HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-05-20, Page 11I;ubl':ttiCii .til('\AL-S'1'Ali WEDNESDAY, MAY 1f) 1487 P 0,40-020,10. ,first 1 CLASSIFIED RATS & DATA® ,.., DE:DLINES: - '5 p.m., Monday" Too lore to classify Tuesday 12 noon, for Wednesday publication (WORD ,CLASSIHIEL RATES: '4,50 min. 22 words 204 eo. additional word thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions '4,00 eo. 3 or more con- secutive insertions' 3.50 ea. In' Memoriam: '4,50 min, plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Cards of thanks: '4 50 min. 25 words plus 6a for each additional word. Public Notice: '20. for 3'insertions. Notice to Creditors: '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. 'for I insertion. Drawer Number: '3. week, '1. each additional week, Prompt Payment: 50C discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday of 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified: rates available on request. ' - IT'S EASY! To place your hard !reitHr g Classified a PHONE OR VISIT UR OFFICE: MON AY - FRIDAY s: 3 O."tT j1:i - 5:0- p 524®2614 Address mail correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signa8- Star. P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 4:c:6 - 1. Articles for Sale AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rus l'me and mineral deposits Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available, of Hof • meyer Plumbing and Heating Kingston Stree Godonr h 524 7861 ' 1:far • ' H P HONDA •tiller rear tines used one •.eason oxc client condition 487'5875 after' 6 pm 19tf. GIRL 5 OR BOY S Supercycle Sears galvanized s' 'q set Phone 524 2512 20x PATIO SETS 40'.; off' or mare Wide selection War ehciu'n open Fridays and Saturdays 71 King til W Forest Ont 519, 786'4405, 19.22 nr ' SWEET SPANISH ONIONS Asparagus Ontario torrm'toes English -curs 75 rent, each cauliflower broccoli carrots old rind new potatoes oranges bananas, 'Ontario peanuts Evan s Form Market'2 miles rhorth of Buyhcld 482 7562 19 2Our HARDWOOD SLABS by the• truckload ropprox '10 11 card 5130 00 delivered Phone 529 7302 19tf FORGE BLOWER AND TOOLS 300 Ib Anvil Phone 528 6945 20nx FI'/E FOOT offue type desk metril with wooden top 2 1110 drawers and 2 smaller drawers goad: urlditmn Phone. 524 8837 20 21 (OUCH surtubin for recreation room char un (alit•, loin single bed Both n, good condition 521 4572 20 PICNIC TABLE 4 ft long wrth.two bertthos 540 00 Phone 524 9074 20x AVOCADO GAS Stove' for sale 20 good condi +ion rensonnhle Phone 482 9006 ' 20nx BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH pram hnhy buggy baby sw I-ngornt,tm( huby lounger rind other sranll Fisher Pore items like new condrtron Phone 524 9468 20 21 MAGIC CHEF propane stove 4 burners cotnter model overhead oven asking $175 00 Phone 524 22'28 20 23 ' QUALITY MEATS BBQ 5eos9i, is hero Full line of print fresh and frozen rnent5 Hamburger patties 51 69 Ib .12 Ib hon lean purr' park,homomade nusage regulor or garlic Try our own pep - pr'rr'ttes John Stringer of 57 St Dovid St Gorir'rlch you hove won two 1 Bone steaks from 0 Br 5 Merits 413 Huron Rd Goderich 5)4 8632 20 ',EVEN PIECE dining roon, or kitchen suite 'hutch mid buffet rncludr'cf trndition,•'l colonial style solid rock rnnplel 5600 00 Phone 524 9821 het wr'erT 10 in to9pm 1921 DOUGHNUTS CAKES PASTRIES fresh everyday. F erquson 5 Honey Mrs Arnold Stothcrs RR 6 Gnderirh you hove "won one dozen .mixed) doughnuts from Culbert s Bakery 49 West St Goderich 574 7941 Home of Tasty Pnstr IPS, 20 FOR SALE fridge in new condition in Harvest Gold also matching Range 32 Phone 574 2416 19 20nx FULL WIDTH vinyl van seat with belts fits G M or Dodge set of Dewe huh, cops also cast iron lett handed white both tub in excellent shape or for woter trough All reasonohle Phone 524 7727 20nx QUICK TASTY I UNCH soup and sondwirn in lust five rnrrcutr's Also 35 varieties of donuts and holesnr'hes seven different kinds of muffins Open 5 30 o m to 12 midnight 7 days n week D R Bundy 43 Bruce St W Goderich hos won n voucher for lunch for two Pram Donuts &•More Hwy 8 Goderich 524 2335 20 KITCHEN t'Pihle and four swivel chairs Phone 574 9519 20 A CENTURY OF EXCELLENCE the cam memorntive edition honouring the 100th An nivel sory of Champion Rood Mnchrnery $2 00 per ropy foul of town orders add 51 80 postage) Makes great gifts for former Godenth residents summer visitors rtitd friends Available at the of fire of the Goderich Signal Stnr Industrial Park S o m to S p m Monday through Friday 11 tfnx GENERAL Instrument 10 ft mesh sotellite dish ,and equipment for sola Coll 524J4243 anytime 44tfnx 1. Articles for Sale COME TO MORRIS DRAPERIES your one step in tenor decor citing service centre Custom drapery Kirsh Truck and Installation Droco win dow shades wullpuper mind C 1 L paints Rulph Henderson 92 Eust St Goderich you con pick up your parr' 01 36 West St Goderich 524 2551 20 LARGE FROST FREE refrigerator 30 electric stove with self cleaning oven white excellent condi tion 5250 00 ouch living ((Dorn set sofa choir and swivel rocket surtuble for cottage $100 00 Call Suturdoy p m or Sunduy 524 44742 20 21 22 8 h p MASTERCRAFT riding mower 542500 Enterprise woodstove S60 00 firewood 520 00 loco cord cabinet stereo 530 00 heavy duty torch set with propane tank 5150 00 524 9103 20 FRIDGE AND STOVE sold us pun Ideal for cot Inge or spore Fridge 8 cu ft stove 36 x 24 large storage comportment clock and drawer Phone 529 7260 20 SEVERAL DUCK FAMILIES for sale • mother and small ducklings Phone 524 7655 after 6 p in. 20 WHITE refrigerator 17 5 cubic footgood work. mg condition Cull 524 9588 after 6 00 p.m 20 HAIRDRESSING EQUIPMENT Hydraulic chairs dryers shampoo and wolfing chairs as new condition reasonable 5246667 19 20 BOY S Navy corduroy blazer size 16. grey dress pants size 16 navy blazer size 14 grey dress pants size 14. Phone 529 7766. 19.20 NEW C.G E telephone oniwertng machine assortment of storm windows Phone 5242464 19.20 DO YOU NEED a rider Let B&B Taxi drive you to your destrnption. James Warren 57 Bruce St, E. Goderich has won a S7.50 voucher for Taxi Ser vice. For fast reliable and friendly service call B&B Taxi 524.9052, .20 FRESH LAKE HURON FISH • open seven days a week Monday Thursday 9 o.m. • 5 p.m, Friday Saturday Sunday .11 sin - 7 p.:m. (Tuesdays On ly) 10°° off ,to senior citizens. B.C. Stroughan 175 Nelson. St. E. Goderich your prize is a dinner for. one (catch of the day) it Captain Fats. South Dock Goderich 524-921 1 . 20 C E FURNITLi E NEW .t. USED We CCM Offer E� �E P;'' ICES IT'S OUR LOCATION 7 i SVES M+;NEY 1/2 mile south onelwyl. 2110 GOERIC H 52 ,.-7231 We even take trades TE;EM FAR141. COME VISIT US Ft''. . wLL YOUR GARDENING NEEDS •Sunshine Impatiens •Tuberous Begonias •Hanging Baskets '•Nursery Stock •Roses •Geraniums •Bedding Plants •Perennials •ASPARAGUS, GREENHOUSE TOMATOES, ENGLISH CUCUMBERS NOW READY! WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES Buy Direct From The Grower OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK R.R. 1 BAYFIELD 4.82-3020 1 Il.c lu trade vour marmalade'. SPRING SWAP ADVERTISING SPECIAL! Let us help you trade' those un- wanted items for something you want at no cost to you. For adver- tising information call Theresa 524-2614 weekdays 9 - 5 SWflP SHOP 1975 TOYOTO Corolla will trade for Ony of the following lawn mower TV TV neronl or building matenuts Please call 529 31-17 lir. 524 4948 I9tf QUALITY stork FRIENDLY service GOOD prices Trees evergreens fruit trees flowering and or namentnl shrubs Donald McKen7ir''163 Elgin Ave W Goderich' you inn claim your pore of Bake( s Nursery RR 2 Bayfield 482.9995 (dosed Sundays) 20 3. Garage Sale PLANNING A GARAGE SALE'2 Get your Gurage Sale Kit with posters and including one free garage sale ud 011 the classified pages of The Goder is h Signal Stu( Only 56 00 Avoilubie ut the office of The Goderich Signal Star Industrial Pork 8 u 111 to 5 p In Monday through Frldoy 1It411x YARD SALE several families May 23 10 a 111 in Nile beside goruge and also road behind church 20 THREE FAMILY GARAGE SALE IUrrl 01 shim' Saturday May 23 10 a m West Wuwonosh concession 6 2 km wrm'St of St Augustine Bed dresser spin washer books puzzles toys and games household items clothing and much more Free coffee or Kool Aid • 20 the GARAGE SALE Saturday May 23 1987 8 30 a 111 2 00 p rn 190 Corneror., Street Godere h rain date Saturduy May 30 1987 ' 20 . YARD SALE May 23 7 30 u.n, . 270 Ontur is St Hwy. 8 east Clinton Moving everything for sole Shop equip tools miscellaneous booting equip • bath tub bedroom sets fridge washer clothing other household items 20 DIRK S GALLEY Rotitnurant will cote, for up to 300 guests on 'your location Phone 524 2160 164 Court House Square. Goderich Arranged for your convenience and to your Taste Hudson Milburn, RR 2'Clintort. you have won two Super Subs. 20 SATURDAY Moy 23rd 9.30a in, 174 Mary Street Baby clothes Harris crib mesh playpen car seat toys. books 'household items housepurnt antique flshutg equipment 20 . INDOOR 'YARD •SALE 91 Quebec St. Some fur niture dishes odds and ends Friday May 22 1 a .30 and 7 9 Saturday May 23 9 a M. 20nx • 'PARD SALE . May .23 ' MOVING selling - numerous household items furniture clothing etc from 830 - 12 30 Across 'from Jeffrey Lumber on'Elgiat Ave Epst i•no one before 8 3,) ,please). .19x,20 ' GARAGE SALE • Saturday May 23 from 9.00 • 2:00 at St. Peter s ,Church grounds (if raining . church hall) Proceeds to Missions., 19,20 ' CAMPBELL'S CAMERAS and Beniamin•Photo Labs make a super , team for top quality photo. finishing. Only 51.00 for on'extra set of prints ut time of development for 12 exposure film 52.00 for 24 exposure film. Campbells Camc+ros .. Goderich 168 The Square 524.7532, Mrs. Clayton ,Edward 22 Victorit, St. S. Goderich you (ire this week's winner, 20 MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Ram or shine Saturday 'Moy'23. 8 a.m. • 2 p,m, Waodstove. TV' stereo, dishes etc, some never used. Wellington St.' Port Albert Follow signs'. ,20 GARAGE SALE Saturday May 23 8 00 o,.nt. 9 Desks 10.s.peed Captain s bed, °interior door'(. coffee tables. and other miscellaneous., 87 •St David St. Goderich. 20nx YARD SALE• three family, 9.00 0,;11. till 2:00 p.111 Saturday. ' May 23rd. 61 Colborne Street, Goderich. Chrome table 'and choirs bar fridge, numerous odds'and ends 20 GARAGE SALE Saturday May 23 8 a.m. to 11, a.rn. Numerous items • two family' sale. 229 .Quebec Street. 20nx TWO FAMILY YARD SALE at Ridgewood Pork Saturday May 23 8 0 111 9 Furniture, dishes ,eEc. 20 YARD SALE four family yard sole Saturday Mcsy .r 23 8 9 end of airport rood Air conditioner 12 „ black and white TV microwave Tupperware crafts cribbage patch doll clothes and misc. 20nx GARAGE SALE in Ridgewood Park May 30th Open at 8 a.m. Ladies clothing toys ett 20.21 GARAGE SALE 212 Bennett St Ernst Sat May 23 8'00 (1,111 '0 1 00 p m Furniture chIldtenc toys and clothing hikes single bed lawn mower rind nrnerouv other Items 20x ANNUAL YARD SALE for Hurons Branch of the Ontario Humane Society. Moy 30 Anyone washing to'make donations please leave at 136 Huron SI Clinton your help is needed 20x HENSALL'S 3RD ANNUAL CQMMUNITY YARD & fa'°•.RAGE SALE & MERCHANTS, SIDEWAJ.K SALE Sot.• May 23 (Rain Date May 301) "Firemen's Breakfast - 7:30 a.m. *BBQ Lunch from 30:30 a.m. 'Brake Salve Bargains galore) Something for everyone. 4. Antiques & Art LE TROUSSEAU 'The home hr'nutrfier for all your decorating needs We provide the newest colours in wallpaper 'deal paint blinds and decorating accessories Barbara Gnrdrner 119 Bennett 5t E Goderich you can pick up your prize at Le Troussr'nu 74 Hamilton St .Goderich 524 2448 20 5. Cars for Sale TRUST BROWNS To colonic. your home A complete range of all untermr exterior point pro ducts n full Zine of wollpnper rind r orpets to suit every taste and pocket hook Vincent Young 241 Bnyfieid Rd Goderich you inn claim your prize nt Brown s Decor Centre 33 West St 524 7117 20 1974 CHEF nenrly new snow tires good motor n5 is $)50 00 Or hest offer Phone 524 6637 1Rtfnx 1979 GRAND PRIX V6 sunroof two door (tufo 75 000 original km 53500 00 • certified , 574 9809 19 20x 10• OFF EVERY TUESDAY rind Werfnasdny for senior citizens who hove their hair styled by Ron nt Rita s Benuty Snlon 117 Ernst St Godenrh 524 4401 Lynn Moyers 134 Gibbons St Goderich you hove won n free shnrnpoa nr?d set 20 PUT AWAY your winter coots lockets suits dresses (-termed incl pressed Stora year furs and fine woolens Good service good prices every tiny Hervey Hodges °RR 3 Godaorh ion hove n sunt cleaned free of charge nt Bh.rewnter Cleaners 38 West St Gorier is h 524 6731 20 BRING IN YOUR KEY,'' fljs1WLr airn3 Read the Classifieds every week to UNLOCK your TREASURE! 1 Goderich and area merchants have donated prizes each week 2 The name of the winner, drawn from our subscription list,' is also included in this classified ad 3. The "Treasures" are "buried" at random among the classifieds , • 4 .Simply read the classifieds each week to check' for your name 5. Take the ad with your name appearing in it to the participating merchant. It is the key to unlock your treasure ' .6 All the prizes must be collected within.2 weeks of the ''date the winners are announced This Week's Participating Merchants are: Rita's Beauty Salon Pepi's Pizza Donuts & More Hair Affair B&B Taxi Dixie's Flowers & Gifts Art's Landscaping O'Brien's Meads Bluewater Cleaners Morris Draperies . , Suncoast Craft Corner McDonald's ,Restaurants Carman Cameras Norma's Sewing Centre Dirk's Galley Restaurant Goderich Esso , Culbert's Bakery • Brown's Decor Centre Carpet Care Squire Gifts Campbell's Cameras Le Trousseau Captain Fats Candlelight Restaurant Budny Studio Baker's Nursery Don't Miss the Fun or Profit, Read the Classifieds Every Week 5. Cars for Sale 1980'HONDA ACCORD HTB'5.speed good condi, tion AM FM stereo with, cassette 4 low mileage Bridgestone ' All Scusori ores new oxhuilist system complete cer'tdied S2 695 CO 524 .44611 after 5prn 19x ' ' • 1977 FORD GRANADA 2 door, 302 power steer Mg power blokes buckets body good trues needs work extra trnr>s goes wr,th car Sold us is Gan be seen Or 'Jenkins Aut Wrorkr'r Phone 524.6857 or '524 2181' 19 20 T' 1979 TOYOTA 2 door auto 51000 00 Os is start dord size aluminum door with frame $25 00 P„hone 524.6205. 19 70 1974 MONTE, CARLO automatic V8 power steering peSwer brakes 41 000 afr1gi+1ol rnrl15 full, service record mint' condition'. Robert Tete 345. 2184. 20 1978 CHEV•Y,MALIBU' 2 door rebuilt motor safe ty checked °1982 Datsun King Cob truck with stretched body Phone 524 9443. 20* 1982 CHEVETTE 4•door -hatch putom.atrc 82 000 km, highway driven one owner has been certified. Call 482 7466 20 21 1987 NISSAN SENTRA' GXE automatic power hrukes power, steer ung ' on AM FM one year warronty 53000'00 below list financing pos5I tale Pr (vote Cc,ll 1 238 8692 20 72 1968 FORD Convertible good shape no r ust will safety 53800 00 Dir>I 524 6568 20x t, • FOR SALE 1972 ,Plymouth Chrysler Fury III " 5900.00 excellent condition Call Grunt 524 2507. 20x • CUPS & SAUCERS special tnhle of cups and saucers up to -S19 95 for 59 95 Dwight Porter of RR 2 Goderich r, pri70 nwruts yo9 111 Squire Gilts Hwy 21 ; Gorier rr h 524.7970 20 6. Trucks for Sale HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY ut your home this spr Ing Art's Londscupang will provide you. with a private showing in your ow.n 'garden of shrubs you could use to enhance your ,property You make the choice Coll 524 2645 nt 166 Bennett 5t F Goderich Jame', Brrtneli 154 Hntck5 St E Goderich has won n pair of garden gloves 20 1975. GMC Sprr'tt 59 000 miles 350 uutomutir fiberglass top rally rim, SI 800 00 Phone 524 6066 anytime 18 19 70 1985 GMC High Siert() 4 wheel drive 40 000 mules till new rubber equipped with 5th wheel Sth wheel cattle troller 8 x 16 Con sell sewn cite' ly or as unit 527 065F, 20 1979 CHEV BLAZER 63 000 mires one owner very gond condition Phone 574 2825 20 21 1980 GMC von good rondrtinn 6 rylrnder inutornntir 53195 00 Phone 574 9103 20 SPORTS ' ECREFTIOM CENTREOt11PMENT 7 classifications 7A. For Sale General 7B. Wanted To Buy' 7C, Wanted in Rent 7D. Bicycles - 7E. Motorcycles, ATV's, etc. 7F, Snowmobiles & equipment 7G, Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine 7.1, Service, Parts & Repairs 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies YOU NAME IT we ve 90? .t nr (1111 get it A full Irne of Croft supplies rnrludinq rnohnir wool synthetic rind c0110n yarns We ((Wry Chinn Woodland Series NomyiKernrIghnn RR 3 Auburn you hove won n Lottery Ticket from Suncoast Croft Corner Sun(onst Mnll Goderich 70 7D. Bicycles BIC YCL ES FOR SALE Boy s 20 BMX hie yr Ins for sole in excellent condition Phone 574 7855 18 20nx • 7E. Motorcycles,'' ATVs, etc. DO YOU.OWN THING AND WEAP. lT r Singer sew rr q mac hales knitting• mochiries Sr,. vice to all makes Tracie Ins and ,used machinrrs. Fabrius yarns wool, and notions Call '524 5151 Evelyn S(ttitan 103 Waterloo St, S.' Goderich you (an pick up your pr iii:' at Nor nm 5 Sewing Cer1tre 56 the Square Goderich_' :20 1984 YAMAHA Heritage. ' Sperm' 650 cc . black ' • helmet inc turfed 3090 ,.km 5180000 Phone 524 4863. ' 19 20* • '1985 YAMAHA VIRAGO 1000. lots of rhronle windshield certified ' S3800 Lucknaw Phone' • 528 2304 20 21 7G. Rec. Vehicles - Campers & Trailers 1RAILERS. travel 5th wheels haardtops now rind used.'Golden rnlcon Prowler Boler 1101101 Hitches truck• cops Soles rentals repoirs , 25 years in business Comp Out Hwy 8 1 mile west of Stratford 393 5938 • 12.30 )8 MASTER Coach• travel trailer three burner stove 3 way fridge. toilet and owning Sleeps sax excelleynt' condition Phone 524 7547 otter 6 20 21 x FOR SA(.E 31 Airstrleant excellent condition Phone 524 7237 19 20 FOR SALE 19b6 Rumbler Tr C11101 Very good con anion sleeps Four Has propane stove and heater Asking 51200 00 . Phone 524 8682 19tfnx I8.1t CHAS TA troller sleeps 6 hos toilet asking $2100 00 or hest offer 524 6438 •20 7H. Boats, Motors & Marine For one week only .., we.will adver, tise your Boots. Motors & Marine "FREE . Call 524.2614 - ext. 34. A C SHINERS any colour or size 55 50 North End Marino North Harbour Road Port of Goderich. Phone 524 8813 Open 7 cloys a week 19 20nr 7K. Swimming Pools & Supplies ROOMS SPRING 10 LIFE when Carpet Core Ex pert cleaning pun's beauty bock into your carpets and upholstery i3 Roy Kaminski) RR 5 Goderich you have won n gift c er tit note from Carpet Core 1f36 Rich St Goderich 524 2440* 20 9. Automotive BUDNEY STUDIO introducing In ited r'ditron pants Of well known Canadian Artists Jaynes Lumbers Les Tort Jack Reid Alan K°mgland Wm Prost 67 Caledonia Terr Goderich gnu can (koro vour Drize at Budny Studio 114 The Square Goderich 574 9021 20 FIiRM MfIKET 11 classifications 11A. For Sale General 11B, Wanted To Buy 11C. Wanted To Hire 111:), Employment Wanted 11E. Livestock 11E. Farm Produce 11G. Farm Equipment 11H. Farm Services 11J. Farm Systems 11K. Farm Real Estate 11A. For Sale General a6elaseiwasisesseresesemengeseernewelesentenezetetteenneftenanairra1 FOR SALE Wnwnnosh 87 acres of mixed hny i.n West Phone 524 6973 20 21 11B. Wanted to Buy SFE CARMEN CAMERAS for you/Video Camera Rentals req 19 95 May Special only 10 00 Warren Mrinlyre 55 Kingston St Goderich your pci7c Free developing of one twelve exposure film nt COr,nen Comoros 112 Court House Squrire Gorier rh 524 7974 (One hour Lab service nvmlohla) 20