HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-05-20, Page 8PAGE'. 8--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1987 Busirt ss Can vl e discuss frankly what the Goderich Signal -Star means to \on • and your family? ailed s estaurrnnt 0 ens on Square (•,ill `,Ilnl,•, J kclllr Ilii In,u1,i it ,il )li• ( u ii,li li;'n,rl Sun' Sluil:, tr,rt, 'J tII nlr li - ti:4k hi ,inl ,rn\ I I11,1,1‘ nn Inn: Ir,un 111 , u I, min 11 .11 c24 ,11 ,, ur , nnrnlrn.: r iai the (i S s "OPEN LINE" lr11 ti1t•ulrs .\ w, iq,l111 11 .ih„ut Illi. I,1„ri , 0111, .,iInnluuul Goderich S1G NAL -S TAR CENTURY 21® N onal Neighbourhood ARA6E SATLRDAY M AY 2 SAGS FROM 8:30 AM AT THE OENTU''Y 21 ` 1FF6CE HWY. NO. 21 SOUTH, O '®Et'° C PANCA"f.=E BREAKFAST ON GOUNDS ProvideY THE GODE''ICH LIONS CLU Pancakes, Sausag -F9 Coffee $390 { ALL ITEMS FOR DONATION TO SALE...WELCOME. CALL, 524-2111 NET PROCEEDS WILL BE DONATED TO EASTER SEALS Victoria Street United Church Sunday, May 24, 11:00 A.M. 124th Anniversary Service and iSth Anniversary of thr Formation 11u. United CHurch Women Speaker: Mrs. Iva J. Wood Knox Presbyterian Church MINISTER THE REV. G.L. ROYAL M.A.,M. DIV., Lorne H. Dotterer, Director of Praise Sunday, May 24 In 1)0 a in Comrnirrrrrant s Class !i 110 t in 0 vlr1 ' Wnr•.lul, 11 On ,t in Sunday School Sermon A PLACE JESUS Nursery Facilities'. „t,„ to Worship Depart to Ser'( Free Methodist Church Goderich Lawn Bowling Clubhouse Picton Street West THE REVEREND ARTHUR SCOTT 524-8800 Sunday, May 24 9' 44 a m Childrens Sunday School 0 00 a m Worship Service Sunday Evening R h e °'udv r 00 p ., V,ctonn St Puhl,r Schaal ALL ARE WELCOME COME WORSHIP WITH US North Street United Church 56 North Street, 524-7631, 524-6951 Sunday, May 24, 1987 11'00 A.M. Confirmation Service WORSHIP 3 SUNDAY SCHOOL ,Rrrr+ption to follow Worship t. nh', 17 trlr•`rt,t Al I O(; PM REV. ROBERT O. BALL MINISTER Robert Blackwell Director of Mirsir St. George's Church Anglican - Episcopal North and Nelson Streets, Goderich RECTOR. THE REV. ROBERT J. CROCKER Organist -Choirmaster: David Hamilton A.R.C.T. Sunday May 24 8 30 a.rn Holy Communion .11 00 o,rn. Choral E.uchorist, Sermon The Reverend B.D. Freeland formerly director of religious b•oadcostrnq. Docilcatlon of plaques by the Venerable W Graham. Archdeocon of the Sougeen. Farewell ceremonies for.the Rector. Church'School and nursery as usual. Reception following in the parish hall Port Albert Congregation worships at St Georges this week. You are always, welcome Calvary Baptist Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET PASTOR: TERRY WOODCOCK Phone 524.6445 Nursery Facilities,..ovailable May 24th Special Speakers Ken Young (LBBC) 10 00 & 11.00 A M Missionary Barney Robinson 7 00 PM Sunday School • 10.00 a.m. Morning Service • 11 00 a.m. ' Evening Service • 7:00 P.M. WORD OF LIFE - teens Tues. 7 00 Mighty Mites Ages 4 and 5 Olympians Ages 6 -12 . Wed 6:30 • 8:00 Prayer Meeting • Wed. 7.00 WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH Why ttend church? Often people will say they do not atterid c hurch because they inn worship lust os well by sitting alone and meditating about things spiritual While it may do something for the meditator It does very little for others Be ing on example and an inspiration to others I.Irge part of the thio in attending public worship services When you go to church you tell others that worshipping is important to you Wcwah,pp ing In n group of like minded Christians can serve to, strengthen the forth of all those around you locus Christ rolled His followers to be wirnessos Thorp is no greciter witness than hr' diligent in public worship self discipline and nvrrydny example of yhur faith Susan MacDonald pours a glass of wine. for the proprietors of, Bailey's, Carolyn and Ben Merritt, as they celebrate the beginning of their business careers on The Square. The-eou-- ple, who named the restaurant after their son, opened for business in February and plan to eventually expand the restaurant to include a formal dining arca on the second floor. (photo by ,Dave Sykes) 1f it is every chef's dream to one day own his or her own restaurant, then Ben Merritt of Goderich is no exception. The English trained chef, and his wife, Carolyn, both experienced the exhiliration of ownership when they recently opened the doors to Bailey's on The Square. Today they are relishing the opportunity of free enterprise. Bailey's, named after the couple's two- year old son, is located in the former Court Restaurant on The Square which was owned and operated by Bill Gibson for many years. The interior of the building has been refur- bished and the couple is working on the decor of the downstairs pub which specializes in - Irish and Scottish draught beer and .an authentic English pub atmosphere. • "The pub was never really used before and we have rebuilt the bar and with the proper decor will try and create an Englsih pub atmosphere,” Ben explained. "It'.s a new twist for Goderich". Merritt, who apprenticed at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London, England came to Canada to work at The Church in Strat- ford. While on loan to Benmiller Inn he was offered a permanent position and it was there that he met his future wife, Carolyn. The Merritts became known in Goderich when they leased the kitchen operation at the Maitland Country Club, an arrangement that worked well for both parties. While Bailey's is but a few months old, both Ben and Carolyn have ambitious plans for their new business. "This is just the beginning,” Carolyn sug- gests. "We would like to expand upstairs and create a formal dining area with large windows overlooking The Square. The Merritts are quick to credit the local business community in helping and suppor- ting the couple .in pursuit of their dream. But, they insist, one dream leads to another. Spring Si g to be hel BLYTH - Do you enjoy familiar Broadway tunes? Spirituals'? Old British folk songs'? Then join the Blyth Festival Singers for their Spring Sing on May 31 at -8 p.m. in Blyth Memorial Hall. From the sublime (Some, Enchanted E,veni,ng) to th.e ridiculous (The. Rhinoceros), this final concert of the season promises to be a crowd pleaser for all ages. The Singers will., perform four traditional British folk songs by internationally -known ne ender on s an Blyth May 31 composer and arranger, John Rutter, as well as several spirituals, The spirituals are being prepared by the choir as background music .for- the film, Blue City Slammers, to 'be .hot in Blyth in June. The Festival Singers are very pleased to have the award-winning Clinton Secondary School Concert Choir, under the direction of Louise McGregor, join them for this con- cert. •The concert choir will perform by ,itself, as well as performing three mass TQC 'acce e of pic. The Goderich Public Utilities Commissio'n accepted a bid of $2,001 on the tender of a pick-up truck at Thursday's meeting. • Three tenders were received by the com- mission in response to an advertisement concerning the sale of a 1978 GMC pick-up truck. - . Lavis Contracting Company was awarded the sale with a tender of $2,001. Other tenders .incl•Lided: Robert Woodall 41,005) and Clarence Doherty f $510) . Surchage increased. A 10 per increase in the sewage col- lection surcharge was passed at last week's PUC meeting. numbers with the senior choir. A trium- phant finale to the concert will be the Mass performance of Battle Hymn of the Republic, with special accompaniment writ- ten for the performance and performed by a brass ensemble from the Central Huron Secondary School band. Tickets at $5 and $1.50 are available from choir members, the Blyth Festival Box Of- fice (523-93001, and the Saga (523-4331). ts '2,OO1 I_ -u -.:.ruck PUC BRIEFS "We charge the town a surcharge for do- ing the .sewage. billing on behalf of the town," Evert Middel, PUC. manager, explained: • The commissioner's' increased the sur- charge from 78 cents •per bill to 85 cents per bill, an increase of about 10 per cent. Ontario Hydro had earlier suggested to the PUC that the surcharge be increased to 99 cents per bill ( about a 25 per cent in- crease over the previous 78 cents per bill), however that met with opposition among the "TIGER" HUNT The Goderich 160th Anniversary/Tiger Dunlop Days Committee is stalking the community in search of an outgoing individual to play the role of Goderich's founder, ` Dr. William "Tiger" Dunlop during the special anniversary celebra- tions - July 31 - August 3/1987. SELECTION METHOD s A CONTEST The Committee has decided to run a contest to select the finest "Tiger" in the land. Judging will take place Sunday evening, June 28th at Harbour Park. Tiger would be required to be in the Goderich Canada Day Parade July 1st and appear at a minimum of one event per day during the Goderich 160th Anniversary/Tiger Dunlop Days Celebrations, July 31 - August- 3. PRIZES: Trophy & Provision of a Tiger Dunlop Costume for the Canada Day Parade and the 16 -0th Anniversary/Tiger Dunlop Days Weekena. TO ENTER: 1. Contestants must be at least 19 years of age. 2. You can enter yourself in the contest. 3. Perhaps you know someone who would be lust perfect as "Tiger". Nominate this individual. She/he will be contacted to see if they are•interested in running. 4. Contestants must be entered by Wednesday, June 24th at 4:30 p.m, CONTEST RULES / REGULATIONS A complete list of contest rules and regulations Is available from the Goderich Visitor tnformation Centre, 59 Victoria St. South, Goderich or at the Town Hall, 57 West Street. Phone 524-2513 / 6600 for additional information, commission members who felt the increase was too steep. Commissioner Herb Murphy suggested • an 85 cent per bill surcharge citing the fact that "our costs have gone up and that's about a 10 per cent increase." NEWS ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS 524-2614 SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 60 YEARS Clinton Area MICHAEL FALCONER 153 HIGH STREET, CL)NTON 482-9441 Goderich Area ROBERT McCALLUM 11 CAMBRIA ROAD, GODERICH 524-7345 Call the Box Office ndaN, - Frlda\. 9 3Oam-5 30pm 523-9300 & 523-9225