HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1911-6-22, Page 127 -77 7' -w00' -4 Dental Offices Closed. wrket Reportft—The kollQW409 i Mr, Unies t3eeA, 1)(10 V0010 0 1 from A the 4,01,QXt of 4,x(, ior nkarkets vor, the West. milly take not!" kbat my office reeted up )to J611'a Vad, Mies 1 W. -Allk Rowe Is un(jer I he dk f - 's olose'd every w4driesdixy.0tergoom, Mlheaz 78 vents. 0, cAre IYA. BOT-TTASTOW. 4 TA. w` W A Oazs '35 eent3. LZ *< Mr, Weidienhannuer goes to ki I s0l i, Do People. Rend Barley UO to 05 oQhtG. next week topreaide au tho.*.ex,kiince FLOSINQ NOTICE I U10 IV 4 0 4 . , 0 .3 k li t 45 Ito 5 qeat 4 L Jeape. remember that my Dental 0 1), 0 Z us 7 t a 75 gro. Blizabet.1i Shiwp. t,f Tottioi i office, is closed ever wedmesday after-, I ts PHONE 16 $20.00 an ev, 8" KINSX4N, Advertisem-en. "02.00 h ), is visiting her mother, 11 Won. Shorts I$ F, Sharp, Just a few items from the many big values offered this week 'Model Flour §2,40 Mrs. X. 0. Sillof Rei tin is Spending estPIA In Ord or b ot Sol ve this m we are offerring the bigg NO. Reme rob everytbi rig we, sell is strickly reliable and thoroughly F4 eed f lour $1,45 problei BA Ezgs 15 et nts. afew weekewith hot and and SEWING MACHINE R%AINS that were everoffeie4. dependable. Your money refunded for any j tist cause. The Place Where Good B,U7'tter 17 t, ;etp, Mrs, S. I ert)lau Potatoes 05 e,,:A,0q Mrs. Win. Ruckinghaul, ( c Kansas Clothes. Come Prom Ray Mo. Otty, Missouri, !is visitit grt-btivesandt A Beautif ul Upright Piano Louisxv Design ........... Qj a White Law 11o3s live 7 05 friends in and around Exeter, Finiolied. in Uahogarir-, Manufactured in the most up-to-dat Choice expart C00 'to 6,J5 Mr. F. NV. Gladw%n r torne3liorne kda, Aquippe it German felt and wive d with the bee _Nledlam export sbcvrs 5,90 to 6,00 factory in Cant - The trusses uesday everilng ?tfter SP(nding the which will retain a mellow tome for an indefinite period, Underskirts Common txpori sbc rti 5,6b to Eli and pilasters are carved out of solid mahogany and the piano is guar- 41 5,75.0.,00, pas6 week in Toronto on business Choice biit6 rs helfexs .50.5.(-6 Miss VanoUa Frayna r turaed anteed for an unlimited time. Two 3pecials. A diam butchers 5 S Co `s 5.00 to 5N 5 it I r Wcdinosd y 'orminq QqfWl Choice bitcber 8% this piano is it fo double sewn. The 01hoice lanibs 6. ,o ;:n Q.75 Mr. SUM'OY 1154111`% r-kee tier offering 1 `247 75 'to 4.13Q we, Is' vis' -C in, Toudon and St. The regular pric. , but we are The seams are all Medium bucchers tom A 4" of Common eows 4.00 1:) 426 $350, r z) U. 5'' garments are cut 'She -op, 4,CO )to (4.1 15- i of tile 13ijrj,- of Cominvm­ 1,erj- il- ith. .1i hom.! in. wi Stool) Scarf and Free Delivery. S'peWdiing, lita holidays at b" Doades. h for the Pre- ight suits fo of Lohdoe" t r Positively only one'at'this price Va ing style Of The Alessrs. Haskett, hirning on wheeled'op on Stindov. re Hot Weather dress It Las dust Poultry s I r ,;. Richard outer frill 0 Monday, visiting will, frill and Sr. A Cabinet Sewing Machine L Prices $12 up of wide embroid- Up to the evening of June 30 th we Stroct_oornmjss'.on, r 13'tnl;, tt has Finished in Quarter out Oak,'a1ull set of attachments and guaran- ed with will pay In. trade for live poattry the bad several squaros, of C Imlemt wall, ery, trimm I f d teed for 10 years. This maebine is manufactured by the Raymond following: mflaid. The tsqraros had beien. j e Mfg, Co, of Guelph and we recomend it to you as the best. gogular fine insertion to by the frost. Flannel Trouser. OldPowl.,..... ........ Ile per pcund Al.. I -Ind Mrs. Win. Smith who have price of which is $35,00. Spring Chicks (1911 batch) 25c, boori vist.ting iaround llolv for a Vim, Sale Price match. Very Spec higs in the new, $2275 ial 'at $1.25 and Ducklings ...... . 1. t5c weeks. li eto.rm,ed to th, lr home in Ducks ...... .... ... Detroit bh[is welek. _12c Turkeys .................. 12c Aesigns. Don't delay come in at once. as. these are Chicks to be 3 lb. to the pair. Miss Ethel Northcotb, of Hamilton, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, dollar for dollar values.... A sli htly.. used'. Bell + 9 10 Ducklings 7 JohnNorthoott. She wascalledhome One cent per lb. ltss for cash. owing to the illness of her mother. ano for $150 aiso.a Bell organ taken in ex - White Waists Fancy Parasols 4 Watch'this space every week for Exeter Zodge A. F., & A. M. will # 4, cha P W W TdMdfl P' nge for a iano,' Price $5o. Handsome new waists, the To match any dress. S003e 6 prices. atteo-.I" lvtze Service in the Engll h + .0 designsare new and values very pretty ones to choose Ill T & rea Lirien— JoneS & May Chumh. next Sunday evanirig whai,-i The. -Nifty Man's good enough to call special— from in Embroide Rev, 1), W. C?Dllirs will Dreach. I . . Q I $1,00, $1,50, $2,25. Tailor S. MADTJ 0 at $L25, + Miqs lattie Tlardford who IiWs been j SON ir. roronto for ithe past few moint.ho -0 relephone .3 Exe er Hosiery 0 0 returned bonite last- iroek: accompail In all colors in both Plai 0 0 led ':.y her little wpbew. Alaroldl Gloves in 0 + L OCALS F o.- ta- r. and Lace. Ask to see Pen- 0 .6 Longgloveswill be scarce s Guaranteed Hose. It 400-000-04 Mrs. John Colwell of Exeter while The Gloriou Twelfth this season. We can supply ulan visitingherson Elijah of Cenwalla, ................... ..................... your wants in White, Brown comes in all colors— 35c or 3 Mr;& A. McAvoy is vfi4ting in Lan- had the misfortune lo fall down the + or Black at 50c, 75c and $1.00 for $1,00. don. + 4. cellar Steps, receivin scalp wound Mr W. W. Taman was in Bly tli on and a shaking up. T;e hope for a + Suaday speedy recovery. muslins $ 11 , PRESENTS + Repps Mr., Lee., Sufton, of DebrGit. is On Monday last Messrs. Andrew Several pieces of pretty 4- * + floral 0 * vls it-,nx i;a towal In altnost every slmde cross bar Muslims, very ** Campbell and Charles Monteith re- + known. Thisisavery p suitable for Sacques and. To -day (Thursday) is Coronatil.-oin turned from an extended trip through ovu- lar cloth this season. Re ;j. Girls' Dresses. Special at Day and a public holiday. the West. They report a good time, + FOR THE and aw-- the -crops are looking fine -with ar 25c. to clear at per yd, per yd, 12je. J)h- W- R- `SnuthcOft visitli­ d h. I prospectsof a good harvest, 'nother in Gu,eplh over Sun -day. N + ext 8unday June 25th the + White Skirts Miss whi"e. of Woodat*k_i Vis- 0.. tp, willhold theix, annual Decora- 10 *,6 ltlhz -Mr. and X -r& W. W. Tti iticri 1),y, All the brothers These skirts are very stylish. They aremnade of fine Vene- * 0 +" " GOO t Q ('100060 JUNE # tian Cotton, which is easily laundried. Price fl.75. *4 'The. Hamter picnic will be held !a to R!Vteud will meet at the Mr. Simou Hunter's grove to -d -ay, room at 2 o'tljock u here righs wIll be The Prettiest and Healthist Town + Aiait,':n- to convey them to the oenvw" + 14 (Th a r s da In Canada + Sandals eter.y,, r BRIDES Rew C. W. Baker preaabjel., in tne On Welnesday morning Mr A Short Processiouz + comfort- Main slzec't church on. Sunday evea- ' E. H. + For the Boys and Girls. They are cheap, cool and Fish died at his home on Main St. at Attractive Special Prizes. eveninjg jagt. Are youniarried? + 7 Before making your, pur able. All sizes, at 75c, 85c and $1.00, Mrs. E. b1,cA4oy and w. the age of 60 years 11 months and 9 4; chases for the Bride be sure 0 Children- days. For many years Mr. Fish con- Good Speakers + + Special trains aud.rates, + + of Par! , are v:k in% wr.,tft rela:tves: ducted at barber bu.ijess in town. I Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, to call and examine our in a --.d around Exeter. See bills and circulars for full 0artic- + Stock of + This store closes every Thursday Tbe furteral which will. be vate, + Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks p Spoone Pie + The Sunday school nio of Caren will be held Friday afternoon arti two ulars. A Great Big Day at a Small + soup XmiVes, Presbyterian oharch r' -q held at o'clock. Fall particulars next. week. Price. + Peirl.handlea'butber Knives, Watches afternoon at one O'clock dtfrilig July Grand Bend Ito -day JOS. McNEVIN, A. M. TO D'D. + &­ , I (Thars'I'di) The choir of Caven P esbyt.V;Iau; + Knives ana Forks, AO_v 1 a Secretary Chairman 4- Fish Servers, Carving, Sets, Clocks, 4 0 Missea Ida Iloire and Ida 'Arm- church hiid cbar:,re of the musi a:t + and 'August. -sorvi o a! k n -, I strong -bave returned home after jLt- the anniv6rSary t Xir Lo. + te13Cji;.z Normal school fia Tjo.6diDt F­resbyr.erian church on Sunday t + Wedding Rings Diamonds, CH At ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED # m. las Mr. Goo. Kerslake, who has been + The, 8-anday,j$chool choir of Caren 0'0 Xr. W. W. jItinter. of Newda-te. . - seri&usl ill, is improving. church . furni'shed. i the tou a r. Stock to choose from 4 Nfan., is auendinz a few iveelp,4 + Big Glass, Silver= aw v ei- duriay. ithe absence of the weigular Mrs. W. Martin and Miss Lulu + R5'az N"s -caren't : a Mr. ardid. Mrs,'John choir. In the le'verivag, Masters Wit- Martin. spent Friday last in London. ware,, Pins, Rim Efun1er. + Js Ain ST W Aftaff' ties Manson aii1d Karl WeCdienhammdr M.,,ter Edgar Horney is learning + Air. ",d %Irs. T. H. McCallum leav,, san. i a duet. the mercantile business with Mr.' J. + Which consists of the finest quality and lowest prices making thl to -day (Thursday) Ito open tip their I. summei cotta;,o "Piriecroft" . at DoWt for-e'e tha',maje Ung -to be buld A. Stewart. + the best. place to buy. + Grand Dand. in'the ia cs s treA churob obiods, on Onaccount of illness of a friend + Repairing done on the shortest notice. + ( Friday evening when Ithe rmbjecb of Mrs.. Xonro6 leaves for London to -day + + Itur.&vray—On 'Firiday last Mr. W, recipro6ty will be laken, up. Th'i. (Thursday). + + J.i 13caman's khorse. which wats hitob,-f spcakk jr 3 for 11 be evening will, be Mr. + + oad from town attended the + A I ad to this coal wagon, ran away. Obe M. Y, McLe, n', 1. p. for south Ifa ron + A. Marchand 4b . oe the ii-s..brolve and. Th% , lior&a ran Air. A r_W. Smith.. M. P. for NLO,ith Conservative Convention. at Hersall + + for ai cou;le of blocks. 31,. 0,o Iffiddle'sc= and Ithe Hon. W. L. Dic_ on Tuesdayt + 4- +1 a 'in Mr. and Mrs A. A. Cameron and a a 0 Smallacombe was dr!,Vn-v j1t -,it. the Kerzi-a Rihig. Minis'er of I bor Jewler and Optician time. the Domin-.:;n Cabline!t. Mr. Xing faffiily of Oak LakeMan." are- visl Ing -10 ont. Mrs. 1. Drimaeombe. will be the pflnicipal sp mrs Weidenhammer in town. A M 0 U S, v E% IN` A BED" * Exeter of Hargrave,, ,,makor of ltn!o lir and + Man_ w"Is vivilting her sigter Miti. evening. and everyone, 1'(rrespect,,'vc.of Miss J J. Allan. eye eight specialist, + S -V h I e 11 Jh Itha Volit"ICS a=fd he Sure 'to hQOX bilm. will be at. the Commercial Hotel Sat. ................. ........ ........ 0 Smith iionca v o -*s v, ry 1 Ladies are,L ^ted Ath. Oned yonly si ital. Lanidon, ard im now spend- Bpiec4ally inv and the urday next, June 2 a Ith Mrs. Wilson' mvd Mrs. John Northcott; who was tak Never caused half the Sensation that out Stock "fem, days wi front Seats are belaz nn5erved for MAIN 1: Our pur -war<l before Icaving for liar- them. en seriously ill,,on Sunday, has im. r aad Prices are doing this season, obases'of F ire at Clandeboye. —Th large grain proved and is on the way to recovery. S1311day last Rev. 13. Snell. of storehouse at Clandeboye, b"ide the 6 oon. o: ol James Grand Trunk station, dwried by Mr. Mr Phillip Greenwood amid grand- _ogbt.r, Miss Mina Greenwood, of -7 4 cn t o*,mv eall's. B zaa tl 350. 1:110 - R. G. Seldom, of town, was completely tell, N a oL di8t; A protiob ted at the home of T. H, 0 ed two insp.ir"Wr Ormoins. Jx. Snell destroyed by fire Tuesday'afternoon, .1 Shapton KITO"ItEN9 DINING ROO145 , last week _11, "is! 0 % he is a lcadjn,; Sundiiy School %voxk caused by sparks from a pass ng 0 UT addressed the Sonday ;srhoot in Grand Trunk freight engine. The Misses Ruth Graham, Vercie Geiger and Agnes Sparks lodged on the roof, and in a ETbbkiik of Hensall were 0-= ""on' few minutes the whole building was in the guests of Misi ffobkir t in town on A ecting of Ithe A rirlcurtural so - 11910 U 0 flames. Volunteers endeavored to put Mond ay evenin 11 -be lield a!b the .03n:Lral I g last. rARUR jy ..... the fire out, but this was impossible Miss Ivene Handford bag returned OR rus Si 1 W--%ek M 0"WIT Hotel on Sabirday June 24th. qein- C bo transacted a;nd wl It was tobordaties as oral busine's's w- th the inadequate facilities. ringse in tbe'New also tile Tevis,on of Che Lot. with the greatest difriculty that the York Ffospital, after visiting her par - Are very Choice. and tower head and shoulders station was saved. The building was ents in town forthree weeks. 0 Air. Maurice 13.113obier MS. EX. 01' owned by Mr. Seldom, and the business Mr, and Mrs. Goo. Powell and b ' &by, Long Live the King 4, abov6 any,, others off6red. to YOU and the 0 438 W Dejavan Ave. formerly of Exv.- wits carried on by- Ray Bros" of Lis- &md Mrs. Snell, of Thedford visited ter havin.; i us t comy let -ed a roarso in towel There was no grain- in Mr. and Airs. Al. Hastings on Tues-, o. Electrical Eaginceirling has accapited st.orZouse at the time of this fire, d Thov came tip by sntp . 4 Prices are Clean out of Sight. A position, Nvlit(h Ue t Westinighouse, The loss -is in the neighborhood of ay Hundreds of sonvenirs on. sale .1 at this store, being Electrical Manafacturing .10ompany of $2,000. On Tbursday evening of last wo.ek Photos o I f Their Majesties tsbur." ra ; 13 ,.sdatieis to commanac i's bome was seared by Dan woo( bolt6d, f inmedlately. .1c d1l, 1 an automobile .. and off for Cainp—Company. "rill 93rJ wo( jorao of Mrs.'A. P Art of the' shafts were broken. Soecial Drug Qoods Offer For two weeks we Will 11tiron st.-was the zoene o!.,t prialt" lNfatrlmoo',,a.l-0n Thursday of Iasi or home. Re-irnanil loft on Manday for camp 0, % 'oddirqv whan L,er darii`911beir, lGer- At tile Epvyorth League service -in give. 2Sc . worth of Coronatio I n . China Free M110,0we JWw" at 7-ladtrioli. Th -o Comanpy is 24 1, Wlrh rnarr',aga to Xr. Tuesday. ev- At i ffloal so, n Main Street Clitirch on I !and is im char:Ze of Csp't. W. trude Ive's tim"t Ling Miss Mckenzip, of Lucan, , gave. rchase of $1.00 of our drug, goo& - FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIPECTOPS s.tron 4 (700, 11 .11000y. of Brantford, form,,. er with ei,cb pu J. Ueaman n.nd Muels., J. 'G. Stan- -I 11.ff, t y inspiring address 0 tlie Leag-, J34foz,2, leav- ur:3* Or' W_-'Utr. Tho ceremony was &Ve Following is a partiAl list of Our preparations.: btry and R. G Soldon. arlor in fradt of more. i, . ag for the stat,I)n they were ad-, 1?"r;,Pe-,6d in Itha p, Rdij Mr. T. B. Hooper. of Regina, f orm- rl' n1c of terns by -the Agenc for Automatic Hand Power Vaccum Cleaner, dressedby Arr. N1. D. 'Hurdoin. IT,b"bs inthd,Vreserical of about, fitty criyorExoter, and. nephew of Mrs. Purlty Perfusnes Y for rent at 75 cents -a day. , Garaen. T.turty—'The Ladies A:id Qe g twto.4 Tbo hritdlo Inolood very prd.t- Win. Bissetti has passed big final la'v EnjoyM,5HairTon1c _.75c oz hot I ties 6 odors... .35c bottle 0 the Main s1trect Nlethodii ,, A-< r'c 11 ty i.. . w,dd !n:, own of ream em- xandnations w! e th honors, winning 4 'kj't3l on broidorLd hii1:isto wilh satin trind 0 hold A qarde,U V 40 prize 1, books. -16 Medicinal Jelly. 25c Friday (IV011141:74, Q1, 10.8twAve1c. Tile rearl 0 -in) —'s. Cihe exilcrM tipe iiarlor Up, Daalel Kernick and daughter, Almood CieaTn.. . oc Purity F flavoring Powder. Kirkton Male 4 snnq woollphl le-ailrg c)i. Illo orin of 11,ol. broCho'r JohnSt013j0f St. Marys, 11 Tooth Cream (&Brusl ) 25c 6fl,%VorFw,25c&j&r, of llh,i JQVIctoul-band hi . 0. 8hooro_of Briifl.lord.,'to hy Nye, Charles Talcuru Powder... 25c wbo. have been spending. thp. past 'ho occalii:am V , Florids, Water ........ .25c .. 4 0, wtvid. r.j,v er Rr. Richard Firmer is -1 kr` Th irktot juniax Base Ball team furn1slio4-'TY,6 maus:c for'( week at, Mr. Thomas re. piok'u in and arouva t xefer. ore to play two am -as of ball 'to -day Tp-ve'si,dexf: Of the Lown a.-areh pfia ,ed lbr Mrs. I*j.; Billjlqs. .. ... 5c a cake up Lurned home on Saturday. Fancy Scented Soaps. om IVIS (Thuraday'i.. "'"'4avo %borl: Tile Procceds cousin of Uw, 0::de. DuHn,)­tlxi,31,gtn- Mr. Jack :Grant of Lond ed to about; "165. ing ot tho 11, 0. Son 03- Dr Will Bro"lijj r.of Caledonia, here 'Llronday,on biisihPS& Mr. J. T. Wood Shipped threr,`ldad3 "1110011 COLD, IiAll,-.4 for 0_cjay.", A Browning, of All ak),ove articleN giiitra;nfeed pure and good v ,lue, It Pays to cattle to th- Torbinlo .7 tr s f. ftej. M Inn., Son, of Dr. - 3. A 0 e buy q. Bd. Hunter. of us- to vn. wlio has been undergoing treat-, buy such gi. mee W Urz tr. dAfr y im. Give out preparations a Satu\ day, 111,?. 20 010 11,1301PV17,01TIODY tba P]-esfs 1*01,14111'Ud to oods at this.store, We use large quantities, IN Ott 1.11" s;mw dto, kbe, dirr;.ng-rooin. whcr v minip- .cheaper and can lborne visl6d at, Mr. Trio. Hunbaxfg Xe od ls mentral wt inent in Chicago, is sufficienti. Tiffor-d to give premiums, T 41 J`iJJ ;iaa,ger and -Mlas Can- IeW Moon fallln: Sundaj. or,a visitirix Mood. bOiD4 fj,! 4"(! Amo an -11 if, talous Nveddln 4:iinur In pi,oved t.o be able to ro-turn fiorne :fAiv trial and you,11 tilways want them, I I " pdergoing an operation, as. rot or Cbi4a7s,cororatio'a of. UlandeboYo , I lu.(Jall. rin vv, ry pjoL)_ . (;bt , 41 J,`i;crYjoon. I Ire , ;nll, (ti I%-,- t C, , I'll without it I!,nipe A. est nofft*h 'rlo, ­­chts 10 11,in,X 040Z.4'a arid 9LPA't Eva- br hi -ffliltby .1hiq w4l )pi-Qvo oric of thu, talten for aii uwxy ride ;;; .1110 fna was reported. _,V ! 'Al Kn?jand Way Pawden. of Lucan, -;It 'decided p,,xjoidP; of. id",iturbilrem, i'". gi oorn o-onw n1i frain aardening- -Qa Nonday Of POWELLS PAZAAR M 4 ore va w vi!illtlsll bil`ry uncles bt .re the forepa I rt Tho, iii. Tho br &! m -,ns , tho r". Good I ios. Smale, ought in .01, A In 11111:14 ilolffb. this week Air, V. of costlY som 'excellent as 4d"'IV! 'Val *1000" 00. of the weal_ should 17k, con-,111(ad ivitii ciiro as, Nv, , cir,'thil: of 1 1 bli-A-r! T)11JTA1-,,1 The, Hotne of Cheap China ond Graniteware '11rid if 1 (- 6,114 to a na u, ol'al mog 11 i.s., tv luti-A 'n m-h'ch oes and corn. The peas weted fullv do - Mrs. Robt. i'T'aYfor wild 80n '-4rinoltdl clater, IMS, 1, reciated, 8 jvt-r 1111(ld'n4 dicli veloped and were much appreciated, r Phone ;-,s of Usborne left Tuesday on a vh5.k7 very low 1' 'affing—q ro.mlft to 11"I (.,N- boomirill 81 J. Willis Po ell, propr.jeto aLo, May Slith 10,11. to to, Owen Bound. liected-4torInS 61! Viol-ont, (All) 1'110beir '-110 i,"' OF 'I" The p9tatoe4 are a fair ze iincl the W its, W1 A11.3a t a sillollyd Im All ilt,orryi:6 ehuil% of tl.b. ch 'he w oi n -rfluod corm is, four feet six inches. Mr. i I 'SA Iseattlae NVlco.,t fias re urce d I 'tbo, 1ii.sT 31aw wflt 17,0 1, 10 L h-., Sintile uoderstaiid good 9 All I urtn'? arden.ng as son, to lhc r homu, it Wtnlh, I. r-ea after the I , UYON x,, ill 44- brid-, ni, and evidenced by the above r,0801ts, In stophen, Oil Thursday, Milli r cry' season. on cl,(linary. ofti 7.j (,D rjl.,;.. Iiiij Ugff R Sol (I 4old brtoch, Fine Piece of Rbad,-- -The 5th to Mr. a -ad Mrp, Henry ro,all M 011t, of QlQ cir lxa . h 4 i fti r M sl.k,n ih- 11 two usborne aista son. tissl Uary Parsons returned doubling back ovor th Couocil hhvei'MadO an experiment havp ,ijpposQd",v Inu,-Sod nff to littlo of . . gh%,-.,r- itay from Torohf;o whero sht lja tht!Y W ,,w balravc with t-hpir graaor on tile Rxejev side b the easti 411 -k ro h, Vi,y e m athondlbg Normal. I.bare iv. be %i upilsed. )I! foel, ad ff,orn Mr, NXIII). Weaboottler corm- J01MY SH]rl lofr ill 11)(1 'OV -0j),11:4 by awo for 0'rant r0 ,E RE—In Exeber on v. M. Walson, of E'limV1110'. and too nitwil Yain ily, Juno, for. lx 81 ,qt er to W"). Saoll'6. ThA stretch is on8 )r '14 f, .IC R + 411 4o 10 hareday, Tune 15tb,, Miss Gertrude Ite h) NLw rord ainid qiowcm of r',co tll * d con't iti prettiest pieces of roAds to be Childreu 0 Y ChUdrwi heet,,e# to Nir. Goorge 1-1, Hockey, nov. Mr; I'low,off. Of -1116111 stt'001 - ;- -%;, .s of 0 k'­ktt1-,!111,o il. The i,r do"g 4 H1111, FOR. FLETCHER% 0 Rd.,H' ;a pulpits n A Sahb&(: . found anywhAre and, is almost like FOR FLETCHEWS f Brantford, by Rev. obbs#, exabar, L outhern and 8o1i`tlnvo;,-,,(,,,,n-j) r. 61'Flgorwl Moe Avilh T1181"t-1111 lra1 to Mr. Win. Uftdle 1#110 D M, D ic por?ocl ;1 ; C 111;r"11 Ullit'oh, 111jo 'trially rr!' Tlds of b th plvemenbl 0 R_ I A" CA ST 0 Rl A "Ur, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. A tnarkea scism ItIl,e bad charge of the work, deserves 0 A S 7r n On Tuesday 3'uhe T6rddtd visl%t.a Mr. and MT,44 t6for, on 1,110, gotb, jcovcXjn,X tn.a 23td to bride and igroom will Join Vlth i I Ir . I erylrjoh, aged 60 11 yne, d­rouplo of days 'thig lvelu jk. S 0!f 6 :11 Orinnas in 'e0agra.1.111'a ottia, great crdit. ad 0 daVO,