sleep; and Only they are always pro'perly pressed children and ntly,- when a memorial year to Operatives,- who nu ber . 1, �, I bini have stolen out noiselessly and write v W . convalescents. It is Kirk race . in . 11 ; 11 tiolemnly. Then the game is Over. ith all th,4 letters of the al- State functions are allo ed to in- and ready for wear. I sometimes made into fla,kes and battle of over 70,000. I I ; 6 1 , . tablet, associated with the I I 11 Nothing that savors of prolong,ed phabet in twenty days, terfere with that ,excellent time for It, has been said of King George, served -with cream as a, breakfast Otterburn was unveiled by Lady Eight hundred and thirty-sevell. I � . , I - � 1 � mental tax is permitted to be con- After either a month or six retiring. I as it was of the late King', that he food, and is also made into differ- Duuglass. . . tho�!rand people attendecl Toron- � . tin -Lied for'any length of time in. weeks, according, to the a:g.e, the Her Majesty seldom pays a visit never wears the same suit twice; nt kinds of bread ande cookies. 4 10, against �, �� average child writes all the simple to any institu�ion without making a � *14 — to's Exhibition in 19 1 � I the, 6 and just as this was untrue-ofXing When served with milk, or cream it , I . 1 693,686 in 1909. A . � words he, pleases, and usually be- it a "surprise" one. She likes. to .h,.,Va,rd it is considerably more so THE MARRYING AGE, - . �6,4' I . "'HOUSES OF CHILDHOOD." gins to write with ink, After three drop in quite unexpectedly aad in the present case, big Majesty compares favorably with the best � . Toronto has nine public hospitals i I I e I I months mo-st'of them write well, see for herself how things are done, having a, distinct partiality for car- breakfast foods on the market. For 'What is the proper ageat which for the care of the sick. Altogether 1 6 5how and those of them who have been. and how the work is being'carried ead it is a splendid sub- to g, I � 11 Those who haxe remained in their 't.. married I Lo .there are 62 hospitals, asyliiins ana �_ laces will get the chance to i ost most of making br oking back, one :, tow stealthily they can leave the writing for six months - are equal in out each day. She is most partic'u- their newness and sometimes giv- 5titute for wheat flour, and is .of- finds that tlie great men of the public homes. I .1 I Of their caligraphy to children of the lar in getting the right gort of peo- ins them up reluctantly. On an ten given preference by the Dormni- w . Orld have set no very definite Passenger trains to the number I room the next time the g&me . pub- I - Vas only of 121 enierand leave Toronto each . � tame third elementary class in the pie on any committee with which cans. It is possible for,the plaa precedent. Shakespeare v . :1 ailence is played. When the g ols. In fact, writing is tbe, . average perhaps from I tain meal to bemarketed profitably ,eighte ar- day, and NO freight trains enter I I I 1 1 is ende.d the shutters are opened: lie scho I she is concerned; she often asks an when he entered the In I o . . -the tongues begin to wag easiest and most graceful conquest them herself to serve on it as a per- 20 TO 3o SUITS. by exploiters of breakfast foods. ried state, while lien jonson wait- and leave during, the same day. I . � and . I I I ,game has calmed of the bambini. . sonal favor, She takes a firm stand I I -------.P I ed until he attained his majority. . � � 6 1 . . � again; but the I The tranrition from ,writing to against any charitable movement of one kind and another are dis- A LONG RUN. .1 The great musician, Mozart, was —_ . q�_ � 61 1. I �. I ,sll excitability. Sometimes they . ��� � , ask for it twice a day, reading is not so immediate as One being used so as to. pauperize the carded in each year slid their "When I was fishing in New &-a- twenty -Ave; Dr. Johnson, Sir Wal- I � l �� ,, I of might imagine. A child no doubt people for whom it is meant;. she is places taken by new ones. . M und Burke, and � A FEW B'S, I . . 1-4 ,�,,�� . It was during the vacation, . I e'L land," began the ehampi6n stork- ter Scott� M . I ,a I � . � . . . I Iu�,,, 1907, after the school had ran always repeat a word that he alwayr, trying to help folk to help Some of the old suits are '9 v I 'the important step unti B personally interested. � I ' �� . . I 0 - dLemseives. . away in quar .dl 'teller, "a whirlwind came along Dante left I - bee. � d for six months, that has written, but, as Maria M nt ters where they w, and ,carried off my waistcoat that twenty-six. Napoleon Bonaparte Be progressi Y li . , I n ,qpene . . .1 vel a ve. , i F.., ,� I I I Maria Montessori was first induc. ,essori poi nts out, this cannot pro- The Queen is a, great beli3ver in be much appreciated for the service was hanging on a tree over my was twenty-saven, while � big great Be prodigious in enargyi � ed,to consider the instruction of p be called reading. character, as against sentimental they will do," well as for the more . . arsary, the Dulte of Wallin t Orly head. It had my watch in it, and adve g On; ' Be pushing in business. 11 I children in writing and reading. in teaching to read she banishes talk and feeling, and she will ii -ever obvious reason -which Iatterl as is I - I : ,Ong� the traditional syllabary, the ' . 'a b, pander to. way popular fad of the known, would not be advertised a tailor)s account. Well, the whole was' ten years older. Both Byron Be punctual in appointments. . I She conferees to have been stx L of ab, b a, ba" of our childhood� day -however enthusiastically it Such as are not given away in tZ outfit sailed away out of sight in a and George Washington 4�hospl Be painstal6ng with,,customers. #* i � I ly prejudiced ,against the ide� d as few seconds. twenty-saven as their fortunate Be. patient with cranks. 1;, � , , . putting. such a strain upon thle im. Wha,t she does is to write in clear, ,.may be taken up-tinless the fad' be manner .are generally ,regarde 11 . �"Seven years later a party of !Is year. Martin Luther had,reached � Be pleasant to all. . I I � I mature brain$ of children under 7. cur,slv,8 script upon pieces of card- eminently so -Lind and sensible, the perquisites of the valets, - tiv -he weak. I I �,'� , ,� , . . T � n the board numbers Of wor& already _*X4_ A part of the Kingis api�arej were camped on the same river, forty-two and John Wesley forty Be protec -a to t 11" , .,.� , he first request came frot � . I � 11, 11 -ore they joined the Bane- I Be perfect in conduct. . � . � children themselvo's. So -me ,of the well known to the children, for the hi h reuives the closest atDe� tic about a mile further up, and there seven bef " THE.WAITING GAME. w le I . .1. . . : � ., I I f familiar ob- . hich is chiefly, if I found ray watch and the same old diets. But Thomas Parr, better ,, �, I , Wore ambitious young aspirants to most part names o ' . I . is his footwear, w ,-'J'_ I I 11� , ,, . jects, Whenever it is possible the The bachelor and the Banediak not entirel de by'a-very eiriin- tailor's bill twiste,d. through the known as� Old Parr, who died at , I I :� thelligber learning arduously4rew � ered is plac- were returning ho�ne after & night ont firm ,of Y�01011blll -h repittedage of one hundred and , WOULD MAKE HIM CARE. I-. . ,, , .11 an 0 on the blackboard several word ,when once deciph - I and shoe nmkori in ring. It was still runting," t 6 b su, ely hold one.,re . . I ., J 11 . tself. at the club, . London. His Majesty hasbo,otsfor "What"' exclaimed his audience. fifty-two-,� mus r . --�-w --A I . I � I I . I � I , 1� 11 � time's to convince her of their � cap- ed beside the object i ucky married man 1" most of I...s ctiffer lit un jug.�6-w-'Who was it that said if' , I ,�,, ity. of the mothers And this is generally possible, for "Ali, you I a .if Orris,, as "You want us. to believe that the cord, for the last time he married , � � � � ,C Then some lood possess sighed the bachefo,r. "Think of well as walkifig boots and shoea� force of the I tornado wound tip your hit age was sordewhere 'a Out One he could make the songs of the peo-,' . � I i, I came ,to the, directorate in charge the hou-ses of ehil( . . , I . b 0 .l � ­L�: t6 say that,, as their children learn� most of the commorl objeats of having a hearthstone, a real home, ts . vening ahoes watch striTiciently for it to run sev- hundred and twenty years.1 . pie he wouldn't caro wbQ made that I I � I I I � I . � I . I I I . ­.:-01�_ laws,V' . . I � Ill: I . . , I I ed everything at tho Casadei Barn- daily life. if not, in full size, at all a waiting welcom ero is in great variety. ' These Are made an years." I . . I I I . � � I I 1. I � , : bini wiihout fatigue, they could rate in the form of toys, , No diz a, light. in the window. for you I" from the very highest quality of "I didn't say the watch war, still mut-5gins-"Don't know, but if , I .il I rot understand why mhe, ahould re- ti,action ii made between easy and "Gracious I ,SO ther's is,"', mut- Selected material on specially MOd- running," ,replied the s0ryteller, Other men ,may p-rofit, by 9-004 he's t�e chap wbo's maldng the, �` - I I I 1. � I � I � . Ilse to lefthem read .and write; diffieult words. All iNor,aa in ra- tared the Bene4ick. "Well, there's pl.0d �ag�r; and such is the care.that, lightiug a cigarette, .111 wat refer- luck, but every man admits, his own 8u,11,gg of t�,ie people nowa&.Lyq I'd. � � I � . 11 ' , � a., . , ,, i . , ! is I ... �,, in the -elementary schools it rould tionally spelleA Xt6lian are equally ,only one way out of tliait­let's go exercised in the workr " 1. I I I ' t it 0 I h t 0 h u ' a , I *� w " a a"""sg -� c p ' h , 0 ' .V1 I I 11 Ab I I' 14 , , , , � i I I I I , � � I , � I int , i t coopful g coo , g to rest a ' n,es to r dua - ones grad 11 O com expect alld be e XP a I to , v it t ev �r r to _ a a he a �_ 7 . _ , , , , , , 4 1 1 11 k � J lianabip, ring to, the tailor's bilL IV,g, run. success is duo to his rare good 1 jurf, F.ke 'to have the making �4 0t I .. I I � ,., �. . iwont who kn,tA As tho club." . . and 15t. &pet ning yett" � I . . I I I laws a littlowlv.5el Tbat'sadlill 1. . I 1; I � t be half so ,easy., I 0asy to . . .. black to tho I that as much as 14s I judgment, � ., I � . I . I . . :_1 I . I . . . 11 , - , �� . 11 . . .1 . I � . . . . I � . I I � . I . � �T � ,. � I I ., � ­ ..: '. . I I I I . I I ., I . � 1. . . . . .1 . . I . I . I . I ., . I I I . . , I . I I .. �. . . I . � I . I � . I I I 1. � . . I I ,. I " . . I I . � I � 1. I � I . 11 . I . I , I I � � I � . I I � I I I I I i I I -, . I � . I I I � I I I I . I . I I 11 �: � I . � � I Y '-p � � . . ' I . I .1 4 . I 11 . I I I I . � I I I I I I I . . I - � . I . I . . . . I �. � : I � I . . I - . . . I . I , I I . I . I I I . I, I . I I (I . I I . . I I , . I , I . � . . .. � . � I I . : . � I . I � , 1 JJ4 . ' . . . � " , � I ,. I I I . . � � I - I . �: � I . I . , . � I � I , I I I I . . I I � 11 I .�_� I � �', L ,� I �111�­­,. I .. I 11 I .1 .1. I �� ... . ... . — .1 .1. i . .. . I � I � . � � . .. I . . I 11.1. - . -1 I _. ­ � I _. I � I � ­ 1. I 11 ­.. ­ 1. I — ­ I I .1 .11 I 1- .... �.. . � . , , " ,�.. , , ­'. 11 - , I , , ��, I I I . . — .1 . I � I.— I I 1 .— 11 11 � . 11 ­ — 11 1, I .1 -1111-111 ­­ I — I -111-11 — � -:11, 111. I -11- ­­ �,­.. IMA