HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-29, Page 1Wo
"4 U 01, Oil at
Not Wodhor: Speclolls Ws wook 0 Paris Green,
b,, .25o There is & reason Ve,
Rexall Foot Comfor vy we ha
44 J 10pol deman.4, for 0-ar"MIS
We= pow 5e
'h� After Year, On w4YA
a tomer., V
cea, Customer'
r0ve,en, cost,$ no 01
fails� sure death to bogs,
W's 60101phlo D.
Huron& NMI esex Gazette
Ug Sto
001017S or
'TJ1IBTV�FIGHTR YRAR�XO 1962 EXETER, 019T, ()ANAr)A, TJWp,81)Ay ao
RXIN0, JUNE 29th 1911
00 pe)r 'I,
Exeter Dpfeats
Locas, worid. 'we liare illow i,
uoc'!�siq to ftLi"I
The Creditoll "Stars($ havin Hou. M)"'. King. Makes
g got sip lea W HUSton I
in the habit. of Amerlc-�ns but there is a doty. otid
MAY it r ,a 0, winning ball games M xas retirned from
JONES & that lost year Itha durty to $I, -
Pretty sick sensation. , Hamilton.
# when they ba Good Impression, 800A0, Vott illustration U Xz.
# Photte No i, d Logo down before the Miss Effie Treble visited in Leon took "bl)TSeS ,Y,,,,,
1404404 Urlift 11; !is
Exeter boys Monday night, The score Rqn� W, L, �IcKenwra X
a week. a & t generally Collauded that 11,�3 will 4eL
was 7 to 0 whea the game. wound up. acfdrc�s on x��clproc�,ty ta A r,,ew
One of the largest crowds that Up and Mrs 0. Lindenfield visited, in Lho Ames alneet Blottiodiet stioas faoi: less ca horsos toan on 6ther
have Dashwood over Sun afook. Vor our beB,t olais Of lioredo
been on the EXete Year$ day. and 1'eft 'a Very fav-
apf Oua4S for
i�a b l'.� wo have no betftr�w iinarket than flle
witness dthe defe of the visito Mrs S. Quance returned Monday impression on the aa:th- Ualted'S(falbea anix Ithora jt$ 1110
and the rooters went off 'in spasms After $Pending a fPW (18,Ys in London, ering,, W. V�
for. i§oiah Huron was 'the the, Domialon, that can I?ro- y
Carling the pitcher struck out. la Oi Mr, J, Copeland Of St. Marys visited -01ther ditoeL M r S ilk I
Hot wTT eather The. arera,go prIc-of or �ieavy 4ralbalitl
Goods khe Stars while, King Faliner, the Ore.� friendain town Tuesday. speaker. Mr. A. W. Sillith 21 beftor ULan In Ontarl
diton twirler, only struck out eight o� Mr. �B (or North Xddlesex -was unabla to lr4 New 'york last ye M
Ott Luxton of Montreal, Que,, be rrese& qwjn� to lilnegs. $ ae in-
�'Soq 110 i�u
$Ja50 �Jtr
theRxeter boys, Thefirst four inn- is holldw�irig at his home here, Mr. McLean tho6 first speaker, was Frotoldto, Akl
4ngs looked doubtfril as Crediton scor- Mro and Mrs Nell of Fullarton via. pleased to have on t1w jilatror ' oil for other plas3os. Tito av,=Za
JULY ig * ed two the first and one in the second E;U price on theLrAmericair mark6?lta wasf
the month for the lonk, hot da�s; You * while the ho ited. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Dow, over n. Ilan, Mr. 1(jills, One Of 1hu youhgpe's�t, ' ar I
me boys had failed to day. ' awterially higuer thus affording
cross the plate, - There was exhibited 6101k and orw, of the ablest Of' Sir better a -
will want cool cloths. iler� is the plaCe for some brands of Mr Rd Farmer Wilfrid's cabinet. m, rket. E;,condly. be took I
returned to London
fast ball. In the fifth bat -toy. �Ther,e.is now a dtity of �01 SAVERS
them We have, all kinds of proper goods for the tfr. McLean sold tha!t tho qirest o:1V
innings Orediton scored another and Tuesday after visiting in and around cents W bilshel, A few yomrs allo I
of reciprocity wais i:ho inost"i
Summer. Exeterscored. their first. Exeter tal- Exeter ml)olr:' therd was no icrap,;ao,fpxofktaWa and,
tant questjoo that has coltie ibafora�
lied two in the sixth. In the Sixth Mr. Tas, Atkinson, William Street, IqIrliament silice '�Coufedar,.�tion and there, is no. coan. 4-y owivz to elima tleL
innings Carling let two men walk and is having his house improved b Dontltmed on Qaj�e 6
n, Fh,,, lent to bat there now roof. a ho,ld inevar bave been, inadc, L po- T U
when K! Cal '4� Am OUR
were three on bases. Fahner . r�Lile'q rjO n. I i,3 JJOL by anyr Ifi6a 'Vief oria Xi -
struck Miss Muir and Miss Stone of St. ineaus a riaw quet.31tion,, js,q id tje� ners. Nyho reoebtly
+ out and Hoskins dropped the ball then Marys visited Miss 0. Quance a few speaker 11 ftcaqp-
ter4dered 'hier rbsi a
SUMMER DRESS -GOODS WASH GOODS + Fahner started for first and the To my Certain know.led,go 11.0 4 ha:15 ae-
men days last week, it lliw ell before ILhe 'Govor,n�medb or 'Of 'S -r f-- !NO, 5 -
on bases started to run, Hoskins threw hepted a, �dsltior_ o Urloilr1n,
In Toklo Silks, � Plain Silks, Plata and f ingliamp, 0* 1 Ith", new, Vlc�o,'ria
ancy g to first getting the man � there then AtRo
k Church, Russeldale, last for 35 years'- Shortly after Donfed
* Muslins, Lawns, Embroider- . cliambrays, reppe, dupks. lin- Steere returned the ball home and got wee a togi-aph quilt was sold to eratioll 'Ulu GoVarxiateat presided school at Godericn. CA
ens and galateas. A big' va- that runner out making a t one person for I
9 ies, Voilee and Mullsi All the riple play. $5500, ovor 'by 'Bir John A. XcDanhld senl�"r
0 riety of patterns and colors score B403rown to W"hingtoll j.o Confer BORN
Iq the seventh Exeter d three, in and famlIN I
10 new shades at reduced prices. to choose from. Mr R Huston T leave this 181,.)l Sir jo,&11f FUNK—Ia Tfamiltor), on June 2
0 theninth Crediton scored two. The week for t . help summer cottage Out- ` 10" !reciprocilty.
0 BtqDonald dissolved -parliameul' for a% 66 WellinAftan street X. !to Mr.
-0 LADIEW WHITEWEAR SWELL WHITE WAISTS, rata came on .1 List after Exeter made side Inn at Grand Bend, the Purpose 'to zet a mand.nrba ffQM an&Xxs, Ctirls. B. Vin9r. (ne-e Otiv,2
their winning* run in the ninth and Mrs G P. Oonnor and little son. have tile peopL- !to negotlate reellyroiclLy. Westedt't): of dail ber.r
6 Everything in the, ',white" Kiniona sleeves, abort or 0,; everybody left the field. Kerr of Ore� returned hoine after, spending the last J1Q ST-MiLCK—At tHillagreen on June I'
0 wear line is shownr here in long sleeves in the best styles *0 diton umpired the baset. and T. Boyle two months visiting friends in b1te that tv L nt over anti got alt xgreeJU04,it to Mr. and r -Mrs. Arniv Stelck. A 1h In-=
the daintiest fabrics. Ski vts we have. ever pat on our # * Stat .. r ' war accented bv 0'.. Govarn�
0 1 Of 'Exeter umpired at home plate. a ort dam?trter,
$1 to $3. Gowns,75c to $2.rio. counter . Prices are all. re- * * F011OW1109 was the line ri)eati b 4�1,etaed by the' American
up; t t S a J,0HX,8,_11A UalborxXe on. Tavxday Jaze WAL
+ duced. - Waists from 75c to 6 Mrs GeOrge Knight of Ilderton: and Tho s-peaker said I ha� I om
Oorset Covers 25c. Drawers $2 each. Crediton 'Exeter Mr, Chas Knight of St. Thorn&- 20th. !to 31r and Mrs. Oha3.'.Johns
25e. are 01 L110 abIlest in,an, of the Cotil3ervative I
# E Fahner I Palmer I here visiting Mrs Chas, Knight," Sta- loaders have :.,one 10 Ifte, Americalo, dftorl. mAra'aMi D
0,0, Fm Fahner I Boyle I tion at, who is still in a Cri n- Ca �ital UO try. to t
tical co I socare rn.1proc?,tyl
F Snell 0 Carling I dition. 11,101 ldmt cou[titry. Ile sliVed GAnDIINER—,11,�&98_1-1011E — On Wed
H Young I Mitchell I Mr. that whern 'Sir Wilfrid Laurier,eaiu,�� nesday Jun6 24h, Stella dati.3litir
R F ahner 0 and Mrs. Aquilla, Sheere after a 111to power ha wfalit" t of Mr. and Alrs.i Tho3- Ilaissmore.
All Millinery at 1-2 Price Duplan I few weeks visit with friends left Tues- to a .0 Wvshingtba
0 F Kerr 0 'y bitt was iu;nsac- at- Usborne, 'to Mr. Ar'thur �Por
+ Hoskins I d ir home in L tran't " xi,
* I Fabner' 0 Bellwood I omansilig, 'Rich, 00.90b,i), A telv montbii4 4um'Washioj, diner, by Rev. Colin Fletchox,. 3L
After our most successful millinery season we are going to 0 Fr T aJev= by St. Th as where they 'ton, CalX10 to Cal)�Lda and negotiatio&_ A
clear out the balance of our S ummer stock at j net J. price, We Brown 2 Creech 0 willspend afew days.
H Fahner,, I Steere 0 SNELL—DAXER—In Exebar on Wed
were opened wiffi Ithe rej�ft that
mean exactly what we say. Soif.youneed anything ia. head 7 Mrs H, Whiting, of London, !a via- Hon. Xr., r1iled.6ig and Zwi. a1r. Fat- nesday Juva 28th, Flaida 13extrice
0 wear, come along and get a bargain.. Score by.inni iting her father Mr, John Welsh Lon- tersoli wer-a ;sen't to W�Ishiuqtoa an4 dau��hteV of BIr. and Mrs. Xowton
Credit6n:-2, don Road nottb, having come home returned Nvrth t Bak,_�r, rt6 Bir. &1ilo 0, NV.. 'Snell.
131 01 1. 01 o, 01 2. —Or -lit� terms of Ilie a;roe
4� All Millinety at 1-2 Price Exeter:— 0 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, -277 for a rest rand, to recuperate after her ment 'Lli&t iihis cotmftry'has,beea try- by Itev. J`,�A- Snell .13a'ldo=. Oal.
0 Hits off Fablner 8 recent operation. She is improving ing, to gelt for years past. WOOD—BIWSEI—Iln Winnipeg, on
Hits off Oarli g 9 rapidly. "If we find the mgre,-�mexij nleets Wednesday, June 28th, Blists, Eth:4�1
Struck out by Fabner 8 Deco 'on Day, ihe cxpedlta!,�ilnos of tho, people Nve bf. Dxush, of Torun'to,"k-o -Mr.- AT-
rati —On Sunday after thur B. Wood, of Welwyn. Sask..
Struck out by Carling 13 nocal can. �con,%Inm, ft: says Air.
&at the Oddfellows held their .if ,, f��.
READY-TO-WHAR FANCY SUNSHADES Errors Crediton 4 d it does axot meot '1yitL. son, of Mr. and Mrs. X. T. Woud
annual Decoration Day, when about " , i ,, Of 'town. 13
A,* SKIRTS Errors Exeter 3 our exiiactation ire cau repeal tjorly Mens Suits '5 to
W a have a big assortment thirty members drove to the cemetery ThoLproposed a;re-mient (bat'is DIED
In linen or repp in a good to show you in any shade to N 0TZ1 S 0-ri THE GAME anddecoratedtbe graves of fifteen before, 1the -Public �ss m6t 'hin4in.-g. If AIRT11—In Exeter, on TuesdiLy, the
wash skirt. Also black, blue match your Summer dress. Gate reociptS $i4.30 deceased brothers. 27th lust., Mrs Margaret Airtb,
4 or brown cloth skirts either Of 'Llre countries fiwd That it Boys' Suits 2 to 7
ferent new styles. -in dif- Prices 50c, 75c, $1, $2 each. 'ot The larZest crowd to witna�s a. Corifirm%tion--Oa Sunday last Bis- is rent advalUt,44C0,113- cau ropeal, it I relict of the late James Airth, . in
ior:U-X%�'t�`ar tor years. hop"Williams of London, held conf her 81st ybar
Irm. within twor (Jay., t11,O or 'Wo CROCK-ER—Ta (Toron!to on Sutiday. hirts 35C to 1.01"
0 Carling is the Kandy Kid now. ation.ja zhe English Church at the years. S
morning. service when 21 mem. The fSpeal.er thea !polnted out sorne Juncjfth, the iiifant child of BIr
a never Pitch -ea beltiter ball.
bers were confirmed. The Bishop of (the 'd3r4azs lt would do for uA. it, and trs. Ed. L. Crocker
faded. nat 11-o R2 millions V0EbXER--Au. Da'shwood o�
went tor Hensall in the afternoon 1411'vo an Oiivn. innrl it F ida, Odd Pants 0435c UP
Kool Wearables for Men Teddy 13i,_% -n made a pr,�.tty -two in his 55th
where he also held confirmation. of people who are th,.,, bi,,,Xest spend- June 23rd, John Voi.,Ik
base hit -to centre fi�ild. ers per head of any jp�,oplc in the year.
Quite a large number of children
Derry*s alrl�ht he red,-�erncd him- Overalls SMACks
UNDERWEAR 0 self. from here and the surrounding coun-
All the new ideas are here
All.for the hot weather. Crediton rooters are fainthoar�ed, tryare busy this week writing on 4 ....................... .
their'entwknce examinations hold here ........ to 1.00
in the best colors. Soft col- Sox all colors in plain and �0, M.r (Hoslcin3 and Steere �.,aCh 4' aM' +
Zntr -TheExetet4igb,aud Public Schools + +
fancy -at 25c each. Under- 'I
-lars, lounge collars -and big 04 nice tnul int the. aev,�nith, 111111AX3, .-ir'midsummer ex -
and low collars. w Crediton had an +
ear in all sizes. K INN& :1 OLN Q-2 S Underwe,
Idea ;L110Y Ivould ams. V -11 -washed
be mobbad. but they got the besti of .1. CAKL m
STRAW HATS, DUCK TR 0 trea:1 in o at. That- is vvhat o.ue The Ladies
OUSERS,BELTS of th,� TrIvitt +
Guild of the
& FANCY VESTS. 0 Creditoa players said. anyway. Memorial Church will hold their an- itlacks can owlin," re -
0 nual Garden Party on the Rectory +
- The Ureditott Star wriber of th-� +
G rounds on Friday evening JnlV 7th +
Crediton, g,ame must have had a Vlp4 Underwear, 'V,.
00 dream. +
# * +
00 fi �0'
furnish the music—Admission l6c + I -
the London Harpers (four pieces) will J, CARLING'S is the next best place to out of doors Id ;P4
ArL *41 9. Exeter and Centralia Jrs, played the children 10. + these days. Nice and cool and refreshing inside. 6 Ir C
00 return game on Friday June 23 score Wood—Brusb—A quiet, wedding
jqjilles May ++ You may make all necessary preparations here for +
being 11 to 5 in Exeter's fav +
or, both took place in Grace Church Winnipeg + your holiday outing in + Work Sox, W0019
teams played good ball. T. Carling's on rWednesday June 28th when Miss + V�_
umpiring was satisfactory. Exeter I Ethel M Brush, of Toroi2to, was unitr- J' +
line up; Swept ii� Hoskins D, Steere Ist ed in marriage to Mr Arthur R Wood + + 2 prs 25c
b, Pethick 2nd It, Birnev as, Bissett 8rd manager of the Rome Bank at Wel- -+,- Suitinc;s, Repps, Muslins, Foulards, Etc. +
As fl r, rwb r% WAKE b, Snell If, Mallett cf, Fuke rf. Cen- d Mrs.J + 6 %_
tralia, Bloomfield p, 61liott c, Demsey wvn, Bask, and son of Up an ' Work Sox 10c per pair
let b, Dbplan-2od b_Essery as, Luker T Wood of town The young couple We have only a few left now, but will give you a
3rd b. Mitchell If, Bay were attended by Miss M Moss of +
MM ti -KO rf. nham cf. Ussery Burlington Beach and Up T L Mcil- + bargain while the last. + Black Cashmere 20C
+ y
hargey, of Winnipeg After the cer- +
emony the party took a taxicab to the +
013 Coronation Day the city OF Royal Alexandei -Hotel where, + + Fancy Cotton
6001T) GOODS LOW PRICES Brantford offered a prize for the beat + 20c"
decorated house lwthe� city and it was special dinner v� as served Mr and +
awarded to Mr. Ran4;ori. The decor- +
Welwyn The groom is an. Exeter + _'Idd Coat ' � Stiff Hats 1.50
Mrs Wood left the same evening for + Gents' Summer Suits, UA s
+ 4.
atiug waR done by Misses Nina and Old Boy ar,dis held in the highest +
W innie Carling, daughters of, Mr, and and Coats and: Vest.8
esteem by a large number of friends +
Mrs. T. B. Carling of town. �Felt Hats 50C to 1.25'
while the bride is well known having +
Sizes srom 35 to 38—all to go at SAORTFJOE PRICES.
.01 Vening—On Monday even visited here on several occasions +
Mr J G Joce's Young Men's Bible There many friends will join with + Regular $3.00 for $1.48 Regular 8.3.50 for $1, iu
them .6 1. ' 4.00 Shoes for '2 #915
019'es were verV pleasantly entertain the Times in wishing a happy + 4.25 and 4.50 for 2.00 +
ed bv one of the members, Mr Ruisell and prosperous journey through life + 0,00 11 4.00 +
s- 33P 31, 32, to clear at $1.7 +
May, at the home of his parents, NEr Death of Mrs Airth—Mrs Margaiet + Also 3 Boys' Suits, size + 5.00 4.00
and Mrs John May, London Road 4 8
South, Alrtb, relict of the late James Airth, +4 +
About fifty were Present and passed away Tuesday, 27tb, at the +
an excellent program o: speeches and advanced age of 81. Her maidev name +
music . was given RefreAhments were was Margaret Brown, and was born + Work Shoes all K'nds
served by the h6st.'ad fiostess . . +
a in Xillfin, Pertlisbire, Scotland, Jana
ary—Tho funeral Of Cut
'the rqb�, ary Nub, 1831. She was first Gents' Sailor Straw Hats +
married -
Ed -war + hildrens Jumpers Me
d H: Fish. mention of. whose to James Wilson, also of Scotland. in t +
death was made last 1",e&. itookplace 1857, and, emigrated to Can, JUST A FEW LEFT. +
ada, the
on Ufriday to !the Exet,_,r oametery. + +
same year, settling r1ear Spriogford. +
These are all to go at bargain pgices—$1.50 and $1.775 for $1.00—
The late Bir, Triah 1j,'dg
Another. shipment Of 1o.Vh in the where Mr Wilson died in 1859 In 1861 + and lower prices reduced accordingly.
'lald Of Wight. Englainid and aime "to
Mrs Wilson was married to James + +
with his pareribs, whan' Vincent,, of E I �iu Coun I ty, bv whom + -i and Straw Hats +
Brockville Mowers. Ex o this coanXry A Few Children'r, LineA
tra g@od value for a yanx. old. Thoy settled tit Long, she had five children: James of Lake + +
$4.00 ribint. Xorfolk cou,i�ty, where Mr.— field, MesJobit McFarlane of Hamil + left to qleax out at regular 50c. for 40c—regular 35c fur 28c—i egu- + Come in and See t6a
Keep out flies All, ri ish '8pent Itis boyhqpd dt�s. He' ton; Malcolm of Otosshill; Annie and lar 25c for 200. + Is kw
learned his trada na barber in' 8�% Louis D. of Exeter +
Others np t sizes in stock. Good Nfr Wilson died +
0 $6.50 Thomas larid after worlinIq ia dilf�ir- in 1878 +
10 1889 Mrs Vincent was mar VAL
value for ...... $1.0%- ent 'plaeos came ito Ex,.,ter about 35 ried to James Airth ot Exeter, wbo + UES YOURSELF
Naers *40� Three viontlia tb-aEorie predeceased her several yeara, 'Mrs +
Othars up to $2.00 Coming her,�,, ho NlrinS MEL."rie'd to -his We bave just received it fLw dozen of +
Airth has been in &elhaing beAlth for J, +
1101v sOrrowing, widio1w. Por. t_birtY some ticne, especially during the past ++
years.,, IT Y cared
11,11g ful. borbor 1bu,%iae3a in. the preratse's
Ready Roo' r. F4.41i Londuetcd a SSLI".�Ss- year, but has been . tender] + Sp e C, i ao, I Ladies'-flemstitched
Fi kow cocupied by Sir. P, wihi�, 'to at the howe of ller* esolt2(,'r1inogailoto rest +
for by her ni y
Speciul prices to a A The +
redU08 whOih !be "Icl Out live Yvxtr!; agoi tradition's of the land HVkTs
a + +
of her birth +
stock fir"k)" !"0' Vi%W were deeply cberi,,-bed and the
healtlal -,-ave out an,d �iryoe it-h,.tt psal.Ins,
whethCP Vead Or sting, whidi we will clear out at 8 for .2.5c tin dy
1W hus M0 be,011 in itfie best of healtli: � brought new inspiration. Tbeh it + +
Amatite Roofing, regu- TIC -b-641, Stifferod consid-rably froka was she would epealt to her patitot. of +
lar $2.50 for. ae + +
ute rboumatism rand kidinfay troubD4 the days of her Youth in',.Scotfand +
regu- death be was certip,olled lo Take hi +
5 bed. althmi,�,,11_bia byterianChureb,baving first linited We have just afew pairs left in Tans and Black, which we -will,
$2.50- for ........ $2.2 deatb w-lio quite ffiScotlanol andwals married in the +
Mr. rt i h
�Roofing, Paint 75C,p6r gal. of, ltbe, Anvitnt� church before leaviria hot, native laind + Clear out at a discount of 25 per cent.
Ordt)tv of Fc).rr,4tor3 + + Bdawclen
Quallity Brand 'al" 11)revi`ORA !to his Mri,`Airth was a rtleft1ber Of'Wei PreS + Gents' Oxfords
was 6L Veimgof areticient-dispogition. slie +
Paroid Roofi well-.knOwn. said,little, yet she ever expressed + +
.9 4r a r ti� _h� +
Keep cool by wingelle Paper. (111.41:6ein by all, Ile pikoure intho vi�.its of hot pastor
Ayrta 11,he �Vhit;& # +
6ad upon the Rest call oe tile present +
oil Fresh Crocerl()s always on hand
------ i-ld ota family of, twelve and witl 'q
ox out, Off Stx)vos. Two niiiiister, placed in Elie hari& of hot +
exclePtion of o, ahild )that died children the data for this article to be +
r ng in IrAancy, �the fkvst brealt iA �Lqj,�, given 114t, pasto + A,% lir V
burners, sp�,pial ...... 1.00 Ideal 1'enci ta-ken + i hest Pt -ices Rild Por 'Vroduc Iry
7, 8 and 9 wires 2*5c sl�ter died hil b-oreaved ij�i� riwhe." 6odb.1d
Her life being WO fourscore. had
faniilY oeeursed,last summ�rwh" I" her 9
Vb dow two dau'ghlterm sur its labors snd sorrows, yet the All kind U NG
Others up, to $1 L00 per rod up. Coiled., ba rive. blim—&n- cheer. a of POULTRY taken at market prioesf.
)Ile ot boyna and Arlsri Vranek��, . of ful smile was ever upon bar face and
d e at I tbe,kirid Words fell from her lips, +
an weaving wk OWeSt Moston. Amorg, t,h,;Ac IvhO CLUQnd-
0-re.gs $2 00 up PrIces.A. ed the fu,n4ral. ,i,re gr, q1py'l Nri,8. op� expiessive of thanks foi, kindnepses
porman of, 13,aj; 01ty3tich , lq.rj. I�Tohl it g,ven Just as the sun sinks quietly T V_1% S Iry
of Rodney; .5tentry ian-A ltobkl,t .11'istl at eyentide, t'hus did her spirit
4 the other side wasrtbe,dawn
Of Gleafivodd;. (INor?e vilh, CA koLr- an +
folk cioutty; 'Mrs, Ackla,Od L6n�ij, HeltuaAla new day, wlijeb BUS11
Iry ;(,�7 , 1� I � rs,
W J.: Carl1*11
"d son, of Bxantford -and Mr, a' fades, "And there ;hall �)e no 111gl1r,
fleall"Ild, fl's flardull, re Uvo StOre ris �n
jtrs. 0�1,;of.Wa t. Xaryo, Item"